Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1949, p. 5

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DIWA emvvmgiJMid GUTHRIE It internatan poet or Guid man Ammmla Netlhbors Camp held in the Party in Sam mV Items from Simone County and Near By Ritchie of Knox College took Sound district last summer Twt me the aervice in the Presbyterian ty swim Gm scams from me 9901312 Church last Sunday USA and 20 Senior or the New gm had to Mr and Graham of Bar Girl Guides from Cunadt attended Christmas light It Md mm mm be rie visited and Mrs Anguslincludmg tour French Rangersana cember 25 Cameron the first of the week two French Golden from La Fod notched the only Ill oration des Guides Catholidues dc York Americana def magdm limit lf$ la Province the Quebec One Rao 10 Since then ovc ian Church on Friday March at tier from England and two from 20 years Rangers in oetogk Bermuda also took part St NicholnsVNight er Sme DIIVE FOE 33m mun $2511 subtruttod his resignation Coun lbulld community recreation con limidlely Paw motion Ge Wm be hunched by panels to advertise for Hydro superin BW 61 Camry mm JV tenduit at two month staning thwart past president of the march ramamvmm the drive has been glvu by Ieno Malthtdash Council meeting at mngkmayor w11uunwr Jurtlt lliwr uppoltttcd Margaret Borrow clerk of the township at FOWHLY 0F DIABan $500 per annum Wesley Orton win wama puts member was named road foreman of the suburban roads commission in Brant County for to years died igllgooNMBAGE at his home in Standard on Feb 10 Hr Farts was born at Brnd 10W Mk0 garbage ml improve sideway as well as forward visl 30 per cent on comparable models valveinhad engine lingwood getting nicelysetttao APTO in their new home built on prop erty purchased from Clarence Car Paul and GlennCarson spcnt last February 19 week with theirsisterat Sandford Johnson spent couple or Mr and Mrs Murray Carson Junc inToronto this week and Mrs Quinc Alliston with Mrs Lucas for the Crows are Back Carson and friend spent Sbnday there reminder thht Spring will soon to The Barrie be here the crows are back on the ne success and of their paper which is one of the best and Mrs Thos Dyer of Col 510 15 lbs EDGAR ham Februhry 21 Mrs Lees and children are visiting Mrs Smith at Oakland Hill Duncan and Harold of Rich The 1949 Chevrolet is completely reetyled lower wider and is available in two scricsFleetline andWStyleline with wide variety of body types Shown here is the Stylclinc fourdoor deluxe sedan There has been an immense increase in glass area with all windows deepened and widened The windshield takes full advantage of wider bodies curving inward at the narrowed pillars to on The gain in visibility over 1948 has been as much as The new Chevrolet for 1949 is powcrcd by rugged six February 21 Mrs Specrs spent couple of days in Barrie with her daugh tcr Sadie Miss Mary Davis of Welleslcy Hospital Toronto spcnt Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Orval Torry and family spcrtt Sunday with Mr and Mrs Spccrs Mr and Mrs Nelson and Terry of Hockleyuvisitcd Mr and Mrs Iliron onSaturday Mr and Mrs Art Carlson and Miss Carlson of Barrie visited at Bantings on Sunday Presbyterian WMS The February meeting ofthc 0rd 53 yea 30 and had mm in lcctmtr oil the tax rate Midland Brandon for 29 years He was member of the United Church and Free Mason Surviving are It sister Mrs John Gibson Toronto and brother Dr Paris Brontford Interment was at Attr orn Feb 18 comuotvoon mam nttuvanv It was announced byDr Charles Maillartd who had received the in formation bytclegram from Otta wa that an Order in Council had been passed in Parliament granting Collingwood street delivery postal service It is expected that this service will go into effect early in the spring following complete survey by postal authorities and necessary arrangements needed to make the changeover from ordinw months with hard labor in the On ary Post Office service to free street delivery Collingwood is the third town in VSimcoc County to have street delivery service Barrie and Orillia already have this system It is understood that Midland will also make the change over at the same time as Collinglt wood BISASSESS PENETANG Gardner of Mcaford has Town Council is considering plan to charge householders 25 cents nionth forthe Weekly municipal garbage collection daily collec tion from stores would be charged for at the rate of 75 cents porwcek flcpuly Reeve Cowan mad that it is plannm to collect the gar bagc Iccs by direct billing of the occupants with payment in ad vance Townoflicinls gure that thc service can be run at small prot after makingJull allowancc for expenses and depreciation ELMVALE YOUTH GETS YEAR Pleading guilty to charge of breaking and entering the Gray Conch agency in Elmvalc Eward Smith 16 of Elmvalc was sen tenced in Midland court to 12 tario Rcformatory and six months indefinite Smith admitted pre vious conviction on similar charge two years ago as juvenile lie was undcfcndcd and offered no tcstimony on his own behalf Pm vincial Constable James Freeman Midland testied that Smith had admitted the offense when ques tioned two days after it had oc curred and had rcenacted the Loblaws Woman PRIDE ARABIA COFFEE La Stop at the Collce Counter Watch for mood Is your Prida of yawcom gm wit your tom YVou Van gettin the freshest coffee in the world The true ridt called flavour com port buying and expert roasting Has been saved for you Youll We the difference in you COTTAGE BRAND WHEAT 2402 BIA BREAD CRACKED want QIJ AUSTRALIAN myrrh JUICE cocoa Vail29c rlil 49C traits oatii 31c MONARCH PASTRY mun CLARKE mJL HIMVEGETARIAN JL 01 TIN VEGETARIANJwltnu 05L mam sour oz rm rum aural am turn uttr 7La Bays lSJL us 49c smutm cut on nus lllMlllll JtIIcI ozlih 19c Wilma at SPECIAL QUALITY PRODUCT or run towiw Kath Hill spent the weekend at breakin m0 WMS met at the home of MISS bee Johnstons enge 00 tl 00 Getc so Mrs Andrews of Pcterboro is KCOW Vlh 10h members plate reassessment of all proper 5249335 FOR CEMENT Each ouwy spending week with her daugh ungrtEltihngurstmgggImt es in Penetang He will be 35 FOR ORILLIA POWER PLANT Itcuy wildcat loyok ouundl of ter MW Hayes sisted by Edgar Morcau town as Ortllia Light and Power Com men who now could am but proud ofuhn 1yheattn doc bow the Itpoctarazortruthy 111 totIla nlmul BI calcium enrich and nourishment put it ood atva loll R0 getting too fat Stop when yo 15 or 2011 you need for norm Now not Acquainted me um Tonto tablau for hay or pouadr thi vnry day All and dlnetton no food eugly are male Mrs James Shelswell has been sick with the flu It is hoped she will soon bearound again Sorry to report that Miss Mc Kayfell and broke wrist She is in the RV Hospital Barrie The sympathy of the community isextended to James Cockburn and Wallace in the death of Mrs Cockburn Mr and Mrs Sanderson of Hogarth gave very interesting sketch of the first chapter in the by Eleanor Cochranc was very much enjoyed Mrs George Car ruthcrs gave reading about the Good Samaritan The next meet ing is to be in charge of Miss Kcown CENTRE VESPRA study book about China solo $985012 COLDWATER HYDRO Hemy Worrell Jr resigned as hydro superintendent at the Fcb ruary meeting of Coldwater Coun cil following dissatisfactan with his services expressed by Council lors Charles Galbraith and Walter Levering The Hydro official was mission has let to St Catharines firm contract for $249385 for cement for Matthias power plant There will be 36 mile high ten sion transmission line NEW IIOME FOB AGED The Council of OntarioCounty rs considering new County Home to replace the one built in 1902 at URANGB PEKOB lgLB 93033113 PARD 1602 06 TINS momma White or Spine 1401 man can MIXES rm ORANGE PEK uonshn lat 59c SPECIAL WESTONS BISCUITS WIFTS CLEANSER DIE zms assocm3 row not carrying out orderS It was cost of $25476 Two of the main HI 333 Llgsuynngpxtfsggq charged Mr Worrell refuccd to problems are lovercrowding and cum Slessor5 2331 take parttime work Claiming he obsolete faculties Mrs Ness gave the school child Febrluary 21 GET READY FOR warm Sumatran CLEANER calculi out carom mm POTATOES cosr on We rSays Now mum lllESllll children all enjoyed themselves friends at the Royal York Toronto 75c 87c Best Tune Cu Nonla ers lST Mr and Mrs Victor Dicker of Clowes and Marion Dicker and Mrs Norman Hoflcy is spending few days in Toronto visiting her SAYS HICKLING Keep Watch at ll ime AUNT JEMIMA FOR FURNITURE DOUBLS ACTION 2002 itll Ml ITL ts and doing little Spring Pm H053 PKG mm WK D0 wlson Tommov Spent Sun paren LEmm OAC Guc day the home of MW Hayes Shappmgf Simcoc County was W911 ICDIG When is the best tinge cull AU JWIA Tm Mr and Mrs Jamie Wilson of socml evening was held by sented at the various crop conven 2001 THE PERFECT Inmum Termite and estrander and is 3mg nous new in Toronto during the illlolfovieglidfessml mu set and sent was very we en cvera Mrs Morphct of Guelph attended as week The potato meeting GOLDEN CANS games were played and also sever 15 Hues 10 VmaY as the funeral of their tight Mrs you selfstarter employers have told that the workers who promotions are those show initiative Like among those who are own bosses the self type achieves greatV him wha to do next He and asks for another as Or if he already his routine he plunges in on the next job showsbis initiative by 1mede work short cuts arid ideas farincrasingbusi Cockburn February 21 Mrand Mrs Sheppard visit ed in Toronto last week Miss Mabel Jack Toronto was with her sister Mrs Perrier for the weekend a1 hands of euchre The children were well supplied with candies Lunch was served by the ladies of the committee Mrs John Wall win the President arranged an in teresting program and actedas MC for the evening which was great success It is hoped there will be another slmilar event arranged shortly John Gaming Doing Nicely John Gossling is progressing fav orably aTd is now athis homecn Feb26 if the weather is suitable few war brides from overseas Mr NormanBrowning group is being tormod keep to and Grace Jack Mitchell Lorne Baxter and Dorothy Harrison of Toronto aware weekend visitors with Mr andMis GeorgeBaxter The service in the Baptist Church Sunday evening was tak en by Mr Swayzc of Hamster He and Mrs Kmthmrter sang Jack ontbe violin with Mrs Dat duet newmpanlcdbv Mitts Mabel gether each town having itcown group If any of the bgges are interested in this rou use get in touch with rs ewbery gettogether is being arrand soon andwill be announced in this col umn cused on the cost of producing po held at theKing Edward Hotel on Feb was of particular interest to many from Simcoe County Considerable attention was fo tatoes and Roy Hickling Bar rie RR led the discussion fol lowing an address by Dr Patterson oh the cost of potato production Dr Pattersons report Was based on the cost reports submitted by high yields per acre appeared to be major factor in reducing costs according to Dr Patterson PTOdUClion analysis Mr Kickling presented detailI ed statement as to the actual costs ofproduction on two aboveaver age commercial potato farms in the County Simcoe in 1948 Aboveaverage yields were ob the anWsC Duncan Poultry Department On tario Agricultural College The culling program should start as the ock gocs into its laying quarters Anything that does not show at least promise of good sus tained production should not be in cluded Dispose of any unthrifty birds Dispose of any that are very slow in maturing These slow birds will probably take too long to get time but generally do not have the ability to keep up sustained As soon as the ock has attained productidn keep close watch on them at all times In spite of the effort to include only good birds lewmay not live upoexpecta tions These Will soon advertise this fact Individuals may be not ed where the pigmentation does roam mu lili 26 CROWN OR BEEHIVE com mut llll 25c LD TYNE sucnn SYRUP 33 21c mus mt IVORY TIMI 393 CINE Elite 20 PHI01W soar mtg mm Concentrated LAW PKG PASTEURlZEDLAND DCLOVER NO warn norm ill 251 ill 45 Miss Doris FitzsimmonsV and her sophia Street 1twi11 bevsome Ontario potato growars during the Info production to make producers andmother from Toronto spent weeks before he wul be allowed pastfour years when they do start Eliminate Fred for Instance weekend at her home here out All friends are welcome It WES significant that the hum also thosthhat have matured early he finishes alOb he plithwng PetOPk are Spltanrctlmg War Brides from OveralettsV dreds of parts showed an ex but are too small These may be nch RED socxrzvn wan for someone to oggan paty on ur ay We have In our m1 quite tremely wide range of costs and good producers of mail eggs for sarcasm sultanLid 39c Emmmfmm CAIEDOHIA FANCY cunt samurai 23c 41 43c BRUN SWIC CONNORS Vsnnnmcs tauntm suitors SMOKED avioz Prideolfundy MAKES rasrv MEAL 11111111211 653 RIBBON 4min 1602 2W MAYONNIl MiraD Turner refolded to Allisth after week with friends winter storage extra handling or extra transportation charges being includd Such charges which are unavoidable by most growers would have to be added to get the coet of production for winter 331 tained in each case and where the ton Eemegfsgbeprgdni We yildWas zoobags pei acre the not bleach out and theViplunmge mattingPlacendad 1m mmje pie costper bag Was 877c and where 1993 Mt 1056 115 luStle along with 5e He WV Febntnry 21 the yield was 358 bags per acre thethe reSt the OCk Have 9V my Mrs Hugill spent Saturday in cost was 755c catching hOOk handyandxamine Whowan mg Toron It should be kepttill mind M11 these birds If they are laying The Happy HourFCIub mung Hicklingctatqd thatjthe crop in the sooner they are soldfor meat Of course there is no W35 WW Tidal evening St ak Ron Ema 21 fortwo weeks 01 at 11 to thequmberofways digging and loaded on truck no ome may lay well for tune did0llspeat Wee demonstraw Salads 5435mm Ml 384313 Wilkes CWWSNM here and Thornton wintravails MSW myriad rs Beyer and son WSW Mound Mrs Trenton visited urinate Mrs 01 Iqulfl Maurice or ad BavsdVTo Beyer over themkm rowva end Mrs cutaneoch 1mm for the challenges in 53 lb Pa few days last week With her but not have the stamina to keep going If these are noted and mac keied soon after they goout of production they can be sold at prot If leftVin the pen for any length of timethe profitmay turn PM 318 30351Eiutj 5937 at 55 SHORT fltifiiSlS 11 51c hummusI Ittad Ringvad BOVNILESS 3min PM Almost everything even in small details to 1653 1h 43 each case was sold at the time MILE batten GRADE SPECIAL arm da hterv 15ch Mr Hleklmg also pomtedcut The loss from adult mortalityun It lohjio Your be ght 15011159 MW Li that the costs for seed production laying ocks is quite often large NV Pnjmwut Cm themeand youll 01 Campbell ofrAllistan were av are substantially higher than for factor This loss can be reduced E11 n4 WW gt 3c Indie footstepsof the gist giggors With Mr and Mrs 11 commercial production owrng to to tah great extent by constantly ic the extra care and costs involved wac ing and culling out any that matt in vemafdethmmarik gadgets Eggutlfemsxntgmgfe He mud his remark5= by Shaw Signs Of 105mg 301 runner nun CUTS3 tI Sc V19 stressing the need V101 aecuratere Break off brandy birds as soon the con community In the sad bereave Coal Cats and Shch 11 of famlhes emoy cords of the cost of producing Do as noted mark them and any that aassisted Rock WV MRIW 331439931 dickan MrsD Turneerpent few days last week with Mrs Isaac member 01 the On tatoes each year Mn melding was appointed re eattoo often ca 11 be il peacesof minim pogcdofg SWlFts rttmwttt because life insurance mass Mum tunic V1a5szc or Culling during the laying period Vtario potato cam tsrst lntedout the fV mu teefor1949 lsslmpt process ofellmjmng Vwwrf locum IV EV game as that areth ms mm or you PETROLEUM lacuna navequ run cm to igood management and good fecding If large numbers haveto be pulled either or both may be at fault and study Should be more gtetmlne wile thefnulflis starts WERE panoramas Ve American Indians are be lleed to have come originally fromN0rthcrh Asia and or e+ tore of ancient Mangolian MinorJanus loin Napoleou vas born Macaw capitalon Corsica zine jgVVa=distted colorless slight dellnle in both freight ke npade omcrude etroleum andpassengejrvo umeV of the Grand an pfus Trunk WesternRailroadis indi cated for 11948CJS Skog vice prom and general manager rgportedjttthe Board of Directors at Operating rev LllDEll Wt QUALITYV SWEET Juicv artoIIVIuggg old But even with thistota1the railroad wlll find it difficult to do more pan meetVita ared charges as dated costs of opera 01

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