av lZILRS 1111 111s in Illlllliii Tia1 ilsallll Litntial farm gtliliiltt fc1 HELP WANTED tum 70 BlZfb explltnccd in c11n tan 11111 airlrlal1g ng ltfcicltccsf 111 if rltal gtatllt Box riliircr 11111 etc farm lllLl 1111 1111111111 31111 and Iltlltt is tltgtllili lle 111 tatzng 1111 ciltltdllon expir il l411 rilliii 111 Hex 321 Harrie Ilsa incr 4311 1111111111 references 11 RADIO AND Electiomc lccli I111ill and 12i Electrical Indicat ing Instruncut Icctillicialls for 11111111gt 11 IIlcctlonic lcst Equip 1111 nt Good working conditions llillllls available IIUSIIIIEIiIlZlLlOI Adleto Will be received but IlOL classified until 530 p111 Wed uid Health insurance Miltstarkl Limited Jl Ontario 01 conI 11ct your local Unemployment lii sulalicc Coilinilssiill office 111111 capable of haildliiii illt 11111 clilcle Remuneration basis raiary and commission The 1111111 man for this position can earn lngll wages Apply ill own hand writing glvilil particulars of age education experience and rcfercn 11s to iiox 29 Barrie Ilxalniner IMBZZilb Waghorn illliISSMAKING and alterations done at reasonablerates Mrs Mac i111ic phone 5704 2lltfb ROOM BOARD ROOM WIIII BOARD Middlel aged couple oi lady Apply to 10 Florence St Barrie 12v22p Accommodation Wanted IltAli NtO requires unfurnish ld rooms or house Two children Apply Box 211 Barrie Examiner ll2223p RCAI OFFICER requires tin turnishcd rooms or small house by illlllil fitW 1511 3111 glbl 3111 c1lil1itL1fji txtlllipfdi dole ma 01 1lr Luopel atlvel Note The Barrie Examiner will not assume responsibility fcr any error 111 advertisements taken over the telephone nor crrors in copy unless notified after the first insertion 141111111 lIIIYIIRSALESMAN for Nation ally advcltiwd licteragc cliiilpaliv 32113 after p111 11115 1011111111 COLUMNS CASH RATE 2c word minimum 50c Barrie Examiner Classified Ads MUST BE PAID WITH ORDER An ansecutlve insertions the word minimum 35c OVER THE TELEPHONE 011 IF CHARGED 3c word minimum 75c Any consecutive insertions 2c 11 word minimum 500 OK NUMBERS or replies directed to this office 25c extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS 3c 11 word minimum 75c Any consecutive insertions 2c 11 word minimum 50c IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS2c word minimum 751 Engagement Notices 75c 612111111111 for Copy Wednesday 12 1001116 Thursday Issue Saturday 11 am for Monday issue nesday and Saturday FOR SALE ILIAL TURNING Lathe SISMAN lilORO HILI work shoes have longer wear iii every pair Allen Leather Goods 7192611 SUNSHINE FOLDING lwiii Pram Can be converted into locart Iii very good condition Phone Ivy 5114 72122p lt ADDING MACHINES and type writers for sale or rent at Barrie Business College 00 Toronto St Phone 4824 709tfb BEACH IDLECIRIC fourburner stove in good condition Phone 15227 7221 LEFTHAND SET of golf clubs irons woods and 11111 $23 also communication radio receiver $50 Phone 227 Camp Brdcn 72223p WASHING MACHINE new floor model Save $20 at $10950 Teds Radio aiid Appliance phone 31109 722b MOTORCYCLE English Autocy clci been driven two months Will sacrifice for cash Contact April Two children Apply BoxGcrrior Advance Slioc Repairing 137 Barrie Examiner 1122231 SELF CONTAINED 4r01imed lCollingwood Ont 7212111 RADIO AND Record Player it11f 11 or house awaited byispccd new demonstrator model 1111s11eSs couple Phone 5486 WANTEDAOnc or two furnished one only Save $30 at $170 TedsTfj 1119tfb Radio and Appliance phone 300911949 REC 310N COInb Dump 7220 housekeeping rooms for two ApIELECTRO HYGENE combination ply Box 21 Barrie Examiner 11212211 WANTED TO RENT house in or near Barrie permanent Icnanls adults references if desired Ap ply to Box Barrie Examiner 1120221 COUPLE AND year old boy require two or more roomcd un gurnished apartment or suite by April or sooner Mrs Kain General Delivery Barrie Phone 11370 1122231 COMMERCIAL Traveller and wife no family urgently require unfurnished selfcontained apart ment or small house Phone Gor Quecns Hotel ll22p EMERGENCY WANTED Ac commodation3 rooms or more unfurnished preferred for Fam ilies with children Families of vetcrans of World War II Re l1rl3 Stroud iMODERN BLACK and white ena floor polislicr and vacuum cleaners applies hard wax Authorized sales and service Phone 387J Cecil Hallyburton Alliston 71722p QUANTITY OF stove pipes coal oil beatenAcme range good con dition single iron bed spring and mzltticss double bed spring and mattress dark oak dresser Phone 72223p mel coal or wood stove water front childs commode and kit chen table Apply Mrs Mason The Rectory Craighurst Phone 845113 722p CASE STEAM Traction Engine 1825 hp in running condition All new lines Used in sawmmill operations 1949 Will sell real cheap for quick sale For further particulars apply Kenneth Lewis Highland Grove Ont 722p ORDER YOUR Fertilizer require quircd to vacate RCAF Emergency ments now Spring is almosfhere Married Quarters at Camp Bor New accurate spreader available den needed for reconversion back We sell complete line of Master to single barracks Deadline Ap modation notify Box 12 Barrie Stroud 5315 Examiner ril Please if you have accomJ 112123p Business Opportunities LOT 100X75 with building 30x 304 and show room front in cen Jtral Bradford on Church and John Streets Suitable for dry cleaning plant or other business Yeo mans Bradford PO 2921221 RRORERTYr FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LOT centrally loca ted on Sunnidale Road Privately owned Phone 5085 1622th BAKERY Good location well cqtiippedshopandstore roomed dwelling included Immediate posv session if desired Apply Box 435 Bradford Ont 16221 $1800 CASH AND TAKE over mortgage of $1500 Buy smart room bungalow sunroom attachv ed Water and hydroLot 60x300 also building14x20 mile south of Barrie Phone 3945 16212211 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TAMWORTH sows open Ap ply Gordon Mason Stroud Ont Phone 43r3 Stroud 9221 sow 3RD LITTER with 12 pigs weeks old also chunks Wintrton 711i Sunnidale Phone Stayner 528r31 9422123b PUREBRED YORKSHIRE Sows advanced registry stock due to farbe in April Apply Bruce Cowan and Son vStroud Phone 15111 9+22p MATCHEU TEAM 2800 lbs Mare fyearsold gelding years old One hundred per cent sound and inlet Also heavy set of harness andvtwo collars Apply Clarence Hogarth Ivy phone 10r2 92223p FOR SALEGrade dairy cattle Durham Jersey Ayrshire andeol stein bred and fresh cows at all times Some good ones on hand now McGill1Minesing Sta tion miles west of Barrie on High way 26 98tfb HERD or PUREBRED Holstein Cattle 25 head of milkers open heifers and calves none over years all vaccinatd and raised on the farm 10 tons ofmixed hay Alfalfa and Timothy 10 feet of sileage bags of oil cake bags of Salt Cockshutt seed drill 13 discs to be sold privately Roy Reynolds Lot 16 Con 11 Innlsl Strcud 1313 9222313 receive reward Feeds Oil Cake and Frost Fence For service phone Craig Hunter 7182511 SEWING MACHINES Barrie and district agency for Elna therst and only allnew Sewing Machine in 50 years Liberal tradein all owances for your old model Write or phone for demonstration with out obligation Used machines bought and sold Wilsons Dress maker Supplies Barrie Phone 3030 71tfb SEED tr FEED TIMOTHY SEED TOITSALE Ron 10222311 Allan Churchill 600 BUSHELS OFvAjax seed oats Apply Roy Pilkey Shanty Bay phone Oro 95 1019331 FRUIT Ls VEGETABLES FOR SALE Apples McIntosh and Northern Spy Delivered id id bushel lots or more also pota toes Phone 4154 Goldie an Approval 2021241 PROPERTY FOR RENT DO YOU NEED comfy room or one with light housekeeping furn ishings If so call 5247 and come 152122x FURNISHED FRONT bedroom main oor kitchen privileges Re spectable girl or woman 31 Innis and see them Sti phone 4353 1522p Losr FOUND FOUNDASmall gold signet ring three initials Box 25 Barrie Ex atminer FOUNDLittle black and white dog with bitoftan coloring on face Owner please phone 3831 or call at 135Codrtngton St 1722p LOSTBrown leather wallet con taining small sum ofmoneybe tween AP Store and Brewers Warehouse Thursday between 530 and Reward John Sparrow RR Barrie 1722 LOSTPantie Thief Would er son seen taking number of la ies panties off clotheslineal 45 Mc DonaldSt put back the same or police will be notied They dont you anyway 1722b LOSTThursday at 1130 on road way opposite Queens Hotel Bar rie Officers brown morocco wallet conta tng identity card photos valu 1e papers huge sum of money Please return to 2021311 lty cil prop Barrie TENDER TENDERS for removal of swill lti daily from RAI Station ampl swing 11 f1 llI Apply to it 101 Borden for the fiscal rear lgtl Air 1111 111111 we ilced must have windfdard Lil McDonald Street Allinllli 1951 to 11151 Likiltlllgtiz will be iiillltititlfilt and pleasant persontion ality should lie about ft 111 1111 1l11 11111 111111 weigh 100 lbs MtlsthEIVlENl MIXER 11111 motor 212 be all experienced and courtcollaculiic font size crank dump PlioiiclIlying Officer Hailey RCAI 721JlilHlltflOlt alnp ilordcli ilttirlo Milli ill illltl 101 731W 11ltlliill WANIED Route Silltflnillklpiulchcl Rev Gordon lliliitci Io to pay monthly for this coinliiodIsonu salts experience preferred 1mm 1d in 3335 This is good opening for the right man Apply accepted up to the 21111 March 1951 Applicants are to forward their applications in Willing to WOODAFOR SALE ABOUT 900 LOGS majority 11c lock remainder sprtlcepinc ba wood maple Come and give 115 all offer McCuaig Bros 3rd C011l Oro Phone 317 Oro 62223p DOGS PET STOCK SAMOYEI iUiS ti weeks to months old Realca Kennels Wyc bridgc 27 Highway Ilerbert Row 332221p IOR SALEwModein one 111101 plan room rug brick bungalow SAID BUDGIES talking strain attached garage on double corner anarlcs Goldfish Bird cages and pet sup rooms piece liatli guaranteed plies at Harris Flower Shop 99 Dunlop St phone 2951 1814t25l AUTOMOBILES 1937 FORD excellent condition May be seen at rear of McDon ald St 1822p 1910 OLDSMOBIIE Sedan heater scal beam lights Phone 114312 1322 used only short time Best offci over $2000 considered Phone 34Wi Collingwood Ill2224p I949 MERCURY lialf ton truck 15000 miles first class condition Apply Ed Stai Guthrie Phone 827 Oro 1322231 1949 CHEVROLETDcluxe Sedan heater defroster air conditioned low mileage in good condition Apply Joc Paukcys HEPC RR No Utopia 1319221 FARM EQUIPMENT 1950 ALLIS CIIALMERS Baler in excellent condition Priced reason able Apply Graham Jones RR No Midland 392325pT DC CASE TRACTOR in good condition Apply A1 Hawkins Gar age Guthrie phone Oro 41 39212311 1950 FORD TRACTOR complete with low and lights loaded tires slighty used Reason for selling not farming Apply to Ed Starr Guthrie phone 827 Oro 392223p MCCORMICK Deering W30 orch ard type tractor latest model ex cellent condition new rubber in iams Bradford Ont phone 4724 3921231 CHICKS CHICKS YES we have them but we need your order now for you to have them when desired Fast feathering Barred Rocks Light Sussex and NH BR Cross breads We sell only the ghost Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud Phone 53r5 FARMERS You will be interested in what Gilmores have to offer in day old and started chicks Gilmores oor brood chicks to Iliul Itibu ila 15 11110151 141 11iti i1le il1ili Ell 1111111i1gt singers lCliatliam KIWANIS ltillS NIGHT 831 Flinn12 41 batting 111 Gatlaic 11112111111 uay Atlll 111111 Iltatitsi Ii 51 BORN lulill ilc1c1oi are 1111111 111 111111 111 to 111ro 1111111 finch Iii 193l 32h At 1311 Mount liilliili tall II1gtlil on 3111111 14 it 111 111 1121 Mb IIOs Ntill 111cc tilsit Siltring 5111111111 131 iaik Roy South iIiEllillIOIl 1111 RODGERS Weillshy llospitul Toronto on March II 1931 to 31 1111 111s 111s 11111121 1111 1131 1111 2211 111111 Joy 1111111th 11 Dunlop St Harrie $1111 WORRE At the Royal Victoria Hospital IilIilit 111 March 1951 to 7111 and Mrs Geraldl Worrcll nee llillt Grallaini 37 tullibcliaiid St gt11 WANT ADLETS These atllrts were received 100 talc to classin under regular headings at Dairy l2tlb like position as housekeeper or looking after elderly couple Phone 1mm 111217 FOR SALE 19118 Ford Coupe3 heater in fair condition Plioncl viiItirJZl Harrie FOR SALllellllI Pontiac with 311 132223p Chev motor 111 excellent condi tion 8100 Win Icarcc Angus the 1111111 11f 111111 111111141111 IIticrcra Joann at St Michaels 11111111111 or 519 511Hl1t 4111 ill371 llir seliicc Monday will be espec Lakcvicw tilewitty at Salvation Army Citadel MIDDLEA0111 WOMAN wouldt lil22p LOCAL NEWS Ltikt 23ch 11ft 311111 titanton 111W Azania 511 tt11i lit St West ili 5111111111 Mai Illtlitli 53 1111 $1 Jr by 111111 from S1111111111 Ho 51 NARROW IZSIAllI mg Harri WLIson 11f 811111111 111111 11llit 111 his way to Har tednesday afternoon when went off Highway ll 11 111 ll il1gtx1ck 111111 snapped off tclcl lllilllt pole The car suffered coli 1111abE1 ilillii1 but Mr Wilson ltllttl 11111 shaking 11p IIOLY III2K SERVICES llllfi Wrck sirvlccs arranged by BEH Bell Ilatlr District Ministerial Associa 111121 continence this evening at eight 11 iii 11111111 United Church 1111 for young people with the St Andrews Ilcsliyterlaii Willi iitV Luck as preacher ch with Rev James Ferguson Thurs day at First Ilaptist with Rev Ern IN MEMORIAM ltllthiylthilli toying lilcliiory 111 dear baby daughter Susanne Diane 1111111111111 who passed away Marci 21 I930 iathcrod by Jesus in all lltl child isll purity beautiful snowdlop to bloom ill the garden of Heaven Lovineg remembered by 11111 10 bpautifuny landscaped b0dltlitl lad and sister Linda 221 living and dining rooms hard wood tloors full basement with recreation room hot air heat elec immediate St Phone 5713 DRIVING IO OTTAWA March 23 returning March 26 Room for onct Barrie passenger Phone 3028 30221 AUCTION SALES Thursday March 29 Elmvalc Coni munity Sales Arena one mile Iwest of Elmvalc on Highway 92 auction sale of livestock imple ments Prospective buyers cordial ly invited Bring any class of live stock you wish to $011 Sale at 130 pm For information phone 102 Ellnvale Manager Whit ton There will be sale every other Thursday lG22b Friday March 16 Farm stock and implements including 36 head of registered Hereford cattle Sale starts at 12 oclock sharp Lot 15 Con 71Innistll in Highway 11 Sproulc and ONeil alle tioncers Gibbins owner l321x cast of Shanty Bay Post Office on Ridge Road Sale of farm stock and implements Sale at p111 sharp Terms cash Thornton auctioneer I222x Thursday March 22 lt William Kerr on Highway mile north of Elmvale complete dispersal of farm farm stock implements hay grain and household effects This farm of 87acres excellent build lings good land flowing well will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid Sale at 12 oclock rear wheels Apply Will 301 23th Thursday March 22 Oscar Ir win Lot 32 Con4 Essa oppos ite iron bridge on No 90 Highway Sale of farm stock and implements No reserve Terms cash Sale at pm Slessor Auctioneer 1323x Tuesday March 27 John Moran Lot 41 C011 Medonte miles east of Village of Craighurst at pm Sale of implements feed and furniture Terms cash 241825p andiJeEILyPCoughlinAuctionecrsr 2224 lWednesday March 28 Farm stock and implements Andrew Mc Cague Lot Con 13 Sunnidale on Nottawasaga Sunnidalc town weeks at little extra charge Comeaine about miles south of was inarnd see how we hatch and brood your chicks Started Feb ruary Hamp Rocks available Order now for March and April delivery GilmoresPoultry Breed ing Farm 60 Penetang Street 1Barr1e Phone 2735 An Accredited ROP breeder 2416259 PERSONAL CRESS CORN SALVE For sure relief Your Druggist sells Cress Callous Salve relieves quickly too 3022p RELIABLE FUR traveller is sell ing his entire range of new 1951 fur sample coats Drastically re duced Layaway plan Phtme 3030 MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION FARMERSL Welwfll bepleased to pick up dead or crip 172y2p1 pled animals and pay highest pre vailing prices For 1m ediate ser vice telephone collect Barrie 3617 Gordon Young Limited 5411921 GET YOUR HOME readv for Spring House repair service has experienced men for roofing car pentry work building and general contracting All work guaranteed Phone Berrisford 3945 52129b MIMEOGRAPHING Let Miss Jane Fachnie attend to your duplicating and secretarialproblems She will be glad to help you Contact her at the school office Barrie Business College 66 Toronto St Phone 4824 5361fb FYT SERVICE AND REPAIRS to all makes of machines Singer Elec tric Portables for rent by week or monthFree estimates on repairs in advance Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co Dunlap St Barrie Barrle Police Station Finder will Phone 4365 Mr Flint Sales 1722231 4lesl3 Representative 53tfb so22251 aga Beach Sale at 1230 sharp Cliasl Foster AuctidneeTJ 21123p Wednesday March 28 William Burton Eotw2 Concession West Gwillimbury miles south of Bond Head auction sale of farm stock hay and grain Sale at pm Terms cash McEwen Auctioneer 21 23x Wednesday March 28 Auction sale of farmstock implements for Maurice Fitzgerald East 11 Lot 10 Con Medcnte miles east of Hillsdale Sale to include 30 choice grade cattle Ford tractor years old tractor equipment hay grain and implements Sale at 1230 pm Terms cash Trace Auction eer 21 24b Wednesday March 28 Auction sale of Farm Stock Hay and Grain byfWilliam Burton Lot Con 3West Gwillimbury miles southof Bond Head Man ning McEwcn Auctioneer 192421 Saturday March 31 Mrs Thomas McKnight Village of Cookstown auction sale of household furniture and effects Terms casha Sale at pm JSlessor Auctioneer 1925x Tuesdayamii William Sut ton Lotll Con Vespra miles north of Crown Hill or mile south of Dalston and 12 mile west of Highway No 93 Sale of farm stock implements Sale at pm Terms cash Slessor Auction eer 222631 Saturday April Earl Barnett 4th house west of Anne Street on North side of Edgehill Drive auction sale of household furni ture effects and miscellaneous articles Terms cash Sale at pm Slessor Auctioneer 202711 Thumday April 19 William Waltuand Sons Midhurst LotIB Con Vespra Township miles north and mile west of Crown Hill Dispersal sale of registered Dual Purpose Shorthoms fully accredited also horses and farm machinery Sale at pm Terms cash Slessor Auctioneer 213011 large kitchen1 iOliIINIn lovuig memory lmoved by Mrs Hoggarth and sec of dear baby granddaughter Suzanne Diane Croniptoii who ltric janitor Owner transferer 101 JEN1 HWHF March 21 1950 possession $11500 for Quick sale 50 Grovel 102223p Sweet little flower of heavenly birth She was too fair to bloom on earth Lovineg remembered by Grandma Grandpa and Johnny 221 IRilwIn lovm memorv if enson Reid dear brother Louis irotl who passed away Marcirtlll 1930 0111 year today our brother was called To his eternal rest Gone where the angels sing so sweet Arid taken when God knew best IWe miss him here so very muclu Ills presence oft seems nigh But we all hope in heaven to mectl Where no one says goodbye livcr remembered Sisters Eni ma Ellen and Jessie Brother Ed ward 22b IVY MARCH 12Mr and Mrs Cleve Patton spent Sunday with friends Tuesday March 20 James 11 Camp BONE Flood Lot 28 Con Oro mile Mr and Mrs Elwood Jennctt Mr and Mrs Jennett spent the weekend with Miss Ella MCS Leah and Mr and Mrs Hill in Toronto Mr and Mrs Black were Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Hirnns Mr and Mrs Longliurst at Mr and Mrs Specrs We welcome to our community Mr and Mrs Nelson who have purchased the farm formerly own ed by Howard Cochranc also Mr and Mrs Hoggarth who have moved to the village Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Art Carlson on the arrival of baby boy Mrs Carlson was form erly Miss Isola Banting Miss Dorothy Cochrane spent Thursday with her parents Mr and Mrs Cochranc Mr and Mrs Michael Baker spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Claude Banting iMiSLD011yEdgaLspanWedne day with Mr and Mrs James Mc Dermott Howard Cochranc held very successful sale of farm stock and implements Presbyterian WMS Meeting The Marchmeeting of Ivy Pres byterian Church WMS was held at Mrs Wes Cochranes with eight members present Scripture read ing was taken by Mrs McVancI who read John 10116 It was ended by Mrs Wes Cochrane that the allocationbe accepted and bale sent Mrs McVanel donated quilt top which will be quilted later Mrs McLean gave an interesting reading from the study book on Indian schools telling how boys and girls are taught different occupations Following this Mrs Wes Coehrane gave reading on What are we doing to makeChinese at home in CanadafI Readings were also given by Mrs rane 111111111 Right now we have an unusually wide choice of drapery fabrics For Spring redecorattng choose your favorite 110w Reid and Mrs Hoggarth trio dean Marilyn and Eleanor Coch sang Brighter the Corner Where You Are This was done in their usual pleasing way and en joyed by all pleasant hour was spent byer delicious lunch Next meeting at Mrs Hoggarths with Mrs Wes Cochrane in charge of program Huntsville QES ml113 Inspection Has Ilgt1 211111 Matron of I11 No If1 1111 year 193031 ll lake of Hays 21111th llso iuinLi many 1113 coming Bractbialge 111 who Snead Orgltm iialllt DUCK Cilia 1111 lated the Worthy tlatlon iiattle and 1111 Worthy Patron S111 on the efficiency of the 01W cis 11 111011 wol social cvcziiii was held folll All land Il1111 111 lll SAVE ilit ALVES ll Ill WORKS FAST Reivosts 111Icctloi fun the role i11111l lvacf chnilil 10111111111111 Duid work List Promotes mt1y SAVE EVERY CALF THIS SEASON 8V ASKING ABOUT SCOUIKK 11111 111111 1111 1il1l 1131 Ii1=ti 11 1th 11111 ilowliuy the metting when the melli of Lake of Days Chapter erv ed lunch DIE olIlngwlod March 10 iiiiliti 11111 1111 Todd Vicliiil ow 11411111 tll lz 11111 311 iotiti Sunny and Mr 1111 311 Iltlllnlllt appetite rapid V11 111 Hank Il111 111111 IIilliiflt 311111111111 vsitcd ith tli trialis iicalty ully tilll Slin Thomas If lfoiincrly of Vcspra Townshipi in his 711111 Lloyd and 1931 licxitl 321 Sunday 11ltlti min 111111 Mr Wyciil 111cc Mr and 311s Manic aldwclls Drug Store Opp Post Office Harrie Ill 11 and 2111111 iitiw iiLlr Resting at the Stecklvy Funeral IIUIIIL ilil vlcc on Wednesday March 11 at interment Mount year sci 11111 Alltclf Cemetery CRAWFORD Oro Station 16 1951 Frederick George rawl husband of t1ifli arinc Gilchrist 111 1115 71st yeari Norman Rcgttliig Funeral noon Scrl f1iIlCt March Friday KITCHEN CUPBOARDS beloved ford rllia 15115 Lloyd Stccklcy Home until lucsday vice 010 Station United Church Tuesday Interlilcnt father Leigh Lloyd and and 2110 cent March adjoining zisket will be open in church from 130 till time of ser vice IRWINAt daughter RR llockwood 0111 on Thurs day March 11 1051 Lillian May Richardson Rev Lorne Muriel Stirling Blackt 11 EEEBLUNBER PHONE 2517 Wc home William Barrie Real Estate Listings Wanted CoItages This agency has number of clients who are interested ill buying and are willing to pay cash for good property If your property is for sale make sure it is on 0111 list You are under no obligation no sale no charge HARRY MICHIE Realtor CLAPIERTON 81 Mrs Illack wife formerly of mother IlakerI William Dorothy beloved irwili dear Rev Park Mrs Vera Rockwood 1Mrs Hrowni Lorne Park grandchild Baker Mrs Homes Farms Dundas and Mercer rcn Earle Shirley Keith and Marlene Black Maur ice Brown and Wayne Irwin iii Interment 78111 oia Cemetery REIDAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Saturday Gertrude beloved wife 43 liffin Resting at the Iiomc Funeral service Tuesday Interment year Aur Mar Steph of William Barrie Funeral 1951 A1111 HARRIE PHONE 3551 Jeniictt March Barrie Union Cemetery ERLEY Talk on China at YPU 12Thc at 11111 ilplett Furmtures Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer WE SERVICE Washers Ranges IRONS GRILLS HEATING PADS ELECTRIC BLANKETS WAV MARCII their meeting on Wednesday night Rev Annis gave very interesting talk on China and dressed in Chinese Mr and Mrs YPU held 111 the school costumes Crawford of Tor onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Elba Brown Open house was school on Friday when Dr Garrick of the Simcoc County Ilealth Unit showed several IRON ERS TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANERS POLISHERS FANS AND GARRY LARGE ASSORIMENT OFIARIS 139 Dunlop St TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN held gave talk and pictures Mr and Mrs Tom Reynolds and Allard spent few days at Ottawa with Mr and Mrs Clarence Rey nolds Bannister is patient in Andrews having suffered stroke Gordon Brown Mrs Jack and Clarence Bannister were visitors with the Bannistcrs Mr and Mrs Bill Adams of To ronto visited with Mr and Mrs Wallace Wood Wallace Wood left on Monday for his boat to resume his duties of sailing The sympathy if the commun ity goes out to Mrs James French and family in their loss of bus band and father 111101153721 Hospital Midland Mrs Hill NOTICE Tenth Annual Meeting Simcoe District Cooperative Services at STROUD COMMUNITY HALL ONLL Wednesday March 21 1951 at oclock in the evening for the reception of the Financial Statement and reports the election of Directors and for the trans action of such other business as maybe brought before themeeting All members and non member patrqnsarinritsl to attend Turkey Dinner for members at 630 pm same place same date Tickets limited in number available in advance only at the Coop office or from any Director MARKET PRICES As ATMAR 1451 CATTLE EGGS POULTRY AshotdibyFiitWColopErtiv Packers of Ontario Barrie HOGS Hogs Unsettled EGGS Large Medium Pullets LC 1111 alarm rm laugh lard Wear WZ OVERALLS vioiiii sinus 1101111 15111111 1111111 110111111111 11111 CHICKENS Special Grade Grade Grade Special Grade Grade Grade Special Grade fA Grade Grade Capons 21 over the above prices FOWL Over 51115 42 to lbs Under lbs C11 39 Houghs Big 88 Overalls 31 premium giqdo oVeroIls com 735 34 BAYFIELD ST bining Haughs Sanforixed Gold Label cloth and finest workman ship Extra full cut Iormoro comfortable with the Tugoi war crotch and heavy diamond bar tacks at all points ofslroin for longer wear Your best overall buy bocause Huughl Big 887 on bottorl PHONEzus 0P mm mmmmwmoo Barrie Tent 1111111111 PHONE 4314 co Ann