Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1950, p. 9

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l9ronto and Mr Besses sister Mrs Pastel from Greenbank also Mr Iimsda wiring Lurrcii has tlJ yd at iu LLiic of he met II October chumr if rrrrrLe from hezt attended mace Mr and Mrs Lester Straight Ii Holmay tumors 1m Mn and MIN Buy my UACI upegypfthe internatoiral Picrtrzig Marci ail IIIICIII III IIIII tended the plotting match on Tues Mrs Earl Shannon were hit anal spent thc wedcant at rrs home litfl IIIII IIIIIIIII 09ml Ii day Mrs Brunsch and Elizabeth new The WA Ira arl barasr lltsllSILIIIK IIIIIIIIII II Agni jamgain agglstanlI Mr and Mis James Smith Alice Mrs Brnrisch and Mr and Mi Mi and IIh HIM ILWZII stoh Lnrtel tr will Livia It St rim rges Church Tor ifIii Mr $1113 Mollskr and baby of St firthl and WI Imd Octobrr t0 dnhd cmnim pl tuo 11lCtS on Son Ilstlrd Ialdbvl Bullncllnan at army HHINI IN To Last Maurit arc Mild 33 IIlWI NSI 33 L5 Sump Stuufivrlx on lrdncsday Mr and Mrs Ctautcr of Tor II II Li ldrllmm tndrieii and lllcen Kr LWI IIllll rmIhgI turf Mr Merritt Falls xi it Tor Buff is andE II vvere pchcllZ Rev Ciel who wondacteu the election of emu onto spent the neekend at Mr guru Sldftt Skinner t1L was the guest sing FLYING FINN wanda lo tllg stthl Pm Mics in CunI irrrarrrtd on October at llrltltll I1 III II JRIfleg IllHllg Grant Allen patient in the IIIIIkIIIiiUvaw time III IIIIIquIn WmulmLm lift out lubtl aster in II III IIII stun ul 2111 Luz Au smurfKL Brown lCcprcaiu II Pd XIII IIIII III II MEI 86 1e 059 bmm hm Visitors lll Mr and Mrs Basrl Sliver Wedding Anniversary palsy Adan will ccrttrrv Jami IIi IJJD VI mu II him speedy recovery Ix In WWII IHI llc1 arm 300 8er treasurer Domed ML tinr roarr iii ricer Simian goodly number or the ladicsi SM 0300 gt1 MI mum Flog II IIIII II II AA +L rA4mAr 7VAI WI so ka 01 191ka int Cllti lming in the floral Ililuilu iiosptlaLC BXUWH UH 01107 WlWH nvener Dm bl I1 Am candid vr Alvin Smith or lung Mon dn thlolvd 0U3 emns lllc Barrie llrs nrany friends nope nonlU their relutrtcs gathered to Mdsun HZ 1p content1 II HI CIIIIIII JIIIIII gIth IIIIII IIIHIIIIH II Tm II rIIIICIed Im at home of Mrs Boyd of tornton ml soon be Lorrie surprise lllclll on their 23th red yum noqu cum ip convencr William Brown pianist Miss Wirit lltld 14 last Thursday Mrs rer ii ritzncd to it ellU llwlml in gt0 803d db 01 llllthNlllIs lsritrinsllrrtltm ding dillVUllI Minimum and SIN Rm IIIIIIIIIIII IIICIIIIIIIIISVIHIII by the sheriff gt tilllLL this year be mum ml lrlItif the new mlun liltrnllt ware Viln and beautiful gifts of SllVLI and next The meetings Will be If II II II tt it Lll ltLl it Plan are lrttlllirc tlili1tlir to lr and Mrs Jdlll trust or 2x ancars Arrears tolul 0m LWM WT lUClL given by Ms Joiv of Barric lluwcrs were presumed to thrill cicrv Wednesday evenrirgn the III IIIIII II Wednmdw IIIO HI III IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII $130 293 xi tvir il him at ca MR and MD ph Sunpml to the ladies of Dalston and Llowcs With best Wishes that they may nrw Sunday School room FA Ll It LtJll tftoitieater Ltrlfltz hp ll llhhhlofl Liliiitl ilrs Jarrrs Smith am last yr and Peggy Spcm the holiday Week institute at the church biistllitll lune many happy years toeether forte above public school age is III II end at Mr and Mrs GibbonsI we use Mrs Dunning Toronto is lFlllt IIW ing with her daughter Mrs Bow than Allen Remit canal Retail The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs Joseph Bowman iindlI the family in their recent sad hcI reavemcnt BAXTER October ll Mr and Mrs Turnbull andI Keith and thand Mrs Mac Aphec and son Arthur vrsitcd Mr and Mrs Adair at Molcswortir on Sunday Congratulations to Doreen Rusk and Norris Duffin who were mar ried on Saturday Mrs Gauiey Sr l$llttl with her sister Mrs Banks Buru If ric last week Miss Black spent the Weekend thIPwm at her home inirnvcniiurst IIRII new Mr and Mrs Ruddick nird pchnaiin 709 Alvin motored to Hamilton on lri 1qu Rpm day evening to attend the 25th nl 25 wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Joseph Irwin They also vis ited friends in St Catharincs where they spent the remainder of the weekend number of peoiilc from here attended the almchrSary services at Burns on Sunday Mrs Saunders of Flamboro spent the weekend with her daughter Mrs Kiernnn number from here 1277 REXALL onus STORES IN CANADAI COVIIONT OCTOBERI WE lllllll FRI SAI 321 rttcnded PURETEsIT the funeral of the late John Leach HAUBUT on Monday The iatc Mr Leach UVER lived in this community until CAPSULES year ago when he went to live with his son in Sault Ste Marie wiicrel he passed away on Friday after brief illness mt mm In an rim pro 1575 Icza 74mm 60c larlragc 256 hot llcxnll 60544 21m26 very enjoyable evening was lcrUXirlr 01 REXALL t3 we by members of $145 but llcxnllAgrrllrx MI 51252119 Slizdliricyligretcstlllalrinrt mm mm ORDERLIES mini iiion initiator faflkjfmn Icy LOBA and visitors in Baxtm rillllilllllltlllWZZforsLZG pmmmling EaixlSIO gIIp2I $1 ASallcx iiilIs ORDERUIS llllllllphl 2ur76 mulsiniprhrmlothrf 017mg 118 Wednvsdar Vtn 125 ll Blood lII 2161 coo LIVER on 323513er itlllllsltsm 222 21061 515billwml Jamal rug when the Scarlet Degree was unlier moi Zlovl26 1251 ltioz PUREIESI II Iquiinmm rum put on by the members of ter Vic 35Il0lsmlllltl silZPTOIINIl 2or126 munE sitcEIiIltIiIlfo mgtirliiIlliirItiIIIII EIMZM 126 tory Club of Toronto Tire gucsts SVJiz235 TONIC 95cbut ruralti BlSMAREX mm inlilusulttanr 221 GiltstrlcsIIllis 21035 of the evening included the RW Soglltllllxllgill 21m 61 ZUIZ 7nd livcriilI MATESzts 60cm 73015519 GM of Ontario Wcst Sister IIIwp 2or126 S1210136 WISI IIII II Item tad REXALL Jackson and large number of L0 50 pkg Snuilml $119hor lurctcst itnmin 5415M llMultiple 21036 LD BA members from Alkmdam Foot lowdcrrllm zlm5 3529lI9llnglI loIrric with IlmmllllilllelllfS 50crikg llrrditai 29cIlmtCalnrninc ICA SUIES tor the degree the members OIII uIzs BUII nu iIEI1lIIIKlllllllll ssiiilitrrirIIIIXI07III3 $1Ilglltlrovcdlz MHZ03426 lnlilrts l2s 20r51 Anionlrt oz 2for30 2061 Baxter Lodge served lunch and SO ioIII lItIfh I038 Iiox rIrrctcst leumtml II but nniplior 35cli 1th C181 hour was enjoyed by IIHI IRON LIVER 2or36 Iron lrlililsl0s 210190 apsules2n ZIMSLOI 35cline Murat llin Lulu ml 0nd III 2IarI46I ThxmIAIEIICIEIIIZI Zhuas lowdcrs tablet 35bot Sweet NlitIs and BONE 3195 lmx lilrctcst Iitanrinll $115l did 5cl list 50cl Ml GUITHRIE Am 2W like 96I ll 16 23 246 21051 mattltitm gt 40c btchctNlIls lNllta 50s $100 One Minute llrzulnrlic wet 39C jar lrrstcx lluli II l6 KL 100s 21w szgznuninlc 1mm 534933 lrrrtltcst Vitamins Powders tablet $1 LirirIoIlIirrlIIz 2o41 506 but llcmll Nose 315133 MY NIGHT lilii inc it II The semomber mcelmg of the 21026 LiIrlIiiiitinIlI phc Zlor llllllsiwos 20276 Titiislilrsrlls OIIII I0 PI 85d IlhIIIIIzlIIII IIiliIII 21m Adoli hljui Institute was held at the home of 95 sacrum InII 35crIrIinVIIiIItIiIIIIIi Ind Irejmhirigmgmnrc Mrs Hastings with 20 members 75c pkg lloxnli LPC 50c Ilottic PURHEST REXALLI lnlrnlIcrI II 210 36I DIICSOIIL Money was donated lOl lglthloIs F0 REXALL VITAMIEETSIC 75f lilbc Alrirstlrelic llemorr mI KIDNEY Ind on 650 hot Whit mm to 55 MI and 55 HI louder MILK of 2511 A100 lioltl intrrrcrrL$2176 iBLADDER PILLS mm Pine and Inr with for the school flower show Mrs 50 boll Optint loz25l MAGNESIA 6003M Rrxull lirmnu 5on llum AmrI an Ihmy 21056 II Ha introduced Speaker for the III hot mm Nerve Tonic 00 oz 2for96 35Ointment xi jar 51 50 llottie REXALL fte with Vitamin Iar llcsrl It Tl WIl lVIrsr PoeotIdrs31kcIErIielflhI PliiIcIdIIdf Bull 21016 Zfor 51 watt itll Salve II but Hill of Magnesia COUgi illiqu andm handyiiiliidIiiiliIduuiit the Survey in Cahadian IndustrvnIl 35c Bot ungu 89c bOLIchull Mi 31 Antiseptic 50 lill IlUllItnlI Ilinlrncul with lalilttsMirrt0rlils 2yarI36 3Clttl lmclurc IIshlalIii ii oz an lsopROPYL Suluuim 16 oz Mcllnl haluylntc lorlrrre2l2 210 Reason for survey is to help mi 29kait Mirth me Stainless 2151 51001 ml in no rod oz 21031 oc making docisrons on problems mt Alcmwl Crystals loz 21930 93 bOl K1991 Lllld so 35cbnt llcxirll iin3 are important The October meeltt RUBBING 59 bOln IllkyIS Antiseptic 16 02 2194 so liIrhiust ilIIIItIIIlIWU 2101 01 35c IXIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IOIIIIIII IIIiIt NW Drops AnEsIVEI ing will be held as joint mcctini COMPOUND Class War 16 015210 70 55 botRm rm Arid Jelly Zlor61 Sljllmllww 20 36 ii Wm 20r36 ih It ll IIll thb 16 on Sup Alllsoplcu 2156 $100 tube llrxali LP 35 box llcxttll II 29c hox llikcrs Quininc Bio rn ommunr wr 79c botlulltayIs rckStylc ssqlmtIToml Mlmmy 0rdipsI MSW 2for36 35clrot cgcfnblc niide Comp ative ffdecration 8n ThIIpIrIsdafybgetoIliIeliI Deodorant boz 2080 AmispiI8mIIII 21056 IIOIIImuIm MI 210311 011 oz 210136 TnthtHI 24k eorge 0nsaeo urcr will show slides gt Tire Junior Homemakers Club will hold their first meeting on GiraultcmouthJeclh Saturday October 21 at at thc home of MrSI Gordon Calidweu We Starlight Correspondench 75 Fancy PpottIm Lo Baltimore 50 boxxmspms 35c litxii Tooth Brushes 3125 MONOGRAM Inc awziilIssliifiimhdmn girl between the ages of 12 and Curt cllum 29 SllfflzIzU envelopes ads Linen lesh 2or36 l4 Assurlpdu II 2103951 Nylon bristles CLINICAL REXALL 2106 hum IIllSll 276 10c pkg Blue Lined 15c boyVnirsCrrds EllilllIs 21036 THERMOMETER POCKET 26 aIreI mvlted to Jom If you mien 50c Scotc apelcnci $1 Bllllln PilPPtNlO Envelopes 2f0rll 13 II iZbom 40c lleynll lootli llrush NylonI INlfl II to Jorn and cant attend the first vellum nish 24 sheets 30shects 30 envelopes 10 pkg Bukpymlum Ion 56 Mg Brights in plume BakeliteN 90MB cmoradent meeting please let Mrs Duncan arrd24envelopes2for51 Vellum Finish 2f0r3101 Finish Envelopes 20 CarnglAgtfIzmxftsl01 lulic 21w IIIII irrcasc IAmmoglagch Cameronor Mrs Caldwell know 606 15c Homclnwn Note 15c pkg ltexnll Iiincn Finish 15 PkngXimlS SId 50Cll llllmlllBrUalltS s1501r 2111 IuouiliWAs so the required amount of supplies Spring Garden Pads Ruled 2f016 Envelopes T3115 and Stnls2za16 luri Iiirisllvs $1 51 15 210nm Ilrrrn lrprs for III may be ordered from the depart Papehle IOylLm hole 20c pkg Lord Baltimore $125 Ladics Nylon Bristle blmlw lo 100 pkg lriscilli Bobby Pins 15c Rpm rpiIIllnLUlllhx 519 merit Come prepared to give your 30Sh90t51 Pds Imc Fmsh Envelopes Hair Brush 40 DfllllFlOSillll Zfor Brown or BlflICk awrth mlmh 2f016 rub aname 30 envelopes 25 Berkley FoldoverPads Linen Finish f2for21 IPllstiClhick Zlorl 26 15c Rexall Curl Combs wuum Fin 49c pr lloxbury RubberGloves $250 Monogram Ianglisli ll Linen Laid lrnrsi 20 26 15c botI 01d colon 5200 but lidmug 2for16 on holidays and weekends 25c Zjorsz srzcst IlQ andb 2050 Morocco BillfoldHerper or 15c 051in Slack roads lead to the Site Of the 2f61 Elmo lichiiadld 5210i soclltVtllIthhlIloll 154 roll llcvrillroC Bumka21m251 Camill White 2forl6 thbrwhe tower on the third concession of soc Brcndn Social Notes 24 rounovsu Mudragc 20 16 lou 333 Wk 15 10c llexnllBobbyx mumm Wm Combs Oro The question is What is go sheets 24 envelopes mm 73 izfvr51 1d Phin 20 16 Coirrbs 210 0120 Comm 26 KLENIO Vellum Finish 210v 20 Rexail Childs 10c chalchntslg 1001 330533 mg to be bmlt therer At present Pcncrls 06 20 Rovrllbt trc 35lluttll Lt lontli Blllsllfs Zionzl ll Dressing Combs 2f 20 non ausan We bulldozerssare taking off hllltODS 75 Mayfair Ppelcrm firzforizeArir Pencils unit size 221 Xmas mting Cari 15 Rxlll lvion 13 15c hope toIIchoosron to fllliln the hollows to make roads 30 Sheets 30 we most 30c Keynote Lotte Size Pads mmxmascards 210 26 250 via NCHZO PMS bi You can get beautiful view of the Dead Edge 2176 Linc leSl 210 10 Assorted 217039336 TOOIII BIIISIIIIEII R117 mild 2fmzs Geuls or Ladies 21 16 countryside in all its hues Holiday visitors at the homeof Mr and Mrs George Besse were Mr Buckman and family froml cosmetic ciar 625va I7det Saazd Stimulate and 16 5ij Mimi masonic 7dce pew 365 BAYRUM ernltvlt AD In the lallIllly visited inPeterborougliIeI mime IItiIthlru 2Ml51 Rm YDROGEN ROXJDE iii 0L 2or61 and Mrs Harvey mu and family 65cbe Gardenia sscboi LoricAlmondiBlognr new 19Lia 29c cake llexzill Klonzo 7561 Minnelli hcszumt from Seabright wimIIMrI and Mrs A3 Face PowderIs1I02BJM66 Creamwrthlioney2jar66 Buinntigfnlfllli $41 germicidal III 30 slugligflllt If 51Szigvmg otrprr 1310376 mgh mm Clifford Besse I65 Bottle 75botRexnli93HairTonic 039 but urrIenui emu congratulations to Miss Dames Vila5 GARDEN and Dressifygu 2I76I mouse HYElztiIINJiE COLOGNE 15 oz shrrvininmron 20126 Murdock and Harold Caldwell who FACE POWDER of Soutlitgnslulinuce 25c cake LoricImnc Bough COLOGNE 201I01 92po memo gt 50 cmotagent were married on OCt LlsgurlENEn Bottlcr Early Geranium or Makcsacliarming gilt IIIIE cream AmmonaIEd Mr and Mrs Frank Springall Ior 1193 AIR TONIC Langlms Lavender2for 2051 70 45 766 lb TOOTH PAslIE and Valerie of Toronto visited Mr Iu nigger IrIiIidy Night ghosts and onsssmc SMP piimgm 30 waging and Mrs Caldwell for the 22hr 101 ssunr Gardenia of Southern GARDEN or is 33 tube 120 34 Thanksgiving holiday FrauccColdLiquefyrng of 5126 JASMINE $135 butgardenino out icm DcntulCrcme MEN HOLATED Miss Margaret Caldwell Gordon Cleanses 66 of Southern iJIliIcctImiII dc COIOgII 50 ml 219 51 Caldwell and Frank Springall mo 20 51 Vamsm Ceam Meier Langroiauvcmfe Tolymno 2ft 126 33ctIrtallEerlInIc Io Keepslllehirrheway on lured to Toronto Thanksgivmg 85 bot Camena II 45 Bottle solidied whirllling orb Im Old ldhtlr Powder 27034 2hr 50 you uam mormngm meet Mrs Harvey Cald Perfume 2V dr 21086 Engllillimvmdm 261 45le Rem GLOSKREME well who returned from England mm ls ml 10mm 219401 hung Srmnwmm 210 46 Alk 011 NH729541 REXALL 33 after spending thesummer there mich mum 71de We Bottle but Rpm She will visit with relatives here My NightBlupI IIlLMONhS chloride skating Lotion 2or46 until further word from Harvey Hyacinth English 21m 656 Bottle pkg Gardenia of Southern lORIEv Ammonmlch 35c Bom who is ltfFort St John Yukon Gard Caniution IISILQUEI Francelalcum 2far51 LAU do COLOGNE TOOTH POWDER uncles IeIrritOry his leave havingIbeen M41 75cjarJontchombinaiion poo if LAVENDER changed on account bf war condiv 35c prsPInlsGMdenI Cream 2576 ll 261 zmso Aifglygxmc trons JasminerMy Night Blue 49ttube Mi ill Misses Ann and CaiheriheIIMCI HyaciirtlrIeEngliSh Garden 7m 8am turnout menu Jimer III IIIIIIIIE II Dennison 2far50 21m 86 II Cusig and Ross ofT0roInto spent Cllmolj 210586 mums hvmm 35 hotIRiketIa Emulsied White orIGentsshaItie English Law 9910 ld 45IIpIkg Mull ootli Powder I00 Lunglois Luwhd 11515 $35 $2 the holiday Withfheir parents calm Commit Oil 2hr 46 lulu is coughquickly Lorie Apple Blossom or Sb 20 BntiiLolognoJoz Zlor66 bonito II 2far46 blMiIIIanIOilP I2 31 01 and Retd Richardson SILQUE ANTI pine mum mp in III II plrrstitIIliowl newt and family Vlsted Mr and Mrs gt5 Piiiiigiilili hows 23 WI FOR RELiABiLrTY Stan Fairbarn of Bracebridge mu can 31g pill Lone Bath Bulbs bu We man the rim to iiiit tin quantities puicimcd by any custom MLANA cant 5123 returned nth the 210146 nelson III 21013101 Wng the mun mm below mayhave been 45min DnintyIlleiv 1150 package so onsuololuleuowrthanourrcgulnr II lgraf limb frogh 21213 darnmpowae 210146 if BLUE luluyet We arolncludlnz hem amour ten tip owmg ma 45c Gardenia of Southern VACINTHEI ONE SILK as they represent ion in spite of the weatherman ance Lipstick 21m 46 II pusm II Thelsympathy of theIIcomiuunity anvyiizgl VLusf 4+ 8095 MilAtkinson alld family 5125 with Puff 10 REXALL EFFERVESCENT then bereavement 5150 kg Ni in Dustn HEALTH SALT 7141 Mr and Mrs Clifford BesseIand 9r 101 luv 26 centlv RIKERS runes BALM large 2r9is1 II 13 15c Gardenia of Southern for if Rig MW 3min mag STORK mv rown 34 Dunlop Si Essa Rd ills IIIWI lSS on tree age 19 II last week Hm Silque Nailloliah Iller SQQA WAX HHIIzfml Remover Oily 2m 31 gt II III ELDERLY SAINT Perfumed 21w46 II St Patrick patron saint of Irevl land lashid toIhaveldled int193 ago Iof BudgetrSItlvinIgs Infthe originIaIIoLIe3ceni so mmmm

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