HI and Mr Nillli isby have timid Whoa Lillie Shaun ul alai gable Oiillia Mr and Kits afternoon oral ii rm at the home if On Saturday the 80th birlliaa ii and Miss Fifi 7f ccivmi many near and far new Billlt sale lilil Saturday li El 1111 ltnz lnsliyicriaii VMS 11 MS lh lt iaii wmmnmr iilVlltttilJIAI 1111 ii llf flv iizil llll oi li litlilt Warranties tlll tlliilllt ii Should sorrow lfllltl upon your family srck our Lllll ict or cxpcriciiccil lllltl ilfciid arrangcnilnts Illi vil iliiliiiuiti aiiipliril II it is 1111 lloll MOIIERilIC TERMS Funerals complch from $100 and up PETHICKSMITH FUNERAL 110311 Illlell 13330 127 BAYFIIILI ST BARR Llslcn Sun 530 pan liiaocl Chimes KIIB mi 93 all pitint Town listlilwlicni was hf 13 taiiiplnll rial annual tpoits wcii ILli of fund courtnor Mrs officers rcsultiiiu as 6NO reporters ever interview me But just the same figure very man should have his 11 opinions about politics eign aairs business or rathare you WK and my family protection now and better income for the future And its all planned the way want it ire all this talk nowadays lit oldage benets for in hce Thats something rlybody wants And each Whats more by relying on Allowierentsidea bflifednsurzurcefor7uiyiutllm much security he wants security1know exactly where how hell get it stand My life policies are giltedged in any weather know just how much theyre going to pay off and when Thats the way like it Maybe that makes me rug ged individualist But if it does there are millions of Im hanging on to all my others like me Because most nsurdnce and addin to Canadians like to do things on enever can It gives me their own now there are lot of old is in this country that real Ieed help But while Im and earning good ey gure the bigpait of wn securitybuilding job in to me lFE INSURANCE COMPANIES infCanEda and their Representatives FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS BIIILDING PERSONN SECURITY liciti Eltiiillt on liiii 10 ioiizi of Christina worship tlillrsl iiail by Mrs iland by call Iit llltttllllttlltlll wiilii of tlllid Jits 1fllllllltlI splindid iizrtiiais lliilli ll icaii by Mrs by 1111 iitltlill12tilltlllil and flowcr Mon prcsiilcd for tho cliction of follows IIIltltlll Mrs John owaii VicU L2SOD Mis THE CANADIAN FUJIRIM ll llLrI Skynpisfcr lt=ciiittl file LUlllhlitAl 33 Montreal sigisntii on return 111 from Home killing 31 museumis IlltilllltZS award The iivastcr on plane had safely ctmpivtcd age trips to the lioly tity lhc ltlilly dllltil tSii iciiiaiiis of Mt gctiys to home so llicli took place last week Sum the rcttiin to Rome during the that Cuttisltcid have lawn opttilt unions the pilgrim roundtrip far tirrcd alter lllt pr the llllllfllt mainly from lllf Province of Qilciicc had made lwlllllillz as chainr raher than regular was $40 In the photo above mg Sciiiie 2n ght to Canada and stvcn cic lltlli which it has the mountains tVill Llcliliitn zu Ass cvious pilgraii plane just ic tigucritc Boar ition ccrgiiioiiy loot pilgrans man Nchols Vill lltltll Jolinsio her last voyage in seven months ing the service llUII and occurred Lg its 22nd year Iilgiiiii Minibar fourociigined Canadian ghz at Montreal Airport ltIl thousands or iilgrims the to Route daring lloly leir crashed Nov 13 in near licnoilc France killing at 51 lontrealhound passeng tang Naiigator Arthur llotliwcll Mont lcul ihid turn left Radio peraior llcziis Nor St Laurent and Stewardcss ii Montreal who was making fori ictiriiu were among the vi inns The crash 21 one of the three worst air disasters in the history of commercial avia jtis alt the company was marl withotit fatal accident 1412 Mrs ilaiid treasurer orisiuciit 311s Bruce Conan Sccl hllgt it Llc1oiiald Iloucr ftiiid Campbell glad tidings ind Mrs iiiank Lowaii Welcome and welfare Mrs Maycs hoiiit litipcrs Mrs Watv till organist Mrs Aycisi piosi cram Mrs Mtiir lis 1r and blllItXtCllllYf liaycr by Mrs Gray brought the inclfun to at close social half hour was liKlltl ii 11 unvgvremm newsprint with 11 hostess nssistcd byf of fiiv Ilitfiiii hymn Littlc icad Spitii ll ll McDonald and Mrs llaiitll 55tllll lunch THORNTON llcccmbcr Mrs Josh lrriy 1ch on llilllS day to spctid thc wiiitcr with hcii daughtcr in Spokanc tasliingfoii 1iolgtcrl lrcnticc has rcfurncdl homo aficr spending the Summer in tho Wtsl mcnibci from licic attended the Masonic suppcr in Ivy on Wed iicsdiiy night The Womens institute will meet in the basement of St Judcs Church on Thursday evening Dec at 815 This will be the Christ mas meeting Roll call to be an membydzivingqpAgiliri as cus tom in some other land MSiiibiTiii are also reminded to bring soap pital Barrie with broken nose and washclotlnfonoverseas Pupils Visit Toronto Last Wednesday the teachers and pupils of Thornton Cookstown Bradens and Woods public schools enjoyed trip to Toronto by bus In spite of the severe storm they seemed to have enjoyed them selves The following was written by one of the Thornton pupils We visited several poiiils of in terest including Canada Packers where we saw the handling of meats From there we went to 77Tth waterfrontmandsihcn to the museum There we saw prohis toric exhibits which pertain to our social studies class in school In the afternoon we visited one of the public schools where we saw how crafts are carried on in the larger schools The last stop was at Malton airport where we saw planes taking off This education al tour was made possible by Mr Woods oursuperintending princi pal of Essa GUTHRIE December Mrs Pilkey spent last week end in Stayner Mrs William Campbell Sr has returned from months visit with her daughten Mrs Hodgv son in Brampton Mr and Mrs Lovet William Campbell spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Church and Herbert Fraser of Bradford prior to MiFraserleaving for lengthy visit in the West Dont forgefthe annual social evening for all themembers and their families of the 0m Fedr erated Farmers in the Guthrie Hall on Friday Dec Next Sunday will be White Gift service in the United Church here Mr and Mrs Archie MacArthur were in collisionwith Murdock School Bus in front of Hawkinsv Service Station Mrs MacArthur was taken to Royal Victoria Hos and cuts about the face Deepest sympathy is extended to John McCuaig in the sudden loss of his wiferonrrSundaygDec She Went to Orillia hospital as result of fall last Monday and her many friends had believed she was making good recoveryf BACK IN HARNESS Although he no longer takespart in any actual games BasBastien one time star goaltender of the Pittsburgh Hornets and nowtheir general manager still takes hand in hockey Bastien providedhirp selfwith plastic mask audpar takes in the Hornet practice ses sions ThepDominion India has an area of 1246880 square miles Pakis few faili Mrs llaziy Ross spciit days the past wick with her cr at Ilcllc liwait llic aniiual licsliytcriaii Sunday School Ullttli will bt on Dec 11 Mrs llioiiias llccvc spciit two or Illltt days in Toronto visiting iclativcs Mrs llaiiy olcmaii of ilariic was visitor in town for few days Mis lcoigc Iaiks is paticiit Sicvcnson Memorial Hospital Mr and Mrs ainpbcll and family of Slroud spciit Sunl lay with Mr and Mrs Ross this being the occasion of Miss Joan Ross and Master Paul ainpbclls cinhtli birthday ilomc frein Toronto for the wcckcnd wcie Miss Violet Gra ham aiid Miss Muricl Goodfcllow Mi and Mrs II Kidd and Miss Patricia Kidd aftciided the funcral on Saturday of Mrs Will iam Rttflchn of Allistoii Miss Patricia Kidd is spending in in town Mrs McFadden spent few days recently in Clinton visil ing relatives Mrs McDonald Barrie spent several days as guest of her sister Mrs Marwood good crowd attended the an nual hot meat supper of St Johns Anglican Church on Dec in tli Town Hall The institute are having spe cial Christmas meeting on Thurs day eveninngec in the Town Hall All the ladies indie coni munity are invited Each lady is to bring parcel valued at not more than 25 cents These pat cels are to be sold for 35 cents the proceeds going for basket for needy family at Christmas The Christmas supper and con ccrf of the Cooksfown United Church Sunday School will be on Saturday Dec number of local residents at tended Ihe Santa Claus parade on Thursday in Barrie Junior McMaster Toronto spent the weekend withhis grandmoth er Mrs Builing Mr and Mrs Orval Smith and Sharon of Nobel spent Sunday with the formers mother Mrs Glass Miss Betty Davis Barrie was iidetainwoolishholiditys tit 11513011 at her home during the weekend United Church WMs Meeting The November meeting of the Douglas NEWS or coorltsrow December tics He leaves to mourn his lossl his wife and flirto sons Earl Kcii iicth and Willis and thrcc grand daughters also brother llitll aid now living at Mcaford The funeral sirvicc was lit1d at lhoiii Rcv lltllitli conducting the scivicc Ilic pallbearers were his six ncplicws llaiold licrinan Wilficd and Dalton Solomon Syd iicy Knight and Ray irahain in itllliflll was in Allistoii ciiicfcry EDGAR Dcccmbcr The annual community Slippll and concert will be held Friday cvciiinu Dec fowl onsfablc StlVt liol Arrangements are being made by Ihc ladies to of DALSTON Dvcuubii Liilvlidcd 1V1 ii iztiiiibcr of patent in ISIJCI Cullllntlliililcill ull who lifiI fill and hirsitoss Bezfiziizraiti Iili amt Mrs Murray iorbts lzod liicl habits Dappled at the Son tiay itching rcik Hazing 1024 witei nzonflzs viai United Lticli will ha 111 pm iri CRAIGHDRST llfttlllbt iii hit and Mrs Thinniis Dunn arc llllllg in ilaniilzoi iis hides and llioiiias Jaguar are confined to bed llfill llltll thili improve ciziriiiii iiii1 viio has been home iIol several 1c goes back to his iii in Uiiliia lIl Monday Wiliicd Uadcs anti Ross of Win mpig are spending gtOllic time Illll his inothcr Mr and M13 George spent Saturt in Toronto William llllllliiF our Sctlltill ifoiciiiaii has Ditll movcd to Wcst lloioilfti and icorgc Kiiton will ll foreman llklt Miss Iian McMastcr of Tildcn ILakc spcnt few days with Mr 1and Mrs liincst Ellsmcrc Mr and Mrs Richardson of Mitllllllsl spent lllt wcckcnd with ghii and Mrs Arthur Dunn Sorry to report that Mr and Mrs ilinclicr were in motor accident Mr and Mrs George Oadcs of Toronto spent the wcckciid with Mrs adcs Killoll liuicliill will show slides of his Supper to be served irccciit trip vat 030 pm liic heavy foi during the work ciid made driving hazardous Two plumHi 3le Alligpm mhicars collided headon south of fhcl new radar station Sunday morn ing and the four passengers wcre removed by ambulance to Toronto Gcncral Hospital in serious con diiion Mr and Mrs 16 Crawford and son of Uhtlioff spciit Sunday with Mr and Mrs Crawford Mr and Mrs iiandv and 31151111 of Barrie spent Sunday at Partridgcs Dccpcsf sympathy is extended to 11 11 McCuaig iii the loss of his wife the former Grace Mc Artliuri anti to the brothers and sisters in their sorrow iciiti Hospital tllt NEW CAR and Drive ii retinal Call 2772 RABBI DRIVEACA Company Limited BEBTZ DENELSE LICENSEE Collie Dalston friends are sorry lira hit Gavin Sr is in the Roya Barrie and Mrs Donald Bouncy Sunday viiitors wth Bruin Watson Mr Ilart is spflldlllgvzi few dips with her brother before leav ing on trip to Mexico by TCA limii ltltMlii Dec 12 for ilic ioizieus lnstitutc draw and social running at il RAILINGS sun ror SALE BARRIE WELDING MACHINE CO 17 Mulcaster St Dial 3744 Everything In Music RECORD BAR Victor Decc Peter Pan RCA Victor Rogers Majestic Radios and Combinations New and Used Pianos Hotpoint Electrical Appliances STOVES WASHERS REFRIGERATORS TOASTERS EASY WASHERSi ELIZABETH ST DIAL 3294 Opposite Wellington Iiotel Preparedness is the surestL Prevention of Aggression lNSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN UnitedWChurch Afternoon Auxill iary was held Tuesday Nov 21 at the home of Mrs John Faris with fourteen ladies present The president Mrs Carr presid ed with Mrs Couse secre tary and Mrs Lewis at lthe piano Saturdays bazaar arrange ments were madggahd plans were made for Christmas boxes for the sick Mrs Faris was named convenerof the nominating com mittee for December election of officers with Mrs Glass and Mrs Evans assisting Mrs Carr gave the report of the sec tional meeting at Manseld Mrs John Corrigan led the devotional Iperiod prayer and reading on the ways to show gratitude to God Mrs Sellers and Mrs Gra ham rendered vocal duet The freshmeth Samuel Solomon Samuel Solomon passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Al liston on Nov 24 1950 after failf ing in health for the past year June 1394 to Agnes Fletcher daughterxofMr and Mrs Johnston Fletcher of Rosemont Mr 8010 Township forgten years then in Essa Toninship near Cookstown where he had resided for the past 37 years He was member of St Johns Anglican Church Cooks town and Conservative in poliv lmon liVed at Primrose in Mulmur WANTEDi MAPLE in Highest Prices Palcliij Contact nontrivial nun Concussmn mam EASTor smouni Under New Ftashiimius 4=5Phene5 Strand ssssssssssssssss Mr 5016an was born at 30565 hostess Mrs Faris served re mont in 1864 and wits married on gt Here is an RADAR TECHNICIAN opportunity it fulfill your dutyto your country and acquire valuablcatraining at Arr New WSW7 ME the some time Ar mm in your mum can acrefirearm iiimiiiiiiimiiimg AIRFRAME TECHNICIAN COMMUNICATIONS orriziuot ClERK OPERATIONS frighten5 You must be between 18 30 audio good physi cal condition Educational iielquiremcntsi depend on the grade categorycqncerned De Your to thigh 55 your st PM MEI on wilbdll Obliuliop duality mggrdiirqHun mm numerous militia now arms 1b ROLF NAMEIIlnu himL STREET ripeness city T3micrometer