llei Noi in they lttt TE 11 ltc Iittltltlg wasnt always Ytiotttll lln it tlttl lEhitnrial ling Fred Grant Reminisce OLDTIME BARN DANCES WERE SEDATE AS WELL AS lIVELY 0m Readeu IN THE BARN ualn llflu liiiitn Bottom In lw ti DANCING llm til we aiactuwtra hon new 30 lits just lamp made the girl look Iltl min In their lips oz ti big plunked train drew cvity neighbor thintigli Its ltlrl citakiuu ging loot ltlljthttlllllWillQ that that litltlil usf new will man could wilt keep every dancer on the jump until the break of da ll atil lllttslt of loathe or pet tff ill pt Hll sawing ta good enouin finLl your heart was heating to IL and your feit were glad and gut it gtUlllt nice gift for paitiar was fairer than la Say How loved that dancing and never wanted to stop opera plant oldfashioned gt21 ad but And tell you was thereaiiotttj at ivety social hop So when that fiddler rived hist gtjtfts and finally drew his how Alltl went circling oer the Itoor ivith girls used to know used to feel that lltztvcn hady reached ultt dlld tlltW IIgt ltic Preset li tringlct for the sole reason that they may Then let me out lWle lilllttSAlis lema Elivittiw IIudge never contact the disease Inst to draw mi bmk attain ivamt in Julia lloote till Silly is II not Yet ltSM Theres no days like tht Ultl IMF iair IIoIII Alth Sarah Schret rites there is no need to spend nor times like they were Theres big and mighty differ And so somehow or other when hear the music play your partner arid sassboy Then Iny feel they fairly itch for just another chance 1Iaiia Smut It llltllIIeril Schlopsliy ence in the women and the melt 1mm tfharlcs Snuthr Mrs Alan Iondllines arent making us panicky Miss ligtllr Nicholson Miss San they are waking us up to realiza SW lhf girls Id ltllt5 lllttlford and some others have quite tion of the gravity of our posi forgotten usually hell til the UH Ilatl just lI Elt It it then he low till it passes inadiaii patriotism llflil iliANI ll ll fl zeiiztiitlItIr AllS Iiaiet Sara lc iIietzi on II rleta ilElt llI1toI ahe ili AlIla ltllta triihiptoti Ilid lIdwarIls Johnston of the tlrass Band daughter of the Barrie The less important itances wcrct am Asks Not Toke Chance But Work Prevent Crisis Shanty ilav 2Iti lt 25v Iiixiii tt lla lltliiiil llaitie Exaiiiini ill Sir ill ilving just read the letter en tilled llcei ics Mass li5ltllfl Eineigt II Education written by liSM lit The Examiner of Dec max present my iiteiiieiit ett civil Itltntt worth pound of cure ittlltll II it llt Is for IIlqu All happy liitdyttl Miss formerly inevitable child ailments glam litlltlw ttlr Wills Miss Which one of us would refuse to Miss initlions of dollars at this time for first something pen ilts not inevitable but it is pos BARRIE eed Civil Defence that We do The old pro Ibs an ounce of pttwention Is as well Lint lltlltVt llltli In time saves nineI ay he aptly taken hete ttttllllll to liflllf we should knitting ltllltl suri ISt attack does come along andl ls tiiisl War may never tottze about its tie bttt why shouldV Jt Itot aIIn itselves against It Preparation the ltesl defence parallel to this issue is fotiiid Our children take toxoids and Iivy life free from disease reventat ive healtin our children this protection never hap scarehead tliat may llis SUClllttl ion Lets not be afraid to face it ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY the Ontario Provincial Force Playz Important Part in World Police the force has llOllllShCd anti grown cial is in evidence detachments of latiOS dCVCIOPmChl over the LESl nearly as large as that of France To thump that tough hilt 001 alongside the present Arinoury insibitity that another war is near again where we all used to Queens Park on the night of ing Nothing iti our modern lance Queens Birthday 12th of July or world is certain so lets not take Wing OllCCd SCVLIil IOCtlll Dominion Day or any occasionthe chance but work to prevent at thlLltnCLS NVSPHPCIS mill lllt Illt some large crowd was in at crisis old time Barn Dance is beintl 113 itendance at any of the special at Who Stands if Freedom Falls vived iti different sections in CHW tractioiis which were held here add but judging from it 0m in very frequently each season MARIE MURISON Bownianvillc Statesman Sllburb neWS In T0l0nl0 Paperl LAdirt every one living here itt some of these presentday affairs those long past days will well re PRAISES SCOUTING qgexcxzrfn fun Ynd Uer can l1tethgtold rigitvoerifacmlyFtirilpitlcgtatesd Egiflgdmfjd 250825 0ElEloignlqgglgnggi Peapf Cg tres the Ontario Provincml PolicOI IForce has in recent years taken an There Will be an old ttmc ham gtbiickllust floor and the but think of no better characterforming im 0mm lace amen world olice dance held in next Thursday plaiiks laid upon it as dancing recreational education for the boys Grieg Flgm humle berlmn night EVcryone will come inlplatferm and through the open of Carrot River titan Scouting It 15 overalls or calico WhiCh was IhCIspaces between them the clouds develops the spirit and habit of re general dress at most timcsh and of dust that covered the sweating sourcefutness and cheerfully facing In tune to um mpld pace or on uptodate music will be provided for should we say pcrsptringi faces difficulties 40 years um now it V115 bv an orchestra frOm TOFODtOIof each of those dancers as their Can0t Rive SmlHObserver For those not wishing to dancclfcet pounded upon those planks Bridge will be provided and 8113 well as those on the sidelines URGES TEAM SUpPORT linem radio has been installed as welliwaiting their turn as dancer Al as moonlight effects over the lBlll everyone attending surely en mo Cytown that doesnl exert under the SUDGFVISIOU 0f the dance floor joyed each of those gatherings to we l051pl0 indenclumge Department Of the AttornCYGctt And they now call that barn the fullest Irm Julwnhcjcsg til5 mmoh lems from SOHIOI aral it plOVldCS the provmce With lancel While neither jazz music nor llghl down lo peeweesUI SPQCIBh criminal investigation gt Maa timately hasnt frontrank team branch highway patrols to super of those affairsbf the long past then er satisfactory results to 99 KAMLOOPS VlSG 0V 73000m105 0fp1f0Vm1al Principally because arrangements were iitedfrom that never BCl SENTINEL highways plOVmClal 901169 detach were so radically different from tobc forgotten institution the what they now suggest Just im oldtime fiddler who has gone aginc anyone attending one of now foiever But in hisday be From The Press Canada those affairs as cardplaycr or held pretty high place in the even as Spectator for they were rural community aitd could keep like one of those Old time shinney whole floor of dancers on the gt games on the Bay iceeveryone jtimp for ten straight hours as was in full energetic action in the he sat up in some elevated place game not in Seat in the grand with red handkerchief tucked stand And usually the 80year around his neck and under his old grandfather and his venerable chin his head to one side face wife took handor rather screLved tip and beating time with ea canada QUEStlonQple Trends foot in it also just as they had his foot as did everyone else who FIllII Column In EdUCOlIOH glinimsxtgomjcilrsorpreviousty on gjrscglithcr prospective or actual Windsor Star Farmers Advocate TheChieewh lvem And an admittedly oldtimer There were many varieties 18w tho 1h icongdu The Oldtimesystemof education e5 ere mug am was stern and inflexible but the doesnt make any bones about it in of ddlers the same as Wit We 113 very me comp pendulum has swung the other wav saying that there are lot orchestras no but anyone th th ld me Pal emvwan weaselrandnowiwirthsugarcoatinggintecn wotse things that could happen to who had ace in use muc asawor emu ere eststimulating progresswe meth the present day sop isticated time dances can casiy Visua It th me came 15 way ods education is made as attractive pleasure seeker me his par icu 111 Although Canada may be on the It wasnt for one of those affairs bored one as he mounted his verge of shootin war with China 85 905511319 and tcaChers endeavour that young lady inquired from platform with the pianistif dg th ht to impart learningfo the Young ma to be on 353159 even Sig 95v minds already occupied With sports store clerk if they had any wax ere appe sus won that the Chmese eo le for 3316 What kind of wax striking the chords the ddler harp 1d bee mblergrop parties games and everything but Seating No said she We are alternately tightening and loos dane ell0i th Sintuzit theme and determinatlon l0 ab having party at our home and ening strings screwing up and Tierfeelha rvthe yth their $0rb What the curriculum Offers we want to wax the floors not lettingdown and strumming of 1g During the World Series radios loyalty is beyond dispute and at were installed some of the Lem tc ceiling no es now igh sq ca th tr Sted bear It was sheet iron which would and then low and buzzing till they 9h ybl 11th 0h an don schools in order that the stu have been more useful to hold they got things to jibe while demse V95 to mg Wig dents might not miss thevplay by its own when those heavily soled everyone waited expectantly risfgreemin fe may playbroadcast of the games One shoes of some of those men dancI Then with bang into some air 13 CW ryl on tel offic1alvsaid that it was no use try ll ersireally got moving at an old the calleroff roarch Take your 15 comp men or fna by ing to teach students whose minds that cant be paid to all peop es are full of something else time barn dance The dances ln town in those dayswere held regularly each season insthc Town Hall under the ansploesofSt Patricks Society Officers ifthe 35th Battalion or The Bachelors but they were labelled Invi tation Ballsand were always exclusive ofany but favored list ofits highbrow citizens At each of thogefaffairs Belle 9f the Ball was chosen rind when the nal choice was an iai more excitement enviyi and dis gt gruntled protest than any Bath thg Beauty Parade contest does Maclecns Magazine partners And as there was sometimes general backwardness to berst out usually couple of young fellows would engage in clatter ing step dance heel and toe in the centre of the oorand under covervof this distraction the crowd of dancers came forward and in moment or two the dance was in full swing Anduamongr the ddlers from nearby villages were MessrsAn derson of Allandale Lennoxlof Sharpe Thorpeand MacDonald cf Bradford Turn to page chances are the Chinese Will handle yiLGcriige Crawford of Orb Sam share this square milage as intern fluill testify In exempting the Chinese from any tinge of fifth columnism oc casional exceptions may of course be conCeded Such exceptions dont destroy general rules Here and there Red Chinese may turn up the millennium not yet havingcr rived But if or whenone does the liim themselves without resort to tiresome formalities hemight be found floating in the riverwith anhatchet sticking out thirteen please ticipate corrective Oriental proce dures Two mainreasons for Chinese de pendability can be listed in this or der The Chinesesense of honor The fact most CdnadianAChl best are Kuomintang followers and thus in sympathy with fth Nation alists Theres Kuomintang club here has been for many years As well as the outsider can judge it is ideal been fraternal and sentimental clans havendsludge mltch rrom its errpatrlate offshoots howeverand doubtless it has meant 3a great deal to its membErship Anyw3y Whatever the shortcom the organization appears to have been well conducted in Canada to could have learned sc 00s 11 deteriorate correspondingly and gradually sink to lower moral ethir of the back ofhis head It doesntl cal and spiritualleveys rule thatouteitherWho can an istic rather than political or from tiorial Kuomiptang suggests un ltywor nationhood Its appeal has Iings of the Kunmintanz infChinaa getteryones betterment The parent lktnctot hoolegwe deserve Medern trends in education were menl camp rec9WlNOrId War recently dealt with on Citizens Forum broadcast and one of the panel members discussing the ques tion made thestatement that trends in education reflect the trends in home and community life If ac cording to his argument there is lowering of values if the essential arid worthwhler things of life are given second rather than first place ifweishuri responsibility and leave it to others to make decisions for usfthen we must expect our iOS merits in 16 police districts of On tario which in addition to their Clllorcemcnlinormal function place at the dis posal of 80 municipalities the ser of Ellie harm Examiner JANUARY 95 The polish has hardly worn off the New Ycar and the shine isstill 0n the faces of those good citizens who made New ars Iresolutlous and so far havent broken any Weve got sneaking regard for the fellow Iwhoselone resolution was not to make any resolutions Hes got nothing to lose Itsxa fascinating subject Wed like to know for instance what Marshal Stalin or Mao IseTung had in their resolution lists You can bet there was nothing good for us ICome to think of it they were probably too lbusy bluepencilling the resuluttons of their subordinates to make set of their own But theres one thing common to East and lWest in New Years resolutions Its the licttonary definition that good resolutions are intentions that one formulates mentally for virtuous conduct You dont have to write themjust so long as you remember them Thats nice for the folks behind the Iron Cur tain where it could be dangerous to make written records However its the ordinary resolutions made by ordinary people that count in the long One year can bring about quite change of opinion but it was rather surprising to see the results of municipal plebiscites about Sunday sports taken in connection with re cent elections in Ontario towns and cities The issue was decisively rejected by the elect ors in all centres except three small municip alities In Essex County where Sunday sport alias flourished for some years and at the lakehead city of Fort William Voters in Hamilton Guelph Kitchener Waterloo Sault Ste Marie Sudbury BrockV ville Whitby and CobOurg rejected the pro posal by large majorities This trend will be encouraging to the great number of citizciis throughout Ontario who have viewed with alarm the tendency towards wideopen Sunday It is significant that the executive of the uaannl vices of highly trained law en forcement officers From the Arc tic to the United States border the skyblue uniform of the provin two in some cases policing areas One important fact brought out at the Iseveral township nominations held through out Slmcoe County was the general inability ofsome of those nominated for public of flee to stand up before acrowd and lucidly express their thoughts in straightforward manner man may be crackerjack with swede FreeConfederation Origin Tracing its origin to the pre Confederation constabulary ofUp per Canada the Ontario Provincial Police Force has grown since 1871 when one man constituted its total strength to an organization of 1055 police officers today The original oneman forHeountryconstablc Those Resolutions mu mmp any good at all you dont hear about them Save Iigt from the man who proudly displays long list of beautiful sen timctits ill the fond expectation that others are intercs1ed Old Samuel Johnson put it in rather large nutshell Every man naturally persuades himself that he can keep his resolutions nor is he convinced of his itnbecitity bttt by length of time and frequency of experiment The whom frequent failures have made desperate cease to form resolutions and they who are becoming cunning to not tell them Were not telling ours either bttt were passing along what we think is short and sensible set Not to eat or drink more titan you can stomach not to spend more titan you earn not to drive recklessly not in any way to injure others Youve made lots of other resolutions no doubt bttt those four make pretty good foundation for this first year of the half ceiitury And if everyone used the fourth one what tautiful world this would be Ontario Electors Reject Sunday Sports Barrie Flyers Hockey Cltib this season refused to have their team included in the Sunday doubleheader schedule of the OHA Junior series at Maple Leaf Gardens It is common for adecates of commer cialized Sunday sports to label those who op pose them as narrowminded and spoil sports commented The Toronto Star This view is not justified in the circumstances As things stand now there is nothing to pre vent the young or old in Ontario from par ticipating in good healthful Sunday recrea tion The adVent of commercialized sports does little to improve opportunities in this respect For the most part the change 011 courages Only games Ill which few players take part and at which the great majority of people are paying spectators Develop Ability to Speak in Public brain then finally mumblcs something about he has nothing more to say on the subject and bolts for the safety of his chair This is adeplorable situation not in the least confined to publicspirited farmers who are willing to help run part of the nations affairs but condition that rttns rampant in all levels of Canadian society No doubt some ofthe develop heavy sheaves of wheat all day without turning hairbut put him tip on platform bfore sea of faces and his big back of the hall voice deserts him and his thoughts on the subject are as scattered as the brown leaves before the wild wind He stands there clutching at constrict ing collar meanwhile gazing vaguely around the hallgtndngtokzoordtnatehis tongue and named John Arthur Murray was appointed by parliament to act as detective for the Provincial Gov ernment of Ontario with the in structions to pursue criminals and run them down in their havens of refuge How well the father of the force fulfilled parliaments direc tive is noted in several historic books dealing with early Canadian rime Formal Recognition The formal recognition of the Ontario Provincial Police Force waited until the discovery of sil ver in Cobalt and gold ore in the Porcupine territory initiated new phase of expansion within the pro Vince As might be expected with ihtLdiscoueryJLthisJastsforeof mineral wealth criminal elements infiltrated the ranks of the miners and prospectors who were exploit ing these areas This led to the formation of new police force and dispensed with the former practice of appointing as necessity arose ip various localities constables invest ed with provincial jurisdiction It is time for stronger brake on inflation This is the warning given by President Enman of The Bank of Nova Scotia We have had enough depreciation in the valueiofiou11moneyfnthepastEdecadc he told the banks annual meeting gradual increase in the price level over long period may be conducive to economic expansion But when the price level has nearly doubled in it years and when welnow find ourselves up atgainstnew and perhaps long continuing in flationary pressures it is time to face the problem squarely From this period forward the force enjoyed increasingly rapid growth as new duties were placed Within its jurisdiction One of the redit buying and increasing certain taxes more important changes was the transfer to it of the enforcement of the Ontario Temperance Act duty previously performed by the Pro vincial Secretarys Department An other was to assume the control arid administration of the officerswho had been enforcing the Highway Traffic Act underythe supervision of the Department of Highways The assimilation of this latter group of motorcycle patrolmen added both to the strength and to the facilities the force could offer rural andturban constabularies Around newspaper offices times when news is same are known asdogdays But one coverfWell maybedhey need Distinctive Pafrol ca it was during thereorganization Qntarip Seven vtqwns That is serious thought and before condemning the modern school system it would be well to reflectrand finally decide whether our schools aremuch out of step with the times Being instep with these times is not deserving of commendation of course but can we expect them to be otherwise One thing is cer tain we cannot look to the church and the school to bring up young peopleintheway they shduld go when laxity indifference and dis egard of values prevail in the home and inthe community Parents are prone lnthese times to surrenderithe Parliament Buildings in To to the Church and to the sh1lronto Herc Provincial Police Com my responsibmles and missioner Stringer OBE ad 35 ministers the 16 district headquar duties that Should be accepted belonging primarily to the home It hasbeen said that people gettiedby district inspectors The dis the kind of government they degtricts are brokentdown into detach seive Perhaps It can be just as merits that vary intnumber accord thelrtng to population lbepoliced truthfully stated that we get in IMOthat the highway patrolme were provided With the distinctive blackandwhtte patrol cars so familiar to motorists in Ontario to day These cars are equipped to deal With anyitype of emergency that may arise especially so since 1946 when modern frequency modulated radio system was install ed which immeasurably improved means of internforce communica tion The direct contact between headquarters and police vehicle conserved much of the time prev fously expentled in communicating by wire or telephoneand resulted in marked increase in efficiency Headquarters in Toronto Headquarters of the force is 10 catcd in suite ofoffices adjoining at The Wilson JLA MacLAREN President 7096 Average NetPald ABC Circulation Six months ending March 31 1950 MacLaieii Managing Editor RgV Farr News Editor 11 tnmllnson Printing Manager RiVett Office Manager Authorlied as second class mail Subscriptions ters which in turn are administer and the area to Rebent government action is curtailing country correspondent expressed views on the subject recently in thehrcola Saskat chewan Moose Mountain StarStandard in this manner No news last week and very me this week The people this diStricPz paid out to beneficiaries of deceased policy seem determined to keep their doing under iizniphoperat anon adlan Life Insuwnce Officers Association osaoo you In museum monthi $175 months 3100 =W their full usefulness as citizetisof Canada because of this great fear of saying their thoughts out loud Public speaking should be part and parcel of every school childs training Perhaps the Hope Commission report ouEducation has not overlooked this important facet develop ing our youth our future Canadian citizens Need Stronger Brake on Inflation Mr Enman thinks may provide some tent porary restraint But he expects the general demand for goods and services to expand and as he points out with our production already running near capacity and defence work al most ccrtarln to increase itwontfzikerch buying pressure to push inflation further Mr Enman suggests two ways of correc tion tax and monetary policies of re straining character greater willingness of the people to save He draws this con clusion We may before long have to choose between more inflation and more taxes No body likes this kind of alternative but to avoid facing itmight well be to choose in flation by default Editorial Notes from the adjacent county councils Brockl Ville Trenton Smiths Falls IiigersollGart anoque St Marys and Prescott in the first nine months of 1950 insurance companies operating in Canada holders and to livipg policyholders in Can last year according to rt report by the Can Elie Earn Examinerz ACIasstAWeelltIyof Canadch Published Every Monday andilliursday Building Post Office Square Barrie Ontario Canada by THE BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED Walls VicePresident Member of Class Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Quebec Division 02 CWNA and the Audit 22 Phil SecretaryTreasurer Bureau ofGirculations SubScriber to GP Service AVERAGE PRESS RUN 7800 COPIES Walls Business Manager Chittick Advertising Manager Cooper Plant Superlatndeut Stabbings Printing Foreman by the Post Office Department Ottawa payable idnadvnnce cents single copy$4tlfl yearlyoutside Canada the life adai $173332040vcomp3rcd withas154o37476