Thursday evening was weliattendf ed also the dance onFridayeven trig iiithe town hall of cookware Mr and Mrs Mcaster senare to slower the roll call by spent few days in Gravenhursl visiting relatives Mi and Mrs William Riley Trenton spool recent weekend with their son and his Wife Mr and Mrs Boo Riley and Miss Shir ley Riley Mr and Mrs Davis and Mr and Mrs Frank Fidler spent few days in Sarina visiting relatiVes and friends AWI Duulccn Baker returned to Mon Apica Quebec on Friday af for spending two weeks holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Norman Baker Mr and Mrs Alien Cryderman lororio SpCllI the weekend with Mr and Mrs Norrlmll Billtor be sent to the sister Lewis lug spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gordon Paxton WMS Meeting The WMS of pers on Thursday evening Sept 25 with nine nicmbcrsprescnt lhc ineeling opened with hymn fol lowed by Scripture reading by the SpHIal Meeting Tim United Church WA will meet at tl church on Oct This will be special meeting to make plans for the low supper on Oct 29 The Junior Auxiliary and all who are interested are asked to attend this meeting and Mrs Dancy Van couver visith Mrs Dancys moth er Mrs Clam Russell and brother Charles Russell and Mrs Russell on their way in ii months trip to England Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cunningham Barrie spent the weekend with MrL and Mrs Charles Russell Mr and Mrs Stanley Jones To Tonto spent Sunday with Mrs Jones father Ed Webb in town Mrs Wilkinson and daughter Marjorie Toronto spent the week end with Mrs Margaret Long William Lawrence Toronto spent Saturday ill town Mr and Mrs Isaac McMinn Ed nonton Alta returned on Wed nesday to their home after visiting Mr and Mrs Frank Broiley and other relatives lng ii prayer Minutes were read and business matters discussed it was decided to hold thank offcring meeting on Oct 16 Corbett took charge of 11 program ind look the sixth chapter of thei study book with Mrs Currie lroitcr and Mrs Adair taking part lhe meeting then closed with hymn followed by the Mizpilh benediction Mrs Hopper srlVcd ll delicious lunch Reception Rev and Mrs Kellogg are holding reception at the Cooks fowrl United Church parsonage on Wednesday Oct from to and to 10 pm Everyone is welcome Mr and Mrs Bert Harman Mrs Miller and Miss Marion Pierson spent Thursday in Kitchener Mrs Alice Jagos Miss Patricia Houghton Toronto and John Houghton Jr Chippewa were weekend guests of their parents Mr and Mrs Hbughfon Mr and Mrs Hooper and fam ily Mr and Mrs Woodill Mal ton and Mr and Mrs Schell Stayner were Sundayguests of Mr donating gift uI canned nilill to institute in England The speaker will he Rev Mr and Mrs Ken Noble AvellU Mr and Mrs Gordon Blue iol tonic spent the weekend with Min and Mrs Simmons Presbyterian Church the PM Sbylclllill Church was held at Mrs Hop prsldent and Mrs Hopper lendl 51mm me Elmhle dmmc inlltts pictured above Doublei Andrews Presbyterian Church blunting William Andrew Resident Of ilmvolc 49 iYears Dies Suddenly Elmvale lost one of its highly respected citizens in the sudden lparsing of Mrs William Andrew iat her home on Saturday Sept l20 1953 Mrs Andrew was the former lCaiherlnc Isabel Cumming daugh licr of the Lille Alexander Cum lining and Christina Rowui She iwas born on the fourth concession of ilus Township on March 19 fliiTil On April 1903 she mar lied William Andrew who prede ceased her on Sept 12 1940 After her marriage her entch life was BABYS SWEATERS socks bootees and mitts can be knitted from cotton thread its cool comfortable dressy and washes like charm Four balls of cotton is all that wfSnXIMStlnary suema is required for the shoes andScpl atuhcr Izlfgfeglrclehclamahll member of the Presbyterian Church Mrs Andrew took an act lvc part in church work For many years she taught Sunday School class and served as presid ent of the Ladies Aid and in the chm werc conducted by the Rev dd 115 mad thrmlghomBurgess assisth by Rev 11 Ill pearl buttons furl Stubbs Interment was ill Elm nlsll the fastenings and oral the only trim If you wouldl like to have direction ieaf3 let for making the BABYS SHOES AND MITIS just semi stamped selfaddress ed envelope to the Needle work Department of this pai per and ask for Leaflet No 5206 SATURDAY SEPT 28 Central Ontario The clear invigorating air of guillillln gch zest to business at the glillllkil and buyers come early lEggs as usual were much in de llllulid ilnd lunged in price from 40c dozen for small pullcts to 700 for Ml Walter Wright Aurora was recent visitor with Mrs Sam Cole and Mrs Ney Mrs Show Toronto Mr and Mrs Graham Mrs Goodhand Barrie was weekend guest with her daughter Mrs Crawford ahd Mr Craw ford Mr and Mrs Davey Sault Ste Marie and Mrs Elmer Feltis Bar rie were guests of Mr and Mrs Montgomery last Tuesday Mrs Lemmon and son Gordon attended the DonoughJones wed ding on Saturday in Barrie Mrs Lemmon Mr and Mrs ALemmon Creemore and Mr and Mrs Jeffers Engfield Eng land spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Doug Lemmon Mr and Mrs Jeffers left on Thursday fortheir return trip to England Mrs Kent and daughter Nora Tointo were recent visitors of Miss Sarah Slight and Dalton Slight Mrs James Millr spent Satur day in Newmarket visiting Mr and Mrs Bob Miller Weekend visitors were Miss Bar bara Miller and Dennis Beggs To ronto Mr and Mrs Bert Harman and son Eric Des Joachims are visit ing Mrs James Miller and Mr and Mrs Herb Harman Sunday visitors of Miss Luella Knecshaw were Mrs Downey son Earl and Mrs Clara Johnson Drayton Mr and Mrs DaveLougheed and daughter Joan Meaford were Sun day guests rof Mr and Mrs Frank Fisher Mr and Mrs Fred Fisher and children wrrc visitors with Mrs Fishers brother and sisterinlaw Me and Mrs Leonard Stayner mr and Mrs Barry Jebb Miss Florence Campbell Mr and Mrs Normhn Campbenl 30 Blqu M13 Murray Fraser on the arrival of and Mrs Ira Wilson and Mr and baby son on Wednesday Sept 24 Mrs Palmer attended the 35th in Stephenson Memorial Hospital wedding anniversary of Mr and Amstom Mrs George Wilkinson attire home Mm Irwin Shaw and children if their son and daughterinlaw Ruskvlew hgsitd Mrs Irwins fa Mr and RY Burg Trntl thcr Dad Parker and other rela Sum laSI gt tivesf on sunday 000150 F8 MlandMrs Anderson an huge crowd attended the 90th Helmjmned blurs Pd gbRalgg linnua exhibition of Cgoksltslzilzn Agricultural Society on hu and Friday Therelwere large ex Miss Heather Mu had Eons hibits of ladies work flowers 099mm 95 the We fruit vegetables=grain baking and art Other attractions were ex hibits of farm machinery and auto mobiles 7a midway and various booths of interest The concert on and Mrs Neilly and Mrs Gol lop Mr and Mrs Pegg were re ceni Sunday visitors with friends at Redwing Mrs Alex Allen and daughter Muriel are spending week in Detroit Mich visiting rclativcsu United Church WMS Meeting The regular September meeting of the senior WMS of the United Church met at Mrs John Corri ganson Tuesday evening Sept 16 with 14 members present The president Mrs Carr in the chair opened the meetingwith hymn and prayer The worship service was conduct ed by Mrs Corrlgan with alternate readingsby Mrs Corrigan from the Missionary Monthly program and Scripture readings Minutes were read and business discussed Roll call was answered by Scripture versc with the fHarvest thought The sectional meeting will be held in Cookstown on Oct 23 with Mrs Terhunc Mrs Williams Mrs Glass and Mrs Couse named as committee to arrange the dinner to beserved Miss Campbell and Mrs Fidler were appointed the upper room secretary and assistant Plans followed for the annual bazaar on Saturday Nov 29 The first chap ter of the new studybook Along African Trails was given by Mrs Glass farewell address was read and gift remembrance given to Mrs Charles Clark member who is leaving to make her home in the West Mr Kellogg spoke for few minutes hymn was sung and thebenediction byMr Kellogg closed the meeting by IISIE Congratulations to Mr and Mrs visited manylittle friends wish to see her back to schoo1shortly Mr and Mrs Frapk Birss Limer ick SackMrsE Hilts Macso min and Mrs 133 Murray visited ersElhel Lakij aret Jones on Monday Mr and MrsValJonesandfam fly and Mrs Margaret Jones motor cdrto Toronto on Saturday to at tend the wedding of Mrs Jones Anniversary Scrum Rev Lewis was the special later on Sept 14 at anniversary rvlccs in llillsdaleUnited Church is Johns Anglican Church fowl pper and program isto be held hiWedrlesday Nov 19 in iheltown Miss Bertha Cowan secured 55 tilllet prlies and second vprizosat ooksiownrair WI Meeting The regular meetingbf the W01 Institute wru be held at on Thursday Oct instill will ball Mrs Trotte is Why the program comm ti on and education grey flames Sorry Gth isonthe sick list Tier imany friends wishher speedy ire fcovery indMrsAbbertj Barnes an image Michisau weekendwitbf Mrs Hamiltons pa it 08 than urdays program includes full day gt and Consecratlon Victoria libspital BarrieJIIgathers and Mrs Margi islster Miss Joyce Oxford and Aub to reportilbatlidrsl Raincloud on Saturday one vis flungtheir deciliter andtarniiv Mr Handel Pleasant Mr gain Hamilton on Kathleen Lemuel visitdover the Skin large Roasting Chickens Roasting chickens varied in price CYC Convention SI Pallli Oil 35gili3cqllll3 From Oct to Orillia will be301d 35 4C Cauliflowers Cheap the locale for the Central Ontario vendors soiling from Christian Councillors Conventionl when about 75 young men betweenl Outside the ages of 15 and 20 year5yjillllrucll5 and cars on the square had gather at st pauls United Church large quantities of vegetables with for the sessions Ea special on cauliflowers at three Following recent meetingof the lmr 25 Orillia Boys Work Board with re hEClilt 9019 fruit was presentatives of the Ontario Coun Own P0231005 mm for 50 bas all of Christian Education Jack kt 99 53 bag 013 35C 10 40 son Purvis chairman announced $15k or $150 bushel turnips that plans had been completed for wt or 256 p9 mamas 40 most of the details for the weekend baSket and are 300 cucumbers convention were scarce at 30c and up accord The CYC convention is oneof mg to $128 six such gatherings being held Vegetable Variety throughout Ontario this year pro rooted by the Boys Work Board of Ir he blmdmg vegembles the Ontario Council or Christian avalabe mane quantities Education in cooperation with loc beans tomatfSs omons 31 boards and authorized by not of regemble lmw Squash sage the Ontario Older Boys Parlia avorl umber m9u merit Councillors at the Orillia p08 of ems and Other vanetes convention will come from the Offered at 25C and 35 Ch rs Lange was again in counties of Peel Yolk Slmcoe and Charge of the fresh pork display dsm ff MUSROBB Homemade bread sold out quickly FridaYevenln8 06L and there was good demandfor Palmer chairman of the Ontario home baked cakes date cookies 3035 Work Board W111 OffiClate at pics and other dainfies Fresh honey the colorful official opening Sat was oinrgiisgigy Meeting Held meeting was held in thebuild ing on Tuesday night but attend ance was small because of the wea ther Plans were discussed for the Thanksgiving market advertising McCarroli gave talk on gen eral merchandising with View to still further development of the market He pointed out that any business to be successful should have good location good building good stock of merchandise Barrie market has these The other essential is right prices and the good attendance is sureindication that market prices are right BruCe Brown was also present and gave talk on farm supplies of commission meetings plenary sessions banquet and recreation night On Sunday the cunvention will hold an open session in the af ternoon with older boys from the Sunday Schools of Orillia and will conclude their meetings With ded ication service at that time Church families in Orillia are be ing asked to provide billets for the outoftown councillorsfor Friday and Saturday nights Boys will be coming from all the maior Protest ant denominations to the interde nominational convention The theme of the meetings will be Ad venturing on lheHigh CsChris tian Culture Community Church Boys wishingto attend shouldse cure further information and ap and their use licatiorl forms from Purvis 59 We OBrien St Orillia or Rev Arn CARELESS OWNERS BROCKVILLECP Chief Con stable Young reported that so far thwartpatrolling police men have found 454busineSS es tablishments left unlocked or in secure at night compared with 375 in the first eight months of last year Foster Room 517 299 Queen Street Toronto Excavations as Susa capitalof ancient Elam probably the oldest city on earth show that men rode horseback more than 5000 years ago lwcre Jack Rilcnie William Camp ian Ladies Aid the Womens Miser ler Mrs William Campbell Wirierai Home on Monday Sept vandvveaves Lotus measure you now for areaily Qimn Mmlsmrbetterfbuycalf Cemetery The pallbearers vale lFuneral Service all our ne ewe Gowaniuch Gilbert paight fog Barrie Richardson and Milton Montgonn erlhe beautiful floral tributes lnjschOOI eluded those from the Presbyter Fulieral service for Miss Verna lonary Society the staff of Whitby ll Wire 33m 54th 335th High School and Simon Presby Im in Wilda Fill SW telth Church La momn her loss are 55 lpiml was held Lit lllc Janneft Fun my nipcg two daughters Mrs 51 p31 am who was iar owhn iBlflliche Siroud nrnijgu inunm mummy Jul Mm Campbell MammalWilda afternoon while her grade London two sons John of Harlin ilton and Alex of Whitby and eight grandchildren Relatives and friends attendedifm dxm She from Hamilton London Mm Whitby and was Tommu Smud Mime imuvcd to hospital where shr riled Midland Barrie and Thornton Orillial around 30 in on Friday Daughter of flu late Albert Funeral Service Hold For Accident Victim lino pinuiry class all Prince became uncon lll98 on the che homestead on Dunfop the Hill concession of luwnshlp CUldwaler UDiwd ChurCh main She was educated in Allandule auditorium was nearly filled for the funeral service Wednesday aff ernoon for William Samuel Dun lop 24 who lost his life in motor accident near Uptergrove on Saturday evening Sept 20 Many relatives and friends came from distant points to pay their respects The service was conducted by Rev Ross Cumming Pallbearers were Don Galbraith Howard Galbraith Douglas Orton Freddie Brown Douglas Miller and Jim Gleadall Interment was Ccmclcly Orillia public school Barrie Collegiate and Riel Rebellion Veteran Passes James Caslon 92 stirring days of the North est Rebellion were recalled dur ing the funeral of James MacDon ncll Caston 92yearold Craighursi resident detachment from Le gion Post No 147 Barrie under the Legion president Ralph Com don paid honor to the departed veteran of the Riel Rebellion of 1885 Tile late Mr Casion as young man volunteered for active service and joined the serving with LtCol Tyrwhitts unit on the long trek to Western Canada via the frozen rockbound shore of Lake Superior He marched with the Simcoe County volunteers on the skeleton track of the Canadian Pacific Railway then under construction Travel de luxe for the troops during that trip was on flat cars and when night overtook them as they marched over sections of the rail way that were not completed they huddled around fires of iramped over frozen snow in the middle of severe winter weather to keep from freezing James Caslon was typical old soldier who was wont to recount the trials and hardships of that journey to his modern comrades in St Andrews Mrs DewiffW Adair Everett Resident Dies lEvcrclt Correspondence Funeral service for Mrs Dewitt Adair who died at her resid cncu in Everett on Thursday Sept 15 1952 after an illness of several months was held at her home at pm on Saturday Sept 27 Born at Iioga on July 31 1887 the late Mrs Adair was the daugh ter of the late William John Gall aughcr and Elizabeth Kidd and lived most of her life ill Everett community She was lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church and loving mother She always look keen interest in all matters pertaining to the churcll and home and will be greatly missed by her family and friends She leaves to mourn her loss her husband three daughters Mrs John Davidson Alma of Iioga Mrs Harry Robbins Jr iElsie Everett and Mrs James Varncy Bessie of Toronto of later era three grandchildren Sharon The Canadian Legion posts of George and Susan Varney of To ronto and four sisters Mrs McGill and Miss Annie Gallaugh er ovaereft Mrs Harold Potts of Collingwood and Mrs Ray Ham ilton of Slnyner brother John Gallnugher prc deceased her Tile funeral service was con ducted by the Rev Mait land of Alliston Pallbearers were John Davidson Harry Robbins James Varney William Mc Gill Harold Potts and Alfred Adair Interment was in Everett Cemetery Many floral tributes were re the zone saluted him at his pass ing as one of the very few re maining veterans of the North West Rebellion The veterans who knew him personally remember him in the lines Old soldiers never die only fade away they and the Presbyterian Church the funeral came from Toronto King Niagara Falls wood NA Whnn loangis the right imam we make it in your best interests Phone rst forglvisit loan write or come in No en dorsers or bankable security required Icons $50 to $1100 IA RES TO SAY YRS co REIT FL Publlc Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD ST BARBIE Phone 5931 Domld GishiYES MANnger OPEN DAILY TO SSATURDAY TO 12 local mode to resident of all ivrmndingMm Personal Finance anally of anode uno 154 Abe payelm eon tquIuI Eu Payu for Illbunn ml or in proportion co1 One look at ohnston new Mere words inst cant do justice to these superb new Johnston suitings So come in and feel them See how easily they drape Crush them see lidwthey spring backinro shape See bowler and true cumin Tm how smart and varigd the patterns outsmading suit cut byhand and tailored to your own measurements by JohnSton experts In our the marketedday any Nuwcave werstcd byJohnston ceived from relatives andfrlends Relatives and friends attending Alliston Shelbourne Stayner and Coiling 319 l952 at the Royal Victoria Hos of iWalcs public school was attending immediately re Win and numbed McDonald me SIIHLILH whow jlllift Will not 032 lcceosed was born on Sept illilvV ml Innlsfil United Church 35th Regiment Illi staff and THE BKRRIE 5311633 RWAYQCT lic ljrlniltui Ffiilrilal UponHkrcslifachwl the Teach le 3tllilJZLil ill 1919 caughtiers Council Prince of Wales Bonus in lire rural school alfand School Association Stupid and bell joined the staff ofi ind Mrs Scott of Cem K313 Eduard Sciilml Barrio lriSlmcm llic Barrie Women Teach 94 she lnrislerred to Prince ufers Federation the Barrie Public Wailgt School where she Served School Board and Central Church out the iiiil of her death Wornans Association Throughout her years in Balrlc naimves anti friem mm SLAM Miss ivlLl U1Ktd mill the dill31in funeral were 33 llivll of the military grades an age 1553 Shawn M11 if which gtll as particularly fond p003 and Crydem During those years she establishEleommou and mm Mm anth lvpiliililsill for effluent and conE0f Cglugwmd livlitnnlx white and for all orl ml and llllSIK talent that wasl vs reflected in her attractive classroom illrr untimely purging roughi iii lSItfIt school circles noil uzllv heavy libt of personal loss hill removed vnillcli primary in Sllt an illonllici of Central SillVlvlllg illr sislir Mrs Douglas Join Flurrill of Barrio will lliiill slit lllliilt her home brother Alvin ll chc Barrlei 1lil lwu nephews Lorch and Bruce chl both of Billrilr Ownlg lo illl illness of her ownl llllnlsllr illv Bmvcll Rev Eugunc Beech of Burton Avenue Unlch Chililll conducted 1ch Illnl crul SCFVIC Pallbearers vcrel Lorne and Bruce Wice Klnnclhl McDonald Howard Fclilcr Edison Wicv and William Bell nichl llillll was in Si James Lcnlotcry was soloist at the The Store for Men 15 Elizabeth Street Opp Wellington Try change of pace in your flat Style for Fall ADAM 595 750 STETSON 895 1095 Sirmill Emory Hill SCIVle singing Jesus Saviour Pilot Mu with Lloyd Illfford ill the organ Floral irllillics included those from the stuff of Prince of Wales School the staff and former socizlics at King Edward School lorlllcr associates at HST Silo rm Brown Calf Blucher double sole tailored to your foot cut from highest grade leathers to give that welldressed appearance plus comfort in this long wearing shoe Jilli Moore Shoes Ph 5315 BARRIE 56 DunlopSr worthtr thousandgwok