TYPICAL 01 THE NEW MERCURY TRUCKS FOR 1951 which were introduced across Canada on Friday January is the city MG threcton unit shown above Cabover IVY hrist Church WA Meeting Mrs Lee llantirrg was hostess to the Womans Auxiliary of Christ Church ivy on lhursday evening Mrs lloward presided leading us in opening prayers and the singing of the hymn Breathe On hie Breath of God Scripture reading was read by Mrs James McDer inott fromlsaiah 66 verse Miri utes were read and approved Mrs 11 Banting treasurer gave the fin ancial report showing good bal ance on haiid for the iiew year Plans were made to assist in the World Day of Prayer service on February in the Presbyterian Church Mrs Thomas Lee gave the missionary story Canada Comes to Kratera also an article from Living Message entitch Wa engiiie models are included in the nine ser ies ranging from halfton to fivetoncapa Davis paper entitled Desl tiny on Vingsllrs Jean Ienncttt read an article entitled God at the Illridgc Head Program Converters for February rnceting are Mrs Jean Jennett and Mrs Edna Barit reg Meeting closed with prayer The hostess served refreshments and all enjoyed chat and social Irour Mr and Mrs Lee Banting are at tending the Federation convention held in King Edward liotcl Tor onto this week Honor Mr and Mrs McQuay Over thirty friends gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Jacki Banting on December in theluas married to Edmund BtOWll evening in honor of Mr and Mrst Stewart MeQuay of Calgary who were spending their honeymoon in Barrie The early part of the even ing was spent playing cards After ELMwiiE Mrs Edmund Brown Passes Away The death of Mrs Edmund Brown at her home in Angus toot place viiy suddenly on Monday January ltlfri from heart condi tion Mrs llrowc was born Mar garet lllliott on August 11 in Bel last lreland and spent her early life there There gtlic was united in marriage to Iiobcrt Bell in 1910 They came to Siidbury Out in 1912 and later moved to lillllVill where they lived for 28 years until the death of her husband iti 1933 On December 1940 at Angus she who predeceased lzer in November Eli 1945 Mrs Brown was member ot the Ladies Auxiliary Branch No 499 Angus and in religion she was Anglican Surviving are her llii table Coldwater Commentary By LORNE important uuiicil Business lo the absence filer tire lfage oi ounciiior Mirizis llougA 1x or connection with os utsfh for the If lites And luiltspiid he did not to with Lumber of pn ed lrcltl Jul 18 Andy Swaiiv the tilil new lliiill her of Lutllltd took his piace at with Cudlltillttls llall ounn and Jack liilop touricillors tcliaiiniarii rioli Dong lin land Swaiie were appointed to the Witlci tiid ltlit Councillors Conan iluirlop were named to tie Roads oiiiriiittee and iciirrirraiir and and iliidges toiiriiiittre lnklrppirig was ltltltill ed to the ltliil lloaid for pciiod of three years after coiiipleiing one year as Councils appointee The Library is in need of funds as it has only two cents on hand suggest that We vote them 5203 of our statutory obligation to help tide tiniii over stated Reeve iunlop This vas acted upon The Rccve said that at tlze next regular meeting representativts of the Library Board would confer wrtli toiiircil regarding their re quirement for this year Fire Chief William llcuch said Councillor had protested use of the pumper arid its siren to draw attendance to Lions liib draw at the Community Christmas tree anl inquired if the brigade was to be deprived of tiSlllL its equipment at its own discretion Reeve Dunlop said he thought the firemen had always handled their responsibilities in capable inan iicr and lid not think they should be interfered with except by majority of Council Councillors Dunlap and Cowanl said they had been aware of theI use being made of the fire truck and approved of it Tire hief was advised to carry on as in the past In his capacity as Chief of Police Mr Beach recounted difficulties enforcing the taxibylaw Discus sion on this issue was postponed ouncillor Dunlop raised his eye brows iii looking over the accounts when he saw Si item for mar riage registry LETH ERBY tt thet SpraiLLg 11 ltlil tt lili lll liii Filitliulitl Fire us or the top and mazd itlllc ii iltl with The ittilill lilntt 55 noitairieti tied the paper tlrittl hall Uttli Lililafttntl ii pin rgttoi for igt lliliil5tiii to rt llillltli the Pitv zazly papa when the Necessary nzaciaiiri has been obtained The Midland Moyor ARIALS PARKER 310w oi lt3lilltl Mating Ulrw ll llm Ullltt lctl lril hit foldxmivr News was creditable wcx ilj foi this rliaJe the prakei iltltiitl 3dr lliiglon briefly 2b the career of lloy liromsoii the owzai ol the illli weekly tutu controlled ill newspapers llifillli to thr news itself the sprre said Was the most pcr isliable coiiiinotlity illllitillillt Mi llgtilltluil was introduced by Major ll Lane and was thank ed by Lloyd licthviliy The speaker at the next meeting on Jan 21 will be another news pitlttlllllll William ll raiislorL Dtiiilrsliri of the Midland Iier liesi llcialtl Lion 1inc announced ttllilj1t mints for the turkey supper spoil Sltl by the club on January lit Time will be sittings it ti and piii liocteds ill go towards tire protector fund Lttll booster an apple on the head laclt lipprng won in competition with Steve Bro conducted the carrying lovcr iiig which involved Tom Potter was among the guests at the meeting it was decided to continue weekly bilisto garrres oldwater Personals shower was held on Jan It for Mrs llobt Buchanan tnee Kathar tcutivc ri iXtittltti lti tltl to the prottiaiii mapped out for 1931 in coiirocton Hlli the current driyc for iiiciiibci by thc llonze and School isociatnrii till otilttiirlir riieetiin l1 illit ml for cdiicltlay cciiiirlaii ii at the Public School Slated to speak is llr Scott II who lll ic an itltlltx 111 connection nith lltllil hell to ill Lirtcrt lltlllttd rlj ttllilJilltltl lttll Ciili The New Projector for Movies The Lions tlub are donating the use of their new iti lllilllllEtIit pro Jcctoi With Stllts of irzteresirna motion pictures There will illgttt be iisciircioii period and social llitllt hour livery titlltlliill llltllllllI has lrtcn asked to bring iuest and there will be silver collection at the door Members of the Association point out the many advantages of jtilllrl in the Home irtid School Group The annual fee is quarter andl orovidcs an opportunity to become THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 15 1951 tirzrt isrisiiiss THE HIGHEST RESPECT Be assured that we conduct MIVlttx with dignity and restraint also that VH make arruigriiients to suit every income MODERATE TERMS Funerals complete from $100 and up PETHICKSMITH iiivitiiAi OMB PHONE 25m 127 BAYFIELD ST BARR Listen Sun 530 pm Chapel Thirties KBB Theyrenib prawnfull ready ll provide instant CHIilll plr Ulltllr High estUllilltitHlSKilliLUltiwcf line llitieriri are approved IN Clttnlcr lfiiginccrt and recommended for UN in CM lerliiiillvehiclesInstall lrrua lnurrlme attery and hurt trademark of the hiyscr urpors iaiiatla deiii Lloyd Letherby and John You ilcii in Synod Ittld by MIR singsong Hoivard Green extend laughter and four sons Mrs Keri 3011110 lid MM Applet181 0d the best wishes of everyone pret McAulcy George Bell of Toronto The PltRlilm tlllltlllilr Ml ent and asked them to accept tlicl Thomas of Dorrie Williairr ot Mat Clml llfllllllllh hild pliumgd 50 gifts presented to them by the litl achewan and Robert of Elrnvale madmgs must tle ones present Stewart thankclehe funeral service was held on Are we going in the marriage im 0m business he inquired mm VlelkllCIItfl lowgt MlrlnlCounty oiiricil next week other school activities contact is llmlnldrcqlmll at ll fdl Mrs 11 Leatlierdale iisitetlpiOiidcd with the teaching staff mlmmp pm Miss Ella Strelschcrilto in Toronto netplut ideas may be brought out better acquainted with the instruc Allly Duiilop attends tioii received by the students and them all on behalf of his wife iia Wednesday Jan at the Bishop and himself for the gts and kiidl Funeral Home Rev Stubbs IANS would fem solve YourProhIiims LOANSSS IUCIDLY $13133 Illullv Unexpected billscon some times upset the best planned biidgei At such times friendly loan is often the ideal solution You can discuss your problem with the Niagara man in private frielidly interview There or four loan plans to meet your needs and any loan can bequickly ar ronged You may borrow up to $1000 or more and spread repayments over many months If moneywill solve your problems thenphone or loAN$$$$S$S Dubai to liiilt IVRIINIIV lliome of Mrs Thursday The meeting opened by wishes Lunch was served and tire rest of the evening was spent in dancing Stewart McQuay had spent number of years in this community during his boyhood days All wished for them hapty and prosperous inarried iile NEW iowni New Lowell WI The Womens Institute met at the Lloyd Patton on singing the Ode followed by re peating the creed and the Lords Prayer Roll call was answered by something in the interest of On tario Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted Business Mrs Laughiin gave reading on Citi zenship Mrs Patton on Educa tion in Voice Culture The meeting closed by singing The King Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Patton and Mrs Vernon Mum berson Death of Mrs Paul Rawn Sympathy also goes out to Paul Rawn and family in the passing of Mrs Rawn Annual SS Meeting The United Sunday School held their annual meeting Thursday night at the home of Mrs Paddi son The meeting opened with prayer by Rev John Cook Reports were then given as follows secre tary Miss Marion Mumberson sionary Mrs Douglas Day tem perance Mrs Stainton flow or fund and cradle roll Mrs Paddison The election of officers resulted as follows superintendent Ivan Duff lst assisting superinten lrSSlSlCd by Rev Geurgis of An gus officiated The casket bearers were Sam Manning Frank Volliek Everett Edwards Bob Bibby Keri Charrtler and Art Gable Interment was made in the Elnivaie cemetery vault There were many beautiful floral tributes from Presbyterian Church Angus Canadian Legion Branch 42 Canada Wire and Cable Co at Leasidc LadiesAuxiliary of Branch 499 Angus Partex em ployees Local 52 Toronto and from friends Those attending from distance were Mrs Brown of Sudbury Mrs Brown and daughter of Toronto also friends from AngusJ3acrie Shanty Bay and Midland PHELISTON Finished Short Com5e at Guelph Edward Marley Laurence John ston and Jack Dixon have returned from taking short course at Guelph Agricultural College There is an increase in the interestni farming as is shown by the number of junior farmers attending these short courses Thisshould prove beneficial to the farming methods in future Miss Leona Kennedy is patient in St Josephs Hospital Toronto We hope she will be home soon into different classes took place The irieeting closed with prayer which everyone seemed to njoy Passing of Walter Switzer George Switzer and his sisters have the sympathy of the cor munity in the passingof their brother Walter Switzer who pass alibi fl Kl llllnlte 1h on The latter is White Russian dis in furthering the interests of home 1L 10 was can placed person who spent over alaiid school life arid some of the 1y arrived llillllSlLlin charge of the Christian Fellowship Chapel Rev iienry Dick Reeve Dunlop asked the commit tees to preparatheir budgets for the year and have them ready if possible by March lst =lle requested the firemen pres ent to have representatives at the February meeting to outline what equipment they needed New Members Join Lions Club Thirty of Coldwater Lions 32 year in Coldwater Mrs Albert Walker has returned home after receiving treatment at Wellesley Hospital Toronto for arthritis She is greatly improved St Andrews Presbyterian Church annual congregational supper will be held in the church basement on Jan 18 Increase in Numbers of 11 And School Assocn Expected Now that sound projector is available for its meetings Coldu important responsibilities the com inunin are more widely shared The oldwalcr Association has Aciii All OIIEll Do volt seem to aclic all over Ur do1 you lilltl it liiltl to gtltitip0r litlitl ill ilrc tlllltl ltlltl you long for with lciirpliions fl tilts liltgtitiiill liltitit io relieve you quickly ot such throbbing unrelenting Netiiziic ltlllltli matte ltlnriirraiic par iiiiiibrgoaiiti Neuraleia rUci $125 tit iliiig counters L92 HAROLD HlLL LIMITED CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 11le Complete Service Barrie treasurer Mrs Lloyd pattom mSMrs Paddison seivedla light lunch come to Niagara Flnohce dent Mrs AMumberson 2nd ed away Friday evening after today assisting superintendent Mrs long illness The funeral was on Lloyd Patton secretary Miss MarMonday from the Creemore un ion Murnberson assistingi secreidertaking parlor to Creemore tary Kenneth Duff treasurer Mrs cemetery Lloyd Patton organist Margaret Ruby and Jimmy Rawn of Bar Bates assisting organist Mrs rie are visiting their grandparents Bates and Tom Tiveridale cradle Mr and Mrs Stephenson have roll andflowen fund Mrs Padl moved to Glencairn Mr and Mrs dison missionary Mrs Day lLen Robinson have moved into the temperance Mrs Stainton Thethouse vacated bythem and Mr teachers for each class remainedland Mrs Jack Robinson moved the same discussion on what into the house Len Robinson vacat agestlie children should be moved ed IOANII l0ANI$$$$$O IAGARA FINANCE COMPANY 10 iiiiiiun ii uriiiiui urtiuiiuimtm ill The Wilson Building PHONE 5533 arcane tennis Anti few months ago they were at school rain ACCESSORIES limoENGINE Alarming insriiumnfr fl Ana or civiliansmanywith no special trade vlfodaytriiiicdby theRCAFthey are DressiiupfyourTcar and gt provide entralight for driv trig safety ingrog for mini Heavily chromcdpnd gracet Vtrqiiyjsiyieag 93 The expanding CAF Ffpry has for moire ll skilled technicians iii the workingsofithc modern airplaneyvithnmughtiafter knowf men immediately l0 ledge and experience from 05 Herc 18 your chance to yourself for the future ouwill be given complete Turoonautpinaticaliy when car goesyibtorevrseithrowawide beainvloflightwforvsafe veasy parking or backingupafter dark iiiaviation FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU IN THE RCAF SEE nu CAREER couNsEiton AT YOUR NEAREST RCAFRECRUITING CENTRE ORMAIIJ courou to ioiiiiiir on you iiiilst Be between 17 and 30 and thorough trainingenjoy good rates payewitliaopportumties or viincc CV Hove oGrude education or better merit30 daysannuallcavcwrth payFand Be physicallyfit other satisfying benefits of scrvrcc career Be Canadian ciliien or other British subiecli mitt Militias amount thCOLNMETEOR Tn Luis patient If gt xi um