Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1952, p. 8

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one as COLDWATER By um The Summer was quiet place Ihprsday morningexcept for the Editorial department where every one was hard at work shortly after dnwn iso we hear But even the sleeplest of us agreed when we came in shortly after ocloek that the staff party the night be fore was the social event of the year Mr Walls confused us mom entarily ubbut whether the party was to welcome ltw staffers 01 say goodbye to our bllflClObO so well Justcall Joyce our main guest of honorf The two English Erics and their wives and Scotty and Betty Taylor were Introduced all round and discovered some of the hidden talents around the off Wearisome Bronchial NIGHT DAY ll mnehial Clitllr sleep for coughing tubes full of lighilyunked phlegm that no amount of murhing swim able to dislodge So tired mm your venrismne bronchial cough you cant work groperly Ihen heres 1001 NEWS ry Iemplctnns IMZMAII Tupsulea gulch satisfactory relief Slrangling Liegm linsencd so if comes awny easily Get IlAZvMAII from your druggist 13c SLJS 54 The STUDIO 110 CODRINGTON ST Phone 337l Offers spacious and attractive facilities for various forms of entertainment WEDDING RECEPTIONS BRIDGE PARTIES DANCES BUSINESS cLuB MEETINGS Let us help youvwilh your entertainment problems ice and plantwTals Waller l1op son and St Louis Blues accom panied by an amateur saxophone player and pianist Each Eric claims he won the darts tourna ment in the Robindale basementw and were not admitting who ate the most Wednesdny afternoon the Senior Citizens GetTogether Club will be holding their second annual baz aar and tea in the hue Blue Hall With the cooperalionbf the Sor optimist Club which sponsored the group at the time of its formation almost two years ago the elderly members will Offer regular bazaar wares as well as ten to all visitors Highlight of the afternoon will be the draw for quilt pieced by the senior citizens Bake and candy tables and touchandtuke table will be staffed by senior citizens and Soroplimists Wednesday morn ing the women of the senior club will be busy with preparations for the ten Mrs Alma Lee converter of the service committee of the Sorop timist Club which has the senior citizens as its chief project reports that the GetTogether Club is growing all the time There are now 62 members on the roll and the regular attendance at Wednes day afternoon meetings is between 80 and 35 Young in outlook if not in years the club members started to meet weekly two years ago next month People over 60 years of age which is the only lmcmbcrship requirement found an opportunity to meet others of their own ago through the service project of the Soroptimists Men and women with variety of inter ests and tastes find pleasure in the gatherings every week and all of them will be sorry when the club closes down its activities for the summer in the middle of June Local Community Concert sub scribers who enjoyed the DePaur Infantry Chorus so much in the opening concert this season may have chance to hear music of similar nature in the near future Theatre news from New York has it that the choral singing in the lncw production of The Green Pas llurcs is to be provided by group prepared by Leonard DcPaurwho made himself notable in Barrie by his absence due to an emergency trip to New York Booking ur rangemcnts were to begin this week for trial tour of the beloved musi cal play in somewhat modified SeniOr Citizens GelTogetherClub Bazaar and Tea WEDNESDAY APRIL 23 TB HALL Tea pm to pm HIGH ST Quilt Draw sponsored by the Soroptlmlst Club of Barrie ADMISSION 250 Key Rev Holden minister of Goldwater united Church for near ly six years who has resigned eff ective June 30 has taken pro mitten part in church and com munity affairs in this district He has served as chairman Of the United Church Presbytery was registrar of the United Church Camp at Midland Point has con ductcd mission at Fesscrton School and conducted regular de votional exercises at Coldwatcr Public School Mrs Holden has taken leading part in womens organizations of the United Church They have three sons Dick David and Tom my Goldwater United Church pastoral charge includes North Ili ver laubaushenc and Early Mr lloldcnsnext charge has not yet been decided version of the original The pres ent idea is to limit the itinerary to connnunilies with populations of between 25000 and 50000 which never saw the work on the stage Should matters work out success fully there may be more extend ed jaunt after the llrst of the year reports New York Times column ist The biggest thing in musi cal ncvvs at the moment is how ever the coming of Mildred Dill ing world famous harplst to Bar rie next week The exceptional musician appears Thursday evening at the Roxy in the final concert of the current Community Concert season Mr and Mrs John Sinclair and family of Ottawa were visitors over the Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs Wisdom Mrs Margaret Holmes who had also been their guest has returned to Hamilton Mrs Bertram Smith of Tor onto is spending the weekend with her sister Mrs Butler 126 Henry Strcet Mr and Mrs Reynolds have returned home after spending the winter in Florida visiting Key West and returning along the east coast Mr and Mrs Leslie Alfcn Tren ton spent Ensfcr holidays with their parents Mr and Mrs Edgar Thompson Stroud and brother and sister James and Helen Allen Thornton Mr and Mrs John Couch and Mrs Lawrence Reeve are in Chat liam where they will be attending the wedding of Miss Mary Ward man daughter of Mr and Mrs Palmer Wardman formerly of Barrie on Saturday Mrs Couch is to be soloist at the wedding and Mr Couch is an attendant Mr and Mrs Sam Teasdale and Paul Teasdale Of Brampton are visiting with Mr and Mrs Fendley Mr Mrs Walker Webb Spent March In Florida Mr and Mrs Walker Webb claim that the month of March is Ontarios worst and they have been making it paint to spend that month in Florida They left by mot or on Jan 26 travelling via Buf falo Virginia and Georgia to their usual stopplng place Hollywood Florida city of 25000 population Their return trip was made by Ten nessee Kentucky and Ohio They Cash without endomrs or bankable security Cash on your signature only Cull with up In 24 months to repay Phone or stop in todin HOUSEHOLDAI FINANCE 28 Elizabeth 57 second floor phono 5529 BARBIE ONT OllLllA BRANCH 55 Mining SI Eu and cor phone 2394 LOANS f0 luv Muir 00$ WIRE YD twill CRIB liulm SIMMONS ziljrdtecion so any armsivOnuARRIR Montserrat ems arrived home on April Last year they roamed off into West Virginia and enjoyed the change of scenery comparison of living conditions and costs is difficult they find but noted that there is no triking dif ference in food prices Milk pro duced by Enormous herds is sold in sealed containers An American quart costs 20 cents Butler is high in price but margarine is in gen eral use for about 27c to 28c pound Eggs are in six grades ac cording to size from 64 cents doz en andupfor strictly fresh and mostly shipped in eggs Bread com es in loaves of onepound at 16 cents Vegetables and fruits are cheap particularly at garden stalls flower show given in the city was beyond words The bird colors were marvellous and strangely ens ough some offhe monkeys in the parks were almost equally brilliant in partial coloring Sclellllf 5lrage Mrs Mm Stella McCordand Dr Stanley Married in Collier Street United Church Amid selling of pink and white snnpdrngons pussy willows and fern standards the marriage Of Miss Stella Grncc McCord dough ler of Mr and Mrs William Mc thony Wnlton Stanley of Toronto only son of Cyril Stanley and the late Mrs Stanley Toronto took place in Collier Street United Church Barrie on Saturday April 12 1952 nt twothirty oclock in the afternoon The marriage cere mony was performed by the min ister Rev Lewis Lloyd Tufford the church organist played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist Miss sang The Lords Prayer before the ceremony and Perfect Love dur ing the signing of the register Given in marriage by her father the bride chose strapless gown of white Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over satin with moulded bolero jacket of lace fashioned with tiny lace buttons accenting the frontto the neckline which whs highlighted by Queen Anne collar The long lilypOinted sleeves were fastened with tiny but tons and the full skirt was panelled with lace and tulle with padded hipline and fell into long train Her fingertip veil of tulle illusion was held by bonnetshaped lace headdress and she carried nose gny of red sweetheart roses hya cinths and white mnms The maid of honor was Miss Martha McCord of Toronto sister of the bride and the bridesmaid was Mrs John Mather Of Toronto cousin of the bride They wore identical gowns Of ice blue bro caded satin taffeta and net styled with fitted bodiccs bertha cOllnrs and full taffeta skirts with match ing overskirts of net They wore matching mitts ahd headdresses of brocaded satin held their short net veils Their flowers were nose gays of happy day roses and white mums 1The flower girl Miss Sharon King of Toronto wore gown of yellow taffeta and netwith mat ching headdress and mitts She carried nosegay of golden sceptre roses and orchid mums Dr Drew Allin of Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were James Howath and Dr Kecnleyside both of Toronto reception was held at Robin dale Inn To receive the guests will thenglparty the mother of the bride wore navy dress and navy and white straw hat with matching accessories and cor sagc of red roses and white carom lions Mrs Laura Bourke of To rontoa closefriend of the groom assistednviearing nav blue dress with matchlng acces ries and corsage Of red and white roses Later the couple left by motor forarweddjng trip to the United States For travelling the bride wore navy gabardiile tailored suite withmatchlng accessories Corsage of white mums On their return Di and Mrs Stanley will ALVLURAOEL jarRE rcccived by the bride from her aunts and uncles Mr and Patricia Crawford of Toronto who Photo by Henry ll ltuoke erlc lbe making their home in Toronto Outloftown guests at the wed ding come from Toronto Port Credit New Toronto Schomberg villld Sudbury Cord of Barrie to Dr Arthur An Cables of congratulations were nnd groom Mrs II field of Clonmel Coun 1y Ilppeizny Ireland and Mr and Mrs Smyth of Crohanc County lippcrary Telegrapth congratu lations were received from Miss Evelyn Roots of Toronto ExaminerTRiiy Holiors Bride And Newcomers The Barrie Examiner Ltd wel comed some new staff members and said goodbye to In bridetobe who is leaving the staff with party at Robindale Inn on Wednes day night Miss Joyce Irwin of the circula tion department who is being mar ried tomorrow was guest of honor for the evening along with her fiance Ray Mosley The party also welcomed three new staffers from the British Isles and their wivesEric Wilson Examiner pho tographerengraver and Mrs Wil son Scotty Taylor of the edi torial department and Mrs Taylor and Eric Leer the most recent addi tion to the comprising room and Mrs Lees Managing Editor Walls officially welcomed the newcomers and with Chittick sales man ager made the preSentation of weddinggift to Miss Irwin on be half of thc company and staff Among the 60 or so guests at the party were wives and friends of the staff members Music for dancing was provided by fWo piece orchestra composed of the managing editor at the piano and Alf Shepherd on the saxophone For those who preferred milder entertainment there were crokin ole cribbagc euchre and darts to choose from and buffet lunch was served shortly before midnight NEW PENETANG HOSPITAL Penetangs new hospital will haeradulbeds 20 more than hospital authorities originally plan ned when the proposal for new building was rst discussed addition to the 61 beds the hospi tal will have 20 bassinets Form erly plans called foronly 41 beds and 20 bassinets There will now be 20 beds for incurables situated on the ground floor of the new building ACIFIC ISLES The Fiji slands in the South Pat ific number more than 200 with totalareavof over 7000 square miles Ors flSize 14 to REGULAR new 510353 gt Slightly 56 Al jbut win wash up oodfasiilivvl In The Last Column Continued from am am Will newlyarrival wife from Scotland however the prospect of the usual routine is brightened eon idmbly by the realization that my canovpening days are over With great personal satisfaction this column greets Harries newat anival Mrs Scotty Reporters moguls early In life that being asked weird questions is an occupational hazard At any time the newsman may be confront ed willyWhats the sex life of the rare Mongolian Xysiogesophile Iprobably some bug or How much pressure must be exerted on the windplpe to choke ones wife This is normally taken in easy stride but my most recent pcmunal experience mattered my normal savoir faire Sirdying into The Examiner printers holy of holies or sanctum sanctnrum as the more enlighten ed might say was grabbed by one Stubby had an inkstained fin ger thrust under my dose and was askedWho lives nearest to Heaven Immediately recognizing the sym ptoms of my appalling ignorance the vacant look that can only reg ister on the newsmans facehe quickly answered for meWc do The explanation is simple trpin stops at the local station which faces the print shop It goes by in the morning and again in the evening with the same name on the dining carJSt Peter Would be quite prepared to bet however that thats the nearest they ever get to it You dont know our backroom boys Had an Interesting chat recently with Victor Knox he of the Col legiate teaching staff who has been doing some fine work getting 100 per cent pass marks with new Canadians taking their citizenship examinations at night classes Vic lhinksit might be rather interest ing to see how many Old Can adians could get through the ques tions on the various aspects Can adian with similar results Dont be surprised if you notice more of the mcnfolk arOund town wearing their Kiwanis pins Mon day night at their weekly meeting Alex Harvoy chairman of the On to Buffalo annual spree commit tee levied 10c fine on till memo hers not wearing them His funds got quite little boost Never came across so many tired people in my life Following The Examiner staff party Wednesday night people have been wandering around here in what resembles comatic condition Personally am heading off to sleep for week as soon as this piece is finished It was quite party Old Boy Storey of the loudhued shirts arrived early blowing whistle referee was not necessary though as we were all wellbehaved Janie paraded around barefoot with pcrplcxcdrlook trying to think of something shecould write about it Bob Chittick strived manfully to play piece on saxophone but did not Art Hopson set out early to prove that he was out for hondrs in the balladgroaning com petition while Alf Shepherd did his best to drown out everything with his saxand did Our com manderinchief waxed lyrical over his goodbyes to de parting staff member and his hellos to newcomers although seemed he was running into sticky patch at one point Quoth he Some people come and go while others arrive and depart Which after all is the same thing but coming from our editorial chief who always cuts our stuff to rib bons withthe injunctionSay it in as few words as possiblewell mean tosay This column also takesthis op portunity of saying goodbye to staff member Joyce Irwin and wishing her all happinessin her forthcoming marriage to Ray Mos ley the unveiling of the Statue of Lib erty in New York harbor in 1887 One million personLuzltnessedfw MILDRED BILLING world fam ous harpisl who plays here Thurs day evening April 24 at the Roxy Theatre in the final concert Of the current Community Concert seriesl One of the outstanding harpisls of our time she has received world recognition as the undisputed Queen of her Domain In addition to her fame as musician Miss Dilling has many other distinctions She has prob ably the worlds finest collection of harps and of books and other ob jects pertaining to this instrument She is the author Of two best selling volumcs for harpists Old Tunes for New llarpists and Thirty Little Classics She has given seven invitation concerts in the White House and the teacher of IInrpo Marx REVAMPED LETTER STYLE Use of the letter in place of the long in English literature was first adopted by John Bell publisher who died in 1831 an NIH mm LUMBURG H3 CF The fishing Ian which burned and sank at We wharf two months no la expected to be ready to resume her fishing career shortly The drawer wu reoated and awed to the yards here where repairare being com pleted CAXADA HAS TREE VARIETY Of more than 125 varieties of Canadian trees 33 species are coniferous commonly called soft woods Absorbs quickly Softens like cream Nonsticky Delicater fragrant CASHMERE SS TWOJlOTTLE SPECIAL s119 Value ONLY BARRIE IR High Street ORNAMENTAL 0N WORKS Phone 5046 PORCH RAILS STEEL FOR SALE LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED BLACKSMIIIIING WELDING ALEX CLELAND Proprietor we could possibly shy about Our amazing heifer SAIIITOIIE Dry Cleaning would tell IIIIII us much as the first suit or dress we cleanifor youWont you III us or one in anII CLEANERS LID FOR BErTER KINDOF DRY CLEANING THE NEWEST sriLEsin Al ValIN WHORE IOKLQOICJIIQC mi 950 Ill VObeIn IRENE Hamil gold rw um 96 Iv stanchionca Gwen Gillll WAiCHEs PHONE553 suewe year andlevery Shim smegma lends

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