Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1950, p. 8

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 27 1950 iplastic wood which has hardened Lin an 311 IR 11 111111 111911315 11 11 11 11 1111 l1l 141 11 111111 HIE Ql SHUN BOX 15h= 11111 Ilz11ti Carlo 111 11 11 11111 111 11171111111 11 light 1311111 111 111111 1111111 11111 11 11v11 5111111113114 11111 1111111 111111111111 1111 111 1111 1E11t11 lltl 11111111 111 1111111 111111 11111111l1n1 1111111111111 1111 111 111111n 1112111i at can tent 11 11111 1111 11 i1 11 1111111 1111111 11111111111111 1121ms 33 luncrnls complete 15m 1h from $100 and up mm 1111 1121 11111 PETHICKSMITH 111111111111 311111111111 1111111 Listen Sun 530 pm hapei Chimes KBB It Uldtnztry plustcr l11 not 1111111 1111c 3111 hooks that arc mud in 111111p1111 pictures 11111 11 holc has hccn drilled 111 the wall till wltlt NIAGARA 10AM $50 ts$1000 Niagara Loan gives faSt answer to urgent budget problems Your Niagara Loan specialist will help you choose the loan plan0 best fitted to your need offers 23 amounts and repayment plans up to 24 months gives you cash quickly CWe furnish life insurance at no extra cost Clean up your bills today with Niagara loan THE WILSON BUILDING POST OFFICE SQUARE PHONE 5533 BARRIE lIl cup crumbs 1113RAI much 121111111111 11 11111111 111 1111111 11 PHONE 2530 child plwtc 111111 111 BAY IELD 81 1111111113 1111111111c 1111 11 111111111 111 HARRIE 1111 choose is the best bity for cooking are more religiousand Godfearing lruit hcesr c111 1111s1v1mns 13111111 =111 1111 1111171 v11 lliifli 1111 1111 al121 111 1f1111i 1111111 rib 11 111111111 E11111 111 1111 Li 1115 111111i1 tiicwt 211113111111 111111 t1111p1=1111 1111111111 jllltt grated 111121111 r1111 11111111711 1ttltitcti 111111 1111c 1111111111 11141111 1213 It 11111 111 1111111211111 for 1111111c 11umbs plttS cup sin111 1112 11111111111 11111111 111111111 mil say1 11111 iii cup for 71111111111 l11 ltlllillllthl 1111 11111 111111 sides 1111 11111111111 11f loztf 111111 51 11 111111 yolks 11111111 111111 containing c1111 snitat sail and 1111111 1111111 111 11111 111 1111111111 111111111 ovcr 1111111111 wa 1111111 thtckcncd 111111111 nnn 111111 Mtfulltti 1111111111 stir 1111111 dissolrcd 11111 slightly add 111211111 chccsc 111311111 orangc rind itllltlll juicc and pineapplc 11111 1111111 11111111 11111111 1115111 Fold in 11ftljc beaten egg whttcs and whip 1111 crcam lonr 111111 crunth 21111111 11111 11111 1111 11111 ltStlVttlt 11111 1111111 rcady 1111 scrvc tat least Ii hoursl 11111 11111111112 cut 111 slices Servc 12 Mrs asks flow can you mak hroilcd hccse Squarcs with 111111 111111111111 olctncnlf Answer Baked lieese Appetiz crs 1111111111111 crusts from 13 slices day old lucad spread with chili sauce 311 1111111 111111 111 ulcs1 11cc bacon sprinklc on slices 1111111 top with grated chccsc Place 11111 oiled cookie sheet liakc in lprohealed oven of 4311 logiccs 1111 111 choose is mcltcd abottt 11 111111 ules Cut in squares and serve hot Mrs asks Which kind of Answcr if 11 pound 1111 Canndinn1 Cheese costs cents the loaf cheese is usually 54 cents about Grated the old chccsu gives you abottt four cups the loaf cheese diced gives you about three cups Whbi co Thomrrlc Examiner Send in your suggestions on home making problems and watch this column for replies Shift from Farms Greatly Deplored By Farm Veteran INGERSOLL Ont Nov 23 CP Patrick Devian former On tario agriculture minister considers the drift of young people from the farms to the cities threat to the Canadian standard of life Mr Dewan onetime farm econ 0mics teacher who owns 333 acre farm south of here put it this way in an interview All our civilizations stem from the land The farmer is stronger and more vigorous type of citizen than the city dweller Farm people The average of chitrchgoers among them is much higher Consequently if the farm popu lation is persistently reduced the noral strength of coutry is re duced And the population becomes less hardy and virilel If youwere to take city and build wall about it even though it were con tinually supplied with food the population would die out withini four generations Whats the answer to theprob lem of young farmers being lured off the land by the bright lights of the city ta Croix do Chemin llllS WAYSlllll SHRINE was erected just east of the vil lage of 1111111111111111 by the family of Albert Maurice in 1947 Called Calvary it replaces another cross built on the same spot by the 1111111111111 family many mas ago The tradition of cross by the wayside was brought from France by Frcnclispouking Canadians centuries ago It was called La Croix 111 Chemin in the province of Quebec many of the wayside shrines are still to be seen and the Maurice family shrine is one of the most beautiful to be found in Ontario In Francc whole latitilies used to gather for night prayers or for thc recitation 111 the rosary by the shrines in the evening If there is younger population in any municipality of Ontario than 111 the lownship 111 Tiny clerk 111111 treasurer Micltztci Assclin would be surprised And with jUSilflCdlltlll According to returns 2111 AgtgtU1lll is Just now 111111r with the provincial guvernntcnr of the 3783 permanent resulents of Tiny l11wnshi1x 15713 111 111st about hall are under 20 years of age 111rt is the lirmkdoun 121 do 11111111111 1111 lilil 1111111lt 12111911111111 groups as 111c1at11i fut 1111 11l11111 the 1931 census returns 11112141111111 9112112711 1111111 years old 1111 151114311111 54111111111 111115111 to years old 1515 the secondary school 1cc1 W40 if 111 If years 11111 2313 11Iltlll 1111 11111 11111111111111 111111 16 to 19 years old 31111 linuztitozt School area is S775 1185 it 111 59 years old 711111 and 1111 111Township11111111 llirlt till to 154 yeah old 117 1School illsltltl 3311112111311 111 The summer for Printing rum um mugs Hutu ml WW 5011001 11815 111 the Township 111i933ssssseee llll are due to climb 11111111111111 for some tlls tllotd If those aged bctwccn 21 111111111 FOR COMPETENT 159 the average number of each group is undctdll 111 the 16 111 iii class there is 1111 taverage of 71 boys and girls aged CONSULT if l7 l8 anti 111 respectivclv rum to 111 15 the 11111151111 111111 cate 86 in each year group front SI 3b to 115 and under lli thus thett 1111 ltli 111 1111111111 PimiETRlST Iiltlllllllilfloll for over half lgillll as many school children in liny1 ft 15 Township schools 10 years ltcnco at Distribution of Tiny lownshi111 assessment for primary school 11 ST NSON JE IIIERS II 13 111111 111110111111 itisrs HOME lllZHleE 01 ll We do not think that Vcslornjyz llwl STRIFT Canada is in any danger of 1111 PHONE 3338 BARRIE ONTARIO sinn invaslon Just tthink what ssxsswssyvv45vvvv would happen to heavy Sortcl 11111111 11 iif they W111 1111 5mm 11 11 mm g9o11ooo11noooooo icipal roads Virden lll1nl EmpircAtlymtcc 11111111011 or Nonrn Monday Oct 111 was the 221111 birthday ofrlhc Northern Mail The Northern Mail is mirror of the north and its rcsidcnts Tho Northern M1111 is you 1111 sum 111113 of all your hopes and efforts AIhc Pas lhlilllJ Northttn ll1il DAH Four ltllANtlIS 0111 or Town policc arc ititcstiixating van dalism at 1111 FUN liranccs ccntctcry lwhcrc four tombsloncs wore 111111111111 and 19 panes of glass broken in greenhouse Youths arc liclicvcdl 51111 All DaySuckers to be given to the first 500 boys and girls who visit the GIRL l7 GIVESNI $16000 IN sun OVER BRAIN INJURY Betty Ross the 17yearold Toronto girl who saidshe lost her power to concentrate as the result of motor accident two years ago was awarded $16000 damages by an asslze courtrjuryin Toron1olastweekr Her father David Ross of Toronto was granted $1494 for hospital expenses The usual direction was made that the ho kept in the hands of the court award to the girl shoul until she is 21 Dcfcndants in the tlnccday case wore Earl McFadden 211 driver of car which hit Betty 111 llalm licach in August of 1018 and his father William McFadden of owner of the car Following theaccident liarl McFadden pleaded guilty in Midland police court to charge of dangerous driving lie was sentenced to 30 days in jail fined $100 plus costs of $5680 and had his operat ors license suspended for six months lo admitted having offer any pat solution But with regard to the farms losing labor to industrial plants in the cities he thinks profitsharing or bonus system might win back some work ers for the farm If another war comes difficul ties of increasing farm production may be more acute than theywere during the Second World War Mr Dewan thinks The Canadian econ 1omy has become more industrial ized people in general have more money and in his opinion the only way of meeting the demand for farm labor might be system of labor direction like the one used in England during the 193945 con Mr Dewan confesses that he cant flict 11 an not an 15 clinch Singing lil111vale Monday Dr Kenneth McKen zie brain surgeon who operated Neill Ltd ShOe Store after the Santa Claus parade on Thursday November 30 All mothers who accompany their children are invited to inspect the wonderful stocks of childrens winter footwear warm slippers for winter and skating sets for boys and girls rim NEILL till 35 Dunlap St Barrie to bc rcsponsiblc She said thatmvhen she bcnds down to try to bowl my heatll gets dizzy that site could no long1 or do house work 21nd that all the swimming she could do was just splash at the edge of the water The defence claims that Betty did not take due care M191 herLth safety under the circumstances in that slie walked on the travelled por tion of the highway at night with the traffic without light dressed in clothing bare ly discernible At the previous police trial in Midland it was testified that Earls car was travelling under 20 miles per hour and that he had notseen the girls until he struck Miss Rossl hadwhiskey to drink during the evening of the mishap In the civil action in Toronto 11 rs on Betty stated that she had brain damage and loss in an area two inches in diameter on the left side of her head She was paralyzed on the right side of her body for some time and was year in bed at home after leaving hospital She has gradually madea re covery Dr McKenzie said but she has lost the ability to do rapid skilled work with her right hand She will never be able to use 1typewriter and think she would 1be wise to try writing with her left hand He said Bettys speech had been impaired rendering it difficult for her to pronounce certain words She cant concentrate he said She thought of going to business Icollege but is not guing back to ischool She can only do certain kinds of work now Betty testified that she suffer 11 from dizzy spells get dizzy andmy right hand gets all cold she said have to put it under hot water Then it gets all right IS IIERE tokeep your hair handSOme air day long Your grandfather would be QLtr that contributes to travel Plastics in many forms Paints and Varnishes Nylon Chemicals Fabrikoidil and TabriliteiZ luxurious yet practical upholstering materials all play an important part in the building equipping and maintenanceof all types of modern transportation Yes Chemistry as gross in thetransitortation Starsof TornorrowSuniiay EveningsDominion Network rainscplanes busescarsaudboatsscifc today providerspeed and comfort undreamed of before the Machine Agelor the Chemical Era as it is sometimes called For no matter how or whereiyou go your path is cased by the magic of Chemistry science amazed at modern methods comfort in countless ways identied by the CILOval is symbol of p103 industry anxamplc of CIL Serving canadians Through Chemistry CANADIAN INDUSIWI ES LIgMLI TED ifMoNTREAL imam MAE or In Eluasr INGREDIENTS inctunmo tAnouu Io KEEP your HAIR sort WELLonooMEo ran or Loose 1111111111111 Excllni for 111113331 1111111 oNO AlKhALlES nor GREASY uNOfGUM Llffil0000 17 NEW COIGAIE hemOIL HAIR TONIC CltillE lCKY 1111111111 11111 1111111 NONDRYING 1311

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