Grosses and Fodder Crops TIMOTHY DO 108 not let you don This article was prmared by the Dominion Department of Agriculture and supplied to The Barrie Examiner by the Luv Seed Company of Breton Botanical description Timothy perennial grass which has it short rootstock and therefore glow in more or less compact tilflslh stems winch reach height of lftllili one to four feet or more are smooth and generally erect tlspecrally out dry and hard still the basic of the stems ls thickened into kind ofi bulb which contaln supply oft nutrltive matter of peculiar kind The leaves which hen in bud altl rolled lnward from one side lltf generally short compared wlltl the height of the plant The spikelelst are arranged in dense cyhndrreaLt spikellke inflorescence each spike 1ct containing but one flower ell closed in pair of acutely keeled glonlcs which are not fastened to gether as ill Meadow loxtall In shape and size the splkes of lilnI othyand Meadow loxtail are some what similar but that of Tllllotlly feels rough when touched whereas the spike of Meadow Ioxtail is very soft When ill flower the arrange ment of the male and female or gans is conducive to crossfertil ization which is effected by air currents Geographical distribution Iims othy is indigenous to Europe with the exception of Turkey It is also native of northern Africa llld large portions of western Asia and Siberia It was introduced ill North America with the early settlers and is now generally cultivated through out tllc northern Ullited States and the eastern provinces of Canada History Although native of Europe the vtnluc of Timothy was first recognized in North America It was brought to Maryland lbout 1720 by Timothy llanson alter whom it was named The name llerds Grass which is used in New England is said to be derived from Mr Herd who found it in New Hampshire and introduced it into cultivation Cultural conditions For cold moist or wat lands for heavy clay soils particularlv Superior any other grass for hay grasses or with Red Clover It succeeds best on moist teams and clays It does not thrive on sour lands or on soils liable to become parched during drought such as im poverished sandy soils or shallowi soils over rocks Timothy is essentially plant of temperate climates and is affected more by conditions of moisture than by temperature It is very resistant to cold and bears heavy cover of snow of long duration Although the root system is rather shallow it stands drought fairly well the yields however are light under too dry conditions Varieties Timothy includes lin 50110 Frltlu Jr isociallorl former Scout leader limo mam EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 12 1951 Scouting Big Factor Youth iTraining World PeoceSpeokerIIf With the odd bbxisl from elujw declared it cozlcerlzrd Monday Scouting ll llalilc cull Presldclll of Bathe Boy Scout alle veteran of the Army Ill Frlcke iavc some of his lm forts of the Scout llovenlelll was John 01341 The speaker thanked by Adamson Aim Develop Character The aim of Scouting ls velop character declared Mr Flleke It knows no boundaries of race creed color or religion Scour ill 15 an education it ls not meant to supplant but to complclllcnt the Home Church and School The pro gram ls chIglleil to appeal to that gtillrt of lOlllzilthv plllt 11 evezy boy well as his gang spud 11 gives hull chance to use his solllcefulncss and imagination chance to ill1p others its well himself Mr rriCkc pointed out that Scolrl lug has its practical aspects llgt0 Every phase of Scout training llt said but its application lll adult life boys spirit of creativencss was very much satisfied by tile sys tern of badges and awards in lllu to tie cl spike is well formed and flowering has commenced If left until late flowering some increase in yield is obtained at the expense of the quality and feeding value of the hay When it reaches its nlaxullum growth the stalk becomes hard and woody If second growth is want Ied it should be out just before the flowering period as this makes the numerablc types markedly differ aftermath greater ent from each other and of widely When sown alone from nine to different agricultural value Infmecn pounds of good fresh seed places where wild Timothy or shbuld be applied per acre Timothy escaped from cultivation has established itself hundreds of types can be found side by side urlder exactly the same conditions Giant plants extremely leafy and consequently of great economic val ue may be found check by jowl with small dwarf types with but few leaves and spikes only half an inch long Open tufts with ascend ing or almost decumbent stems may be seen in company with dense and bunchy tufts Pale green bluish green and bluish red plants may be found growing side by side Early types with basal leaves brown and dead may occur alongside of late maturing plantswith an abundance of green leaves Habits of growth Timothy is ra ther slowgrowing and as rule medium to late in maturing It is flower early in July In the south west peninsula of the province of Ontario andfrom the middle to the end of July in Manitoba and north rt000ttu000 ALFALFA Canadian grown Alfalfa will be View scarce this spring To offset this shortage considerable French Alfalfaand some from the Southern States has been imported into thisarea TillsAlfalfariseasllyrocognlzetfasiitdsstaineel 10 Red treat this as danger signal as We do not think this seed at all suitable to our climate fI also iraee+send wt Irvin are Am FOR extensors ALL snubs We have Catladldn no No Itcdglover Alsike SwetCloveIr Timothy all Ses requtIrcd for your PERMANENT PASTURE or soil and we will advise what blixtnre uncommon Timothy is not desirable pasture grass except as part of mixture On account of its shallow root sys em and somewhat bunchy growth it will not stand tramping as well as other grasses commonly recom mended for pasture In the dryer uplands it will withinI few years give place to the native grasses especially if the fields are 3110 to be grazed bare by sheep Seed For seed crop Timothy should be harvested as soon as possible afterthe plant has reached full maturityw1len the spike turns from green to yellowish If har vested too early the seed will be small undeveloped and of poor germinating power If harvested aftcr it is ripe the seed is apt to hull when it is thresllcd and to lose its brightsilvery lustre thus giving it the effect pfoldseedu Timothy is commonly threshed With an ordinary grain tbresher al though the best obtainable seed is bus bags vls n1oduced by Geelge Caldwell lo 01 at Barrie Kiivdltls lull so fl lztrn tpllte stlf s1lIlpoltlslg la1rlillvl 1Klml tlt law world peace vs vcle lulln valu left fllrlllln Lillilil to the suclcl ltI referrth llill Slldv Russell of Mldllllrltt limit tmlllllltcllt corn lllllltc 11 Malcolllsoll said tlr lell Ilev lulus Lewis Ilcv society ls urgently ill need of James Ferguson VlJtl of Shanty Bay 8111 liulst as sisiallt Ilagernlall of Allandale Cubs ital wIlllalnsoll Bob Sallcant lllo IfUSs IIIIIIII RIIIIIIS IIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIII coach Ital vcy Prince George Strider Fran lie said the Society llllI Rodgers ed Clarkes with 584 iwitli 049 181233238 led Clalkes is usually cperceptiblyI weaktmed TOWN COUNCIL NOTES All ll uuj Itpulltd cults at 111 19 by the lolI coat tiehverx charge vouii tiglllllg The tell as co Isl lneetlllg afti vlgrll HI Util Welz llrl1 llitvlil llwlt lltltligtoll tr ittilltlil ill the silrd whlrl rill xas urgent lnaclllne could t= Iliulltlttl Zluzll lire weather HM isllllizlttl the cost would be 0001 IIII IIIIPIIJ My 3330 lll alulils ltIKilllllllIlvlitlr It town council Ctillllllllltt 21 pulley to luwrn opening is DH IIIIIIIIIIK III IIII HIM 10 sLIbtilvlsmlls lle volnllllttcc lin III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IS ciudes Allis if Osborn and Ht lv llllpollarl factor in llzllldlllJ Sililm dork EMU and tllgllrwl Request tor grant by Willialzl Malcollisoll secretary of 11 Bazlle Altllcullulal Society for 51 litlly tr packs ili Val timer ili There Such lnll lcld 11 131 for Ilasle Ls 30 pc ltl The sole 11 Iiwltxi irl l1litiil ll 11 ltl itd is helmd ae Iitlttli by it trxIlllgtl Scouting ln lllflt has i1ulrlt personal lleiuf tll1 rlll the lus lnpllliall fal 111 llllullg the guests introduced llv llllct tolnnlzssloller Ian Ielsnllll are lctrle nl Scouting locallv Dull Allan ills horse blllltiillg and plans to go head with it it the illoney can 121 laisvri lie pointed ollt that tile Illtllr elal government wlll match mun till Kit dlstrlct conlnllssloner skew Norillnc Barrett and basis but will not match other coll lllblltltlns When the ex rollcd Clarkes Baln best men were Russell with 720 ful were tied at 3131 tra frame was were ahead 100 pins to 115 with 004 250237177 and Berry III9d by FIIIIICII WIIII I4I while Bill Hare was tops for the BIQFUWS Wk piIckQIg with 592 125421222I LakeVlcw Dairy Best for Bradleys even though he did slide half way was Currie with 591 followed by gOWFIIIIIEhICI 3115f 10GIIltftIIIFI I51I1IlkILI floss Bradley with 488 The Dairy IIIIII Egg an 60 IILISIBJSIIVCI men were slightly off form as their CGE No and Barrie Tanning No split 43 in favor of CGE Campbell was best with 690 8842qu and RI Smithson with With Kenwell Red Stars They out 664 230210224 and Bob Mallion rolled Kenwells in the first and with 649 229182238 helped them third gamo but fell down badly in along The TannerE bCSi me the second game Kellwclls got hot were Sid Woodward with 813 313 267233I and III Garvin with 672 ln the second game and rolled 1030 I221219232II which gave them the total pins Best 13911 Telephone won the rst and for Smiths was Dusome with 557 third games from Clarke and closely followed by Burdctte with Clarke No for ve points Jack 500 Kcnwclls best were rolled by Cotlch was topman with 571 204 vt 120247II LII New was tops for gigohenwcllpl and Olrow vlbI bcst men were Glenn with 554 fol lowed by Thurlow with 539 Smith split the points to In the second division 13X went GROUP all out to whitewash and In the first division Montgomcrys move into first place The airmen are rolling along in first place They were in top form as LeamiInl rolled are the hottest team in the group 797 followed by Gilroy with 615 as they took points from Chicks dz best bowlers were Emms Mens Wear Montgomerys rolled with 646 and Cavanagh with 553 3134 for the team which is pretty Barbers also came up with fair bowling Hadden led Mont goodmight as they whitewashed the gomerys team with 771 291 262 Examiner and moved into second 218ihe wasfollowed by Harradine pincc Best for the Barbers was with 640 The rest of the team was Graham with 690 followed by Os up to average Chicks Mens Wear borne vithr494 The Examiner bowb ed their average in each game but th dca harvested by hand and thrcsllcd by 35$th 11 31 IniachngEEI 136 Lanlce zlizyggggragrgfn for the Examiner was Storey with 617 followed by Tomllnson with 577 35 Ill 13 laws 503 Lolldlly Motors came up with bright c232 an sunrepsscnd me gOOd gameS to defeat CGE No It is sometimes saved from scrccn sewn to nommg L01de Meters were in good form as Lungs rolled ings of fall wheat sown after Tlm 651 foIIowed by Webb with GOOI otlly sod but such seed is generally CGE best men weke Kane with polluted with False Flax and other 524 foIlowcd by Hobbs with 5m weed seeds not common in grass High single was roped by Loam lands in With 299 he also rolled the Seed ofIgood quality is of bright high three with 797 silvery lustre and only small amount is hulled Dulllooking seed is either old or has been harvested oLstocedmndepunfavorablexondL tions When newly threshed the vitality of the hulled seeds is not inferior to that of the unhulled but the naked seeds lose their vitality CORSAGES caIrllerIthan those enclosed in seed FRESH CUT FLOWERS coats vafully matpredseed is pre Form PLANTS served in cooldry plate itretains its vitality from three to five years even when nine years olditigiVes high total percentage of germinsble seeds although at that age the germ FLowERS 74 Blake St Phone 3015 FREE DELIVERY The legal weight fortyeight pounds per busth is 1105 Morning Matinee teollt 1145 Organ ltcveries DOIIIIS mm I12 Luncheon Engagement until 1030 Newscast WINNERS 01 T1115 Vespra junior softball challlpiorlship were Craighllrst coached by popular Walter Craig Pictured above they are receiving the George Johnston MPI trophy from Mr Johnston himself Left to right it champions are alter Craig Jim Stilton I005 St John Ambulance Broad 000 Newscast In cast ULBMY 4120 Night Beat 1030 Newscast 1040 rgall Interlude 1230 Newscast 1045 In the llallcl 12431tegiollal Weather Report 00 IPSW 111Igtv weather 1250 Bulletin Board II SUPPt 100 Farm Features 130 CKBB Calling THURSDAY AII 209 NCYSCW 055 Sign On 20 Mch lLwAIL 700 News Headlines 00 Elmvale JGCkPt Show 701 Rise and Shine 330 NCWcum 715 Newscast 35 HEFCS to Ladlcs 735 Farm Market Report With Barbara Wheeler 745 Regional Wcatller Report Club 1230 750 Newscast 800 Sports Roundup 805 Fun at Breakfast 30 Temperature Report 1545 Shoppingr with the Early Bird 901 Hymn Time 915Aunt Mary 930 The Music Box 1000 Newscast 1010 Morning Matinee 1030 Movie MerryGoRound BItOllGlIIAL ASTHMA Do you gasp wiltclealld fight for breath soyou cant get proper sleep lclnplctolls RAZAl it capslllesllelp you tobreatllc easily relieved of wheezing alld gasping llley loosen tightpacked pllleglll in bronchial tubes so it colllcs away easily 1103 Sign Off Sleep and work ill comfort take RAZ WEDNESDAY AIMI MAE today 60c$125at druggists 841 655 Sign On 430 St John Ambulance Broad cast 445 Hidden Town 530 Newscast 540 Prelude to Dinner 00 County Hour until 700 15 Sportscast 30 Newscast 50 Bulletin Board 300 Serenade at Seven 73 he Adventures of Dr Kil dare Newscast 805 Night Beat 3900 Hockey Broadcast from Guelph 15 This is the Story 30r 1040 Organ Interlude 1100 News Headlines Weather Temp Time cls Silanallall Floyd Stilton Jack Sheffield Robert Wright George Kirton Donald Ells lllere Standing front left George John ston MPP and Sterling McCaulcy man ager and receiving the trophy on behalf of Mondux Feb III 830 pm the Craighllrst softball club More or Your Money MlDHURST Eebluary Valentine Theme at WA The WA met at Mrs Days null 115 members and four vstos present Miss Wattle was in charge of the devotional Mrs Mason gale very interesting program on the theme alen tlrlcs Mrs Peacock won the Valentine contest Mrs Russ ell Mrs Garvin and Mrs Storey were appfillllcd to buy log for the church LadiesBring Husbands The Home and School Assocla tloll wrll meet ill the vlllagc Tucs do evening Feb 13 The evening ls taking the form of Valentine soclul with Barrie East End Home and School members as guests EVLI lady is requested to bring husband February The many friends of Mrs John Dicker Will be glad to know she is improving after recent at tack of pleurisy Ml and Mrs erghl of Coll ingwood visited at Illdwells one day this week Mr and Mrs Harold Duncan and Bobby of Thornhill spent Bruce McMaster Fraser Carr The Federation of Agnlculturc will meet in the Community Hall lilckling will speak orl Crops The annual business meeting of Community Hall trustees will be photo by Smith Studios held Wednesday February 14 ill Scout tolt 11L ll wllh sonu 10 ll fIgdIlIlIJIIIiIIiIiiiIIIlSIsnag 700 In IllKlllllos the hall at 830 pm 701 lise and Shine INIQICI QM TIIII IIIIII II hm hate that much smallcr Stlll QIIII Newsc II IIIIIIIII IIILIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Icf AND would come from the federal gov 1115 lfarlll Market Report ltblllill Hm I5 ellllrlellt Although the social 745 Regional Weather lteport Mpg Hal01d walker spent few sown with cereals lll ltlt spilllg It an In II xllicfutOIV hay Hop 3le iltltllllltlll DWVNWC hi IIIIII SHBINII III days at Gravenhurst recmtly lCbllldry ll It been nearly used up delegation IND PM glililf mIIlil IIIIIIIIIIVC nurses III the am Jean Reynolds is delighted to UHOWHA tiL II II from the StiCltt was to approach IIIkIIUII awa hospital received their caps 11ch SCCUILd 1101 Clip 51$ 11 HrSt Agriculiunl Elm 1mm 33 the department tllls week ill an cl 00111illlil1llll 1111111 700 IIIQIII SIIOIiIIIIIIK IIIII Early Bird In CLIQIIIOIIV last weuk It the illtraining in Royal Victoria 1109 umd Elm Immm If Bowunl tort to have it extended NIH SMHINH AM 0011 llvlllll Tune tnurscs residence Mrs Grant Ans Pllill Barrie lts MIN OI Ml TA Alleys Also referred to the general gov 91 All Milly dell lattelldcd ln honor of her Thomas BC 15 5101 btd With cause clean seed of strOIill illllll Nt 010 Music llox Dr Blackwell il ttelldlnc His II II eminent comnllttce was leques IIII13IIIIIIIII 13mm pI daughter Mlss Bctll Ansdcll re ls pclltlallv llallablc at low pine wag 011 Nu Tl lellse cl lcre of seedlnu is by Bum Urumlmml some 700 Smmuh SW 1010 lilulnllli1 Mltillet ccwmg or cup bmmm mm much Hui mm to grant of $500 letter explaillv 715 Ilano Playhouse III MI and Mm Rug501 Sim0 IIId Monday less than With any other lass GROUI A30 1010 Mill Mild If itd llOlll iii of Imhv nutriivc1 II and DIII II DId II mm 3de NEW Ibound I10lllloruulg Matinee teont famlly of Orlllla vrslted Mr and 19 WI 59011501001 CiOklllolC IiI year and the groups finances have WSW 1100 Newscast Mrs Orton Crawford party last Wednesday night ill the IIII MI IiiILRII1I Igdfgl EEIIIIIIIIi BLIILIIITIEbfltIZII331 HIGIILEE dwindled through the extensive NIIIIIIIIII 1105 Morning Matinee cont Illall YOIIsO HI II II HI If Iv IPI IIIIIIIJOHIIIng COIHIIIIIUIIIV thls week games to none Wk d0 Dmt up 000 nghl float 02 RVUIH Stun IIIIFaOFC IIOI IIIOIIIIIDIII mex poIICIIIIIIIII and 1mm beauty spots lll the town 1030 Nowsczlst WEDNESDAY pM om dn ma SUV 1110 DOORCFS With 590 1336 oullell accepted the offer of 1040 llan Interlude 00 lunCheon 1111 hiblmm 111 1100 Newscast fodtIlILJIbyI ltstIlItt ll05IIlIIJIDOlIItI IBIIIZIIlL tlelIISIJIZJBILI andIItIIlI KIIII ITSIIIIIC II Town HEIII 0115 In the llilpflh lIZIIII SIMIS DIgcsI 05 MIIIIIIIIIII MIIIIIILILI Icon Yale and Slmllar AIOVII ISl II0Icd IOI Irk YLECIIII IlsuIlszglhflIIICEIJIXII broadcasts this year Arrangements NEILIIIgimp wmtlm ligillkm Imlml 311415 Organ llcveries St Eurscmhm haw IIWIVv IIIIIIII muons hers wtih till lerry Electrlc con laud IIIfIld IIKImIdI IIblofldXIhIl 1103 Sign Off 1243 lftt10lil Weather Ilcport Elgnp Iizigwlmggci 1mm as well alld on account of its di tinned to lead llltll back by down th lll It lrlllts II II I250 BIIIIMI BIIIIIIII I2II sum DIgCSI llll CGE No 32 and Wes Perrv Jallles Boorlnall IULSliAY AM ti tllldlld llll gt 100 lallll Itatults 1211 kI Elbtllltl was top with 724 1236245243i and 05Slr1n Oil CK LI Clwr for VOW 1101305 WWW work sllll with and Llovd Annhon mm pmpUt 700 News Headlines 1m 12 NCWBCN II ldIIIu 13 iiklnl that all area West oft 701 RN II SI IIL 30 N51 1243 Regional Weather Report immediate tlI VIlllI Ml CG est was lt 11 If Mum III IIII AII II dII Except OII IIIIIIII mOISI IIIIIdSI II II MCLIIOdS 603 I27III and lnnt St llolll Lllrabctll St to llll NCWSCIIsI IIIIO AIIISIIIII JIIIIIIIUI Show 120 ultlllI oar does not by itself developillto Shire 300 5111018 11150 Btbb squmwsmly mummy of me my 735 Fun Milkm Report 3130 NeWscast 232 sinlc game lllgllway be takell illto the town 745 Regional Weather Report 13 II HHCR Saidb0Edlvllmigitobtltgr D1100 and Brass alld Glenn 35 ltfwmd Spccml Comm 750 Newscast duh 303m wmm Blond IIEICWISFEISItIhC AI Timothy lands 15 WI fought to 21 session ill favor of ice 09510115 meuti 400 Club 1230 306 SIEISLV 51 80 Fun at Breakfast 3m 10 Iircd IOI OIIIV Dlles and McCaltllLy had Sutlal 01 employees petition TI LIIIII IIC RI rt 11 lllflflt ll Town IMO Newscast Oddcr mp rem V01 8000 mill llh 829 128439 ed council to repair Inrlisfil Cotter 530 Newscast 33 CICs t0 the Ladies with 0ch Iwo ycIrg III short rotation it mm 296 11115 wwnd WIIII 114 Siloppllll wrlll lllt Lally Bud 40 II and Jane streets which were salll I00 11mm Tin Barbara Wheeler be sown alone or wrth Alslke C10VU 090 Seadoll was tops for Brass In DWI CUMIIIIIIII rm VOhICIIIIII IIr MI 000 County flour ulltll 700 III club 1230 on hernvv moist or wet soils and and Glenn with 701 1132257315i II it 600 Marching Along 415Hmdcn TIIWII ldVCl 030 llle Musk Box Inn Red Clover dryer and light and hair was second with 000 In II III III III IIIIIIIIIrI FIIII I000 NIIIWCIII 01 pollscast 5gp Newscast land By remuvdy tIFiCk seeding Division Clarke and Chief if Irwin statdd tllclc were Illth Mornilll Matinee ganfftourd 5101310 Igimncal $1153 lcxmm produccd Clarke No took Copaco two 11 calls answered 41 inspectionslo30 MOVIO MCTYTCWRWM 700 Serenade at Seven ou ou 36 Hayeld Barrie mould be cut soon after the II 1045 Mornlng Mltmee cont re alllcs ole an on SC lo llld lllxcstl ltlolls llll IIIIIO NewscasI II mule III IIIIICIIIIIIIIY AN EXAMINER WANI An Hove FUn WITH YOUR FRIENDS send Coulis VALEerNEs Dick Steele English militia anh hilt Shop COR COLLIER PHONE BAYFIELD STS 2395 Vr 35 BARRIE New IN NEW LOCATION Barrie Iron IWmks ELECTRIC and ACETYLENEWELDING Steel Fabricating Blacksmithing etc STEELEOR slur Phone 5040f Alex Clelcmd r9 Pikilp NuSERVlc tThafs IOurIPotiCy For ProofVol this and For Dav vCLEANINGISATISFACTIQNI PHoNE22lzlaBARerg DeliveryQ wDowntown Agents E7cerNERs 37 Wstclld Knights Drug Store Eastendr Wilsons Dress Supp Chute wuw few days this week at Johnson