Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 1

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side AN LNDEIIIN IIINT EWEPAPEB Serving The County of Si Since 1863 87th YeorNO 94 mcoe 0111 Barr lumber Clnu Wuhhcs at clnada CWN and Audi lurcau 04 Clrrolulons Barrie Rink Champs at Oshawa Bonspiel Wu SELVIN MEREDITHS BARRIE RINK were 1950 champions of the Oshawa Clubs 7th annual fiveday bonspiel held recently Left to right are Verne Adams ing Harry Armstrong and Town Council Lorne Whit Sklp Selly hanges Over to New Committee Arrangement As planned earlier ill the year town council Monday swung over to new committee arrangement conforming with the new budgetary system instituted this year Council voted its approval of the committee arrangement which was outlined iii report by the special committee Also approved were several amendments to the coun cils rules of procedure Under the old system commit tees werc finance and assessment public works property printingcl and reception water light and fire and committee Withdiitpofolio Under the new arrangement committees will be as follows with first twodealing with items from the financial report General Government Dealing with executive administration leg islating and other general govern ment Six councillors and chair man Protection to Persons and Pro pertyDealing with fire depart ment police law enforcement street lighting and other protec tions Five councillors Public Works Sanitation and WasteDealing with public works sewage disposal garbage and pro tective inspection Six councillors and chairman Welfare Recreation and Com munity ServicesFour council lors SpecialFour councillors Seek Permanent Services Of Western US Htironid Development First step in long range Sites and TouristgAssociafion rie Nov 28 As ill the old system each coun cillor serves on two committees In discussion Aid ll Pnddison held that the new dcsigilationof councillors to committees should not be effected until the new year He said councillors know just how their budgets stand under the old system and change now would result in confusion The change was approved by al majority vote after Mayor Edwin only 21 little left of the year and the committee which drew up the com mittes felt the ehdnge should be made now so next years council could start efficiently For the remainder of the year the committees will be set up as follows Iv General GovernmentReeve Hart Aids Osborn Paddison Norton Chris tie Ayres Tuck Public WorksDeputy Reeve Griffin Aids Mrs Mercer Ham ilton McBride Williams SMcConkey Harrison Pugh Protection to PersonsAids Christie Pugh Willt liams Tuck Osborn Welfare Recreation and Com munity ServicesAids Me Conkey It Ayres Mrs Mercer Hamilton Osborn SpecialAids Paddison Norton McBride Harri son Jurys for plan for the development of hfstorrrrsitesinHuronial was taken by the Huronia Historic at its annual meeting in Bar Unanimous decision was taken to seek an arrangement with the University of Western Ontario and the provincial govern ment under which Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Jury of London would be permanently assigne district Introduced by Bliss Nettleton Barrie and seconded by Edwards Midland the motion toihistorical research in this per allan to the University of Western Ontario forcsrchaeologlcal research would it isindicated by ance of the development of historic sites to the provincial tourist in dustry the increased emphasis on local history in the new curricula of the Department ofNEducation end the importance of Huronia as the ciadle of Ontarios history Premier Leslie Frost wasasked to give consideration to in plan under which seriesvof historic sites throughout Huronia cdvering both the Indian and pioneer periods would be Irestored 35 centres edu catiqndland tourist interest SclfSppporting In Time It isgthe helif of the LAssOciai tion stated Barriebanker Buss Nettleton that frytime such prol jects would the self supporting through admission charges If it is possibliefrorMr anders Jury to be assigned to the development of the historicaland touristassets of the Huronia area adetailed plan for thise development will beready for cabinet Consideration in two years gt An annual grant of about$7500 uIu RCAF NAvIGAEOES counse squadron Leader Watter of Barrie is listed inan RCAF public relations release received here this week1as student of the third Specialisf Navigator Course Two RCAF Lancasters left Summerside PEI Sunday on nineday tour of Canadian service and industrial establishments The aircraft curry nine navigatorsofthq course as well as four instructors from the AirNuvlgation Schooliuat Summer fito continue thelsumTrier School in Huronia engage theservicesof an assistant archaeologist to work with Mr Jury and to provide for the necessary tools of research and stenographic services If it were desired to arrange regular publicatTOD of historical re ports on Huroniaand the practice of lssumgDepartmiit ofEtlcatfon reports on archaeologichl activities were not resumed the $7500 grant might1 have to beincreased some what MlssgAc11dweII Aclclidenl Viclimi mPrWinQ Slowly Relatives of Miss Augusta Cald ell of 381 High St bad word on uesday that the Barrie Woman Who was seriously injured in clear accident in Buffalo on Oct 28 had beenmOVed last Saturday to the home of her sisterMls Gr Mc Laughlin Mrs McLaughlin close to NiagaraFalls in New York State Miss Caldwell whd reeived severehead and body injuries in the car crash is reported to proving slowly Doctors believe that it may take year before shots completely well again At the time of the accident it wasfared that she would not re gain Consciousness she was in 131113an hospital uh til Being removed to hr sisters home be im Meredlth Theyare holdingtheir prize the mp Colonel McLaughlin Trdphy Each merits would increase by about 32 member of the rink received 21 handsome table lighter as 2111 individual prize HOSHAWA TIMESGAZEITE PHOTO tlizui lllill on buildings he said Elections Picture in Brief Mayor Aid Mrs Mercer Hamilton Deputy Reeve Griffin Deputy Reeve Aid Paddison Frank ll Johnson Council One Year Terms Ward two seats Ald McBride Aid Tuck Heber SmithThomas Wilson explained that there was McCarroil Ward one seat Albert Empke John Elliott Ward one seat Aid II Osborn Harold Ayerst Ward two seats Nor man Daugherty It Gird wood Smith Kain Harry Young Wards and No election All pfflces lled by acclamu lion Public Schdol Board Three twoyear seats Trustees Dollson Harris and Peter Sin clair Mrs Edythe Redmbnd and Mrs Eleanor Stewart Other Issues Voters will also cast ballots on The proposed $23500 arena expenditure The recreation referendum Are you in favor of continu ance of the municipal recrea tionr program SeVen Nominated lnIWards and The second nomination meeting in Barrie this year necessitated by lack of candidates in wards and brought seven nominations Monday at town hall Two candidates qualified for each of the wards making elcctions necessary One seat is open in each John Elliott Albert Empke for Ward Osborn alder man in Ward this year and Har old Ayerst Those whd were nominated but did not qualify Ward 2OttoRaw son and Pitcher Ward Mrs Barbara Wheeler Elected by acelamation at the first nominations were aid Williams Ward and James oorman Ward Bill Craig Jr lMlsJimmy Ski Club President New president of the Barrie Mount Jimmie Ski Club is Bill Craig Jr who Wags elected at the clubfs general meeting on Tuesday evening at the Library Hall He succeeds last years president Al lan Scott Don Spencer was elected vice president and MissMarjorie Long hirstis the new secretary Harold Todd will once more serve as treasurer In charge of the general meeting was chairman of the Mount Jimmy advisory board Jack MacLaren This years members of the board of directors will be as fellows Herb Drury andBill Clarke facil ities and equipment Jack MacLar en and TomMcConkey plowing and parking Ken gByles and Brian trained nurse lives in Ransomville Trapnell runningl sUrfacer condi lions Harold Todd dnd Ray Liv ingston transportation Allan Scott and Phil Wicks ticket sales and membershipMrs Phyllis Moody and Bill Craig instruction Mrs Moody and DonSpencer ski pa trol Marjorie Longhurst and Alf Haughton entertainment and Mrs Moody and Howard Livingston publicity trekoutftd the hills to clear themoi shrubs is theifirst item on this years agenda as members will see in the skicolumnj of The Ex aminer BARRI ONTARlO Town Adopts New Assessment Manual Tutti lLllLtlL Monday that llic maxim1A Iliiilllllil littlls if Apprmrd by llm lrlllltlll of Municipal Affair 1lll he used as the t1ii of 1tt3lllyfl tit Borne llluliilli of council Adopted thc Iliuiluzli Lifter lllftlhslul of its as pects with Toxin Lloyd Partridge Tlicrcll be All funds of critic ism Mi Partridge said but voiced his opinion that the manual would be titSltl to 1150 more Itllllllt Dust fluul ltll other system he knew of Its greatest fin is thut it has not been tested 1n the courts he said However he Silltl the government did not bring the manual out with uut grunt consldorzition and it was lstlft to assume find it would stand llllL test lie snid although there is differ ence of opinion on the respective merits of the sqtillre foot and cubic foot buses most systems in use in title piUVlllLl 2111 based on the gtlllilit foot as is the new manual decided Asblcmuz factor which takes the place of the lcuunty nuliiuuls obsolescence age and coudillonl is more equitable method of distributing the itix load lllr Partridge said calculations hc indicated residential assess lpcr cent industrial by 30 per cent and commercial by 30 per cent The IllICltZtSL on land would be higher 11nd would be In Thl Of Examiner lllmll on llzlllle Altiltr as pulp ll todays 1Ilex Llilliirl iulleil Hlil 11 l11 Monday meeting by it lihln ll fLr llullli iiozi lttulti by Aid 1hint of Hanoi llllulillldll of lllc Art111 ouiniissaoit met fl lixlny tlll rrdrd to ple cuzilpiett report of the arena to tllci pciiple lncr munuy bylaw borrow mcut of Dill ltilYtS 1lid waterproofing Side of the nod propurliig 11 boiler room to coli the ClUWll by the Department of Labor of the Province of Ontario to house boiler if the correct cupucuy for form With the building will appear in the lhursduy lbslll of this weeks llrlrrlc Exam lt Will tXplltill posttion of the zirenu in the coin it ill points out why the hkllll up to $3330000 on lichen lllltgt drservcs your support We would tiplllttlillt ll if you will istlltly it carefully gt0 that you will He felt that the iiiniiuzils relp211 11 MW02 and of the question EDWIN WILSON Mayor Issue of The Bat informed of the the iriilzt coinuussmil If Vllllllt on lic lldwlil Wilson the 1llll1lzigtllil the rig Dot it was de srllt dilullltl full and the precise ltll ptlllllSNlUli It concerning the pay ltillll flushng of the thc out concrete block walls requlrcnictits lzild CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER l9 lExaminer willPresent Election gReiurns Over CKBB Monday Eve The Barrie Examiner will provide at fast complete coverage 10f the municipal elections next Monday night in coOper zitiou with radio station CKBB The news staff of The Examiner will gather the returns directly from the polls in six wards and relay them to the town hall where special newsrugri will be set up under the direction of Vince Farr news editor CKBB will have direct wire ill the room and bulletins of the returns will be put on the air as quickly as they are compiled Ralph Snelgrove station manager will be at the mike The Examiner will go on the air with its first report at 715 formfive minutes presenting background material to the elections along withany returns available As it will be neces sary to cut into regular programs at this time further bul letins will be broadcast at the following times 730735755 800 805810 825830 900905 re At 930 The Examiner will take over the program with turns music and statements by the candidates The Ex aminer and CKBB request thatany candidate whether win at 930 pm LES ELYERs DUBAIIRIE TOP sr CATHARINES 30 AND REGAIN FIRSTPLACE TIE As they say in Timmins et Noranda et Rouyn vive les ner or loser come to the town hall newsroom as soon as pos sible after eight oclock if you wish to speak on the air to the electorate It will be necessary to tape most of the statements in advance for theelectlon broadcast startin Flyers duBarrieforsome such jumbled phrase Coach Hap Emms boys who practically hopped off chartered bus sprinted through the doors of Barrie Arena donned equipment and proceeded to dominate St Catharines Teepees 30 played brilliant hockey as they vaulted back into firstplace tie with Toronto Marlboros in the OHA junior standingslast night That victory stopped lot of Catharines over the 60 minutes of tongues from wagging Tongues which thought Emms made badl ward Standing for Ward areimpve in making his team trekjseemed to be on the down grade faction Players prior to the tour who through the timbers of Northern lroseto stupendous heights as the Ontario and fou tion tour Instead of tired listless life less nonskating crew Emms iced rgame exhibi that completely outplayed St Dance at Baxter Friday Dec 15 to the music of Paxtons or chestra Dancing from 930 to 130 86tbe Olde Tyme and modern dance Allandale Orange Hall every Fri day night Admission 5012 Good music Lunch counter 76tbe Old Tyme and Modern Dance every Wednesday Friday and Sat ugday nightzat Club 79 Admission Torv Hill LOL 888 annuall box social and dance Town Hall New LoWell Friday Dec 83Creemore Orchestra Lucky draw for 712 val geeSe ducks chickens Tickets money Lgdies with boxes free Admission to dance 50 cents 9394p Old tyme and modern dancing at Edgar Hall Friday Dec Good musit by the Merry Four 93941 Mixed dancing Pine Crest near Anten Mills to Tom Pattendens Mountaineers Friday Dec Ad mission 50c Dancing 930 pm to lpm 9394b Euchre party at day Dec at 30 pm Good prizes andvlunch 93941 Dancing every Saturday night Masonic Temple 17 OweDIStreet sponsored by Barrie Boxing Club under management of Orv Dash 9394b Nantyr School Christmas con fat pm sharp 86th Utopia Thurs iGarden City TPs fioundered in their own backyard Th score indicates the close checking but does not indicate welldulled hardworklng squad the territorial edge the Flyers held Turn to page eight please Social the Angus evening cOnsisting sound lms den prize awards of local talent and gear sponsored by Horticultural Society will be held in the school on Dec come Dance at Ivy Orange Hall on at 730 pm sharp Everyone wel 94b Friday De8 under auspices of Ivy LOL 450Paxtons Orchestral Admission Door prize counter 50c Lunch 94b Draw on the Soroptimistfur coat now on display at the Regina Curl Shoppe will be made Friday night uable fowl prizes turkeys 3YDeC 22 at the Barrie Arena Tickets available from members 25c for $1 Special prize toflady and at the Arena before the draw whose box sells for the most Be Sure yfllhave one Remember Killyleagh Christmas 94b concert Tuesday Dee 19 at pm sharp 94b Gilford School concert in Gilford Hall Friday Dec 15 at8 pm Adults 25c free public school children 94b VTrinity Evening Branch of the WA afternoon tea and sale of work in Trinity Parish Hall Coll ier Street oclock Friday Dec 36 94 Bingo and turkey draw Satur day Dee 16 in LTB Hall High Street auspices Blue Haven LOBA 1129 815 pm sharp 15 games 25c Shouting 9496bfl match Wednesday Dec 13 for geese and turkeys Small and Ammunition high powered ries supplied for shot Cert will be held Friday Dec 22 lgpns Stanley Walt grid Line 94b lVespra Midhurstw it Examiner Arena Rem Skinner Convicted Of Assa Adinonud Second Class Mall the For Office Dlonrtmqnl OHAg Referendum Not Linked with Bylaw It ll come to the attention of The Humilnrr Unit belief held by some is that file artnu money bylaw and the recru tiun referendum Lllt to linked us one question at the Dec 11 elections This is not the use lhcrl is no connection between the no questions uld they to be presented us scpurntc items The bylaw linilot will ask approval of expenditure of $21000 on the arena The TH reuiioil referendum llll ask the qucxtion Arr yuu in favor of the continuance of the muni cile rccnution program Derailed Train Just Misses 3OFOOl Plunge Monthly 1t le1ford lderuilcd Nlt ptlsseiigcr truiii missed by few inches 30foot plunge liito the fieslietswolleii lllg lleud River lhe locoiiiolive jumped the rziils As it rounded the lust bend into Mtliloltl stzltloii of liillS 21nd iozulbcd were ripped up find the engine continued few ltccouds longer witnesses said it would have toppch down the steep Lllllllllllttll pulling scvcrzil pris scngcr cars with it imiiiiilcn said the soft ground hclpcd 5110 the 1110 muiitum So sudden was the ziccidciit that neither engineer Willizim Arnott or flltltlilll Reginald Clllll both of landnlc llild time to jump It was at good thing said Cain The coul tendch had On the firemtuls side the entrance was mass of twisted steel Obieclives in RU 111 offering myself as candidate for player at the elections next Monday Dec 11 realize that am creating 21 precedent Aid Mrs Mercer Hamilton told The Exam iner However the fact that am woman is strictly beside the point have served as alderman in ward four for three years during which time have been on all the various committees with more time given to the welfare and the property committees than to the others My platform is courtesy co operation and progress By cour tesy mean representing the citi zens of Barrie wherever and when ever required in courteous hos pitable manner which will do credit to our home town By cooperation mean that am prepared to work in harmony for the good of the municipality with the members of council with the var ious commissions with the cham ber of commerce and With the paid employees of our town who run our daytoday businessmeaning of courseour engineerclerktreas urer assessor and their staffs By progress mean doing those things which are necessary to facilitate our growth and expansion ke plug watchful eye on the dolla and cents The traffic control problem must be studied Ourpresent coun cil has made recommendation to More than 40 feet liickkilifcd ngalnsl the sidi orule locoiilotivc 14 other d1l1louice during gnlue ile fIrcs llarlic ltl1l 1111 Dec licnrh cruising leclzil lliLtll cs ill the 1111Ii French gtIitl Skuh 11 the Wimbor had Dttil titl two pell lilLt Inst befoir the end of the lL Ioiid The 11111 said the 11 Etltinx pet iod MONDAY In ltlli the tween l51111 lll uld lfll hplt cldeiit gtl1iltl llut several Windsor lrpl1y1n 1ll others culled by the Police Illtgtll he struck Lslirr H111 lrfklllt mid he 1l standing part AND THURSDAY Copy $300 Your 3O Pages44 Sections ut Pleaded Not Guilty To Charge Couch Jimmy Skinner of the Windsor Jr Spitfires was convicted of Assault here Wednesday and fined $50 and costs The Burric court was packed with spectators as evidence was presented before Magistrate Foster SA111 l111d plldklkll 110 guilty b1111 llld Isld lc charges said to the charge Vllitll 1gt lord 1fliilrltlittl 2y 1i lillltllllg in llie passage when the in 1y 11110 file box 1lillllt ll Clark Windsor lawyer 1l1felltllli Skinner claimed that if French wzls ilsztie the box he had liti right to be tlicti lie quoted 111riie l11d lltill gtltlppril the time 11 the players box uts Required Stitches stepped over beside Mr Skin Ile and llttl him to gtlliti swczuliig in the menu He took swing of Villt lild hit iitc till the nose French isml Illd ci1uilcd fracas ensued OHA lleltlillltill t1 the effect that no unauthorized persons should be 111d Stunner land culled his pl1ltlgt idllWWd Plinth bOtS ilso clzunlcll that the OIlA rules It that home teams must provide 11 tilfltl 11 supervise the arena 1lIll 0111 the referee has complete llllllilllI during the game ltlwit Attorney Thompson subjected to the coristltutlrul of the liil which he wzis li11lllltl into illc box 111d suffered cut on llll nose rcqiluing stitch illll cut oil the eillil requiring four stitches The lgtlltl stud he believed ring ion Skinners finger c1uscd lllt Cut llt but he idiiiittcd the cut ll lils lcnm ls likely not caused by it iblow llicre wus only one blow stiucl 15 for itlt Mr Skinner wus concerned lll said lie testified that he iciiicmbcrcd little of the sequence of events illltl the blow ilhe next tliliig knew was ill the players box he sziid iiid clulmed lic hull been standing on little platform beside the box Skinner told the court felt 3push ml the shoulder find turned and gzlvc him push lllc conch sultl French stiiiilblcd illltl fcll thcil lunged at him That was iwhcu he struck the usher Skinner suld Both struck ouch other ill the ifilLt once Skinner said llc thought EFrench might lllth received the icut on his chin from skate since ithcrc were several players ill the box at the time Testimony Differs Prov Coiists Donald Doolittle 1ild Reg chuli who broke up the Mrs Mercer Hamilton Outlines or nlng the 1931 council regarding the Five Points and various other places in our community am prepared to go into this all great length to en deavor to solve the problem Our pedestrian populace must be pro tected and We shall work out way There will be money in the estimates for this With regard to the Arena Com mission would like to say that if it is the wish of the people to have an elected commission such as the Public Utilities and School Board am prepared to facilitate an amendment to the Private Bill in the OntarioGovelnmernt to make it possible to have an elected Arena Commission With regard to the disposal plant shall insist upon competent expert advice so that we will not repeat our expensive mistakes of thepast Our bay will be cleaned upyour water will not be contam linated our bathing beaches will be safe and we will have clean bill of health MdChvIuable wblklias been done and will continue to pro gress inithis regard realize that being Mayor of Barrie is big job am prepared to make it fulltime occupation five days week at your service in the municipal building If can be of service to the community in which live offer that service passingenlen with the best interests of that 3am to you Barrie foremost in my mind slosp bookmobi after Miss Roberta County LibraryCoOp addressed them cooperation of the Wilson librarian of Wntworth half tlic tlic type of officer referred to lWiriston Churcliiil gurdlcss of who used the phrase ilA being introduced as evidence The OHA cant give persons au tliority to disregard the laws of the hind he sold and isked what the regulations meant by an officer lie szlid neither the zirenzl nor the llA could order police officer to be present and comliicntcd that usher might well have been The Oll rule Applying was read on the stzuid by Lloyd Pollock iiitliitlger of the Spitfires who was called for the purpose by Mr Clark Quotes hurchlil Mr Clark excused Skinners til lcged use of profanity by quoting as using the same phrase during the war in comment referring to destinies of two great ciilpires being titrd up by mlSls fall to see the parallel between two great empires and two Junior hockey teams retorted Mr Thomp son Magistrate Foster added that re it was not the kind of language that should be used by anyone who trains young boys At one point Mr Clark claimed incidents such as this in hockey should not be entirely unexpected Hockey isnt Canasta or erokin ole he commented It certainly isnt the way the Junior players play it the mag istrzlte returned Const Beman said he was stand iilg behind the north goal about 100 feet from the box when the fight started He said he saw Mr Frenchstcp inwards Skinner who the officer said was standing in the north corner of the box near its door to the ice Said Not In Box saw his left arm reach towaer Mr Skinner The struggle was ob soured But saw the accused strike at French The constable said French was on the steps at the north end of the box not in the unit Warden Benson is shown After the inspection with Miss Wilson rightiandi Miss Elsie Dunn librarian of petition Slmcoe county Library Coop penses of the unit are no greater than cost ofexpressing di Miss Wilson said operating ex box He said he and Const Doo little separated thc men who were struggling on the floor of the box French was bleeding from his nose and chin the officer said Asked by the crown attorney what the mood of MrSkinner was the officer replied very very boisterous Called by the defense to testify wereWaltcr Yuzark Windsor train er Erwin Grosse and Bill Tibbs Windsor players and Mrs Marjorieim Emms spectator During the trial it wasTnentioned that anunidentifled spectator was pulled into the box during the melee Mr Clark commented at one lipolnt that there was also woman in the box at one time Magistrate Foster said that in ce he was considering the game had reached high point and those involved were under tension Evidence was heard in the morning and judg ved until after court in the afternoon lt BARRIE FLYERS MINOR HOCKEY Barrie Flyers minofh0ckey practice schedule for the first of the week nds the midgets on the ice Monday night Dec 12 From to 530 Bostonand Hershey are Scheduledwith flulsgand Barrie taking the lee from530 to On Tuesday nightall peewees are slated for duty from to Then on Wednesday night IBosltonA and Hershey bantamstakethe leek from to 545 and Tulsd and Bar4 riego from545 to 630 The bantams and midgets have been divided into four teamsvin playersere listed in these three divisions Si mcoeaires Win SIMCO COUNTY COUNCILLORS had acloSe lookillt Zone CQmpllllOn Last Thursdayqnight the Simcoei aims were again victoriousin the Junior Farmer zope amateur com at Beeton Community Hall The Six young men funderlth rection of Paul McKelveyJnre books to various parts of the County The vehicle cost $3600 be congrammed instinctstheir and holds 1000 backs Wentworth library sets aside $500 second such victory 1111 year for purhlise of new vehicle in about seven years esti matedmlnimumlifeofthe vehicle Possible purchase of Cl bookmobile will likely be discussed at councils next session three years gt each groupThis is tosimplify training matters as more than 200

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