UTOPIA Di 1111 11 Ucot of ML With 13 11111l11 Georges 11 11111 111 31591111 also the lit 11111111111 lltc 1111111111 1111 11 1111 1111 h11l Now 1111 11 11111 Awa followed 11 111 3111 burs lray11 lnc 1111 1118s of the 111st inviting 1cre lead 111 and titluplcti 3111 Wu chose my 4th 01113111 111 Philippians the Blblc 011111 111115 then 121111111 111111 1111 111111111 for the wow throat and 11111111 to be 110111 513111111 11011313 NOVf 24 Mr 11111111111 1111 letter front Dmm 511 131011 mm ivnimi 12m RH mun Ammwl miwl 1111 form Hi church 111 inc Atcttc Mrs hunk lllggnnon 111111111 1111111 11 immd Hd db WWW Nthm Mrs 11111t111tst11 lhanktl 111 gt 1111 mi In Mum 1113 1h HHllti closcu inc nicoting and bountiful lunch was sc1vctl Borrow from 11011511l01d Finance on your signature No cudorscrs or bankable sccurity needed We specialize in promptlcash loans for my good purpose out of prefer llousehold Finance for fast friendly service Phone or stop in today CANADAS tARGEst AND 010151 CONSUMER NAME ORGANIZAIION Phone write or visit uSEHQLD FINANCE llo 26 Elizabeth Street Second Floor Phone 5529 BARRIE ONT 15RtlttkakANCHrM l3 Miuluuga 51 Earl 2nd Floor Phono 239 Hours 910 or by appointment loam made to reiidenlx of Marby towns SillilfiG r11 PliELlC Since 1873 the and CENTRE VESPRA November 20 iibeTnow in the centre of the road MR AND MRS MAURIL CHARLEBOIS are the proud parents of one of the largest families in the community of Perkinsfield where the township offices of Tiny are located in the northern part of the county One of the best known families of the area they are pictured here with their 15 children In the back row standing are Aurelc Marie Leo Patrick Julia Octave Annette and Gerard In the front row from Sumiidalc Road much longer do we When you money has gone done nothing rDont guess you realize we have go six inilcs further every day have to tolerate that mess named Sutt nidalc Road your tax sheet you wonder where They have been fiddling around for weeks blame look at otthc air is blue 29 Perkinsfields Chorlebois Family when few loads of gravel would fill the holes until they are ready to finish the road have been called up all hours of the night people being stuck tstrangcrs that 151 Now that the township has sup plied our road superintendent with snappy new truck what about some towels for me Cars come speeding down this road They get as far as the Eighth line ammonrrnm has been no fog here lately but wonder why Taxis have raised their rates You cant blame them This road busi ness is not new It has been going on for four years getting worse each yearn When two doc tors got stuck 111 one day that is no laughing matter We the tax payers want this road fixed so we can get to work Election In The Offing Once again we have chance to crontc Gertrude size November 2111 Angus Recreational Association gulch was held in Angus Pub lic chool Friday night Nov 17 under the auspices of Angus Ilccl rcatioual Amociation The win ners were Ladies high Miss Di anne Blackburnf low Mrs Bush Gontlemcns high Rob m110LJWL$L 41111112 1111 scores wer tallied and lunch was being served Milne gave short outline of the aims and objects of the association which is still in its infancy The association plans to sponsor group classes for the youngsters 111 Various hobby crafts such as leathcrwork modclcraft shellcraft and any other items 1112111 an interest may be shown in Em phasis was placed on the belowi teenagers as thriving organiza1 tion is enjbyed by the tccnagcrsi already The openingof branch left to right are Yvonnc Louise father Mauril Charlcbois mother Mrs Mauril Iharlcbois and Charles Mr and Mrs llcrb Lalonde of the 11111 Concession Tiny Mr and Mrs Napoleon Clinrlcbois 111 the 10111 concession and Mr and Mrs Arthur Bclcourt of Pcrkinsficld also have familes which compare 111 HOLLY Novctnbcl 211 toy lurk and Miss llivc 111 3111111111 Mrs 1111111111 Smith 10l Toronlo spout Sunday at Leighton onto accotnpanml 11 11slt 13111111 511 ssorsT Morris 1lit11 1111111 Smiths lastl Mr and Mrs l1 Orrock atid Mr and lts Slcssor and Betty spcnt Monday ht the Royal Winter Applc Marksman owncd 11 Fair Charles Ccrswcll and in Mc November 25 lhobazaar which was postponed lastAweek 111a541e111iiiftitebase ment of the Holly UnitedChurch on Friday evening Congratulations to Mr mdhlrs William Collutn on the birth 11311 son We are plcascd to report Mrs Elliott is improving as well as can be cxpcelcd 11111111in1 seri ous operation in Toronto hospital BOND HEAD BOND HEAD Sunday Caguc was champion 11 the Win for Fair day Dr licalth Unit was the spcaltelf ladies articles ed the suppltcs for the liiblo Class 1111 musiccspccially 8111111 Night 11 11111 lilliltll LXAMINEH lUNDAY SUV 17 111510 Bank Of Nova Scotio MON Annual Statement Shows Assets All Time High 11 111 11 ilf 1111 52541147795 111 111 11 111111113311 if111111 111 11 Strata13 11 111111 111117111 Etalliltlv 11111 11s11 1111 1111111 111 13 1111 1111 1111 11111111 11111 111 111111lt 1111H111 111111 11 Si 34111111 t1itl lifts ltLungs 11 13 1111 11111 11 1111 outlnouiih 111his 111 111 11111 the 1111111 1111 1111 S121 11313 111 111112111111111111 111111 51 111111111 1111 1111111141 1111111 til 12 1111111111111 11M 111111 11i1t tilltllll1 11 11aztitnlitlcl 111111 11111 11111 11111 1111611 11 11 Business Neighbors 11111 1117 111 1l 11 11111111 to 111111 11i 111w 111111t lllkl IHL tiliti mm boctal cllurc Leaders 111111111111l 111 51111 1111 111111 111 1111 11111111111E V1111t11111 11 111311 111 11111 On 1111 occasion of The liirth of liaby Shim11111 Birthdays iittgagcmcntnnounccmentl 1111111111 of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to 1in 11 gt11111h11111 1m SECONDARY ROADS 11 1111 11 1111 121111111111 tiltl1 11 1111111 111 11114 111 111121111 111111 1111111 1111111 11111 11 111111 1111111111 111 111111111111 11111 111ti1 writ of 1111 t111111111 111w1111111111111111111 Phone 111111111111111111111 111 111111111 Vt11111111111Iigltli1111 111111111111 1llt 3111 111114 111111 111111111111111gt lillili MtNllbb Z759 11111111111111111 111 no smwanrgt4 2M WW 111m s1 11 W1Kvswtlwwlwwil 11 Martin Novctnbtl 331 We were 1111111 111 learn that 1111111 llSulllul IllSiiLultlislllLLVThmv Earle of the Simcoe The homemade What Better Gilt Subscription to Your had sale of Mrs Brotlcrick has receiv is welcome Christmas 1951 lCtcry adult We clijoy TliBBs Favorite Newspaper THE BARRIE EXAMINER Just like letter from home 01 interest to Mother to Dad to the whole family All the local and county 11 EERousONVALE November 22 B1111 and Alcllilburn spent The item of greatest interest 1111111 the Community liall all parents was the statement that VJOhll Broder1ck the outdoor rink will be assembled 5101 Brampton OVCI the week and ready for use by freezeup Clldy 1n 511mm1ng up Ml Munc CV Rev and Mrs Burton and plaincd that all residents Were cli it wondermI to live in free lThey have purchased the country where at election time if you are not satised with the pre sent choice you can say Come on sonny boy we will have change or do you just shake your Mrs Ward of Barrie is vis with Mrsteorge Muir Quite number from here son An enjoyable evening was round 1w ed off with delightful lunch pro vided by the ladies and friendly Your correspondent togethcr1 ith Mr and Mrs Cecil Brethet and Bryan attended the Winter Fair on Nov 21 Do wish could is at hand You are free to vote ging of timber floats and after the election is over dont complain It was your choice chit chat by all present 10 JUSilLC with my pen to the SEEDING MlXTURLS 1llowcrs They were grand The Seeding mixtures for permanent centre of the picture was three elaborate groups ofrosesThu 111151de and 1111ng setting wagin constant motion and nearly rcach ed the ceiling Some six of On tarios leading florists had joined in the contribution The Niagara icks corner was pictum long 15aStureshouidwontairkbothgpasses phi delegumesrtheulattekfu November 24 the needed protein Three Speakers at Baxter Home and School Meeting Baxter Home and School Asso state our facts with the coming circulating library is under consul1 Novcntbcl Ztllsundm with llmi1 in Bank news brought to you twice week one years subscrip election Are you interestedor12111011 if suttablc accommodahon Keep Wednesday night Nov 291 We CICOW Mr 1nd Mrs do you just dont bother Isnt can be found riop the turkey supper and conccr11W81Des of Midland 10 AK locality 11011 1ust$300 anywheie 111 Canada Kennox med hlslfarm from Slcssor of Burro Marion Of Hdealc were in the tcndcd the Winter Fair in Torontol head and 583 Whats the use giblc to join with one membership tlillgwmllBOb Lilmbie CXhibilCd his baby We have Reeve deputy Iceve card covering the whole family inir bef calftu MI md M1 gt Oil 10115 and mpglorzuyozatgggdfmrrfg The guests Present asked 01 Hipwcu and Cardy Mc John 511111111 who celebrated 1110111 year ft nc in more amines and plans were Lean attended the funeral 0f Mrs 25th wedding anniversary on Sat1 representest cu conSlue yh formed to have mem every twotPorter in Toronto Her maiden urdav Nov 23 every Way POSSIble lian fly weeks all winter As well as themame was Florence Jeffs and she 49 beenvallzundmto seetyoutdcinifgygu regular prizes for evenings was sister of the late Magistrate DAMPXVORK year re 63km eres playv grand aggregate Winners Will Com ton Jeffs of Barrie and welll problems If nob what do you be declared at the end of the sow 1mm in Bond Head Bulldozmsalicduspd toclcatr N01 want 10 do about 11 Election time Cglan llvel p1 Lven Apinum serves breakfast in bed We ProvideaChiislmas Gill Card 11 n1 xv at ciatioh heid Hrteiweh+g lmeeting Nov 14 at pm After the opening exercises Doris Rud dickand Marilyn Denney sang pleasing duet Patsy McKnight gave her speech on The Plowing Match which won her third prize at the Essa Township contest in Bradens School Speakers to carry out the topic of Citizenship were Wood Eeeve lof Essa Truman Flatt1 chairman of the School Area Board and Miss Marjorie Black teacher of Baxter School Mr Wood gave an inspirational address on thethree classes cf citizen the labor whouses his hands the craftsman who rises his1 hands and brains and the artist thofuses his hands brains and heart Mr Flatt spoke briefly on the School Board and its duties to be remembered Apples next 30 revolving pyramid was varied and showed grand effort from country where the weather last winter was frequently below zro Wish our South Simcoe Boys Potato Club had had someone to look after their Murphys It was reported they were just put there and guess told to stay there Thosebig Clydesdale horses four in number fromauUS dairy look ed asiif they could motie the RockyMountains TUesdayemorning the Governor General unveiled plaque in memory of Will Dryden ofBrookA lin andhis widow was present Will was aPS boy ofsome 12 years 55 years ago when the writer was attending Whitby Coil egiate FUEL WORRIES 001111 BOTllERME 1VE FILLED MY 13111 10 THE BPJM w1r11 0021 VICTORIA ST Saves up to 30 on fuel 151115 Bi automatically controlling like dierenre dampers from upstairs the 1113 that Waste fuel dollars blue coal an fee Pay for itselfAsk for run it1ht 1111111 com 111 on PHorgE row 40c PM Go on BARRIE FUSE COLOR GUARANTEES YOU GET THE BEST MissBlackspokeonCitizenship as it applies to the school ment and its duties citizenship quizwas conducted The meeting closed with the Na with all members taking part Theitional Anthem and social hour questions were on local govern over the tea cups erADYBURlvuvot SAFE HEALTHFUL Yes winter will be lot more carefree whenyouve got supply of blue coal in your basement blue pcoal jiS extrarith in heat units to keep you snug on zero days Add because stead heat helps cut downon colds no wOnderblue Vcoal is the choice of so manyfamilies with children Try QQ QQ QQQQQ ian CANE 11111111116 lions veins the over and underheat Vin Buyers Containers 81 SUPPLY co FLOUR MILLS mng 1111191111 3914 wsQMWQ smsssmssss1 sx1 hQQ Veare Thats why aluminumutensils are usedin recommend aluminum because it moots every need 1111111111111 coiltiitt 01 111111111 till HOSPITALS select eduipment with unusual hospital kitchens ederywhere vHealth apithoritievs of hygienic food preparation Enjoy this food piottion in your home tooNo other metal is more foodfriendly than aluminum Hints In Me HOUSEWIIE Whenever you see aluminum on the ouLside of food or drink theres an inside story of purity well protectcd Aluminum utensils clean easilyTo remove natural deposit left by foods and water use steel wool with soap and water1 Aluminum is friendly to food