WREK ECEMEERM 195 House or HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE Brockwell New Reeve oi Sunniclole Abner Rown Deputy Robert HroIQIntll was elected Iceie of Sunnidale Lillll Abner Ilaxvn as deputy recye in the tlcC THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ONTINIULS SHOW SAT 230 p111 Eve Shows 650 and pm THE PRIZE WINNING COMEDY OF THE YEAR Hoods Broadcasters CCA ltion on Monday lirockwell 1930 deputy unsealed James Hole the present lll the Vote being 102 to 319 The vote in lube for deputy ith two 1930 counctllors in the field Abner llann gut 431 votes while llozucci Cilpin iccciied 3119 The returning officer leikl Ilerbert Barker former lrcVC andl warden of the county announced that there was good turnout of eltLtots the ote being better tlizInI 10 per cent The councillors verel returned by acclamatioii John 11011 present mettlbct along 111111 newcoiners Wesley Bates and Wu ago Beach resnlent Fred Male ADDED coIEAIURE FEATURE MOTION PICTURE THAT WILL TAKE YOU ON THE PILGRIMAGEI Results by pnilini subdivrsions 201 CENTURYEOXFNINI were as follows If For Reeve Blitckwvli time III 77 11111111 SNELGROVE manager Illmvulowf II lof liaizii radio station KBB was lIImITIhfnlmsI ilitfllll xlciJu prcsiilent of the =3 iiitlmm cntizli tanzida Broadcasters As sI II Nunetrltwrrlwitd has by 09053 REDS Sunnidaie Corners 39 57 ifrlyllsltllIIXIli 1111 it til AirliIIIliilt id II 53111 it our GA IIIANIHOIIMUIO Imago BI IIII W10 mhm mm WIWHMIHK lllllgtl liillllidii sinuous Que 50 CI bee Lyman llotts of TKO Ham For Deputy Reebe iltIIII was ltLIlkl Illtsiltlt PLUS MOVIETONE NEVSREEL lilpin llawn and Toni Qtiilgley lCl Monlrc Ilrentwood 28 70 il is the swretarIvIreasurer New Lowell 93 115 of the Iirst duties Mr Cains Corners A10 Snelgrove vIIl perform in his new Crows Corners lIi 18 capacity takes him to Amherst lory llill 15 Nova Scoiin where he will ad TH sunmdlllt COHWFS 533 53 dress the Maritime Broadcasters 10511110 13039 117 30 in rindJanuary In September he will meet with the Western 389 anada Broadcasters at Jasper MT iwHvm Mr Sneleiove igt pasl president of the Canadian ASSOtlIlIlOll of WAGNER BROS PICTURE Broadcasters and also served three ammo EDMUND turns as dncIIoI of that asso Control by the town of parking II lt II ncuuv In Post Ofce Squaw mm Step III In IIpIiIil lill101d Cam Mondays council Wm Council selected gepresentativcs When comm appmvw Slgmm or to cooperate with the chamber of veycmi I5hI IIITIEILY commerce in asking the department the FNRIII flCIISL illglib ol highways to include panel mlqu by map of Barrie in the Ontario high towns approval and mayors Sig IIIIS Imp namm It must be finally approv The chamber had suggested that Cd and Sgned nykyhe CNR than Icprescntatives of both groups Dunc mum ma mummy should be on deputation Repre Justmenls to the name bylmy senting council will be Reeve 90 have Ithorly Hart Deputv Reeve Grif enforce parking regumtmns at the lid AaliidAldNMrs Mercer Hamil square to MATINEE SAT 230 pm ounc1 approve rccommen Eve Shows and 840 pm tion by thetraffic committchthat 5182 III Iarqt use of parking meters In Barrie be ILaktI If IIak IlnI 1X11 II ALI discontinued for the Winter season flCSdeEL 03 ft tm 510 IEST IIT TIE VEST III III WEST IHTLIESTI effective Dec 3133711131 heads 101 If I011MCCREAMAUREENDHARIIINIIIDIIRNLLL in 121110 lurlicy Bingo 1NL ALLANDALE ORANGE HALL 2ND EIG HIT DECEMBER 12 830 PM 15 Games 35 cents Spgcml Games For Turkeys mm 0000 more SUSAN um LOYAL ORDER OF MOOS 20 ConluryFox THE MOUNT SUSANNAH OF THE MOUNTIES SHOWING ONCE ONLYxEACH EVENING AT 840 pm EEKEEISKEDEEIEKKKRKKEKKKKEMKKEKKEEK KKKKKKKMKKG GET YOUR BOOKS OF CHRISTMAS GIFT TICKETS EARLY GIVE ENTERTAINMENT THIS YEAR NOW ON SALE AT THE BOXOFFICE TUNE IN CKBB EACH MORNING AT 1030 am FOR MOVIE MERRYGOROUND Christmas Fund QQQQ QQ QQ CHICKEN TURiiEY Wednesday Dec I3 III pm ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE 50c PLUS SPECIAL GAMES FOR runners Sponsored by the League proceeds for Charities Entities you to 10 games for chickens games for baskets of fruit and chance on the door prize of Turkey JUST THE PEAK BIG GAP Christmas Island in the IndianI The Cook Strait separating the Ocean is the top of mountainlnorth and southislands of New 15003 feet high rising 11200 feet Zealand was discovered by Capt above the water James Cook 1770 reorientation my Phone 2445 memorable festive season Make this for yom Ifamily and New Years 71131 Dinners 11 DECEMBER 24CunisTMAsnAv DECEMBER 31NEWYEARS DAY 12 noontoz pungI530prnto 730 pm oNTARIO BAquE 0110 11mm Smother Ward Polling Place 1A Mrs Freemans HOUSB 27Charlottt SItI II It 1B Mrs Freemans House 27 Charlotte St 2A Library Hall stMulcaster and CDllier St 213 LibraryHall Muicaster and Collier St I3A OddreiloiwsI Temple Collier StI gt gt 3B Oddfellows Temple Collier Sh VI MgdemEszEggl Tyme 4A ICornmUnityHoLIse 45 Toronto SILIII 43 community House 45 Toronto St 40 Community Housefii 45 Toronto St 4D CommunityHouse 45 Toronto St AND =5A Mrs BlacksIHouse 156 Bradford St LI 53 Mrs Blacks House 156 Bradford 80 6A Orange Hall Burton Avenue 613 Orange Hall Burton Avenue 55555 Music by SIMCOE RAMBLERSI moao===o=0===ouoc=aow THRILLIIIG III ITS DRAMA IOYOUS WITH LOVE LIFE AIIII MUGHTEI Section ZMPoges to 1w Lus Teachers Tolcl LaIWYerIS Hold How to Combat DiscusSIons Here Inlaylt1 le wtilil gathered Atom Bomb itmnriaie Inn Baziie on Nov ureai foll for the 111 of 11 cltcS of ploI UAm 111ml ainuai b1llttr 1il llm legal of the LanA Ithan liar Asoalioli Ontario div tnv Barin luariiIIs IoIicii mun The purpose is to bring llllLl their ymiiy Inmqtnt III 111 panel of exptrts Indifferent sub IIIII drUHuycd lgglult of IIt lo the unions coutilyiassocia IS Andrews lrIsbjtcziizi Church Um 3U Iiilli UL MI by IllltSlU lat Le coIeI of vltllgtii and xIIn twilmli U11 1651 110111 IsIrIIIs Guests of the council AI Blur ill 51 plilrim aver illillllki of the unions edu ill wick WW9 EllW HIM5 lcattoaal lfllilllgt and seinIIe or Kcv HNKRIIEWW COW5 Id mllmmm of Bum Wilfred Judson KC on Control pmduu Km In Ltl Will ases Also present was lnzastrr of ccicrnonies for the tvIIz Dam Kylivy Klii IICildn WIIIUIIIIHI IIIIIIIKSI Ontario ll151III All were from IMI Knox ponItId out the unpoit 10mm hIIIVmi IVMIIE uniu of the link bciwmrn lliltllllS IN Hm HIV mirmlmd IIIId III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS IIIIIIIISIIIIM lllilltl III tht county IRIIIIslrrs Iat the banquet An unusual extinl onoz=== 610 Lndr taken 1111 xuvcinliei It Illtli Lvlllllltllct Irg twill fNIUiA PICIUPIS CORP presents LON MIIAIIISIICRinBOY FROM INDIANA co quing 1015 BUTLER an aunt sum Ciorcr CIEVEIANO of the II IIIIiht illititlnlil Iof blast seek llxllil and Imloddong MS DANDY AmmoI mow anunouo Snumlnv his IIM 910111111 Bilz ILU1 all exposed parts of the told snapshots of several tIaciizis lmdy lit on respirators or gay The Same Program of liarrie III their tender ihlr rnzaslts It Do not smoke or chew IlIyIng to amass WIN tlu Wltla At It later Illlli havi Ii com uas enjoyed by all lets bath and chance of clothes ll litiwnizin principal of llui Medical examination icollegiate Institute Introduced Ihc lollvanI Major iaces talk his iIidktl 10 tVUilinil MEIIUI listant Captain Cooper also of It Pace of Camp Borden IWIIImp lloiden siiowed colonIi Inmke on the ItliHSIW Ixlltila Olllilm on the atomic test made by the Atomic lionib Using slIdes 113 for at 1111mm lanI IAce explained the physical Miss Rhoda Young vicepresi aspects of the atomic bomb llc Irlcnl of the Barrie leacliers oun elii on to state that destruction 1l thanked the speaker and Miss li the atomic bomb was eziiistitl111 young pressmpd MrsI by heat blast and radiation The 1mm mm lowly ImuqmI of latter cause stated Mayor lace ilowers despite peoples misconceptions caused the least destruction ileatI accounted for 455 blast 40 and radIzitIon for 153 To combat the Atomic Bomb proper civil education and defence organizanon Were the prime re quisites in very simple program Five points in the program empha sized by Major lace were AI N0 JAYWAIKERS Many streets in The llague capital of the Netherlands are in tersected by canals ltliVlSED lllEORlES William Harvey in 1029 was lhe first to demonstrate that the blood circulates DANCING Norm Burling and His Kings Men Every Saturday Night MASONIC TEMPLE 17 OWEN STREET BARBIE Sponsored by the Barrie Boxing Club Under theMcmogement of Orv Dash Starring Starts Today 1111 11111 First Run in Barrie CARTOON Ladiessoc SNACK BAR Gents 75c ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER eta Sigma Phi BAZAAR mam wedndai Dec 13110 IIpm Mayor Motel 148 Dunlop St Proceeds towards Barrie District Hospital Fund SALE OF BAKINGAND CANDY PARCEL POST SALE LUCKY DRAW FOR TABLELAMP 3111111510000 Confinement 100110 One mile south of Barrie on Highway 11 Gray Coach schedule convenient for visiting hours Excellent care with graduate nurses in attendance 24 hours Folder upon request CURRENT LOCAL HOSPITAL RATES TELEPHONE BARBIE 4268 OR WRITE MISS FLORENCE BREAKWELL Painswick Ont EDUCATION 0N ALCOHOLISM Year in and year out adult educa OF 499 tion programs are carried through yet in the field of excessive use of alcoholic beverages our depart ments of education andSur liquor control authorities have been loath to use this or any medium of mass instruction Digby NS Courier nlNoo Every Thursday Mcrrket Hall Sponsored by Barrie Citizens Band ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that POLLING Oi the offiCes of MAYOR DEPUTY REEVE ALDERMEN ANDPUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES will be held on MONDAY DECEMBER 111950 Polls openingoi ten oClock in the forenoon and closing at sev en oclock in the afternoon at the undermeniioned places I=IO=OTI==0=O ==o=o BINGO L0yal True Blue Hall High St 15 Games 25c oIL==o=ol== o=o===a one 10 Railway Employees andICommercicrl Troyelle DECEMBER 891950 Ifromlpsmun1119pm at YMCA 268 BradtordStreet Barrie DecomborIan 1950 I3IImI maxim cam 77 I=lm Di Oddiellowsk temple ii Admison 50 under the managemento Albert Dempster 0=6b==0=0=0m=0m0=0=0