Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1952, p. 13

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lt Newkm Robfnwn of the community and their four est in his welfare Lorne left uriy Mr Breeder week 31 and Suuhy momma for walnwrim Jim from there he expects to leave 3M9 dauthpu 8pm valley Am mwddwmdw soon for Korea Ll Mrs Whitesiden visited Bcton is gathered at the Orange Hall on mega kw days hm week Tuesday evening of last week in Fm mm Miss Helen Leeann is home from Kim SIMMYXTMAngergon son of About 22 Manmem men were Ottawa for two weeks awn Who guests of Master Feeds Co Ltd W1 wug me from distance wen Rev Garmil Allan Smith Ottawa visited oyer 35 been mm mm waanrlght their agenf here Russet Newt Smuue and dismd rcsmemsiLynm Re pmvmw and Rev he weekend Mm Mewnys Alta where he has beengwnh tbe= at their farm near Tomato one day in mg numbers Tuesday anerhl whim Town Mn and Uhheu Spent the Pnncess Pots Lorne was pre last week These WM wem found noon attended the funeral of fhcl ilasi Wednesday in Toronto med Mm 50m Wald and much of iLnterecf on Ltheir visit late Olive Gertrude Jones balmmil New mershlp Mr and Mrs Frank Eberall address expressing the gond Wishes Vi of Rev Thoma Jams and Mr and Mrs Barber of Iorontol iBeamsville spent the wcekend at WWW Collingwood Fair on Saturday mother of Robert Jones and Bea recently thad the AW 000 Russeu Copelands and Attended was attended by many from our mce Mm Kenneth Elam whozfrom the privtuus owners who the Copelandsmx wedding Community died her heme 0h Que Struyimowd to Toronto last Wmik Congratulations to Mr and Mrs if SMBVLLLC SlLLLLLiLLd LlLLLLLLnLLLgLL SL Andrews WMS LlSLtaildgylEgglLgLrlLlL0 or same years Lm ml The monthly meetin mL LIL An failing health but lllinlIlllltLl llcl idww prmbymjan WMS gamer EU1L1NChChR Heme and COLDWATERA men teachers 111mm Chum lat Mm hrs The premium Lhnd Kr SnMr rnders sun or 19 TeaCherS Federation community and homo Mrs Jones Mm Cum was the cm and tllairy of mg utu 18 Branch 73 was organized at Cold Silver sneak Sedan was born in SlmkconTrcnt hoglopch mt mphiing with Psalm 80 20mm Thmnon ll unAa iwal PUth School this week landMOctobcr 12 1882 and wnaasipmm rmdmg was pm 95 iguests of Mr and Mm Walter nAcImg as chairman for me mew daughter of Bond and Martha and MCAUIW gnu NW ldrcws Jng which included represehmuves 0W MILEAGE noughmn She 35 mam lipmyu from the mad Tidmgw Mr and Mrs nrl Gilmore Lcifmm Midland Orinm waubaush yaerMk the New In We ST MW Reports of the different conuniitcos imy if and Mr Giene Vim Harm P0 WW cs Radio hiele 10 1910 and after lllnt in Wales mmer wk we given Mr gHoughton on Sunday1 doll Hampshire Mills and Washago Ud in 33 rs ncrc Eggdngmedfmmgg hadnt sBluin road letter of thanks from lMiSKLVISFEFEEEXC051le 4351 linthlacmen of ihlldlilndsi new 03 omery he Firmis ti hrit 11 LLl an CWQ was acuyely mmxm as $8150 Itinrimilimw manualc it and Mr agd 2113 It lJIElirlgr The Federation executive hopes AV EXCHTIONAL BUY minlSlerLS Wilt Flltmllv 10F iric verc un all 1095 to bring about better undw dl did and ll lf iv 50 Dam and ImLmR 5h RM MILL obc hic piLcLLkistL lVLLcrlrds tLlLuLiLy EM Chant iing the aimi the tCJClWIS 0P7 self whole hcartcdly to lie inter gammtmn lllltk lll xi kills She is remembered in llurdis ngmuliltyit 13 held Committees were mde up SEE AT ty Lamont Lothbridgu lmicc Riv $06 mime 1ng fen nlelJLbLLin Churcdl on Sunday mating he and mp members er Alta Espanolu Smooth llucklmuch ormo Fm Thk0nn1 Wm and mod the branch execmive am Pughg Fans SUdmey mm muting in Octobir 1le for thlL Lth skifall Fe Beccli ofidemrMCk Steele wnubaughemLL eman Strgmswlif biLithrLLL mens lllLlSSlOllnry banquet to bin illurton Avenue Church Allandale chc PresndenbLornc Gtaham of 55 Elizabeth St 21819301 lzidmc Stu fty held later Roll call was answered gave two splendid scrmens and tho gillldworb SecictaryTrcmmrerw mire sgng mnawhblmumcwd so by WW on nwmshipy Mrs Cur EARLY MILKING MACHINES found tea is Shown above second from the right Sh VOL211 selections by Miss Isllawsuit vfldi onuld ric gave the Glad Tidings mcsszigc King in the morning an rs LLLLLLLLLLLLL WMM sennce ere not flllljnblilel Hume Missmns in western CW acceptance among the farmers of Ont Adams travelling demonstrations of farmm Draper and Mrs wnnacewah and 151w 1131 Guam who adan and the mm day 1110 One of the great exponents of utilizing equipment were major force in the swing but in the evening wm mush en tvLanOILlLtgLLLTthL 1LLLF talk on worship was given by Mrs Canned farm CQUiDmCm WRS OlllliO to modern farm machinery juycd The floral decorations were presenting Snebvhl anLd Ed Burgess and contained inspiration Hydfgs first chairman Sir Adam Becky who bcuuliful Churches vcrc Omar lurncy for 111 133m 387 fouougd by twill NwVwMAMvvume 4r Nwmdww and Stanley Hall Albert Icznsun or rs mm mugL LLL ricd llOiCd by pm tests Clnr at Harald smmLhmmL or mch Hsth JfLSILIllLtLlLiLLLLllIESL tnco Madill was groomsmnn and ST VIMl and Bethany Churches lul MCAUIW and Mm Hm Ronald T0010 and James Donn wcrc DanC Stewart Glen Hum Spent wood Culham and Dr Bgrnnrd la wrved doughm whoqhmems ushers The reception was held in Chem ng ls hohdaymg with Weekend visitors included Mr last week with his nephew Jack Sleeth formerly ofl StrchsVillc the Church parlours The happy friends in Toronto and Mrs Gaston Mr and Mrs ohm Floral and other tributes cnmc Mr and MFS Bedlold 30 41 couple on by motor for Algonquin and M15 Cooper and mm Gaston Toronto Mr and Mrs ML and Mrs wauer Elphick from River parh 14ng AAm spending the week wnth fncmh at park and on their return will take Minden visited recently with Guidsmhh and boys Midhnd Detroit are on holidays wim Frank Womanis Assocnaticn of Strccls Gtmlfmmr up residence at Allcnwood Outof Mr and Mrs Sid Clarke at Halls M1 and MrsL Elphick and Mrs Elphick pmtable weatment for your ville Richvmw United Church Edl M15 Spring spent Friday town guests were Miss Lyla Jones Teresa pmqu attended Jum Lillllltzfalnlaly at Mr 11012015 Glen McCann returned to Guulph regular saVIngg Guaranteed Trust en United Church Bethany con With Mrs George Mun at Fcigu Henry Jones My md Mm bFOthv Jdmts Wilson ML and over the weekend to resume his regation Graham Bell Fnamelling onvolc or rm 9ch meetmg Mrs Duncan and Dorothy at tOAc certicates Stilt and Mrs John Jervxs To Banjg Thursday evening 11 195 fin Vv JOhPSm plumbing SPF Mrs James Smart Toronto spent Tonto Miss Vera Dodge New York Sheila Frawlevl wand is visit MTS WUSO Be Benevme fmd are un dlt ll tBed DIIES SlleelFNe 19W Bolhm few days with Mr and Mrs Mrs William Jervis Winnipeg Mr mg friends in his community Mrs Eldge Newell sarawm con Una 313 Club and personal friends Friends Bemdsah and Mrs my sanhum Mr and Potato and Corn Harvest SprmgS USA are YlSllmg Ralph as to nna 31 and Interest after an Miss Joycc Evcrctt of Toronto Mrs Dodge and John Don MNHSODB AMiVelSlY Be alw if cnt th weekend With Mr ver Colorado MI Jones Wycbridge Mr gbmg SI filling absence of many years 33 te Show LL and William Fallis and fnmL is keeping farmers busy these Miss Eva MiLChell Toronto res pay woowmcmmon days good potato cr0p is rc spent the weekend With Mr and halfyearly Mrs George Garrow Barrie vls 11y Midland Mr and M15 HarVIe ed her mom Mm Terry Juhnvs United Church decm Johnqton and family F105 Mr and potted Hi this district Mrs Bruce Miller Miss MargamL Cunhmihg TorL0n 11th Will bilSkelS 0f white and pink Mrs Jim Leonardy Stroud and WWW if are Short years to spent few days with her moth gladioli was the setting Sept 20 Mr and Mrs Jackson Uptergrovc at 230 pm for the marriage of Ina visitchMr and Mrs William Mm are authorized investment for trust funds THE ARISTOCRAT OF FLOWERS RICHLY CARVED SPECLILRLLL INTRODUC TORY SEll vim Scrvlco 1w In Armourt m3c $7905 ofOuldl For delightful W3Li$for enduring good living Community created this distinctive 5mm to shine on your in lc for years and JEWELLERY Rh Ph zasi mug lridannh or Mrs Cumming Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Stanley Turner nee Goldie Gra ham who were married September 27 at Elmvalc Rev and Mrs Stubbs have moved from the Rectory on Yonge Street to the apartment of the late Mrs William Andrew Mrs Farleigh Ritchie is spending week with friends at Collingwcod and Hamilton Mrs Laura Hart Toronto is Spending few days with Mr and Mrs John Houdcn Mrs Bakcris spending few days WithMr and Mrs George Simmons Orillia Dr and Mrs Scott and Mr and Mrs Roy Bell of Barrie spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Carn zihan Newlyweds Reception On Wednesday evening the people of the community gathered atthc Parish Hall to present to Mr and Mrs Don Edwards aishower of beautiful gifts and to wish them much happiness in their new home in Midland Little Joyce Baker and Nelson Wood carried in the gifts Mr and Mrs Edwards suitably cx all for their gifts and all who made the evening success Lunch was served and social gettogether en joyed Surprise Brldetobe Mrs Ken Baker was hostess on Friday evening Sept 26 when number of friends gathered to hon or Miss Beatrice Graham with surprise kitchen shower The even book The giftb were presented in Lunch was served by theLhostess In St Andrews Id son Dean and the late MrsDoan go My gt no pressed their deep appreciationito ing was spent making brides gain decorated wheelbarrow MissL Graham is to be marriedqto Stanley Robinson of Vasey on October ll BonnTools Presbyterian Ghurch Elmvale on September Margaret DoreenElizabeth daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Fred Toole To ronto became the bride of Lyall Ar1hurjames Donn son of Morri cr on Sunday and attended anni versary service at Moonstone church Exhlbltlon Wlnners Congratulations to Frances Ber thclolte who was in the first class group judging at the Exhibition and to Yvonne King who came in June Dickinsondaughter of Mr and Mrs George Dickinson and Keith Edwin Wood son of Mr and Mrs Percy Wood Wycbridge Rev Reynolds officiated Mervyn Corbettvsoloisl sang Ill Walk Be side You before the service and Nuptial Benediction at the con clusion of the ceremony He was have no uctuation in principal In years $41524 accumulates to $50000 Invest wisely and well KEYSCUT FOR DOOR LOCKS accompanied at the organ by Miss the second class grOup Also to the Sizlszsuifiii MGM CA AWE OVER so YEARS EXPERIENCE YALELTYPE cur WHILEUWAIT 36 BAYFIELD STREET marriage by her father was dress ed in while satin with net and seed pearls She wore threequarter length Veil of chantilly net with wreath of white icebox roses and wore lwo strands of pearls and car ried cascade of Rubrum lilies Miss Donna DickinSOn was her sis tcrs bridesmaid gowned in orchid satin brocaded bodice and bolero with full net skirt over rayon with matching net and accessories Miss Lois Wood sister of the groom also as bridesmaid with the same style dresswin blue satin Cindy Leslie niece of the bride was flower girl and was dressed in floor length gown of green organdy and carried mixed flowers The best man was Lawrence Wood brother of the gloom andMeredlth Guthrie and Larry Dickinson wcre ushers The rcCeption was held at the home of the bride Mrs Dickinson mother of thcrbridc received guests wear ing lady love faille trimmed with lace matching hat and tan acces sories and corsage of yelldw carna tions Mrs Wood amisted wearing navy withlace navy accesories and corsagc of pink roses The bride donned burnt sugar gaburdine suit with lust accessorieslfgr her wedding trip through EastrnL LOnt ario On their return they will re side at Wyebridge Guests from outoftownczgn from Calgary Hamilton Toronto Barrie MissmEKimberleyv of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Kimberley Pin Mr and Mrs Wil0nLMr and Mrs Lloyd Wilson Toronto Mrs Downcy and Mrs Speers Was aga Beach spairSunday with Mrs George Usher Donald McConnell of Smlthville Midland Elmvale and Barrie fall fairs WEYBURN Sask CR Dis trict re inspector Lakerwrevl ported here that 1556 fires caused loss of 34 lives and property dam age of $2776000 throughout Sask atchewan last year STERLINlLiLL TRUSTS oR RA no HEAD OFHCE BRANCtl OFFICE 372 Bay St Toronto Hi DunlapSlq Barth 102 juniCome in and see it my at Rev Burgess officiated The wedding music was played by Mrs John Ritchie and the soloist was Miss Joan Langman Given in mor riage by her father the bride wore gown of white nylon tulle and im ported French lace over satin She wore fingertip Veil of nylon tulle andcarrled RcaLscade Ifred roses and stephanctls Miss Peggy Archer here spent the weekend at his home GUELPHCPlPopulation of this district was increased by more than 1000 with registration of students at the three Guelph collegeS The Ontario Veterinary College will have about 300 Macdonald Insti so theres in yourhcme charm Whereve mm SEE ouR 195254 NwoRTHv jMAsreRmEcE UN 57 DeLANCASTVRlAL was bridesmaid She chose pink net andbrocaded taffeta andfear Wallpaper Wallpaper successfully crLeaLtes wall interest tuteLhasL 178 students and Ontario LAgricultural College about 155 um mums wqu Six Big Reasons Why Oldlmbllo IsVYour Buyl Thovlamous Rocket Engine in thcbrilllant Super 88 and Clasch93 gives more power per dollar flan driyuthdrtar on the road Th drive is Oldsmobiles ydlaQMatlc Su er Drivel Withq thenewMSiperiRangedo Abilingdutvithe 77 ockcs ungingif power GM Hydraulic Steering makes motOring far easier and safer Theicc more ropddhility than90v with Oldsmobiles rugged smoothggoing chassis Tho Autronic Eye new safer fature for night driviu dimsyour head lights automatically Andthe bl beautiful Bodies byFishcr are truly luxurioup inevery dctul But dont take our worth takethpiwheel Discover what all these featurecimeaiilto you Visit our Lahowromn soon addlngfngw behuty and on 318 111 LPATTERNS rI Hl HydrqMutlc sipv brim imzimumnum we mi cm gt Szeerina mid to AumqicEWinnl at hummu WWW aerlin Loony gout momma cndmmejaccM chdng without notimACenemt Moron Value

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