EXPERIENCED LAYERS GIVE FLYERS 63 OPENING WIN OVER AL MURRAYS HAWKS hxlkll paid xiii igailisl 11 til aiziziay 1eri Black llawss iiiiviaj night when ll1i ljniins Barrie FLINT QglchtLill Vth1AVV4bhli1 Aeinizi mm Annalibi triumph at BJEHL Arr11a THE BABRIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCIQBLII lb 1930 That 31s Ililill Em lloiil i=1 1x rod 11V 111 ilh 11 1111 iV1i 111111 fll lluI 211i 9111111 ls1i Viii llltIIl Tlitli 91 11 Him Hi mill it II 111 1111 he II Tm iniuill FLU 01 1030 were smart baseball Club Top flight players such as Meger Strachaii and Poland 311 11 11V 1111111 111 liiiix 111 11 11111 1t Shown here is the squad that 1111 roughshod Over all opposi left for the ice lanes But lllLil iiioid ltmallltd llllllltllleLl 33 WWI Imziil ili tion 111 their first Year Ill the North Slineoe League Fiiiisli Pictured above are the members of the club From ltlt to 1a 11 ii 111g the sodsttll without spiliittk which is Qllllp 11 out in right innt row Roy Enims manager Murray llicliaidboh IN Wit Him NF itseli we not enough for the peppy squad Taking on Camp first base and right field Bill lliigan pitcher Cliff Wags II II Im il the ii1 II Firwomenunderm MI 14 mm Borden lltl in the sciiiitiiiiil they extended tlieii unbiat MtAlllltlf tliiid bust Paul Megi 1iIltVllOl and outficld Carl III IIIIIIIVIIIII MI 11111V1l lit lluhiimmw ml en streak by winning in straight Llllt Then come Orillia in Ennns pitcher Danny Poland left field IJolin Feltls ceiitie IfIIIEIIiI15IIIIiIIIVIjISIWI Imp 2h lh l3ll WI WW lthe iiiiiils and three more uninterrupted victories and the field Harry Partridge trainer front row Jimmy Stracliaill 7111 tirmlmt 1111 rrw tins IIII 11 11 111 11 Ion IlIiiIJI Nuitll Slim3o illlty Entering 1113 pluydowns the club took tht first basc Mllll BlClMl bllOIlNllll Let JllIlldgovIbAtUOYI REG $2 $0 mm Mi in r1 ito hockey training camps ent Larrv Caiiipeaii second base Walter Long lltllll Old 11nd i1 oo in lil iV 15 mud mm W1 Tt lURVli MN lllil1iI 1111 1111 ereil the picture 11nd 1111 club 5i broken up tlitlllly absent Bruce Keii second him and iiti in IlllIIIIII II 11 4111 PHOTO BY Lids COWPER MURPHYSSTUDIO mp th lux iiiirmu ziiilw iv iliv 11 ilzei M1 Dim lilrl trio t11111i1111 1idl1ri norm 11 ill viii1 mil lmi 1111r1y llll llol lilc who ti11llio rim 11111111 iiiciiit 11 111 lph VIMMl 5l llll1li Windsor 11111 Stiiitfoid also min the 111111 lllii 1s nicknained mm the pill1 wail =lh llliu 511111 Lone signed onioni Willi Montreal iioynis last week Ilhiufl liliS thr11 111111 lilrlldl mix will Im ll ll ml mm latter lttlllllllL for several tins liii lloyals how several junior sturSl For womrn iwrr 1omiit1i1m ily II III Anti xm ilo1 111111 111 11 11 toll11l1illgt JJllml ion their roster in Howie Cox ltllllltl loroizto Young Ranger uiiil Marl hlllll lioriimiiilIllllltlliIIIIllt19 11li 111 121 11 llt tIltlII loot invmiremuiilexmnuynuwrlwhms ilt l1 tl 111 couldnt 1111til11 lllf boio dcfciiccinan llollic Rousseau liltlvllllltll rcarguaro with the Junior magnum munwmcm 1an BIIIIIIIIII III III II IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIhIiiiiIi iii mm 11 It 11 11 now 11111 Ihc ll1 Umls 194849 Mmmrm up 1me Mm 1mm III OHA Wm mm Hy MEI IIIIIIUIIII IIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIltlItil 1111 11 lIlIli I12ll1tII iI1va out lillltl on the siiiiaiiIin imnmpmm Guth Hillmm Gym Modulile Judo D011 and REGI I75 $I 0d WWI mm IMVI IJIIHVIIIVIIIH 31 II I1 Hill1 ll lm titnot cftiion formerly with Munitilil Nationules loliiiiiy Meslaii II IIIIII liLk liire i1il 1111 1o111I11 1o ti liiitiiilors Lionel llii Wm slurred rm porcupine CumbimSI my 000M and Rose of thiscliistow11111111irlwliil lii ionid lie zoizi little roiutli Ilic Hunks lllitl hard but Illllil litarfs ieri lilililill when LoiinV llt0 trioii 1il1 drivis lustinch for kiiiek innek ioinirs of his fislii nets llt unis especially brilliant 1113 lll the 111niilt 111111 1i l1 great piifOIiiiiiiiie 111m l2li lini HM and liiViii Wong Vvi 1111 1111r oi penalth Ili tinwirzin 1l11e1t shined the ller ll 11 Hour Hui ilitl tilltl lllll i1 l1ii1til llli liour Willi lllilt pliiiioniinil gtii on shots Iron liis lliltigtll tall missed the hon hut lllt Flu That started the great spearlieiid rolling For llt was only on the ltt for fiw sicoiiils ill the sciiinil lirii on 11 111111 utter spending so iiinny mmria llllll lllt tllllt ltlIlL Bill iioiilrl i1iil Ilillltll out quickly xiiik tlm l11 llt pawl tliil put on tinling puck 1iiIv1 show llariies first llll ot the siasoii come off the stick of luck Vootl IIULgt koll liliilhlll 2111111 1ti corner on his lo o1ls 11nd assisting on the third Iiis Ind who pounces on 11 break 11111 liiiir lll lao Lullme1 By GEORGE STOREY one flow the word iiiiiziWwiri winl 11 llllk the gttiiill liul that era is 11 th of llli post more memory those poor iiiitortuiiute team e1111iu who now are forced to li I1illllltllllilllgt on the line or ilsi uttvr the coiiseiiiicncis Sums likel cold iniiit iiielpli liillinoiis 1111 liIlllll Willie Marshall Ilasliy SI illlt individualisl It is rcporieii l1i comes of tho other orgoiiizutioiis lley lourtcziiii race look great or Lorne owes Last season vliitn talking to Don niiipliill If IIiI lltllillllllll 11111iiiit1iir ranks Iic llil or the vitjiiyiiicnl lie Itlthtl lltllll for too will be forced to coin new or else lllllll front tho llilllltlllltlll And wouldnt three or to liiiii ranks with lxitelieiicrWaterloo to he going to Szirnia Sailors iill will have pocketed StJlUll iorAseason Wednesday when they face the mighty IIVIIltISt Spitfires in tlie llorder in arena rcachcd in 1942 the most significant last seasons Memorial iip winners Montreal Lunadieiis llopper signed 11 professional contract with lortland of the Pacific Coast launzue and not lLlll as previously reported Lou Crowdis Iorinci sliawii funeral custodian has oven dropped by Ieveland and armed Win Moussmu onetiiiic ialt lied Wing is in senior llili Barrett former Flycr is reported lirunk llalliguii Inchscoring Biltiiioic last season has joined Merv Iiiiinliv1liiiis Charlottetown entry llarold DRUG STORE ESSA RD out 282 WHITTYS 77L road6 saw mesa OUTSIANDING BARGAINS iN GOOD CLEAN ltlb lldlll llt ill tlllliltl l1 11 lien I11iiiins iclioiiiidl by the time this Illlllltil scasoii 111 iiiiled which if true perfectly IlUlllill advantage in lllr llmllrlI 01111 11 the second piriod llie ridiculous llockiy today and it that matter commercialixed sport Tss ik IllllillliS of the 1111111i period liltlllltlltlllktl ltillllllltl wns silt1 in general is turning iiiio 11 world of 1xtri 1111s lliltiiioies in our mind lililkli ll illltl lllli lilil Ml 111 1111 d11111 llill he made the stop an eiittini llltll own llllUZtl by 1111111 gtlltll sums on lllt line and are 1e niiiiou llcil flitvilli snapped the official siorri liraiik Maxwell tlll on 11 whole lllllllliL Junior hockey and its players The word 1iiioteiii scorcliss deliillolk lgt litlltllllii Moi illllillltfl troohlv 111 the third perl is no loiieer adhered to it is striii in roll zind eiirliinzand prohablyl risons point ilboiiml llililiil nil 111d len the system wcnt 111111 ten other pastimes liiit SllHllg lllilllllltillill Ill liockiy It Guelph minder larkc Sonznnnilie lili 1111 hliiik lcio onnchcr failedl St atlinri11es Sllilliltl and lik it other junior tennis shove llltlil llarrlc Flych meet their first gt just llllLt seconds remaining to llltx Itspili his scoring of selves into the ittl with an exiiuioiiliiinry salary budget whnt be bit chl Of 11 young lllll IV It is to our way of thinking that junior player iiirlli $1300 The Spits who gamed 24 mil Mmh rim edge over Montreal Ialiadieiis doubled price tag could VIIic pinned on chrs Real flievrcfils in unhgamc exhibition ics are chosen by the hockey iIuI iiilminderI for gt1 Vzitliuriiics letpccs we learntII hrziss as the club to oncd Kill ISM Ilicvittltt COZIUII iMlm Ill pm mt Chm you gm hm junior mrmcs se op piiIs eIricd to iicuspalicr ropoilirs about SnOJllltl cost to operate Mllnwmg their Immith 1947 ilic Cl Convenlent nVlmuol mm mm ulm 33 my with Windsor the Flycrs return 1947 Chevrolet Pass Coupe BOXmmmOUSPIWMmum lllllhmimm sum If Hmmls as 0S Iilmic for an engagement wiiil 1941 cievrolet Deluxe Scdiii GMAC 10 would make soriicwlicrc around $150 veka II on JVOIUVsmhllunf mdomls Swmmovmgv hurdhlltmg Wound 11le enabled Dilll with ml amount playing with the Virus Ycl fiolliilitllillllliuon 1928 Ford Coach Payment or billikdblIchEClitity llccdcd Nesbittis Barrie Collegiate senior gridders to roll over Coming he will be mpncyintheiiaiik on the longrange scale For he II CI IVIIOICI COIICII specmlizc ill prompt cash loans wood 3237 Friday at Arena park in their COSSA home OpnerII wIirtIliI liipit to pImIfissionat ranks litlblfSS coaching AGmculTURIL OUTPUT DOWV 1L an 11 1133 III for any good purposc out of bpccdstcrs like Leon Garrick three lilaJOIS and Em Coop IIV IIXIFIVIIIIII Rays aIIIiIIiIiIuenIIIIIIIsRiIrtIgnGIISigeIiIIIggicIndAiglnin ARIIICIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIdIIdIIIII III CIIIII 1937 Dodge OMh pay as You PKICF IIIOUSVCIIOMI IlIlZlIlCl or or two TDS romped for unmcrciful gains behind heavy and iauiiuegcr iifornialioii llllltlcarlls iiigilcr cotitractls 13 was IUWCI In 11 1935 Chevron COM l21stIlricndly service Phone or charging wiligliilc led by Captain BOD LaiilSOIl 192 lbs and and for longer period While tIiiOScist atliariiics pucksters 1943 It W213 bow 1947 but dmvn 1929 Ford Coach 5101 today Al Moose MCLCOQ 201 nst III who make the money now such as obtained by Guclphs Marl 50llt3Vllal 10 illHlme lElk ANADAS URGES AND DIDESI ONSUMER FINANCE ORGANIZHION Phone write or visit 26 Elizabeth Street Second oor Phone 552$ BARRIE ONT ORILLIA BRANCH Minimum St Euit 2nd Floor Phono 2394 Hour to or by appointment loam made to ruidents of ntarby lowm punch when tlicir front wall gave Prior to the sczisoiis opener couch Nesbitt said It depends on liiii son 11nd McLeod as to our seasons chances utc dliey definitely sliowcd scoring plays timc to dcvclop The inter fcrcncc was exceptional as indicated by the touchdowns Bill Knoc High Coopers two majors wcic turf Riimbliiig l10osc McLeod ploughed through from the five for his major and Leon Gar11ck13e6d merchant deluxe slipped 11 yards who bullcd Collingwood over the StOcky Dick Kirkpatrick and rugged Bud Noblc opened gaping holes for their backfield aces Colliiigwood had little to offer in the form of resistance Aside from allstar sniipiMikc Carling captain of the team the line was porous shiill will find the road lrlIlIIC rougher once the age of 20 has been vaulted Such bulky salaries could lead to dissciiti Willie Marshall does not live 11p to the $4 clincd to forcsakc has gotten to the point where the highest bidder more its true but it could be adhered to in certain respects Turning to the local scene the Flycrs with show Friday served notice that in lovely new uniforms featuri heir impressive they are club to watch Deckcd mg the colors of their parent club Boston Bruins Emms squad treated roaring opening crmid to on on team too Suppose 300 value and the champion coaching for big money and todays hunt for players ins Amateur is no rcduction in output during l949 be ing for the grain crops Used Golf Clubs Must be in good condition and reasonable price All uscdcars displayed at our lot83 Elizabeth St II TIIRSLTII CHEVROLET gm mm Oiosuopite 5a PRODUCTS Biltmoics di arc comic Winning ways bv lcssci llCCd 10 Ti lt om and insptc wonI if 111m mammcr we bcfoii Ciossing thi line 11 our 10L drop into our disp iy lightweight Collinuwmd is um Althouin Lainson and McLeod 1ftIfIllEalhjnd VlClmlwswlufic the lump for team that doesnt llllculyflolllllshglgool refrigerator Frigidaire available in 76 dmiunstrImOnI his seniors mum be were bulwarks of the charging tlofLIIlIQII almost POSSblc to enforce 531ml mil and the 92 cu ft deluxe dolil wall In the mickuf the battle CVCIIy IIIIII from WRHI the were Others too omc lint siould be done about llltl outrageous sums Juniors are iiii ywccco Igaincied on end sweeps of 33 and 55yard runs Ends Kerr and Robinson witnessed end swecps from an upsidedown 1position for most of the afternoon due to successful interference by Beatty and Bill Elson Nevertheless the visitors did pos scsstwo promising footballers junior quarterback in Bill Fisher and lanky halfback in Ed Matth ews showed plenty of ability with Seasons ahead to expand Barrie were never headed throughout the fray iThcy racked lip 21 172 margin by half time The closest Collingwood came to clos good brand of hockey Officials Ken Holmeshaw and Andy Bellemer kept the game in hand throughout bv clamping the rough stuff irpm the very startiGUelphBiltmores had their iiIands full obtaining win from newlyorganized Waterloo Hur ricanes goal in the lying minutes of the third period broke 7411 deadlock Apparently Waterloo found ghlic BobNShropshire sent on loan from the Flyers big help St Catharines rallied to edge Toronto Marlboros in their opeiier whilcStmtford Kroehiers with Larry Lenienchick on their roster downed St Mikes 75 Lcmenchick tried out for the Flver la release prevented him from joining the club year and his 1135133230351 lHERE Alc hland fling laddic pioinded us With Journal from across the keeping in touch With the hcickcyironpthatDIII bf dys hence journal featured an article PHONE 2437 BARRIE NT SERVlNG TIIC PUBLIC SIMY 78 PHONE 3368 opinionglluto Supply IRE AND BATTERY SALE FuIIy GuaranteedyProcIucts MCHALE BROGUE hie Coates the big 7mg ithe gap were Singles Iby team boasting exFlycr Maltth Collingwood bowed signs of life in the third quarter when penalties 00000 the hidden score DIISTRI lwon the jackpot prize Tuesday FAMILY OAiiV EDMONTON CP The Jucbli and pass interception placed them We on Burrics five From there Mat 500x 20 ply $1320 rscczfiduiismiitd iLMAFF ADAY 11 11 thogfzjgd glide inelowlliisflx at Bafe illr 550 18 ply $1666 ciguadedto end tIIlle enrol31111900125 swank 556x $1367 afterafctrievinghis oankickVoff me The seniors meet their first big $1399me Wednesday whenthey tackle 11 ghglllgierralrfsiggfedllb les Vow 131g cgucp itain their Georgian Bay chilmpioli Wilsons 21 gt 1V Ship Beauty Counsellors 19 1321 135 Wild an insides 17 NobllaflCumrIiliElllgs middles McLod VAllltEliilale can 17 Lainson ends Elson Agnewiguar Sandy Cove Golfers 16 11111 no kVLksd Cabins 14 GENERAI WINTERCIEAIS tgettingthiilngfflis Kirkpatrick Roberts Rogers Ma Caidwnifs Lunch 14 LEATHER 60016 4PLY 015Mccunwgh Oughs 51 12 gt Ir XI Golngwpod5hapI Harling in BA 98 IL IIII VI II $3035 Sili off Keith middlesi Dyggl Peg Tops INIoI wedidnit him Ila HilliardI ends Kerr Robinson Adams he dideas 10W th up gt quarter Fisher halves IStewart RICarsoIn of Adam Butcherettes CI Cainrswartzl ying Wing Leeper subs Matthews Wright Brown SimanataI Form HewsonI GI II vI Ic IHeWSOIII Hm HandleyIICrewI Mc CHANGE BEFORE THEOGOLDIWEATHER STARTS EaChrel In PLATE $1050 WITH OLD BATTERY OfficialsGeorgie Storey Dame referee Jack White Cullingwood gt 15 PLATE $1550 WITH OLD BATTERY umpire Jack Garner Barrie head Fireplace Androns and askets BA CW rSTO RIE 17 IPLATE $1 40 WITH OLD BATTERY linesman 29 ELIZABETH sITizEVeT Fireplace Sets Flower Stands etc STEEL for SALE COME in AND SEE us TODAY 300 lBrothersV oflIldmontonhave built Taste what they believeis the only steel IswttMcHale Shoes for Men QuahtIyV Shoes for Women 00 ie 5568 in ELECTRIC and AIETYLENE WELDING lt ar one $333535 iociiatrIdeal1 widdogloillgn SE WV