OLDTIME BARN SEDATEVLAS WELL AS LIVELY kamd NC Yearvsruwml Mr and very active fltf2btf for man IvaIgt7v Mom ian WM retiririnn at It gt Comphmtnur and 3515 Willis Sitzltir gtfer53tl eum ill 5U3d33 I2 Ma p4 PRELALTION AGINST COLDS consequently rather rusty lies Years morning and what 5mm thy 13 lftthutlvmli mew WhiLh Mum In it Emmi mmmw of Wiltll sic was Liftilllci 22 tivltliili Brether rn can be latter to avozd colds rIr Ddtwl Drilling Pam Thornton arena Uptiitd Iriday him alga wry 1mm EN dud KCHLJEanwd Nah Sm LT and took anything he could downing 01 35 ltttl Im let Slailzd at and Hunt lest Izcefr air and cleanli bl 1m Ah after inning had View Congramlmwb WI mm an mm int of lLL Also more contact with Hg Liming from the Sldb ipuuid album Iv The funeral took platc from her al the those suffering from colds and dwidmx is tale residence on Tuesday after iftSIlHlle the rationing dag ir 11 1r BULL 3m daughter at the RV Hospital on my HM Im In INNW 1950 noon ll1liill ta lug plan in Lime laminate ll idrl iei 11 in ll 1a jt go Cmlms no Mh am Thornton Crdflulely She is sur ftur tail lzein helainl by tail 7II II ill time is gt you 57 It My LIMLI UM Wm mid my way 1M7 Charles wry were Mr and urn gr ind nuns and at It on oti 131 ll It II JJI Uni run no grand Iicpliewgt Iiil sister were tillltltfliilh rhaken at my flour rta it laid leverii his thumb and tin Ob 531111 Of BATH Mrs 11 11 Benton rind titU broth Ihuiirs ller suffers iv itnfu rs zs 11 Llltlsltllihqilzt iii int ua protrudaa and fldii AJ 1v WU dud Jdms HUN CHI 1113 my hurry DWIWI Ilthlt lite returned horny i1 glIii HIE Iv Mask Joulezi 5mm lug iriuIIJ titan an old Dutch IWOIL prwecmsed pm did allU ht bu leaving the damagid lliulul er eis Jo Not lfs Wrinhirill or 11111 every passing MM Edythe Grew mm orilv nephew Rev lleyiioii at North Bay tux Alluvial 511 To lie $Cfllltt tourile kincsed her hand from his Mum J3 salllrday Welling it 11 llama UN Hill iirilllltl iliturp and tie lui to apolokire to or spending week with tier Muir flan 1W My It QJ Me oar rm In 1111 Millie Atili shing for mm Grew munmm Mt tin2min Mum vi INEVER NEED MY DU my ii burial of our ladies seem to be that minus int lttlr gt Jilltlll WL OWWE ESUC Ami iurkcy lru Strait Jinplei Soioetunzs he danced With WEVE pmandb wry buuosml irss JOVCe it 111 it Day wrtlup Mr and lr Mel Hutu 11gt Wk SHA lItiIb ila iia You iIii le 1ifiltil liltl tlltviltn slide lie gly WW have been several bmu KfllClllln Ur 010 All Iirliuillllll SlmdelU WINE Ym MHi Mic iliful ones in 111 il ii illtiiii liil le IiiLI iit didnt know pist what was the nwmch nu hm mint the holiday with their parents 511 him Vlllixl 11111111 Lulu fthlliiulx it lie toxin ilire uoiit tan lEree liieseiit fashion and if the girl wlws Mhd Bump Album NY in the hall for Mr and Min Hi diii midf Starrv iil v= Witt hyuuropr liltinble Lien up mi dam turd 1m Franklin Stewart ew back and MAS Juan hdwums Turlmm true Wilma liyosoiii ITMUMH 7H 31 Young or old millions lino that blue IX tnd on Il rent success to aictoinmolt Washington from Manon airport spent some time with Mr and Mrs Ul lulud niiq WU 31 in 31 Mm 011 mikes Ill tllitlfmt mittm M0 AI nlllf Ilit1 ill lash idate Iier step to his pm wwk an mm the cm Mummrsou and lovely plrrellis the groom heat for oldest LIJI 1hr iftJrIy hear thats erwoiiialr lire Aimiirlllr 15nd ilil she WIN goud dun mm mm hlh his 3mm LS MP vdddl thanked them one and all 111 ftwi um more healthful to live in Phone us today lain Jinks of the llors ii Siw tittiil l1 gt tlllk 3h jug wk to her own ll YmrIs mm My iih nifi tisti thank In my Ii for blur Hui rdtr mm Georgia triip Mettrue lop lots the Wrasei Uh Susannah loiit You ry For Men Silver Spray illllllg ililu the Rye fiver the arden Iail Wth You and ii Were Youiiil Mae re Just Soul it Twilight yliippooiwill and many United Sluts tiiil War airs now iiitr heard Arid upon these frequent occasions when the fiddler irri prcvised some fitting air or played by ear some tune of which he did not know the title and was asked the name of it his ansuer was Soup suds Over The Fence DANCES WERE awkward gnitand the result was they bumped each others knees until they were black and blue stepped on each Olli crs toes and collided with every passing couple and tin ally he stepped on piece of trailing lace he had already torn from her skirt and then down they froth went in the middle of the floor And that finished his dancing until some future endeavor Arid joyirii tllIVIilie after listening itilllli en tire entrancing music of of those oldtime Waltzes EULe aimed Saturday riiorniiig tO Chwm Hid until Josie Deane in Barrie at the ironic of her niece Mrs Il Boos Lambert Duane and Mary life She was born near Bond Head 91 years ion with her parents when quite ily and llrn llates speutNew Years Dan HIE HAIIRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY 195113 BOND HEAD young girl where she spent ritual of lift life Sire Wu cz deiUlcd daughter and isrer Sire nus tin of Tithit United 51 itecIJ years RIMIr THORNTON January 3mm ogioldeu rziciiiiorr North Sunnidale Our juveniles are having tetrah of time skating on Roy Duns pond le ifiI lxrl xle his and Mrs Gordon 1111 M1 UUcd tlicin launch was served then 11mm 11 ENJOY AUTOMAIIC HEAT CONTROL and save money too hluc mai IIzbiluiAbii cuts fuel bills Free home dcniomtmiion Miss Josephine Donne Word was received here Satur ay afternoon of the death of Miss which had occurred zisstui llaxton Angus Mr and Mrs John Duff and four children and Mrs Jud McKay and In children spent few days with friends in Hamilton Grace and lien iiipin Ruth Stephenson and Jimmy Mciarsh are duV 115 illilih lakillts it TN 0W5 AC Mr and Mrs Robert Cup and Gulf lfaiiiily oiu llrll spent New Year Mr and Mrs Wes Bates and faiii Day lili Mr and Mrs liouirlas lflIlClllti to the reernore llllhlL Mr and Ztlrs Dave Duff spenii holiday with Mr and Mrs Nur Iriaii McLeod loroiito PIERGIIIG LEG PAIIIS Ie your try on lt like Liiiie Iii through In for you to gt21 itlltlllllti lrii puJ rt iti tl grriii tll torn Come in or phone today BARBIE FUEL SUPPLY CO PHONE dilll Victoria St BARRIII ti blue coals coron GUARANTEES YOU car we use Miss Josephine Deane was the RM and Mk Him kw 1st of the four children of the late go last July it and came to Thorn ELIE Dan STREET Barrie Ont 533W ioRE Ilfllllllllllllllll Ii Franck Morrisonco 31 373 Orndfqrd$treegi Your METEORI MERCURY MERCURY TRUCK Dealer like Floatin llowii So even to titliw unfortunate or any otluri of themt1 eitiiilruiiv Inoueli never to have been able to the lone tiddier or an enlarged lioid place in iiitlll it should litloreliestra anyone cannot but con manifest thatanyonewtroeouldriottrasl it with music sortie of tltl it kick out of real old these modern jazz combinations time dance must hare had voodrllisuilpi for Slltet dance which legs rheumatism or had to goiresernbles collision between some around on crutches And the danjunkinarrs ramshackle wagon cer who wished to lurid regular loaded with empty tin cans and piaet iii airy oldtime dairce proibottlcs and big truckful of grain had to know many more Stillezzlitii pigs on their vay to dances and steps than does the some packini plant $33 Hm MIN llut to one who has enjoyed himself at those oldtime dan Soriie of the young fellows of 95 come memories of the low course didnt bother to learn to 5va music of the meiodic dance They Just ambled out on from umI discolored kg of the floor depended upon the crowd and son 01d mum my the push them in the right direct dolime shapely ngch of the I011 dlld Ilitll k01 501 time player as she accompanied lo the music with their feet After some lrmmv waltz of the few efforts they found that ill immc out that danced to the 1110 kLl 1011 It 10 WY music that rippled along to the and shuffled they could do all rhythmic sweep of voluminom lltsilL skirts and joyful conversation Sometimes however they pot or the boisterous hoedown reel shunted off the course and they or polka the pcrspiring dan were The Bird in the Cairo when eers and the hardworking fld they should really have been do Her and energetic calleroff ing ringarouiidarosy on the hey how all passed to make ithSIdL Some of them actually room for what undoubtedly is earned steps later biit the much better Werent popular with the morl us have Ioubtesvcaiioliitsillc 0f accomplished dancers And never think of any one But dance floors are so crowded of muse 01d hmm dances without lIl LUCSL lillCld2US VUU cant allremembering one particular girl to who 15 Kim twine and who never cared to lance but was will 1110 CUitlHllm 15 21 DOPUIBI always ready to sit dowriand pla IV IIWVL it CIOCSHVI malltll HillWill accompaniincnts 11 the lllCiOdidIIl But even at um odmo organ or piano for those who did dance it was not always Slice during the entire nighi smooth mum and ha to must have been be the greatest 15mm mulllnotcd short while ggoagllc Over 80 Mercury Truck models from which to choose exactly the right truck for your work man who only Occasionally iVCS in Toronto as Miss dancch when he had received 51 Shes Probably now manhater complac mnt from 12 mm so To be continued APTO gt II Mrs Chester Richardson and Cilildlell have been visiting her WW Ifyoudontaleepweii parents at Sudbury Chester went qnightsafimeh lup for few days before New aptegbynmesma Years remar ab engineering accomplishment that automatically adjusts timing and gasoline 77iv77g$667 your 7H617i77I7 77 77 n7 M7 cymlfyomkidnteys Mn aiadi 12ch Ogggiugg flow to match changing SPLCLI710tttI and power requirements W7 F1510 rider Itd children and Miss Joan Moran blloollatl IFt Toronto at their home the Kanis 1mm boys with their parents Mrs Mc 16688ICIdSTyoulICSIIIIIIier suenng Master Miss Fem Oaks Delbert wineneisfnmggquEingxge tMcFadden Barrie MrI and Mrs The 1951 Mercury Truck line Is designed to offer exactly the Mercury lrucksLoatiomatic is asynchronizationifearburctor domublemnking poisons and adds logbom Dalston at McFadden SI Wi 77 ght truck for yourob Three great Mercury Truck engines and distributor action it gets tiic HMS power from the least 31 rentme 10112211 acgLhSee 13033129 Johnson Toronto Mr series 12 wheelbaSes Optional axle ratios 2speed axles and gtsmc utOIMIiClly meters and fcsthc right amount of wimuc er or ow muChbrighleryou zeelintheming Gd th Crossland were III many other features Call in at your Mercury Truck Dealer today tltduglgvzrsmg Offloggsglgtglansii and use Dodds Kidney Pillstoday us 70o see the complete line 0f new mOdelsi the many new features monoI gives bethr cngineqpcrformance under all conditions Inhabitants of the Isle of Man are called Manxmen and selea the right Wk for Jaw 10b on 811 mOddb from 125 tons PRESIOCK TAKING TlgigeleMGcriul qurnfsAll three gusfom and Standard Cabs Steering Column Geaishifl New FrontEnd StylingYoull ury ruc engines are ercury Trucks now offer Gearshift on the steering column be proud to drive 1951 Mercury type cylinder They range up ustom aswellasaStzrndard ab 15 another new feature on the light Trucks anywhere New and im Vi to 115 horsepower are desrgned Custom Cab has sponge rubber Mercury Ml 1Afton models It proved frontend styling gives 77 77 to give pientyof reserve power to seat cushion soundproofing spe means extra convenience more them wider massive more dis moveioadswrtheaseandeconomy Ciai upholstery and trim twin floor loading space additional Iinctivcnapiiciirance if strength to give troublefree operation horns and many other features rooni greater comfort and ruggedness ockey and Skatquutlits IIn ALLPRICES SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED gt gt 0N DISPLAY FRIDAY