Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1950, p. 12

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12 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NIH 37 with SUPREME COURT RULES THAT MIDLAND NOT LIABLE FOR CHARGES OF SIX CHILDREN Midland voii another round last week if its lzii tiff with Simcoe County Ch In Supreme Court at ildiens Aid Society sgoode llifll Toronto ruled that the town did not have to pay lliltllltif charges for six children of faiiiily which llal eVicted from its home in Midland In so ruling Supreme of Judge IIarvie giver ion Court in Midland lh Court upheld the iiiiji in April in IlltYlllLll in appeal of Simcoe Childrens Aid Society was dismissei with costs Over three years ago at the time the family was tlllll liil land asked the Childrens ltl So ciety lcinjmrarily to care for the children and agreed to pay inaui tenante costs it was considered Letherby Heads Simcoe East Prog Conservatives East Simcoe Consenamv gtl eialion met in Midland hang Hall Monday night and in spite of icy road condition large alleud ance of the pailys supporteis took part in the election of iilllttls and other IltCtttlill In ballot for the presidency Lloyd Letlieiiiy of oldwalei was elected over laiil Copeland of illia ilr Lethiroy said he realized that Orillia Midland and Vietoiiii Harbor had furnished presidents and he looked upon his election as conferring an honor on the village of Coldwater The veteran secretiiry of the lll ing association David hnreh Or illia said he was crowding til years of age and desired to be relieved of his office Mr Letherby said he deeply regretted Mr Churchs de cision as he had been tower of strength for many years George Dudley KC of Midland paid glowing tribute to Mr the outstanding Christian gentle man of the town of Orillia lli Dudleys motion that Mr Church be made honorary secretary for life was carried with applause The office was left to be filled by the new executive The executive includes 1st lti president Alex hliiclutosh Mid land 2nd vicepresident Mrs 11 Trinicr Orilliai 11rd viCepresident Stan Coates Orillia 1th lLOintsl dent Mrs Moriarty lort Mc Nicoll 5th vicepresident Morrisl Dudley KC Sllllliilts that it would have cost Midland Dudenhoffer Orillia township It was decided to have township groups name their own representa tives to the executive Clive Park of Midland was elect ed president of Junior Progress ive Conservative Association for the town of Midland and was add ed to the senior executive Balance of the Junior Executive is lst vicepresident Howard Smyth Midland 2nd vicepresi dent Mis Keefer Victoria liar bour 3rd vicepresident laiil Beatlprc Port McNicoll secretary treasurer Tye Midland The speaker Hon Welland Gemmcll MPI3 for Sudbury who was made Minister of Mines for Ontariolast year was introduced by Dr McPlice of Orillia The youthful minister who is only 40 years of age and who was Uni versity classmate of Rev Hol den of Coldwatcr gave his aud ience graphic picture of Ontarios tremendous output of minerals and pulp and paper New iron deposits containing almost unlimited ton nage would result in great indus tiial expansion for this province which was also producing other metals on an ever increasing scale the speaker advised Mr Gemmell predicted that within five years mainly as rcv Suit of Ontarios resources Can adas dollar would be at prem ium in the United States rDr Jr McPheerrinihisrcmai geld the Frost government policy was to provide hospital accommo dation before offering provinceI wide hospitalization scheme In line with this grants were beingl made to new construction such as the more than $45000 recently pro vided for expansitm at Orillia Sol diers Memorial Hospital Dr Mc Pheecited the advantages of thcl TransCanada Highway passing through the riding leadership of Premier Frost George Johnston MPP for Ccn ireSimcocrmidwaributewtuthe by the town as ti leltl until the porn establish ii home but the piei1 ii iii If ltllt liili traced and ioi ili lay iiiiseiieu iiil ii the mother voulu ioi ii lil lengthy period Meanwhile the llltlliltlilitl of the children is iostiii Midland taxpayers more than two thousand Iltllll iiai linder Illtl iiiiiinrt on down considered that l= it it fluid been deseiteil iii Mi gold were neglected ii iwitliin the llltlililll ihlltll town oftiiials should come to the aii ll Aid tliroiicli statutoii iii iNotiee was given that one lie10 the imoi vlilllltl pay for them tliildrens ltl Sol lli lid not consider the Hub ll 31 Iglected because llidlanii Iioi sinned responsibility for tun llt and took the Town lo ii iii llourt judgment eoiniiieiJed Ilii the Society had irliially itni lil the towns notice 11tl the So it childrens maintenance liltill 1949 to September 1030 =li ltOlllll iiupaid by the luv zii $290 llad Midland lost last veili Supreme ourt ease the town would have had to pay this account And lidliiuds tax payers would have had to con tinuc to support these child ren until they became old en ough to support themselves taxpayers at least 812000 poniting out that he wasborn in Orillia George Dudley who shared the duties of chairman with Paul Cope land of Orillia said it lookediasi though Walter Thomson the new Liberal leader was attempting to duplicate Mitch Hepburns clown lug tactics He said little had been heard from Mr Thomson since gtzhawa Labor Councilhad dcil nded his resignation as MP Mayoro Smith of Midland poke briefly and urged the gov rnment toltfyto find the solution such growing problems as liqu control William Morrison of Penetang pid it would be helpful if informal pushed in eachriding Entertainment included solos byI Mrs McPhee PortMcNicoll WandMrs Lloyd Letherby Cold dance and lunch iMINARDS IMENT nick relief 101190 bermvided regarding fmhat4he governmenthas accom NvatenTbe meeting cencluded with Rubonfreelyl and note in If ya HI It 11 uthluiwoxl payment for care oi 51 fi ll l2l the Mealord Amateur Ath mtitlllltlll at its annual banquet pre for the best president Dr competitor during the softball league Above miist coveted reward locks itcsl tlle Judge llaivie lll his l1li Dont All Agree Not10 itll illll lilili look Nllti who Church whom be characterized zisill hill ill lilyH lit 130 WWI LilLe jiiiilii buildings in this cupllal int tulle would as lie looks illicit that time not only files ltIllllltil in some instances SSW trod miii temporary and that the to terminate ourt that said iiithi Supreme 11 till hat Lieenient illith hi hi indignienl lidlanil has represenltxl by liillii and the Society In Judge llilitgt tltllii iie 1i others crawls or is it stand till Marl lliinayzie of the St John ininini lelegiam recently made survey oi pnblie clocks in this Cll lltlilill ate the results Stepping on in the rain liaviii taken the precaution of lilltilll the bosss car the reporter made tour of the city beginning with lllt clock of lower Street United Church lleie time stood still At 3110 pm correct time the hands on the clock on the church steeple stood at 030 lp at the lloinan Catholic Cathed ml the clock was four minutes slow but at the railway station the cloel was right The railway clock was the only one though Another public clock in the west end of the city was four minutes slow and jewellcrs elec tric clock was two minutes fast lrisoncrs in the city jail were lielaren ICC of liar worried loo when they found the courthouse clock was two minutes star pitcher Keith llttllltlll unanimous choice is receiving the award from vice t3 liiiiley man they should WW 356E 1m iv The iie nondeiiih if they peiziimi iiiore tiiiie behind llillS iil what looI all this liltit iiii slakis either on rainy layi oi oi iiih all The miner for Printing INSUL BRIC SIDING LLl BETHESDAK hl few days wli hci sistei 11111 In 11o ioii lliadfoid is 21111 holidays with ili and Mrs Joseph lliiizloii di and ili image foulls liuhzii ieii Sanduy at the lioiius if Not man and Foich lllbll Pill anti his Mayo and Miss lillttll izitl Mi and Mrs ll Alan will Finlay of the past wii ll llslttllltl Sunday visions with Mis Maude kuptlillitl included Mi and Mrs Wite Snood and Miss Sarah Shaft and Mr and Mrs Ieth eiln oolixtowii lualii Join and Clarence Mun spent Monday at the Royal Wm tii lell Air and lll it Illehlaster aiid leliildien spent Suiidav witli rela tive in Toronto and Port Credit ilis loinen was in lor onio on Friday and attended the teiicliiis convention Mr and 311s Caldwell Shiiiily Bay were Sunday guests ol Mr and Mis Irving Cooper Mrs oiilts spent day lasti wck with her sisters in Iorontoi lr and Mrs lId Ililloek and baby visited on Sunday in Aurora with Mr and Mrs Cooper Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs 12 Iilrov were Mr and Mrs lrud Fife and family and James Allislon The Senior pupils of the school Supply iiiat uiiiaiinls tltlll blltllvzllillltl with several other neighbor in schools took bus to Barrie recently and spent an enjoyable day going through many iiiteiest ing places in that town such as Scotia and of cliildrcntoo 7F61$1Ti07271f13 VT represents the total assets of The Bank of Nova SCOCIRRS at Octobcr3lst 1950 Thislargc sumcxists because tens of thousands of Canadians continue to want and Use in our daily lives deposn their money in The Bank of Nova It is an accumulatiim of active money made possible by the savings of men and women cmnpaniesTIlEsEpcoplefalone adin groups borrowed John Smiths Mrs Browns and Dr Joncs money to buy machines materials stores and byilclings or to prbvide working capital so that they could make and sell in increasing abundance all the varied things that all of Farmers for instance were able to Limprove their livestock to build new barns or acquire new equipment because they were able to borrow part of the money entrusted to the Bank FLIGHTS FAST DAILY FLIGHTS FAST DAILY the CC budding The Ilsizic ultllikl CKBB e21 and 31115 le by itii iii llaii kil ciizcles ably damaged automatic machine in an ling fl ligth brush factory makes an odin iiy bloom in 40 seconds NI lIUSIHAI llliI ittzi ELK linl altl Full and lanai tenfill and Eli It hitMair iziteit lnfortuiutr Aetidcnt Sisllll fiitiiliate Friday own gate to tuin in his Panzer incident itli handing Parker was 11 wlni Flank There NEW CAR sud Drive It Yourself Call 2772 BA RRII DRIVEACAR leltod giilt one ti ticks fioin been to llze Barrie hauling bridge bi all ofloii the Fourth line of no one was hurt but to involved only gtOlirlitltl licw Comma HEBIZ DRIVIJILBELF LICENSEE Collier St 37 FAT DAILY FLIGHTS IIle III coir and 000015 THE rim fly the family Heres how you save with TM FAMIfY ARES then the family lly on any Monday lncsda or Wednesday Father pays liill loi oneway basis Mother and all the hildicu lllltltl go lor only half fare Year round on any day liiliiien to fly for half fare and babes in aiiiis tiaicl lrcc Make your next flip miniy flilll youll all enjoy and save as you go on lflAs liall lare family plan Fumin Fares apply on all TCA North American services except CanadaTampa Florida See Your Travel Agent or Write ICA National Building Bay and lcinpcriiiice Sis Toronto TmeBANKOf SC OTIA has 15 Condensed General Statement as at 3lsl October l950 to day operations to these public bodies thousandsupon thousandsof individuals and do Barf ifit $8185853622 to bcclvacrwas held by 1110 Bank in the form ofcash for theBanks day Another part of it wasloaned to the Dominion and other governmentsof Canada the provinces and counties cities and towns This money helped to build schools roads bridges water works pzifks public buildings and to provide variety of community services total 9f $24962015638 was on loan in various forms iButlthc biggest part was put to workby Hancock Manager BarrierOnt M01005 1000 scum SIGN or GOOD FRIENDSHIP IndiViduals with soundfbusinEssldcisiviire able to turn these ideas into useful enterprises Companies were able to grow andmakmore and better jobs That parcof the Banks assets being used for all these varied loans both in Canada and abroad tOfElledg667426277li7i TjT ch $818107524JS is alotpof money But through the services oleie Bank of Nova Scdti Canadians across the land by putting this money to work for themselveswere able to serve the bst interests at everyCanadiam Cash clearings and due from an Government and other public securities not exceeding mar ket value Other bonds and stocks not ex ceeding market value mwgalliloans secured Otlier loans and discounts after full proyisionfor doubtful deb Liabilities of customers under acceptances and letters of credit as per contra Bank iprqniises Other assets $140389082 24695221230 2322962907 275117640Ln7 vwiwi bad and 32703090273 2714588852 19121374060 62062413 18f0752413 LIABILITIES 5136362 Notes In circulation Deposits 74901184198 Acceptances andletters of credit outstanding Other liabilities Capital Reserve fund 2714588352 201808322 1200000000 2400000000 42577972 24000000 214 50707 Dividends declared and unpth Provision for extra distributions Balaric of profits as per Profit In Account

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