Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1949, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT lllh BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Emerson Swain Reports Simcoe District Coop Sales Near Million Dollars SlhltUlL lilSlilEtl tiMrlV Lusiiress cue Count 1948 otr is more has been to often repeated on Can good tfeciaicti Comp v11 te Sales have increased it All titrmin seed anti Itlllllrt hardware increased l111E SERVICES ri llEtltlrI fauna ttaii 111 111 30 worth tf bits touo rrp1n 1940 liltltdN iplics silttlt iilltxl frora cs ttltltvl 2000110 gallons oil will we for thetr busrncas is x1113 lllz Lieop rztit1czr nus scratchtwo years ago and for gasoline 10718 titpartrzri rt trucks and Itiil1lc gt1aff of 110121 and orl 1rrrs require two 11er 191 tirri able to pttl the hospital the liait assetance toop entries 111 irztrtrrcrpal rs of ttnep are pleas its weightrtn support if local Illiljttl satcl as rljers make powtblt County and share of tue load itLILlllti provincral and Dorrumort last 111 the lgtit loint al ftirticrai rculttne other Yetieialrens wtzr lllgtllttgt lrilgti tlllliltliilgt rrj iii the business world llgt11t1 prices rrou business inert altirzstii other Farm Ctrops ae rirttiiaitto the itllt itrengtlrenwvcertar free Cfllfllle sysarrr 11am lirtll constricted as upstaris lirir trade pitielites and rtilicz lrtlgttlitgtgtrs lllrll azrttfaelurtng aritl ildll flare Wit retailing or tlets t1 srgnetl nation creased 30 to nearly 1500 farm families during the year Starting from nothing two years ago the petrolettm department was built tip to exceed half million gallons last Smith Studio Photo lllllS THE ll PLANT of Simcoe Dis rtrict Ctrop Services llmerson Swain reports ati increase of 43 in sales to total of almost million dollars lin 1040 Membership iii the coop was in ltave grit1 these lain Barrie Manager They developirient tint provide tile tilltl to tileltanl which confronts mu thlttlalitrllvtrl Canadian fazrrrers iite only illltilr ative to more anti more control try irtillilllilll bureaus Everything cotrrrdt red this Simcoe County Ctroperative lltSS which many of 11 farm owners consider along with llltllildllll equipment and livestock as being one of their itatportairt assets are all interested irr lllgtilltgt present high cost of lrvrrrg tlic foiid cost isritTtdiigeri in pertTin in ltpltrSlUll days no rrrtperie this llil Cttl ltigt ttllllilllill that on this llrs lllogg as matron tlttiillllltltlilllull ployees frotri $1350 to $1800 employees littmTlT bmtnsfor cost ofliving Merrrbcrs of the special commit adjustments of lenetarrg plus free gaol eni Salary Adjustments County Employees liReport wlsl Adepted 11 Ink Other We 1919 also tn ire that prosptch for remembered to but iiictirndilliiiiryil lrospects are that grain prices as well as live stock prices will be firm at least trntrl the new crop year we believe we can look forward with confidence to reasonably goed be levelling off of peak rriotror and pool receive gi1ts $110001 expansron it should however t1t11 lrrr The following eornrriittee report Imk3 was adopted by the Simcoe County Smund tottncil irr session last week pro readrrri was illgtll zrvct and the by Vim Willi Ullllmms law wrll lre totwartieti to the Munf rerpal lloartl before the fitial read15 mcml 1949 01 lows tee on salary lienson llutricr of lcctiinsetlr llugh Joini and Ernest Miller were Fred ltlrrllltl prograzu par rrzerr A1 oarp 1940 Undoubtedly there will llft prices btrt sharp drop is not looked for times for stoti of Otrllia llre salaries for county employinf oldwatett SINCE Itilll CENTURY Lolored lenses in eyeglasses have been used since the huddle of the 10th century 1ien Reeve llatt the ltft would pay the debenturesE the Mayor replicdi asked VarSity Registrar Evans Brother Warden Evans Ilhe Financial Post If anyone should know the ins arid outs of the University of To says nobody christened Joe ever routo it should be Joseph Cooper had nickname Evans recently appointed registrar to succeed Fcnncll comes from afamily with 25 years experience five brothers and his sister all at lllldCd or but one bw zontally instead of vertically as in he moved to Os humans lgoode llall later was called to the Bar Evans Jones plus engineer mileage county eight cents jJeari Amos $1380 lfSimpson coiinty clerk $2400 Dorothy Mill ei $1400 ll Coleman county lhlltteastncr $2000 ltllltttil lt1lilltl llllSlllllfi 121ssistitlit treasurer $1800 plus $100 account tot+3r1lt2lt ltl connection with tll done on the Town littlllum inquired and the interest 53000 ill the atfiiirratrve snrscttnrizn crrr 7m New York has 21 of the worlds Combined would stand 16111 feet high rnisrori Very Limited Supply Wilson chairman Coleman tallest buildings they as secretary of the county health Robinson county lgulrne f1 llllsRobert Craig work was along the town clerklgllfm plus homo hirhl warm Willil llldl Wit Wlllelantl fuel and also Sta Tiav when rrrony owing on the elevator aridl electrical spoke of the smoke on the bttild rug and said something should be done to check down the 81380 When ritesscnger All members were present at the Town Council meeting last Mon day night with the Deputy Norton how exception of leevc Griffin and Ald serving as court Simpson plus Eric $3000 constable assessor mileage Aime MC work The Mayor lllSlly Evans county eight cents Middleton $1400 Kelvey governor of county home 31200 and $1000 for Mrs McKcl vey as matron light lieittiiiid Ootifpliis glowauce for travelling John Kier rnan $300 Dr Fred Spearing $400 Glendinning Roberts auditors honorarium $800 $5101 lPTlllllp and $525 for Aid Wilson property report chairman committee recoriimcntiiug lptjrtiortgwto the second flororgiof the building used ther graduated IlUlll llllllllll presented certain dlls Customers are urged to briyiitiiti 113170711013 already done so free house not 111 plus Bradford was born 70711711711 1004weiit to public and high schools there then to Barrie ollcgialc Institute trial School of arid Ontario College of Education llc taught public school in his hometown from 1923 to 1925 held iii private business for eight years after that taught next eight mu itttcrWtis coutin health unit offering to rent the lower building at 911100 year on five Tlltb council for tenders on the necessary alter ations fire formerly space ttiii1fttgtrir the as town clerks office and council chamber of the space was being the board mainder could be rented Childrens Aid pun floor used by and the re to the Society at $300 iyear Reeve Hart and Aldflsugh rsiiggcsted the council should get an ridea how jwould cost changes for this rental It was re thc fire hall TOYODIO Nor Jarrctt Gray and Warderis William Blogg CALL Dangerfield Motors 65 Collier St Phone 2487 of works year lease will call $800 various jobs Mrs Meicer namtlton chairman led 53123117 One patient had died of the welfare committee present ed scveral hospital accounts for in digent patients The amounts total much before alterations it making Ioro to The meeting was adjourned by years 1045 pm During the war he was captain WEBB Mens Wear and Dry Goods TZBTBRADFORDST it 3532 rrLerNtrriLi it 35321 DAY LEARANCE Ian 27 to Feb lNClUSlYE MENS BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS Reg 16 $650 CLEARING $495 SPORT SHIRTS Regl Sale $475 Reg $750 Reg $895 Sale $750 MENS WINTER COMBINATIONS Stanfields Cream Rib Reg $325 Sale $249 Zimmerknit Cream Rib Regg$250 Sale $200 St George Plum Knit Reg $250 Sale $200 ENTIRELSTOCK OFMENS EDBESSIRQIISEBS TWEEDS GABS SERGE COVERTS FLANNELS MWORSTEDS etc CLEARING 915 vENiiaEsrbcRigoii MENCS FINE SOCKS aegiserg $2195 MENS DRESSGLOVES Reg to$450 to 011 Mens Overcoats only SCIIe $25 Sizes 37 39 Many Items at Advertised Are Included in This Sale WHITE TABLECLOTHS 60 72 Sale $395 LACE TABLECLOTHS 54 54 Reg $479 $395 LARGE SIZE PRINTED TABLECLOTHS Beg $550 and $575 Sale $450 3Piece Lace Reg$l25 DRESSER in Reg $525 Sale $595 BORS7SWEAIERS Reg$275$ Saunas Reg $375 Sale $295 Sets SaleJSc ulfet RNNERS Sale39c PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS Rose and Blue Figured 350 Sale $100 PURE LINEN TRAY CLOTHS 59c Dillllillll jBOYS BREECEES 3799 75 Reg $450ar1d $550 Sizes 10 to 15 CLEARIN vBeg$ Reg$1oo1 $395 g7 Regg$3752Sale$3 $500 Sale $398 Reg Sale $450 19 isPaikas Coats $99510 $1995 CLEARING ovulating Haughs Reg $475 95 Big Brand Reg $425 Sale$375 Reg $495 Red $395 $350 Headlight Secondsy ENSVGAUNILET MITTs Reg $200lRRSale $125 Reg$l50$cile $100 If cHiLDR vtutacuallylInntan VISKI HUNTING clips Sale $425 Reg$l255to$l95 Reg $350 Reg $4500 Sale$3195 Size 40 unit$4000 iLONDON LIFE COY NEW RECORD HERE $226721000 new itt xterm lo tr vittla was can the London late lflgttttiiirce Comp aiiy subunitti at the 74311 tr rum 11g oi the eorzrpany Tit Jtin Mr by Mcllierson pr ident The amount of lite insur artce purchased by Canadians Iltrllt the London Life last year was the greatest volume ever written in rihis country by any corirpatiy 1111 any one year The new insurance amuunted to $220721000 not trig =eludingannuities or business rent sided with otherncornpanres The increase in insurance foice in the London Life was also tthe greatest ever reported for busr ness Within the Dominion by any one company in any calendar year This increase amounted to more than 5103320000 The total ttisur ancc ttt this company is now $1593 109000 This growth 111 size has been accompiuuetl by corresponding growth tn financial strength de clared If Reid vicepresident and managing director The in1 crease in resources amounted tol 823000000 bringing the total assets to 5292570000 Of this amount 521000000 represents surplus funds for the added protection of policy holders placing the London Life in art exceptionally sttpng financial position and adjtttant of the of TOTC lie has been assistant to Fenriell since 11115 For several years the six Evans lioyslrad their own ltockeylearu at Bradford during Christmas holi days ttnd challenged They were pretty good too As an undergraduate Evans won Varsity First in hockey and lacrosse lie is member of Delta Upsilon fraternity attends Manor Road United Church where he is chairman of mens committee for scouts and Cubs lle married Mabel Black of Rock Hill South Carolina they have three children Donald George Sally Jo Frances Edith Evans has never had nickname Evans is for he Warden Charles Evansr JAWS or INSECTS The jaws of insects work hori 1e rr CANNON OLYMPIC SHEETS Size 81 99 Heavy Quality Beg $895 pr Sale $750 pr LACE CURTAINS Reg $400 pr Sale $339 pr Reg $475 pr Sale $395 prr Reg $595 pr Sale $495 pr Sizeziz x21 Reg 790 Sale 65c Unbleached Towels Reg 98c pr Sale 85c pr Part Linen Tea Towels Red and Blue Checked Rea39 1189193 tail0 Modern Offices Opened 1A Barrie Examiner Open House Later Date tall itontinued from page one tit tin itlorl eti inflicts is pal ilhc walls and ceiling have be yilewly piatered and pzirirtcd lilltl =nts bitll laid on ngre vestibule floor is red tile THURSDAY JANUARY 27 1949 BELION Ol NCII the parking of cars and other vehicles of the zillage so as rite the rereoval of Show ding itc ixttoltfdlg to the Traffic Act LUtilull lettrgtcyv and fluff were appointed to rep rt the cotiucri for 1949 on the liie tolor scheme of the new green slrtiriuig tor wlllle in the cezliizg and vesttbti rev biilllcnlil iirioleu rm Lima restraint tttitrt Board in eetirent The woodwork of as its hail en the office srtie slightly deeper green than thel The entire office is bright and walls Heel lighted welcome lttlligt101lii T00 lilliiily Ullittr life dWIdidl tiier from the prcylotls accommo off by Sevenfoot wmdowed pattivtdtitieu trons inset with large parties ofs lgwrdc fluted glass Similar piiltll tipns face the corridor leading tol the plant Fluorescent lighting has been installed throughout The Youll find quick relief for the itchin bum front offices are screened from the in ICCIIH of ecum when you use Dr all corners brother of street by venetian blinds The long counter in the busrness office is of processed brownmaDr sotirte anti has builtin slieivesxto CORBY MOTORS LIMITED Successors to Chiltick Motor Sales Chins antiseptic Ointment Just try it today monnc SalesService and Genuine Ford Parts WE ALSO SELL AND SERVICE Iord Tractors and Implements PHONE 4242 110 DUNLOP ST For Deliveryof PHONE 817r31 CHARLES CALDWELL STRIPED TOWELS Fresh Purina Chows tranquil 55 PllltlllA crrotirs BROOKS Barrie ll DAY CLEARANCE Iaii INCLUSIVE All W001 Chesterlaine 54 Inches Wide imBlack Grey Blue and British Tan Reg Yd $199 Yd All Wool Suitings 54 Inches Wide in Ncivy Dark Green Grey Powder Blue Plaids Reg$350 yd Sale $259 yd PRINTS FINEPRINTEDENGLISHSW COTTONS Reg 98cvyd Sale 79c yd LADIES SNUGGIES Reg 75crSale59c House Dresses HORRocKSES GOLD MEDAL SHEETINGS 81 wide Reg $1 IRgx 345051111 $395 Reg$i5l5p5 RegI$47581ile $4 19 20193359 Li Reg $si1eiiii219 pr Ladiesi Wool and Cotton fSa1e$439 Reg $833 254 Fabric DIIGSSGIOVBS Some 35335 Reg $24gr ll of these lines are Selling Sale $459 Sale $198 1688 than half price 79 yd Sa1et$145 yd SATIN cusnioNs BED PILLOWS Reg $700 pr fLot 21jC1earin9 nun 25 Reg$165$1759$11851 vswron at has paswd by ileeton Couturetitty lcnoral Rcc CORBY MOTORS Lriiriiir 27 to Feb 11011 jCldriniji 9c 10 off

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