OLDTIME BARN DANCES WERE THORNTQE SEDATE AS WELL AS LIVELY Mr and Mrs Gordon Smith of 0N9 itllib ti Iiiliiz young girl where she spent most of her life She was wry devoth daughter and sister She was thcl of Trinity Uziitedi Hr JR Alfi vllllr BARIIIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY 195113 BOND HEAD finiiEaliih Uixmi pond North Sunnidalem jObe arrived Saturday morning to Church id 1mm WM ptud New Years with ML and very active Iiieiizbci lor many Mh WM Sum years stie taught ll Illc Sunday hi In its Iifilii 37 New Years munmg and Mm School was llcdbtllcr of the WAS 31 35 vbmumm mmmg fhwliich bllz was llfcfllciilUCIEonluild Ubltlcxl Brelziet year be to amid colds iri Aus 1110 Cly will Iic ewg rm Id H035 suffi Fur lllmt IIIIL 22 tJ spiiiii Llll Egan and commit Liioizibirg cizd garden was bower of bcuuly Iiictiiet of contact with tli rum llay siiii loririci 51 go it PRECALTION AGAINST COLDS becCaultvnnl Iieasurcs which spaicing his holir compliment us consequently rather rusty on utilizing He wasnt at all particular regardmg partners 411d took inything he could get after having had view of the dancing from the side lines and deciding it was easy pi 11 ticket and Idlitll ellbalanced flcili itiild Thornton arena evening Congratulations to Mr and M5 iliorold llalburt on the arrival of ldziughter at the RV Hospital on He izciii his pziitlicr about twothc 39 I950 Uzi Mm Um hCEMChrisitnials liititors wuh Mr and It My Limit in up of Im mo her wriizh rs flares enry were Mr and Down ltir Elixir ilpliczi firm iii own his thumb and niiim 1123 sawcam Baum Cliiistciiiiig Old limitIo Mun Egtl lulu Liiiits JlUlllltlill and flaili Jim 1d Jams Henry Musk Guido scripting aruumi no iild Dutciiif tmm iris Joy Not L5 ibiliiiiiiill so tiiut every pzissing Ml Edylh Green lurmd 10 TU BU Shunt Mm lampI Knmm hand mm his Mouse Jaw on Saturday evening of drum tooii tiizl Iphmd lump Lind he liiltl to tpultlglzg mile 5Wde ll week Willi her My Old 11m the glrl while he went fishing forlmguier llurst 113ch limit Bother ttlil Sully if CT Our ii 105 seem to AWL Tler an shawl Jim Sumdnuu ddmcd mm frowxilig pogispttitas very successful liclls llIi llfi ioii iil 31c Sil ifiop and sozilcliniis ii slide as lieltzful to meg ftvcmi beau WI Thumb mum Md Ln than km Mm was CWh l0le icrcnt windows tic lirowli Jug iiciii Love llicc 1C1 mt hm haw gmwn mm Starry Night For liltllllllx lcil Iwiis it good dancer she tried with picsciil fiishitin iiiid if the girl Me Willi Your ljycs llvtltilliliillidlfltltlll success to Aikiinsuw Traveliii liisli Wusli Itizite llll step to his ciwoiiiziii llic Mocking lhid tip Lilli Jinks of tli lloisc Iiiiirincs Georgia Tiiiiip Melting lop Jots the Weasel Uh Susziniizih Dont You Cry For Iilc Silver Spray imirig lliio the llyt Over the opened Friday czcnt lest fiil ficsj Aim suffering from Colds TEMIIERAIURE emu PUT WHEN YOU USE blue coal NEVER NEED MY SHAWL HOW WE HAVE SUCH STEADY HEALTHFUL HEAT txi Alive tll ill ptiiti Nellie Iii of the fol noon Interment taking plaice lllgwJiC unfortunate Thuzntrin Ccrncuixv She is gru ical lilzlillictl limit IillliLtl L2 ii Igtlv ltcd by seven grand nieces and leaf wnei Iicuiiiig Ninth lid Ali two grand nephews llcr sisterl Wift Cillisldrrllilr milk lill Mrs Beynon ziiid two broth Ihomiis Ailrii iiffeiiiii crs Williiiiii iind lliiitley Donne liliJur The ictui no1 predeceased her as did also her DUE iiilt thi ddrlmgrd will in only nephew Rev Iieynon it North Buy lJr Joziii obuiiis book of pusi iloiiil ciiiiiiiscelitcs cht UJJHM lulllllV cl up IJI Miss Joyce Iilpin of Home lllltl gut VHS M1 BM Ken lilpiii of OAC Guelph sotm the holidziy with their piirclits 33 lldupii pyi MissM lllllgtSS Albiiny NY gain 10 fwd 8712 ii mi fill and Miss Jean Edwards Toronto he HW 7C 12 Guiltinl jliuoiim st41l ipcnt some time with Mr and Mrs 1nd 1L VCiv pr 12 liigf 10l My llil and nbu thIiIikcLi them one and ill III II few ldddm Wu CW lfittiiig words His wife Ilso thunk Yczirs with Mr llaxton Angus iilid Mrs Cliff Ied tiltlll liiiLli was siittd tlui 30 Lump NH Mr Iiliil Mrs John Duff and four diluting to the ficciiioic iziiisie children and Mrs Jud McKIIy iiid PlEIlOlllll LEG IAllle children spent ii few days with friends in Hamilton Grace imd lien Illplll lluth RV CWR 50 19 ll Stephenson and Jimmy Mclmish zin dub With friends in iiiclph ixh 15 ll Ilu 1in IiIlrllnicoii 3km wwks mum OACEI Mr Iiid Mrs ltobcrt oc iud iwininnwl ifrfiii Ctiltlllh lfalniiy oiii llill spciit lxcw Year 0le ll II MM Mr and Mrs Wcs Bates and ltllll Day ith Mr tllltl Mrs lioiigliis ily and Erii lliitcs spent New Years Diii Milt53 late residence on Tuesday ulter lfestixitic ling liilldkll Izill er You m1 wow mmm Mum JIM so at Twilmhp Immlumlll iziiimmliiiiltirl jtdlisi ivil shower was held Friday iiglit selves lrziiikliii Stewart flew back to Wzisliiiigton from Maltoli airport last week after spending the Christ mas vacation with his parents Young or old millions know IhIl hluc 011 makes big difference in comfort More beat for coldest llys The study but thats more healthful Io lite in Phone us Iodiiy for hlue oulf Order now ENJOY AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTROL and In money too bliic Ioal IlbIII5TIR cuts lucl billil lrcc home demonstration Come in or phone today BARBIE FUEL SUPPLY CO lllONli 30H Victoria St BARRIE blue coal5 COLOR GUARANTEES YOU GET THE BEST IilltI ilCCtJllllllO Andria Ikpiticii iii iIc iiir iim If she wasnt good dancer she just stuck to her own awkward gait and the result was they bumped each others knees until they were black ziiid blue stepped on each oth ers toes and collided with every passing couple and fl iilly he stepped on piece of trailing lace he lllbtl already torn from her skirt and then down they both went in the middle of the floor And that Rikii sumo Miss Josephine Doanc Word was received here Satur dziy afternoon of the death of Miss Josie Donne which had occurred in Barrie It the home of her niece Mrs Boos Miss Josephine Doanc was the last of the four children of the late Lambert Donne and Mary Fife She was born neiir Bond Read it years ago last July and crime to lhorn ion with her parents when quite ll Mr Lilltl Mrs llii Duff sllvll the holiday Willi Mr Iiiid Mrs NIH Inuii McLeod Toronto Iiiid War Myph And upon lllUxI Hum occasions when the midi PFCVSNI 50m 1an air or finished his dancing until PM 501 1U 50m future endeavor V4lNA which he did not know the pun I1Icqy pig LUV $115 lilo thilliltl ISI And iltcr listening toziiil cli title and was Isked tlic llllnlt of it his illtl wais Soup suds Over The Iinic So even to tliosi iilifbrltuiutc inougli never to ZliI liccii able to hold place in them lI should be iiiziiiifesl flint lilitllli who could not get Ii kick out of ii Iczil old time dance must have lizid wooden legs llltlllllilIlSlll or hiid to go ziround on crutclics And the Inn cci who wished to hold zi rcgulzir plzict ill tiny oldtime dance pro griiin Ilill to know miiny more lanccs zilid stcps thIiii loos the prcsclitiliiy devotee of tcrpsi cliorc Some of the young fellows of course didnt bother to liillll to dance They just umblcd out on the floor depended upon the crowd push them in the right direc joying llic cniruiicilig illlyitllt of those oldtimc vzlltzcs lilti Floating Down the River or Iny other of them either by the lone fiddler or Iin enlarng lorehcstrii zinyonc eiiniiot but cori triist it with music some of these modern jllZl combinations supply for street dance which rcsciiibles collision between some junkmiiiis ramshackle wagon lozidcd with ciiipty tin cans and bottles and big truckful of Sqtliillllll pigs on their Ivtiy to somc packing plant music of But to one who has enjoyed himself at those oldtime dan ces conic memories of the low sweet music of the melodies from those discolored keys of that solid old piano and the delicate shapely ngers of the ion and tried to keep some time to the music with their feet After Ii fcw efforts they found Illltl ifi player Iis slic accompanied some dreamy waltz of the they kept their feet on the floor liltl shuffch lhiy could io all right Sometimes however they got shunted off the course and they were The Bird in the Cage when they should really have been do ing 11 ring2iIoundliIoisy on the outside Some of them actually learned steps ltlltfl but they werent popular with accomplished dancers But dance floors so crowded in these later days you cant al ways tell who is your partner and with the cuttingin 11$ 21 popular move it doesnt matter Iinywny But even III tlIcoldtimc dance it was not always smooth running and perhaps the greatest nuisance was the man who only Occasionally dr W2 If you dont sleep well if nights are inter rupted by restlessness the more nimble feet that danced to the music that rippled along to the rhythmic sweep of voluminous skirts and joyful conversation or the boisterous Iiocdown reel or polka tIic pcrspiring dan cers and the hardworking fld dler and energetic calleroff licy have all passed to make room for what undoubtedly is much better even if some of us have doubts about It And never think of any one iof those old home dances without remembering one particular girl who never cared to dance but was nlwziys ready to sit down and play Iiceoiiipuiiiments on the niclodian organ or piano for those who did dance during the entire night She must have been boyhater for noted short while ago she still lives in Toronto as Miss so shes lOIJEIIJI nongiwmaLV also To be continuch APTO lVlis Chester Richardson and children have been visiting her parents at Sudbury Chester went up for few days before New Ycars JOOE to our kid neys your kidneys are out of order and Holiday visitorsv licrci includcd Mr and Mrs Jack Moran and greatest line of Mercury Trueirsin history Over 80 Mercury Truck models from which to choose exactly the right truck for your work Complete range from Mercury Trucks improved loaIlomatio EIIIIIIoIIIy lg to tons remarkable engineering accomplishment that automatically adjusts timing and gasoline ow 150Ill atclITharTgrngwpccdfloud and p0vcr1cquircrircnts was children and Miss Joan Moran Toronto at their home the Kanis boys with their parents Mrs MC failing to cleanse the blood of poisons and excess acidsyour rest is likely suffering too Then is the tirne to use Dodds Kidney Pills Dodds help your kidneys get rid of troublemaking poisons and acids help restore them to nonnal action See much brighter yourfeelin the morning Gel and Use Delhis Kidney Pills today 145 DOJdSKIdIlY Pills Master Miss Fern Oaks Delbert lMcFaddcn Barrie Mr and Mrs lOsborn Dalston at McFaddcns Mr Horace Johnson Toronto at Johnsons Inhabitants of the Isle of Man are called Manxmen WW iilibl Chiral4 CORPN PRESlOCK TAKING sUBsrANTIALLY REDUCED 96 EJIZABETHI STREET The 1951 Mercury Truck line is designed to offer exactly thc right truck for youriob Three great Mercury Truck engines series 12 wheelbnses Optional axle ratios 2speed axles and many other features Call in at your Mercury Truck Dealer today See the complete line of new models the many new features and select the right truck for your job Custom and Standard Cubs Mercury Trucks now offer Custom as well as Standard lab Custom Cab has sponge rubber seatcushion soundproong spe cial upholstery and trim twin horns and many other features Three Great EnginesAll three 1951 Mercury Truck engines are JIype 8cylinder They range up to 145 horsepower are designed to give plenty of reserve power to move loads with ease and economy to give troublefree operation TEf Borne Ont Frallck 31 33 Brddlorcl Street is another new feature on the light Mercury Trucks Loiqumzitic is synchronization of carburetor zinddisiributor action It gets the mast power from the least gasoline Automaticallymeters and fires the right amount of of constantly changing speed load 21nd power requirements Loadomatic saves money gives better engine performance under all conditiOns On all models from 12 to tons Steering Column Gearshift icarshift on the steering column New FrontEnd StylingYoull be proud to drive 1951 Mercury Trucks anywhere New and im proved frontend styling gives them wider massive more dis tinctivc appearance of strength and ruggedness Mercury Ml ton models It means extra convenience more floor bailing spate additional room greater cpmfort wMorrison Go Your METEOR MERCURY MERCURY TRUCK Dealer