Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1950, p. 4

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Flying cesium it School Trustees Responsibilities tary of the Putlic Stir TZIISlrcS lA5sociatirn Ontario and editor of The Argus kt briefly Elwood irit for Scott of Hume and Lapp of ii Aillrlirll tilering Minn EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 27 taupe Visits Historic James Bay Area Continued from page cnet pErcntly we were no strangers to them as they had Seen us many times in Barrie We learan that Mrs Mischell was the Iortticr LoxInt lyrr daughter of the late lll with for many years was the thLXIOI at Moose Factory thrill T4 01 his son IIxin who is stance the trip Who iv Jhltftol pfophn 1ch Accomlimitation tinge ric very Illutltl School Board Wards Contested til suite El igc tiltcl if tern Box Hudson Bay anllktID trip to Is talir clH spirit of uiycrttinc the motor Tltti Hit Elk ftti illili llt UT lit rczi ilttlgtlllp or disconlort rill to maki reservations times Dwausc not only but many Arr near as 11tl Lnitt urn much Ltitlllidt from Page Alia 13 Irttl lilil whif titrstcc ll hlzlzi ic Is at individ lt UrIIIKS Ilrspunslbillty lilrlniitiiitlil ti ability tot lib an Aerobic rtLrrirtble or Him IIi mum that ilc IIirl to whom lttlllgtlitlit ts altit CI liaintr ui tr hilttistllicc Ullt tuttc Rt v1 yard for that district vir illischell has great ixperiIncr in the north raving been at tin Igc of 25 years in charge of Illr Ruperts Island Hudson flay Trad ing Post He later constructed 95 tumor farm on an island in James othc lid not see arty bathing Bay but had the terrible rrrisfor tune to lose the wholc place bush find all whenfire broke out caus ed by lightning He lillll carried mail and freight up tltc coast by inowrnobilc and his many exper iences during blizzards ltt lrcik tips tides mercy trips Itc tctc Certainly hairraising Only ltLii man could survive Possibly only cw of Its down hero iii Southcrlt Ontario cart visualize the rugged ness of the north While waiting for dinner we roarich arourtd the little town and Mrs Mayor got quitc kick when the visited the Hudson Bay store and saw the shelves laden with the latest caketrtix salad dressing and groceries fresh fruit and or short underwear but lid ritually firtd suit of heavy erwcar the good oldfasliiortcd di heavy socks and Inackrrraw rts The temperature had drop considerably since we left Bar rite and planned to go fishing the next morning with an Indian guide ohrt Littleboy Fish Abouan He came with his Sponson canoe next morning all right but drizzly rain was coming down he said to me Better takc big take off hat pitt on warm pitt in big dinner might not ortte till next day perhaps He was planning to go lid to what they call Little ench River where pickerel sea inton and variety of speckled out about foot to it inches long bourtda However it rained that day and most of the next so said to myself Sometimes second thoughts are best believe will Clean out the we will pay yr hbndyvto Iroirel by bus rightfrom downtown myour tovvnl to down ninony Own along tioyel cOnveiiiertce Ion your next tripby US Youllertioyjit igovernment hospital In this Interesting tilp kc It is sug gested that parties of gtx or rnoiruw club together to take fr drvrdual rates because lirc coilin lOll and trialltlgrtltcfli many as priiblc to tilhllt Idvaritage of chartered trips at rrV lidrliw Unit ttiiILI turns titattrr illt llnc lake sun turlli Ifiti tXt iZZT iii I11 til itr Ito wlrtz lay tLii1t at fyhrlt1ir liltirliilt hand thr grtat polhttralttivr Ill 11 type of niarc uth Irrl is Northern Ollilllt The tide tho Iivcr control The ships that ply iii buy time their comings and goings 111 by high tide ovti the bar down at the mouth of the river Even tin canoes running brtwccn Moosorire and Mooso Factory ti inch their passage at low Iltit ttdd that the czirtocs used most on iboirt 33 feet long and or canvas Extra potlciftil outboard motors rII uscti It Is certainly an historic proach to spot Old Iii tanadnnt history venturcrs have plicd lllt waters In the wake of adventurers of Eng land the neighborhood only by llupcrts liousc in 1070 the harter year or to and an as ll was rttarty years ago against the French rnarauders ldcst Building The old blacksrrrrtli shop at Moosc Iactory is said to TJI the oldest bttildirtg in Ontario and has been ill The factors ttlt built about 1810 and the stone walls daily use since 1740 house and 1111 staff house if the powder house have defied the weather all that time The guns and ancient for press tell stories of long ago and in the museum the early history of the company may be read lies quarters for the game had art interesting talk with one of the boys who had been away tip the coast drilling for oil minerals or what have you These tests are recorded One cannot but wonder whether Ontarios salt water port may eventually sec oreladen ships oryoilladen ones coming in on the tide The Catholic Church arid hospi tal are quite new and the Anglican Church at Moosonee is being prac lically rebuilt There is another Older Anglican Church and Mis sion at Moose Factory This church with its moosehide altar drapes and its prayer books in the Cree language for the Indians Imost In dians in this district are Crcc is somewhat of novelty The plugs in the old church floor There was jam caused fiend and floated the church Off its foundation In order to avoid repetition holes were bored in the floor to let the water in to hold the building in position Beyond this is the great new Some say it will cost three or four millions be fore it is actually finished It is placed there on Moose Factory Is land mostly to combat the ravages of disease among the Indians We were quite interested to learn there was in our midst little nineyear old Eskimo boy convalescing in the Catholic hospital at Moosonee He lbad had an operation for an abscess and had been brought down from farther north We called at the hospital and the sisters very graciously took us into see him They told us how to say few wordsin Eskimo language before going in and believe me you should have seen his lovely smile It was very heartwarming We finally made him understand that we had purchased litte Kyak This pleased him immensely He was hoping that he would soon be better and able to getiiback home again need explanation ttme when an ice Crops Grow Fast Theytellusthatetheostnever up wusads 9f geese andWhat actually goes out of the ground only the top three feet Yet even in the heat of summer and month of July gets tremendously hot the garden crops such as potatoes vegetables fruit etc also some field grain grow almost twice as fast es ours do here AttheurIVers mouth the bluff shore gradually flattens into the salt marshes where in themonth of October wild geese congregate in tens bf thousands had thp priv ilege and pleasure of seeingthis BARRIE FUEL FRONT 3914 ntovcrrrIm In Whi is on the island add rude or two to MINI ill WHIP ill Pllml rrzigltt ii For alrrrost 300 years ad wlio ill 1073 cstaitlisltctl the first Hudson Bay ompanys post trt It is antedated founded Except for outboard motors lcito plant occasional bush plane lltc post is much the satire mm It is said that nruskcts were kept very close at band 111 the early years 111 order that the company could main tain its position at Moose Factory Transit magician Victoria St ilic 10 it trtgltcngrnc lKrnrlnlIl tIlirllT sp ctally itlilli irt i11ltttlir it did spill Iiil when corn ll n1g down ovc iii Iy toiglt n1 itl rt Hannah Iiay ioosc Hunting nnp lhr purposi of the flight to take supplies to tlic hunters cullcd thc tilliill Irlcilillii tltcrc tolling ltnn to Niitl out canoe and lukr off the load it was too rough to cunn II to slrorc l1llltlly hc lltttltlttl nr getting reply iron thc camp but the reply was liliit ltllll Iililtltfi lIiKl lilt pruriuusiiight in tin storm He said he would try to get one from ilc Indians 111 tltc Itcl camp lir finally snccccticd lll doing this and then our pilot Iicctdctl to come town The wind was driving the waves right down 111 into style So the pilot purposery came down near illi outside buoy tron sliorc allow Ittg hrnrsIll crtottglt lIlllI to gct plane and on to the porrtooirs gauging the distanci lor ilit plain to drill to that loca tion My jtil was to hold both foot pedals Ill placc lll order to keep lltc plaric from swinging around sideways ill the huge trough of the waves in rit lhcse bush pilots are smart and certainly know their business He succccricd rrt grabbing the rope and tied It to the pontoon 11y this tirrte two Indians were on lltclt way out to us In big canoe gcttmg well splashed ihcy ticdlit to the plane ind we began unloading supplies lltesc tcic taken to shore arid the second load put on ol Johnston and went to shore with it and it was there at the camp that we heard the hairraising stories of crs experiences of the day before The party with their wives and two canoes also two Indian guides to call irt the geese left the hunt ling camp for the rtritd flats across the river The boats were pulled tip on the shore The guides said tie your canoes and follow usT1tey walked few miles back into the flats the geesc finally came in and the shooting was exciting arid suc cessful They got their five geese each But the wind came up and the rain fell The guides advised them to hurry back This they tried to do but the women whose aver faggcd out because of heavy cloth ing and long rubber boots They had to be carriedpart way through the increasing mttd and water It was growing dark and the tide was coming up Upon arrival at their landing both canoes had been swept away The hunting party was some what frantic especially the women The big talk was Who tied the boats At this stage of affairs the guides tied ropes up in the scrub trees to hold the women front being blown away rescue party from the camp set out in search using the Indian agents barge It was now dark They went Lip and down the river several times being careful not to ground themselves on the flats for water was everywhere Finally they thought they noticed flash of light They pulled in that dir ection and rescued the weary hunt ers who were cold and wet It was not until four oclock in the morning that they ariivedback at nice warm camp The barge used up 42 gallons of gasin the search and with only eight gallons left was just about ready to give up No doubt they would have quite story to tell when they got back to Pennsylvania On Our way back to Moosonee we searched for the lost canoes and finally spotted green one about eight milesfrom camp up little river beached on the shore neara small island We radioed back to camp and advised them of our find circled the area to give the location This manoeuvring around stirred of cattyini 1100 age age would be about becameI Ytl tiiilirl points by itttEi in 1111 Deputy licw vtcwcri tlic xvoiks corn chau mat main Itlllllp about by pitsizg girtstli plan pfrrtt lorrch Lrtltquatr and rived point llitil Ic can go Ilaati wrtit plans ill riic lie said arrangements liilr mth llltltlt llll tNli ill land to lllc rtitllll Ii town for pur lilllc of cictttni plan lic fIlr tlic Ii 1111 itinii illt till Itt ltIc liIIit that locatzort lshonld ltc charigtd now rather than add to illt prcscni Allaratzilr plant and to cornirrrt ilit plant to that location for all intro Mayor his ltllll of office lliIlt announced that lie Would not stand tlItiHill 11c Itstedpatlry time Says fill his practice rcqinrc of l11 shill would all Abolish Vcrnc llatnbly mach for deputy lrrol ttlltilily addId touch of humor to the rrtoettrtg when it sriti last years council was lilttcctirig circus and llll Ile Ward System who tccvc but Iltiill did cause only limited nitinbcr of hunters rs pcrtriittcd irt tins small nca and they would not have arty appreciable effect on the number of goose Both the federal and pro vincial governments have taken lsteps to lllSlllt their conservation Here is hoping that 1116 US Gov crrimcrtt docs likewise so that the work of our great belovcd att adian admirer of the anadian goose the late Jack Miner be not irt vain There are no deer in this rnuskcg iron or Iarncs Bay of any account Tilt llSlIiCl 15 DOIICLd by Mtth 501 Ul Plllllsllellil 110050 himli Moose roam the wide expanses but It also seems to be the head warden Gcologists have taken tests tip arid the coast and while there Thus to iarc becoming scarce reason for the closed year In my opinion it should bc closed again next year and tltc day is close at hand when certain areas will have to be closed for deer and let the sportsmen hunt wolves in stead Moosonee has one of the weather reporting stations and there is also one at Churchill to the northwest and one at Labrador to the rrort cast radioequipped balloon is sent up twice daily It ascends about 60000 feet irtto tltc air The vclocity of wind is taken the bal loort bursts and the fivcpound radio apparatus falls somewhere The weather of this district and far into the southern states is de tcrmincd from this Hudson Bay area All 1h5a Pv gttw Edwin Wilson liittti season this Intmss rI int glyctl litre lite is II outlet rfll trzlltllliillt for III had becri ft for term in in of his work in pulsion and with knovcdgc Ltt raturtl consct uences time to lc ob md Hunt In defining the term cl prcpulcd to iic his cli towrt mate and chaos between lllltlll rn iii ll Lill tr l1lltll ltil Iltl Nuns tIv 111 Et 11 Hair lil II cno l2 En itllittl become familiar With the Pa iiirxon also cirridi Input 1It xud as liIliItl In in has sufficient innw to fuizill Ilc duties of the Irliicr 11 Mini lilt1llllCt which it exercise his own judgment Interest in Education AZII liftclct In JIICIIIIOII desirable llut requirement for of greater position it llvil flat who was 1c Iltl ll rppcainl that the wild ilt about evcn on Its giant at tirI end of the your al Eiimrph 1al iiItlt up all Hilton litc lint Iic predicted jlll 500 prllbllHW llml tlrr town would tic assessing ion 11 card system 111 1031 Stalin ins ttttcnlion of rclirirtgUzmb 3mm AAld Harrison said IlltSSllllisvsses 103 Halls of itrrsitiIss linted his action also wantrd to prlitl nritro tnitc it Wilmer Ol bmrd llii his family lrt I1 of to attend should Youre lililllll urcctiitgs llllli rtirntcs tioc not council drau justlprovince In rural boards 11I raid 1030 was tough year on council partly because pirIis Ill dill 0f iht in513901013 otilllrlrgt were brought Iussions and hampered them lllfCl lht Willk if the staff Park ymtr pctsortitlilits on liter Local Autonomy doorslop when you crtlcr couricil he said Aid Harrison said tillll if rnc llltcr noriiirrccs spoke ttlllllilllltl their intentions ycar you worked oirt large measure briefly Aid Mctorikoy who prc jviously announced he would reV tirc because of his health was not lttttltilltilttl frcccrtl announcement of the istcr fwilh the curriculum Aids 11 Ill Osborn Roy hrisL The local trustee should lic and Arthur Pugh were nomin atcri but did not qualify Aid Ayrcs who previously announced the would ritri for deputy Ieee1ort education not norrrinatcd Following ar the aldcrntcn irt illns years council by wards itr1clttsiott of his address Ward James McBride Tuck Ward 5M Osborn Ward McCon one question lkcy 11 Paddison Ward lN Christie Mrs Marjorie Hamil lton Ward 11 Norton Cl lHarrison Ward Pugh Ayrcs be Epointcd out and if ilS replied cd MANY WORKERS Nearly 500000 laborcis are cml ploycd in the Assam Valley tea producirtg gardens of India ROOM FOR MORE involved Hope Commission Report tralia is only 26 persons to the isquarc mile FROM THE WORLDS Irioiai arid innlied1 that capacity to Dc able to discrnti right and wrong Iitir regard to any grv Ill act or situation free from LI1ll of the speaker lln Iirst duty of trustee is to statutes ttiiiliit to llil school or schools of is trustee so that 3ch may Mr mum mm iConquergood stated was the most Irrts Irriportancc thzm academic learning and peda gogical knowledge was willing ness to learn and grow and to givc time and attention to the solutions The trustee who possesses titer trust and confidence of his fellow invariably p06 character putvhich will rtiakc for his success The business of the board is to llrr tliiciniati szritl Ltltyorn whotl 0m PUllClDS rm mom Eschools under its jurisdiction sub wiih lject always to the statutes of the The tilliiiiinl on iii corirrcil rf muglrustcLs themselves may supervise constantly miss rimtings he sliidmiw Of NIIm mil bl Inot the educational program which In mp dis city boards officials are employed Despite the fact that the responsi irclbility for education irt Ontario is might stand for council Itiiztill im based on central autltority Mr will accept lCorrquergood stated there has been of local autoriorriy and the trcrtd in dicates that this privilege may be enlarged as evidenced by the most Miri of Education irt connection iVClIC of local public opinion be necessary isltould help to form sound opirriott Mr Conqucrgood answered sev ieral questions from the floor at the Williams istart and stop rc discipline was The board delegates the matter of discipline to the principal he The board just sees to it that the regulations are follow Only when parents come into the scene does the board become Mr Conqucrgood stated that the report of the Hope Commission would be given to the government DCllSil0fpopllltllioll in all Atts by December 15 The whole policy was so involved and broad that no statement had been made to any FIIIEST AIRCIIAFTTECIIIIICIAIIS FRANCIS SULLIVAN firyear olu Toronto lawyer and chief son Clint tor the Ontario Department oi Lands and Forests whose body found In sane of the Chu ieIJ 1IIIIrcr IIccrrlrv ivic 3111 ion Cough Srillnart was torrm ariycirurged with the murder of her husmnd trt Ottawa cltv court Inspector Borden Hobbs of th 3nva Police Department szttrt biokcn wltiskv bottle part at which was found In Mrs Sullivans liliiguge was the murder weapon Mrs Sullivan is Ihc first wonttrt iii ltiawas Itistorv to be charged 1h rrurrir ELECTRIC one The Commission have neither continued nor denied some of the Slitltltlillis alriady reported The report is very voluminous ltc said arid he did not have the retnotest idea what the government would do about it Naturally nothing would happen unless they put irtto action the rcconiInctidattons of the report but even then it would take considerable time to write them into the statutes Rev Mills executive sccrcgt CANADIAN GENERAL mcrruc OMIN HUI Save Feeding Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS wuo GIVE MORE EGGSBETTER EGGS BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COSTAND INCREASE PROFITS Where do the powers of board FilltheBasket Eliii MASH and Hill PEIIETS Birds Relish Pellets For Sale by BROWN 00 Barrie IRA WILSON Cookstown OLIVER WILSON Minesing MERCER Thornton BELL Utopia Flour Mill termMien 5761755 axemm Another RCAF jet is ready Serviced for flight by theworlds nest aircPangechnicians who have checked her over from nose to tail These are the men whosnkill and knoWledgckccp cm ying safely Sight to see blue geese and snow geese flying beneath us The pilot was concerned about disturbing the geese as this is against regulations When inconversation with C01 Johnston the boss ofthe Goose Hunt he realized that wasp con servationist do believe wemuSt bevy all protect very closely and wisely our valuable game and fish and especially the birds He assured me that our sportsmen need not fearthat he is witnessing thelast phasesOf this declining wonder be FoiStiadyeven heat get this finer fuel TODAY blue coal does more than iust heat your homeit provides STEADY LEVELfof comfort that is healthier to live in and more enjoyable to young and old Phone Its aim for blue coal the heat that millions prefer Come In or Phone Today SUPPLY co at NIFI YOU 1II THE IiiiT BARBIE vw Your expanding Air Force has opening more men immediately to truinds AEROENGINE IRFHTMjENSTRTTMENT andRADlO TECHNICIANS If you are between 18 and 30 and in good physical coriditiOn you can do service to your country by joining this team of experts You will be giveth Complete and thorough training on the latest equipment under skillcd supervisOrs and learn avaluablc trade in the modern eld of aviation firm Findoutsbow you Indirawast skilledftrdinicjan in Canndas cxpariding AirEorceSer 11 CAF career Manselobar the address in the coupon of rzrdil this coupon

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