king classes He felt that all the ville was business manager for the District Artists Weavers and Motalcrpftsmen Enioy Weekend Outing at Blue Mountain Lodge Weather and an unusually toasting program of arts and craft instruction combined tol make the fall weekend SpOItSoredi by the Show County Arts and Crafts Association on Sept 27 and 28 an outstanding success IWeather conditions were ideal appointing and sketching out doors and pleasant surroundings and accommodation were offered by Btue Mountain Lodge near COlhnwad with Jolie and Helen Weider as delightful hosts to the group of 36 artists and craftsmen Sixteen people registered in thc metalcraft course directed by Nancy and John Pocock of Tor onto and there were l3 pupils for John Bennetts panning andi sketching class Seven Wore reg istered for the weaving course un der the direction of Miss Althea Edgar Barrie Visitors At the lodge from Barrie the weekend were Schneider Mrs Kenneth lreudwcll Mrs McVeigh Mr and Mrs Llcw Beaver and Kenneth and Carol Mr and Mrs Monkman Mr and Mrs XL Palmer Mrs Witth of Shanty Bay Mrs Lgplie Dobson Miss MacDougiill Louise COllcy and Ed Hooper Other weekend guests came from Gravenhurst Cobourg Owen Sound Fleshcrton Shelburne Orillia Allinton Stayncr Cbld watcr and Collingwood On Saturday night the group enjoyed social evening begin mngwith two films on music up preciation Instruments of the Orchestra and Myra Hess playing the first movement ofBecthovens Sonata in Minor for Social Recreation Asocial recreation period foll owed under the direction of Missl Culley featuring games and mix erspwith Mrs Gordon Todd of Churchill playing the accordionl for play party games and square1 dancing Skits were also feat ure of the evening On Sunday morning Mrs Fos ter Hilliard of Flesherton led worship servicemwhich the gath ermg found most inspiring She stressed the philosophy of living in the present time and marking the most of every moment Ws Dora Purdon of Bowman weekend Mrs Beaver of Barrie was chair man for the final evaluation and oppraisal session on Sunday dur tngwhich Del Schneider of Bar me made an appraisal of the paint artists at different stages and with wozk had felt that their students were one different problems had learned something fromthe weekend Painting Evolution if youchange one part of your pdlliillg you have to change the rest of it because the whole painti mg unit he stated from his weekend lesson Also stressed by Mr was the importance of getting depth into painting which couldi be gained in one instance by changing of color to lighter and Lghter blue towards the horizonf Aarm colors makethings seemi Bennett ists The instructor felt that the warm wveather conditions had been per1330 pm thCL although there had not becnlbV great deal of change of color The light had been good and shel lows strong and fair amount ofl been done with most9 pupiis working for l0 hours over the weekend What struck Mr Bennett was the variety of subject matterv everything from panoramic views to study of two mailboxes by Mrs Treadwcll He felt that most of the artists needed to watch their foreground where strength 15 needed as an entry to the pic turc There needed to be more coni trust in tone he added in his criti cal evaluation The artists needed to see this contrast and get ex cited about it IPainting be de clared is not to be done with the fingers but with the head Large Metalcnft Group The mctalcraft group was larger than expected and the instructors of the most enthusiastic classes they had ever had The metati workers accomplished such largel amount of work under the direc tion of Nancy and John Pocock that their display looked like real exhibition Sets of jewelleryl ash trays and other articles in copper and pewter were made over the weekend Mrs Florence Nisbet formerly of Shanty Bayand now living in St Catharines made one of the most beautiful articles in the group necklace of triangular copper disks which was very eff ective Other outstanding pieces of metalcraft were completed by Llew Beaver of Barrie and Mrs Muriel Whyte of Shanty Bay Mrs Pocock felt that in each of the things made the personalitv of the person could be seen This ideas in design When people begin to get the idea of doing something original and beautiful metalcraft becomes an art Weaving Sessions Very profitable weaving instruc factor led to originality and new North Simcoe lnsiiiuies Plan Hailoween Parties COlDWAlERwomobcr riseetitius of Womens institute bunches 111 North Simcoc District wzll include Hallcwccn parties and meetings with speakere The district dent will ailment gtUlll susszozis presi Mrs loge Goldwater Meetings fo this month subject star of the 328350 as follows Coldwntc Junior WlOc so ltlrs Ar Bus ccn Galbraith Pro ti gram wliallowcen party Colduvater Senior WlOct pm llostcsrMMIS Swzulc Slak81Nilb George Hall Lunch CommittedMrs Dunlup Dwitt CrimsonOct ii 230 pm at the home of Mrs Ruby Shelswell lhe Coldwatcr Will give an address Mrs Jermm Mrs Struchnn Mrs Slielchll gramAuction sole EddyOct 230 pm stration Hollowecn children at the meeting munitv Hall EbenezerOctober meeting is party for in Com Jones is the hostess GrcnardOctober meeting at iMrs Samuel Elliotts and travel logue will given HillsdaleMrs Dulfy will be hostess Program is entertaining grandmothers Lunch committee is Transfer Designs In Colors by the instructress Miss Althea Edgar Over the weekend the weavers made quiten number of samples of rugs for thei own ap prectation overweave Rya and Flossam among other designs rug In addition the group saw some interesting films on textiles Gatherings Honor Rector grid Wife COLDWATER Many parishion ers and representatives of other churches attended farewell get togcthcr in honor of Rev and Mrs Pelletier The local rectorj after many years service here is to be assistant rector at St Edmonds Anglican Church Toronto on Oct During the gathering in the par ish hall the rector5 warden Clar once Ward presented Mr Pelletier wrth purse of money large donation by 310 citizen made the gift substantial Mrs Doble president of the Ladies Guild presented Mrs Pelletier with bouquet of roses The departing ouple expressed their appreciation Greetings were conveyed by Rev ition was given to that craft group Stress was on the design of the TWENTY Tyiriy motifs NO embroidery neces in color sary Iron them on your linens aprons blouses skirts and dresses Quick Easy Washable rdal boon to busy beautylovers these motifsare lovely wildroses and wood violets in their own natural hues Send now for ColorTrans fer Designs 7001 Four sets of motifs lx2to 4x13 inches Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps can not beaccepied to The Barrie Ex airliner Household Arts DepL 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Printplaiiily NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEW The 1952 edition of our Alice Brooks Nccdlecraft Book Craven of Fairvalley Angli can Church by Rev Ross Cum ming of Goldwater United Church and by Locking on behalf of thogirdlo lnyqur dreamt it wollts doesnt ride abntroli doesnt blndl ltsmooihs dosmlt rcill in for your Senna ol Rev Charles Carter of the Presby terian Church Mrs Argyle Eplett provided piano selections Mrs Eplett sang and instrumental numbers were given by Bob Tipping Lunch wassgrvifbythulfdf farewell gathering wasralso held at Waubaushene when Rev and Mrs Pelletier received severe electrical appliances CreightonJa1rrzitttct ll ittlic home of Mrs Joseph Leah3y ProI party close and cool ones make themto revision to meet unexpected cirv recedc be pomted out to the artcunmtances wire scheduled at the Mrs district procient Mrs Lorna Lunch committee is Mrs Cooke Dcmon ltook place in Trinity Church Barrie The bride is the former brhdw mm Rosemarie Gladys OHara daughter of Mr and Mrs Frankf OHara of Everett and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Richardson of Midhurst Following wedding tripi lto Ottawa the newlyweds are making their home in Barrie ers lhumpsun Mrs liowal Mrs Bull iiobnrtCoriCyHOCt 230 pm FMrs Vic Jolinszonc will be the host gloss Early branch will be cntcr xmined and Mrs Lune district iprcsirlent will speak McldufOct 230 pm Hostess dcmonstroiontable lcnvvrj friuts or flowers centre MoonstonrvOct pm zit home of Miss Krone Boyd Frank Williams publisher of the Cold lotions North Rivcr0ct program at home of Mrs Fred Shaw Mrs Taylor Taylor tc cite current events Pcnetanguishcnc Hostcm Georgi Wyatt sinn ontzilent sale VascyOct pin Mrs Wil liam Taylor was hostess Mrs Mcr Vin Edwards was converter and paper was given on our new Queen Warminstcrr Oct 22 pm Hos tcg will be Mrs Lawrence Walsh lProcrnm consists of Hallowcen Husbands and families will be entertained in October WnubaushcneOct 15 8Ipm in the library There will be skit and paperparliamentary notes Committee is Mrs Hodgins and Miss Norma Jeffcrilx Champ am Tran lt5 For Highway Name Ottawa Sept 23 tCPiDr Lucien Brault director of historical re search for the Dominion Archives last night threw his weight behind 1budding campaign to have High way 17 between Montreal Ottawa and North Bay named The Cham plain Trail Dr Brault said in an address to the suburban Eastview Chamber of Commerce that the route has Brimful of new ideas its only Twehtyfive cents NINETYONE illustrations of patterns of your and Mrs Mrs Contest or discus 15 Mrs Fred Webb There will be of Director for the meeting is Mrs Brown water News to speak on public ic Hallowccn favorite needlccraft designs plur SIX casytodp patterns printed TRY AN right in the book ha ed the hall duringiTheSe three dESlgns ilike pear strawberry the rage for fall Fri THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCT MW Sccd tarpvull milztald cedz pending on U1 30 Heat to boiling 15 hiiITllS untzi the sugar it iy rap ul 5d UCi lint ulll xuidf ll2 lill mm llt sum clam Wit dglllll ill uggcst simple but blunsewmucic of iu bethn LVtllillLf Aflerfive plumes Cl llths gtailurcd blouses lwiembir hit high neck trick JUW lultill gliatc seen wmc mode of dunno Zl Tweed or any gtnnziur lltilw terial l5 roconumnnstl tor skirt while practically ial applicable to full muy be Used for lilt 1ll 13 soft full Skill wind beautifully ing and comfortqu ghcadhugging uni ithe some lines its the tiny hat but spnrklers some the 11110 colour il tlic hot others not of colour Photo by Lt Cowper Barrio MR AND MRS EARL RlCHARDSON whose wedding Fruii Poiholders BRIGHT COTTON SCRAPS can be turned into many use ful and decorative things in cluding pretty potholdrs and an apple are padded and flir iished with bit of embroid cry You can also use the patterns for pockets for ap rons Ifyou would like to have leaflet with directions for making THREE FRUIT POTHOLDERS just send stamped selfaddressed enV velope to the Needlework Department of this paper and ask for Leaflet No 13588 legitimate claim to the name It was the route followed by Cham plain and other voyageurs west ward in Canadas early days The chamber in Eastview sub urb of 15058 straddling Highway 17 on Ottawas eastern approaches has sponsoer campaign to have the highway nzflned The Chimplain Trail EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 your coloured shoes With gt0 many of the dziiktrr more Mimile iliuues being featured in the main llllilS it andwhite ilrlCl =usually welcomed by mory llHllN lzold and this year found recipe new to rnufur Curry lielish which is halve lengthwise and remove seeds from nd some kind ililit mi they lire ltWtl SKIRTS All lillliiili 11c lun or with numns 10 D1 NDONAL STREET billowing luilrn my and fill Willlti nos Wool Jersey 1l you imm pic HATS FOR DAY iic lltfltlrlli lili tt sparkling ocktoil and evening huts lln fifiitl re covered with lllllltllttlx ul FOR THIS FALL DONT put mm uch as suits coats and dresses tin olour accent is strcsocd on shoes nd purses For lilSlililCt it black twccd iltre red nd mgr1 striking colour Shoes Cull lll cunl built two hummer mums itll THE FICKLING SEASON Factory building Lli Ziii buzlrlizigs non industrial berrns etc lake and lukcsluno property fortnblc your round itlgtlilcgt over 20 years Phone in both bull forests and semircsirenicnt in ippt simply delicious Wash pcel large Cucumbers Peel large onions Remove tongues and seeds from green pepper sweet icd pepper Put vegetables through food chopper using course blade Mix in cup pickling salt and let stand for hours Drain well Mix in cups peeled and cutup ripe tomatoes cups white vinegar lcup granulated sugar tablespoon lcurry powder teaspoon celery rum sun Modern insulated residence of ii rooms Cedar lictlgzl Over ltllitbll tlzmufucturing doing com theme Hifiix BULLS make delicious ohm vi nllack and they are very v93 to make Nu cooking in DM zit Put cups 22mm flakes it my air and L1 cup poem through meat grinder Add none tablespoon ttraspmum lemon juice xtum until vteil blended it illigcl rolls and roll in gar Makes three mum low them in lunch atllutll PRINTING PIONEER Jemima utcnburg mnde the Eilistllir type in Germany ilti Hull ilzd HBO BARBIE WILL BE CLOSED Oct to Oct 25HNCLuswn while MuriclJohmtone attends count in Advanced Hairdresslnr md the latest in hair cutting permanent waving hair tinting 1t the Robert Fiance limir Design lnntitutc New York City SALE light Manufacturing Business Willi Residence And Factory Building Country Location on Beautifully Landscaped Lot 150 310 and lliliil full basement hot ltltllllllf1 pressure water flowing lilrllilJlltk Siiillljl two garages and other unnnru litll garden fruit trees looking Luke Simcoc Access to tilt greater potential Established dzngs Reason for selling other in Iricc complete $321000 plus stock JONES onlo STATION ONTARIO BETWEEN BARRIE AND GRILLIA ON LAKE SLMCGE TWIN SUPIRClRCULATOR WITH EXCLUSIVE FUELSAVER i3 ierm tngt knenses THE amino sunroofs curs cuiuuer 055 can cumn mugging upgrex IStipertizime SAVER but 011 Chm 3qd$soaw 9va in coats 50 Savmplosrand1Cll19 line FromOm Regiulor Stock Before homunclgock thesoHF features Mr onu go 350 19 noon quizuy on yooraigmturcgwithoutbonkoblosomitylg tScimrroiiW jun 24 to Cdmdos rm qitd mended conxumdcvfinonoo maximums mom All largeri models are equipped with the icuoouunm The Worlds largest oil hectors givenmuch SAVlNGsgt VTOLZSVQLON FlNEALL+WEATlttpllfs