Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 21

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left and ltol Kcalic right 04 gt Lganda pattern is their note of con RCRs in Fort Lewis IIIIC ARRIVAL of the lloyal Canadian chimcnt at Fort Lewis this week was big event for members of their advance party who had been preparing the camp for thcm for the past few weeks and wire anxious to rejoin tlic rcgiiiiciit llicir arrival was lictaldcd by music of the lloyal 22nd Regiiiicnl ilaiiil On hand to LHtl the unit was the lliiild0 Commaiidco and their koniiiiaiidiiig Officer litfol Keane The latter had arrivcd on an catlicr train Shown clconiiiii Maj Duvcaii llamiltoii oiiimaiidcr of 15 Company are Brig Rockinghani NAliONAl DEFENCE iiiOiO Europcan countries mct again at Strasbourg to humor out the plan for European KOVtllllilllll The dclcgatcs to the Europcan Tonsnl lativc Assembly had plan from Ronald Mackay Labor number of the British parliament to trans form the council of litirqpc into real government and twohouse parliament This would hch au thority covering the political ccoii CANADIAN Specially Written For The ilarric lixamincr By HARRY EUCLES bil countries The Consultative Assembly by votc of 03 to with 10 abstentioiis voted to recommend immediate creation of European army Ill cluding German troops Only the icrman Socialist delegates voted against it They want written guar antccs of complctc German equal ity in any projected allEurope dc fchc setup Thc Gcrman Chris tian Democrats however favored the resolution after an amendment guaranteed cqnal treatment of German units in such defence force While the work goes forward on European parliament the resoluL lion passed by the assembly care fully avoids any nicntion of an in ternational authority such as pro posed by Foreign Minister Robert Schuman of France an idea that is opposed by Britain Russian criticisms of American proposals for Japanese llfiltU treaty are icgardcd in Washington as the start of new Russian pro paganda drive against the Unich States The Unich Sfaics made propos his turn Japanese peace treaty that were stlpposcd to be fcutativc and confidential but Moscow iiiadc them public along with half dozen critical questions front the Kremlin One of these questions is whether the United States and other countries might conclude peace with Japan separate from Russia Washington officials said the Rus sians will gct an answer to all their questions and it will probably be made clear that separate peace treaty is possibility if ltussia is not willing to coopcratc American officials are hopeful but not too New York demanded that the two 7weptimisticwaboutwthehproiecfswot lgtistees of the bankrupt Long Is JRiissias cooueration llle exchange was public de monstration of the touchy state if affairs in AmericanRussian nego tiations The United States had mentioned coopcrafive responsi bility between Japanese facilities and American forces in the question lCCCIIily of Japanese security following a1 The wreck came only nine formal peace treaty The RitssianSimonlhs after another Long Island pointedly asked whether the US collision at Rockvillc Centre killed Intends to maintain military naval 33 persons on the same line and air bases in Japan Fitting into the Russian propaI Long island Crash Governor Thomas Dewey of total shakelup of the commuter line Seventyseven persons died and 332 were injured when Long island express ran through two sig nal lights and plowed into the rear of another train in Queensborough stop the slaughter and the state governor met with Mayor Vincent lmpellitteriof NewYorkand other public officials After the meeting Dewey said It is our unanimous opinion that the road is bankrupt financial ly as well as being bankrupt in equipment and management The miserable conditions of the trains and the bad operation are basically the result of demoralizcd person cornovcrwhalwtlicy call labkbf proyision in the US proposals for insuring for the Japanese pepple an opportunity to develop freely its peacetime economy Moscow didnt mention the millions that America has already spent in Ja pan European Government Political leaders of six western MB critic and military affairs of moml not going to be any crop this landmilailroad resign to speed 3r It brought public outcry 10 Prairie Mansion Fine Monument To Farmers Work 3ASKATUUN NOV it Hamish brick iiianszci bid dur ing the First Wtarhi War ilt traini 1inch to tile rtivctrzfill iwr oi 5am di liiilclr oat lllc man highway ah nit illitii lilitfl Saskatoon and Noitii iBLitiiriutd Pay Lillvll sui iiiaisi that pron lllc than at ho biil ll v11 bloke Lat not Sam Millet Sam lift his home in Briicc County Ontario in 19153 with $70 in his pocket When be In llcf Saskatoon he had ILlr aboiii thc $10 he needed for limiicstead filing for lie waikid flu TU little from Saskatoon to his horiicstaii Sam built the big house 1917 for $10000 at time wlicn lumber was $20 thousand board fccf Today the price well ovcr $100 Olicc Ilic house flS iiiiishcd liciiever had trouble housing his five childrcii and half tlUZLIl men During the depres sioii of the 1930s Sam saved the day by raising livestock 11c shipped as many as two or three tillllliltir year and came out of llll dcnrcssion still on top To each of his cliildicn Sam gavv halfsection of land to start them out Im not quitt surc but think still have about 30 quarters left said Sam ys far is Was Lucky Ioo llc admits certain amount of luck as wcll as hard Wt Through tlie years Tic icciiilswiiic time he bought pin neighbours quar fciscctioii The neighbour waiifcd $20 an here You mean 520 an zcic with the crop on if askcd Sam The two nitn Vcnt to the iicarby town vlicrc Sam borrowed 5250 from the brink for the down payincnt The rest was to be paid off in instalmcnls Do you know wliy sold you that quarter with the crop on it asked the neigh lior Wcll the Indians say there year That fall Sam fliicslicd Over 0000 Voted a1 Orillia liquor Outlets Approved iOriliia Newslxitii In the heaviest voting in local eh the town voters Tuesday give Itllllljiillr merit of goycrziiiicizt liquor stori arid brw option in favor of establishing legal Lu liquor outlets Majority litllliil liltiH Ilii tciil iriajiii Achieved but Hi out llt Tile lbttil Li uillliitlw tlit llli face lion the his tlitlllil izi Janyum nary 1934 tlitll Ln voting ltitltl ll 1300 itiizllF ciihliiiiiiii of Illrlll urnii store il lici illictioii lllult ltlltlll liitfllvtl grratci litlililf than illliii anti larizv Llultl giiilicnli ill Wf 11111131 front of the cvlmtcr officiitiiliVt1M11 wiicic quick ictiiziis xvirt poshd liflil li in thc windows illiul 11 illlt Ilrlllll Ii funk Secs ampalgn Vindicach Iicsiii Stan ltvtilcy campaign lliiillitrillitlit gci fill the lJllllliNllltlis Illflllllltii fin backingthi campaign said hi felt it1li the result vindicach the volunteer workcis clean campaiirn and tliMIMIEL m1 legal handling of liquor woul1m mm NH prch bcftcr fur tlic town from zitimmmc economic social and moral vuwvmntk point liu irritiriiirt ilxijxi ti trrilllliil hurt the was litirlcd We tried to givc the facts imlt notc atachcd Altl pillllllllyrit the beerof our ability Iiio IiiW and to all who hclpctl and supIprcviuus tipillllil ported our effort you think we liavc voted for aliiig for tiic culprit better community Shortly after the full were announced Mayor Austin UIlllilil to flu Cook spoke briefly ovcr flit radio pUIllIlllii oiif that put iiuil if ll illilt Ulllt town Ziiiiatl tutti vld framps oniniiiit im writ aim il lo iiii Ill oi tlit 1111 Ivan tiiiipiiii rt inith llliilitlli icaifiriiiiiig fanatic cliascrs oii Orilliiis history lt ha be Sliillixll yireliinzsi More than 0000 voters went to the poi and Yulvtl on local 11lililflll11Itlvltl ii Ill Id Ln Illllst alwtii llc said lIif it ii Litztii ml liti iiiSi his his wits say thank lltslltilhlhlr lolicc arc still tititlfll thank tliir Will icsult in more results ordcily handling of liquor and be he said had stating that majority iulcs aiidlto bc 11 to buy lcg111y at Ulhllh all lie the merit 1tiih dont think must abide by the dccision complimented both sidcs for campaigns and asked wheat that yielded 35 bushels fo the acre and the oats wcnt to 100 bushels an acre paid for that quarter the first year he recalled ncl and total bankruptcy of the road both spiritually and physical 1y Alberta Disaster At the weekend it was thought that bodies of five of the 20 persons killed in the Canoe River train crash will never be found Dr Max Cantor Albertas chief cordner said at Edmonton that an explosion and fire which swept through the wreckage the night of the crash czdne after only 15 bodies had been recovered Six others were dan gerously injured The crash occurred on the Can adian Nationairilailwaysr inalnrline through the Rockies 312 miles west of Edmonton when passenger train collided headon with spec ial troop train carrying Canadian soldiers to Fort Lewis Wash Find Ancient Fossils The bones of huge animal that roamed in the state of New Jersey 100000 years ago have been found by James Ruhle 14yearold Moorestown NJ boy who prefers hunting fossils to playing baseball TherAcadcmyioeratural Sciences at Philadelphia which reported the find said the bones were the re mains of ground sloth long ex tinct This is the first proof that the great bearlike animal about 15 feet long once roamed the South Jersey marshes though similar finds have occurred in West Vir ginia and Pennsylvania CHRISTMAS Suits FIGHLIUBERCULOiIS fewer CbIcIVsVIoTW7 voung 4014 Home Heat is Uniform The even slowburning time thatbhie coalinakes islitsbig secret as healthful fuel N0 upanddown tempemuires 7ifrom olfeandon operation Just asteady level of warmth thatsnice toilive in and eco nomical to pay for Millions prefer to 30 ON FUEL Bias The blue coal TEMPMASTER Automatic Heat Regulator einds the overheating and nucleiheating that wasterfuel dollars Saves steps Saves time ms HOME nmousriuuiou gf SAW 3VICronIAf ST BARBIE OR GUARANTEES BARRIER FUEL surriv co ityoull likeit Phone us today furlblue coalethe nes hardcoal money can buy COME IN OR PHONE TODAY YOU GET THE BEST vii mi PHONE 3914 CHIEFTAIN DELUXE =8 CYLINDER 4DOOR SEDAN Compare Pontiacs price with other car prices you know and it becomes sclfr evident that Dollar For Dollar You Cant Beatixilonc For at price thats startlingly low you get all of Pontiacs trad itional quality dependabilityconifort beauty of line and safety of investment Pontiac remember is favorite among usedcar buyers as well as newcar buyers This earns you higher price when youre ready to trade foranother Pontiaclint thatwonthe soonIFor Pontiac is lniilf to satisfyiand built to lasijoullbe happy with itfor years longer Let your Pontiac dealer show yoiiiwhyl 7505 001014be BUIT iii AA fliosc who fcaicd all to dire rcsults ncttl bc amirchcnsivo liiltl Itllillllltli illlltv fh lidlllhwr Wm Hum nwdui my lSchomberg Holstein ISets iif ilii eii1i iiin ii liicii1ficib and inlir for lid in made with 1141 in thin if hound ll Ullll IllhlnllH Ililtll lliv lfllll 011 3111 ltvci it war rilltl no you cotiid iii lltltl for flow ycargt tlic storr it far tlll iiiioiit against The incans that clubs handling alcoholic lolloii Legal oiirsc viiaiiz fin till THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 195 00085 FRAMES trait World Mark li 956 Ellen Street Prier iicmie WWWWA VOTE GRIFFIN FOR MAYOR itluii lizlll il1 Will lir Liiit it ahl iiil Icyal ip itiititin hat vial ili iznlisiiiw initihxi til it lli Huaid irpt ti lit tiliii lltlli thc liivn llith time litlll irii piiitc auto 11m to liv llll IlltfIZIHI and it ill Electricii GENERAL CONTRACT WIRING APPLIANCE REPAIRS lllltNlIlt SERVICING lo Virit out nccdrd of local is now liptiil opiliili ill virniics in town may bc able to Htl illllllilllflll rather than icinp um licciiscs has llitll the 315 situation See The Examiner For lriiifiiiir allar you L0 on rPouriAc2chIcit4yauxiiAirgenchucicsK RR BARRIE PHONE 8411134 llllelI 24 So much powerfrom your choice of lonliacs fiunoiis or 8cyliiulcr ciigincs so much comfort and prestige in anliful liig Bodies by Fisher so much safety for you fro iiilion tarrrpoir Frill iiccrctl Iicavy slccl chassis yet mil cvcn llic costliest lonliac is surpris ingly modest in price HYDRAMATH DRIVE The truly automatic drive that has outiiiodctl the clutch iictlal entirely Proved liy Wliilliongofrrililcs of driving since icucralMotors pioneered it over 10 years ago So simple so relaxing such Hi rill Optional equipment in Pontiac Chieftain and Slrcninliiicr models at extra cost GENERAL MOTORS VALUE iELEETLEADERTspgcmli pianoonssuiiu courts 11 P4 Morons 71 iN CANADA

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