All enjoyable time spent 11 in 1m Ruwl gt Thursday exiting Nut ii Ibokstown hail when 11s 13 hm munity met to liono 13v recently DWIIM Wyil 1M luduh married couples Mi and 521 13ml 15 vi RIFJaws Herman MCMBSLU and Mr Mrs Albbit Gow IJoa Stinks Mr and tankd The evening started off 11111 11n mg to the liver music 1m llt 31 131 orchestra 141111 Room 12 11111111 I1 lit dridge acting as cha upon Mrs 01133 SIlIllt Bailey Iiii 11 dress to each of the were then litvlllcil useful and lowZ 3211 Herman and Altvvrt lrlhhltlt 71 1111 Rudy 131le I0 Ill kilililiir lisl111iRozilstonhasntuinrd them Lunch then gtti1tl ivy it 13 1uv the ladies 11111 thci Ilvlptis afzii him Iltll duzitig W1 Itrltftlvtl until Neilsons Finest IIIE MASIHRIIECI box $175 llOtULAIlIS WILL III APPRECIAIFID THIS YEAR 11 Zttll igtt 211311 the Wtth Colic uai 11s II Dunn Ior1 111 on Sunday w11 their illtl inl1lli Mr and Alchliilrl lrlt Dunn 11v 1i in da isi ballot and clildrei of lisliiii ilttl liltit father tli ll Liltll eiii for tort ttlit vgt llttl v1 and iiis Murray 1118111111103 l1 llimht Sr 1111111111 vii at the 1111 112s dauphtii 0L1 I0KYARD Ilic tlltiiililtl ism BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 20 ELIZABETH 81 itll ItSZlilKfi iii 11111 fltl ialvlisht ii 111 IIINI IIGIIONS Aliiii M111 11 41 111111 pigeon 11111 huuud iii iis11iliiis tropical lbelt fiii Iiiii excellent food tilillll litS St Andrews Presbyterian The Salvation Army Church 60 COLLIER ST REV Jams FERGUSON BA Minister KEFFER ARCT The Home of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and Mrs Strachan ll amIIOLINESS MEETIN SUNDAY DECEMBER III 1950 230 plmSUNDAY SCHOOI ll amCOMMUNION SERVICE pmEVANGELISTIC SERVICE ILmlEVENING SERVICE Wtd ll p111 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Music by the Junim Choir Thurs 2III piiiVIIOME LEAGUE 1015 amTecuAgers Bible Class gmmmv 11 amPrima Junior and Inter mediate Departments of 11101 Church School 22 52 Collier St Baptist Church 11113011911110 REV MITCll Gospel Hall 11L Munster 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1950 SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1050 aimBREAKING OF BREAD BELIEVERS EDIFICAIION pmlmsJNDAY SCHOOL 245 DmBIBLE SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS Annual School Supper punGOSPEL MEETING Dec 156 pm Thurs pmPrayer Meeting VpmEVANGELISTIC Welcome Seats Free No Collection WHAT IS THE GOSPEL TI or it We Sidcidoor Heaven M11 First Baptist Church YP 5mm Wed pmIntermcdiate Boys Rev Luck BA BD MmSIer Wed pmMidwcck Prayer Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM sund Jan 1931 Organist and Chou Leader Rev Saul Nigeria SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1050 VISITORS CORDIAPLI 11 amMORNING WORSHIP WEITCOME pmEVEN1NG WORSHIP kt MON pmBYPU WED pmPrayer and Bible FREE METHODIST gt THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Church szzf 200 Hayfield Phone 4572 ==l REV AND MRS CHASE Collier St United Church Ministers Rev Lewis MA BD Lloyd Tufford Tune in 900 CHML 830 am for Organistand Choirmaster Light and Life Gospel program pmSUNDAYVSCHOOL SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1950 pmPREACHING 11 dinMORNING SERVICE 1301I11P13EA9HNG Those who looked for the appear Au Are Waco ing of the Lord THE CHURCH SCHOOL Senior Departments 18 Mulcaster Street amNursery Primary and Be Affiliated with Pentecostal ginners Departments Assemblies of Canada pmAdu1t Bible Class SERVICES SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1950 DmfEVENING SERVICE 10 amSunday School Qhristmas Vesper Service of the amMorning Worship Burton Avenue United Church Central UnitedChurch Rev Carder BA Minister REV nABEWELI BA Mr Dempsey Organistand organist ainddChoirniaster Choir Leader WARREN MacLEAN SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 11050 SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1950 11 amMORNING wonsnip 11am Highways for Godf Broadcast MERCKBB MORNING WORSHIP pmEVENING WORSHIP WHITE GIFT Chriitmas Carols SERVICE In sto and pictureg 1pmYoung Peoples Meeting tingmom regation VENING WORSHIP vices pm p111 1Ii amBeginners and Primary 2fmeThe General Schools rl FailMeow an ACHER Thong 4EVENING madam Initialiqu In Chancellor Victoria li lizlilil lltvlr iiiir Iilili for tiv lo has Organism Choirmsm SUNDAY nicer3111131911 10 1950 ifrontation of the Christian claims Minister SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 1950 Iof Toronto followed with warm CGIT Groups of Barrier 730 pmEvangelistic Service Iihe girls rwilli conductthe Service Friendly Welcome Awaits You fand provide Christmas music Miss Margaret Smith will speak Bill pmYoung Peoples Fireside Ali departmentsyof the Sunday CHURC SHOOL School will meet with theJmornw gHTiziui Rev Eng Springett Dominion Commissioner LIBRARruALL Emmy 0110111 if It All 23 T11 SDAY DEC 1950 lnstall Dr Moore All llng iff the squcr CoijgractiilaICEZn to1 Mr and prefin McMaster on the birth of oa 11 Eldr iPresident and Vice 111 Tonto Ii iiuizr 11 1ii lt Elistitch 1u iftCllLit1 1111 11 ii1 LIlll 11 Nude 1lt irie seventh presr lIL niccitgls 1111Lilitiilt tititiivi litili llntll was Wvll Yi c1leule who made Illtli pre cc Ktll izzd titlly known once 111 piocctilings had been 111111i111Ittt and the lltllttlltliill pro Iltlzlittxl lne plolfi 1111 was IIIIHI to capa 11 The 1111 vats surrounded Ii 1111111111 lllilsStllllllL colleges il1i iiiiie1s zit11M Canada as Wril as 1111111lllllltl of sonic liki my oi 11111 ttItltilllullill iiistiiu 11111 in the United States Meni 1111s of tho Senate and Board of Regents also Itilllnitl scziis on thug platform Opt111113 with lllf act of wor ship conducted by the Right Rev Nicholson Moderator of thc1 linich thuich of ttuinda foriniil installation was conducted by W11 iicd James Chairman of the being elected as councillor with 813 lloaid of Regents Following Dr ilouics declaration to maintain the piiiiciplts and promote the pur poses oi hc institution as affirmed by its founders and set forth in its charter 1111c original charter wasi granted by King William lVLlio was assisted by the Deans of Vic toria College and liiiimanuel Col lean to remove his academic cosl tume and who then proceeded tol robe him in the official gown and cap of the linsiiciit and Vice Chancellor Dr Moores inaugural ZlddlCSSI iHoward Caldwell was followed intently and was warmly received After pledging himself with Gods help and by His guidance to give his best to the life of Victoria he expressed his belief that No scheme If education is complete until the student has been confronted by the intellectual rele 3vzinCo of the Christian position Afltl stating that Victoria has had and must continue to have vital conccrii for the claims of the Chris The Minister at both services I5 he 5111111 position in its educationallife Dr Moore continued Christian chi1st is The Answer 10 Your Need Com ictions are the living back ground of our educational task and that the fullness of the students training shall not lack the con Ihis is accomplished through the witness of teachers and fellow stu dents through discussion and com munity living through worship and intellectual presentation both in the field of arts and more fully and precisely in the field of theology In such manner the Church 11 can best relate itself to the life of the Christian Church Such are some of my convictions concerning the educational task of Victoria University The President con cluded his address with the fervent hope that Please God we shall continue to implement these and ikindredconvictions in the life of our beloved institution happy coincidence was the fact that Dr Moores brother Rev Dale Hendry Moore President of Cedar Crest College in Pennsylvania was present as delegate and was the first speaker to present greetings to the new President Then followed greetings on behalf of the Canadian universities by the Rev George Peel Gilmour DCL President and NiceChancellor of McMaster Uni versity President Sidney Earle SmiihKC LID of the University and sincere greetings from the Uni versity of Toronto during which he stressed the all important part the federated colleges play in the life and won or the universitys TOrOnto Prof John Robins PhD sen ior professor in Victoria University spoke on behalf of Victoria and 945 armJunior Intermediate and GOSpeI Tabernacle stressed the place that Dr Moore had already achieved in the minds and hearts of his colleagues in the short time he had been here Following the National Anthem and the benediction the students took over and amidst the noise of the band college yells and songs Crown Hill IJnLted Church REV HUGH MacTAGGART Minister Sunday December 101950 11 ashPUBLIC WORSHIP DALSTON outrun cannon 130pmPUBLIc WORSHIP prions nuirnponuncn 300 pmPUBLIC WORSHIP ternatiOnal affairs have the last Word at pm ALL WELCOME IIF It If 11 11d included the Vcoria Band and inaiy students and lIUl Majorlen1 1elatcd institution can best main tain its distinctive function in the University life and in this manner wedding anniversary Can man find solution 10 worm events or is there any hope for apeaceful settlement of In true that the only way out is Gods way andthat will rimpicJThat GreatLDGYiofe II BritishIsrael World Federation Cam Inc If Defeated Candidate Bows Out IDon McCuoig 69 Dies Graciously Hours Later Learns is when 1c tvi1i1l111s to ill 11 iiffordv LtrCriIlJll who 11 the lieeci1n Irtl Lght for mxe with 511113 staiitia 13140111 if tiliiorpy Also to tie lit licirtlcil Ilit pt uunrillor for Night Iliad Cuiuiiiiiig who for time er Toni zieii 21l11 con 1111111in an Hi the 11ijoiity When the boxes came into the clerks other the polling clerks disconied the iiiis litiit nail Councillor Cook was fullle to be elected In the illcllltlllltt at Siioud the Liitlidilc5 had Illlltlt speeches tuuncillor lom ook had accepted his deft11 11 had graciously Ireaied the winner and supporters Most of them had 1ttuincd home and many did not learn of the change until the morning news broadcast Wli ook learned of his win Wild hours after Illt cloc lions Reeve Reclccfed liffoid Lockluiit viis icclcctcd as relvia lie pollITd 7100 votes against 4116 R11 Orville Todd and 372 for Blythe McConkcy George Constable led the polling votes Charles Sproulc was re elected with 774 Mr ook was re elected with 751 votes while Mr uiiimiiig received 388 Deputy Reeve Mcfonkey when he ltilllltd the results commented that at least he would not have the worry of the change of assessments which is to be decided this year will have more time for things around home he said Councillor Bruce Iowan who was elected to the office of deputy Winner of Public Speaking Contest Howard Caldwell of Glenoro iJunior Farmers was winner of at ipublic speaking contest held Tues day evening Nov 28 in Guthrie lCommunity Hall He will now go to Toronto at some future date to compete against the winners in 11c Colisltihlei iii lotailiiigi Iliudglil 111 tilt111 lhel total 11x1 Cool was reduced by anvl veii llil 1111 giving Ltlliillllflgi Reelected lattack llr was in his 70th fvai IMF hlcCiiaig was if good Exaltii CLIFFORD LOKIIAIIT no worries over returns However he was among the group that con prohibited the winners Many Spoiled Ballots There were many spoiled ballots 111 the total some of them being spoiled IOI the ittViSllIil and others for the council the largest number 1111113 at iiiinswick where 101111 1111 were taken out of the count Polling stations in order corres pointing to the list below zirc tookstown Ililldlts Churchill Ie Suddenly At Oro Home Official Count Shows He WonI Iuicti I011 Friday itacks to anyones knowledge Zi born iii the towigth1p or letti Licl ltlhl the 51111 of lloiiald ghILCUulg rim Anni hchztziur Ilt had livid all his life in Eiis native illllgtlili gtcriilg as telephone of the Corinthian Lodge AIRSIll former Gladys Jeffivss four lnughteis iIlsieMziiy Thuon Marjorie and Sheila and two sis Guthrie and Mrs Mary GlllllliiiM of rillizi Mr lllcfuaigs late residence on Monday November 27 followed new by icclaiiizition lid not havey WW Andrew31 tion Royal conducted the OBITUARY Towns umlt 11111 ilig ins Louie 31 following 11 coimiaiy lllliillllwlx and had sumred no picYIOUS 11 IILIILYt of Clip Mr MtCuaig linesman and farming member of the Illtilttllflll Church he belonged to the Coir servativc part and was incmbvr of Barrie lie had served sivcioli times as school trustee Surviving him are his wife the ttlS Mrs John MatArthur III The funeral service was held at I= Presbyterian Church at OIU Stri StlVICt Pallbearers were Thom1 as Crawford Thomas Bell Albert lcarsall Elmer Uncles Albert Crawford and Erinst Crawford interment was in Guthrie Winn tciy Floral tributes of sympathy voie were sent by St Andrews Church Oro the school bus passengers Oio Telephone Company 0m Young Peoples Society SS No 11 tioy Bcllc liwait lhorntonIIublic School the Barrie District Stroud Leonards llolly PainsCollegiate Institute pupils and wick and Big Bay Point lolloviiig are the results with counts in the 11 polling stations list ed coiisecutitzelgwn lockhart7 21 22 22 40 120 34 108 162 15 total 560 McCon key9 32 10 29 it 27 100 78 14 total 372 1odd50268i 1151 54 111 29 l3 total 406 Councii Cook23 21 85 73 34 53 112 51 68174 20 total 751 Constable33 55 129 141 76 55 115 71 36 57 15 total 813 Cum iuiiigZt 25 78 88 20 44 180 63 38 210 23 total 688 Spioule 43 33 16 91 26 $8 170 ill 61 100 27 total 774 Major Lane Addresses other Ontario counties for the Ongt Jr At COIdwater tario Junior Farmer championship Although the contest was open to all members of the North Simcoe rlJunior Farmers Association thcrc Iwere only two entrants HOWWIluater lastchk was addressed by and Miss MarjorieGough another member of the Glenoro Club program of amateur entertain ment was held in conjuction with the contest Judges for the evening were Rev Bewcll of Central United Church in Barrie Ralph Snclgrove meeting of the Junior Wom ens Institute held at the home of Mrs Jack Sallows at Cold Major Lane who is in charge of the Swan River Forest Area with headquarters at Coldwater The speaker was introduced by the president Miss Kathleen Gal braith and thanked by Miss Eve lyn Gendron The motto was If you wish to of radio station CKBB and Wil have goodvcitizcns be lone your son Oro School Area pirncipal self The roll call topic was The winners speech was on thcHow can be better citizen topic Canadian Rivers Miss Gough had chosen The Life His tory of Hon Drury as her subject Following their 10minute prepared speeches the two con testants were called upon to give threeminute impromptu speeches with 10 minutes to prepare their talks Glenoro Junior Farmers were sponsors of the event and Bill Clark their president introduced the judges and speakers During the evening Charles Drury favored the audience with four fine pianoselections and the Gough twins Marian and Margaret entertained with few vocal num bers accompanied on their guitar and several instrumental numbers on the pianoharmonica and guitar In announcing their choice of winner the judges pointed out dif ferent errorslmade by both speak ers to aid them in future contests foundan opportunity to present Mrs Moore with beautiful bunch of roses reception followed at the col lege in the evening which was attended byclose to thousand who came to pay their respects to the new President and his charm ing wife Newton Robinson December Miss Gladys Houghton is home after spending week in Chicago Miss Shirley Elston was home from Brampton for the weekend Lorne West Toronto spent Sun day Vwith his mother Mrs Lena West Mr and Mrs Edgar Kneeshaw Bond Head were at Lloyd Co bornsTfiday night large number of local Masons attended the banquet at Ivy Wed nesday evening Mr and Mrs Gordon Halbert and family spent Tuesdayevening With Mr andMrs WillisCorrigan of Cookstown it being their 25th The members voted $10 towards Coldwaters Community Tree and $10 to the Percy Fenn fund to aid the Orillia boy who lost his legs in train accident The Junior Institute decided to remember shutins and the boys in the services They have assumed the respon sibility at the request of Cold water Board of Trade to pack the bags of treats to be distrib uted by Santa Claus This will be done at the home of Mrs Cecil Gill contest held at the meeting was won by Mrs Greta Fine Hostess for the occasion was Miss Isobel Harper The next meeting will be held on1Dec 27 at the homerof Mrs Alvin Galbraith when the roll call will consist of exchange of Christmas gifts DONT LIKE HEAT The true salm is found only in the northern isphere and at tempts to introduce it into Aus tralian waters have failed HISTORIC CAMP Remains of huge fortied camp at Maiden Castle near Dor chester England are believed 4000 years old ockReduci the orinthian Lodge Relatives and friends attending the funeral included four neph ews Neil ilcuaig of Toronto Max McCuaig of Inglchart andi 111nm resident of 111I GET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OF CANADAS MOST POPULAR FARM SHURGAIN FEEDS from ROBINSON ELEVATOR and FEED MILL STROUD PHONE 52 CUSTOM CHOPPING DAILY GRINDING ROLLING MIXING LOCAL DELIVERY PROMPT SERVICE onomobomouome 00 roR RESULTS use EXAMINER WANT ADS omo== o=o=== omomonomo o=o==o=o==o=iozz=o=o====lo= FREE 1Utllltlt100 For Quality Dry Cleaning Service Stanley and Dan McCunig nf Pcnetang Mr and Mrs Mc Cuaig of lenetang Mr and Mrs andyrMcCuaig of Punching Mr and Mrs II McMaster of Ingle hart William Maclmlland of Tor onto and Ml and Mrs Barnes of Toronto James Walker 91 Dies At Gorrie Mcrvyn Walker attended the funeral of his father James Walk er at Corrie in Huron County on Tuesday Dec In his 9151 year Mr Walker had been ill onlv week He had been frequent visitor in Coldwatcr where he usually spent the summer months He enjoyed his usual health and was active in getting about the vill age while here this year where be celebrated his 90th birthday on James Walker was born near Gorrie WRL his parents verc pioneer settlers and helped clear land with the use of oxen He was blacksmith at Gorrie and farmed in later years retiring after he was 75 Mr Walker was one of long lived family His father was over 90 when he passed away Two brothers died this year in their 80s His wife predeceased him eight years ago at the age of 82 Surviving are two sons Lornc Walker on the family farm at Gorrie and Mervyn Walker of Coldwater also two sisters Goldwater Mon Dies Of Heart Seizure Funeral services were held in Orillia last week for Roy Smith who passed away suddenly of heart seizure Mr Smith was the father of Al Smith of Smiths Grill Goldwater Representatives of the Gospel Hall were in charge ofthe service and interment was at Orillia The late Roy Smith who was in his list year operated wreck ing yard in Orillia He was born at Uhthoff and had attracted large circle of friends during his lifelongresidence in the district Surviving besides his wife by second marriage are ve sons and four daughters One of the latter ew to Orillia from St Peters burg Florida to attend her fath ers funeral FinesiMaieriaIs BesISEI indeed so Value suits Its Esy to Dial Barrie Down Town Agencies West Knights Drug Storem Eqst Wilsons Dressmaker Supplies KIDDIES HANGERS ARE SCARCE WE WILL PAY 10 EACH SO BRING THEM IN NUsERVICE TISQILSIOCIion or no Charge Head Office and Plant 14High Street 00000000I00 0O000O001UUOUOOtU 0000000000Q000Ugt0 Mn Wnhhum ngsaleooo LOT OATS lilies Hundredslo Chidseirom his season