gel ii RC 21 1352 Wylie Harvesr binocularn resort areas and in sections of the country still to be invaded by the electric refrlgerator cutting ice continues latewin ferrite It is the sort of job that gives man 3M an excuse to get out Into the winter sunshine on crisp afternoon And it is strictly good nbtocrhklskdlbibtwn weather chore you cant cut ice during bureau But the ice innit still be at the peak of its winter thickness with none of the pothole that mar it early in the season nor with any of the soft spots that appear when the spring breakup approaches So the icecutters drive their team and sleigh out onto the lake They clear the snow away and expose the smooth dark sur face of the ice The most experiencod man in the crew marks off what looks like the start of giant checkerboard these are the lines for cutting Then hole is chopped at the starting point saws go down and the workers slow ly out along the lines marked on the ice Be fore very long the ice blocks bob gently on the surface of the water The horses which have been resting in the sunshine are brought up The giant ice cubes bluegreen and shot through withre flcctions on the sunbeams are seized with tongs andloaded on to the sleigh to be haul ed away to the icehouse There buried under an insulating layer of sweetsmelling sawdust the ice remains un til summer Finally it will go from the cool ness of the icehouse to serve its purpose of protecting milk and butter against Warmth or of becoming tinkllng accompaniment to cold beverage But midsummer days are fpr off at the time of meleeharvest The icecutters can only make the most of pleasant break in the winter routine and perhaps dream of the neasto which they will put the cold blocks they garner New Camera Effective To Control Forest Fires Because of the good results during 1951 increased attention is being given to expand ing the use of selfdeveloping and printing cameras in forest fire suppression work by the Ontario Department of Lands and For ests WhercVer it could serve useful purpose duringthe past year such cameras were brought into use particularly in aircraft ob servation ahd the consensus of opinion of forest protection and district officials throughout the province is that the cameras have earned place in forest fire control technique The main advantage of this type of camera is that print of the photograph taken is available in matter of minutes having been processed right in the camera When the more familiar type of camera is used for either aerialior ground photography in bush country considerable delay is experienced be cause the negatives have to be taken to some nearby city or town Where they can be de veloped and printed Conversely the selfprinting camera pro videsfor almost immediate inspection of prints and has thereby helped tomaterialiy 189 no fire contraplanning and subse quentaction In numebr of chaos photographs taken soon afterthefstait of fire or duringits early progrcss have helped to determine con clusively the actual course On one occolsion for instance smoke was photographed from department aircraft on patrol bribe Kenora dismal Within few minutes theprints were in the hands of the nearirtfchief ranger Close examination irevealed aman attending two huge piles of brush which Were burning 1N0 permit had been issued in the area been observedifromthe aircrcft the man had extlnguishedthe finite denied having been VCA range was despatched Overland to the scene baton anon mind no burning in pro Ravlngybecome suspicious that he had rmngpnjnn But when faced With the serial photogropbshe finally acknowledged guesstliat was lall right doyilhothor Henryvcn Dyna ire before it is lost forcvor IO Wgt4mn 4W OPINIONS or OTilIRS What New Industry Means Smith Falls Recorddvlews In choosing location for new plant menu faciurezs huvc many factors lo consider To assist flian in making selection many Canadian munici polities offer the services of an industrial commls sioner Each commissioner is of course primarily inter ested in drawing attention to the advantages offered by his own particular area and In persuading monu facturers ihui it is good place to establish new plant Thur is his lob The degree of success he is none to achieve has vital bearing on the prosperity of his municipality For any community if new industry is very imporiant acquisition Every iown rind oily depend for in livelihood upon its industries They are its basic source of employment and income For every person on their immediate payroll several other people merchants teachers municipal officials and so on um supported In turn Some idea of what new plant means to com muniiy is provided in survey made by United States industrial Bureau The Bureau estimates that new industry employing 150 men requires and sup 0399 nd ports on average of 393 occupied homes 33 rated stores lg million dollars in retail sales 66 acres of additional form produce2l additional profession al men 22 school rooms and ill ienchers 320 mrs and services for them 25 million dollars in addition inx able valuation These figures speak for themselves Men Musi Work Royal Bank Monith Letter There are two classes of unhappy workmen the world pnd by workmen we mean everyone from the president of large corporation to the day laborer First there are those who have jobs which wholly satisfy their creative and energy needs but do not provide what they desire in the way of monetary reward or social life Second there are those who work hard and euro good living but who have Jobs which give them the fenccrlln feeling common 10 persons whose ability is denied expression undwhOSe talents are unrecognized In addition of course there are peoplewho believe that work is something to be cut to the minimum There are so many in this class is to give cheer to ambitious people who find less competition than there might otherwise be Todays working man and again we include every one fromthc highestsalaried to the lowesbpaid wor kerl needs morethan skill and smoriness These are days when qualities of character are more important than ever before stability toleration cooperation and selfrestraint They are days when knowledge of economic affairs is needed not only of the family budget kind but the kind that tells the reason for the taxes deducted from oncs pay envelope Work has its purpose the production of things to use and services to enjoy Business is not struggle for wealth that already cxlstsbut system of co operation in producing and exchanging things that people want The more things We produce the greater choice we have of things to enjoy and the more we will have to exchange for things we desire Midland Huronia House Museum Great Credii Owen Sound SunTimes The citizens of Midland may well be proud of their splendid museum which has been developed in the last ihrec years Huronia House Museum ich is housed in the spacious former home of the late Mr and Mrs Jomes Playtairgis the result of the on ihuslasm of few publicspirited Midland citizens of whom one was William Cranston at prcwnt the managingsecretary of the Assimilation The southeast corner of Georgian Bay is one of the historic centres of the Dominion It was here the brave Jesuit missionaries came to Christianize and clvlllze the Huron Indians Here many of them paid with their livesforlhelr Christian zealvfacts which have been commemorated by the erection of the Martyrs Shrine stately and beautiful edifice which thousands vlii each year The late James Playfpirone of Midlands most illustrious cilizensat onelime the ovmerrof avast fleet of shipson the Great lobes owned it spacious home on the hill overlooking Midland Harborfllrom here he couldwatch his dillps arrive inhuman On his death hisliomepassed ohls wife and some time after her deaththe pr ty Was offered by her ex ecutprs to theflown of Mldlahdr An encrgetlc com millee was formed and in blcc short years mos interesting collection of IhdiarirellcSrchunders the pioneer settlers pictures juricl documents on Illlidl rrrland as town port and vshipbuilding centre has been assembled In one room the splendid pro ducts of Midlandindustnies are displayed The present curator is AJDL ldshinghompa ref tired wire chief of the Belilelphone Co lie hes taken keen interest In one project and id only working In preparing additional material for ex hibition Midland has its Huronia House llngwood has its Huron Institute fathered by the late Dr David Williams There Is wealth of historic lore in this Given sound and Bruce Peninsula sec tion of Georgian Bey also which eho be as sembied in OwenSound or sumevother strict eerie Each year toancicht mam oddso ring As to on our net We retellcurl fir inlay ere vmv not despisehQWeveremai heart teddy and it is tulip Vlovoutqfail 1AooswNewqu Microwaves WW Erwin Gmdbu Weakly newspapers poncho out the Audit Bureauof circuioiionl Clinics VIeomeudeot 541 Weduo cliff Square cum doom ta Riven Secrolcrykdrouurer Tombs remover in their getting action in putting Museum and Col Jellies herself Lowell +Eucfe neea rm Grant iwrsr WARDSCHOOL OPENED Elrsf masrcmssrsluisns Coniinucd from Wednesday whose central ward inierlopers in But parieuce isnt an outsiannitheir proper placeon the first of CM Hondles Huge Shipment The largest shipmcnt of its kind iever handled through the port on lialifux and possibly any other part iin America was handled by the Gordon Says CNR Not Big Scale Truck Competition Donald Mini ihf Canadian National Railways rs ceniiy commented on press report Sorvlng You If Our Business ling virtue of ill ordinary schoolitheir backsand any boy who cverlCMdlg Nallmil Railways 13811 from Ottawa that the CW mill lboy so one day the worm turned Irook principal part and who lfhis worm was bceaChariuirlormal boy hasnt in rough Bec one of the oldest though no and fumble will know what foli ihc busiest members of the clauowcd without going inlo further big goodnatured lump who unharrowing demils wnys seemed to be right on the spot where and when trouble airmun seems poor upbringing for rived Charlie finally reticulumdig boy but just me same 5036 01 and alter grabbing our leacberfrhe champion artists in these and getting siranglehold on lnsencounters at the old West Ward Wfecuy 300d ChinWhlSklb School have battled their way threw him across desk and bump through life from burefooied boy ed his head each resounding thump hood and very ordinary circum acceniualins syllable of ilm stances to an outstanding position Pathetic appeal Y0Ull1ikmin the commercial life of Toronto nwillwyouMru Jenniwson of Canada and the States and Charlie thereupon followed oul one of em landed in jail up to immediately hasty decision the present so far as my informa ceusc pursuit of ad educational lion scrum career in that seat of learning hencefordh and as for as know ledge or memory serves mopno one has seen or heard of him since that moment of strenuously exercised vindication of an out raged dignity OLD SCHOOL DAYS delight my school days with joy recall Those days just now seem very bright but then they were not bright at all indeed thought ihcm deadly dark so filled with hardship toll and gloom Whllo oer each surreptitious lurk hung threats of direful doom Those dear old days Im glad theyre post but they were bot for anyhow No am no iconoclastthan children in the schools have now Few were the lessons few the books that then were used The child today Has dozens And he sews and cooks and makes study of his play Some spinsier with lofty dome instructs him daily through the wclzk And nights and Sundays at ins home more useful knowledge bids him seek Oh were now boy at school so guided trained unwhipped un free ld qualify as just duncc and run away to go to sea Ils long way back to the dear old days the days of long ago When was kid with freckles und head of iouslcd low dont suppose Id recognize the scenes that then were mine The swimming hole the meadows and the pathway for the kinc love to think of my dreams then as onward creep the years But over theres one thing sienls in that prevents flow of tears And thats the thought of the day when was flogged with pad dlc stout Just because had played hockey nd my father found it out Some of the school teachers in Barrie about the time the West Ward School opened and many of whom at one time or another taught in that school were Messrs George Whiiebread James Corru thers John Block Harvey Marseillus Wintcrburnc Stcclo Henderson Moran and Jennison Mrs Crew Misses Leslie Block Rawson Laird Appiebee Watson Bone or Bowen the Misses Em ma and Clara King and the Miss es Louie and Eva Lee Long John Black had play Coming Soon Among the classes transferred to the West Word were some of the reputed bad actors among the burnedout Central scholars and these immediately proceeded to domineer oVer the homebrows Incidentally it may be mentioned that goodly number of these iat ier were of what was colloquially known as The HalfWay Gang boys who lived halfway between Barrie and Allandole and many of whom worked at least during the summer holldayb in one of the neighboring sawmills driving sawdust cart or guiding logs on to the skldway or some similar light job But it gave them physical training that came in good and handy for the resulting schoolboy rough and tumble scraps and there Were no Thrillway measures Possibly to the overfastidious ful habit of picking up pupil by week If included four boiler ends lmore than 50 feet in circumference ion their way to Canadian Vickersj Limited in Montreal goonslruciod well type was soul to handle the shipment Iwhich on normal depressed flat car would stand more Lhan 19 feel gzlbove the rail Special arrange Imonls had to be made for overhead bridge and wire clearances and spccd restrictions were enforced for the shipment over route MW the cars and slamming him down again some olhcr place whaling him George Whitebrcad and Jim my Corrulhcrs were both great believers in ihe use of rawhide but they boih are surely held in the highest popularity and linger ing loving memory by their loyal and appreciative old Barrie boy pupils now scattered all over the world for they were real chums of the boys and always look prominent practical port in the baseball and shinny games in tho schoolyard at recess and the noon hourand shinny was the ever popular game winter and summer probably because there was no expense cniailcd for you cut your own shinny in the woods and any thing was used for puck Continued Monday One of the our CNR specially lat cars the 8+0milc before soon enter the hlglrwayrrunsprm businem on big scale know of no reason he said why there should be any spoon cocoonsemail at this time abou he Canadian National Railway Ion wholesale scale From imr Ito time have stated trucking muv Zprovide natural collateral sczu vice or even an alternative to rail my service in particular disiricis or areas In other situations frucklt ing mziy be resorted to in place of building railways in developing areas where bulk traffic is relu luvely light But anything in the nature of the CNR embarking upon trucking competition on whole sale scale against existing trucking organizations is not part of the plan have in mind JOHN CORBY president and manager of Corby Motors Limited started his association with the automobile industry in 1922 when he joined the Ford Motor Co In I931 he entered retail sales with Windsor agency and from 1945 48 prior to coming in Barrie he managed the mercuryLincoln fron chise in St John NB Jack Corby is well known in community affairs He is mem ber of the Scottish Rite St An drews Presbyterian Church the Barrie Country Club and the Bar ric Curling Club He is currently treasurer of the Garage Operators Associnlion and is past president He said the railway would con tinue to examine each situation in provide adequate and low cost transportation facilities and added that essentially the CNR Is in lh business of moving tmfflc by rail of the Federation of Automobik Dealers of Simcoc County Mrs Corby is ladies golf chmn pion ut the Barrie Country Club and is also Wellknown curling skip Daughter JackieLou attends Codringion School Advertisement Peumac lAlll Good news for those who long for relief from rheumatic pain but feel bopclcssl Thousands get speedy relief from rheu matic and arlhriiic suffering by using 1lCs Dont let dull wearisome aches and sharp stabbin pains handicap you any longer Trv emnletona TRCs today Uuly 65c $135 at druggists IN REVIVAL CAMPAIGN CONDUCTED BY Sr Major McEachernR SaIVation Citadel March 25lo31 Meetings every night at pm Sunday 11 mm and pm ALL ARE WELCOME COME AND BRING FRIEND NING Scare Mlhods Are Being Usotl to Cooking ware SOME people scare easily and regrettably some sales men haye no scruples about employing scare methods to further illicit own ends in the sale Products of cookin Ware Every now and then disturbe lousewrfe wrll report to the Bureau representations made by this un informed ofr unoccupulous salesman against tli uscof to use any problem After yors of acceptance of aluminum in millions of Canadian h01he8it seems rather odd that old myths con aluminum utensils for the preparation of food Some are so Shaken bytheso bogus revelations that they often fear brutal utensil in their cooking which poses quite its use are still aired by some salesmen of com rdlhcpdblicu The American ofnlfdangertofoodfs thdtureioookodinoliiminum cookingjutdneilsgond wobeliev thatthe prbpdgande Lg pctitive products Inrthe USthe Federal Trade Cummission has issued complaints and cease and depart ordersngainst some manufocturerszwhoso sales force per shied insueh unfaircompetitive tactics and deception of Medical Association advises We no aluminum comosiiliOm memorable audladdiSts contradiction or frdm umpire put out cookingutensils made of Wares cHqucaptivesor 9thersrwlio meccwith this type of sales sinissdl9r9e9rtthofacts hunting all Morning Worship 11 am rimmi dorm iv Central United Church CollierSt United Church Minister REV LEWIS MA 31 REV BEWELL BA Minister Organist and Choirmasier L10 yd Tufford WARREN MECLEAN Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY MARCH 23 1952 ll rimMORNING SERVICE Personal Religion and the Lords Prayer Thine Is The Kingdom THE CHURCH scnodr 945 amJunior Intermediate and Senior Depts ll amNnrsery Beginners and Primary Departments pmMinisters Communicants Clas Come to Gods House on His Day pmAdult BibleQClass SUNDAY MARCH 23 1952 ii umMORNING WORSHIP The Way the Master went His Message pmEVENING WORSHIP Although all shall be offended yet will not Peter CHURCH SCHOOL ll amBcginners and Primary pmSenior School 230 pmJunior lnterm Depis pmEVENING sermon Collier St Baptist Church EnhanleSelvwcewlm United Church Colli Iv Independent cm00d REV JOHN HUNTER will preach REV MITCHELL Minister Music by Colllngwood Choir directed by PETER COATES Organist Choirmaster 22274 SUNDAY MARCH 23 1952 ll amMornirlg Worship pmBlble School pmEVENING WORSHIP SubjectSecurity Monday pmYouth Haven Monday pm Senior Wednesday pm Midweek Fellow ship Church REV JAMES RGUSON BA Minister SUNDAY MARCH 23 1952 11 am and 1pm REV FRANK CONKIEY MA Of Orillia Visitors Cordially rWelcome St Georges Anglican Church ALLANDALE THE CHURCH SCHOOL ii amNursery Primary Junior and Intermediate Departments 215TeenAgers Bible crass SUNDAY MARCH 23 1952 830 am and 1100 am and pm Rector REV NEWTONSMITH OrganistMRSG SHAW BURTON AVENUE UNITEDCHURCH mm REV EUGENEBEECH BA Minister Organist MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Full Gospel Tabernacle VIBMULCASTER sun Affiliatedwith the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev Warriner Minister BA BB SUNDAY sbnvroEs As Sisiant Secretar of Mrssxonar SW33 Sh1 f9 835 aP Education wllspeblik on our over seas Missions SUNDAY MARCH 231952 10 amSundoylschool Com municants class ling worship REV ANSON MOORHOUSE Evangelistic Service 730 pm cordial welcome awaits you here leSMI Work inTngbec zz VI Prssbyierlon Church new A126 morn on new museum WRIGHT Rector lull Sunday Lent is smstiuohv scoops ll wing416ml Prowgiomm rimoverlaid rooms and SERMON Ymvmwsrmilul hmbdrloollioDoy run micron MM lgomg info the trucking busines ii mmFBeginnersDeptfand Morn pfllFllm on the French gt an be Present anbQIhjscrvicesg 22 St Andrews Presbyterian HOD 7206 suing SUNDAY pm and giFres CHRISTIAN science 11m 3153 Sunday Mornings is