Bradford iTltE BARR IFXAMTNETL MONDAY MARCH 19 1951 xYIW Utrli uir lclit rii at Teachers In it Get $300 Boost ii 13 IqufiHigh Tribute Paid To Parr jBy Railway Brethren Midland Pioneer Dies in Hospital tl li iti Iain lzlkiiili iIlt hli YOUtt FIND tar new ltli sci Lil IV II IIilit ti1iie ti 11 ill i=i ti iiilltl iiiiiin igii is in Do LIIIII II II II II thinNI MI II II II II II II II Hi rmn lhrslwsthricrveutthrilcai ttll ll ii lti ilut am ltttliiii ii llillY 0F tllltl CtltllY illl Iir iiiltlvl in unit ill at old hill the Ilit lttiitiiiil Owl hint 31 hi eai ui to bui It and the fTylldtlSBiii Alvin ll ztitt itl Ittii it iitlllitlill Uilitlaliit ii Antw Iv the it ii hel ml Jmbh 100w ivilclzlutdblc thcfl to LI rat llttlttit iit gait tlu 1IIJ sump at aiiadian Westinghouse knows the purposn and ptmjtmn II III II ha in litlsgiilitl Iaar talcum In of every lie and tube In televrsion set as Well as he knows tugIn pi iI tunibti cs ROUND TRIP llliilJlll lllltlllW Former Cookstown Man ili laiI has twin to tniii II at Tyi lllllllll tlltl litliilitl iiitll Min lyiiAt NtiliitrF liitiil OHTICT POSSCS Ihtliinil lll faith tut ll tll fi2lfil tlli Hunter lltitl ill II ll Hxirnx hi tt iii iv Izpupmu Hen WW tilL iv itpit lltlli Lodge llttl II II IIII yII Iv IIII II at ivntniaI lo Iiit litvl ll MtM it Furl Email Barman Leilite Fanuly Lose 5mm III Irk IIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII III IIIII fit 1iilllel IIas tuiiiieiIb ISI iIi gppI II II Main hm mumuunI STI Hulg SKIIX lltlllllllllvilltlltiti1clnli MI llmli 11 ill loli Iii ll liitltlltl litttil iii itll nu Nu 1m iiiaiituaii ulsm illti lC lilt it ll ifx 051 Sun Mr liaiitler liid HHHVHH Mm il littl ci Hwy and it llliiiie Iit My ill fm ml tit llitlliliii Ul Silliitie liIlt INHV Rina MW IHIWH All lil kLmith jwat on both llle Nearinailtl pub in Allumlm Wt LII lnat chairman Lottize 227 Mid mm Pm Mimi diievlll it iiltim illilllst Iii the xoilg oi tile Hm Inll rhmmmm ml lliimlillt ililt tlie inisfor II II itlqtlllihttltll and int sttItl year HM HUI WI IIWMI 1mm tune to lose their furniture and en IIIII II it twm Im hilllim ll llltlt tliItIIIIIt loile 378 llih mU Nilmm UN 11 ThurhV llllll ll lllt BUS TERMINAL lIi littl lilltttii tine rIsieiiation mm mm II MINI 1W3 MinCh Whid ltllttl lHUNI 557 in tinttl lit ilieliousthw it lltlml ehauImIi Lodge ll ll ougliliii Luumd tiltieral chairman an tflltt he phmmImI Mm HfI1 WWW HUIUr Md l5 illilll Small local chairman Lodge 739 Kr illtillliti of eiitial llnitetl Kelly tintin 255 vicechair li he Inn run In vim imi Inn hurch Barrie he tool an active man tauadizin lacitic committee Pm and 1W hilm liltill it iii tlt til Lori Ilill rtliII wt inteiest until he moved to Toronto it Suelyiow Lodge 929 field WW WWI illllltII hilm il in litll when he joined lletliotil rIipeirisor and William Abbott Md mum Ins ML lklllll 1th Park United tuiieh He was Lodge lilil tormer local chairman 10 will mm llr member of Keir lmlt No Lliitliiid ieerluiiiiiiaii of the ilWV Th 1IilSlltmtlttl btSUHH AV AMI all Irmmmm neuzlibors driving home late at night for tllt iI Ittsiti fat lliltil ettoaetitt lillnitl tillttl ti tllt lotion3cltzile the VicePresident it it ihasel He leaves his wife the former by till they illuircd at the represented lresident Kenneth at lenie lennett two sorts Robert Tn mill 75 ilbmli to fall llli the funeral anti was an honoiary of Kitchener and lack of Toronto ml Ulhilti 1l54lblVtittiesaved pallbearers tlier honorary pall four daughters Mrs ll llouardis Some of their furniture had only bearers were it lolinston as IWilInat Mrs Murray IRtitlittleil purchased recently No iii sislant vicepresident peration ill lletl lnee Ihtaryt and llelen Stiianee was carried Mrs Pratt and tNlt iepicsentini lIiutle all oi loroiito and four traiid the children had only the clothes IA lomas vicepresident tNlt childien loliii and Gail Bogardis 10 lllill they had rorii to the Ill llayes yieeqilesideni and men llrIau Murray and ltilly lnce tlsoiflllitllttll home eial manager Nllz Wal three biotinis Bert of iorontoI EHII ford general superintendent Nlt ieoree of Midland and Ben of Intirio District Warren for North Bay and three sisters Mrs Inei general tlltllillitlti lrandltusell May Iiiin of Arkonii Without Endorsers lrunlt Western and aSsistant SiltlIhlls George Norman Ilidnai of or Bankoble Security lllitilitllil tNR Stiatford liear ltiver NS and Mrs Bert MARC 13 MIS llilmilltm lKelly loniinioii llttlslttlth iepie Allen lttlieet llaiiie An elder Sigh itlll mm Al lltllitlllllll Illmltt YO scniatige and chief attent sister Mrs James Vatiitlian IlCIn Ik llmyylnwlmmplly Miller general chairman iltmar predHeasetl luni Mrs hreinbel loronto Spent N0 ENDORSERS NIEDED llorrowupto vice president Malone anill rrvr illt Wttklnd with her brother $1000forintvizoodpurposeloiIriInulc ieorxe lawsonicepresident laul Carson spent the weekend on inst vour signature mnnwrciul lcletunIiIurs Fcirmer Elmvole Resident 11 Lnntzsiniio and Willowdale SINSIIiE RIPAYMINI PLANS At friendly Pallbearers were Pullout dependable llliC repayment plans are retired passenger trainmaster Passes At Tonand arranged to fit your particular needs PettcnUill ventrat chairman ill ll it All rta Standard Up to 24 months to repay lulksprcfcr Grand Trunk Western Davis I1l UFrederick MeGIaih 93 teemed oldtimer and pioneer of MARC 15p1d 111mm lllCbtauscour serviccisfastfriendly luculchnilmnn KIM 322 FI CI who and reliable Phone or visit lllT today Wimhmv hlllmlli 1131 the lolland district passed awa at MONEY WHEN YOU NEED Tl I377 McLaughlin vicechair man GIW committee and Batch Board of Appeals member his arm home on Feb 28 ltll lie was 47 years of age WARD MAYOR and COMPANY HOUSEHOtD FINANCE countwan nttattutttmomuIAIIGrSi and local chairman of Lodge 713 CONiUMlR HNANLI UlllllllllON 26 Elizabeth Street WIN PM 5529 lodge In Ontario and many In BARRIE ONI OthllA BRANCH Minlungo St Eoit 2nd Floor Phone 2390 Moon to or by appointmnnl attendcd funeral showing the high held Among them were the toll owing local chairmen and other WNIIINI WW WNW ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC LESSONS ARMSTRONG MaeLAREN 85 JESSIE BRYSONRMT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and Sil Collier St Barrie IllEORYPuplls prepared for examina 67 Yoncc St Toronto tlous at the Royal Conservatory of Music Resident Partner lloronto all grades lneludlnt AltCl MneLAREN Comma CA Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradtord 5t Mfr murmur Puniac ACCOUNIAhi 1259i DOROTHY JOHNSON 24 Dunlop street Barrio Associate at Toronto Conservatory of zsnTeleptione4135 Music and London Eng College of INCOME TAX SERVICE Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple venue HERBERT HARRIS ANGUS MIROSS Certified Public Accountant Toronto an name Instruction Ill Piano and Theory Barrie fflce Preparation for Conservatory Wilson Building Post Office Bquoro exominntionmoll grades it lesllcd Telephone 3397 140 Dunlap 5t Barrie Tel 5775 Resident Manager CRRIFK THE DAVIES OF CANADA 73 Toronto St Representatives from every Bltl Quebec were present at the largely esteem in which Mr larr was Wumttw The deceased was born on Feb it 1864 at Kiikfield Ontario He moved to Elinvalc Ontario and in 1913 came to settle on the farm at lollaud Alberta where he had since Imade his home lle leaves to mourn his loss his lovingr wife and one son Duff of lolland lliere are five grand cliildren Bill Fred Margaret Eleanor and linghie lohanson one foster daughter Jean having prel deceased him in April tiltil There are tlirtobrothers Ernest McGrath Rocky Mountain House Alberta Alex Elmvaic Ont John of To ronto and one sisterMrs Jennie Graham Elmvalc Funeral services were held at the First United Church Vermilion on Saturday March at oclock in the afternoon Interment took place at thLchrmilion cemetery Rev Blaclnnare officiated ANTEN MILLS MARCH liCangratulations to Mr and Mrs Cole on the ar rivalof son Barry Wayne Sunday visitors at Flemings SAMUEL ROSE Phone 3956 Saturdays and Mondays lOmlTOIOntO were Jim and Wal Chartered Accountant VOICE PIANO THEORY AND 69 Collier street Phone 4949 DRAMATIC READING Students prepared for all grades Con servatory examinations Instruction gtv ths Certified Public Accountants en during summer on 18 Toronto St Toronto WELCH ANDERSON 85700 Chartered Accountants Trustees Etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto OPTOMETRY ROBERT BARRE FFScv BARRE tcr Fleming also Mr and Mrs DArcy Grisdale John Breathwaite and his sis ter Mrs Jones visited friends in Toronto last Wednesday Mr and Mrs Alvin Cox and family whaver moved to Elmvale WA Meeting died in KitchenerWaterloo Hos pital last week was first cousin of our postmaster Marshall Hip wcll lie was Mutual Life in3 surance agent for many years in Newmarket Prior to that he was in the mercantile business in Scliombcig We were very sorry to learn of the sudden death of Harry Leplt pard of Kcswick who was buried in Queensville on March la Mr Leppard was for number of years merchant in Band Head in5 the store now occupied by Wilbert Orr It came as sad news about the accident of Miss Adelaide Kcaney who had been for many years cashier in the Bank of Commerce Bradford Our only boy worked with her for years in the Bank at Bradford The heavy snow storm of some four inches which fell here Weth nesday got Warm reception and is going fast too but Bond Head knows how to put up mud We watched the cortegctbearinu the remains of Robert Leeson lto itsilast resting place in Band Head Union Cemetery Mr Lee son had been for many yearsIa member of Bond Head United Church fine citizen in every rel spect The entire group at Thu Barrie Examiner correspondents join in extending sincere sympa thy to Mrs Leeson and her two daughters in this sad bereavc ment The cremated remains of Mr Banting or British Columbia zin only brotherkoi Mrs Cardy Mc ilieyore keptlromWresoitingridieicloihes lt washes it rinses it damp dries it pumps the wash water out cleans itself shuts itselLthf MATICALLY You put the clothes in and you take them out your hands never touch the water Here at iost is the END of washlday Because you can put load of dirty things in any time Set the control and RELAX lis so simpleto operate that even youngster could run it Just ONE control to set and the washer does the rest MARVELLOUS lNVENTlON Come in and let us Show you the morvllous HYDROFLEX TUB which enloIlds the clothes when they are washed and rinsed and squeeze them damp dry Seethe TOPFLOW method of flushing suds and sedimnt out through the tcp so VETERINARY DR MACK Vetetgmziag aggISIItrIgeon Plume Emvae MI CI CI FLEMmG vmmmm gummy NOEL srnpnnnson not Wd mm Several mm mpmved Sorhia Eu Barrie Phone 45 OPTOMETRIST esting papers were read and coni Thomas Bell Mrs Copelands Dunlap 5L Barrie Phone 3338 test conducted by Mrs Easton brother has the in the nursing DRGCSPEAMNL The April meeting will be in home in Coiiingwood where he VETERINARIAN and SURGEON JbENSTON no Stftinsa442e orrouurmsr charge 01 Mrs Hayes went couple or weeks ago 15 clappertan 5t office Ewm Phone 4105 Hours 96 Closed Wednesday CHIROPRACTOR OPTOMgliRISTS 2553 The WA met in thevchurch base Lean and cousin of Sir Frederick 93 Dunlap St Attendance 95 mem on Wednesday afternoon Banting were interred In Band w1th Mrs Haight in chargelHead Umo Cemetery MalCh 12 ROBEllbIEITlolIIIIgIIlgIlIIrH 110 Twelve members were present Mrs John Copeland came to her home here 53 Ouniop St Phone 2586 The 1011 call was answered by 0n ay rom en Hours 96 dally verse from the Bible containing mark HOSPital She is mUCh IDOES MORE cosrs LESS The Beotty Automatic washes the clothhs cleaner and whiter and uses hardly HALF as mUEh hot woteras otherIautOrnatics it is MORE PRACTlCAL in many ways it does not have toibe installed does not have to be bolted down it is movable on casters so it can be run in and out of kitchen or bathroom The cabinet is handsome as any piece of furniture and will doayou proud in your kitchen COMES WITHIN YOUR MEANS Because of itSsirIiple sound construction theCOST of the new Beotty Fl NTII lllli GEOR ELSIEABURNSDSC LEGAL Licensed Drugless Therapists Electgghmgongggg and BOYS snAonAM pawn Barristers Solicitors Notaries 115 PM Sheet Phone 3194 Public Conveyancers Ito MONEY TO LOAN CORBE DAC Ottico 13 Owen St Harrie DaliljgllgglslgACTngRItggT Brunch Offsiceznoisrsnvoe Ontario Phone 3070 11 Owen street now SEAGRAM BY APPgIrIIIEIMENT COWAN COW consulting Hours10am to pm Barristers solicitors Notaries Monday toFrlday Rosstowan ALFRED HARRIS cownu BUILDING Chartered Lite Underwriter 53 com mama Personal and Family Plans Programming and Estate Analysis Close Corporation GLADSTONE CURRIE KC Graun Key Mun Partnership Pension Sol and Sale Proprietorshiv Insurance 1713th $0 with FRIENDLY DISCUSSION OF youn LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS PM 3175 Phone 4114 or 2105 name Representing London Lite Insurance Co DONALD MMLAREN KC Barrister Solicitor Etc OSTEOPATHY christian unwm wnsonnsn 00 Automatic has been keptdown lt costsles than others TIhecIost Will Here we mod efcient timingk do By be greatlyreduced by le generous ALLOWANGEJWP Wt make WI washing action in the world Jitogiiotor too and many your old washer And you can spread the balance out in easy monthly its the patented Bedlty times more thoroughly than humon hand agitationit it can be done is hand or terms soIlovIII ygu llbhaIrdIlIy mIsIS the money surerouIcan afford II $th 0pm I0 by any oIhImeI You can to at to Wit outttII the most ACTICAILr clothes cleaner whiter IIIIIIIIIIIIII titlltiittiiilliiiiliiiiiltiilii 4m who never ends Give generously to the Red Crass It Now oii Iiriiiio NSTR intuit AI BARRIE HARDWARE BAyFIELosr BARBIE monsoon lliliiiiiIlliiiltitliiiiiiiiIIIlIitIIiilIiiliiii HEBER SMITH OSI OPATHIC PHYSICIAN Successor to ILSON BUILDING puuuu Mccunio Kc BARRIE our Barrister Sohcrtor Etc Consultation by appointment Rosa niacinBarrie Phone 2119 TELEPHONE 2293 MONEY To LOAN MM rurnoyni BANK or cAhApA tllllllllttiillllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllll