Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1952, p. 9

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LISTEN 1N6 POST News of interest To Junior Farmers ceceeece Mwywwwcceeeweeecol By HANCOUC Montcalm mwc coouuxm 3Association ChoiCe Barley VGWY JUNO Farmers High Potato Judge Alex Spence FRIDAYWH 21 Historic Link With Past Found At Goldwater Skating Show Producer Hos Fine Record as Instructress Ctlcli lAnnuaI Meeting Of County Orange onomonowouomono lYoung Britons Guest of Elmyai Iub Elmvale One bag foundation sued lutetoes by North Summit Seed CtllATERlit looking through er ormer In wn On March 11 Elmvale Jumorilotato Growcrs Coop liclSUllLli rlfccts llarrv Martin UUV En Farmers played hm to zaSc wd oldthltci mmmm Cltllit out It mm min MORRIS my year 35 happy gathering EUEEEHEPZTKSE 031 JoLngeg Mlid minif illlrlgtllllg pictures of the vi5 Vt ugh 13mm tauntQ1 or mt Slm we 111 may If Jim WWW addrrtd lhlland RR Threering cloth lace taken lztrlllld the turn of theI try Young People no Ar Mrllltt only cullhpm in group and showcd colored slidcslbound loosclcnf notebook century ltltti 115 in lllL plmm lei mirth Iill our proli which renewed Junior Farmer acqaaikcs county womj mspkmmg mid Ug mm mnmm hmcnnl llgtctlltlr 1H leim Ultlld be when But frank 1951 D0 mm mmmmid Wines in North Simcoc duringlyurm Simcmr munwkms Hm of ya ll Will rend of the ly Alzlcilcztn ticuls and liti With humorous poem by Wilson Ignoro Farmers 96 buildings and thr gtlrtt hoto lhc tffcclgtllc31tI tinge dung lltIUlt our eyes ii Th LBlLlelc othcl lllllil1ilktlllt of 1t minim of liltht ul Lltlxvt lltflvls laughing 1159 ironnc ulancc of the evening was spent in social nctileOId InterClub uu 1hr winners lint mm 11ml if titlll liuni tluzmzm mm 41111 vllul tic III itgnllll lll illc Church gt lmtvt tinny mm lng ti ltlllt nt trying to put cuppinmvnl wigglwlzml that they con xtltltnlnl inc mpc of their Tom can botst in excellent ru um Elnwalc Club and Dun Hay Operated by he Bmim Anmuotd to mid mtlmlmnzn Icn Nights MunW ilxl 101ml ml UllltS 03 lix Stunttitties the work the Glenoru Club March 17 at Farmers When they mermmm15mg Sewing Mtlllllt Cotilllmlt th Fl UV 313 Willi l5 hm skating party in Guthrie rink lvmmrs mm WWC 93 lost his lilc According to Clcrk Itlic latter has at Clear pltllllt of thi front of the old Britta Arms Hotel tttcs ancng and lunci Aroundl nn 75 allcrldilmt vzttci llltllltllliil public library now lutzl lucidvl llll ilt Stiltictililcgt lllt tlll WCGWIH JUNO Fillmcrs Clllbi llcilllct Chester Martin tlusl Oi H7 mm Km qumw mm Lct inc cutrzm not be iii lelll Au It llzbllul nsttlmu Jumor Farm NI IL inll dull dill bl 115 quartg toy in nztl 11m Ltc Hm twig Sun lllllts luv lcftlll III titItII LI IIIII Pesonaes Tue cvonmg program included Loldwnters offlcml iccoid of KIIKIEI II3II IIIIW Mm Inhqlmung Mummm5 buy Iltt wurtt tit broombull games for the girls asltlcuths 31mm WIT NINI Him we iomx wcmcnI ml Imlt thin iiIlIc in 2llll11gtllgt No To 053 lounge $0113 mt boyde mxlu 0ft mm or 11 NR Lmm mm NAN HUI hqlm mm it Hl 11 lftxcrl executive of any Junior Farmer 95 IUCkY 590 CH FUllthc Grand llunk shows cub Bmckwml Jill 339 on ltltt tulllln 11ml ii ml MMlm vv W0 Slll curd of Cu Club uchievmnch In apriLmdcntIof flit Ttkcs uIlIllI undItht Billldlld House notv thL III II Bur WWI much gumlelm ttllrlll min In tIl Ill tIhILI 11 LXPIWMd DclllSUn llUlCl tum Church lllllt underline resources in 0U M315 lht Om BO Ecol G18mc1ub rm most 10wa It vt 0d jdlf Club he has placed fourth Among those who operated liven hm mm nonrlv twcnty tlllS gtlHHlUdl RUM 47 JUL evening and 101 RUSS PlLSlde cm tllillutla nlnvsplztvs where mmv 5990 and 151 WW 10 hm mm Illh award 10 Ill fr Ilbllb were John Ruby Reuben Converse II IVII II III mi mm the tlllllUtls tllcmc illLbthlII uI La all mumw with bpmrukd or bilihd fklthttlltxt Hamimm BmS and MUNisonl lint mu Icifort Lun hinh cn bwmypmlvh meh imam 111 gt Clark to represent their club at Up Lbhm Ccorgc Cuswcll lrnnk Noble and1 thoumu ucn boundless resource 1m mi mm thxmln mwu IIIIIIII IIIIIIIHICS and clubs relevant to our slllltlllllll two years in the North Simcoc Junior Farmers Soils Project and 5m time Working With his Anglican Church and Sunday of the slmcm Lounl Olml Mldnmm mt mm lct xuliport thc mch for rather he hasboen able to in School bumle in 1909 during Red is lllS Svculltl ycur its library board et II II IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII SImcue Cami crease the productivcness of the Sheppards ministry The fire II member High praise was puldIto Bu 13 ugly comic 1ligt wt IIIIIIII home farm significantly At the Stfllitd in the Parish Hall where gt lb UH wnmmmo1 nus Em p0 Sunday School classes were held xf lmndc particularly through lllS mm suck from Squusllum and spread to the church The rcc Im fully of 2mm gtttltlt$ put II Elmvnle Club would be purists of Marlll 17 by the WWW JUUWTillg zit tln hotel tcpltsmltntivc oil of Gleam0 Junior jimmcrst Club J0 BOYUWT SlCImml4WWW 0f mg ll one limo in addition to thusc WWWWI premium 0f ML 01 WT Ilium Plays Wth Scenes of Culdwntcrs main street out of 30 teams competing and had II II IIIII II IIIIII kc The Death of II STWT cotLEGAYE etly llllS is not to oil that com Eplett street and Gray street show the honor Of placing highest in In Bond mm mm xndlmd is Snicsmun The Grapes of Wrath lull il remarkable changes Shown is Anmcrs QUCSllOHS by Obtain viow of the Botland Block vhiclil mg an average score or 116 marks is now MINns novelty 5mm ll ll timclt Munv yr lhc Ltlbl Weekend is pro There is also picture of St Matl 15ml Barrio wns unanimously rc LIIUIL IWIII CUIIIIIIIIUUM incumth wmmem thins Church zmd rectory cncloscdl 1elected clinirnum for 1952 Ml bmkvlpcmm llH UL to contemporary mores DIQDhelli by fence on both sidcs of coru ISimpsun ltllltltl county Clll is lies And DillllL UNI it out of possible 120 can cause one Hum U1 twining lL block with trees frUmI Tm lonc oftlicnoncounClllm illl0lllltth lllb mullmlltlm At this umuul meeting of Siulcoc unimportant Tom has been active for the past furiously to think By MO IRA GROAT which was locntcd when the Cold null Yll lI tIH Mil lllll lmv llltuh lllltnlll tlh President Bob Lumbie was in Very Lloybe kimng Purl stunds It was burned to 11101 UllltLAlnlE it ll and aimed the vl III HI CI Hivbudv the Chill and Announced that UN was held at Jame mum 03Ul 19m organization in North Simcoe is Ming the Skating Part1lumbm3 fl mil PFr5 Cllldl tltllltllo Fwd Shilt Ml nict zlzntc of villuublc lllllt One IlfIHHIIl Winch chilluvorII Ito Tom Ross OroStalion president was Wed at Umth Church W111 had SCVLlIll lleIlLS OPEN Dlxlm Dull YB 173 75 gtctlltun mum to our mind that iltlll WWI nd the Into Cllb dx might enjoy 11 Similar intmndubldtlllll Freeman 5m omp visit again before too long Ill vd 11 GULIDh They Placed flull would exhaust itgtclf in force bur rlltuildv Qu lb ltjeqllt md lllCtlllHqllLllllll come WY lllllllms lid lnlcrldmmg Achievement DayI exercises in Jan Upper hool nary he placed fifth in the second OratorlcaI Contest yezir group On top of all this Tom was dc clared county winner at the North Simcoe Junior Farmers Public Speaking Competition last fall and went on to place among the first five at the provincial competition in Toronto Toms talents and ability sug gest that Junior Farmer organiza tions in North Simcocwill profit Igreatly from his inuence during the next few years On the afternoon of March 12 the efforts of many students and teachers was brought to close The chairman Beth McLean explained the system of prizes and stated the winning boy and girl would represent the school in the zone contest The judges were Miss Florence llLchougall Reverend cherght Reverend Bcwcll Frank Dobson and several Lions tory was dismantled later The in cumbent clergyman at present oc cupies house across the rozid from handsome stone church which now serves local Anglicans Another picture shows the Mcth odist Church and parsonage side by side The church was later torn down and new one built One view shows the late Dr Boyd in fornt of his residence with two of his fine horses His hostlcr lknowledgeofmunicipnltdmimstlu Crick Aum 391mm and till ltion MRS MURIEL WIIYTE nt the some time give individunll instruction The result which will prove it When the 125 youngsmrs 0f the lsclt this evening is that every child Barrie Skillmg Chm take to melin the classes has achieved sonic ice in the Arena tonight to delightidemcc of gure skating SkiuI their ludicnccwitli this landmarklnumbur of the youlgsmrs have By CHARLES TAYLOR Examiner Staff Writer Tbt honorary Chairman Mrs Montagu Leeds Barrie prcsid ed Othcr officers appointed vcrc lCcClltllllllilll Rccvc Smith Cmnp bcll Om sccrclnlytrcusurcr Miss Elsie Dunn Barrie thcrbonrd members include Warden Jumcs Hurt Bnrric Albert Gilloy Tc cumsetlt Wood Essa Page Barric and Gibson Orilliu Buy Wlndu or Paul Wrecks thIc Vacuum Cleancl Surely life is more serious thtm this type it llti irony At its best it satir izes our contemporary manners at its worst it reaches for the belly laugh The Church Young People have been cndcnvoring for couple of LulS to interest the community in something more important They hnvc worked hard and met with Stevens is holding one horse and in the town5 skating history thehmdc exceptional progress and are hiIIh ICCCSI Bui me response from Oat Hulls And The first spczlkcr on the pro thc doctor stands beside buggy clubS first 3111111111 carnival Ueylnow already training for the pro gram was Sylvia Fisher telling how hitched toanother horse Mrs Con will also be adding yet another trimming 055 01 the Canadian pi Lnu county is not very wonderful have been studied and Ishe listened in the early hours of verse hO 35 housekeeper iS in the list Of Skillng aChiGVGmentS 0f lgurn Skating Association This lol Aliment scenes designed IVE CHANGED MY little morning to the burial ceremony 1h Picture Coultet flow Mrs Mutll Whlle DIOfeSSional OI flops only four months training Umd Immed Hebrew and Roman HULL0 Did you $8 yourlast meeting of the am ngmrgg v1 sylvm sides in the Boydlresidence Which theclub and producer of the shown Tonight zill the 125 class mcml Juli 1ueemblcd uhd wrapped MIND ABOUTTAKNG ON TIME Fifty People Waited deepened our love of this man iiot has been GXtenSiVGIY renovated comparative newcomer to Bar bcrs will take part in the carnival ung unite characters And the 20 minutes 16 manhours ata by personal history of him but Tiler5a picture of the late Mr MrsI Whyte was given the In addition to watching the youngl glamenm are always SpellboundI meeting recently because the ex by explaining what heirepresented and Mrs Sheppard Sn three backing of Barrie Recreation Com tslers graceful gyrations the publ QIVHHYOUW haw taken up the lT THlS WEEKEND ecutwe were not prepared to Start alld 115Vlle did 50 This mOVinSlChildlCn and Miss Emma Gill The mittec to begin series of classes he will be given demonstration of llcllllllulllch talk was conclude with the words group are standing in front of the in figure skating for youngstcrsttlle classes in action showing the lt ARE YOU FULLY COVERED Well 901th3 OI of Queen Elizabe We must tellie5mence formerly occupied by the during the 190132 Season llomdcglec of piogic tlllLll has been OII IIIIIII we are to Asked Iif he could play Violin Elizabeth we must tell the Queen Sheppard family and now owned by these Classes emerged the Barrw lawnmfg in their 30 lessons tom dng pLI tleI I0 IIIInk Joe replledzu Idont know Next was Carol Beaver with llROben Maconacme Skating Club which was formed Muriel however could hardly dog busy ICiltIlllIlIllZIIutii fgnmgg Perk never med lstory of Success in New Land Other scenes in the folder arc of by those parents in January 1952anything else but take so eastly tol deem Sropomonuof us Barley Chop on time Cattle rustlers stole valuable newborn calf from pasttue field in Orillia Township last fall At present livestock prices it is not only wise but necessary to con flInethe cows close to the farm buildings at calving time Junior Judging Competition Brian Jones Midland placed highest among the seniors and William Winchester Orillia high est among the novice judges at the judging competition sponsored by North Simcbe Junior Farmers As sociation and the North Simcoe branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture Contestants were required to judge six classes of gram seeds and potatoes and to identifyzo weeds and 10 forage plants The standing was as follows Novice Judges4William Win chester Orlllia RR 537 $3 Alex Spence Elmval 502 $2 Donald Fleming Elmvale 479 $1 Ronald Jones Midland RR 465 $1 Nelson Thornton Orillia RIR 455 $1 Ronald Graham Elm vale 440 $1 Senior JudgesBrianJons Mid landRR 1568 $3 Bill McClung Phelpston 555 $2 Donald McGrath Elmvale 552$1 Gordon Wright Barrie RR 532 $1 Remi Gignac PerletangRR 478 $1 Beverley McGrathrElmva1e 474 $1 SPECIALSV High Grain and Seed Judge Bill McClung Phelpgton TWO bushels regSitered seed cat or barley work of art was displayed on the loneliestlpeople in the world and in faVOur of the stat after man the history and work or Danish thb Presbyterian Church the public who wished to see this activity con immigrant Thor Hansen Mr Han school and Goldwater River tinue sen entered an educational contest Mrs Whyte began skating at the in Copenhagen wmnlnl trip to being decidedin K0 and Euro Mlnto Club just after she pasacc Japan Instead he came to Canada the judge deliberated Rim hex 8th birthday Early tumon He was first established in Saskat Keast played medlev of SonasI was given by her father and later chewan and later became staff on his tubawith naperkms in by an impresswe array of pro artist in Toronto He has promote1 the pianoI Jane Wisman and Keith feSSionals such as Fredl Berger Vi arts and crafts in this new land At recent rug fair one of his in Wildman at the piano sang um Otto Gold CzechoSlovakia Nine trlcate designs was depicting the Walk Beside You and Whispring Minem Switzerland and Mrs legend of giant Indian throwing rocks and trees into Georgian Bay whichFrormed the 1000 islands This Hope Expertly performed on the Cartwright Ebgland keyboard by Myrna Brown were Making rapid progress she was Laura Smoke Gets in Your acepted in her first year on ice for Eyes and Sweet and Lovely the Minto Follies the nucleus Stage Winners of the contest were from which the nationally famous Lorna Cunningham 59d 35 hel Girls 1Lorna Cunningham 2Laula Minto Folliettes was derived Sev toplcth fraud cusmms the Lennox 3Carol Beavecj 4Sy1via en years later Muriel wagchosen VOYaEGUIS Of Old Canada She Fisher Boys lJohn Warnica 2Tom from the 300 membersto be Junloi told 0f cosmmes cusmmarny Taciuk 3Lawrence Beech 4John ice captain of MintoI Worn by these men moccasins Martin Graduating to the mimo Club deerSkin juketsi beaded Imquj5 travelling shows which travelled and Chippewa pouChes She told Skating ithrough Canada and the United how ourpredecessors made their States Muriel began serious trips explore the Great Lakes re on wadneSdaY evening in Bar study of carnival work under club gion rig Arenav We 400 Students 911 piofessionals and such well known Laura Lennok inrecard to Whlte loved themslves at the skating producers as Melville Rogers and Cane Week used the life of the partyrrbsenfed by the Boys 1131 DonaldCruickshank both ofwhom Louis Braille as her topic In letic Society are past presidents offlie Minto small French village boy cart Some Of thelhighlights Wle the skating Club Canadian champion ing two awls had tripped and staff playing Broom Ball With the Ship holders and recently judges blinded himself The band are the studentsrThe score naturally went at the Olynumc Games Muriel passed her Bronze Test theonly way not towvbe lonely islqeuveringthgpets Some of the of the Canadian Figure Skating As thmugh bOOkS His rwrk on the teaCherS playing were Mr Kn Sociation but when working for bmme raisei latter math was Mr Mitchell Mr Walt The the Silver Test she took an interest never given credit until his death relay teams added muchexeitement in the broader field of PhySical when young tom of Ibis work will Bill McCullOughs team com Education she went to Torontos John Milo gave an account of mg in ms and 33 mid and R0 Margaret Eaton Schoolfor teacher wthetremendousamount of workre ChriStie c1059 behind the girls training in all Sports dancing and irellly teams Bel McLeanwaS recreation for girls and Women She gnulnrtfiiitedq filmrllkell ggdqilhe $12113 we muJo Mm next and yours was also member of the Toronto mm Snow Whiteand Seven trulyb1lglng NM an Skating Club at that time Dwarfs to illustrate the compile The beSt couple alike evening In Guelph sh undertook an in Smith accompanied by Elizabeth enna Gustave Lussi Switzerlahd ithe ice considering her impressivel llamin background Her fathem Major Douglas Nelles won ihcl Canadian singles championship mi 1910 and 1912 He was alsolal partner in the 1912 and 1920 airsl championship In addition to bel log me of the original 10 life rorsl of the Minto Skating Club he been test judge of the CFSA the past 30 yearsr Her brother Arthur an alllSlI and ornithologist achieved Ia not1 able reputation also in the ice world starting as professional ice comedian with the Minto Follies For four years he starred in the Sonja Henie show at thci Centre Theatre in Radio City New York He toured the USA and can add with thellceCycles for flVel years and completed two summerl engagements with this group 111 London England During the past yearhe has been touring South America with Holiday on Ice Mrs Whytes husband William Whyte is district manager for McCollFrontenac Oil Co They have one son and reside on the Shanty Bay Road Bill Whyte is the quiet man behind the scenes as secretarytreasurer of the Barrie Skating Club andcoordinator Iof production for tonights initial ice revue Reforestation Man Lake Simcoe District Cliff has worked In connection with Reforestation since 1924 in what isnow known as the Lake Simcoe District lLeeds and on his motidn shewas liarc just enmityheadedI Anyone listening to current radio fare for 53 week would be compelled to laglcc to the recent tract vhichI IStates America is laughing itself to death The writer starts off 3with this paragraph Anything for laugh On television and radio in the movtcs and news papers we see people knocking themselves out trying to entertainl SIMPSON us Everywhere you go bill ut at you Hilarious Gibson welcomed Mrs b81d510 renamed honorary chairman Mrs exchange of books 0i gIEat liter Leeds was member of the first any benefit particularly to the county library board and remain smaller llblalles unable to bu led all active member until Deccm mamY new titles This book ex change gives every town and viIlI bel lgggcrating Expenses Up lage library in Simcoe County the discussion of the 1952 budget Opportunity t0 have new ancli disclosed that the total operating changing and attractive book stock expenses would be $11500 an inifor its patrons Every allotment crease of $3000 over the previous especially selected for each cornI year The county library is munlty wnh regard to need and lit anccd by membership fees from lelCSt Communities from SevernI library and schools grant oleridge to TotteInham andIICIollnIJg $4000 from Simcoe County Council wood and Onlha are particmtmg and provincial grant of $5100lin this regular Shook exchangel One encouraging budgetary item which is taking place during thel was thehbook estimate This will first three Weeks Of March be considerably increased over last years amount Library books loanl ed to the schools are well worn by theend of the school term and about 500 will have to be re has already started though the ma jor part of the task Will be done during July and August More New Books placed The job of replacing the old books in the schoolroom loan stock Holes In Your Armor Once upon it time armor was good protection today YOU had better depend on insur ance Your insumnca protec tion might have gaps in it too Let us help you plan tilt coverage insurance program at low cost Dont delay call us today GM SieVensbn co FIRE AUTO AND OTHER CASUALTY INSURANCE 95 DUNLOF ST Phone 5201 6500 More new books will also be VHIS early WNW available to the adults in the 34 mm V33 on libraries and deposit stations casual b11515th he throu bout the clty Librarians 1135 been mm libiary board members andihterest 3st employed on ed individuals areinvited to Suggest xw was Thelma Pearson and Ron gt teaching swim NorthIISlmcoeII Crop Improvement ated production of such ChristieIITheIIeumihation skatewas tensive gggrer IbasketbauI fare We Beech hadiaslwlfpc Won by Nancy Matthew mogul inton and figure skating Canadavethg Land 015 opWmety Every one band wonderful time mg a1 htVWell imagine CHJold oftbe manyresoumescueh mm1 lg at this everpopular event 11 ulum would be as iron orelm Rainy River district that cue Ha Cur th Sudbury fot nicke12copperplatin IL sufficient to eupend most of aI permanentban titles be considered forebook tun Great giftsto medicinein the at gt availablefIWOIkmg hours Shy 55 Vsmce Mlyl purchase bid lt5f 150Mb camera diabetes Our junior boys basketball tbam dPY Muneli 315 taught idancmfg 5193 He 15 The policy regarding book loans have blzenflbysuclr men aisBanting blamed Niagara FailISCdllegiateron fplkl WWW tap and vmodvem gr8dufile ml was discussed atlerjgth Though thee 5312 h$tiibl dar1hele are Vast expanses Sim IThe score of in 12nd which hoveneVerbeentoumilaercollegiateCOSSA game was great Interest 51 PSdjmd if nmwmhmd is the PFE posm stations recewe they alloy edandtberelarenowlhardygmins NiagaraFalls53BaXlrie 370n the gulekalmglarmval quelp Sent me engagedm lemon mens malurmmm 99me Vi hjslfdr basis of these scores the Barrie lfgs illiwlflwleallgiiira gill liaidlsogcafclml Aldqdbyhlslpotulenand ami squadstoadseconoutolmagam resMu oxides care served 011th Phymal Educauqn Vaggty Ji39391152 l$1l9 9WPQP gctggiwgetggEonghpeugymenc Peterbeirslugh commtm m1mtwasm mmmem one my and II Bar Protct ycumvxestpment QMWIACWSMIIAV othhatI yeaghtehagagliieslkggg gn From IIISylva Magazines lethatdeqilateiinbmncer We use Mew 8mg ad Cnmetaclth ed we Smashed bribe Simon mxlmtm vi jag ncgggtian cannon meIleImuf 35mm lforthe BRC during an experiment NATIVE AREA Wt irethat is 19 lb at mo it March 1951 Afterthis Zululand annexed to the Union expewvem no Staucmhe The camerach my WtWtk bDDFEEWSf TEMPtE Proceeds for tile Cancer Italic anthihroquS ChidsIIBSch no es and the Recreatin Committeedecided oilSouth Africa in 1897compri$esf the ear 911 sum classes am Wmds of me am one caseoldoing little bitmorethanv Onceagain however it was lI II 1I IthIIotherperson animuelbegan II toocliildfemton and time dingsystem for blind persons vaeimve1 experimontlintiachlng blind from the age of gure skating vthere mitten is given in vidually to gentiaugreups II 195 blust Whytes mo tion Was to besides ling 01cattle is opted province of Cochabamba in roviding large for its

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