Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 7

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wetiil zici mites this TIIE BARRIR rxsrnsen THIRSDAY one 1930 NS Crop Improvement Assocn Annual Meeting Fine Advice on By Iti Although Stimson IiiLtd the uni dipailnwrit of infamy tgncidtuial Collette xvn ble to it titrrml large crowd tut mt out at ltt Numb Simone Crop unprove ti Aocialili limelift zit Illin rl lncsday afternoon ItiSltlill Arthur Wait of Mid thirst welcomed the gathering ici which Morris Darby of ncll read the iniiintrs of the llltI tiil intcling The special setd ttrllllliiiltt headl tl by George Gray and Earl tho iicll littVe illLl report Mr Wait told of the ilCIlviilts of Iii ctvnnnit ind results ltoy llicklnip gave it report on be lune distribution III the courtly Wt distributed curload of lime throughout all tlic toviiIirps and from that we have had about 12 ailoads ordered he said Farin l$ are quick to ltEililt the value LII this cheap fertilizer which costs less than $2 per ton iir carioad lots feel sure the results will be much greater next spring is it will take time to Iiave showing from the tpplications It should bespicnd around this time of year for next years crops Stewart Page told of the soil book that the department was dis tributing it gives farmer place to iccoillic various tests of all his fields and keep this record indefinv ilcly it can be used for 15 years Lime has been placed on many farms and no record kept of where and when Many farmers are trav ing indepcndcnt tests tirade of their farms This is besides the 105 al ready known The record will as sist their to keep history of these tests Fifty junior farmers are making tests criteriniI projects and are usI ing the soil books Itaikes gave talk won the ve weed spraying had been carried out with only partial success This rlso applied to ladder ehzunpion very persistent perennial Some other weeds such as chicory spray cd in oats got 100 per cent kill Brush kill was also used very sue cesslully on poison ivy Ihis brush kill ircw type was very effec tive on roadside brush while 24l with sodium ehioridetwas very efi fectivc on roadside weeds It was used in three townships Mr Raikcs asked that more in dividual Sprayers be purchased so that more farm spraying can be carried out It was impossible to 01 fair coverage with the few spiziyeis that were available at the present time he ated Another weed Mr Raikes inen tioned was yellow rocket which comes up early in the spring and is often mistaken for mustard It has been sprayed in fall wheat and must be done early to be effective Professor Bryden of Guelph also spoke briefly on conservation McLoughry agricultural representative for Waterloo County was the speaker who replaced Dr Stinson and gave talk illustrated with slides He showed many Icon litions of soil erosion and wind damages that have occurred recent ly in his county We can only leave what we pass on to those to come Should we leave welltilled farms with good buildings or rundown and delapi dated farms he asked Jlrhelilg mini Held at Elmvale Conservation tin the rule iztonin an iicrca5c equal to town like Preston or Bifffit Wv ytitl haw difficulty feeding this popuia llion gtoon iiof Biydcr raid tnr ten wi can keep that top six llltllt c5 of our land producrng Countries hkc ours han guiie to deserts and their appeared he continued County has years and conscrxation ln Splint the river lI run through the towns take litany acres of up soil with them Water futile let tls are dropping in the rate of one feel pci ltlllllllll The cities dig itt on forage Llip with piciiiicsiilcep tells and the farmers then how to deepen their wells to how 21Itl lhcie is heavy produc tion of gttock ill the aim and much land has been found that lost most of its productch value Conservation is not only protect ing the soil but replacing and re putting the buildings installing of pattern equipment and generally improving the productive value of the farms and the conditions of their occupants The demand for cheap foods means that the farmer can only pro duce them by iobbinghis lands of the returns that should be put into tiicini irof Illltll concluded Some of the slides vcie actual pictures of fields that only year rizo had produced 50 bushels to thc acre and last year the crop and the top soil had blown to the roadside Grasslands are the best method of conserving the soil but with pro per plowing and careful methods of spring work some top soils can be saved up to 100 per cent When ialt was flooded one spring the businessmen were worried over the silt that was left They worried as ithad to be cleaned away but in reality it was part of the produc tive lands about them that in time Bini wonidcansothcwcities to become as barren as the lands if this corr dition was to continue Directors Elected new board of directors was elected foithe coming year as fol lows lasl president Ilickling Barrie president Wall Mid huist 1st vicepresident Maw Minesirrg 2nd vicepresident George Graham Goldwater R113 secictarytreasurer Morris Darby Waverley assistant secretary Raikes Barrie DirectorsTiny Joseph Marehildorr Penetang RR Gardiner Wyebridgc Mor ris Darby Waverley Emel Nerpin Wyevalc Maurice lay Frank Rumney Midland RRl Harold Cowden Vasey Jos eph Giatrix Waubaushene Naton Brown Ma tehedash Burton Goldwater Orillia John Hewitt RR Donald Harvie Oriilia RR Bert Bray Orillia RR Gowanlock Orillia RR Medonte water RR Midland RR Coldwatcr RR Moonstone RR Jack Rumble She dreams of BeautiSkin because their ultrassmart fashion means give herBeautiSkin Originalsby Orient the gift the vvould choose fur herself of their gossartrer sheer nespheh perfect and rightShade Yes byau Stalking she dreams of ir 4224522852 IORIGINALS 1de not oats Ltd one its attire ruouuf 2439 clue have di Withflog been farmed for 150 now Taylor Coldwater RR Stan Sheppard Carman Robinson Moonstone George Graham Cold Kenneth Robinson Percy Brimage Boyd Miller EC1alk and JII FIGS Spence Elmvale Earl Parnell Elmvale Joseph Dy PERSONALS Ellis William RitllldSLll 25 alert ing Randall Richardson to Bottom MI and DI Thomas ICKcflztt 66 Sopnm East had their guest Aer 1hr lcckrnd Eli and 1515 Frank his ODifutl Mann put flair lajize parser on itiv Owen Sound IESIJUITLIIEUII Co nitdlilti Nrtigoina running be tween Manitoulin Island and Outn Sound has returned to in home in Hm on December 27 Iltllll two until ifivc oclock in honor of her daugh ter Mrs Margaret Elizabeth Mat Iuighced whose marriage to Al bert Illtlillbi Maw of Minesing twill take place in the latter part Drccllrlril ENGAGEMEle Mr and Mr Wilfrid Brertiwood wrsh to announce the engagement of their only daugh lltl Velma IIthn to Clifford Mil tou Barnes son of M1 and Mrs lloward Barnes the marriage to take place in the United Church at 1950 Mrs Davidson Brent wood Dec Mr ml Ilicsdziy 19 94p and Elsie Gayyaid place at itii Wi Ilium take 27 Marie to Joseph the wedding uelplr to on January 94p Prince ofiWales HS Holds First Fall Meeting Sixtythree new members enroll ed at the first fall meeting of the issocialion held at the school on Monday night Dec Three hun tired parents attended ti joint meet ing of the Home and School As socmtion and an open by the school Jcnuett president aeied as Eliaicmdiifdrwthe Trieeiiniii J7 AI Coutts spoke for short time on Barries recreation council When the meeting adjourned the parents visited the various classrooms and met the teachers in charge Lunch was served by the pupils of grades and it and silver eol icction was taken the money to be added to fund to be used for the building of an openair rink for he students house held er Elmvalc Herb White Ab Moss Suirnidale Joseph BuieStay ner RR Harry Gordon New Lowell George Rogers New Low ell RR Horace Gilpin New Lowell DeWiIde Vespra Maw Minesing llickiiug Barrie RR Ar thur Walt Midhurst Hunter RuSs Elmvalc Oro Ernest Crawford Oro Sta tion George Home Hawkestone OrnvaR George McKay Goldwater RR Donald McLeod Hawke stone RR Clarence Brown Bar rie RR Kathryn Campbell Becomes Bride Knox Presbyterian Church in Woodville was the setting for very pretty wedding on Saturday November 25 1950 at three oclock in the afternoon when Miss Kath ryn Norine Campbell daughter of Mrs Peter Campbell and the late Mr Campbell of Lorneville was married to James Ross Nixon son of Mrs James Nixon and the late Mr Nixon of Barrie The church was decorated with mauve and yellow Chrysanthe mums for the wedding Rev Dr Louis Shein officiated Given in marriage by her eldest brother Jack Campbell ofLornel the bride was lovely in an Lo that gowaor periWinklblue coided taffeta with matching jacket portrait neckline and pan niered skirt of pleated godets Her matchingth helda shoulderlength veil and she carried white Bible the gift ofher aunt covered with mauve orchids Miss DoreenLovett of Toronto maid of honor chose gown of sonata blue corded taffeta and car ried nosegay of white gardenias Jack Nixon of Barrie was groomsman for his brother and James Butler cousinohe bride acted as usher reception followed at the Ben son House in Lindsay for the im mediate families of the bride and groom The brides mother receiv edwearing mulberry ensemble with matching hat andblack ac cessories and corsage of yellow mums and roses The grooms mo ther assisted wearing becoming gown of grey crepe with black ac cessoriesand it similar corsage of roses and mums The happy couple deft by motor for wedding trip to Chicago the bride travelling ina suit of taffy yyool with matching hat black ac cessories ind topcbat of Persian lamb Upon theitreturn Mr and Mrs Nixon will make their home in Oshawa The groom is graduate In en gineering of Queens Universrty PROUD OF POOL GUELPH Ont CP The new $74000 municipal swimming pool here was formally taken over by the city When the keys were pre sented by the builder The con crete and brick structure with change rooms and pool 100 by 50 feet is said to be the most mod em in Ontario CHURCH AIDS FAMILIES Williams ofToronto told meet Barrie for the tlnicl rIls Ec1cil Lutlgltrcd Raf Stay Lnex is entertaining at trousseau iinchester of Orillin Wish to announce the en gagement of their cities daughter Prince of Wales Home and Sero lton CKBB ell Midhurst Donald Bell Barrie RR Ward Goodfellow Hghway wrker OTTAWA CR Rev George day overthe last 25 years OBITUARY Railway Veteran John PattonDies Johi Patton v34 was for gttIilt tlrlr iiiuirinan of tile Hoard oil Blowouts of Burton Avenue Churcn llttl at his home Wil tram Street Iiillllt on Friday December 1930 in his 7311 yea lorisnr IUCUIIIUII1 engineer Will the CNR Mr lattou had retired til 03 IIl son oi the late Joseph Pat ton and Mary Doyle Mr Patton was born in Fergus Ontario on January 1872 and moved to Ailnnmtlt it an early age lie yin inaziied ill 1908 to Jessie hieggimn who urvues Iritn Except for at short stay in Iticaiord Mr Patton Lad Ilttfl nearly all his life Barrie lie was with the NH from 1801 until his 1Lillcllltlii and had been member for many years of the Brotherhowl oi Locomotive IInv girrccis gentle retiring nature he had centred his life around his hillllL and garden his wide CIItll of friends his church and good books fie was particularly fond oi poetry Mi Patton was life member of the Corinthian Lodge No 96 Al and AM At the time of his loath he was an elder of Burton Avenue United Church Surviving are his wife daugih tcr Mrs William Bell lMaryr of Barrie one sister Mrs William Sibbald Minniel of lcvelnnd Ohio and one brother Thomas Patton of North BayfA son John pilot officer with the 101st Fighter Squadron of the ROM during the last war was lost in ac tion over Le llavre in 1042 The funeral service was held ml Monday December at three oclock in the afternoon with Rev Carder officiating Pallbearers were Ernest Cheesman Frank Dobson Earl Marshall and Dr Er Maxwell of Barrie and James TOWN TALK SHOP Gigantic CroftofTorontuaud Thomas Doyle of Newmarket Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery There was alargc representation outoftown railway veterans and members of the of LE at the funeral along with relzttivesi and friends from Bradford Col lingwood vaenhurst Hamilton Newmarkct North Bay and Toron to of Floral tributes were sent by Bur ton Avenric United Church Bur tou Avenue Evening Auxiliaryl Burton Avenue Womans Associa tion Corinthian Lodge No 96 AFI and AM the Ladies Auxiliary tol the Barrie Lions Club the Barrie Public School Board the staff of Prince of Wales School and the staffand management of radio sta Otto mat 39 Dies Of Heart Attack Complaining of pain in his chest Otto Hanstead 39 declined supper at his rooming house here Tuesday and died in his room short time later Dr ECG Turn bull coroner said death was due to coronary thrombosis Mrs Hartley wife of the oWner of the house on the Little Lake Road said Hanstead went dir ectly upstairs when he came from his job with the Armstrong Con structionICo Later Howard Mail man employee of the Dover Con struction Go left the table to see how Hapstead was and found him dying on the floor of his room The coroner was notified by Dr Smith who was called to the house Employee on the Barrie bypass Hanstead had taken the room only the day before He is survived by his wife and child at 35 Lilac St Weston served On Essci Council Wesley Martin 63 Dies JhnWeslsyMartina Iarmerin the Ivy district who managed general store in the village for sev eral years died at the Royal Vic toria Hespital in Barrie on Mon day November 27 1950 following an illness of three years He was in his 64th year Mr Martin had been manager the Ivy baseball team and had tak en an active part invall community affairs belonged to the Con servative arty and was ytreasur er of the board of the Presbyterian Church for number of years He served on Ivy School Board for 14 years and on the Essa Iown ship Council for two yearsrprior to hishillness Hehad been president of the Ivy Federation of Agricul ture president of the IvyThornton Telephone Company and member of Ivy Band Born at Beeton on dune 18 1887 he was the son of the late William Martin and Margaret Thompson and iraddived at Ivy most of his life Surviving are er Mrs Murray SykESstMargaret of Barrie syson Mervyngof Ivy one brother ThompSon Martin of Brad fordand five grandchildren The funeral service was held at his late residence on Wednesday Nov29 Rev Kit Georgie conducted the service and pallbearers were Earl Reid Reginald Arnold Her man Jennett Bert MeQuay David Miller and Robert Harris Inter ment was in Ivy Presbyterian Cemetery Flower bearers were Beverley Jennett Newton Spence Allan Miller Norman Coxworth Harry Banting and William Bent mg Floral tributes were sent by the IvyThornton Telephone Compan and Essa Township his wife the forms 150000 mothers and babies have been given 10day summer holi Oh skirm ing at Steames Church here thatl More than fourfifths of the area through the social work services of the Federation dt Malaya is the United Church of Canada covered by jungle still lt IES Laura Lennox daughter QPPRICES 35 DRESSES 98c to $1 221 25 COATS WINTER cons Trimmed and Untrimmed FRT ALL NEW CONEVYS 500 cup tivMisSeS andLadiefsjfi Levelr Party and Evettianuresses Slashed Everything Must Go Froeroseto coats youll find great bargains in skirts blouses zcoats shortie coats station wagon coats lingerie etc etc etc mwN TALKSHO 133 Elizabeth St Barrie Phone MAKEYQURS MERRY cHRIerAs BY SAVING MONEY

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