Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1951, p. 23

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IIIE BAIIRIE EXAMINER IIIITRSDAY MARCH 15 1951 21 Four institutes To Hoid Joint Meeting in Barrie Easter Seals Help Crippled an wait 1311 la cti of it tq We Insulate tit Il titlis fi lv Librazy Iiittlill tll Mts ilzekziric IvgtHil 11 in intitutc to be Si as rural Pl itllll Alis 1121 coitteit winners and Mrs scotal lttltll hiottizht the mat to close nu IIvat stun lzt err irritl lIl tppiitt LIIJZ llILI iay School llIl iitzoll til tlll ll The itcitti timetntiz M1s Iiiititriii Set up Il nteeti iii 13$ with ItrtititlillL of Sitttcoc County Mrs Siiiitii read it skitl Ilifoic Meeting which was enjoyed by the members bridal followed were latbet Expen Craftsmen it it lluis 3n lI Illitl fit Ilici Iii lilltllitulll fer Itl oitipctition IItltil Church vh iin oi Cc iftcr wkle lil 13 IIKI lllllilil Lult III lith lire 1llllt iit llttli tiiei wnmmw ittiz It almost Easter tllil ttitrc llrc students of havi been busy for the past few weeks preparing for 1113 ital set of us it may tteatt tltc tilllitltllllll of the required papers lot many Ilall daughter of 1188 IS pirik roses itt Pcterbotougll intricacy $1000 Like you btty house on monthly payments Only instead of paying interest you get interest That is what at monthly payment Guaranteed Investment Certificate of the Victoria and Grey Trust Company will do for you $1545 invested monthly plus interest in GOIVVIllOllthS amounts to $1000 or $773 monthly amounts to $500 in 60 months Your interest accumulates Why Wait Start saving today for tomorrow Enquire from Masses IlENRY ELRIUK 0wen St Barrie who will accept applications for these certificates oti behalf of the Company VICTORIAAND em TRUST COMPANY OWEN SOUND ONT XVI 1t at lIflilIttI Im tttii Isl In iiictd Iveri tin fat that iiitpvtititii firthaitl IIKISIII ilfttIi siaZ Itll lot top llllllilirr 4ka Hy lluce Ilol front tlzc lied ll Staetv tillllil iitfflm in Will If my Him lidillti read and the itietttiet melded toiltan iilriei iiiade thi Iclt tIiIllbtlIt SE to tire tltlitti cartr liizo Friday gttJtll livt tililtltl norttiirtitiiiu Lttlllillrlltt of Mrs thgrovc aiai Mts It llteklrttgi IiiiitilAttilaliitin to Mt pun it mllie lllll tor prisiiitttii Aruil tittvenIUHWII 01 the ainadrat tlll IlztIl it iislltil for Illtltl5ll5 which tint rcopit Rennzck score if It lirst oitccrt Fisher and the fit toiteti iiitritd suc ltltlfl itoiL Um Hg illilltlllllttl ritzdci tillilt tittiltltltlli1I the monthly program and have itllllllih NW pth on historical research deal up with and iii to iltttilllllltitlitlt seat was filled to he Iliutrtllil crowd and extra klliilts had tIlIS 8IINIC IS IlIItAI of an of the littariai Society Iot llil camp Nature has handicapped thisI ttte boy but not enough to prevent ltnn front cirioying the fun of3 vamp trittllgtilltlt to share the futr hfmwnx my mmm Hm MIKVI numh education which have proved very tlllll lbliiilitentnu due to the new course iltllII and the dittereitt riltltttlltlti suggest by the Minister of IIducatiovnl inn nitm Maitli ltl tiltiic tripe ONTARIO CRISP JUICY 6QT 59c FANCY GRADE BASKET lanes of Information Are our ex WWWs nthtunic ONTARIO snow WHITE NO GRADE LB 29a 2l rs 1AM mp pitd in it itt tiitt ttl Vt ltiin rll noted from the It cotative displays in the store win dows that Easter fast approach shatig with Illltl Etlcittiittttte or llllllt the exams tit ltttte ltt any case We are all striv ittfz for pies mark or better in the lilitjtltll of our titlcigt rliitl 13 Mrs 11 llutcittncwerc Messrs Ilobinson ilcladdctt illarrtc lsiil with her sister Mrs Itowlcy and Cooper Minutes of last meeting read and cotttirittcl The following accounts were pass ed for payment aiiaditttt Ihtci lliillittillri 8318113 lililtf $235titili CUE $13998 rent for store roonrt $120 Ilardwick delivering billsi IIIttl lIlettiic Station I5 lillklm hid Itiiy Mr and Mix lytitittt of Toronto and Mrs irant lybtirn of weekend Ilcardsall llowat and Mt ilctt borough lIli Mr Mr and Mrs and Ilarry o1 laavc are spending iiire with trieitds olttittitus weekend icnts Mr and Mrs IIctb oltttttbus Mr and Mrs Bertram of Bar irie llIltI on Sunday with the lat attd Mrs lcar pcitt and Mrs lCampbellHall mind iNuptials Held At Coldwater Church Hittit titt aid speiit llllit Iorortto par $106175 Ontario Municipal Board tee home 51 waterworks tl Ilutttstcad loading snow $2775 Whiltion $3010 Bank of Toronto Ctllltttlllti taxes $21131 Simpson garage battery and labor $2051 for fire truck Grants drug store ttttitutc book $173 It Barnes show11in snow 84 Ilardwick supervising snow removal $520 Dwittttell removingV snow $30 Ilotttcr Spring tetttoving snow Sill itnperial 011 fuel for fire hall $2418 Township of Ilos grader rental $102 Georgian Bay MEA fee 83 Moved by It Cooper secs otided by 11 Itowlcy ordered that the borrowing bylaw be the same as last year Clerk was instructed to order 340 bags of calcium chlor ide front Brunttcr Mond Cni peti tion from ratepayers asking for the establishment of liquor store 51111 lilttrvale was tabled and it was with oldwatcr United itgt decorated with snapdragons nations and tulips for the wcddir ion Saturday afternoon Marclt ltl l193l of Miss Illthtllttlt and cirl ters parents Mi Mrs Arthur opelatrl week on motor trip to and ileft last i1lotida Archie Iitlulllilll Toronto is vis itttti with his brother arid sisterin law Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs of lotoitlo spent few days with fortttcrs lrahaitt Mr arid Mrs lippiiti lcft tt for holiday at Clear Illotida We are sort is to report that lrarles lcttnox is at his home suf ftllll from SCIt heart attack iricttds tBettyll Mrs Ilarry Hall of North Itiver to Ilow Our experience plus an Campbell of the titre quality ma terials your assurance that furniture here will give long handsome service lctciborouuh they It lIoldcn officiated Jack llibping was organist and the ioist was the uroottts aunt Mrsi Bennett of letcrborouuh restyled divert iIt marriage by her father ithc bride wore white satin gown trimmed with lace with fittizeillmt tip veil and carried bouquet of Bowman Iaharti llavelock mother Mrs water Mrs Bernard Hill of Peterbor ough sister of the bride was ntat lron of ltottor She wore raspberry braided many wish him speedy recovery lltlltNrrAt St Andrews Ilospit at Midland March 1951 to Mr arid Mrs Ronald Melaan Iilntvale daughter IIlgt iied taffeta dress with ltcaddress and veil The bridesmaids were the Miss ies Norma Hall and and were gowtted itt pale blue taf Bartie lent Awning Co 34Bayficld St Phone 4313 Donna Shawl tllrattt turned home tttcr spending con ple of months 111 Toronto with her brother Mrs Qucsnellc spent Monday in Toronto with tier daughter Miss chona Quesncllc Mrs Griftis and little daugh ter spent few days with her paiW lcnts at Sutton arid Woodbridgc with tltc latters parents Mr and Mrs Wallace Bell St Johns WMS The March meeting of St Johns Wle was held Tuesday Marclr ti at the home of Mrs Thompson with 10 members and three visitors present Tire worship period was taken by Mrs George Dickinson The War Love and Peace Roll call was an woman program Which Way Jztpan3 was taken iii the form of court opinion led by MrsWhitncy The members were asked to voteyes or not to their opinion Is Japans desire for peace genuine taken by Mrs Sibbald Is Japan 1ike Vilymtio adopt communism taken by Mrs Fiegehen Should Japan triittmings and Keeley braided headdresses and veils The flowcr girl was little Sandra Hall lwho was Izowncd in itilc green tati feta All carried nosegays The groomsman was Don Cantu bell of Peterboroutzh and the usa crs Were Donald Hall and Hulll Lockington of Peterborough Mr and Mrs Campbell will live DEW of weekend Mrs spent theme being swcrcd by character LBlack Mrer Priestutrnecllden iMiddlctonl Isabcll Dwinncll Joan be permitted to Increase her tradetBeu Donna Dickinson Doris Dix with North America by MIS Al on Bernice Martin Shirley VAntt 1Jordan Mrs Dickinson all 3year vin Simpson Is there great tu turc for the Christian church in Japan Yes there is great oppor tunity what will the church do to meet this crisis Mrs Earl E1 splendid paper on currcnt events Mrs Cumming read interesting temperance paper after which quite discussion 101 blldt lowed Plans were made for the nCSdFIY CVening MalCh in COORS to take place March 20town ball when this community Mrs Newcombcgathcred toshower Mr and Mrs liott gave Easter 10 with our speaker returned missionary Two quilts recently quilted are to go to hole the articles of used iclothing are to be left at the home of Mrsorchcstra wrth Ken Crawford Al DThompsott After singing hymanelt 0301 EM Elmer Hunter 0311 402 the meeting closed with prayer after which books were exchanged by Mrs Beardsall Elmvalc Village eotmcit Meeting Minutes ofiElmvalccouncil meet for read anaddrcss and the couple ing held March Those present were presented With many lovely hildren McKay school levy Stubbs school lev moved by 11 Ilowlcy seconded by McFadden ordered that the council of the vitlagc of Elmvalc rccottttttcnd to the liquor control board the establishment of liquor store in Elmvalc as requested by number of ratcpaycrs and that copy of this motion be forwardi cd to tire board with the pctitionl attached thereto Awards Are Presented The following perfect attendance awards were presented to members of St Johns United Church Sitti day School Beginners Department 3rd year seal Billie Black Judith Campbell primary class diplomas LSandra McKnight Betty Trace Patricia Bates 3rd year seals Harold Black 4th year David Campbell Richard Thompson Jun iot Department3rd year seals 10 Ann Christie 3rd and 4th Amt Bertram Ruth Bertram 4th Karen Thompson Intermediate Depart ment2nd year seal Billy Sibbald 4th Russell Archer 5th Joan Bell Adult class2nd year Chris tie 3rd year Campbell 5th year Mrs Arnold and Oscar Gray Record for 1950 attendance 50 or moreBenjamin Archer 3rd year John Dickinson Larry Dick inson Donna Dickinsoa Ina Dick inson Eleanor Newman Mrs seals lts BETHESDA Lloyd Robson of Utopia formerly thciEtllCI Roulston of this community Dancing to the music of Beattys ring off was greatly enjoyed Later lin the evening Jim Rainey acting as chairman invited Mr and Mrs iRobson to take theitwo chairsoi ilrdnor after which Mrs Orval Cat IKII and Mrs Sitt ziiil ltill til Staliiilli tiit sititt fi days Mrs Snail Niall suit lellillltI to Ill CALtFORNIA 512E 200 ituiia Hospital nittr SEEDLESS on 220 002 it any fieiitts would like to see zt Ii ttietly ictoci FLORIDA SIZE In ill is confined to tire IIuy 29c lal Victoria Hospital Barrie SWEET JUICY 96 Smith expected to arric litfl1 Saturday fruit leliiilitttzl 19c iii to England Mrs Smith and Ilttltl ttttc le leae lucsdiv It liit and Wales HI Mittaclicit of Toronto spent tlt WW fl lweekcnd With Mr and Mrs SriXOr 23C FRESHLY lctzackctt rlti attd Mrs lIatold Jenkins tl Ajsglbrfr ollbirllAR 41c ri is 1111 IIltI llll Mr ind wmnMooRngicoaCOMn igko 366 lotottto spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs icorize Peacock MOTHER JACKSON 13kg 31C weekend with her tittillltl Mrs SAM1 29c Iezrcock Alliston spent Sunday with Mr and Mts Sharpe pyk CANADAS BEST fatttt owitcd by Dclmas Sottttitci clkLTndN 456 Conn VALUE viilc at Everett It is reported that Ililltl ODon PKGS 27C ell has sold his farm here and will move to Barrie iii the near future DSESLSIEG offing 28C lb This community was shocked when it lcarrted ot the death of Frank Gallaughcr at his borne iit Alliston last Wednesday Mr Gal Wle Fit 9c littf du ON auctcr talt armc iii tis coin mtittity for Itumbcr of years arid CARLTBN 38c attain 113332Iiiifl it BENii WW 43c pics 25 extend our deepest sytrtpathy to his AggEDwggIzlYN oZIIJXR 42c wife and friends CSTIxA 0120Ast 31C pity out again after his recent ill CH0 Grim 27c rtess Mr and Mrs Viltougliby nthnl CHOICE OIIIIILNS 29c pits spent Sunday with Mr and rorL ers William Leslie Eli LMEB VEQEIABLE soup 01 21c are ill with the flit We wish them all speedy recovery GINGER ALE ALLSELEAEPUB JgE6PSLLTS 31c and Mrs Frank Patterson and Ilate visited with tlte Rev Mr Mc KOICE TGMETQES nfiliiilishisr if ozzirrls 17 Cartney ttear Bcavcrtott on Sitit day td lit I1WTP en ed tic tinci 01 llr int PASSEDEEIUT 18 Toronto last Tuesday Lasgsoweek in Toronto with her put 296351 eucltre party Thursdayjnight Loci Dn Jggs riigg 27C Truax won mens high score and Helen Duckworth the ladies high 4620 14c score There was fourway tie for lone hands between Bruce Miller 0th 15c Gilbert McMaster William Irwin FAB MAKES IT EASY LARGE 40c PKG and Lou Iruax with five lone Ihands each Lou won by guessing tag closest to the correct number he and 200 CAKE 17C sons on Monday with very in teresting discussion on the new tics will be continued this week MARC 12 AmlpirdIliwill be observed next Sunday at an groom Wale ternoon in connection with the reg MIDHURST YwI 5211rr llt uncertain Rummage Sal and corner BRAND 141T wnoir warm CRACKED WHEAT LOBLAWS BREAD 13 233 146 ISTUBE HOUBSI MotL Itl iii SPECIAL McCORPlCKS EESCLITS GINGER entrants is 29 QUALITY PRODUCT THE LCBIAW BAKIRY 13 ll IlUtlI LOBLIIWS CHERRY CIIIIE mi 59c MrLARENS 830 to ti GREEN IIIIIII 0101111 02 me ti Iii IiK Mic SJ it Li kith for you Mutants llzill Iitl li icl iIlti good illsii whittled lrtgrjeith III 411 lb Lltl Lloyd Spt Liti noiriiiii with returnt Igniyi Sunny Days are Salad llays lttc lollowiitg salad lines are available IIIIIIH tclrry ticu cabbage cttctiittltcrs radish shalots torttatoes green llldlrurst East Iitllllnl lemh NMIHS tzrt Iitot hortiitt have liteit avatar lvlttll Mr aitd Mrs M1 and Mrs lat tlllottcll uf unswglfnm 0129st 21 Mrs Kelly of Toronto spent the Mr and Mrs Stanley Wallace of 119 IFTNING 44 966 liltittt llalbert has purchased the LOBLAWS Death of Frank Gallnugher PUFHD WHEAT 36 25c rKGS 14C McLARENS LtMI NN We are pleased to see IIlll LIBBYS FANCY TENDER KING PEAS onto 31c Quite number in the village 5211 CELL861KG22C Mr attd Mrs Robert Whitley anti ALLPogLEAVLSUB ngrui azwoagltrs 31c AY LM ER FANCY TOMATO JUICE oiiiisZIc MIIS HWWHA AYLMER WHOLE ems tinge orei 22c UT PiA LYNN VALERY I11RIC0IS irate Orrti 26 Lonmws sateen mar CHEESE 45 MARCH lsz Higgittson at Mrs John Muir and Linda spent gig 39c my MW BOSSMILLER DOG mscurrs xiii 16c IIIOIINE 29c Therewas good crowd at the SPECIAL HOSTESS CANDIED JUIIIIIINS ALMONDS 302 PKG iiarniroruiiieeg KINGSOFiilgkh iiitfshulsc Farm Forum met at Arthur Dob CAKE 9c MilltGENE MAREilltliiE aria 43c public school curriculum which LARgQPClAK 190 CHMHY TOILET 505 Etta 29c HOLLY MAIICH 12 Holy Coittttturrion ular service at pm Everyone welcome Milton and Wilson Loughecd cf Toronto visited their mother Mrs Loughced on Sunday We are pleased to report that Mrs Ray Loughecd is improving favorably after long illness cuorcr mesa CHICKEN curs BREAETS not 896 WINGS lb 65 ins 89c Joints is 25c and useful gifts Lloyd thanked their many friends for their kind ness Lunch was then served and dancing was resumedfor the rei mainder of the evening save YourrPatters and SMagaztnes Paper mills are seriously in need of waste paper torthe manufacture of Wallboard and cartons Barrie Boy Scouts will ollectyourpaperat regular intervals Please save now for town wide collec tion 0n Sam may Marchvizn Slave Paper Save FureststHoiplourScouts cHotcE FRESH ProDressed ctttcrttiits in SPECIAL FILLETS IIIIIIIIIIEII 1b 47c CHOICE FILL rtLLns OCEAN prion wise cuorc nmrs son sin59a CHOICE FILLETS snortit Mia iiiiitistmmuit parturition contra ions were ARROW BRAND RINDLESS sriittttiirt SIDE Biron 37a LOBLAW COUNTRYSTYLE Ptiitti Pilltll sauna POUETBY initiates PLACE YOUR ORDERNOW FOR TURKEY CHICKEN on DUCKWITH mun MEAT MANAGER

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