Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1952, p. 12

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ulnar Wu 1952 TbsHr and to Roberti the Barclay Euchre nod An enjoyable tuchre and dance Club at their home Satwas held in the community hall mm cream Kama lira Wdton Harris and hardly Wt ovtr Sunday at thei at In liarrts sister Mn Westbrook Cobourg The Young Adult Club of the Untied Church enjoyed social time It the panonage Tuesday ev Her many friends will be glad to know Ann Whitaker was suffi ciently recovered from her recent mention in Toronto to return to ht ham here on Sunday Norman Palmer wont to Gravcm buns on Monday where in has accepted position for the summer Recent visitors included Sam Gordon North Bay with his bro ther Charles Gordon and othcr relatlvcs Mr and Mrs McAr thuf and family Warminster Mrs Robert Kerr Toronto Mr and Mrs Partridge rind Mrs Tuck Dalston with Mrs Frcd Wiccr AyersAdhcns chdlng MARCH l7Congrotulntions to Mcrvyn Ayers and Kay Adkcns who were married in the Chapel of Metropolitan Church Toronto on Friday March lev wort attended by Dorothy Ayers as bridesmaid and Charles Wright 215 groomsman Mr and Mrs George Ayers Mary and Evelyn were guests The couple loft on trip to New York On return they will make tltir home To ronto St Patricks Tea and Sale successful St Patricks ten and sale of homemade baking was held Saturday in the community ball by the ladies of the Presby tcrlan Church The ladies would like to thank all those who patron ized The hall floor certainly looks lovely after having been sanded rind renished and adds much to appearance on Friday by Innisl Chaptcr OBS Euchre prizes were won by Mrs Dora Beamigh anl Mrs Frrri Mulholland Mens prizes went to Mrs Richardson and Mr Fair burn Dancing was much enjoyed it the smooth floor to the Mul hollaud orchestra Proceeds go to the Eastern Star donation to tho homital Spot dances were won by Mrs Mel Martin and Miss Bit rlic Mulliolland donated by Mr Whitty of Allandnlc All enjoyed thc evening Presentation To Ron Davies The Young lcoph of the Uni ted Church met at Mr and MN Leo Gibbons The evening was spent playing games and social Don Wicc rcnd an appropriate ad dress to Ron Davies and Kny Gibbons presented him with lovcly travelling case Ron was vcty much taken by Stllpllsi but mndc it fitting reply We regret that iii the listof Rod Cross canvzisxcrs for this district published inst week two nzurwslnmpyim about 3mm mp plumI were omitted Mrs William Lucns and Mrs Lloyd Webb Mrs Burt Simpkin is visiting ltcr mother in Waterloo this work Stroud Womens Institute are holding it cuchrc and dance on Fri day night cummumw hmWidcntnl oven in wiutor in sumo Soc Coming Evontsfor details The calf club boys are looking for membcrs If any of lht boys or girls from the ages of 12 to 20 interested in taking this splen lid opportunity should contact Allen Lcnnox NEW LOWELL MARCH lTMrs Bell and dau ghtcr of Barrie called on Mrs Edith Curler Saturday Miss Wilma McGillivray and girl friend of Toronto spent the weak and with the folmers parents Mrs Att Rowe and children Ccntrnlin are spending two weeks Me vgrch 20 with Mr and Mrs Oscar Rowe The Womens Institute tnccts onl Thursday March 20 under thin Agriculture converters Mrs Hubbert and Mrs Alex Black with Bob Duff spent the weekend with Ray Snook of Toronto lrLsh Programat School Open night was held on Friday William Gibblns Speakcr R0int the school Grcat credit is due call Canadian industry and where located The ladies are re birthday cake for the InstituteI in Stroud England number of the young farmer minded to bring something for thesplay or work done by the mums Miss Matthews on the grand dis also to Miss Ross music teacher An Irish program was presented with Mr Thomson as chairman senior chorus When Irish Eyes from here which included Haroldmm Smiling recitation Ilrwin and Ralph Robertson Ross Huh bert and Fraser Campbell accom panied by Keith McRuer went to Guelph on Saturday for the gran sllage day MINESING MARCH l7Mr and Mrs Ever ett Mountjoy Froudc Sask visited with their aunt Mrs George Plowright and cousins Mr and Mrs Plowright Mns Muir is fvisiting her niece Mrs Alden at St Petersburg Flor ldzi See Dr lves Pictures Collier junior chorus duct Gary Duff and Tom Tivmdnlc recitation Norinc Duff solo Irwin Collier recitation Alice Knowles junior ichorus soloII Norine Duff music Albertand Martin Lamcrs recita tin Rosy Van Kaathoven duct Joan Dcsjardine and Margaret iSliocmnkciI Imonologuc Alice Knowlcs Ijunior chorus senior chorus recitation Margaret Shoe maker The chairman called on those of the school board who were present Messrs Cmruthers David son and Grant Mlss Matthews MISS Ross and the chairman also spoke light lunch was served by the pupils GRENFEL limc have soon thcm In win lttlnl of Euchre fates MARCH limlltc third euchrtr Ithc series war held last Wednesday iwith the usual large crowd and lgranrf evening was entnycd by ail lrile winner were as loiluwyii Ladies Mm Grenville Iiighc Mr Girvan Sawyer llbun Sawycz Men lfcrb Hughs Sr Erotic Steele Bay Cannom Miss Neilly rrltilllttl on sister Mrs Funlct Coiling wood who is ill prescnt 11 patient In hospital Victoria Square Home From Southern states Mr and Mrs If llutlmtll liavc returned from trip to titt south as for IS Charleston Southi Carolina Douglzn ttns Spttiitliy intrigued with tho fivmmilc bridge over tho James Iimr Virginia 21 wondurtul font of viiginccring It not only spans tho water but the swamp lands on either sitlc Visit of Evening lrosbcaks flow nice to llttli of thc Ftttflll visit of the owning grnsbcuks to lilt zmnom home It was gor goous sight to soc the lowly lil said Mrs Cumiom tilltl the first for they ttimully trawl about 111 small bands visiting localitim where the food supply is tho most abundant and are rcgarilcd as ac pnits of America Ihc late Dr Ilrcrctnn of Barrio cuttearctl tlic evening grosbtak to the pcoplc of Simcoe County and to tho readers of The Barrio Exmnincr EDENVALE Womens Institute MARle 17 Womcns Instituto held the March meeting at Mrs Bert Maws with an attendance of members Roll call was nnwcrctl by My must embarrassing mo ment which caused much merri mcnt Mrs Rupert gave good paper on the motto better citizcn means better world Mrs Goodfcllow citizenship conven cr took charge and callcd on each member to give oneminutc speech on prominent people Mrs Giffen gave Splendid talk on her recent trip to Florida An ex hibit of your first picture and sing ing of God Save the Queen brought the meeting to close The hos tesses Mrs Carson and Joyce Partridge served lunch Mr and Mrs Donald Gitfon and Gary Centre Vcspra visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mawl Word has been received here of the death of former highly rel Spected citizen in the person of Samuel Campbell at Rothcsay on Miss Alma 823mb Four Month Ill Dies in Toronto East General Following an illness of nbou four months Mass Alma Btl Monday horn her Wiliivr stay toin passed away ti the East Gen California and is now with llLt curl Hospital Toronto on Sunday Feb 10 Sum in Midland daughter of the Intr Mr and Mrs lfcnry Brittain Mr and Mrs Robert litIi and silo urn from that town to Win daughtcr liclcn Mrs Frank Krilnqpg age of five years In and Clarence Keii 31W SUMHY 13 itlitittl whom there and later fin igtlwtl her cducution in Toronto About 1917 Miss Brittain joined thc staff of the Robert Simpson Company hurl was with that firm until tin time of her illness Slab was Conservative and was quite active in Sunday School work in Simpson Avtuuc Unitei Church Wlitlt she was Secretary lrcnsurcr for long time Tho funeral was hold at Elmvaic on Iltutsday Fob l3from tilt l$ltop Funeral Home with servici llkli by Rev Morris of Simpson of St Johns Unitcd Church Elm vnlt Oliver irigg Einio Chapman and vltoginnlti Dlilliilll livautiful flowurs were sent by tho ltoburt Simpson Co the Phil Unilcd Church Waverley Friends and many others by friends and rel atives who attended from Toronto Barrie Midland Athcrloy Buffalo Wmctlcy and llillsdale Of the fnmily there are four sisters surviving Mrs George Buu tllnnnahl of lhornloe Mrs Drinkill Louie New Liskcmd and Miss My rtlo Toronto Willitinlnjiibaking pies At Alliston Hospital Everett Correspondence Residents of Everett and dis iston following short lllnCSS Margaret thking mmnbcr of the United Church and Avcnuo UnitLI Church Toronto nssistcd liy ltcv Itcynolth Inllbrnrcrs were Owen French Ilnrry Cilflltltii Elmer French ithtn Class of Simpson Avenue Bowman lEvnl Elmvalc Mrs It Brother of Robert Loking bolirriswood lie rook ttp fuming Ifor five years at Silverbroolr and gtater the couple moved to Mul rum mm ms to mm mm Chang by CM gthen retired purchnoed the home an mu WINng 5a Imam In Allen Kill in Everett nd took top residence there for the declin 133 years attire Mr Lalclng was Presbyterian und always active in all church matters He had served on the Village Board for number years and was one of those grand Igurn who arc ever ready to lendI helping hand to any one in need He had formed in the hard way practicniiy all by hand in his Etimc was worker and took great pride in his home and in keeping it tidy Of friendly nature be derived great pleasure from meeting the trains each day and the people ithcre and will be missed portic ulnrly in good weather from his chair on the vcrandah by those who piliStld his home Ihc funeral was held on Friday March from the Thomas chapel lin Alliruon where the service was taken by Rev If Maltland of Alliston and was one of the larg cst held there Interment was in Alliston Union Ccmttcry with the following nct Avcning Wilfrcd Mills Crectnorc Wilfred Mills Lisle James Ald Alliston George Peacock Everett The mom was banked with many beautiful flowers from the family rvlatives and friends and included Church Mrs Laking died some time ago of Everett two daughters Mrs John Mills Pearl of Avcning land Mrs Johnson Olive of Oak villc one brother Robert Laking mtrrie one sister Mrs William Crosson of Limerick Saskatche iwzm There are also cight grand children Mrs Charles Packard 9O Formerly Of Barrie Dies At Brockville ztBlquVillC Recorder and Timesl After lengthy illness Mrs Charles Packard died in St Vin ccnt do Paul Hospital Brockville on Saturday evening March ttict learned with regret of thotlflsz death of William James Laking on Tuesday March ll 1952 atof the late Schoflcld and his Stevenson Memorial Hospital All wife the former Janet Hunter and lwns born at Durham on April The elderly gentleman was born at Mono on December 23 was raised and educated at Brock 1802 son of the late William and Mrs Packard was the daughter 1862 being in her 90th year She villc and later taught private cultural school until 1897 when she iug 11gt pallbearers Keith Mills orson Everett Robert Hawkins those from Everett Presbyterian and surviving are one son HoytY liwaaru QKVT AD row or immortal0me On Nov 10 1915 she rtsi cad wumnrrid to for some yens Tbcy returned to Barrie where they resided until Mr PackardS death to 187 3t iwhlch time Mija Packard returned to Brockville and resided with her sister Miss Schobeld 41 James Street East until her art mission to hospital some months ago Since Mrs Packards return to lBrookville she has greatly enjoyea land appreciated the fellowship and watchful care of the pastors and members of the First Baptist Church with whom she communcd as often as her failing health per mittcd She was known by wide circle iof friends who loved and respect cd her and who mourn her pass ing along with her sister Miss Schoficld and one brother Harold Schoficld Cleveland and several nieces and nephews Scrvicc was held at the John ston Funeral Home 68 King St Tuesday afternoon March 11 made in the family plot in Oak land Ccmctcry THORNTON The Red Cross Committee Mrs Bantinghirs Reid and Mrs Spccrs wish to thank all the canvasscrs of Thornton and com munity for their kindness in col lecting and the good rcsponse rc ccivcd by all Total amount $17410 PHONE241 wwfw When young man he was min accepted senior position in the ricd to Miss Margaret Lemon at rLand Patents Office of the Depart at 230 oclock Interment was Fi9 Tank no on HLFCLEAN Savant retirements and promo tiom were listed rechtly in the twists WL Can action National Rnilwayn Murray freight traffic fmanagcr in charge of rates tariffs jand divisions retired on pensionl and is succech by McCoyI prescntly traffic manager of 92 lantic Region Lavointe is the new foreign =frelght agent at Toronto and will be transferred from the office of gthe assistant traffic vicwpresident lin Montreal to take up his new duties Harry Bussiere district freight agcnt inMontreal also retired at lter 43 years service reception tfic officers of the CNRs Central Region PHONE 5531 Soer ior Supper made withMAGIC HOT BISCUIT SUPPERSANDWICH Sensor to onto minced Cooked meat with grated onion salt pepper and qtndimcnt sauce moisten shghtly with leftover gravy or cream snuoe Mix and sift twice thcn ailtjnto bowl oncesifted pastr flour or U1 onocvsifted hurdwlwut flour tspe agic Baking Powder it tsp salt 14 to dry mustnrd Cut in finely tbs chilled shortening ltr cite wall in dry ingredients and mid chili scum and milk mix light witth fork adding milk if noccsxary to make soft dough Knond for 10 seconds on lightlyfloured 29 bonrd and divide dough into equal portions Put none portion into gnthi round SIR1 cake pan und spread olmoot to edges with mont mixture it moisten edges of dough with wutcr lnt second portion of dough into on round and plncc over moat mixture prttsn Ii htly nrouud edges to soul some top layer loopy into picslut 3d wcdgcs Bake in hot ovcn 425 about 20 nuns Serve hot with brown tomzilo sauce Yicltl carvings uuu mnwwuuuum mu mo vu Tasty Fresh cnnrsrlns mu 19 Popular Brands gt cutcucnrnnn 19 Habnmr PER SOUP Annongacrpauoa no cumulus 119 Clover Laf Sockoyg SALMON Gloyer Leaf Solid Meat TUNA VHS oatua canker sononrrru analogs Roddy cIut MpcaroniI 8oz pig 10c Sultana Bettan ISoz tins was given him by the em MN for Mtter kind of dry cleaning 702 tin 35c INTER Intro Fooidre Savelotlay FLORlDAVALENQAv176 EXTRALARGE friends Monday family attended the BowyerGutw AT THER BEST Land mm ney wedding at Richmond Hill in Meamd 95d wede United Church Saturday March the funEral their aunt 15 at 73 pm4 nccessful Irish PW Mr and Mrs Barry LaPlanteOtr gt and entertammel markedMarch tawa spent the weekend with the 17 rid the auspices of the YPU latters parents Mr and Mrs Thong was bazaar play bytEd Damon Xmwentt fWhmGPts theca Mi and Mrs McMasterBer TONS by E15 Clougmey nice and ML and Mrs Everard 330 Km and gs Harris spent Sunday with Mr and 95 Dumb McNbb H9199 Mrs Henry Michell at Markham Downey Lois Maw and Ruth Mcn All present reported very ASIAN oanlN enj9y5blevenm5 The bananu plantfchfeflyrgrown Dr Ives colored slides of beauty spots in Simcoe Countynnd pictms mmspm mg MARCH l7The WMS held Aunumsma 90213 bird calls on record player were ver successful crokinole pzuty most interesting Thertchwasatgood theyschdol Frlday evening Prize pkg 19 Plain thblen $235223 315331 5532 winners were Ronhie Harris and 4er cum asp Bill Dobson Proceeds for WMS MildrCanadian Vespra Horticultural Society and work 2002 nlgc were Shown fe hall0n Friday Sec Coming Events for sale of nigh Priestflewhome from the homemade baking and bazaar at 5i Boyds paint and wallpaper store NI ns USA to visit reimwes here Clapperton street Barrie Saturday Swat mish Rice MsIW Franc Spenthmk March 22 Proceeds for the fur endlmh sons at Pamswmk rushing of the new hospital unit rarmi Wh Pa 215011 31 331d 35 Mciee Ran Mr and Mrs Scott Mr and ll We mn 33 MrS Harris and Mrs Rich MONARCH meet and Mrs Alex MC out Thursda in Toronto PkLS Kee Whwererreluming home af $165225 With Row RlChardSO QtlakhrfLnrge tehspen$f 2118 ntgcgvggxzsbrd who has been patient in Sunny rs me brook Hospital forIIeigt weeks 01 the death he mend Mrs His many friends hope he will soon nil Norman Button Georgetown Mrsv be able to be home II liuhlggewias at one time resident Gremel presented their may Maud of Money at Ivy last Tues 1318 clcan Bangiiekrlvirs Eotrdi day night and this Wednesday WHITEIOR JBROWN 31Toggnltgancalferh on aiding mart at dStniigdb mme De Ear and an SUEE Ioz oa BOKAR COFFEE Icellogpkgazgc if gt Iand Mrs Richardson Au in the tropicsand was indies is torn 918in at Plowrights believed toIIhave originally been gt gt on thrday transplanted from Asia If tiwomourhoiuswnn throwcu on inithIcarauanwath CHRYSLEMEIHOD REMANUFACTUREDIENGINE mi 97 L1 tom tindypycortrudr for days with tlnoiwastlo motor overhaul 4w can lmtull ClliylluMotllld REMANUMCWBED Enginb in brie duyl ChryulcrMuthdd Bomqnufucturod Enginoofbrorprczh In modgm angina lamill worn path an upload with iNEWCluytlnricngilmmt ports Evctyvonalno rotation NEW cannon Evuy engine thDynamomtormud and OHM IEED Ito fglvo noworigin pollltlla RE Act gt cm in today lot on VIC you thud and monoy by but CHRYSLER4rtvttouru nag if to sum Phon Illlnl

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