16 IIIII IHIIICII IIIIR IIll lileY 1111 1010 Thousands See Santas Parade Pass Through Barrie Three More Essa Schools Make Toronto Tour 112 11 we arry ompletc Clock if Ladies 11 11111 11111121 11 In 1114111 lilsiiinti iii illlll 111 1351 5111 11 ll 11111111 111111 Supporting gt BraSSIGTeS 1o1 n11oio Experienced Iidv ltter ii Hf in ii 11 err 15111 ll lilT Ellllll NOT LEASI in the big Santa are hitched his wellknown 1115 parade 111re 1151 lliursday was Santa himself lle is greeted about 2000 children 51111111 above waving to the crowd iroin his sleigh to which after the parade 11 llll VFWMV 11 11 15 111 Drug Store 17 131 qyl 15 51 11s lasso ltd D1111 2813 pll ll Ari11111 111 lloulahun 1111 GOOD 1E NV ilr5 11 liowley 1115 1111111111 won the 1111x11l lioiuenmde candy IIRMMI DHJHR lltY 1ul1u wr An ctQywpQMcacoooccexcoNecececccccd hm 11111 11 NHL Added Store Improvement 111111 registered mirse5 exuminnd 111 WVml Cwmkg Eumi vmur 11 111 1111 1111111 11 il 31 ml rm =1 020 Duo 00 or linoinc iliiprovcirel11 to his sun 11 new front and 12111111 11111 3111 rainbow 111 has 11511 on urg ed the store 511 as to have centre nlund 1111 two 1151115 11111 lemzlh oi the stem 11nd shelving on botn Now WITHIN YOUR REACH 11l11 1121 lllliiliil heme pumied vliltu 111 1111 right are 111111 11111 onsole iil1l1lt lilltl 111 llil llli1il ombinatlon tilth 1111111y g1111d The large new xIiill 11111111 1111111 at the rear the 11111i1111 door 11 the buck keeps 1111c 1111111 1111111111 excusiwly ior 1115111111115 Recrusgsiiiursuc Designed for llose Living Quarters St ndrcs Willing Workers 3115 Kerr was hostess to St n1li1rv5 Willing Workers Oll 111115111 1111111111 with llllliitll 1111111ber5 and one vlsitor present 3115 11 1111111511 presided Alis Kerr took the scripture reading and 11111 111111 it 11y prayer Arrangcnienls lligh 11111111 at lov pine DuoSonic 1111 Large speaker lllliilllllllllt 11vAnc Ample record 5111311111 11 ere 1111111 1111 111king candy 1111 DilltiLilhlit 11111111 lil iIit Sunday 5111111 to 15si5t with beautiful ili1il 11111511 tiicir tiliiisiuxls treat Discussion 11111 111 tllilll 111 the dates of the 51 1UP JV2 1111e111 from the second and lillttll 111111111 Tuesday to the first and 1111111 31111111114 of each 1111111111 The next 111111111 111 be held 11 111 111111e11l ll5 11111 1111 Decem cud Will take the form of with 1111 exchange 301111111111115 1111111 control LOW PRICE ONLY $18995 511 114 iiiily union the friends Beginning the first of 11111 one business lliitliliL and one work 1111111111 c1ch 1111111111 1115 ll 111tsiu 1111 pezikcr gave most TURN 1N voila 01D RADIO now Liberal TradeIn Allowance FLowcst lerms 1111 Einstiiisnaiuilisu 1111 to 1211 jllgtl lollOw the nurse 1111111 when she filled in her application through the probation period cupping ceremony lectures and ward study to graduation and ALLANDALE HARDWARE 34 Essa Rd Vgtan=o=ao=o==ono==o=ocd Standard iu1 tuning 111111121 111 A1 WW warm water CIOlhinq 0131030196111 Prices SURPLUS Dressy station wagon coats in three quarter length style Smart mouton collar andlapels for extra warmth Gabardine shell and quilted satin lining Two rpomy slash pockets Belted all around All gsizes Colors fawn and grey STATION WAGON COAT sheepskin lined Brown and Grey $2795 ALL WOOL BLANKETS 60 30 Red with blaggtrim $1498 AIR FORCE BANTS Sizesll to 44 $695 pr 44 $6957 HEAVY MELTON PANTS in black anddarkblue $495 pr MENS WORK PANTS large variety of patterns celers AIR FORCE BATTLE DRESS JACKET Sizes 36 to and weights Sizes up to 52 waist $298 to $389 pr MENS WORK SHIRTS heavy andmed doeskin Sizes 141 to 17 $298 and$369 PLAID WORK SHIRT in red blue and yellow patterns Sizesml2 to 17 250 FLYING SUITS all sizes $695 FLIGHT BOOTS Sizes 6m 12 pr MENS PLAID ALL WOOLDRESS SHIRTS $495 Large assortments of neckwear hosiery and gloves all boxedlfor Christmas giving 11 SPECIALLY PRICED lie Fused dollar and sanforizcd Full Sizes 14 toll 0259111111 $325 SPIMJLAL Plain Shade Dress Shirts in colors of navy light blue black fawnhgrcy dark and light green yellow and wine $298 $335$485 $550 ZIPPER FRONT AND ALPACA QUALITY AT $595 lt 1211111le hurch lo fete 1111171 with miscel 1111dwcleomcd 11115 Spence to the gills lillingly 11111315111111 talk 1111 what was cxiMIS i211 appropriate songs with her accordeon the latter on ed that the Young People take the TWWMMFWSTCITIOIT Wagon GOqu 1111115 5111 also explained the ellil cal rule 111 conduct to which horse 15 subjected llr5 llur 1155 eiy gracioust thanked lr1 Putthell After two contests liLLIllltlI lunch was served by the LHllllilllli week with her mother Mrs Terry lest lml More Is Sold Mr and 3115 llrownhill have 5min liwn sold their grocery store to 011 1mm dm and lr5 Watson 111d have moved 1311s 1s brought to close Florence lillclne of loronlol 3115111111ge illiiow visited Instr Fred Ritchie Miss Margaret Cumming of lor Peculiar Temps For December Snow Rain Fog iienced peculiar ilr and Mr5 11 Snowden 111111 11155 reindeer Saul1 personally at the Otldtcilows Temple Illirrie and district have exper wexither recently ilxlllltlldilllll for this time of years The unexpected happened is far spcnt the weekend with Mr md Duck as Inna NW 24 when up 11 1M Jilllr Iiidbl proklmzitely one foot of snow fell Since then wide range of teln peintures took place it turned mild until Wedne5dny Nov 20 when heavier snowfall took place Thurs day mild weather prevailed which lessoned the amount of snow in the to llulrle 11 the corner of 111111 district 11111111 51cm the weekend with her 11111 liven 515 Mr and Mrs lliown Immhmj MN umlnmu By Saturday the temperature lull have conducted slicers was 311 and it rained for most of the 1111 111151111155 during their stay 1111 They have made 111111 iriends during their sojourn here Many will regret their leaving butI 11511 them and the two ch1ldrcn1 111 good fortune for the future Shower for Bride and Groom On tcdncsduy evening Novem ber 20 friends of Mr and Mrs Ar thin Spence who were Inarriedrcq rently gathered 111 the basement 111 Si Andrcs Presbyterian luneous shower The young couple were e5cortcd lo the souls of honor by litlle Phyllis Graham and Don rl1l lieurdsull who also carried the gifts in decorated basket Rev I1 Burgess offered congratula iillis 111 many beautiful and useful Mr Spence very thanked those present Earl Parnell md Vascy Beardsall entertained with sever llie farmer and Mrs thc mouth organ Margaret Graham lcd in singsong with Mrs Par lnell at the piano dainty lunch iwas served Others who assisted wcrc Mrs Howard Ritchie Mrs gltobert Graham Mrs George Gra ham Mrs Cecil French Bea Gra lham Verecna Adams Faye Par ncll Muriel Ritchie Earl Clutc Marie Beacock and Beth Baker YIS Met at Mrs Coopers The Presbyterian YPS met at the thomc of Mr and Mrs Kenneth COOper on Sunday evening with 31 members present Meeting open Cdwith singsong of favorite car ols and hymns Minutes of the last meeting were read and it was mov candlelight churclr Christmasser vice Robert Elliott took the topic Christian Chooses His Vaca tion from the study book very interesting round table discussion was held in which was learned the wiseway to choose our vacations After two verses from hymn67l of hymn were sung Meeting closed with benediction and refreshments Social Evening for Rebekahs On Thursday November 30 the hold social evening in their lodge rooms The proceeds going to the Be Good To Your Pets new members Of the Rebekah Lodge 3121213121312121213121212121213r31212iw illuys with her daughter and soillib iluw Dr and Mrs Black =81 where she had an operation perI 1livlmed 1151 week We are pleased to report that she is progressilri involubli ho diamond lorkcr South Simcoe Crop Improvement Assocn Plan Annual Meeting in mebting hold the meeting in Roscmont inI islesicklerevasmalaisetakkicisicizzsicieiceiziscameramangimmicksknuisiicieiekmcisew Mr Burgess read the scripture and led in prayer then the last verses aizmxzzmszcreiemeicseeziez WmlgmlKllgllglilllil Put their Gifts On The Tree See Our CHRISTMAS DISILAY of DOG FEEDS and Accessories Balls Bones and Christmas Stockings for the tree etc Brown 81 Co Ltd Feed and Seed Dealers Since 1871 0115 Jacob of Guelph spent few Mrs icorgc Bell is 11 present in Andrews llospitul Midland Congratulutuins will be the to linndyi recipient ring from the Mothcrl Tea Radio Program 1r The South Simcoe Crop lml connection with the annual It was finally decided to 7v11e 011111111 day At night thunder storm was experienced which is very peculiar ior the nionlh of Decem ber The rain had stopped by Silli duy but olle oi the heaviest logs on record settled over the town at noon and didnt lift until pm Driving was hazardous and cars of 1comicction with their annual ban which will be held on Dec 112 117630 p111 VIickets for this 1ba11quclwill bcavnilablc from all lthe directors and men interested to bel quel in crops present are encouraged Plans were also discussed at this the proposed Seed Fairs for the com Willing 0111111ns on behalf of the gathering1pl0vcillbni Executive held mcei ing year and at the presenttime ing at the Department of Agri iplans are underway to bring these idd 1mmcommunity They were the recipculturc Alliston on Monday NovlSeed Fairs to all sections of the meeting 111 connection with 27 where plans were discusscdcounty TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI PHONE 2414 i111 M11011 Admiral PRICED FROM Iii 11 lied lion cktl iic yrJIIAi Ila 11511 321111 pitxli 11514 iii v1 c111= niv N11 230 Now go 7111 it llit like IC Ill It llcc L1 11 iti LI 11 1111111 alouod with Eco useidcliis utcfc 1w 1111 Lvlislalzl an SIUJG 1111111 Very little Show all Jugh rough f1 prod 0131115 Li 141 30 ii 38 11 ill ln 38 211 215 21 1H Lid 12 21 LIKE NEW 50 HiltD OAtll 50 METEOR OAIH 47 lERtlRY Olilli CORBY MOTORS SED All LOI 23 Essa Rd Dial 5520 tire The Examiner For Printing PHONE 24 o== Faoizzznouo====7 You will find variety of Money Saying items at loop PRICES sure oi lilltlti of Gchl Ilammcr Mill tractor power complete delivered The easiest running mill on the 11111kc1 and the price is lower than earlier this season Coop have sold over 20 lchl Mills this fall and only limited number more will be available before next season lf you need 21 hummer mill act soon Wire Wire Fencing and gates at the old prices Marmfacturcrs lists advanced 10 Oct 28111 Buying your fence 110w will make you dollars Aluminum Sheet Roofing WASHERS AND REFRIGERATORS AT RIGHT PRICES only General Refrigerators 612 011 it at $24900 only Racime large size at $33900 only Special Washers CO0p at $9800 TABLE RADIOS at amazingly low prices TOPS IN PERFORMANCE TOPS IN STYLE LTOPS IN TONE In radios look for the name $3195 PHONE 2429 forvfiner better looking floors Whatever happens internationally we iii preparedness production This need iiol 1111111 everything but it is true that too mliny items are price only because of general trend quantity are bound to be good buying now We recommend the following 15 items which vill save for the buyer before spring Joop Universal Milkers from $25000 up complete New 11111111facturcrs price list is due Jan lst We can i11 stnll 21 milkcr for you now Christmas Gifts our selection is not large but you can select practical gift for any member Of the family at Coop COOP Barrio CHRISTMAS SPECIAL If ii Regular Brice $5950 KKKKWWKKMKKWIziillzllli KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR in 712 and 812 cubic feet models Frozen fried chests Come in and see these refrigerators THOR WASHING MACHINES $13475 $15950 $16950 GE ELECTRIC KETTLE $1450 GE ELECTRIC IRON $1450 Featherweight SUNBEAM MIXMASfIERS wehave limited supply of these popular models $6575 Johnson Electric Floor Polisher Take advantage of our LAYAWAY PLAN We will 119 Complete Range of Dartboards Sunshine Tricycles and Bicycles Come in and see our complete line of Mcccano Sets and Accessories You will want to see our assortment of child rens eolofandstory books Christmas TresLightsghd Bulbs Mechanical and Electric Trains Toboggans $315 inserts Hand Sleighs $295 $950 Cockshutt Farm Sets $335Steam Engines $325 $400 $425 Childrens Irons just like Mothers $195 Musical Tops Massey HarriaTractoiWZ Wagon $285 Steam Shovel $290 Clarinetsttlc Accordeons 89c Saxophones 89c rigisgwrhzzies Blackboards $110 is $299 Mickey Mouse RubbchToysfSSc and 090 pleased to hold your gift until Christmas the Lifetime roof sq $1090 On Nov the makers list advanced to $1200 Ask any dealer about the supply of steel or aluminum roofs Toop stock may last month further supplies are on quota You w1ll save money by buying that roof now Oughs Hardware Quolity Service UneXceIIed higher pricrs on advanced in Articles using steel in money $17200 FEW IN STOCK 191 aamzmzaemmzmwmmaasazimaamaiaasmamamm ammammizhmmwm o=or==o=o====o=o=2=ox===o=ox=oao===o=o 111131111 2556