Future Bright with Promise States Editor in Radio Talk TN In mW1JW dxmm 011 Thai ltiHJS cf Th Ari All 1111111 MEDCI11g1ecs 1141 11411 1115111 5111 11111119010111011 111113 1111 Or GRANDMAS 11111 Mldiand Qty 11 ETA iill 111169 FEET 1W Alma 81017 so 113 11 11 1111111111 151m 11 111 0131111 and Dom LISTEN 1111 111311 l1111 SyMPTOMS 111 lift lit11 111111 61 UIQINl IifIT 111 1111 Ubee 310111111 11 1111 11111 WA l111111 111111 l1111111t 1111111 111 31 11 5111121111111 111111111 311111l 11 11 111111 11 1111 Kim111111 1311111lc1n1 1I 111 i111111111111 11 is 111 Assim Hills tlltsill ate 21111 or 1111 iii111 81111111 1115111 1i 315 N11 111111dic11 liililllllttl in linstoi I1H Tmijk The Sunday linfttllgl 1111111 series 15 II 11 no 0111 broadcast arc1111211 tn LIit to lzmAlziHO tunulati 11111111111 11111111111 1111 111 11 111110111 pint11 111 1111121 11111 11ntii Am In 111111 outlook 1W Scis Promising Signs EN may in 11 341 111114411 1I Oltml 15 919117111111 5133 1111111111111 111111 tl1ll1illl 1111 spirit 11 11111 UN 00117911 UNI111 it 1111 11111 ideals 111 indn 11111111 1111111 311112 promise 111 11 1111111110 11 11111111 11211111imam in an address titled The Vallvy of 111111 1111111 111111111111 111 11111 II UNI Dttlilmi 111 and tl1l1111 11111111511 exprers It Siliklllrl Ill IlWlllt 111 111 111 niodciii 111111gt the 11111 wyici situation he ai1l Wc arc lttlilni 11131 winch 1w ppmmucd 401 1I 111 1ish 1111111 unarmed 1111111111 111tween WI Canada 111111 the Uttlittl States tini II 11 unprecedented national generosityt IwT UBERM la of 1111 Umtcd States 111 ItllitllLlllLl world rcc1111s1ruc111111 111111 the val FREQupm AplefMION TV 111l ll1 11111 111111 iant stand 11f Iiritain whose pcoplii FHLII 1111 011111 hhlilxl ig had the spiritual strength 111 1211111 0F T0 PILLOW 1111111 111 IMP llll Id in at NI 1111 foe at first almost unarmed ii HUI hi1 during World War II 11 11 Alcoa1 li11v 1111111111 L1 hlg cloncl 111 11111 111111 ll 12 1111 1I NH the 1111111111 tlSliccts of tliristianityI HM t11111111 1111 l111 sayingV that the iospcl of hrist 11 11 111111 1111Iil Hm NH 111 liculs as Well as saves IH Ii IIIHWTU Ntm go 111w1 111111 lf11 1511 myself have learned 111 pr1111tlgt ll 1513015 iilnklttlllt 115 11 41 WC in mm 111 11 WW 1Itllllttlt1 and 1111111 11111111111 Gods 11 i511 11111Ilit 111111 11113111 111712 AP spiritual forms he said 11111 PIWHIIHMHU in mmllllhi ll mum hm My pI 1121 11 11 11 11 11 seen 1111111 111 ac1111n on the battlc 111111111 l1 pnla 111 111111111111 VI fill Nqu PM 11 1111111 11 l1 tit 311mb 1011111 1111101 111111111 11 I191 mm 111Id iii the home and 1111111111 llll liberalism and tolerance in the Ill llv HH 111 diwius 111 inn11111111 111 111211 mum CHM UH tho 111d 111 App 13 Sumch 15 50111211 Cl lli ll hill IM ii Em lm Hi Im fI hoes 11111 cont1111 grain and concentrate into meat more 327 11 5W llt11rvagtiiiit 111nnnil 111111111111v 111 11111111111111111111 11111111 111111 1111111 111 111111 11111iWfliihmii15i1iiiiiulilmihminn 112111111 lhis lowers the cost 11f producing pound 0f tilt tXIhtltttCtd 1111111111 111111511111111111111 1111 111111ishop 111 1111111 UM 1nI1111111111111 I11 111111111111 riIImWI II 11111 11 1111 19 lt mmugh Hmimml mmmg MHV 5011 U1 Ill ml 111 I11 i11 1111111l 11111 11 Colduulll 17 111111111 Stiiviiiii AM hll tMHMIH ill WHHIMHH pmk lln1d disa 1lt 1111111 11111 mi KN binrmlul Hw Grow111 is iuum1mll mm 1111 111111 11111111 111111 11111 111f 11 111111w lr 11111111 1111111111 1111 s1111111111 It has always been 1111 11111111111 111 bllUltCAIIV Peed 11 1l 11 1II mm hm huh IM ifllu rcal basis of 1111 is the 1tr11il llil1i1ll pm 11 mi li illllilll 5C0 lunmm UHHM MM mm milWC full Ill DCl 111411111 11 ml llll 13ch 11 tgt 11 mm lvm barn at the lowest possible cost the use 111 APT Sup Colonel Ixcy said It is the dawn of the Christ idea 11 is the spirit ual lt of life as opposctl to the material power subordinatini NEW INDUSTRIES new communities new sources of oil and iron and power Canada moves on with amazing strides And withthisexpansioncome added calls for every form of banking service Your chartered banks have moved ahead in step with these growing requirements That is Why itnowtakeS 45000Imen11aiid women to do lithe banking of Canadians Jalmst double thnurnber of ten years ago Thatis Why there are 11on3700 branches to seitvethe expanded needs Wherever initiative and growth demand it banking is there eIclaiming your continued ceiidenc Due of series byyour bank material sensi 11f life It is gt1ltiltliII WM ltllntllllt 11111 11191 lfIollllt91fllldV vorld not the Material 5Dllll 11I 1x 111 it 11 111 1111 in mdeyndmwhu easements for the right of way1ini buildithe linefrotheIsubstationJ XIHXLJXXXIXXSIBILIWMKS A11 uucc of lantion the Dominion On Hydro Lines Owing 111 illness among members of council Stiltlt of the regular busi 111111 prints ptcpuittl by the D1 partmcnt of Public Works hovering 11f oldwatcr has the con ness was 111111 over when councilt met on March Applicaticuis for the positions of assessor and water flutcd plus lhc 11111111111111 111 have to 1111i he 111111111 At present 1111 boxes are 111 1111 left of 1111 doorway 11111111 11111111111111 liptoilatc equipment 1111 111511111 installed for use 11f the postal staff The whole undertaking will follow Wallm NEWS OE COOKSTOWN 111 Il1t1I 1nll 1ll 1111111 111llitlt1 l11hiile11llay vcckcnd 11111 lcaltll1y The Sunday 5111110 Iulrch 1ll conduct the 11niiii ttvict 1111 Sunday lazch 111 at 30 oclock Ihc program Will in illiistrahd hymns and film 11 tatliir Dr II of 1111 llltllI y1t 1111111111 Thu Smde lm my with 1111 Iltltlltlt Ittl111lllLlltlt lll 1311 Mi 11111 li 11111111111 T1 11111113 111 liltlltlltillltfl 11 11111115 1111111 111111111c11111 i1 1111 11111 11 11111 11111 1111111 Mr1 111111 1111111111 111111 s1 1111 1111111 1111111 and numcious otlici inchhunts is another Millikan 111 1111 Stcwartoii PT1 11 111 lll MW Vtliii hit1r 11111111111111111 stcp in that direction Unich Church Music for 1111 mum huhwwvwg 10 hm mnmml ll Ml 51101 wild mmmm Hldn Ill ihlmdmm is fln51i 11 111111 and they haw 111 01111111 1111111 11111 111111 11lt 1111111 1111t11lt1111 1111111 by 1111111 111writtenE 11111 11 lhcsc hog tccds contain APP Stiptilcnientz Stcwartm Chum uummmlcd 11111111l1111111u1t 1111 11l11t 11111111111111111 1I1I111 thin111 11111vsho1 world SHUILGAIN 0gr conccntruu prohssimml ux Speakmgholders will pay 1111 pct Mill awnts 111 11 111111 111 11st s11111l111 111111111 1111 51RAN Sow onccnlrttft include Drmmncm1mm from UK fcc 11 racks III In installcdttil Mi 111111 11111111111 111 way Iluntsy 1111 IInial Ithlthltt gin CAIN St Valmus Hummus WPWSCmCd qu 111w location imincdiiitiIy liltltlL in 131 tun1111111 111111111 111151111211 11 ltglt1vlttllttlllttt 111tl11r 11111 lg lr 1111 l1111111111 1115 patty 1111111111 111111 1111111111111fti11 SIIItRGAIN Ilog Grower 1111121 111 Mr aiidluiiailiaii Shoe and Leather 1111111 11 Th 111 tiltulilltlly based his remarks on 1111 ltltlt Situa at 1111 local tion today Sicoiid speaker ahwwui 11111111111 will be located 11 thelcft 1111 Slanlm 11111 of the entrance The 111w equip1 yum 11111l1l 111 1111111 posi ummmn 11111111 will 1111 finishcd in liritish 111vg1ii1111111111111 Columbia fltdititl abori thc hosts 11111 111111111 the space will be closed 111 With NR 511111111 l11r1111111 spent lllt was Murray roiito who is general manager 111 If cliuiriiia coniniitt liiilcrs merchandising and display The final speaker of 1111 c1tiiti president of the anadian Shot 111 iailcrs Association and he gave al works superintendent were 1ch tin tract for carrying1 out the changes clinic wet 111 111 opened until meeting can be held The post office here has 511111 HI Ildwl llll ill WWW PFCWm liCtVC many changes including transfer mm And DunlUD Silllh 0199 PIN from 0111 10mm t0 Immer 11 Death of Mrs Ray It olcmaii lbricf 10 to have all councillors in attendance Mme1L 1915 the post office was On Sunday Min1111 it LORI Mrs when U10 illllwlnlnlmltfi 1111 madc movcd from the Millard Block Rm Cowman 1111111 11 her homeI Expo Harry Cowaii Morris Douglas and Andrew Swailc Iconcurrcd bed to attend the meeting and Councillor Swaile was Ifeeling the effects of severebite in the leg received from police dog when he visited farm in the district during the day Discuss New Hydro Line Council discussed plans for erec tion of new hydro line at the north end of the village Permission is being sought to spend up to $6 000 on rehabilitation of lines The present poles are becoming unsafe and the proposed new line would eliminate these and follow more logical route It is intended to re cast to Craddock street follow all of Craddock street to Harriett street as far as the Manning pro pertv and go from there directly north at thc rear of properties to the village limits Burns who is obtaining formed codncilthat all but two ratepayers had indicated verbally or in writing their willingness to allow poles on their properties If necessary Council is prepared to pass bylaw authorizing expropri ation proceedings to complete the final report before the end of March Write Phone Commission 1Clerk Chester Martin was in Commission stating they could and 0111915 IWSCHL COUHCUIOFS across the road to the iVIatoatiucliic Mum SIR was Inuisc Berwick in Australia building The present postmaster is Fred Councillorilack Dunlop was home WI 51011 11011113 1111111111 11 11111 111 11 111111111 $10k illb99 Tll RCCVQ Itll El Slfk First Great War who has held the Vice was held position since 1932 Previous to that four ucncratuuis of the IEplctt fainin looked af ter the post office for Gyyears Assistant to the postmaster is Miss Edna Brush Finley McCuii is mail carrier for Goldwater been done the poles can be removed from the street Also theTelc phone Commission will be informed that after the local hydro begins use of the new line at the north end the Commission will be responsible for use of the old pole line while it still carries telephone cables Coldwatcr hydro finances arevin 711 very healthy state to embark on improvements It has $8500 bonds $7000 in current account and $1500 in accounts receivable 111 street lighting the 13111 power bill in eludingr the payment due for 19710 The provincial hydro rebate on is $32790 Fast lOttl 5111 wife of Ray 11 Coltman and moth 111 The funeral 1111 Wednesday after noon March in St lanls Angli with In cari Churclu Shclbiunc ferment in Shclburnc Cemetery lUnited hurch SS Entertainment 0117 lriday evening March United Church Sunday School entertained by usintz the projector lDtlt to so many being ill with the Illu the attendance was smaller the ibut the school room was com fortably tilled Many lt1tllilfttl pictures were shown of Canada one outstanding being The Blue Water IIigl11ay1 After the films all spent an enjoyable social time and were served with hot dogs and buns United CluirelillA Meeting The United Cliizich WA meet ing was held in the basement of the Church 1111 Tuesday afternoon Mareli 11 with 17 ladies present This meeting was in the form of quiltingr bee and meeting com lbiiied with the usual hymn and Slitll1 codilc skins is an important indus toiy SCI19H The meeting was opened the III 111111111 IIILR TIILRbDAY IAIitII IS 1951 13 11 111 tfiiic Install Safety 112 tvil tiltmtttl in SIIURGAIN hog tccds 111011 with tankagc SIIIRGAIN IIog Finisher iI SIIITItGAIN Sow Ration Let Your Requirements from ROBINSON ELEVATOR and FEED MILI ROLLING MIXING GRINDING CUSTOM CHOPPING DAILY STROUD PHONE 52 DELIVERY SERVICE We will pick 11p and deliver back to you all custom work within radius of six miles from Stroud for slight ad litional charge of 6c per 100 lbs is is the 1111111111111111 11fth1 11111tw1ar 111111191111 111 1111 11111n 11 11111111111111 11f 111 ainilton Shoes 1111111111 and 11 of 1111 iiicich111liyiii1 11111 the Canadian Shoe 1111 Associatioii He spoke 1111i Payne executive lCtv port 1111 SR activities 11f buffalo hich and cro n11r1h1rn terri IsGiving Away 01 111111111111111 itu 1151 611111 and 111111 sraeoweu has 11111111 compared to $133752 in 1950 and $217310 in 1949 Domestic and commercial total consumption of power in COld2liCl prayer was given by Mrs TI Gra ham The scripture was read by Mrsl Coutts while the lesson widcly flared handlebavs with long grip and the Infactinq PerryCoasler Bralte Framn and foil1 ligated with spacial rust preventative All bright nails nickel plated F1111 rubber pedali Danton ipring scat Boys modeltwoiono cream and maroonhes handlebar extension p051 5111 model BICYCLEj line Mr Burns was asked to make structh to write the Telephone past six years were passed EASY LESSONS REGINA CPA farmers wif asked by poles on Main streetsouth to the new line at the back of properties trarlsfer their lines from the old on arental basis WhenTthis has loguefshe replied case here was CROWNLIFE fNSURAN Wf NIXONfMIICHAEL COLLINS General Agents BRADLEY Manager has aproximately doubled in theI Amendments to the taxi bylaw requiring hiuher insurance coverage and chauffeurs permit for drivers 11111111 00113111111011 of foreign birthtcstifyipg in court counsel where she learned to read English tFi0m readingthe mail orderc3185 thousands lRUII ATIVES contaii CECOMP IIEAI IIElIC Igestion Iositivc results fron IfRUIlAIIIVES1 proven by Itens extracts of fruits and Iirhs iv 13791 Get relief from constipationAinlll fi IwoIona cream and bluehas chain uuard Both models titled with Government approved mar ieIIecior won11 $11995 For any 25 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS Heres the chance of lifetime to secure brand new 1951 model SPEEDWELI Bicycle and it wont cost you 11 cent All you have to do is Iobtain 25 new subscriptions for carrier delivery of The Globe and MnIIIfor six monthsat the regular homedelivery rate M1251 week 01 you may take puidInadvance iiiiiil 1siiliscrii1tlons for year at 5700111 places where we have no carrier boyservlce 11111111 and MaiIBicycle club REGISTRATION tho club and Mail uo Itlng Stw1oronto Ont 143110 Ioearo SPEEDWELL bicyclq Redisler my name and send 1m aiuppty ofoIIiciaI order forms and of 1119 eff You may takesuliscriptlons anywhere in Ontario DONT WORRY ABOUT DELIV ERY We will arrange todellver Athe subscriptions DOUJSCCIIIC Boy Wliat an offer Get to work on it NOW SeiidlnlIIie Globe and Mail Bicycle UlubRIeglstration Coupon today We will send you offIiclal subscription forms by re turn mall 1Meanllnie show this advertise Iuent to everyone you know Tell them that their orders will help you to win this splcn llld nowblcyclc and youll have them ready to sign for tlielr subscriptions when your order forms arrive 11111111 11111111 111111 11111111 1151 11111331111 So Register Now By Sending in This 131111111111 niidIWoik For It During Easter Holidays LNunc 11m1V Age Addie I11i11M fitonq11 0in or Town 11 Stat Sits nquimd loys Girli1