Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1950, p. 7

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013 HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE FINAL DAYS MON TUES it News 33 onch ouo==or=ro SIMRING DAY MACRAE with wiiiiii AllllEN iii liar sriiii Big League Baseball Cartoon PLUS Happy Holiday rzvrz snows 655 pin STARTS WED 230 PM warriors 20 SOMETNING iNTIiE ENTERTAINMENT SKIES iii DAItiY TERTAINMENT TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEE WED 230 pm mm hundreds of Titlim IL Mr m6 mu0YD BACON Ol tended to re =0=0=0=0=0m0=0=0= hands clasped appropriately ond look to recogniite many Halloween Party at CGE THIS YEAR Halloween spir ers at the annual Barrie CGE party The winners From ft to right Chris Spams Rose LaVcrdierc Dot andvDon Duston Hugo Demsterand Nellie Flour Two Chinese peasants named Jim Draper his Harem wife Mrs lMitchinson Takes more than sec birds eye View of the costume judging parade Theo McGibbon came as an lnterlocutor an Elite harm Exam Campaign Will Publicize National Dairy Products lllllllxllU lit fund Sc VAT Burma lll tiigniaii all lilrlxltltl ruin11 in tlr thiin Fuzaieis tlipigi Wilitll gt Hi AIl lt KIWI lliltIt lt Itttlzl IiiIci of the organ tuiil lill orgaiiimtion llii irotltirt IIlttllgttlll Dan Flaircis oi Xanadu tl Illt lri Hmlr SitVLLL v11 rim To only in lrittll ii but lllI food trade ialosi Itin industry as Mr lilcli pointed out that the Natmid lliili Council and the As sociitui Mill Foundations were eo opiini to give Inaxnnurn effect to lit Itli of lec iiiircliii in the better ncreharuiisnig of flurry limits llm imivaii Will tlt yidr Illil of tziitllr to bring to the Ulhtllllil ncciii ll iiroirriiition Itallllt dairy foods Nettwpaper advertising lll lie llll shopping days and liI bits inil color will he used ill in antics to show llgtllgt Willi ap prtlu appeal ltadio will add sound to gtiglt irvinv reminder lIl meal preparation Trade papers vill Tie used to reach industries us iii1drry foods in bulk lleipntnng Willi butter iii Decem ber different dairy foods will be featured each month until August Hill In January the promotion wrll feature fluid milk while emphasis will fall on concentrated products in licbruary and on cheese in March lduiiiu the Lenten season lcel teiciun cottage cheese and ereaint Ill be featured in the Spring and it summer months Its were abroad 111 great inimI om lawrie Harker Opens New Store Western Tire Auto Another new store has been add ed to the east end of the main street business section with the opening on Saturday Nov 11 of and Millie Flear With Rabbi Jack Mitchiiison andi in this Minstrel Show FROM GE NEWS The board of Directors of the County Federation of Agriculture unanimously adopted recommen dation which developed out of the discussions at the annual Commun ity Life Conference held the latter part of October and which propos ed the introduction of sustaining membership fee for all farm people and friends of agriculture in Sim coe County The fee which was set at $5 on persona or amily basis is not in placc the present source of finances from township and county councils and commodity group affiliations but will provide an opportunity for everyone inter ested in agriculture and commun ity life to give little extra help toward the work done by the feder ation While the idea of sustaining membership is rather new in On tario the principle involved is Well established in most of the states iacrosstheline and in the United Kingdom The Ohio Farm Bureau has an annual membership fee of $5 per year and inIllinoisthe an nual membership is $10 with from 75 to 90 per cent of the farmers in each state taking out their mem bership each year While it is not expectedthateveiy farTer irithe county will be reached through the sustaining membership during the first year or two number of farmers have already expressed their belief that the idea is sound Those who know what the feder ation has done for agriculture in the past 15 years claim that the sustaining membership fee of $5 should not be looked upon as do nation but rather as token recog nition of benefits received It would be difficult to find sub stantial farmer in Simcoe County fruity Federatioii of Agriculture Introduces Suslaining Membership Lawiie it lIarkers associate hrancli of the Western Tire and Auto Sup ply ltd with headquarters in London Out at 133 Dunlop Street This line includes not only tires but also complete automotive parts together with full machine shop service Mr Harker was born in Barrie of Innisfil pioneer descent was raised on the homestead farm on Con 13 and attended Painswick school On leaving school he farm ed for short time and then took up garage work with Harold Hill in Barrie Answering the call of the Second World War he was with the RCASC from 1942 until January 1946 serving in Canada England and Europe on over the direction of the rural adult education program kiniwn as the Sinicoc County night class pro gram and similar activities in ad dition to continuing its own or ganizational program The combined cost of the educa tioriai and organizational program was no small item each year with the result that with financial sup ort from the University of To ronto the Department of Education and the National Film Board being completely withdrawn this year the federation has had difficulty in carrying the load Although the financial asssitance received from the county and township councils and community groups has been maintained or improved each year thesteady growth of the fedoral tions work in Simcoe County has placed heavy burden on its fin ances In plain fact the federation is faced with the necessity of in lcreasing its revenue or reducing the cost of its program in both During the past year careful study was given toward reducing the cost of the program without leurtailing its usefulness and sub stantial savings were made in re organizing the night class program iiiamore simplified basis but this saving was still not enough to bat Iance the budget The suggestion came out of the Rural Life Conference to offer sustaining membership in the Sim coe County Federation of Agri lculture to all farmers and friends lof agriculture in the county who believe that strong Federation of Agriculture is essential to the profession to the countyand to Canada as whole LAWRIE BARKER On returning he again took up Over the last two or three years owing to the lack of sufficient fin Wth Nawnal Atme COLOR HIT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BIG OUTDOOR unwasuiuiimiioiut plurals TUNE INCKBB EACH MORNINGATioao am To MOVIE MERRYGOROUND ipANio Norm Burling crud His Kingfs Men Every 1jSaltlfIlay Night gt5 MASONIC TEMPLE 17 OWEN STREET BARRIE SponSorodiby the Barrie Boxing Club Under the Monqgement of Dry Dosh LadioerthT SNACK YBAR Gents 75c Loqo==oo==ogo==ouo=a of dollars year through the ad tivities of the federation The federation has been the watchdog in the field of economics and government policy looking af ter the interests of agriculture at all times For many years the bacon marketcontracts and support prices freight subsidies on feed grain have helped to offset the limited effect completely demoralized agriculture or has avoided loss to the same thing has been farm radio forums Federation or Agriculture has ta ho hasnet benefited by hundreds industry has been stabilized through of price control during wartime and since the dairy industry has beengivien constant support and while notall battles have been won in the support of agriculture for ex ample the margarine battle at least thefederation was able to prevent the butter industry from becoming In the poultry industryalso the rfederatiorrwhas4exercisedvaisteadye ing influence and in all these fields the net result has been that th Federation of Agriculture has earn ed millions of dollars ryearfor which in the final analysis amounts The federation has also done ex cellent work in the income tax field for if it had not been for the untiring efforts of the federations executive at OttaWa the filling out of income tax reports would be much more of headache than it In the noneconomic or social field of rural life the Federation of Agriculture has also been lead ing influence through the national community meetings conferences and in many other ways In Simcoe County the MonroAv NOvEMBER 2T i950 QQQQQQQQQQMMQQMQQQWQQ QQQQ 5on of Freeways most glorious yorygIMJIIRILVl IiiLEE EXTRA WOMEN or TOMORROW DAFFY DUCK CARTOON SCARLET PUMPERNICKEL Starts TodayJMPERIA Ralph Snelgrove Addresses East End HomeSchool The regular monthly meeting of the East End Home and School Association was held in King George School on Friday Novem ber 17 The business meeting was pre sided over by Mrs Barbarathel er Plans were made to have an Old Fashioned Christmas Party for they 15 school children on December Mrs Charles Agnew was appointed convener Jack Gable spoke briefly on be half of the Barrie Recreation Com mittee five Infinite singsong led by Mrs Agnew was enjoyed by all Following the singsong Mrs Holloway introduced the guest speaker of the evening Ralph Snel ggrove owner and imanagcr of CKBB Mr Snelgroves pleasing and informal way of speakingappcaled to the members and visitors and his talk about the radio station was greatly enjoyed George Cotes thanked Mr Snelgrove Several visitors were present iii cluding Jack Gable chairman of the Barrie Public School Board Mrs Fieldhouse president of the Midhurst Home and School Associ ation and four other Midhurst ladies Mrs Howey Mrs Spencer Mrs Garnet Wait and Mrs Stan Walt also Mr Poppleton president King Edward Home andSchool As sociation After the business meeting re freshments were servedby the so cial committee MM DECLINE IN PHEASANTS The pheasant is closa to extinc his trade following the specialty tion Nothing was done to try to line of an automotive machinist stem the destruction of the cock first in Orillia and then in Toronto pheasant system of tagging was instituted some years after In Orilliarearly last summer It was married to Miss Wilma Har gravecf that town and they are now making their home at Minets Point whereirecently he purchased lakefront property Mr Harker being local boy and familiar with the problems of local autovtransportation feels that he can be of great service in this area with quality goods at reasonable prices with special training in ma chine shop service an efficient staff anda square deal to all ancesopperate and administer the local organization it has been necessary for the board of directors and some of the federation em ployees to render time and service without receiving even outof pocket expenses It is believed that if the organization is to do the Extensive workthat is expected of it it is only right that itsienthus iastic supporters be remunerated in moderate way Agriculture is marching ahead atlocal national and world levels and as the Federation of Agricul lure isthe voice of Agriculture for rural Canada farm people have every right to be proud of it Can ada is surplusfoodcountry in world wheronhalfthe people of the world never have enough to eat Canada has so much land we d0f0tlW8y5 know whatrtowdou with it while countless millions in India China and elsewhere have so little land they hardly know what to do with themselves or their fam ilies Locally there is little we can do to help the needy people of the world but through the Federation of Agriculture one can play apart in the FAO of the United Nations and the World Federationof Farm ers to see that Canadas surplus abundance is used where most needed All rural people who recognize theFederatlon of Agriculture as worthwhileand profitable organiza tion both from financial and an educational standpoint are urged to give their support either as groups or as individuals and fake the re sponsibility of forwarding their 5113 ed her to the surface taining membership fee to the fed erations office at Barrie Tolvvsli cow from Well ELMVALp HCP gtcatled lf jSGmeTtrange jobs occasionally opins Cecil Baker Elmvale servicestation op erator But last Sunday afternoon was the first time he had used onelrto pull cow out of well It was out atAlex Shepherds on concession F105 Alex has 65foot well One of his cows had fallen into it and was wedgedin the walls of the shaftat about the 45foot level Two ladders werelfastened to gether by means of which themen to the cow chain was fastened the worse for the ekperierice Tow trucks went down the inside of the well arduhd the animals head Then the Itow truck took over and haul Bossy is reported to be little the decline hadnbegun trassunrc alarming proportions =Dixis Phone9057 Jacksons Vernon BC News Barie Flyers Hockey Club ix EA BARBIE VVcdneS Reserved Seats Available Moke Your Reservation Now1 Tickets are available until pm on the day of the game at the following agentle lN BARRIE VI Out of TowhAgencles Smart Smoke Shop Orillia Somers Electric Alliston Gilmore and Sum Lefroy Graves and Allen Newmarket The common Bunk of Commer Sale at Arena will be heldfrom 730 pan unturgame time Reserved Seats $125 $100 tax incl Next Home Game si catharines wading sssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssswx ss titng Se tron 2Poges to 12 gil DGDCEl and Joyful KTR Son ii Sun my Man rmry oven IN iv In Sour Oil 0N ilAc Ivy Sfy am mwy HM Mair Oiriwa by MWQQ WsWQWWQQQQQssss DONT SOAK FREE POWER Vegetables should not be soaked Vindnzilldrchn generators in ibctore cooking as much food value Swedish villages can keep as many is lost this way is 1000 oUwatt lights burning Star Mels Fiancee ERROL FLYNN takes the arm of his fiancee TATRICE WYMORE as they leave Orly Field Paris after her arriyat by air front New York recently to marry the swashbuckling film star Flynn left imsickbeditocomedmthaituport tan his7fian fiat pick meiiestarlet was accompanied by her parents and Mrs James Wymorc of Salina Kansas Offthescreen Patrice wear glasses all the time she is shot irvhted Glphf3imorsv4 abhor BARRIE ARENA 830Pmvl STANDARD NINE Phone 9089 BradleysPhone 9052 Whittys Drug Stine Phone 2523 cc 0min Borden Titiany Children gauging tacit

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