Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 3

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Goldwater Commentary By LORNE LETHERBY WOW prr KTILLIT Fall iattslr of lac Coldwutrr AHA tcr Lustflllg sin Km turned out as L1Jxtl bf the It tIeu Emil full itttniarti gull Ixlc Ittilllitlll llip lllllit bottlit Pai china who io but Sheppard of Oshawa was itd lioilie lion Oshawa jg ld IIISS Wicit le tIUntl Eplctt accoilipanled her dalehtel Mrs 11 Kennedy dvnurni my uh to Toronto on Tuesday Mrs Ktlttltd off on her plane at lsdluma Maltoll to lcturn to her lltiltlt IIIIbUl IUmmlIVU Regina and is staying Ill loiolitoS for billI vlll Mr and Mrs Robert 11 Ilunket and daughter Marian of Weekend Willl illffin Mr and Ellis Mls ttht mm Rani 111151 ill Cold allr ttttiay Six saw and ttI111L Lcarrti dating ttlel patdtli florli thundelslolili unusual Claus nitta attr tiny eveni fol this lllflt 31 lug was ca Toronto spent the and DUI lilo liIJtt 5111 notch llitn It ilultll utlllll11 Mrs ilndustrial ITeachers Meet At Parry Sound On Saturday Novembw my mvaepoltx to ail the county news leorgiali Bay Industrial Arts and Crafts teachers met at Parry Sound Members lele ltcomed by Mr Garrett of the Parry Sound High School stall speaking Principal who was unable to be present chairman of the board of education extended greetings from that body After short reception at which was StlVttl economics room short meeting was carried out Officers elected for the President Owen Sound vicepresident Hayes of Alliston secretary Ste iphens Collingwood Smith Barrie To facilitate transportation since the Georgian the largest area of any in the pro vincc it was deemed advisable to elect Transportation Conlillittcc of three members Alliston James Offord and Hoots Midland visited Mr and Mrs Tipping oil Sunday llobcrt Tipping was in Midland tor the weekeild and Mrs Steve Brodeur Mix and Mrs Oscar Eplctt Miss Eyelyn lendlon and Art Busby lilotorcdto Stilton on Sunday and Visited Mr 11 Day former lcsi ll Fl ed and Mrs dents of Coldwatcr Mr and Mrs Greenlaw and son John of Toronto visited Mrs Greenlaws sister Mrs Cornell weekend Mrs feeling better after all tion High School llarmou behalf sh the time of the match The Barrie Cornell llldlsposi on the Iieask is able to be around again after recent fall Illlllgt toifet oldwzlter Commentary snowplowing dottle roads by truck was let to Cook Construction Company Barrie The Barrie tender was cI ccpted at special meeting of eI ontract Mt coming year were Captl tlcasurer donte Township Council last week Coldwater Lions Club are assum ing purchase of sound projector major project Part of the funds for the machine to cost about $700 will be sought through monster draw for tur keys The winners will be decided December when the draw will be held at the community tree The club has taken on securing of projector ill response to ap peals by local organizations It will be made available to clubs church es aild other local groups Included llay group covers estimated Mr Hayes of Naftcl of Huntsville and Stephens of Collitlgwood were elected At 12 noon members sat down to dinner at the Among those represented dinner Board of Education and the Board dinner speaker was Roy Cassie inspector of public schools Parry Sound dis trict who spoke on Humor and who advised positive or rather than the donts After dinner trips were made to the Roe Testing Plant Nobel and to the new Parry Sound District High School which is in process of construction Upon returning school tour was tnade of Ritchies school sllop one of the most uptodatc iii the During this time question tanswerrriperlodmwas rucarrled on which provcdvery beneficial to all The meeting was again called to order and the following men were heard Spry of the Ontario Col lege of Education who spoke on Applied Machinery Mechanics Gordon Apperleyoll Publicizing Industrial Arts Gordon and Mathews Provincial Inspectors dealt with Changes in the course of study The 530 pm Brunswick llotell were Parry Sound Coldwatcr and district members of the executive of the Simcoe County Trustees alid Ratepayers Association for the en suing year are Major Lane Borrow dash and Frawley Medonte temperance meeting will be held in the Embassy Theatre Cold water December 13 Motion pictur cs will be shovViihnd Royal Moul ton of Toronto will discuss the li illor problem Ernie Godfrey of Coldwater has entered team of Bantams from in the Ontario Milior Hockey Association Ernie requests that those interested in providing Midget and Juvenile teams torch try in the local league get in touch with him presentation was made to Mrs Coldwater friends prior to her moving recent ly to Orillia to reside anion Trade The after accentuatilig the dos Matche education Coldwater high Mr Col or provmce and on the importance Morris Johnson Council Meets Briefly Abricf Council Monday night after the Court of Revision sat Waterworks Superin tendent Bruce Speerin submitted his resignation in writing Council expressed the hope Mr Speerins services might still be available in some capacity even if only in supervisory manner Public school principal Lorne Graham outlined safety campaign he is trying to launch forthe children of the vil lage Council promised support of the venture butwished to hear more details after other local bod ies had been approached Goldwater Brief The Coldwater River Which had been reduced to almost trickle over the rocks in the bottom was swollen almost to flood stage by weekend rains Coldwater public school at will present concert in Mannings Hall on December 20 Coldwater Legion will conduct election of officers at their meeting Friday night When party of deer hunters including Stewart Alderson Wal SPECIAL Royol Winter Fair BEEF meeting held about meeting will be held at Owen Sound in April 1951 meeting adjourned The next THE BARRE Artist Charles Dawe of Barrie will be present at the meeting of the Art Club on Monday evening at the Community House to give short talk to the members Presi dent Llew Beaver announces thzit he hopes to have short business period during the evening and re minds members that this meeting will be the last until after the New Year Refreshments will be served had large ramp consummate ildren following is the report pre sctllcd lu Simcw tounty foun ril 11 the L111 session by Wilbur ltrrd rear of Orillia Iouns ship chairman of the councils tuflltlllllrr on tllr llitcrnatioiut lluwilig Match now 111 inti IIJ weir Wall of The Hallie In Iillitl chairman of the lebiltity tlilnizultce Norlllun Talks ehailnxin of the histoiic litttc and It McKiItry ran et illr liiii=ult and recep tloii loiiilziittce This culllinlttec fifth at tltii subeolnnzlttre tliltl lrui rallied out coipeiltloii will the Wth as chaillnai of pub Iivly ltttilutd all nlctlngs of the local coiliiliittee and prcpalcd full Ireports ot the business Itillillkltd He and Ill ttitllllllltl released these papers and to the two radio gt13 lioiis tKIIEI llaliie and FOR llIIlJ and all elloperated in get MI illd cooperatloll III helping to make public IIlew repole started 111 May and Were continued up until lZxaniiiler aiid Alliston Illlaid co operated by printing special Plow ing Match ltlllllltlfl1 collibillcd distribution of 10001 copies copy being elll to all subscribers of both papers lll addition to the several thousand copies which were halid ed out to visitors at the match This was commendable aild generous gesture on behalf of these news papers lil giving this publicity both within aild outside the borders of the county wanna REED Several talks were given by prominent agriculturalists of the county over both CFOR aild CKBB matches and their history The Barrie Junior Chamber of Com merce very kindly turned over their halfhour Guest Forum one evening to group of county and plowing match officials who dis cussed the match Many articles of historical value were exhibited to the public at the match and much interest was shown ill the history of the county through the efforts of Norman Clarke Educational Displays The County Exhibits tent under the direction of Councillor Roy Hickling was both an inspiration and educational with displays by the Department of Lands and For ests honeyproducers apple and vegetable growers and Copaco who had four breeds of cattle and one of hogs There were also some mink displayed and many other in teresting exhibits to let visitors see what was produced in Simcoe Coun ty The preparation ofthe land for plowing was under the direction of Councillor Herb Hughes If was so well laid out and so compact and close to the Tented City that there were no complaints and everyone could see the plowing with mini mum of effort The tractors under Councillor Carl Siephens supervision were kept under control at all times He ofgtplowing tfiltlifg Lilitl loading boll IIuv jam tractors f11f was great corrllrtt tilt Clef and wlth tl IIit PMIIRI ictltiv if Oshawa ihdri haths lien 4111 511 ldilll ltlilltt Ll Lev Sled garage for all uffltc llit Illtlnltui Oil torlspariy lItlIittI gal slan pulizps and Supplied all the gasov lini and Lil for the tlavtors as KcII as lrylcilig tillill They JIM pro liditi the public address system which tile tlatlols utl Utiliin lti classes llulibci were put up for the ditfclenl classes etrly nann iug thus ctiabllng Ihc colliliilttre to get all It tzactors oil on the Iltld in 10 minutes on the Thurs day when ovcr 160 tlaclors Itlt ill operation this was the day with the largest chityl lhlre Were 73 tractors plowingI on Local Day ltil on Wldlusday 10 oil Thursday IH MM and 137 on Friday making totali of 510 tractol lands There were at all times during the match The tlactor coillililttle would like to thank the Inipciial Oil oillptiliy hc Pedlar People of Oshawa and title match such success The Oil ftario Ilowmens Association UT ficials were high ill their praise of the way the tractor committee did lthcir work Headquarters or Tented ity lin itler Councillor Leonard Railsolli lilleant days and weeks of prepara Ition to get everything ill shape for the match To mention just few Inf the problelnstlnre were no facilities for proper long distance telephone connection and so line shad tobe built frolll Alliston to the area under the Beeton Telephone Companys control water was pro cllrcd by driving sand points then three electric pumps were installed and over 3000 feet of pipe laid to carry water to the different conces sions ill the Tented City it was estimated that 5000 gallons Were pulnped each lay hydro was ar ranged for alld installed and headquartcu building erected with offices for both OIA local com mittee alld visitors Teams on and The teams committee under Councillor Blythe McConkey had everything in haild at all times with plenty of horses stabled in barns close to the match area so that anyone coming from distance and wanting teain was supplied with one and those bringing their own teams did not have to go far plowing on Local Day 51 on Wed Friday Lunches under Councillor Fisher Ganton were ready every day at the proper time for the contestants coaches and helpers service without ally traffic tieups Billeting under Councillor plaints of unfair charges etc mittee under Councillor Albert Gilroy did marvellous job of in stalling toilet facilities complete with water towels soap etc for both men and women Garbage was collected daily There were 10 restaurants 30 snack bars five re freshments booths and four ice cream and candy handlers There were 424 people handling food299 female and 125 male The county health unit inspected the area from the standpoint of health and clean liness The banquet under Dr Mc Kelvey was huge success The committee procured 1200 chairs and 120 tables in Toronto and trans ported them to Beeton at cost of $280 At the banquet 1200people sat down to turkey dinner which was followed by musical pro gram It is believed to have been the largest banquet ever held in Simcoe County but despite the crowdveryon couldie and hear what was going on at all times Total expenses were $2136 and the net cost of the banquet $173250 The demonstrations this year werevaried some were new and others were the same as previous years There was fire fighting under the provincial fire marshal safety under the provincial police horseshoeing oxen plowing mule plowing welding competi tion potato variety and culture tests as well as grading and Report to County Council by LocoI Plowing Match Committee mm way Call De Luxe Text was lhctllilg Srrtite st of Ir At enur oinci to 2751 wilavl you drinking piobl limiu lump IIIUI1gt Anony li liaIl lIniillltlls co rid pillate litl1c Illa mlzl rillstillaw gilt now at iiJLLIialln Jt=illily Store corner 21111 tractors on hand to draw from iiihim Mill Milly Stiller Ufm 14ml teitlMllJtll Layaway Plan fitfist llc Adult Bible Class Colln Siiwt lfiEitld tilulrh lle lobk the county engineer for their work Em 13qu $51 iipilitioi illx Sunday The llllllltt ill leach The subject one of vital interest The Stew lllthltlf of th Gospel Winifred Iiiliieit llozlzsby soloist firth Ilaw you Silttlttl that all im pitllliltl lllirtlnm gift ct If you havent call ill at your Avon repi liwlitative Angus for display Lillian Itlllllll Angus fill Progress But With Economy PacIcIison want to see continued progress for Barrie but also believe that Sharp eye should be kept on the economy factor Altl Iaddi soil candidate for deputy reeve iii the Dec 11 elections told The Ex iilllner Im not seeking any honor iii running for this offico Rather Im concerned with providing good ldiliinistration for the town 110 said Mr Padllison said he believes his experience ill the construction busi ness alid oil town council this year is of benefit toDJhe town He pointI ed out that he is retired and is able to stable them There were 30 teams to give considerable time to the of fice He is on the present councils nesday 35 on Thursday and 50 on finance aild assessment and public works committees Ald Iaddison spent 26 years on the Winnipeg police force before coming to Barrie iii 1940 He was lunches were also provided for born in Petrolia Ontario but was raised and received schooling at nevertheft providedr m313 ttealwCltlp Burdens Re The ticket selling and parking spent some years in construction under Councillor Mac Beanie were and railroad work arid has been kept under control at all times engaged SCI01111 DIOICCIS While and whether the crowds were large at Barrie He was president of the or small they were kept moving Barrie Curling Club four years ago smoothly to and from the match and was elected to council for the first time last fall He and Mrs Paddison reside on Wood was very ably handled and Clapperton St and have 21 married all visitors wishing accommodation daughter liVing were taken care of with no com Ship The health and sanitaticin com rie RR Jack Caldwell Thorn ton RR her Class 61 Ken McDonald Bar rie Bert Shelswell Cookstown John McQuillan Collingwood Smith Collingwood RR Mel Cunningham Thornton James Orr Thornton Class 74 Russell Maw Mine sing Jack Campbell Churchill Class 84 McKay Hawke stone Fred ale Beeton Wes lie Downey Alliston Class 92 Allan McNabb Mine sing Gordon Giffen Minesing Murray Jelly Bradford Gowanlock Orillia RR John Brown Bradford RR 10Gco Soules Stayner RR Class 104 Keith Dermott Cookstown John Fennell Brad ford Class 114 Ross Brett Alliston RR John Scott Bradford RR y37WyleneBowman Staynel RR77 Ogle Batters Cookstown RR Class 123 Keith Robinson Cookstown Keith Brown Cooks town Doug Robinson Cooks town Malcolm CampbellHawke stone John Heacock Schomberg Charles Ireland Everett RR 10 Arthur Johnston Stayner 77WdiisdayOct 11 Class 27 William Spicher Stay ner 11 Ken McDonald Barrie RR Class 48 BerthIavrrxlvlinesing 32th and butter DIEM 6th for JUSI new ilaple tt llmlle 413 90an cw iocalad Mali Av 513 blitfbl li11 Illuistlay illgnt pin id Library Nook ling conlilitrtlals and papersnow your local library shelves lbrillianle with progressive edu iil llinisfil lown Class 55 Wylie Bowman Stay llthtlllzKKJEME vlt Advocate Of Sound AdmmISNOIion tt=a up the on is long tftipftrtlr1 of they WSW fl inclines would do still ftllcltl Iiilhiskl herd if tllt town tit painter of lie of 12 fi1lI ltiltlr bolster 151I yspalnaigi II iiilgig svyv llama ie aid ttll11115lt1ltI llti II Ruthi li lriti against IncieasI llett ailn ii gtltxil iia Lint lr flu slaits it his was Alli to Iilil lult by having Ilt Iigtlilltl iI=U In 11IU1IItI plan Ilorn Ill tisstl Bell at Iilt iii tissa Town llllFFIN ship in ve has lived Ila yeah fir lill oiilinlillt tiltill toward Hts my HP Iplqultillil lI Utttlli IIIMILtlL flit rillhlhmt ii pull in llitils 1Ulti ot Ila chitf Illtlltgt mmiwi quiz hit own Illgtl of Deputy Illcw ilIfll who H1 Aigmddir is lltllllltJ lei lloi at the 1ll MUM JIM pm Hi hag in day IIttlloltx lie it Init slltllltruitgt is lzirlnbcr of the Kiwanis takes an active iliterest Hdr of 11 ciiillcli lllll nghran whole he on the plopvitgr tilialll fit is director oi iLilLtI lumber and fuel deal ris litlllllllllt1 provincial and Maybe lle Illhlltlln pilit Ira not liltiyiu yet Mayne jollj gttllt liatanai and plesliitly is Everty taljlilltilvl ot IIIL Mttskoixtl and Iron Ila District Lumber ltl Ifiitlltill bespattlrcd Window display lt1 your limit liiiwarlucd If so tutE hails you can lliili the Qiliritual conipaillonship you IltlfI in llgood satiric book Wi recoillnielld the Illtcilstell ill sports Mr Griffin October choice of the Ilookottluis ii oHH SlimW III Mfllhl Month Club Itlillldings Way by Illtlltl Ski Club and the Ilariici iiiu limitnix now to Ilt lollltd littIhlVilltl and Riding Association lllflf his prime interests is pre serving park areas he states In Mi Blandlngs was introduced to tlle plibllc 111 Mr Standings Builds ill Id51 II 415 IlIhIVI SUV17 IIIis Dream House which was made plots to the town and has pressedl into movie starring aiy llailtdll Illi Jsll 15 and Myrna Loy He is successful Mr and Mrs Griffin have two advertising man who has built achildreli lladeilfgsix and Mavis country home within coiiiinlitiiteseven An Associate Teacher of distance of New York not writing lllt Iloyal Conservatory of Mtlslt outrageous hcs for bring about Mrs Griffin taught piano here for UN 511111110 WhISkLV ilhfl DU some time She is the former May Food is not enough decides Mr Dundgon 0f Np Lowe Blandiligs He wants to do somei thing for the quiet town to which gizCEEEZlllitelecwcthlitdtiCCKIEIEEKCCEEZEEiiZEECEitifi or Men Only FREE hc alid his fallllly have moved Thei book follows Blandings from calal iliity to calamity from his election to the school board the strollinf clear unllampcrcd man 111 lb whole system is the janitor to his purchase of the local paper AI ter each catastrophe BlandingsI fortified by Old Supine staggers on until finally he must make hisi decision Reviewers have compared Mix Blandings to Falstaff to Charlie Cliaplili and to Everyman who has meant well but somehow managed to act foolishly MiTHodgins hnswriilen3n Till arious piece of ElIICHC deals cation tecnagers communism cocktail parties and other pheno mena of modern society It is book that beforeChristmas cynics will thoroughly enjoy 8EEEQEgKEtltKKZZI aKZZEEEEEKKKIZK555ECJE555ETCZZCZZEEZEZ FLYING ls POPULAR lgERROBERI Sask lel Thirteen private aircraft including one from farnorth 110 la Crosser landed at the Kerrobert airport recently on breakfast flight Nine Saskatchewan communities were represented SOUNDS LOGICAL VANCOUVER CF 12 yearold thief convulsed police court when asked to explain his obsession The court noted thati it was accuseds sixth shoplifting attempt this year and three ofi them were for stealing wrenchesi Well you know your Worship2 said the prisoner quite often fellow wants to tighten nut BEST WAY Nutritionists say the best way to cock potatoes to preserve utmost food value is to bake them THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 1950 DANISH FAB the first farm barn Denmark dating from AD fl West Jutland TIt ztlt Lop Rial as prmiding to Hi Short Term Investment with Safety Easy to Arrange WI OEBEWRES Issued in om0onls from $100 to $100000 Term to 10 Years Itliifillllls III to CANADA PERMANENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION 320 Bay St of Adelaide TORONTO Olliitii Illlltl tliiillts Ilialltlorll Ililiiiiltoii Ioit IIopc omisloik ESIABLISHED I855 from 91091 YOUR PURCHASE GIFT WRAPPED ABSOLUTELY FREE GRAHAM FLEMING BARRIE amaze2zaaazmzzzamzmazmzamammaazim 23i2124342f232t21maztmN2311 21273223213134MEIZXXN3 1519 DUNLOP ST PHONE 3345 leisimiziainsismmi2iminimumsannmnmnsinzimso222sandman If Featured this weekend at Regular Prices For outstanding bargainsthis Weekend shop at Adams Meat Market Choice Beef and Lamb from the Royal Winter Fairfeaureddhis weekend linoFowl Canons oFish OWSeaFoods OGrooeriesli Vegetables Fresh Fruits ADDEDif WEEKEND FEATURE abyBeel gt Adams Meat Market picaDuNLoEST FREE DELIVERY SPECIAL Royal TWinterchlir LAMB fall outstanding feature atAdams Meat Market DIAL 3149f match packaging demonstrations Last but not feast there were the 10 Wagons and tractors under the lead ership of Herb Dunn weed inspec tor forSouthSimcoe who enlisted enough junior farmers to man the tractors and wagons to transport visitors from the parking lots to theiexhibitiarea and Tented City and back again This service was much appreciated and favorably commented on by thepub1ic At the official opening on Wed nesday Oct 11 Hon Harris Minister of Citizenship and Jmmi grationofficiatedf Hewas met at the entrance to the Tented City by 12 Doug Giffen Minesing Class 54 Allan McNabb Mine sing 12 Bernell McKay Hawke stone Class 610 Frank Craig Allis tonRR==2 11 William Gowan lock Orillia RR Class 86 John Fennell Brad ford Thursday Oct 12 Class 116 Spicher Stay ner Class 1248 Allan McNabb Mine sing gt Class 133 BertMaw Minesing Jack Campbell Churchill the officials of the match and transI Doug Giffn Minesingp 11 Don ported to headquarters on junior farmer wagon thence to the of ficiallstand which was provided by Halliday Company of Burlington wherethe opening ceremonies took place The local committee extend thanks tolthe treasurerfJ Cole Giffen Mlnesing Home BrownCookstown Friday Oct 13 Class 223 Splcner Stay ner 10 Mervin FralicksMinesing 12 Ken McDonald BarrieRR Class 245 Murray Jelly Bradj ford Donald McNabb Stroud man the secretary Keith McRuer Orillia the assistant Secretary Fred Hunter Class 256 Allan McNabb Mine the county officials and all others sing who helped in any way to make the LClass 2810 Bernell McKay 1950International Plowing Maltch Hawkestone the best to date and recommend that letter of appreciation be sent tothe OPA for their cooperation Shanty Ba and assistance The following is artist of Sim coe County prize winners at the Tliesday on to tayner Class 35 Will Hunter Bar Farm Welding Competition Class 32 Lawrence Fraser Alliston WW Class 42 Bruce Plater Colling wood RR Shaughnessy Angus RR VClass 72 Shaughnessy Class 14 Mervin Fralick Angus RR Mlnesing William Spicher REED Reeve of Orillia Township Chairman WmhilzlMKKKKKEtel 05 RR Jack Hancey Shirts readmissiqu EE29ElllgllilElttlgglgj16 iZICEIQEZIEIQKEKKEECKQFE 105EQEEEEEEEZEIES We have the style of shirts helikes Shirts with regular fused collars tab collars buts top down collars Windsor collarsl single or French Cuffs styled by Forsythe Tooke andBNID $395 to $695 From our complete selection ofnecklvear yOull find the tie that favo rshis per isonality Slat to $250 GLOVES all styles and fab rics SWEATERstby Tohy Day cardigans and pullovers PYJAMAS styled by Tooke Mxmmnsrmxazmmmmzzwhlmmmmmzapisteimarinassisalsizizizlsislaeamzielsmare22222zzzi2mElamamalgam mm STORE FORMEN $15659 $850 FWITIORIGINALLY EST 1885 15 Elizabeth St At The Five Points Phone 2566 gt FQrSythe BED opp WellingtonkllotelaBartle manualannomanommnnnmiwnnnmmnnammnnn

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