Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 23

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KMEKEKKKKKKKKKKKKWKKKZVA FORTY DRAMA ENTHUSIASTS ATTEND WORKSHOP IN BARRIE An Meat hieii dicw gzeat deal ti comment arid stimulated rival ill ullinlctil Ciaf Wtci has Workshop go micd In Iie KLIziprnfcl 113 the Six Dc County Recitation cc and the Barin Committee The workshop was laid for four evenings from No to 30 from II pin to 11 put The leadership for the Liliit Vih moulded by the kind cooperation of the community piogiams branch of the Department of Education in the pelauii of Ar thur flare of Ottawa Mr Clare who has long been 13 ocxated with the Ottawa Players and ll workshop group Is most in tcrested the development of ltlnilllllllll drama liIs services have been prccured by Community liograins for lintitcd time so that groups throughout the provnice may hold workshop sessions ill all aspects of drama litr cation Over 10 young people and adults from many parts of the county at tended sessions of the drama work shop They came from as far away as Bond Head and Collingwood to FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASHALTY EINSUHANCE CONSULT llili Sarjeant Insurance Agency 49 DunlopSt Barrie at Fairwaylodge Phone 408 Oro mammamma 7tMkhmlihhlklmmm331221BIBIZIIPIBIEPIEIBIMMPIS seam more about acting ilagii LS cr tIi there Muriel etc laid the Library Hal and the Tut the ticnc of blis Stcuait On uiunnuy and luIday eyeiangr gpLay LitCllUli acting and directing yHIi considered As people entri lad the hall they Weit absorbed ill Iic pantuniinx inich code 1111 daectiuii of Miss Doreen Slttli of Iilarrie This proved to be good ice breaker ll lleatlifield of iaiiway Lodge Shanty Bay chair Ied the meeting and Jack lIIlbLck idisirict representative for toni Iiinlllll Programs introduced Mr Clare Mr Clare lost no time in attack ing the problems of the group in an IIIiforIniil and enlightening way lie gave the group an extensive list of plays both oneact and threeact Iwhich he could ltttlzllilltllil dII Peoples Unions plan to pot on Ifestival of biblical drama this year Illlr Clare was asked to give Igestions in this field Iniended that the groups choose isfories from the llible and develop tlIeiI own plays method which would make for dynamic picseIi lation and overcome the problem of the limited amount of literature in this field of drama As sources for plays lie sugiurstI ed the Community Programs Drama ELIbIary from which playscould be Iborrowed for reading the public llibraries the loperative and Samuel French Ltd Toronto The whole group took part 111 lvarious exercises designed to de velop acting techniques These were Iconceriied With voice projection Ithrough proper breathing clear ienuuciatioii and resonance lle al Iso dealt with the eveIwbaffling lproblem of what to do with ones Ihands how to stand sit walk Iineel and fall naturally and graceI fiIlly Everyone took part in these exercises with enjoyineiil Second Evening ing by discussing and ltillollslllll ing the Stanislavsky method with participation from the whole group This Incthod stresses the import actions to situations and to the wastitumueeauicicmmuuiIeteammateulceratedicicicrcrcramm gairwau icdge Make Your Reservations Now For Christmas Dinner mamaamzmazammmmamm 313231 Since the United Church Young lit recoup county library coi The next evening Mr Clare fol lowed through in the field of act ance of emotional and spiritual IeE THURSDAY DECEMBER7 1950 At Annual Turkey Shoot PARTICIPANTS iii the annual CGE lur key Shoot are talking of forming 21 Gun Club within the Barrie plant as Irsult oi the successful day These are the men who brow ed it out to Ed weather was cold ItIlllti actois Players lrentrate and follow throuin in ltheir characterization and action hnd make clear to the audience who they are and what they are feeling and doing III order to do this con vinciugly one must be the Clllli acter offstage and sustain the char IIIcterization throughout the play An actor must listen to others onI must con tlie stage and react to them as the Lliaraeter they portray even 1though they have no lines to say The method requires the develop of imagination and undeiu standing of others To do this ob servationand association of ideas Iiniist be cultivated ment Members of the group were askJ ed to portray various roles and sit uationsva lady scared by mouse two people dressing in the morning etcto demonstrate the method of concentrating and following through Three skits were tried by mem bers of the groupone based on the song No John another comedypskit dealing with the usual antics of the inebriatc and trag edy developed from the poem Hiawatha During the discussion period toI ward theend of the evening var ious problems were WWOU and Mr Clare dealt with these by demonstration He showed how the embrace could behandled in an ARE YOU IN FAVOUR or DEMOCRACY LCOMINO MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS YOU VOTE rTAKENOLINIERErINTHEErectcm 0N 51 I=SOnsored By Barrie Brunch Canadian uByv RequestyOf Dominion Command IF 71YOU VOTE YES THEN ENSURE THAT YOUR ENTIRE COMMUNITY GETS our AND VOTES Ar THE They servedtill death Why not we WILL You DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT GRAc Legion Bakers even though the and windy The four best easy and natural way how to make an exit how to cry and laugh ef fectively without muffliiig lines Staging and Lighting On Wednesday evening staging and lighting were the main items under consideration Due to the stormy weather the outmftown attendance was Iouer though some enthusiasts made special effort and came in fromas far as Bond llead and Beeton to attend the ses sion Mr Clare explained in detail how to Inakc flats and box sets He said that group should be careful to mix plenty of paint at the outset to lo complete job lie was much in favor of using curtains as back drop and said grey was the best color because it could be changed by the lighting to other hues lie stressed simplicity in staging throughoutL rather than artiness Sometimes the most effective set tings can be secured by suggestion rather than by an elaborate stage prop Mr Clare was keenon the group improvising resouiccs at hand to make equipment He ex plained how spot lights could be made from biscuit tins and foot lights from breadnges file warm Tdmlhe group however that it should get licensed electrician to do the actual electrical work so that there would be no complica tions or criticism The last evening of the drama workshop was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Stewart in Bar rie Due to their interest available and the bright lighting and cheerful crackling fire made it an ideal place for the closing 505 1019Y1makeLIP and costuming Mr Clare used four couples to demonstrate makeup One Of each of these was thcsubjcct and the other the makeup artist The sub jects wcrgmadc up as an old per son abcardcd man young man straight makeup and young woman After the work had been commented on Mr Clare with few deft touches transferred each of the subjects into characters of various ages and types In discussing costuming Mr Clare again stressed the importance of simplicity Since many of those present were interested in costumes for biblical drama he gave detail ed informatioiLabout suitable cos tumes and material which could be used to best advantage for plays of this kind He recommended ordin ary duvetyn as best material for flowing garments as it is inexpen sive and yet looks rich under the lights Burlap and unbleached muslin can also be used effectively If material is to be dyedthe group was warned to dye enough at one time to meet their needs In closing Mr Clare gave min1 ber of sources of supply for make up costumes materialguemtc As an appropriate climax to the eveningamfthcreoursaMrs Stew art served refreshments to the whole group This pleasant sur prise was greatly appreciated and made friendly ending to the drama workshop sessions The committee in charge of the project included Heathfield president of the Kempenfelt Playi crs Mrs Healy Miss Louise Colley recreation director for Sims coe County JaekEilbeck of Com munityv Programs Mrs Hawkins ENOUGH INSURANCE Sureyou have rinsurV ance Butisit enough to replace loss at present day prices We suggest you call us folfree aid in making estimates PHONE 5201 GMSteveisono fRoSS Block Darii and courtesy their playroom was made shots were Charlie Osbori brought along Mauser Ehriliarrir Examiner Section Pages 45 to 50 It ie Bob Ernst who liddie Baker and Murdie Campbell The Inarksinen were div tled up into groups of Iirst second and third Stan SIIIIII and licv lolIII Altlllh Stioazu Local publicity was handful or the llariie liveryanon Ctlllltll llil tounty publicity by the Show toiIIily litLitllllUll Ser 1L lmplt ligt registered tIoIII rar itith illlliilh of the county verej Mrs It llealy nunuiriehi Miss Nornia iIiIIlIIIIn Illisslloiothy Kidd Miss liarbaia Kitchener Marlin Miss lIIIIiifred NIIlly Miss Marion liltliziitl John liaIIsoIn Miss loiulll lieu Miss Doreen Steele Miss lihoda Young Mrs Vera Hawkins Stan Sharp Miss Martha letoId Alis Stew art llrs Badgely Mac Me Call Iiizus linss Alan llrown and Ken 1rkers all of Barrie and dis trict lielen and Joseph Landon ie competing for FROM iii NEWS Mullioliaizd iItliei Lasher 1Iii Lonwtaole lirlt Beelin and Bill libhonx Snood liev ljric hirll Vlilii llond lltllll lialph llougliton Ind Ioidoii lliiiy Newton ltoiiiii son liour Wilcox Breton and Miss Dorothy liitid Mailcnr Lane and 11al ltlllgtltt of ollingwood LIMITED AIIHITY The longer we work zilthi you the stronger we beconid convinced that were III the IIght work but on the lltlili pe of paper weekly paper 1s geared to certain capac1 Anythnn owr that means hectic rush from morning til night pliioernine 11uinloldt ISaskJ louinal FITLL OT MEAT Fergusonvale Stanley and lat liill Marilin toe lion Argue and larl ence Madill Allenwood litY John Morris Mrs Mulliolland Bertie MISS ETHEL CROSSLAND Member ALD MCBRIDE Member MR COUTTS Member Among other nutrients two eggs day Will provule nearly 100 per cent of persons daily Incnts of vitamin lCIlllllt ALD Chairman These Are Your RECREATION COMMITTEE Members cl by ih Town Counc Appoint THIS has bccnaccomplishcd in the past oacANIZArION Town and Dlstrict Hockey League Barrie Mount Jimmy Ski Club Barrie andDistrict Ladies Softball Copaco CounWSOTtball Championships Barrie Art Club Service Mens Wives Club Minor Baseball Band Concerts School Safety Patrols Barrie and District Soccer League Intermediate Softball Industrial Softball Tennis Coachinc Barrie BOxing Club Teen Agers Youth Chorus Santa Claus Parade Hallowecn Kids Karnival School Track and Field Basketball Leagues Cadet Corps Rifle Competition Barrie and District Film Council Blade Aid Club Drama Workshops Recreation Film Programs ADMINISTRATION Municipal Playground System Playground Softball Leagues Educational and Industrial Tours Woodworking Clasiies Barrie Bathing Beach Day Camp Winter Swimming Camp Borden Beach Patrols and Training Playground Leader Training Courses Red Cross Wutr Safety Instructors CDursEs Bathing Beach Junior Regatta AfterSchool Recreation Programs Annual Playground Dav gt Water Safety and Life Saving Demonstrations SERVICES Organizational Advisory and Administrative Assistance to all community groups Films Library Resource Leadership Courses Instructional Courses Canadian General Barrie Works Clarke Clarke Co Ltd can Planing Mill Ltd Barrie Tanning Limited Electiic I20 Primary School gSections In Tiny the ioaizshap has 20 primary IriiiJIl Manon of which are un lull tflcicil with other municipali II die in the Plus School area 110 Roman Catholic Separate and the balance are pub siIIII1 MlHllg both Catholic 2liL1 Pittrkiiii pupils Nikon IL limo tllltill Milli lcaetang litIah taught $33090 21IIIIIIIIIIL lionian Separate School taughtx $208 875 llreIgietIz School union public French is school Willi To No French taught 535125 WmeiIIy No Fieiitll taught $02010 iyehinlge No French taught 5101102 laIztins Bilingual $410 511 770 SI II1HIU1 II iiailtlolpfi bilingual $100 121 11 tlloUl illison lieneli taught 3310925 41 Dunlop Si IiiIiRIIIIIiIsW50 STATION COATS STETSON HATS $850 $10 WHITE OR COLORED SHIRTS $395 to $750 PYJAMAS PLAIN 01 FANCY t$395 $495 $000 $650 TIES BOXED $100 to $250 SOCKS 85c $100 $175 $300 OMT ANT LOOK OVE um IVOTE As You WISHBUT VOTE HARRISONy THIS is Planning for the Future continued counselling towards more recreation in the home and by family groups continued counselling service to all community groups requesting advisory organizational or administra tive aSSIStance in the eld of recreatioIL continued concern to ward our young peoples continued Playground Beach Day Camp and Sports expansion in line with pop ulation gibwth Improved Sports facilities to meet existing demands Institution of all possiblerrm programs to meet the needs and desires of our commun ity regardless of race color or creed Whatever IaSSIstance poss ible in creating recreation pastimes for our chronics Shutins andold folk more complete and sat isfying Teeners program Facilities and programs for boys and girls outofschool Recreational and park areas set aside for the future Continued planning for additional indoor facilities for useby noncompeting groups To continue to promote the policy of yearround leisuretime group activities for all ages and interests gt To work together to pro mote fuller and moresatsr isfying existence in the life of our citizens fSPONsoREDiiY INDUSTRY Lufliin Rule Co of chairs Ltd Lannom Wellingei Ltd First Ctroperative Packers of Ontiirio Limited Catholic COSTS ARE HIGHER INSURANCE AGENCY BARBIE ALL GIFTS BOXED WILF TODD leisure tiriicwactivities 13 ierkiiisfield Semis School French taughtmm Wyevale PS N0 French tauth $477744 Vaisey PS 3rd Cone Tiny ND French taught H362 15 16 Mountain No French taught $250312 17 McAvcleas 811133131 $110050 181orions thiethodlst Point Bilingual $53700 Laurin Bilingual $212500 Saurin No French taught 562984 McDonalds PS Itth and Base Linel No French taught $91 750 NorthMest Basin RS gual 5201175 Lights Store RS Nc French taught $37115 This school the last to be established in the loivnship was built in the late twenties It has the smallest supporting assessment and de spite the fact that most pupils are of Frenchspeaking hmin origin no French is taught It is across the bay from Penc 19 12 21 Bilin tanguishene 24 Thunder liay PS Bilingual 5245900 REPLACEMENT CHECK YOU PRESENT INSURANCE INSUHE AND BE SURE Malcomsons Dial 3735 $4300 $4750 $5700 ALL SIZES $2995 $3750$46co BROCK S5 OlTR CHRISTMAS STOCK MENS AND BOYS WEAR 55 DUNLOP 8T Barium NEIL LAURIE DR Member EMILWILLIAMgJeoRAioe gt Member

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