THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY Nov 27 IJCTU BRILLIANT NETMINDING TOPS FtYERSTEEPEES ENGAGEMENT APPROPRIATE 33 STALEMATE By GEORGE STOREY dont think ever saw game winzi man pick looked to be in the net and realty Wtlttl and Barra chrs coach Hap Enims Those were the words uttered after his llutlic lljcigt ii tied through rousing spinetingling To ltii with St Catharines Tcepees to ga at Garden City Arena ill hulay ll l$1 overtime gtiltlit To say the least it was the lly in crs best road effort tins seiison pr and little doubt lies in the fattpro in that pair of nclniiiiders Lorne low hmkin 20mm of the Ilycrs and Don Sun3 ons of the Tcepees llt in tiici khtttlll bit OHA Junior sptlzght of 1mm Rx tgilliancc Both goalies kept their respect lye mates In the twopoint scav tlivclupvil lI Md tlll ir in In lmij til ltltlrih pl er hunt tier llm rhdr ll Hill Hi Wit stuna ilii urn iv in to lightning speed to deflect shots burst thiougti to lillll lil bled for gaping corners of his my NM Umyl LL ll nets Ih Iit iam tll lltlllti Simmons perhaps carried an Chmk Wm WWhWC 1m edge In the allstar rating for the hulmm Himlm Jm Rpm contest because he didnt receive sun mm EMA hi ARK mi Hlmpomlmmung of tinniolestcd after llllttllllct Jim bounds by his defence like llowrs WWW MI mum dm back up Illyers 4itllll0l St atliainics mm Wm Ymmg 4100 and the strangest point of NHWI mm dvywmu CeplmmnV Cw man Orin loiild wnile sitting llt drwc WU handled 0m hind llyirs rvazgnznu contingent range for goal number two Howe had The garlic started out as rug imp chum on Illliil ItiiIllUt gcd affair Icepccs went into the hmk mu tummy 1mm xture With Illday rest under Of my Tm 1mm Bun their belt They were also riding mmrd pm ummmuu alhrcmmm rosin Streak zmutt the I323 maik of the sanw wlhou coach Rudiv Plum stanza mixedup toniliination still sitting out its Ill1an 15 of eInirp Don lZinnis and till memn lnigIr Leo Illlilil Willlitl setup ommilb PM P3110130 ylUljIssrgt Iith itlilltttiiiitl liin Mitt onto and Jack Liscombc of lalt rm 1m in Jim sensed the bitter feud between swamp IIninis hannncrcd across the hint on l2Blllt lillliitlllll and Infinit the second on nifty thrwway passing attack Good news Ior those who long for rclici Prior to lllt twoitoal splurge from rheumatic pain but feel hopeless Real Tin ielils hail deilectcd OIRMIS may Iiff mm shot past goalie Simmons but main and llllllrlllt suffering by using lt TRCs Dont ct dull wmrimnw nth quick lll1ll by the officials and sharp stabbing pains handicap you when handing leepc Skip any IOHRIY ln ltnllllcmns TRS Tea 21 tripping penalty nnliilied today Only itlc $125 at tlruggists LBI7 the score Going Into the third period St nmmxxxsBsxnixnsans GRAIN market for your grain Coop Barrie Ihouc 2129 Bags supplied truck pick up at farm if desired official weight receipts market prices and prompt settlements 0ATSAny quantity good clear No feed oats wanted wop have recently shipped several cars of Snncoc County oats to Buffalo The market has been Tie bus or Still per ton EARLEY Barle for Ontario markets is quantity good firm price any WIIEAI About 3000busliels milling wheat liiln litlll llljlllttl from Coop within the last two weeks WESTERN FEED GRAIN Western lat and Barley have been firm in price affecting Ontario prices levelling off in prices can be expected when the close of navigation re duces exports COOI BALANCED FEEDS CoOp Brand Feeds are made froth high protein ingredients and the higher fecd value Western Grains Ontario grains are lower in mineral protein and milling qualities When you buy Coop Feed you buy the best for best rcsults Coop is yours use it to market your grain PHONE 2429 OOP Barrie masglff McHale BrOgue all solid lea $1750 the pair 39 iLlZABETILSTREET lmCTIhe famous ScottW ther withdbuble sole store MothMcIIalelsboes for Men Quatity Shoes for women ofGo Potent Flyers Trio Face Guel Inll IAtl EMMS IMP EMMS has almost per up front as his Barrie Flyers poncnts in the OIIA junior member of each line is in the leagues scoring race and its anyones guess as to who is going to keep front One of the members is Jerry Toppaz zini rated as the most improved puckster on the Barrie roster Topper ltatiiarints wasted little time lak advantage of penalty to liiiretils and Ted Iowcr snapped lionie Robertsons corner passout ut liill Icepccs Lucky lo Tic lcepecs hemmed the llyers in their own end for minutes at tune liowes and the defence blocked shots from all angles to prevent further scoring It was nt until the inidway mark in the pciiotl Iliat Barrie took over and they lid it in such convincing fashion that Ieepccs were very fortunate to gain tie out of the LaBine Don Emms Jerry Toppaz zini who was foiled on two sure scoring chances and Doug Towers Lionel Barber was in the thick of the action too George Stanutz was vastly improved The return meeting of these two rivals should be an Al xture Ov IATTERED WIDELY The International Civil Aviation Organization of the UNoperates 23 weather ships around the globe QBW The first dinosaur teeth ltilt The line of Chevrcfils Lalline and vllllt plastered Simmons with rubber change of lilies and fresh blood on the attack paid off when Chuck Wood shoved ylliitl OConnors rebound into the fish nets That was all the scoring but there were many many chances For the last 10 minutes of the third period and the first five minutes of the overtime Emms skating fools completely dominated the play It was goalie Simmons and Simmons alone that prevented tho Flycrs from leaving the Teepecs in tho dust As for Howesf he came up with saw in the overtime off the stick of Buddy Boone that might well be the stop of the season The chpee roared straight down centre and let go very low shot for the farthest corner of the her And in the last minute of play rugged driving Lco LaBinc drift cd one at Simmons that was de flected by the goalies skate just jin time It will ho long time before another contest with the netmind ing brilliance of this one pops tip llowcs was stupendous make no mistake about it Defcnsively tlie show must go to Dan OCon nor who was tower of strength on the blucline Up front take hats off to Leo CVCI Surrey England ad wars ph this Week ll Herb Shannon Pres South Barrie Flyers Hockey Practices AI Arena Elnstol Cly ne Dobbs Jack Due sends word that the My er Banum practici tonight from 430 to ti pm Tory Tomorrow night the Ire wees take mg ice me me last Master flatten orbett io time tailed the out tletlttl new of ZN35 intm of its ilit 101 an at ibtiuizi mingleblust lrhgllfiwlltlcl gotcha HJH NHL L7 311mm candor ioti on xts clot113 pkch for intimm hlllyu Lpm Clylm lll$ the Volltpful Cummg MM Thc wrzmg In tw body to replace Liv former ton 531 my 0m MW sttltlllod list who by loculttfwfmg an Ant UM chair credit for his tremendous goal output to the great playmaklng of Don Emins shifty cen rom the junior champions The found were discovered in 1822 in Spitfires joinedN01th SydneyI Victorias of the granite this season walked the liner DON EMMS tcct balance subdue op latt thick of the JERRY IOPPAZZINI pair of regulars have had many lads patrol the left wingboards thus far in the season but Paul Emms another junior gradu ate and cousin to Don is the most con sistent performer This likely trio will bat tle Guelph Biltniores Tuesday and Wednes day of this week and pair of wins would look great over the defending champions The series Opens in Guelph and closes here Wednesday It is Barrie3 last appearance here for week his nose in has given lSPORT ANGLES By GEORGE STOREY liAllllII llYlIlIS departed at noon today for Sudbury and an exhibition encounter with the senior Wolves slated for tonight This embarkation starts stretchof living out of suitcase for the DNA Iunior leaders Fans will see them on the street only one day this week that being Wednesday when the defending champion Guelph Ililtniores make their first appearance of the season at the local arena Its the tailend of hiinieandlitune series which finds the lltl in the rugged Royal City homestead luesday night Ihursday liniins squad board their chartered bus for Kirkland Lake which is headquarters for northern tour of Iimmins New Iiskeard IIouyn and Noranda In other words the Ilyers schedule of exhibitions and league corri petition calls for eight games in ten days Their only days off are Thursday and week Incsday other time being spent iii foIIIvlieel chariot The boys really are earning their money Il DIDNT IAKIl LONG to find out what would happen to Owen Sound Mcrcurys and Toronto Allistons of this district Late last week Jack Rutherford of Midland OIIA convcncr revealed that eight clubs would make up an Intermediate and Senior group The loop will bcdivided into two sections of four tcams each with double schedule played in each division and an interlocking single schedule against clubs in the other group The northern portion of the Ilig Eight is comprised of lollingwood Shipbuilders Owen Sound Mercurys Orillia Silver Bombers and iVIidlandIcnctang Combines rillia of course is doubtful starter this season due to no arena accommodation The southern division takes in Ncmeirkct Spitfires Toronto Allistons Stouffvillc Clippers and Markham Millionaires In ttirmediatc rating is given Newmarkct oIlingwood and IcnetangMidlanil omhincs with the remainder all tabbed for Senior laurcls Toronto Meteors and Toronto Eclipse entries in the group last season have joined forces and adopted Alliston Arena as their home ground Midland Flych are replaced by the combined entry of Midland and Pcnetang Newmarkct and Owen Sound are new teams in the group COACH OF THE NEWMARKET SPITFIRES former New York Ranger star Larry IVlolyiicanx is wondering if he will have club to start the season No less than sixplayers have been sidelined because of injuries which includes Newmarkets highscoring trio of Don Smith Bill Johnston and Norm chgc Smith got fracture of his left wrist in collision with defenccman during MarkhamNcwmarkef exhibition encounter and will not see action for approximately eight weeks John ston is also sporting wrist injury while chge has an ear infection Also out on the limp are Swifty Todd with eye trouble Frcd Dillman with an eightstitch cut and Harry Carradonna cxBairic Colt side lined as the result of injuries from car aecident Just few worries of coach NORTH BAY BLACK IIAWK booster club have planned an excursion to Barrie when Galt meet the Flych on Friday Dec Purpose of the trip will he to make presentations to six for mer North Bay players now with Gait and one with Barilo Don Emms who spent many seasons roaming midget juvenile and junior ranks in the Gateway City is the Barrie star to be honored For Galt they are Ken Wharram Tony Poata George Gosselin Pete Aubrey Garth Boyce and Don Hogan Barrie coach Hap Emms has reserved enough seats for busload which is exactly the number travelling from the North IN CANADIAN PRESS DESPATCH last week on the American Hockey League scoring and penalty statistics three former Barrie stars were featured Topswas Ab DeMarco who had lead of It points over all AHL point collectors DeMarco ashas been stated many times performed for the Junior Colts in 193536 And who should be leading the penalty parade but exFlyer Ray Gariepy Nowknocking opponents down for Hershey Bears Ray had spent total of 61 minutes in the box Leading netminder was Gil Mayer with 222 average for Pittsburgh Hornets Mayor of course was the rave of the Flyers title squad of 194849 HERE AND THERE DON CAMPBELL former netminder for St Catharines Teepees is performing for Grand Rapids in the Inter national chkcy League He already has three shutouts to his credit LARRY LOUGHEED hasjlcfl for Minden where he will join Boyd Baldwills Intermediate squad and become employed With the Hydro AL VAN BELLEGHEM last year periodic member of Windsor CapewBretOn Senior team IILW yvl would round out fiveteam loop lleeton held lil Thursday night with top reseritatives of ClIi Bradfozd Thornton and Strand pltEtlzl Sltwc the meeting Mr Shannozi has found it Impossible to act pttMtlttlI will Ile next meeting Fiis lCtpltltltlli Harold lloyd of Bradford while the setw oral Icepresidency will be filled ti tltlf Caiseadticn of Stroud lhc IL secretarytreasuier has not as be clechd all is been named This position is lift In the hands of the president Charles Spindle retiring IlllSlI dent was chairman of the meet ing lillt James Henry of Thorn ton acch as secretary of the meeting was the definite as suranctr that the South Sinicoe League would again operate Har rie Aces although not represented sent notice of entry and along with the four aforeineiitioned clubs Wonder Valley as yet are junde cided but all indications point to air entry The Valley is willing to enter as long as the two league schedules do not conflict It is not known whether they would enter as an RIIA entry or as league entry only along with CGE and Accs and Alliston tire to be again approached ie entry Drawing up of schedule will be at later late At present only two home ice surfaces are on the list Bradford and Thornton It is possible that Guthrie arena will be used as home ice and of course should Beeton and Alliston enter their two Inore arenas bin come available Entry fee was set at ten dollars per team and must be submitted by Dec to guarantee entry players list of eighteen players will also be submitted by each exclusive of OBIIA entries to be passed by the league execu five constitution was submitted by the IllIA lirsl vicepresident freedom of motion twothirds oc games wl be played under ltllA If You Enjoy Ainendznerits it the car he made it llls annual meet mg only and must be passed Willi WmmlmimHaul Letit Arnold HS Len Lax sen F5 Iotiniiy Sttphe inty ls lecturer llllfltgtblUIRiI WWme in line irettaez John Shell comnn mi 311 itce llriiry Morrison Stanley Hu ciirison thz Mubry Elmer Ii Solt Itoy liarii oshal IId lll be dNttIltlY Referees the lvague rules Competition Is foralhc Bar GIRLS White Figure SIZES To It IISSICS SIZES 10 TO l3 While Pleasure Sets IIIIIS IIILDS 495 SIZES 311 10 HOCKEY OUTFITS 495 575 T0 TOBOGGANS SKIS SKI BOOTS POLES SLEIGHS ERECTOR SETS ETC FREE 36 Baylielcl St SIZES II SIZES I3 Skis and harness purchased here attached free Dial 3874 treasurer II THERES SOMETHING truly Canadian about skating the crisp clear air that whistles into your lungs like refreshing shower the shimmering ice criss crossed With sabrescars from leplg blades the rhythm the absolute the sheer enjoyment and exhilaration of it Theres something truly Canadian about CCM Matched Skating Sets too good enough to win worldwide acclaim popular enough at home and Hockey League but since has been released Barrie Foursome Win Oshawa Spiel AIDS HIKERS The Youth HostelAssociation of Britain now has 400 hostels provid ing cheap accommodation for On FIISI Outing mveue FLYING TREES In an effort to recreate VlOSl forests in Iceland 280000 young fir trees have been flown from Nor way ouartet of Barrie curlers who had yet to feel ice or throw into Oshawas fiveday bonspiel Iast week and won themain event Veterans Lorne Whiting Vern Adams Harry Armstrong and skip Selvin Meredith Captured Col McLaughlin Trophy In their firstattempt at the Oshawa spiel honors They soared tothe final round wllerewtheydefeated anOshawa rink of William ershing Bud Moore AI Morrisonand gt rarkiiiii skip1512 Bestknown to afeaf for acrew in homeremedyto thel first outing of the season renew 313ng VAPORUB Barrie IronfWorkI ORNAMENT ITIRON WO mad Fireplace Andironsond Baskets FireplaceSetsVFlower Stands etc flSTEnIjfor SALE ELECTRIC dud ACETYLENE WELDING Gowan St Phone 5046 Alex Clelond gt abroad to be preferred by the majority of hockey players figure skaters speedi skaters andpleasure skaters who erij0ySkatingmorewhedthcyskatemmagr Hockey players have another CCM favourite too the rtougdeuiable perfectlybalanced CCM Laminated Hockey Stick found in the hands of top scorers in any league RKi iood toooooo friendly CCM Dealers throughout Canada to serve you URRYSPORIIN PHONE 3874 000000000QIIO IIIIOmZ 90095 36 BAYETELD ST or lhFive Points BEEFNERBNiTREFTM HARDWARE CHINA IGIFIIS Tovs HARRY ARMSTRONG gt 98104DUNEOP ST BARRIE gPIIONE 2801 WPQlptt90000QOQIOt0f it0000tIO00QID000000 Gamers MeIIs Wear and SpoiliNgGIiods 53 ELIZABETHST Lyiqiiiiti000obohiiodoooocud BARBIE woman