Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1949, p. 3

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THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24 1949 am BARRIE marinade BAI ERIE ONTARIO CANADA the curtain on the constitutional issue of union with Newfoundland and presented new play IICZII 0II debate on governments con trols No sooner had the chamber Iclearcd the terms of the union sent thcrn on to the Senate saw royal assent given and the terms shipped to the United Kingdom for cori iirmation than the opposition turnv ed the heat on the government for maintaining rigid price levers on food and rent steel and timber Government Supported The governments leader Prime Minister St Laurent had no cosy timc piloting confederation terms through Commons By midweek his party faced two motions which had they been adopted would have delayed the longawaited union of kept the audience in amazement at the rapidity and correctness With which the Collegiate students who participated revealed their keen knowledge of the Scriptures Stirring testimonies were given by five young men one of whom before his conversion belonged to the West Toronto Bcauery Gang Wally Mulligan rendered several pleasing baritone numbers while Art Nelson skilled instrumental ist delighted the audience with solos on his doublebell cuphoniunr These two young men With the talented song leader lioward Ilunt are veterans of the last war The speaker of the evening Rev Arthur Foster gave message ap pealing especially to young people urging them to make the right start in life pomtingout that just EARLE FRII who came to Barric few months agohas been award lI nortl star llllslsthlltlikrjrliz must youth ed honors for his leadership in cagflgfiglilduflt23211m1t buck mkcfcmm Starling Pom salosnmnsmp Im NUVPTPCF hc door IIICLIIIOd of ccrncntingConfcd me hves or they be help woniagildf Int SOL mull cration George Drew Progressive 155 tl iiiii$litoti iltrffiy liftoff constitute WM Dissent =1 1h SM HCRM Hl1Lv cornbinrtion radiopitonograph for motion whCh WOUM have refluuvd mm bhv mm thckoycrnmcnt to consult wrth thc being the leading Ontario salesman lfor Walters Appliances Limitcd of Toronto Mr Frid is the district representative fol the Filter Queen new type of cleaning unit Thcl cning March PLANT EXTENSION HAMILTON Sfll modern steel glass block and brick $1000 provinccs before asking the Uni ted Kingdom to amend the British North America Act and give full force to union private member Wilfrid La llrtron to the IICSIOIIL IIIC members of the Frrd family now II 2131 lamb Conumuy plum will make their homCI herCI ThomasI cIIorIs IQIIcllichMontmortlzncy he nished my nu Spring aged 15 is amncnmd violinist and presented lllOIlIlCl motion go step further and spccrfy that the Begun in October the addition will attends BCI June Louise is in hm III out II II II provinces must consentI to union BMW lIlIltlelIClICIZIH before can wk 91ch int ill HillSlLa nwul me CCII ltyyllmfm Iside any further delays Bv vote OI IO 66 the chamber IIlCIlCd the thrust by Mr Drew and by VI previous thumping vote in which PLAN APPROVED Continued from page one to go asfar north as McDonald St the Progressive Conservatives lined up with the government it squashed the private members mo lion BARRIE Phone 4335 ORILLIA Phone 5761 from Dunlop andI Elizaboth its TIIIIJIIIIISII Spot II you could not orange fiat is ie two morons wcrc appcn trict into commercial area im in the main government motion 10 medialcly because of thc people ask the United Kingdom parlia who owned homes in that district mcnt to pass an act amending the Reeve Ha had also noticed that BNA Act CanadaIs constitution me Clover leafs for the new high to complete the union Mr Drewand his party contend ed that where there is any change in the constitution the provinces should be consulted Mr St Laur cnt and thc partyinpower main tained provincial consultation was not necessary Provincial rights and prerogatives were not involv way at the north end of Bayficld St at Rosc St and at the ex tremes of Elizabeth St wcrc Inap ped out as residential districlsHC said that business people now sit uated on main highways such as Bradford St and Burton Ave might want to move up to such an ed sons for leaving the area residcn 101 Prime minlSler MaCkonzm tial was that they wanted to bring King OW Private member for Glcngarry Inadc his first speech in the Commons in his new capacity He spoke in somewhat shaky voice but received theapplauso of the whole House All members of the House who had coopcratcd so unanimously in approving the union qualied to be numbered among the makers people down town to shop He added once more that there was provision for small shopping cen Tm Headquarter In trcs in places other than the Icon ire of town and he maintained that the town did not want to ac commodalc services at the clever leaf Mr Hart felt that such regula of Canada he sar trons would discourage people from building in to He referred to When Newfoundland comes In to confederation it will be day of great rejoicing over half con tinent from sea to sea it will give each Of us greater confid once as we face an uncertain fut are Debate Controls All three opposing parties in the Commons belaborcd thc govcrn mcnt for its controls policies The resolution before the House was to bill providing for continu ing controls through the 194950 scal year on domestic rents and on prices of steel timber butter Grimsby off the Queen Elizabeth Way as an illustration of what would happen to Barrie The Mayor interrupted to say that he had heard of cases where through highway had improved towns business The rccvc also complained that heavy industry coming to town wanted to be situated closer to the residential area so that work ers would not have too far to travel to work Mr Leishman rc plied that he considered it more desirable for heavy industry to be bread sugar and canned fruits Situated near railroad srdrng as or they were in ward SixI according Solon Low Socral Credit leader Io OZ 29C 01 57c to the map said the government was the mam Softens Am NOImn objected to who culprit in the rlsmgcost 0f 111 and ears krill Came FOUNTAIN SYRINGE 129 1c Irn relates tireless Rough 50 RADIATOR ANTIFREEZE eat 199 Planning Board and statedtIIIiat he sales tax eliminatednuisanch tax WDY 5km AMBICICI 19I 29I 39 COLD REMEDY 23c 39c Efizreghaflthetofod Ies abolished and subsrdres paid on and for Children HaLEN COUCH REMEDY z19cII6 ozI 33c mat frontage sufcient for Good selected foodstuffs IIIe Honds Equally 60 mm or Adults 1929 39 WIN LOTION home He and Ald Harrison 130th PrOEIQSSWC onsgrva and wwnem nuscomum 60 Pileiglidwgzldlplfylblbs maa JUST ONE LOOK 35 49 97 12 19 TAMBLYN FLOOR WAX FREE with 5mm cf 1mm lotion luvs site the had been forbidden to build Holditl One look is cndugh 21 uh the Youll get toIIknow then they Rwhan min HAIR TONc TAMMY LEMON OIL $1 SP3 izmaBoalgln yBlair donc Each time you lift the lid EGG CREME 13 2J0 35 own II Ion your vegetables you lose heat MYSTlc WAXI HbI 49 demed 115v saymg 13 P0 such and rolong the cooking time This rI AMPOO Nomua The Chane SH LD ENGLIS requests had Tome t0 hlm He in turn wastes the food value and for Pm 59 Qt 93 To added that anyone n0W owning it helps spoil the taste Cook them Luxuuoullqml PASTE WAX 33 orIIgiflfootIlot would be allowed quickly In covered Dot Just lit lb 59 bs 93 Canadian wamen on the mm CNWWY OIIS A1 FOWLERS TIRE SERVICE ORllLIA BARRIE mode the rebuildlnx of Britainls House of Plume is be on arecomplted The new House of Commons as Stairways rl ur PM PM 4335 Commons replacln the gin di destroyed in the 194069 an nk llil lrtv to slo this rnembcr for Toronto PufUJIe Lidplac of outlet lIit Ll JqudlilIII7ullf III IHIHJEIH quIIlIeIIII III Daytime tlutl rt Inc Harold Trrnmms asked suit lt governinii II III II men acvlon to remove rat IllBllI Line lflk iatllliulily lo stunts iltsl llss IA mlubd slallv Iqwidu nd wins CCI ltlllbilr lillul extend Ullllol II III II II III III from Dauphin Zuplilny urged or who axgueti Illal the gov WI Ianpiy IILQvIJJIjA Inhbl Ila IIlLItl JIde LL rernipostion of price uliIrUIS to elm should reduce LI rust Hi ill1 nd While 0H1 Im ill ml by l1 ILZII vlilirik lieil rrrrbel In llrip of Quebec llr ear 115 quick In mode for fair drumon of Int rotting we mommy mm huh Inc vv irglllk lII lie goeirircnt Winding 5112ill tnllk IiItI irr veto power over the ramp rij lit net ri vl lies of tel Int Ed mud mgm Ltmrli 1an Sifmbnk PC 3ch Did not Inc up to pledge to sell during the heated torilcdcia return for ins support in its New 111 Man ul Univ said Uxmed Chmm Barri 15 we 02 ll ti govcrrnncn ll lowers lion Icliilc inure 1311 to PM II II IIIIIII alltlidd 110 llIOw than 409 nu nditn Expenditures on com The government he sari mo ILc staleincur ira litriosi mp II Dire pa foul in ur Iltl It iaulioll prescm 30 pisthef pm reducing them llomscti faru ers in opportunity gentle Illi nude not unwridrravnl to the rnpuv till tlir tin I1II he Xllll The pmgwm Mb Uf bpuldl SIC Ing into the debate All lt up for the period when All In sink titclurerl Lllil Ivirriirrilnn lr Ma Ion la Inr planted out mm With med femur gm It linlsler Gardiner sudden unit price ceilings llv Jtlr lien Llarll 51 lliev Vllfltll raid Ilu LIIIltIltlllllIII nu the would Juli lida DU ung gum bum mm By HAROLD moman cu um db own he favored ui llvhri plltl for their products iriimuei Iluglrbglut Conservative in were 11 Hd lilixutl Wit lid lectdllllSb demeanor me new YFC Chums OTTAWA lb 21 Uh la at control to II the lieit of Co ous ticbalv iHitIiucis 1v ard uglprnltd to some of the two days IrIUlL trial 1rie books by Capt blraclrarl lhc ltanadas prunetheatre of 0Illlc ltoutinuaig PLIIIIIIIL Bible quiz won by Ross Morrow thc Commons last week rang down DRUG srours PIISIDINI HOME AND SCHOOL This own lion bun viaNull 00 out foul None and School and uch to be claim In 7di ury thorny Should publicly monk It Ibo have upwind on Should is dun elation mph at the imnllollon What should say Probably IN miloomq Pleadent mll ck ycd OCOA Illtny when IN rlnlion mm ore innomit It not rum do yOul speech of out John aim you HYJOIIJIIM AM lnIlfOJ of Insulin you iuprznrrr no monk memth for Inc MHN Iiey have more you oak lcr thew CIIDL and promise lhrm IHILIIIQCIII gaminqu on your pan SWKAIIR BOY My andso has aJIHJIIIKN loo In II that any plan Ill OIOMO can and It to have It shrunk look in long to do it am IncIo to wane It Soy om wool tlmlls glinnkinq the groom to we mil on full the wool amfdetlrxl from in appearance Ony ray of comfort they give II that the grandson will grow Into the sweater OIIMANY IRITISH CONIIOLLID Nor do an vanii to can Initial 10M Germany What lung an lulu To enter BlilSIlOCfcuptd lone of Germany necclory Io froe Military nlly Permit Ibis you con obtain from Allied Control Communion In loodon ll you on lake from Department of External Alfons Ottawa letter soy ino you are going into Germany on buameis It would mode your entry Luggage IIS Imnlcd mlh ncvt quotas ammo up HAITIAL MUSIC In withI martial to hitch in verse have born told it is splendid and the It OHIO publish To whom should OWNI Both Cordon Ihompson leled 902 Yome Sheet and Conodmn Music Sales Corp Ltd I76l Boy Slrccl mommn do lo look over mum Why not lake It to whet 01 both Send Your Cautions to KATE AITKIN 125 Janis Shut Toronto Oman TOOIIII PASTE FOR ll SPAIIKLIIID WHITE IEEIII In Ms ruin lOOlll PREPARATIONS PEPSODENT room PAsr29 45 comm room PASTE 25 45 15 IPANA room PASTE 33 53 FORHANS room usrc29 49 MACLEANS room eaer29 41 PHILLIPS TOOTH pasrc29 49 KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE29 49 SQUle room PASTE 49 LYONS room rowouz 2s 45 COLGATE TOOTH roworn25 45 LISTERINE TOOTH POWDER 29 45 PEPSODENT TOOTH POWDER 29 45 CALOX TOOTH POWDER 29c 43 DR wasrs TOOTH faov scour consume WEEK Sunday Feb 20th to Sunday Feb 27th Back up these worthy organizations that the younger generation may be better fortified for the battle of life CHILDstctz Mme HATEBRUSHIHI Antiseptic Solutions and Mouth Washes 50 DENTALINE i993 usramr 29 i=2 cwcoTHYMOUNE weir98 995P959T9iisc to 35c 13 pmmmtiom mm fit3g Novo ELASTIC BABY PANTS LAVORIS large medium small 23c REDUCED PRICES iii REVERY HOT WATER BOTTLE 69c THREE FLOWERS neIIIIIIe Adheswes SANTAX HOSPITAL COTTON 69c 95k mg 6C COREGA 2945 79 SANTAX BELLADONNA PLASTERS Martians ss 235 Lipstick reg 75c for 15 POLDENT 39 AMBASSADOR PAPETERIES 49c Rouge res15c 35 $125557 3259 MARKSMAN BOX CAMERAS 595 DU may Cake Rouge reg 100 50 DENTYTE 150 2505gidnggffEiunlsc I00watt 20 IVORY SOAP ITALIAN BALM PHILLI AXES AND ARFINQL l6 oz 31c 40 oz 69c 20 49 CREAM DEODORANT 125 FREE DEAL CreamierSmaoiher rcououv 00 12 lb ICHAN WAxhe By actual survey out of IO 19 39 59 wiih quart size SPEED Canadian women who have COAT as Home Permanent prefer TONI TONI KIT with Plastic Curle 250 TONISMALL KIT VPAVLMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM IlaolllliuchIIIIith LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE OVALIIINE An Idcal Bedtime Beverage Promotes Strength and Good Health MINARDS LINIMENT Soothe Sore Muscles and GIN haggllacmsand EXTRACT AND COD Rheumatic 45 PILLS LIVEROIL 385898 9o 29 59 mantis GOLD LABEL coo LIVER OIL ensures 89 GOLDLAIIEL ncsrsrm For Natural CAPSULES 89 169 LETS iIShIIIe Natural SoilSaleNcal GOLD BEL For Upset ConstipatedI 55mm Hz CAPSULES 89 169 TII amingo Babyd III uhmlunioi mug epen as 12 Napkin GOLD LABEL VITAMIN fagt 23 C0 TABLETS 259 unonucnsr with It AITKN liiroug Fl 35192 39 the TAMBI 21qu nounsMm Tugvrhun can can mm 130 pm Wodnudcybo M12130 pmSuturdcy830 can II tIoII0Ipm ovoIrIyIISIIndon Span to LISTEN to rut DELIVERYI Il

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