Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 28

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BARBIE ExgtmNm THURSDAY 111212 111311 Buffer in 2000 BC and 1950 AD There can be no doubt 111 but sonny 11 ter was churned and 115111 sonat 1111 thousands of years before 1111 birth of Christ illSlullhlES and research ers have found or ttlcztlztc to butterin rcCords originating mriier than 2000BC The51 itmr tin1 traced to the early 11111511 of Asia the Hebrews Urnk limbs rimp1 tans Persians Romans and l1u1oizs These records 111511 indicate that 1111 11111111111 churning of UUTICI 1115 1211111 pllfl planted 11 Clpally in the luulcl 1111111111s tany 11211111l There are 11111111111115 retortlite 1111 of tin to butter 111 the 0111 l1stuin1nt lii 1111 1111 the Very first book Gurusis iadvaiirid 11211 31111111 111141 it is learned that he 1A11i1 1111111 111 111i1 i111 1111l1 ham look butter milk Lllltl 1111 czilf lclmn 1111111111 11111111171i111 aild Set 11 lLJCfUl tilt11 Again 111115 11111111111 cl11111 1111l 91111 row115 3033 Surely 1111 in 11111l11l 111 111 1111114 gtchurning of milk hringtth foizhlouzilit md 131w 11311111 11111 11 butter Strangely enough 19119p11s11n 1111 11111ii1 11111 111 Cntury iiisloiiiiim 111111111 no tractsitemization 2111 l1111 111111111114 ofvthe husbandry of milk giving land 111 11 1n 111l1i1 111v 11111 Trilliiriizilshioit 111111f null 13 11111111 izluid 111111114 111 in llKrlllflC 11111111111 S11 cs 11 1lly we lispvctiiir 1111111 11111 111 1111111 ers of South ziiid North Allltlltll iconipuisoay Austria or New 1111111111 Connl T111 1111111111 11111 111 111w 11111 ants thatitoday 1111 noted for their 1dant1e1s 11111 1111 1111 now 111 all llmf UCUUH knowlidlze 111 111111111 itiizi 11 Tliat more 11115 1111 found for land caloric 111111111 lhm gt111111i butler long before 1111 Christian Era to lfillli llmllllllLVlK 1111 1111111 than are common today is one uflwzis 1111111111i1 111111 111 the oddities of 1111 history of that today 111 11111111111i 11y 11 11111 natural food Many properties 111 butter 111 1111111111 11111111 ilillltl attrllbtitcd lto llillllel 1111 Worlds sold now 111151 NilliJlll 1111 1155 1111 ear peop 11 1111111115 ltttllllll 310 gt 111 11111 11 11111 11 1111 1111 dllt 11 sulcred 101111 11111 11 Was 1151111 3111111 111111 111 111 11it 111 211111511111 ex enswe in 111 llt1ltl 1111117 1111 11111111 1111111115 111111 111 holiest sacrifices of 111111 worship11111111115 111 11 ButtCT was the essential to the 511111111 1111 1111111 111111 111111 11111 geddilngfczisl of 111111111 111211111111p1111111l 111 1111111 111111 r1 1115 11l acc onians listd it 115 111al111poi11 intake would be gtLlflltltll for ointment and 215 an internal 1111111 ihi5 1111115 World15 1111111l 111 light Cine in addition to its 11111111111 1151 lgibor ltllllilt lililtlllfl 221110 c11l11ii15 as food The 111111111115 115111 btitttilpcr day 11151111 111 lllltlllil$ to anoint bodies afflicted with pain 1911 111r 11111 of 1111115111111 111111111 All used 11 as food Among tinltllunikcrt iiinnins 111 132 early high people butter was 71 111111 1111 found 11 11111111 111 melted and stored 11nd used to 1n 11111 quality 111111 W111 i1il111c11l pro rich other foods prepared for 1111 poi111111 portant feasts lhcso pcoplc re When the 1111111 111111 of butter is garded it as rich delicacy 11gill1lttl in 1111 light of 115 nutri That milk or Cluxlll would churn ilioiiiil content it 15 siiizill wonder into butter was probably l11i1l 111111 1111 11111111115 111211111 butter as Ed lhTOUKll ill lllll liracticc ofloiio of 1111 firsts 11 1111 foods of transporting milk in nnimal skinthcir day With 1ll of 1111 pltStETIL pouches Tin11 is record of milk diiy advantages butter is now more souring fermenting 11nd curdlinl 111 I1111111v11 11111 111 1111 1515 in our such containers 111111 in all prob foods e11 11 l1111 l1111 111 111 11111 12111111111 111111 1111 11151111111 1111 11151115511111 r1115 111d llll ti1 innJoi points irisiiilz The lc1111rs uould 111sin 1111 continuance of Teen lub on Fridny nielils They felt every second Friday 1111111 would suffice to 101111111ncc The November monthl 11111011111 They would like the club 111 be of the Barrie Recreation Committee 111111 in 1111 lllltl 14111111115111111 was held at 1215 pm luisduy Tliey desired adequate super VWVZCKzvzIWIZWZKIQKEwmxgyyKWKZKK1KVKTW6Krcrnce1lt111ltCKxzzzKKKwvttggcvcpmvttzcylmwzxvygye 111 111114 15 11vgl n+5 November 21513111 the wellington vision preferably including some Hotel The following were present of the1021111111 51111 Aid Harrison chairman T1 The club 5111111111 include school Miss Ethel Crosslzind vice chair and town ticncrs man Dr Neil Laurie member ltci1liscus51on it was 11111111 the Mr COllttS member Mrs LlllelllllIll should l1lll letter Moody treasurer and assistant to the clinirman of 1111 HDCI boardi director KW Robinson secretary soulsting 11 meeting be 111111 1111 and counsellor include the Board or 11 representl The chairman read the letter for 11111 conimittco 1111 Policy Coin 15 gt 111d Committee 11 Tu 1115 who 94 EIQQLQLD45MLCDlLClDJl expressing approval of the charge policy for minor hockey could lliorouuhly investigate the illllllilLtliJllfLTESLSQEMLCWHILE The counsellor reported this l1z1 111eds and 111sires 111 1111 lccncrs guc was functioning satisfactorilyl Social acnviiics as to games attendance and finl ances vrndcir College property was The Parks Board is to be forward brought up for discussion 21s1 pos ed letter regarding the apparent siblc 5111 for YMCA or community need for additional tennis courts in centre Discussion resulted in ii de Town cision that this could not be con The counsellor reported that the sidcred 11 this time 11nd that it was telephone survey had brought in doubtful if such 11 matter fell within reports of 26 organizations who the committees function were sponsoring some type of recl Drama Workshop rcational activity or program These lhc counsellor cxplained the had beenxmimeocd and distributed Drama workshop course onwhich Continue Survey the committee were 11 coopcrative The counsellor was instructed to sponsor together with the Simcoc carry on with this propdscd survey County Recreation Services Kem when time permitted pcnfeldt players and Community The financial situation was 115 Program Branch of the department cussed and to 1th present date the of education situation appeared to be satisfac Also that enquiries had beenl tory and comparatively small made as to 1111 possibility of 110111 annual dcfiClt would be fOFthOm ing needle weave course The lat ing for matter is being investigated fur The counsellors monthly report ther was discussed with approval given Attention was directed to the to program and administration in Zone afternoon and evening and hand gt professional conference to be held The Chairman gaVe resume Of in Oakvillc on Wednesday Decemb theSpecial Committee meeting held er It was hoped that some com ll 111 as ewe1 uffii ECC The subject of 11114 now viiczinl Very Special Purchase 11 Dresses each Half Sizes l62 to 24l2 Six Smart Styles Featuring NEW PLEATING FLYING PANELS SCALLOPED COLLARS DRAPE EFFECTS VELVET TRIMS BOLEROS For Christmas gilt or your own holiday wear these smart new dresses offer bigvalue at modest price Cleverly tailored from new first run prints in fine silky crepe Six charming styles in sizes 1612 to 2412 Because of the exceptional value we advise early shopping If you have gift MNL cv pl pl It IL 114 31 ll 41 IE II ii ii IE 45 11 it Il 411 p1 LINENS illL 0F LINEN l5 SURE 11 PLEASE RAYON CLOTH AND NAPKIN SET Very attractive ruyoii cloth sets Cloth size 52 with four large napkins Colors blue pucli and gold Neatly boxed llllClZl $650 llAND EM BRO DERED LUNCIIEON SETS $298 HAND EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES 1212111550 ALL PURE LINEN GLASS TOWELS 59c to 98 DELUXE TABLECLoriis GRAND IOlt ourrs Theres no doubt about it Walker Stores is the place to buy beautiful tablecloths Wonderful assortmeiits 0f the prettiest cloths youve ever set eyes on Priced $298 to $595 TOWELS TOWELS At Walker Stores in Barriethereare literally thousands of luxurious towels Milny sizes many prices Try shopping at Walker Stores for towels can 412V FROM WALKER STORES mgamsabmzmhzaammaamammamamamamaxxxama12amhmammiamammmammmzmz gt1gt131317121szmama311anmmmmmn111lamlmnuhunmxnuhnmnhnhnnmanual problems bring to us well solve them for you Stores orrTuesdayrNOVGmbeHnd utrrmrttccmem herstvouldbcable to lined the publicity and public re attend lations proposals One or two mat The chairman requested that ters had been rearranged bUty in members give somc thought to re gneral remained on the same 1135 placements on the Recreation Com is as approved by the and mittee Expiration of term would subcommittee leave four vacancies to be filled and The policy subcommittee had it would be ofhassistancerif memv met with committee ofTTeeners bers were able to recommend pos who were concerned with the con sible alternatives tinuance of the Social affairs The Meeting adjourned at 135 pm CllllistmasiMagic 51111101 all 125 Dustinglowder in 275 11111111113151 11111111111 101161 Soup1 00 Puml Perfume iii Christmas Tree dross L25 FOR MEN Shavinngugvll with in 511111911 250 Mug lotion ul Bliwithoui qucum in set 375 other set 150 250 jail 275 In your favorite lea ther or fabric your favorite stylesmart shape and color Hurry in choose your most important bag of the season now buy several for giftgiving Cass PRETTY FINGERTD TOWELS BEAUTIFUL GIFT LINGERIE NYLON WALKEEOZTORES PRACTICAL LBEAUTlFUL Its disuretoplease gift idea Well gift box every pair for you Priced 13510225 NIGHT 1115sz DAINTY RAYON Colors Pink Yelldw Blue LACE TRIM SLIPS NEATLY BOXED LINEN GUEST TOWELS Not for years perhaps never before have Wdlker Stores in Barrie shown such hug as sortment of fine lingerie Its for you and at Christmas youll find it easy toshop at Walker $293 $198 IAllt 39C 1111 212211313131212131312121212121312131mamamzzammnawhammmnaammaaza too $347 110 $1295 OTHERS TO $2195 Lace Top and Bottom Straight Cut $298 r7 PYJAMAS Tom Girl Style emuE GOWNS Embroidered Top 1111110111 IjANrIES $0553 aimmwmaz 313151 2319cc311331 398 19 1th $i75$198 ELASTIC Torbowus Pink Sheerltow $19815208 ii mimwmmummmnmmmgmg

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