Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1950, p. 4

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THE BARRIE EXAMINERMONDAY OCTOBER 16 1950 CREE1230 on your dial over 5000 Visit 133 Elmiiiillfg Barrie Works CGE lNote 4Year Growth Saturday except where indicat e11 ed Szgn Cll Band Music Kirks Curlch 211s lhcl lItpGZL News RCA Spcits lloazzacr 845 Snopping T2111 990 Hymns 171111 World 900 Saturday Serenade 913 Mun111 EC 11 Mary 93951111 1211 $11 Aiuszc box 10120 News 1005 1111iii 1015 Sat him 11 1030 535 700 715 1133 7511 ryGoltRound Movie Merry Steaui Iron lleiiionstrated 51 11 111 it mm 1100 1100 Saturday Morning Special 1101 Ol1111lf11illi 11 13c llllll 32115 the 11 511 Mon 1llii Oman 11111 41 ll 11 zi 1311111112 111 11211 11111111 1311113 Fair iI liiilvr 31i1i t1i III 12111if111 idtiil 111 ijiii 19 11 NV 311111 l11i112 Hizvll Ranch 11 Tinslriiii 111111111 Wheeler St 111 ib Han sup1211111 111i 1ii1i11i 12 1i iii 111 La gitii1c 1l iii 11111111211 gtiIii warmPr 17111 1115 of the Week lunch 17 11 111111 111iil1ilt 11 do liic 111111 i1111i 11111xliii 111 1111 111i 11 1Ci i1 11 ii1i1 111 ii1gtii iiiJli1 Js of 1i1 111 111 spa1 thittl Now 11710 iliil1lin 11111111 Ti Mori 111 11 i1i 1l1i111gt lliui il 1111 Story 511 To 11 $11 111iii $11111 1111 Mon Tide Hit Parade 10 Ims llaylioow of lavoritcs W111 All iiiii llii iliiadc lliiiis All iiie iiit Iilliltll F1 Wayne King Show Sid Eiildreiis toiiici 1100 News Thur Heres Health 805 Mon Plioiio Quiz lhiir llcics li1altli Sat Parade of Hands 1115 iliiii 111111111 Bar 1130 Mon Double or Nothing 3311 V1ti 111111111 11111 830 Thurs Record 1111 900 Mon Ilie Mygticry Sound 1100 Sat Hayloft Party 930 Mon711111 litcord Ilar 9730111111 iiini iii1111111 shop 1000 Sat Time out for Dancing 1015 Ihui Canada at Work 1030 News 11011 News Weather Ieinpciiiture Time Sport Scores Sign Off 1ipii1ii1 11 1iilill 1111 11tiiiliL A11 iiiiez1sing itlllttlliiltllitl 111 1111 1111111 19121 1111111111111l 11gt biiicpiiiit iiiiirliznc which turned 111 11pz1s 111 1itollllltf nusarcs as HR1113 1111 1111111111111 Managers Message In his il11lllillll lllt 111 to ll11 public 1111 1ilii iiiaiizi of plant acliicvcinciiis over 1111 l1f foir llicii llariic ozk staind opciiiiioiis little over tour we adopted 11 slogan oili11 people can do it 1111 1111 ll Illiitl Wi llil1 iii1d to live up that slogan 1iid this afternoon you have had ltlS yea 15 11 111111 to 1110 Weekly News Editor 11 Magic of the Vaitr 130 Hit Parade 200 Sunday Hymn Time 230 Back to the Bible 330 This Is My Story 400 News 405 Interlude of Music 410 As the Twig is Bent 430 Ioiribarlo Lane 500 The Ave Maria Hour 530 Chapel Chimes Hawaiian Harmonies 600 News 1510 Conservation Corner 015 Dinner Music 700 Music by Candle Light 800 Melodic Eiicores 1130 Sunday Stagmm 900Ncws 010 Classics in Modern 930 Starlight Concert 111151 Close Harmony 1030 News 1040Sammy Kayes Sun Serenade 1100 News in Minute 1103 Sign Off and Anthem Woi SUNDAY OCTOBER 23 900 News 905 Organ Interlude 915 Mornrig Devotions 930 Sunday Morning Serenade 1000 Family Favorites 103011905 1040 Quiet Corner 1100 Church Service 1200 Ivory Classics 1230 News 1240 Program Notes 1245 Jobs for Workers for Jobs 1250 Recreation Report Workers TV Pepuiqr FeaturaOver CKBB EVERY TUESDAY 730 to 800 pm This Weeks Presentdtion EVANGELINEt 77 by enry Wadsworth Longfellow Sponsored by RerERMGRRISGNiCOfIDT YOur Mercury Lincoln Meteor Dealers 3132 BRADFoltpnszliw jg DIAL 5566 1311113111 11111111i spoke Percy Childs Dies at Montreal Dean 11 15 11i 1111 lii 11111 F11 111 gun 1111 111111 giiirli1ii 111 31 ilr 111 31 ticpalibt lo1 111ilt 1111 141121 11 1111 slisitb Llllitl 111 vim1 1vl Ixi11i 1111 K111iiigtou l1lt 1111 ixi1i 1111il1 of 111111 111111 Society the 11111101 111111 and 1111 111iotli 111111 1111 iii Montreal 511 1115 111 idcs 11x 111112 arc 11111111 T111 iitci iiz1ir1i 111 11111111 and 21111 sisters MM 11 itilul 1211 111 yoifiiiizl of 41111111 how 11 311111 5111111lcd Liz lidflit 111111 has the linut 11111111111 111 Canada and prob abl tin111111 1111 on 1111 North 511111111131 111211113111 toi li11 111111 11111111111 11 itll1llliltl clectiiczii ip 7JLILLLLLLIUWAL 41111 71 ii 111 value plan 111 little III 1YII without 1111 right pcopicl ilaiii1 Works is itllldlli the team oi woikcrs that anyone could desire iliioligli coopcratiorri good tgtIlllilllgtiil1 design and iiioiicrii production methods llli products are known from coast tot 11111 ior their outstanding quality and iiioiltii1 lllttgt May your visit today 111IOlili and iiiioiiiiative and you carry away happy imi picssioiis of our plant which wci coiiiiiieiitly believe lIi coiitiiiuci to contribute greatly to local Il1gtl1lil in thc years ahead 111111111 tc ll anion iiirst 1nzpioy1c niovablc may EDITION AlignWins Skilled Driving Trophy for 1950 anip Borden Oct 14Ite Wal 111 lliibcr ii 29ycai=old veteran of Ilie Second World War took the liilicd driving competition in Cen itial oniiiiaiids elimination coin petitioii held Friday at Camp Boiu den Private Huber of the Royal Caii idiaii Army Service Corps School aiiip Borden wheeled his big Army truck 11111 tlie testcompli cutcd Course to amass 320 out of possible 350 points coveted Ccrttml Gommandiicd driving1 trophy for 1950 Runnerup to Private Huber in ithc event which liad15 of the Armys top drivers from Toronto Ottawa London Kingston and Camp Borden compete for laurcls pany RCASC London In third place was Cpl NicholsonN0 Company RCASC Toronto Both Prvate Huber and Corporal lSaIsinan 11 go to MontrLal to take 1part in the Army finals to be held lthcrc on Oct 20 Winners at the Army and RCAF finals three from each service will Lompete in the Automotive Trans ipoit Association event at the Auto inotive Building Canadian National Exhibition on Oct 25 Hubcr Col Clark DSO Com mandant of Camp Borden congrat ulated the drivers on their results in the safe and skilled driving com petition Other contestants were Cpl iW Astill No Company RCEME iToronto Cfn Powell No 205 Base Workshop RCEME Camp Bor lirden Cpl EichlerNol Company IRCASC London N0 Company RCASC Petawawa Cpl Llelonde No 23 Trans EportCompany RGASC Camp Bor den Pte LHef1er No 1Company RCASC Kingston Pte LaCasse oN9 Transport Com pany RCASC Ottawa Cpl tIll Il lik1l to I11ltl iiiosl and won the was Cpl Salsman No Com In presenting the trophy to Pte PBLD Wand o=o===uo=o===aoaos===ouo lNNISFlL NOTES wonomouomouomouo iliv IMAM ct Mc ilgt Hi 11 it Wrck the precious 15 Icarus iiius up from the Kirbullllid lvlc SIDE2 11131115 fiozii liiiiis 111 1111111 kiliii New They 1111111 on leliDlI as raised Tie p111 iiclpig H111 111 ltzieiatioii 11 1111 11111111 111 111 1111111 11111151 11 11 Beetons Itig liiderfakiiig 1101 progiic 11 11111111 1111 t1i that citizens of took their tent serv Mrs Pauls John Am 1311 grounds Min 111 131 191111111 and accomplished 211 111 1x1 1111iii1liiids They 1111 tho1 11i plownicii and 111111 1111 11igt 1111 111 111 biggest and 1111 111111 l1 14 Ilwl supprs 111 1111 writer to ll1=or of tlic tables He lltllll liic Jlioi 1s 115111 with 1lclt 131 1111 Lions President Meets Delegates ii From 29 Clubs ifoiitiiiiud lioiii among 1111 dcipiiviicgcd proplc 111 tl1llltsiti that IIII goal of Lioiiisiii is to build not destroy iliigt 11Vll to our f1iiow iiicil and inspired 111111isliip by min1 who have k1pt iaitli iiad bioitghti tlic Lions orgaiizyatioii to posi tioii in which it was rccognixcd for its contribution to world tllli airs ii lclric said Lions of Mexico1 aii maintaining clinic for cripi plcii children which is serviced by doitoi iiicnib1rs lillll their time free 111 Panama 1111 group has built hospital 11 cost of $500000 Last year Lions raised Stillltltllltlll for work and District A7 illtitS an area stretching from Toronto to Giavcnliurst International its service north Siplclllbcl 211 iiaiscd over Sl0lltl10 oi the figure Witl Also District A7 set aside 38000001 for further work Iii the past year tli International organization liasspoiisoicd 1121100 different scr viec activities in the 29 countrich The Lions Club knows no bollltv darics tlic president said point ing but that this attitude has done much to promote international good will Introducing Mr Petric Mr Fisher told the Lions that the luv tcrnaiioiial president is 1111 young est man by ten years to hold the nosuIiannvcnwubihtr leader and enthusiasm for Lionisml had resulted in an almost uiiaiiim 0113 vote in his favor at the Inter national convention in Chicago Mr Fisher who was first Cana dian to hold the post of InterimI tional President said the presidciiti is now on an itinerary of visiting all 29 countries in which there are Lions clubs His schedule recently took him to Alaskannd Western Canada andhe is bound north and east from here Friday he spoke to Kirkland Lake and district groups Chairman of the meeting here was Barrie President Allan Cook who gave the welcoming address Appreciation for the presidents ad dress was voiced by Fred Thomp son Newmarket district govcriim land the invocation was delivered by Rev Beweli Barrie Among those speaking was Mayor Edwin Wilson who welcomed the visiting Lions t0 Barrie District Treasurer Gordon Bel yea Torontowas in charge of presenting on behalf of District A7 gift to Mr Petrie and Mrs Petrie who attended meeting of the Lady Lions of Barrie Others at the head table which was introduced by Bruce Malcolm Toronto district secretary were Frank Courtney Neivmarket past district treasurer Dr Rynard rillia international counsellor 91 Killxlltw in the 1=ll111 iiw 11111 an LICIIVC 1111 i11it recognition of the 11 11 11i 11121111 to 1111r it fair lump settle that has cver 11 ciii 15101110 11111 lights ai1 badly needed be illtitli 11 iLitelon land is to dedicate it next month iRcsidenf Dies Af 3CIllllil during the Han dynasty 21111 which iiiii1sident of Iiiiiistil Township dicd l111 12i iLifci 1ii acizILC In pirluzi 331 11 ILO also added Ittl tlwirl itlil Li 411 11iig 1111 tables 11ilill sss 11 1=i gt311 generous nclpo 11 11111115 111111 nth tinisl The 1111 11 noun$1115 that only 111 l11 kvlc 115112 The cziurcii illcli roiiipiiieiit under liauczshu 1414141111 111 11111111 The write has banquet at Tor bii this one was tops oiiiicillor Sproules Objection is To Method of Settling lai 11111cilloi Spiozie Iillcgt that he 11 tie l1i faiiiieis who 111111lt for pigs which 11 died from effects of 11 Vtllill Fly 110 ob 1111 settlement in the iip1tois who 1111 iio p11gtlgtly rcinciniici wlial 11111111119 1111gil1 of 11 ago when Jiityl 1111 i1speciivc ham now and close the iiiattcr cilioi Sprouic stated fciti putting the 112111 over for couple of years old was putting off what 11111111 111 did objcct to rvllitllltlrl Whats The Delay 1111 new Young Store had house last Wednesday the occasion rpirtitnrnnsidrrrahlchamrtitn iioiii the corner up to lhci 111 pitch black night 1111 111 Siroud some time ago 14111111 the lights gave the go ii 1111 to 1111 project Just what the i11y is now whether from local 11 outside sources is unknown 111 he Iiiiiilllllllc the dark nights are and the hamlet is growing beyond its old boundaries Iltll 111ll ti1ii iic 1111111 111 Illllt dark seriously 1111 lIlt someone is about 111 11ml Innistil lis Margaret Bayes lifelong ll Iltl home in Sound on Thursday 10511 in her 80111 life member of the Womens Missionary Society of the Presby liilllll Church Miss Boycs had also I11ll active in the Sunday School 111 1111 CiltllCll and had taught class of girls formaiiy years She is survived by one bitthlt11 Robert Boycs of Stroud Born in Iiiiiisfil Township on August 24 1117 she was the daugh ter of the late David Boyes and Janet Patterson The funeral service other home on Saturday Sept 30 was conduct ed by Rev Muir of Essa Road Presbyterian Church Barric and Dr Sinclair Pallbearers were Fraser Sutherland Dwight Nelson Mac Constable Herbert Beclby Bruce Cowaii and Matthew Robertson Interment was in the Sixth Line Cemetery Floral tributes were sent by the Stroud Presbyterian Cliurchand Sunday School Relatives and friends were pres ent from Hamilton and Toronto at the funeral aw REFILL LAKE YORKTON Sask 1CP1 New est scenic attraction in this dis trict is York Lake which was once large haymcadow after the lake dried up during the drought years Ducks Unlimited now haveidivert ed creek to fill the lake and hope nieial gOVclllllitll to no higher offer is received 11 1111 11111ui The council will be asked to 1ilislllltli storm sewer on property ironi ing Toronto Street School to help solve has conic 11 light the problem are to be hxld beltseen the board and 1111 aichitccts the would be any other action decided setting up of II system of 11 cording making out The system was explained by Bell tonimittee who said the gtgtIt recommended of Education me Stablesitiiai 1111 system now 11 use air Il11iiti and the new system would provide fuller and more pertinent information 3111 that public school children be oi the oiIiciais after the aff iiiit 11 iPpmmnnV iii shiplaunchiiig soon to take plaei gtlioiild iii1 MW the may 11111 that the trip would plilVltlt the children with useful knowledge 1111 local geography and 3811s transportation would be most isuitable imcndcd The proposal was placed ixhp we mi Mr in thehands of committees coii cummms THU dwmlc m0 cerned granting leave of absence to Mrs fJean IScliool who is absent through ill iiiess Take $40000 for Victoria School it VictorioCounty Boys First in No Higher offer iSaiada Tea CoPIowing Contest 111 111211 swept by winds 1f 115 At its meeting T111 10 god P110111 5010001 11 111 Victoria 12021011 to sell Vittoria Sch 11 19 the putt Iic ploii 111 itii he 11111 5311 1f A1i 11111 gt111 of me $1011120 flout 11111171111il 11i1c1l Ill 12 1L 111 in L1=1r1ibj noon of Saturday Oct inform 111 illi1i= Dmid Taylor Gait and 111 111121 va liaiabuig Acosta decidedthat 19an 4er demuakm mm and Caron Porter of llisweken 111111 made loamy soil of 1300111re iley Farms 3115 plowing lab 11 iLLlIUlS agreed light drainage problem Discuss which lt 111 ALLEY KOTE REQIIRES 11131111 iiclittl 111 Thirteenycarold lvaii Bell of the NW Kirkiiilzi had lit ingliesl uumoci 1f ioiiis thou=11 lllL other nitin ltililliiicx oil her of the 1ctoiia train Ins cou szli lttditi Hell of 11iiidv1lic was no 1111 behind mm Hf Tire tllUthllil oiiiity Huh1ozisistiizg of Licorgc Marklc Al lbeitoii and 711111 Hraithuziite of iAILtJSICl won second place These four boys With trip iitaiiagcr to b1 ipporutcd by 1111 Ontario Plow miiis Ibulcliilltrll lii gt111111 of ag illllllli and conserva ititill plttJlttr in 1111 ciistcrti Lilll1I States lltl Spring as guests of 111 Saliitia Tea Company oftLiiiaila Limited felt that necessary boa rd The board gave authority for team data on pupils home repoi chairman of the principais by the ILILllllllclll 1111 lhe Committee 1111 The committee also recoiniiieiid lthti winners iii this ova111 for Have your floors sanded and finished with New Alley Kate Illlcs hard in two hours No waxing required All work guaranteed FOR FREE ESTIMATE PHONE 3107 CARSONS WINDOW CLEANERS THANK YOU It is ms to lake for granted the services doiic for 0111 by otilcir So we would like to say thank you to all those who provided transpor tation during the recent railway 111 strike Many truckers and bus it Colliiigwood The committee iiidiistrit the committee strainof long hours inelrovmri The piiiicipals committee iskcd toiltoned facilities pho boards approval of visits 111 VIRIEN1111111limpireAdvance iBarrie teachers and principals to ischools in other ccbtrcs having the rotary imulliple grading system Mr Bell isaid these systems are being iii icicasingly used in public schools fand might prove to be bctter than tlic singleclass system used in Bar lic 0011100111OO15 DRY LUMBER Holt Million Feet of Dressed Lumber iii 10 Used but is bright and rtenaich can be HSlfI for NHA or any type of building construction Save 50 of your building costs AUSTIN CALDWELL MIDLAND ONT Old Mill Granary EVENINGS PHONE WAUBAUSHENE 231 llgllt0ltl00 system of classes or the The board was iiiiaiiimous in Blackstock of Victoria discovered in Pzipeimaking was 0U00 EC to AD 210 1950 671540 II IKSEPOWER i945 35 2111100 nonssrowra 1940 JAB 1718600 110115810er 03 4125 to make it topnotch as recrea tional centre GENERAL SMcIIean No 9TiansportCom party RCASC Ottawa Pte Schull No Transport Company RCASC Kingston Cpl Turcotte No CompanyrRCASCrLondo Pte Anderson No Trans port Company RCASC Ottawa Cpl LeGear No Company RCEME Toronto Cpl Pettinger RCASC Camp Borden winner of the Arm ed Forces Division in the ATA governor Jack Boyle Owen Sound deputy district governor eglEvcrettPortCredit interna tional counsellor Centres represented included Penetang Goldwater Owensound Beaverton Cannington Orange ville Elmvale Washago West Hill Amara North Kerk Thonghill FUNCTIONAL mos HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY ruuv NOURISHED BIRDS wad GIVE MORE EGGSLBETIER EGGS av INCREASING QUALITY ANDQUANTITY YOU lower cost AND INCRASE5 PROFITS Blew1213sz 4171111heiisi1e1 iauiiiisii 11111 1111 1111118 Birds RelishReads 51115qu by OWN 115300 BunIn IRA WILSON cookstowu OLIVER WILSON Mlneslng MERCER Theran BELL Utopia Flour Mia To Monil next Kingston2 Truck Roadsos in 1948 and 1949 witnessed the contest andtwill go week to defend his title Major Chisholm Camp BordensSafety Officer and Capt Rhodes Command Safety Of ficer conducted the contest Judges during the competition were Major Chisholm RCASC Camp Borden Capt GDatfis RCASC Toronto Capt Rhodes Oakville arid Capt cote No THE HELPING HAND GLENFORD Alta CPiqrIn slightlyalterEd 1version of the axiom about the dog that bit the hand that fed it lNeil received injuries that sent him to hospital He was badly bitten about the hands whenhe attempted to re mohis dog from trap COOPERATION NEEDED Hardly conversation lasting more than few minutes in Virdem iscomplete without somereference to they They should do this that or the other thing to improve the town What Virden and indeed all of Canada needs is more we lot moreand less theyf Schombefg Maple Oak Ridges Newmarket Bradford Stouffville Richmond Hill Markham Agin court Port Credit Toronto and Graizenhurst There was also delegation from Bracebridgep which is not in District A7 Also present were FredKelly president ofrthe Barrie Kiwanis Club Brennan president of the Barrie Rotainylub Bill Flem ing vicepresident of the Barrie Canadian Legion1 and Pe lottheBarrieKinsmerrelubT On behalf ofthe Barrie Lions Club Mr Cook presented Mr Pet rie with $250 cheque towards the Lions International City Fund Hermion BobLittIe RichmondeWill inter nalionziliounSlTor Dick Edmonds Richmond Hill deputy districtI monks Barrie Alliston Orillla Midiandn qdro is 910111119111 st but In 10 yearsryouLIIydro has increased the power supply to Southern Ontario by 952940 horsepower oventwice the combined power requirements of the cities of Windsor 61111011 Hamiltdri Peterborough Kingston and Ottawa and therergwill be more power withinthe next few months CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANI mus EEIAELSHED ANDERSON Cor Dunlap and ssrmor when Buyeldf Btum Telephonet 4760 11 The iiist lira1111111111111 man cai Vlrden Mani ErripireAdvainire 1111 Itiltlllttll lawn111111 NOPW1CH UNION Ontarios growth has been amazingSineeIMpopulatio increasedby 323000 over 70000 new homes havebeen constructed approximately 700 new industries have been established and the value of production has risenan estimated llz billion dollars88541 new rural consumers have been supplied with Hydroarid the valueof agi cultural production has increased by some 400million dollars all of WhiCh called for power lirgreater quantities than grainy previous time BUTin addition to this tremendous growhtbe recent stepupfiu industrial activity dueto defence rearmameut cbntraCtsihas brought about sharp increase in the use of electricity In the pastfwWeeks the maximum primary demand in Southern Ontariobas been as1much as 400000hdrsepower 298000 kilowatts higher thana year ago ap increase times greater than the long term average rate of growth For this reason your Hydro urges everyonetovxofpperatiinithe Icon servation oelectricitv Minus11111111101111W ml mil HmrHrmmr Sthmmlfhmf

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