THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 27 I050 3055 Baritone of Operac Fameweddmg at High VTS599 First Concert Gives 711 311 11f lilt 2sng yatrzgfwarv 11111 911911 loruier lllarksmitli 11 =v 11111 112 llli1l 111 111 fantc 11 1111 Show 111111111 11111 11 1114 1111 nyrv yrsgtme 111 11111111 111 l11111 111 1111111 51 Iohlii FAN 11111 1511 11111111111 1111111111antst losipl IM 1111111111111 21111111 111 tllltl elezu 11111 1111111111111f 1111 It 11 111111111 We Carry Complete Stock or ladies Health Supports and Supporting Brassieres To Serve You WHITTYS Drug Store Essa Rd Dial 2823 GOOD WE PARKING DELIVER OCH000UO0 Boys Girlstg Money 1111 Xmas 11111161111111 win 111 CENT EACH orIWire Hangers In Good Condition Clean out those extra hangers and tie in bundles and we will payyou cent for each han er mmwaswiw 11111s 11 his xiozds 1111114 1111111 1o 11111 11t 11111111 11111I111 1111t 11 1111111 11111111y11 11 41115 at 111 111lt11 1111111 1111511511111 1111151111 was 11 111111111111 Experienced Lady Fitter Do It NOw26 Shopping Days Left OMAR NATIHA II 1t1 1111111211 1111111111 11111 1111 111113111 ttlll lie 111111tl xt 1l111 11111 111111 11111111 1151111111 111111111 11 1111 1111111111111111 1111 111 111 11111 1111 111 11 111 111 In 11111111 11111t11gt lilinll 11 tin 1co1 s11111111ns 1111 1111rlll 1111v1111 1111111 Moussorg 11x3 llLI 1i1 111 The Road 1311 11fl1 Worm 1111 lloatniIu and ln lv1 tin11111111 11 Schu niaiui 111111 i111 mam11 111111111 Ihwv 1111e11 1111111111111 at audi 111111 tastes 11 81111111 111111 11 gt11111111 1111lllllll 11ll 1111 pertoiiiier 111 1111 1i11111 Jr11 Desir Joy 111 3141113 1111 Mr Natlka 11111 11111 11111111111s 1111 1111111 his 111111 111 1111 two Schu Elllilllll llllllllltl 1111 the 1111111111111 11111111111111111 111 his Interpretation of 1111 lleinzIcli 1111111 1111111113111 to llllltlt 11131 iiollv Nitlit The first selection of 1111 evening Bel 111111s V1 llavviso I11oghi Ann111 1from 111 Sonuambiila and liin lltladcheii 1111111 leibcheii from Mo zarts The Magic Flute an opera 11 which the singer sang leading grole with Londons Covent Garden Opera were both well done Every word was clear and under standable in Verdi operatic se TElection and 111 the dramatic Son l1 Spirito Che Nega from Me fistofele The last group 11f numbers were extremely popular with the audi ence especially Captain Harry Morgan and Jack and Jill an encore number set to music in the 1style of IIandel His last encore the wellloved Bless This House seemed very fitting 111 view of concert surround ings this year For the first time the concerts are being held in Cen yllitl United Church where the ac oustics are excellent enough to pro vide 11111 town with church con cert 111111 comparing well with C01 llier Street Church where the con certs were held one other season With the exception of the bal eoiiy seats 111 the church which are little close to the singer and where visibility is poor the church tauditorium is an excellent concert hall substitute in town which lacks regular hall 000 grairwamlwassmwywy gaioorrvs OCEANENs 2885 For Pickup Delivery MObfOOf000gt00 firement Ask for our pamphlet especially writtenfm women entitled Want Insurance It will interest you Room 33 Cavanavand Watson Block 011 WILTONDlstlct manager Ol00000 The married wOmcm wants pends of and seams lorhersialf and herfdmilyfmoney for food4shelterfclotheseducdlion The business wommrWontsfricfofiddbityaf 15 TinneyKennedy Expansion of 1t Page 11111 Park Presbyterian 1t121t1ti 15121 itlln is was 111 51111111 K1 lUt ulr 1111 1v12111111tee 11111 1121111 1111 the 11111 11111 11 411111111 11 1illlttl5 mt 111711 1211111 111111 ll ltlHJ Wild 1I ll 1I 111111111l rll til 111111111 111 1111 It 21 1111 111 111111 She caiv Ml litll llW lIJXl 11 liltilll and led new 12 HVVMilnli 1111111112 Ki111111 1lv1 of the Him mil i317 Hm 01 11111 11 1111111 111 11111111 and 111 WJl Hullum 211111 1111 Ell 111 111me he said orchid firmed 11111 11111111 with iii ttxltlttl 111 11111111 John i1 11111 llllll and l1ttltll 111121 11111 11v1th11 l1 piesuit anil 1111111 11111111 lllllllh 1111r and 11 1111111111111111 an addi Keiinzdy also letl 11 the llltl 1111111 111111 ligurzd satin gov1 with iiiaiehiug mittens and head Lilltl 111 1111x1 11111111 lhs was consid 111121 an oteilead 11 the home of li 411 Itos occupying hospital beds 11111 111 new applicatiens lirevi ll 5111111111111 of Tree 1111111 asked Mr Ludlow If tlte pro lllt1 111 Ilictittratiizn new 111111105 1111111111111 111 Iiiiiuatl people now in Institutions and 111111itals 1111 the 11111111cs MI Ludlow 1eplied that 2111 111111111 WI 1111 to do this but to get 1111 11 11111111111 111 the proper place He 511111 there are abotit 3111111 aged 1111111111 occupying hospi tal beds throughout the province these he said could be maintain id at less cost to the various mun icipalities if they were 111 homes tiilisal propa 1111I 11111115 111111111 Tlllllt was his brother Ll1111lllllllll Isliers were Jittn tiibitt and Robert Dean Miss 111 121121 1911s sang 1111 111111s 111v111 311111 llIIoIIgh the Yeazs accom panied by 11 ll Simmonds church organist 1121 1111111111111 was held 111 the church parlors The brides mother 111111g 11 peacock 111111 drips with black accessories and t111gtltt 111 white mums and yellow She was assisted by the 111111111113 who wore 11111111 111111111 dress with grey accessories and corsage of bronze and while illlllll tttIZhtl 1111gt 111111111 lenis 111 the hospitals Warden Henson emphasized that alterations to the laundry After wedding trip to Buffalo 1111 bride and groom will reside on Springhuist Avenue lorouto Sr Capt Strachan Speaks to PW On Citizenship The regular monthly dinner of the Business and Professional Wolt mens Club was held at 111111111111 Ity House Tuesday evening Nov 21 The speaker was Sr Capt I1 Strachan of the Salvation Army who addressed the group 1111 Citi zenshipwOur Duty and Responsibil ity to the country Iiidertakeu as soon as possible He said both are situated in the base ment of the building the laundry creates the building odor 111lllltilltS tliit Interior He said the odor from the laundry is so bad at times that it was impos 11f tea Crowding and oher factors idd to the discomfort of the people llt said It was 1111 opinion 11f many coun Cillors that the heating plant and laundry should be placed in new structure away from the home re gardless of any expansion contem plated LongRange View Mr Ludlow pointed out that sev eral counties have had master plan of expansion drawn up He said the trend was towards group Miss Joan Welltam rendered two delightful solos Dear Land of Home and Think on Me She was accompanied by Mrs Inger Aarson The guests were intro duced by the president Miss Ruth Aarson and thanked by Mrs Dor othy McQuay In keeping with National Night being held across Canada an in spiring and informative letter was read from Mrs Allie Ahern Hali fax national presiidcnt provide separate housing for din ing room and kitchens laundry etc and for the different categories of iged peopleambulatory marreid couples chronically ill and so on The separates nitscould be built all at once or over period of time according to the necdsor financial capability of the munici pality concerned The inspector stressed tahl the onestorey idea allowed foruse of Barrie Couple cheaper building methods Fire is would not be the threat it is in higher buildings since patients Get lots of exercise and dont worry no matter what happens rind youll be taking good step to wards living long happy life This is the advice of William Irwin 12 Worsley 51 who is in his 117th year on Sunday Nov 19he and Mrs Irwin celebrated their 6151 wedding anniversary Weve had lots of tough times together but we never let them bother us When we look back we find weve had an enjoyable satis fying life Mr Irwin said family reunion was held on the anniversary at the home of their son Dalton on Roxborough S1 Toronto Among many messages of congratulations was one from Mayor McCallum Originally from Markham Mr IIrwin came to the vicinity of the 1131h Line Innisl about 75 years ago Mrs Irwin is the former Edith Webb of Innisfil whom he married at Barrie Their children are Dal ton Bert and Edmond Toronto Jim Big Bay Point Ernestand eecil on the farm and Mrs Bertha Cochrane of Ivy As young man Mr Irwin taught school for three years at Big Bay Point and for one year at St Pauls He recalls that his salary was $325 in the first year increas ing to $400 in the third He taught 50 children at one of the schools He spent few years farming with his father then spent about 40 years farming on his owncom mg to Barrie about 20 years ago larger homes Mr Ludlow gave fig lVIrsZ Irwin is from one of Innis ures showing the percentage in irspmneerfamrliesrwlrose land crease omed peopel the popu now operated by descendant lation of Ontario In 1891 the per Harold Webb Her grandparents centage of people over 60 was 39 were of Stroud and her father left in 1949 this had doubled and it is there to clear thegland and start the estimated that by 1971 the percen farm tage will have reached about 126 ould gain exit through windows But he pointed out good sprinkler ways bcnecessary Previously in the session Warden Bcnson told council the new sprink ler system at the present home had been installed and he was no so concerned about the threat of fire An improved alarm system was needed however Reeve Wood of Essa offer ed the opinion and he was sup ported by numerous others that the renovations for the laundry and heating plant should be undertaken in way that would fit inwith master plan ing appears to be sound but not architecturally suitable for its pres ent use He said there is much waste space Some rooms were large but it was impossible to ar range enough beds in them JThe building was built for hundred yearsihe said But it is not necessary to do that now In stitutions of this kind should be built with the practical and econ omical view He said it is now necessary to build only for about 25 years because the whole system of care of theaged might be chang ed by then The government Will bear 501per cent of the net cost of administra tiop of the homes Mr Ludlow said in answer toia question Illustrating the groWingkneed f0 004 Ilia Looksnoair Divisional 11111111 Il 11111 the effect would be to ease the Iccoimiiodat11111 and indigent prob 5191 flOlllithe laugh too and the free pub makeup depart meut have been warned hereafter 111 read all cutlines before inscr dauipuess in and disagreeable sible for residents to enjoy copy if onestorey buildings designed to Mr Ludlow said the present build made and the first Column 1111111111urd from page one They couldnt 11111 1lcz 11S ml he 11v was that be atailabii 11 1111111 llllll A1 of 11111 1111111 1le 111 tiiiiiczi e11 Satuiiigi N1 211112 Our Slip Is Showing Thigh 111 1187115 Then 1111 1111 1111111 Henry has large follow Thrust xotiiilx it 114211 11 and we lltillk most of 111 Itie General and 111I1 21 11141 11 mamas from this section anyway 121 as 111 clipping from the Tel rctlll vintage When it comes beat its October 30 it said The favored 111 111111 the series in four straight 11111111111111 llari 11 ill Yoik Yankees ll is hard lixnminei It 111 Alzi 1C llt gaiiies The World SerIes tlnishedo Canada at the age of four 1111111 High Low October with the New Yorkerstlier parents to lIVe at 11froy audNm 11 411 Ill 21l111 foui siiaight games then in Sunnidale She woikedni 31 1111 21111111 euibnirassing GenerallyToronto for some time before her1Nm 111 ll 22 1111t1 It is 11111 coiisidcied marriage to the late John IiioiiiasaNlg 111 gt111 211 wicket for one newspaper to point 1111 predeceased her 11 years agoiNm 21 10 32 1111 ille Iiiistakes of another be ilhe remainder of her life was spent 1N1 11 4151 21 111pm typo boners creep into thciin Sunnidale Nov 12 211 19 his 111 journals and the shoej She was member of the limb NM 211 31 11 1111111 111 1111 the other foot Stilllticd Church Nov 1111 10 11111 111114111 tXpluin here 1111111 Surviving are Sister Mrs 11111112 13 14 115 the item in question was in tlielCarter IEdithi of New l11well1Nly go 10 211 011111 Ulldtl it C111 Ul J00 Dllthrec brothers Maurice of S111111N11v 27 IH 20 daggio which we acquired several days before the series along with others in our regular picture ser Moutreal Ilie cut was but it didnt get 111 somehow or we would ft 11111 11111111ed CV to be used then have been real prophets But toket the halls tastng do putty and the Allaiir Jones 111 Itlltfxlt 111 A1 atliiblc tnnmif walked 111Val Van It 111111 around the back shop for 21 Imonth after that and one day some decided photo of DiMng would fill hole on the sport page and it got printed without anyone bothering 111 read the caption We ipoited it too late and heard plen room and liealiiig plant should be OBITUARY Mrs John Thomas 80 Dies At Collingwood um 111 1411 Jotin Thoas of Sunziiilax 5111 Wcle 111111 511 11 Eur1 Funeral semen 11 illliignbod 111111111 of England Mrs lnoin as was the former Esther Stare and was the daughter 111 the late James Stacey and Sarah of her death she was born 111 ling Allen of Sunnidale and Walter 11f Thomas of New Lowell stepson Norman predeceased her gby only 15 days 115 Ross Stacey Gilbert arler Morris Murray and Wes Hates Floralttibutes were sent by the New Lowell WA and New Lowell Womens Institute 1y about it weeks ago No doubt Native and 11191111 coming some wise guy around town scntf0m Stump for 1110 funeral git to the Tely so we are tll0lllg inchlded Mm Kml Bell of Ingle But 11111 oIIr 1111111 belt but yesterday we 111a product to shame lemons were 1friiit Reg Of late every year each Tuck tells us the previous efforts due to fill more pie crust Says Manual Not Intended Up Tax Continued from Page One smaller mevenue than the farm er Not Compulsory Mr Chamberlain told lthe manual is not compulsory said it has been approved for use and firealarm system would al by the depamem but at presem Sisters Mrs Alice 30119de 011 Lemons in Ncwcmber We hard 11 thought Barrie was in the citrus saw two 1lemons growing on tree in Barrie tthat puts the California or Flor These two l4x16 and lilixl4lz inehes in diameter lovely looking Tuck of Dundonald Street got dwarf lemon tree from nursery in Georgetown ten years ago It has produced one lemon lemon has been good fortho pics Mr tree has been blooming about every fotir months But thcpair of lemons on the tree in his living room now beat all and are shortly wood Mrs Walker of Stayner Iloy Carter and Roger of Toronto and Blackburn of Stayuer Pioneer lnnisfil Family Lbses Member lifelong resident of Innisfil Township William John Lockhart 81 died at the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Wednesday Nov ember 15 1950 Mr Lockhart had lived all his life on the family farm on lot nine concession ll of Innisfil Township except for The farm had been originally set tled by his grandfather Robert Lockhartswho came to Canada from Ireland in 1843 son of the late John Lockhart and Sarah Woods he was born on the home farm in 1809 He was the lonly member of the Lockhart fain ily never to join the Orange Order although other members of the fain ily have been masters of Stroud LOL farmer all his life he belonged to the United Church and had Con servative Party affiliations He is surviVed by his wife the former Esther Jago three sons Clif Brennan and two Mrs all of Barrie James Jennie the department will not urge muni Thornton and Mrs Eva Qualtlz 0f cipalities to install it starting on the new manual would the given only when requestedHe gave this explanation When asked by several councillors why theIMrs William Hoover Louise and manual was allowed to be used in lnnisl when the new system in the county has been installed in lall but few municipalities nisl explained to council ing the manual township provide basis adopted by ment methods in use first the manual system than other systems difficulties he said use If Reeve Clifford Lockhart of In that the township had requested the department to give help in install He said the de cisionfto use it was made by the Mr Chamberlain said one of the chief reasons for the manual is to of government Which eoiild at future time be the whole province This would allbw for fair allot ment ofgovernment grants which at present are difficult to deter mine because of various assess It was the opinion of Fisher Ganton Medonte that the county shouldrestablish the county system then give consideration tO Answenng question by Carl Stephens Tossorontio Mr Cham berlain said the manual was notra legal yardstick When Mr Cham berlain said assessing Will always be subject to the human factor Mr stephens said thenthe man1 ual is no different than our own Says CommonBasis Needed Mr Chamberlain countered this by stating that his felt the man iial is simpler and is more denite The human factor wouldalways exist but common basis would solve many PEATCEOFMIND cocooooooooooooooc900 But at present you wont get anyone kilom the department tell ing you whatsystem youishould smunicipality asks for information we will give itfand if they decide to install thesys tern well help 1them do it The decision is entirely up to you The assessiorvexplained thatAthel manual has been considered for about 314 years Finally it was but together by department assessors v17 33 Esingwlsloiicostswmfs construction we Help in Toronto One brother Alex and five sisters Mrs Fred Webb An nie Mrs Lonza McCaulcy Mar garet Mrs George Jago Maude Marie predeceased him The funeral service was held at the PethickSmith Funeral Home in Barrie onSaturday November 18 Rev James Carder conducted the service and interment was in Stroud Cemetery Pallbearers were Jeff Webb Hilliard Webb Milton Bet teridge Clarence HoOVer Melville right into the machine and rentals of about that time When nished it was submitted to government committee com posed of experts in architecture agriculture financev forestry and other lines Some changes were manual was apw proved speci He said the manual is based on cost of replacement with rental factor applied Thg county System is bassoon replacement cost with application of deprECtatiDnobsol esoence age and condition and other factors whichthe assessor believes have bearing 79111119 rise major difference In tliefbystems is that the manual uss Square foot basis while the countysystemv ls based on the ubitlfootmeasurer 1a 14K Jamel Durham In her 81st year at the 111111 laud on January 28 1870 and tame121MIW1tL lHrentwood and stepson Carin Macdonoldl 96 Anothlt 11 Rev Cook contlucttd llie fun1 erl service and interment was i111 Bethe Union Conivtclzv IdllbrurHsNov 23 111 Toronto 1111 John Alex WCH Milford Cillttl BYUCK lllulniitlldtl Mardouald who died Mon of the Congregational Church Barrie and attended Olivet Con1 gregational hurch 111 Toronto 110 liobert 113 Cool Cars Derailed Mile South Of Beton Kit ficiii j1=1 11111 11 1135 am li vlli lrizztrei ci walli of Alldlatlail 111 of that had not 1111 111 proceeding The coal proceedings fren Stiatford to Allardale THE recorded WE AIl IIIR As on The Examiner Passes Away In Toronto Wos Native Of Barrie Funeral services were hed day Nov 1311 1031 in St Mich aels Hospital 111 was 911 llorn in Barrie he was onetime manager 11f the local office of the Singer Sewing Machine 11 He had 11tll resident of Toronto for 111 years and at one time operated 1a grocery store 111 North Toronto He retired 20 years ago Mr Macdouald was member by three sons John and Edward and four is survived counci ford Leamer and Russell and cool He daughter Elnos own carrying case opens out into fullsized sewing surface fits EELNH= asrws RADAR XL 1121130113DRESSMAKER=SUPPIIESW 124 Dunlap St daughters Mrs Wilfred Smith Mrs Clifford Burns Mrs Aubrey Agnew and Mrs Joseph Dclamere Hoover and Lorne Mchiiileyall nephews of the deceased Floral tributes included wreaths 11 and flowers sent by Iiuiisfil Town period of 11 years when he lived ship Council Knock Community on the fifth line of the townshipJ 1111in WA 111111110in United Church and neighbors TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 UNWANTED IIAIR eradicated from any partvof the body with SacaPelo remarkable discovery of the age SacaPelo contains no harmful ingredient and will destroy the hair root LOBBEER LABORATORIES 679 Granville Street Vancouver BC fore real winter sets in deieimmed but 111 1111 es in all The Examiner for Printing PIIONE 24H FOOTWEAR with neatly boxed pair of MINATURE pmsnc 51103 Now you can buy shoe for him or for horfor Christmas knowing flip your gill will fit and the style will please Our new Gift Plan makes poislbla The plan is Gift Certificate for any amount you with neatly boxed with tiny colorful pair of plastic 511033 Certificates ore good to the amount of their face value for the purchase of any size and style of flipper 11100 or other merchandise in our stock It is wonderful gift ideaand so easy to buy WALKWEl Shoe Store 11H BERllllCAlE OPP POST OFFICE BARRIE Window Cleaning STORES OFFICES FACTORIES RESIDENCES Have those storm windows cleaned fixed and put up Now be Dial 4213 Over 15 years experience is your guarantee of complete satisfaction BARRIE WINDOW CLEANERS GEORGE OCONNOR Manager Slip sock over Elnus OPEN ARM dam in iiffyl Slip closed cuffs armholes over it sew as easily 115 on flat surfedel Slip tdrn elbows andtrousers over it and mend them in minutes No other machine mends tubular shapescs Elno doesl Elna darnsfaster than you could ever do by hand It mends in minutesso expertly youbarely sjee themend No other machine can dos it Elnamono gramsembroidersesews backward and forward andin ANY directin Heavy bulky fabriCs thin soft sheets Elna hsmlsjthmallviithquafais ElEi FULLSIZED yet stores away in small space Elna isfa magnicent Swiss preA cision machine solidly builtIt sews silently smoothly it doesnt vibrate fits joy to use Come inslet us free demonstration give you Phiins 303