THE BARR EXAMINER IIIIRSDAY DEC MANY LOCAL 63 til Cpl Clmlr iiiLU Iticdgsuctrsm and W53 gr ids laul yur to petrziy the Those members not HUNTERS GET vii uz THEIR COUNT all till irr Iul ix iv la Elllli rll itioii may increase heal in storage mm wrung mo um i= ur require increased Billilhiluft bumpy 0r change If mew Ty lid limit willihgt mil gtending to reduce humidity and We and mmum of me but wow cri to cil Cause Unlkage of pmang lymahd oumdkr Wm as ion of tire llAtllilit icing llr in their grmp =c topic and Game 315 Lhtl flier ll illi second important factor is to pro3 Ur may mst it to MM TOWCIS l0 ecewe all llcele New ii mama mmu Vs mm 3mijsult in too high humidity xtitl luu ii ZILL unantlic annoy ti winging form of waterproof material rhodium mg Mm dchmmuym he tiliiitrluil 11l or lllil in hurt supper in ER dtkd NI YRS 01 idea by lhmld be WWI likmiand cause shrinkage vlr iwtagc lTliilvi lln may Azrm on Nov 23 It Whiteside on potato storage and cooperative market of 5mg The air space abmc poiuiocs ilhiiiurs of llilllillti v11 no ifallhhmm in pm mm mm adopkd by MR me he thickness of liisulolioli Mill should be one half of the depth of WWW Will truly imit m5 ounty mum depend on icttipcruturcs of tlicglllc potatoes stored That is po llllll MiV 924 lli itiiivdil dialfiLI When the mean awragcftzxtoes slorcd 14 for deep will ll ll idilil liis URNii stem crime in ml by HAROLD ii HilirSlDE Supervrsmg Inspector fwd pisdabom zigdif1 we of in it our izsmnrcs iA Seed ltlialtl ertification SCIVICO inn 15 13 All WUIL lhr lollovilltg table will win 357 realm fw new mmgas guide to rltud rppimunatc 1g 13 lhere is an urgent need for suitable store for he bl ll MW 0f WRIHUIL if illUiI sin sturagts ii potatoes the main itia insu dilon liock nool or simi gfIIlilllgdll his Win 35 bi utmg altdb 113110 ran Mxl ui Milt loxal lliitt oi nt iv tnzw my Zililliill rphe growertannot usually Store of his crop and gprmidegd it triggliyusxittgtmlilt uil 1liiilftotn grading mom up Urmpig mom it 11 hand rm mam 117 cc cc ie nus in of necessity must illinObe Of considerable quantit lmoisture on both sides lo augllhis case were feet by fut by mull lliiiiiiy bat IUleiixl my viii illii all zav llLE before 19919411 he Soluhon 13 the prowsmn of mem msukdmm Emu 1N H4 in liltlu lli lII oi iihig Inn dent com gt win foot dile in tin why Wm 4quiuttiilllmil UL Ct in Oldch ocatet to facilitate move gsiont ptomlcd between lilsulconllc and corresponding plank 856 22 Iia iicazt rd iiitLt do will nievement of potatoes to market at the most opportune gm WWtr 72 Im 19 TM MN Umehh he done by building inside slatted ill foot insulated doors to permit mm mm mm li wii uWiHltd in 40H illiiiUiJHUd tm en ti runr mac so ilu not leTROL TEMPERATURE Eliails andlfloors four inches away trucks to drive into the storage for The are mree periods munL font insu sited wall three to unloading ramp to the second 777m hwfll Vim gm Kim1 My ed mm Storage four foot air space above the ccil floor was built by bulldo1ing dirtl in mm miflltlf YUltmmhlu it in iwa fill it l1 73 Turing Icrlod toes are first put in storage after An analysis of the Latontainc district in North Simcoe illus irate how the sioiageisiiiialion could be improved This district it ing serves as an air cushion and lo the second floor level Vow Hi 11 it ii it trim in and innit When pota all illHl won and tcmpcraiurr Iotaiocs were stored iI fcci llitl dc wn Ni it rhuc wlvn iinw it irw it till YUI lIAHC lllli FINLSI HFI Olltlilli md potilo crowing harms Hm IS some hrumingconiro WWIHW anmhwl mm IN area consisting of about eighty lhcs lmllu temperature should be maintained VENTILATION 15 010 had an space IIlIi LI jimirl innit who at not lmmmm Illlnmmnm at about 30 with 90 relative laround the nails and floor but thc Siliiiliiis V1gtil Will my 13 HR OWN hlxlllliilldittl taclrcs lln normalIhumkmv Or pmiod of days Dropletiiitilriiiig sysimn islmmitms hemw 0m bin tier dim 1m liqn uncommon imp apt Her aiou Show to 200000 SW1 rcguaic both tcm double Hhvmi in zumii rl to two weeks This promotes hcal DUI an to pass liei ix unto ilmall lo rim 11 ushel ie itllltuw llltl luni MI ing of injured surfaces and reduc Hm hum mu bu grower has only stillitlenl perman cnt storage for from 100 ttiil0il cs chances for discasc infection After curing period temperature ranged so that air circulation can pour barrier on both sidcs of the controlled by mechanical opcn insulating material The English China mth bifi Sh Vole GRIFFIN lor MAYOR ilic insulalion ll may be either forced draft or firIlitlltVl was glass mm bushels This means that about should be gradually lowered to storage Half the In or closin iv 100 000 hugging 2lgtlpllu1llllnll Oldmg temperature which re mg by antfwutxr uvmllllmm 11h lli iMiIi PHONE itIircs about two weeks to bring the 1mm 1hitulnl lho Comm munduuun dull orc tzLllp hum md nulbmftmnl Isn llltltllil allfillillullwilll special waliboard call BAYHIuLI his BARR 2395 owing Period Tmnperm stipucct oinocidc This material ap MOVK AS TABLE STOCK The fact that the majority of these potatoes are seed and seed does not move until lllici in the season means that many of ihcsc potatoes are moved out as table stock At present growers are cn couraged to grade out the seed and store and market the pickouts as table stock Adequate storage therefore would help the problem Most gichrs inlany district ilt fer to sell sonic in the fall so that perhaps 25 to 30 are moved This would mean that an auxiliary storage with capacity of 50000 bushels would be needed to store the surplus this auxiliary storage being located at readily accessible at all times It would be ncccssaiy then to design storage of this capacity and lo cate either on railroad siding at Penttang or on the main road of the village of Laiontaine These factors must bc consider ed in building proper storage central point imiablu quaiiuLLthnguuicsheid lurc maintained over the holding period will depend laigcly on how long potatoes will be held in stor age and whether intended for seed or iablc stock Potatoes undergo certain chemi cal changcs which are influenced iby temperature Good quality table stock must be kept at higher tcmperaiures than seed potatoes The following are the best temper atures depending on use of pola toes 1Ioiatocs intended for table stock and only to be held about 12 weeks the best icm peraturc 50F than above 40 3Seel poiatocs may be stored at 35 361 Storing much lower may cause internal disl coloration or rusting cl Warming Period The quality of any potatoes may vary accord ing to the temperature at which iti 43mg stored Potatoes taken direct iturc 40F are considerably lower at 50 to 60 degrees for two weeks before use on the table This is Thelavoriietlssue of Canadian housewivesl all ram mum PRODUEI V45 storage built thousand bushels capacity center known as the Warming Period lIIUMlDIIY REQUIREMENT To prevent loss by shrinkage relative humidity inust be main ltained It has been found that on the average 85 is adequate Anything lower than this may cause shrinkage due to loss of moisture in the potato and much higher than 90 at least may cause formation of free moisture on potatoes and wallsof storage thus increasing the chance for de velopment of rotmiwn syringe The handling of potatoes DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION potato storage depends largely on Whether the structure is to be converted or an entirely new Size and kind of storage will be influenced by the capacity requir ed The home storage on the av erage farm will probably need only to be from one thousand to several There are two types of siorages andi driveinr The carr in storgribfcoursjis one that is not of sufficient size to unload by truck inside storage The work alley is on one level but by constructing movable plank platform which is hung between him with steps leading up bins may be filled to depth of seven or eight feet without too much lifting The drivein storage ustially has capacityjof 10000 bushelsg or more and potatoes are stored from ten to fourteen feet deep There two levels so intor thebins from the top level landtaken out at the lower level Potatoes to he held longer ly out of storage with tempera in storage will vary slighin according to such factors as disease variety bf potatoes stored also whether for seed or table stock state of ma turin and length of storage period The design and construction of aybunloaded liabilile Chrome wheel Mm ringi lam dll dim and while ridewail vim optional at 01er coil CUSIOM DELUXE TWO000R SEDAN CUSTOM DELUXE SlATlON WAGON The driveway must be firmly con structed to carry the weight When bins are loaded from the top bafV fie shutes must be used simple one is made in sections about eighteen inches long and ten to tWelve inchesacross with baffle gin the middle Theectionsare made of vetya heavy canvasand are joined ftogether by strong snaps with baffies alternately placed in leach section The baffle is at rtached to heavy outer tire casing which is supperted between the llreavy planks restingron top of the bill There are sufficient sections to reachto thelbottorn of the bins andras the level of thpotatoes rise Sectionsmay be removed un til the bins are filled First factor to copsider in con struction is the lmattei of build ing or converting storage so that neither the temperature nor hum ldity will be affected by outside lation ahdplacement of ventilators arelof utmost importance INSULATION Flrstfinsulatlon must bear suf ficient thickness which is deter edby mean temperature of the Insufficient insulation results in 1058 ii heat weather influences Iroper insu dis ict Where storageds located3l up 1qu much insides fme seamm 1951mmrams Silencer for nighmime driving See fhe luxury of thenew interior fabrics Admire the distinguishedand tasteful new body colours andcolourmdmbinations the modern interior ttings Bribe 1951 Meteor Learn how it feels t0 control so effortlessly the most exciting carinthe lovarice eld Sehow the extm care in Meteor designing and engineering gives you better value Therell be plenty of enciteniedt at the 1951 Meteor MotorShow On display for the rst time are the sparkling new 95 Meteors Comesee for yumself what engineers and fashion stylists hnve created for the 1951 Meteor See the new grille the broadened front end that gives the new Meteor its low sleek powerful lodk Sitsin comfort inl miywne of the new Meteor models See the allnew instrument panel where ever thing is =gr0uped for easy reading ease of as well as better safety comforrand appearance han ling where new grinciple of guided Learnaboutthe complete range of Meteor models this yeargar the 1951 Meteor Motor Show lighting gives quick reada ility With no are wk4 gllfiaalgglieyfgfliln lliiRODucr or rain or claim month Ii 55 your Mrquzgr Zzzzcofn oMeteorDealer Morrison 33 Eradfcrd sireSi gt yOUr METEQR MERCURY