Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1952, p. 13

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THORNTON ASSESSMENT Continued from page ten meat of his neighbor or similar property in the municipality The fact that his assessment 3151 and the tax rate is on mills or who thzr his assessment is $3006 and the tax rate is 30 mills does not change the actual tax dollars to be paid from $9000 However he is concerned when his 85563531112111 is same and similar value property is only assessed for $2500 80 equalization and proper as iwhen Mrs Brothel of Bond Head Olene McQuay lst VicePresident Evelyn Black Secretary and Joan Pearson Treasurer Brian Altman APRIL lkts Fred Grout 25 spending Plaster work with rela tzvcs in Niagara Fall and Buffalo Organ Minion Bind it Tuesday afternoon very happy event took place in the base merit of Trinity United Church Mission Band Prckbyicrial Secre tary organized Mimion Band here There were 20 joined Paul Lennox was elected Prairienu infantry School Spa r$ and Ding Fryer TUEDEEB 31km Toronto spent Easter with Mr and Jim chsldren Ciioklviile spent Eastcri STEELES comers ANGUS Alde maa 3an Sturgeon APREL lirMr and lifts Dean gunrum 3m ittexcrzd With the farmers par Mrs liammuud 34 Widdiem and 3mm Nwl ill hf um 3dr Linwoml Still Mr and Mrs Woodrow andlmamet Gimme days with Mr an Mm Leslie Ruse Mm William limiter Elmer with Mr and Mr McMnckon Mr and Mrs Philip Framer and alm Mrs Hatchet and Barry Mr and MW Calvin Kirby andlduugllmr Silo Lookout spent mm Llluil last Weik with then My 133 gm gimme 5mm gm Eater with REV and Mrs Fraur fpaiems Mr and Slim Ernest Jiliifr mm and wnlmm Mas ilelbriurno Lind Mr and Mrs Emmi fuming mm Tuxgum mm kiwi Mylljlrlllllr Mill children of hg Easier wwknd Miss Alma Frazer Jarraits Con Mr hub liltf spent the Easter weekend 9H Jul Mic ML am Mr and Mm Commer entertainer with her parents Congratulations to Mr and gmdfm Mr and Armstmng LOU 3054 Wilkinson on the hull of dr and Mn Greg lbw Torry dun spent Enswr it Mrs Deans baby gm in the RQm Vlcmrl mm on mmm in is World Friends Secretary The and Trial htigrtiill wmt Sunday Mr and Mrs Ballllll M1551twml Barri leaders are Mrs Simpson Mrs guru or Mr 3nd Mrs EmuWeairangvvzllospem Easterwuh The YPU plav from Churchill Carr and Mrs Ivan Maw Altcr mam Dr and Mr West was very mucb enjoyed Moudayl 1mm tea was Spry by members Mr and Mrs an BL and Mr and Mrs Leslie Rose spent night in the United Church 11le 3V8an Auxuwiy Ms Brown Petcrburuugli wcrvlme weekend ih Ml and Mp5 535 imam bl he Ulldl Mr and Mrs Boake at EllvlCZ guests of Mr and Mrs ErnWlddlld Ncwmnrker ichurch choir tended the funeral Of Mr Stewarti sessme should make its start in the local municipality before it can be applied as test against lllc equalization and assessment mn er municipalities mums tut Bill Jilllll Blll vitunvrl lltlzllt tery to clean up the grounds and been made in the Years put them in Shape Or the new his busy my Kllltli irv mi mull tllp tn Iun Fmri Tin it Citlu carctakcr Will all plot holders wwwWJHUL33 Killian interior of abuildingiswcllpainted Sietfngefmf and tamin in the death or Mr Jor 7th Birthday or decorated Neither does he rate rdm lllV Mlmdl mommg Th Th 13 UNIW3 11 PWS the value of buildings higher bc cause of good roof or envelrougll ingor well kept lawns flower beds paved driveways fences etc llow ever he should not reduce the assessment because of the lack of any of these items until such luck has caused an actual costly physical depreciation He should keep in mind however that badly laid out buildings lack of natural light and the poor loca lion etc of property will def initely reduce the value llc should not penalize the good citizen who improves his home by such items as hardwood flooring or mas tic tile floors fireplaces attached oil burners panelling builtin cup boards etc While all of thcsc items are legally assessable yet the taxpayer whose home has these1 features does not receive any extra municipal service because of them and in some instances receives less Items which are more or less standard as plumbing electric lighting and hot water or hot air furnaces are assessable and should be included at fair chatgt The elimination of the assessment on items which are more or less frills assists in equalizing not only the assessment but also the taxes paid work to commence at one oclock if possible TOTTENHAM APRIL 15 Mr and Mrs Bill Agnew Willowdalc Spout the weekend with the lotters parents Mr and Mrs George Butt Miss BettyJean Hagen who has just completed tour of the Unitvd States spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Gus Hagen Mr and Mrs Crozier and fam ily spent Easter in Torunto Rev and Mrt Duke and son are in Toronto this week Mrs Kelman and sister Mrs Dale Schomberg spent Tues day with friends in Barrie Kenneth McLean and daughterL Elizabeth Windsor spent Sunday Beam sum wrth the formers parents Mr zmu Mrs McLean George Hill spent few days rc Tough Miss Pixie Dorrian spent Easter with her parents at the parsonage The Late PJ Doyle away on Sunday pril in Stev enson Memorial spital Allisten for the municipal services which lot the age of 74 He had been are available for our use ilifelong re idenl of this com Next weeks article will deal with the assessment of farm property etc Sunnidale Corners Young Poples Society APRIL 14YPS met at the home of Mrs Norris with splendid at tendance Scripture reading was by NoreenAtkinson Prayer was given by June Culham very interesting and well prepared topic was given by Mrs Norris on The Christian and His Reading Ben ediction by Rev Mr Jack closed the meeting Womens Imtltuto March meeting of WI was held1 at Mrs Galbraiths Mrs Wil liam Smith presided Attendance eight members an dtwo visitorsu Roll call answered by Uses of Salt Mrs Lougheed health conl vener had charge of the meeting munlly on was seen every day lOnly rece 1y he became ill and was laken hOSpiial He leaves to mourn one sister Marlon Mrs McDermott Tottenham with wit he resided Funeral was heldWednesday morning from the home of his sister to St James Church Colgah for Requiem Mass at oclock Interment in St James Cemetery Colgan He was laid to rest in coffin made by his ownhands many years ago to be used for his burial COULSONS HILL mr and Mrs Charles Edney spent Easter weekend with their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Mel Holt Langstaff ers of Bethel iMrs Jack Martin is under duc tots care We wish Mrs Martin is quickly restored to health paper Sunshine is good but take it in small doses was given by Mrs Earl Lemon poem Smiling Through was read by Mrs Lougheed list of the many uses of saltrwas prepared by Mrs Carruthers Community singing and lunch brought the meeting to close Glad to report Mrs Evans home from Toronto General Hos pital after her operation William Ivery has returnedfre visit to Ireland They hadjust finished their seding in Ireland when he left Good Sailing both ways Miss June Bates and Ann Buie spent their holidays with Mr and Mrs Doug Giffen Edenvales Mr and Mrs Norman Brown Mr and Mrs Jim Brown Peggy and Cathy spent the weekendrwith Mr and MrsMe1 Bates Doug Milne spent the holiday with his parents Sncere Sympathy of this com munity is extended to the bereaved family and friends of Edwin Rog lieu mm Sorry to report John Thompson is confined to bed We hope Mr Thompson will soon be wellagain Mr and Mrs Mel Thompson Miss Jennie and Russell Thompson vis ited Mr and Mrs Philip Schell in Orillia on Sunday Henry Corbett is home from Gra venhurst Hospital We welcome him back Mrs Adeline Norris is spending holidays with friends in Windsor Skinny men mm gain51015 lbs Get New Pep VimVigor mm thrill Bony limbs fill out ugly hollow fill up neck no longer scrawny body loses mil curved sickly bennlmlei look Thousands sins women men who never could gain helm on now proudof shapely lieadthylooklng both They manktho spelllul awbuilding llasuoulldii mo 08 Jul willmotlmulum inuential Iron vitamin B1 calcium enrich blood nip0 19th had dlmlon so fond given you mm strong and nourishment mu limit on bare hour Don ear settlng eon fat Bron when ruuvn mm the l0 15 or 20 lbs you need for nurmnl weighs costs lime Now not acquaintul mu duly out Try famous mtrex ljnnlc Tablets for new vim andaddodoonuds this very day At ul autumn Patrick Joseph Doyle passed While it is not entirely possible in lilmvale on Monday with mam nth mm MW 1233lrp 321 mg receive from munitipnlity still wmube 33 C3 rSBOVElS CAPT KIRBY Adjutant Of the Royal Can lit grzmdpzironu it the tariir lmmr some 903955 310W 13 has Zldlllll School of Infantry in one of the few quiet moments in 341 Mummy and me tluuE iservicc was in the United Church APRlL llwltlr and Mrs Fmil MCWhirmey Toronto spout Easter with Mr and Mrs Hurry Allen Rodger Desjardinc Long Branch land Joe Norman Welland visited lLlllllVCS in the village last work Charles lcddlcz spent the Easter lholiday with Buddy Schell in Imw onto Mrs Nichols Barrie spent the lIOlldEy with Mr and Mrs George Schtll J00 Trllfll and Dorothy Dumond Toronto and Melville Orser Barrie were home for the holiday Cnrthy on winning Dolly Green back doll dressed with 25 one dollar bills at the Easter annual dance in Stayncr The community extend sincere isymputhy to the Schell family on the death of their brother Alf cenuy With Mr and MW BrucgtSCltell in Dctroit Sunday morning BETHTSDA APRIL 14Mr and Mrs Lorne Pearson and Janet Toronto visited recently with Mr and Mrs David Pearson David James and Howard Pcar son attended the funeral of Harry Thurlow at Elmvale last week Mr and Mrs Bruce Mayes visited friends in Bcoton on Sunday Mrs Ed Bailey and Ronnie vis ited for several days last week in Toronto Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Ed Bailey were Gordon Bail ey and friend and Shirley Bailey Toronto Beverley Smith is spending the Easter holidays with her cousin Lloyd Wade Toronto Mrs William Copeland and Mrs lJoe Roulslonrnltended the funeral of Fred Reynolds at Stroud last week Mr and Mrs Albert Turner Di ane Yake George Shannon Cooks villo and Ruby Yake Toronto vis ited on Friday with Mr and Mrs Albert Mailing Mr and Mrs Orville Marling and family visited Mr and Mrs John Way Caledon East on Sunday Mr and Mrs George Parker Streetsville visited Mr and Mrs Harold Parker on Saturday Mr and Mrs Harold Parker and Ernest visited in Toronto on Mon day Mr and Mrs Harold Brolley Ivy visited recently with Mr and Mrs Chalmer Mayes Duncan and Carol Ann Coutts spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Alan Gates Barrie and Mr and MrsCharles Stone Grungeville visited on Friday with Mrs William Copeland Larry and CarolStone Orange ville are visiting for week with Douglas Rodgers The community extends sympa thy to Mr and Mrs Leslie Smith on the suddon death of Mr Smiths father and mother Mr and Mrs James Smith Toronto Mr and Mrs Fred Morris Le froyanclMr and Mrs Veral Morris and family Toronto visited on Sat urday with Mr and Mrs Carman Kindle Mr and Mrs Walter Abrams Vis ited relatives ianottcnham onFrl day Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Robinson onthebirth of son April in Alliston hospital Mr and Mrs Cari Copeland George and Billie of Lakevilaw visithrecently with Mrs William Copelfnci Morris and David Gallaug Miss Betty Sweeney and Mrs HAWKE$IQNEJT APRIL 15 mus Whiforlthq nuttdwv dnvi Burhwnirlokin Gallaugher Toronto Spent weekend with Mr and ers Rod Gallaugher and Lorne Toronto spent Eastr holidays villi aridsta Irwin McMahon Swoob Townto spent Easter weekend with Mr worrisome Leigh and Mrs R055 Mawbmboy and HelenAnderSon Toronto spent thewbolldayskwitlt gird Mrs Anderson Melville Dolph of Port Joyce Dolph Toronto an Mr and MmiWimed idohnsom Baas Lake Were recent Visitors at Congratulations to Rickie Me Mr and Mrs Davis Wednesday The Jordan family lived in tho village number of years befuru moving to Port Sydl ney and were recent visitors at the home of their soninlnw and daughter Mr and Mm Cecil Rich ardson Mr and Mrs Stewart Termini spent few days with their dauglt ter Mr and Mrs Ted Johnston Miss Loreen Johnston attentich the SlcssorCooper wedding in OD illin on Saturday Mr and Mrs Frank McDonnell and sons spent the weekend inf Toronto Lorne Sutton and Miss Flo Davis Toronto spent the weekend with to Meet April 23 The Womens Institute will meet at Mrs Harry Kendalls Wednes dny April 23 at pm Mrs Pugh of Shanty Bay will be the speaker Motto You get from your comi munity just what you put into it Food conveners Mrs McDougl 1311 Mrs Sinkinson Mrs Davis andl ers Prophet The Oven Meals course is to be at Mrs James Hursts 130 pm April 24 and 25 Conducted by Miss Marion Wrighm Toronto Anyone wishing to take the course is welcome Mr and Mrs Crawford Leigh and daughter Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leigh Don Crawford and Miss El eanor Leigh Toronto were home over the holiday Miss Gray To Speak Miss Frances Gray of the Wm mens Training College Toronto will be the speaker at the evening service at St Aidans Sunday ev ening April 20 at 730 She will also speak at the 230 pm service at East Oro Everyone who can should hear Miss Gray as She is forceful speaker and very interest ing Mr and Mrs Langford and dau ghters Toronto and Miss Orma Johnstone Parry Sound spent the holidays with the Misses Lottie and Beatrice Johnstone Mr and Mrs Harold Pugsley and family Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Pugsley Mr and Mrs Earl Davis and Mr and Mrs Alvin Rutherford Orillia spent the weekend in Toronto ourbao Gilford WMS April meeting of Gilford WMS was held at Mrs JohnKells with 16 members and two visitors Aft er singing Never Further From the Cross Mrs Robert Bayes read lltllil Church plcivnltd Mll Mac Slurgout will life member slnp illll pm Ml lllt UCCilSlml Ul lltl liTlii birthday last Friday iij the llullltj of lirr grandson Rulier Sturgeon Bradford Canadas Brent Mr and Mrs Walter lltld mti family Sand Hill called at Lin home of Mr and Mrs Norman Din vis on the way limm from tlmizi cultng ll Simona Enoch Mr and Mrs Frank Brown Scotch Settlement and Miss Emily Gnrdmi Bradford were Friday li itors at the Gilltltlltl homo Mr and Mrs Dales Mri la and M15 Earl Dales and familyl VV voru Sunday gunsts of Mr and Mrs Lon Gibbons Stroud Noonu Can Bu World from Isaiah 53 fouovved by prayer Roll call was answered by using the word Seasons in verse Boxes or used Christmas cards have been given to The Daughters offthe Empire at Tommie Mrsu Gilson Sawyer presented her two daughtersinlaw Mrs Eben and Mrs Gervin Sawyer with life mem bership certificates of the WMS while their unit Miss Reba Roth well pinned on the WMS pins These two new life members will be the delegates to the Presby terial meeting in Beeton An in structive Rand interesting talk was given by Mrs Neivcombe on Trini dad where she and Rev Newcombe will soon be taking up their work as missionarieuond he as principal of the Normal School at aSan Fernando It is an island whose population is cemposed chiefly of Africans Chinese and 30 East Indians Mrs Baker rang dered solo Sacred Head New Wounded after which the meet ing was closed bytheapresidentprw nouncing the benediction The hostess and her assistants served delightful supper Falls Mr and mlesennelt and family Newjlomntp an onto visitedkelatives here Mr and Mrs Arm Miller family and frind 0E Brlh Grove spent the holidayw1tlr relatives andMrsGerald Spider and Harry visited Mr and Mrs Leiglb ton Snider Mr andiMrs EMMlller ME and Mrs EdEQr50de57 MissErnosneGatdinemd ck Fuller Torontoi spent Good Fri with Mr and Roy om Mr Mrs Douglas Wilson in minor Mrs Howard hell omiito spent Easter holiday orwhblsom romeo visited at riewere with Wood

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