Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1951, p. 15

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THE BARR EXAMINER THLRSDAYMARCH15 1951 15 Popular Goalie of Boston Brurns lVespra Councrl Monthly Meeting FABRICATED IRON Ll atria Fire Escapes Gates Railing Etc wm lritrI flul the ivl if lZSlITIiAiES FREE lri Li lvx STEEL FOR SALE MIDLAND MAN Now FOR NEW YORK GIANSTSOU lne 3413 ir ww Itrl pllld the lm loll fit Mr Mu rLit l1il BARRIE WELDINGMACHINECO lIIitnnierits 0t trie lldlttJlit tluzm Midlind llm WAR Mulraster St Dial 3744 Llrttrrl lirilllrili lit tltrilrr part of Frr tutu llltl LillltitllllL ltrliiir were trLtIwti fltlllr llnIII atssssxxs irosponsorim DION THRESHERS SOFTDAIL LOOP iintiirri Ila tlrriI ririrli trt llrl ironin parent tiltsmi Tim lil punlrtr iuI Si iziw ll Sit ti lbLtl 33 tlltl Iii tiltl4l llze KXLtrtlilLtl Erzu brtll rtltkl Branch 147 tanadmn legion Hll this llltllitl portn tr loan it team jtlltlui mltlnill ltIli lnrlt league hIn her tilltltl tiiirtier rihil itd INllliH if tron for some llllit rIIii lm iltzllilwt Plin Add THit lluiiiilll In 54 aw ww llirw Iie per lax Iritrx billlrl llIi lulu tilrtitll qilt gt gt lllltllltll Irilvl Lflilllti llt till ball and tlttm uninit Mltl Elinor EIHJItT riii terriiiil Im Iiit tx Cal maturity is not quite tlevelolitd th MINIdb 1H1 to the extent of beins Irrterrriulinte llllllm SW The ll will be in Iitveliip the 3m to iSVilltittl rlt tltltltl limo III or gong Himm UlLiltl nut lull lotalliirr Sl tH li Come In Three Sizes All On Timken Roller Bearings and with grain thrower and drive belt of 110 It ply complete can he litlltilll lel lllllJVlIlHII Ti NiIlllCSl RAILWAY STATION for $1545 and up lly Terms if desired Apply to Your Loeal Dealer bylaw power in elim Iiiti ti lttrlilvi to lhi lllll in II stat lgt itiptt liril Ulll Ir Lee Hair road lltll lHl and 31 relive lll pass IIIItIr stezuln lrl of laorr 12 rgtprr lviriti ltltli giIII urn BFUCHHH good players arr Litint turned out in llit tr it ill ef lot It Ii lx lllttllk tiltll tlillllt lt lhe irwd it lltllllttillml talirir placements iaz Im Tilt league Ill be tIvli1gtltle administered by the littlltlll Iiid It nurm linselmlltgrg i111 mi rylng nylaa FtlCilllt llll Ierriiett Willi the dwire tHll letiti zlrl lilllllilllllIJAlliilri5 illllntitndli Exlnivlit srrililirlriii olnntjrr Omnmmmm mm mm JA lnLlNhAl highly rated goaltendm eras lllllll systtltr play their own titlilhl IIHdmft yum Maple WI fl Ht Ii It Wm 0m may bzwwhnm Wm llIUSt who wish to ttiililltlt iii Iliir lot the Boston Bruins of the National lloekey tioii content ant tit lilit art it turned to the WWW mmini MI 1149 12 mull Iieattue shutout the Barrie Flyers 40 in an ice before the kldgt Mt Ilt WAS ltImlPCllWll trim PINNI lleibs appointment came abou evening leaguei are tttltltslttl to in an unexpected way lle Wit2 Ctroperate by iinrnediatelr for xmmtlml 1111110lltttlastFriday nightIll mobbed by lllt flililltlhills And call upon lfljiitdlilljlllktl iiiotmtirg with Iris win ml 50 warding up HOIAIW mm migraine was benefit clash with total pro to sign autograpin lllt autograph sieiiiiitIIIWIM mm mlqu Jack to LakLlrirrd Florida for it till Recreation Office Ntrlllt Ad eeeds for Flyers minor hockey in Barrie ll is imagined tool more out of Gtllllttlll rm Clerk we Wummi Elma Wm l551t lmlkl Illltlttli lillt TDuring the intermission between the first than did the lioIlIiy eaiiie but he seemed leiligte urt lIllt tl gtirri ill Lit rant oid the noticed sign dI birth and position llie oifreials mm com periods pmuwcosi from 1m FW PM it etiroziriw mill rhi UMHII and rotting t0 the Giants sprint tryout are particularly anxious to ensure NM tendon it In wwwm 311 313m eamp for young baseballers that sufficient eatehei material lti totrneil adjourned llll Jill msm it will be turning tlt lli only agz Fwywn lltlllS iounh son lIILIL has hopes Stipulatmn in New Bank Manager POlnletS Garbage contract llttht it IUDHold southpaw Lil 11 that the player has Ieaehed his iZrjIhffd In m9 it lfitlr birthday in will It IIIItIIIIl For Lawn Making iFor Wasaga Beach ts thickly detotned to the mm as Li of the torrent your irrAWA lhL llfltltncu beAlTO McEachern Antru Mills lhone liliiivale ilrli or Barrie 2373 POSSIBLE SHORT SUPPLY ACT QUICKLY WlW HWY arrived they found It is intended for this year at WW it litililllflll WW With of healthy grass and patel1i Siaiiiidalr Ulliltll met in force at ail Hubbell former pitching least to maintain the league on meat in charge of the camp Mr fourteam basis iltid accordingly ddllwl ill immumg Beauehanip tried to get his so the ll51 mayors 10 Hwle Wm the owner had when he started to ii and the hi item of the day was tryout and succeeded bCtiltlSt he receive priority consideration to make the lawn All over tanada thi itllltlli ot the Wasaua Beach was from Canada The camp is or allocation to teams thousands of new lawns are In the gartiaqe ttitlltlltl for lilfil lhere dimin restricted Giant 5mm The Legion will be uonsihp IrrialtintzI most of them still in the tli two tenders One from John 70 recommended tryouts and started for providing the coathint for planning stage lhat stage plan Eoilirtt Ioi $1000 and the other Ftll TWO nights later the these teams and will also be out nintI is the place to matte the fioiii William Mtlilllclltlll for Sltlotl Giants offered young Bommhnnm mm them best use of knowledge llere are MtlCaIhirri was awarded the eonI contriet ltlv bl dlld he Signed Ken Ramsay chairman of the gt liUlHlD hllIlleH gt Juli ill 1t Mum Legion softball section of their BOYCL 0f NIL Dlllllllmtlll if ALII bx culture at OttaiiiIiI ll qlml Commm Iiu iti iii Iiit ix iiiirI wii II lSoilVA medium or Rattth slriertd is one ltllltllll the sale of charge of this new VLlllUl aiir gt further information may be obtain 1011 $011 IOllthl lIILh Itlilltlt ltitll at thstltill lleaeh unless it cd from him Kerr feels quite imam is dwlliublc mm l3 lllltl Plim strongly that the institution of exists on the lot scrape it off and oiniril ordered 700 pounds of such an agegroup league will lin stock pile it before excavation iS Denis powder for warble it forward Stride in mum very started spray llair lIosser New Lowell Obvious MD in mu 10ml Softball DrainagtwGMd surface and is the warble fly inspector Stmchmt lunderdrainruze are essential to the Next regular meeting of council establishment of good turf Iis the first lhrirsday in April the To give you maximum value Ahl GradingTire lawn Slltlllltlllllll tit Srinnrtlule Corners BRAVE MOTHER Slope gradually may mm th Litre uni it Itiolit 0llll dollar KAMLOOPS 30 CPLMYSVE HUCK CAESAR assumed hotise Avoid unip orme tnii mmle mll Wm mm MI Hamatt mother of tour intrdt dmios as manager of the Bank of mm If powbl two frantic trips einto hLi blazing Tommo branch in Elmmle March Organ mauvrmay b0 mm ltllullllf tlrr ttllllnt of sud ltl pie Custonlers Corner home here to rescue her four cliilr Mr Cnesm native of musmn Cd in me form of mum Wm pIna Ion drcn all in bed with influenza The to SeedbedPrepare ll firm Im love the structure of both kitchen of her home was damaged moved to vanlc 0m me00d ilinht gld hm 80 NCdbttl imeli pulverized at tho Tlltltgt no plate for 1511 iii orri Iand was at one time on the staff of but the test of rehouse was saved the Collingwmd branch An active LimingWDo not apply rm snifacL rlttinattl raltinh and whom 10mm mm unless soil test shows it to lirimmmf per srmri tresar as no COLLECTION COSTS ibasebau player His wife is the liLlCCSStllyi Th willieth 510113th Phat denim to Armor with in From 1940 to l9i0 the cost of former lime Leghitt of Collins flifelteillg1lr0ir to eegipgicsi the Splmg or durum mo Allg well as defense plants wood cmlecung income taxes in Canada gimme on song and is CSSCmmI inst and early Scplombm AL Ap we are Mum incleased from $14382th to $281 If Seeds mixluusolvct mix l03621 all lieanmtner lor lrrntmg on soils 10 Li II Dl Ium mmnmmg Species which 10 adapted to the location waste of any kind whether it he nle ASAI 0ch storeitidc low 10 SeediridwBroadcast the seed 01 food Um Inml in our prices inniformly 11 Covcrmg my seed by ttlllhltIlL Ittoit to In Hit it liglitly raking or by applying our customers thin layout of screened topsoil ilollow covering bv rolling You can help us do our rmr 12 VVllLlllltIKCCD the seedbod this national Illltilgtllyly ealliriz moist but not flooded rintiltlie seed Iling grass becomes well establish ed Avoid washing the seed from tiees we may have overlooked lthe soil More complete details concern ing the establishment of turf are Icontained in the circular The Stomer Relatlons Del IConstruction and Care of Lawns AP Food Stores jwhiCh may b0 SCClllCd from the 135 Laughton Ave Toronto Ontario Division of Forage Plants Central Expeiiment Farm Ottawa or In formation SCWiCC Ottawa canud It 1FJELfteBIIifiiZEbiifwa HIGH QUAlIlY MEATS 834 gm lIIyItatw ing 92 years experience fighting our attention to any wasteful prae Please write To protect you against rising prices Alt guarantees alladvcrtised prices for full week Onlly Canadas top grades of beef are Handled California Navel extra large ludEiDris fancy 150s at APRed and Blue Brands You buy the Now at their best This is real buy bestatAP and too every ctiLisiwelLtrimmed to assureyou of more meat virith less waste Well trimmed Florida Pascal Sweet No Short Rib Roast r79 Celery Stalks 2M9 Imported Curly Leaf No washedgready to cook Peamealed Back 83ch Spinach 919$ Call The Examiner For Printing IqiPHONE 2414 Choice ideal for baking This is not value lmpurted hand 980 Ed cello Piere 969 Tomotoes p925 By Th DONT pay tribute to inoths Stop Ann Page White or Brown them with Berlou Five year guar 0F PRINGThe throttle to open The breakers missed setting record for the earliest lb Shce 24 0a RS lantee odorless and stainless Pork Spare llle Bread the worlds greatest inland port closed by ice for date the port has been opened by one day They four months of the year nears victory in the above steamed into the harbor on March The record SMITH Pork liver Shced lb 35 Metal for Four hoto the icebreaker McLean and the date for Opening of the famous harbor was set in Barrie Phone 4492 Pork ocks Choice lb 37 Kraft Dunner SWEEEFWW 1949 Wk Md gt Premium loose Alb 55C LimaBeans Preniiunilsliced $49 Tender King iolttifttctsstiltt Libbys regis 12isIzim3tc WI Vi chmaizv +PIuiiiJam 225MeximiV Heres really stylish accessory sun glare help keep snow Ayim phoice gt that adds to Farfound 1erng sleet and bug splatterll the 2002 an ciwlmv atfgghfchytlfgoi Windshield Its Genuine Ford Cheese MercuryLincolnMeteor Dealer Accessorymit guaranteed Allris demonstratehowthis Exterior qualitybuiltOWPricedamd 2002 lin Visot protects your eyes from availableinyourchoiccofcolom gt ule EU Fahd reakfast Cereal Purity Oats MONARCH UNCOLNMEYEOR monnncu It norms THE GREAT ATLANTIC PACIFIC rEAcotj1DI AN EBEDDY PIRODUCTI FOR PARTS AND ACCESSORIS

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