Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1949, p. 5

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THURSDAY JANUARY 27 1019 tario national Iltdiltlttillit recently with llaiii iesiti ptcsliiiiiir divisioii wile IJILJJHI ing The ilfllilml campaign will be an Ontario Uilt1t National quota is $0000 0411 Hon Six Annual Campaign Ontario Red Cross Seeks 02000ng The cchut We min Dry ision iiid past laillit hid Leopold 11 Tclniiio it 111 the fluid March with siniiiifgtii ibccn found 1111 Maoiulcy mentiiig on the work done 1y jaceiit Red Cross braiic 1ch recent fllt at Siiiitiiilaiul cit it during 3300 childrcii had been examined 31 Iiic university for dental students fulfilling special the Queens rl illtjtt th progressing lii Webnil iitti when is financing dental govtiiiizcnt ii tiiiltltitlttt 114 iieai ilii dental IIt1 lent has instill gutclltil itting it flit unionii not Mailing tlie1selvt of the appoi tuiiity This piovts declared Dru iMactiiegor that Red ro on 111 right track because dental edit lcation through surveys such as 1111 lthat undertaken by Red Cross Luiiics first In the new survey 11 Sudbuiy lprojcct had been successful in cs tablisliing an educational prcgriliii lfiii all with wanted to settle ll ilargcr centres Consequently Ethcru is better distribution iii isniall centres Miss ll lliiioiy reporting ioi volunteer nursing services statcd that young women are at 1011111110 universities taking degree courses of nursing on Red Cross bursaries Last week the iicivcst of Out post Hospitals was officially open ed by the Minister of llealth 121201 season approxmiately H000 Red Cross swimming awards were made in Ontario This program is now in universdics where Red Cross is conducting iiistiuctois courses Armed services and air force have ltCLltCd the program as well Mrs Edward Coleman declared that womens work groups busy with sewing sheets and totvels zirc request from Nursing As District sociation in England LIFE INSURANCE VALUE STRESSED BY NAZLA DANE There are litany things life 111 surance can do for women mar ried or single said Miss Nazla Dane of the Canadian Life Insur ance Officers Association in the course of an address to the Barrie Business and Professional Womens Club onTuesday night It can provide 111011er to pay expenses of last illness and bar ial money for investments money for trip money for new home new car many things It can be arranged to pay an tcrly or monthly If you have children to educate life insurance can provide them iwith university education If you have other die Miss Dane advised her audience to seek out good life insurance agent and to talk over the problem money will help you to make plans which future tailored to fit you shricoiiieycarly halfyearly quailL dependents life insurance can tidc them over the Qt saidl that 1111 court would as Wciidbfalfifstcm qrgm Md 10f what you hope to do with your The life insurance agent will bring about that dream of After tracing the history of life insurance from its early beginnings down to tliepresent day Miss Dane told her audience that life insur day January 25 rCA Budget By $4000 to $76000 1oiitiiiutd from page oneI in any other and as result costs had Jumped If we do it again the same situation will oc ciir in tho long run it will cost the taxpayers morc than 84000 The situation was now under control and to keep it there they would have to keep the staff SALARIES iiicinlier demanded to know who had placed minimum and iiizixmiilni on social workers sal arics lle remarked that ptiblic school teachers were just as Well qualified and that they were not paid as highly as those workers Mr Naplitali replied that the trained social worker was uni versity graduate with one or two yearsof postgraduate work and consequently held either bacliclris or masters degree in social work The Canadian Association of So cial Workers and Students So ctcties had set the minlintiin and maximum In his opinion $2000 was not trcntcndous stun He added that social worker work ed at least four nights Week and often on Sunday arid was on call 24 hours day 110 doubted if Iany other salaries group could be lcolnparcd to tlicrii Mr Naphtali iadmittcd that the salaries had been increased by 33000 in 1018 ovcr1917 Coun Lockhart asked Mr Naplitali iftlic Juvenile and Fam ily Court would add to the ex ipciisc of his society and Mr PHIL AND LOUIS PALERMO of Italy took part in the Youth for Christ rally at Central United Church in Barrie on Iues lllli llAthll IlXAfyllfylili 11M Dru iZiiiii 13 211sz Reduced ii is HONORED 60 seconds Sir1 cs ehiy tiiic with anqitmiis fake 11 may rt 111Ll1 Mix add cup of milk or water gt slit and ILiltt Light tcndel driftsl4 WWW it Tu it todai 12 I11 licpiit all Ixlil wimp 113 1114 mo irv to thel intitial cuiitcz lcmgfun 001 Lifter vtzii iliiiizi lit 39 rI Jib 25 lllat his death it 31 Amt MPH strange inttiie of good ti vvwmwm 44v tLiligltJLL tor the forest 03 mp1 in ysui Low in 114 in Uh Ms my Hm dlti and copied 111 many Uttitt hm up mi 1iitiii ilv has iicin itli the mu 11 tiiiaiio ovciiiliitnt since 1901 cum ii will lult in R1 in Oct in bittcit it fits 1111 111 1441 Jhmm Mi Iiliilt Deputy liiilstcr of 16ch mil 41 my INF 11 It 10 pmunwfm 13 genius lluins had strange I113 111 iit lici tlltlilillti lll limrlll cliizitioii for woniei and 111 Lv1i1ii ylt 1l attracted to every girl he nut lle Ittttlll lwlttilx zit Rex Wanon dlfjftl 47 Jim high always had titl4 and was too Ml and MN Dulit 41110 it timing Vmd fond of hard liquor litzt Ihii ll ll 11 in 11min 1111111 iiiiultipfrtltllb was born poet lle pilllltttl lat number iron here are ittiiid gt1ll or county orests ll it ie saw and siiiii 111 11 mli 11M UHIINWD 11 through his dooriodtioi Th0 it mmmhmu 1mm in rimtings at itllilllt Loiiiiiiutidy 11 Ah t111H A31 Al All iiioiight about the cstzlbllsli that lp1d mt and 1m Ilail Pulllv 111 11 forest nurseries at St Wil th mung Mh The Jonieiis Association aiidt liltj lad lllti to word them sim ply and added that the more they find to 1tiltiy by way of statistics the more it would cost otiiiclilol Allison ilgtlltl1 what had liiipptned to the faintly allowlt aiite that v1 ic collcctcd flii ill the tillltiltll in paid carc Mi Naplitali ltlliitii that they were held 111 trust ttlttitl regulations ex ccpt for $11 month which was given to foster niotlicrs for nchs saiy extras uch as Thrisliiias presents The lllllilthllllittL amount now held in trust was $20000 and was itllli used to raise the stand aidot living of wards and for ctltn catlolial purposes Any balance in childs fund was turned over to him at the age of ill or before if iiectssaiy Thc cliildrciil were in in some cases the financial rc spotisibility for their education was assumed for two or three years after this if they did not go to work otiiicilloi Louis Trua asked how many cars thr society was maintaining and Mr Naphtzili said other staff members provided their own cars and receide milc age and travelling expenses of Fillcent meal allowance CUNNINGHAM Cot 611101 iiiiiiiiigliiiiii ofAlT liston proposed motion to grant the Childrens Aid Society $80000 He icniarkcd iii proposing the motion that the workers were at Naphtali replied to the contrary Sist Them 171 maintaining thepres etit level of expenditures and that in two or three years time it might rcsult in reduction in them Councillor Truax asked Mr Naplitali to what advantage the additional $5000 given the society last year had been used The so ciety had been granted $75000 at the 10111 anuary session andwas later given the original request of 3100000 Mr Naplitalig replied that this amounthad been applied TOWN of Ratepayers ymClY ofjohucrry Cost In 1311 Jami15 Jan 1081 979 9801 982 $5 1000 1960 51963 1661968 2000 VA My purchase To Febfuaryvtgrch and Anni 1957 2500 1447 2450 2454 457 3000 2936 2940 2954 29 48 4000 3915 3920 5000 4894 4900 7500 7341 7351 than 60 companies competing ithe Canadian market lance was the most compeIiTivc bus iness in Canada today with more in the wards in foster homes and to overcome deficit at the end of 1047 Reeve Benson of Penetang said ial and provincial laws deral provincial and work on various public improve ments and who construct factorie lhav stake in our country and it wellbeing and its through ownership of life insur ance In conclusion Miss Life insurance can do thingsfo business for ourselves Theres upto each of us to talk over thes things with good life insuranc tant and green fields of trave business home or quiet that on earth The speaker was introduced Mildred Mercdithand thanked club DISTAFF TENDEch Women are said to disposed to overWeight than me in the ratio Of 10 to one bylreo Clt CutlnFebmry Costln Feb 1114 1700154 984 24160 292 39 4922 8925 3931 4908 4914 7382 7362 7371 10000 9787 9801 9816 9828 9843 Prepayment Receipts must The prcientcd along Laure1018251949 She said that all were financially sound and operatedwithin certain legal limitations imposed byjfeder She told 111 lot how the funds of life insurancchc remarked that the field of so lcompanics were investigated in te other giltedged securities and how the Ilaw limits the amount of any one companys funds mayrbc used as venture capital She described howilook into the situation first hand life insurance funds are used to provide funds to pay people who and other buildings so that we l90001110 Dane said us personally Married or single wageearners or housewives or in type of lifeinsurance that can do something we want done and it is agent and start work on pro granT that will take us tothosedis think of as our particular heaven Pauline Matson on behalf of the 13more pre Prepayment 1R eipts during the months 145 um 1831 Apr 115 986 $988 989 he could not see why it took 1person with BA dcgie to patch differences in family troubles led accountants and law ship suggested in their More problem He also the KOVCIIIIIICDL Once more 31119 amount $11000 This collcc that the Juvenile of these accounts STATISTICS could not understand the report ent miinicipaliti that they might as wel tiriued thefollolvjngrote March Cost In April Apr 163911 1977 2472 2966 3955 1971 1975 2454 2467 2957 2963 3942 3950 4929 4937 4944 7392 7404 7416 9857 9873 9887 with 1949 Turning on SMITH Treasurer tDrncinctcrtsingcostsobomding icial worksecmed to be becoming Closed corporation like charter Rceve Lockhart of InnisfilTown that the members own communities He said that since hchad become member of the county council the iChildrens Aid Society matter had and more of recommended prosperity that the question be brought to attention of the provincial Reeve Hugh Johnston of Orillia rasked how much of the outstand ing accountsgof the parents of the children had been paid during the past year and Mr Naphtali re plied that they had been able to collect little better than half of tionwasa gradual process begin ningwith court order followed by two remindersga 10day Warn ing and then court action He said and Family Court might help in the collecting Rccve Earl Richardson said he that the sDcicty had been print ing and sendingtout tothe differ If theycould not benput moreciearly he felt rbe discon Mr Naphtal replied that least putting up real and honest raise in the per dicm rate was something that could not be measured exactly btit he felt that the job was being fairly well done We cannot measure flesh and blood with dollars Clllid ncglcct isa curse on this country hope none of it will come out of Sinicoc County would vote twice as much to prevent this 110 added that although no per son could take mothers place that was what the CAS was try ing to lop Councillor Bensoii seconded Reeve Ciuiiiinghams motion rc marking that the rate of increas ing cases was less than it hadbccn and that he thought that the ex tra county council members on the finance committee of the society would help remedy the situation Rccvc Miller intervened to say that he Considered that all this social service was merely lessening the responsibility of the parentsl Reeve Benson countered by say ing that the Childrens Aid Society Should be supplemented by par ents society because the fault went back to them He added that the provincial government might take part of the profit of the liquor business and put it into the CAS Louis Truax also backed 11p Reeve Cunninghams motion and said that he considered it good business to do 50 Back in 1940 the society had been understafde andiis result there had been an increase in life day pay care of $14000 The same situation would arise with cutin the grant and next year their reducst might be $90000 This was situation that icould be avoided Councillor Tud hopc remarked hat 1946 could hardly be taker as normal year with menjust back from ovcr seas andfhdmss being broken up He hardy thought thal such situalty would arise again CptncIIIOLvCanipbcll rose torsay that he considered it unfair that highly paid sectal workers like the stfperinterldcnt should be paid when 50centi meal allowance travelling vThe recommendation that the sum 01076000 be appropriatedfoi ciety for 1949 was cariicd by vote 0f1251tol7= Councillor Allison followed this the society This was referred to the county clerk for action TETHESDA Mrs Cooper spent lliursday Jan 20 in Toronto Ed ODcll held successful sale offaim stock and implements on Wednesday Jan 19 Mrs Mabel Moir and Mr and Mrs Barrett Torontospcnt the iweekend with Mr and Mrs Moir Thc Windstorm on Tuesday night of last week did considerable dain age to the roofs of an implement lshcd and house of McMastcr 2111 the Third concession of Innis Wins RN Degree Congratulations to Miss Cather irie Graham on gbtaining her RN in nursing Nur in June 1948 Walliaiii and hunt collection of photographs taken pay caic until they were 10 and that two were maintained and the UN in the an and mm which to the next and demonstrating in litz For many years people be the use of the Childrens Aid 80 EMT Zavitzlvfor manyyearsacted up with resolution thatthc Dc was Chairman 31 lbevannual dime partiiint of Welfaicbe asked to January 24 also taking part of the roof off the barn belonging to MrMcCallum Graham gradu ated fr0mthe RV Hospital Barrie Rife ONTARIO CANADA Kcmptvillc llitlliiliSt Fort CV of of Among his proudest souvenirs is ii the early days of the St Wil iams plantation in Norfolk Couri An ardent photographer in the old days when taking plioto graphs involved carrying wagon oad of equipment he photograph spent the wvckcnd with er an eightacre tract of blow sand ii the area located south of Simcoe The pictures show desert in the halting Recently from the same ll orner MrZavit7 rcphotogtaphcd act 0n which new no 50 attended the funeral of Mr lloinL leto eys brotherinlaw Ictc Yool 111 1938 pontif puss CPU Km Sliclliurnc last Friday r1 er Attended Skating Party 1331vClitV 9011911 iut lumber for departmental use The trees had been planted by Mr 7ivit7 in the tirsT step of re clamation marinpreviouslydry streams now producing speckled trout and on 21 which dams program which finds beaver today are building ltciiiiiiiscing of his early efforts to educate faiiiicis on the value of jLurtstatiun Mr lit11111 told no porters that he had through the country by horseand buggy going frotn one farm home person just how trees should be planted to provide windbreaks prevent erosion and even provide paying Christmas tree crop It required great deal of talking but then always could talk great deal he said Some of the farmers were reluctant to use their spare time in planting trees but they quickly learned it wasa pay ing proposition ail now Hm de mand for trees from provincial nurseries is far greater than wc can fill From the early beginning of the provincial nurseries when trees were numbered iii dozens each year more than 13000000 small trees are now sent throughout the province They are planted by in dividuals boys and girls organiza tions such as the Scouts and Girl Guides service organizations and school children The encouraging thing in my 11 77 bEHthic arousing of public consciousness and the in creased intercst taken by the peo ple of Ontario in the need for rel claiming areas from which every tree had been out said MrvZav licved our forest arcaswere inex haustible The early settlers simp ly set fire to the bush as means of clearing land Swamps were drained and fence rows ploughed to the very edges Today though people are better educated and as result 0111 forests are coming back It will be long time of course before we again see lulu bcr 0101ations0aiiied on in southern Ontario but we must also remember it took our forefathers long time to so gdenudc the land that We had practically nothing left We must always remember he said that without forests our proi vince would be desert waste and We must take steps to preserve what we now have and to bring our land back to its original state It will be long eitpensive task but it iscncouragingtto see public incnts efforts to bring thisaboutd Known for his sense of humor1 ofthe senior offichialsof the Dcr Premiergeorge Drew was guest Speaker Mr Drew paid glowing tributc to thowork of the Depart ment in detecting and suppressing forest res He pointed out this was due to the tower and piano detection system increased effici ency and modern equipment much the foresight of Mr Zavitz Ed sent the audience and Mr he declared You follows think you are pretty smart with all your modern the equipment and things Why in the old days We had big ger and better forest res than you ever saw and we didnt have anyof these fancy gadgets you fel lows have now Although in his seventies Mr Zavitz is hate and hearty His jflyes twinkle with humor hewears neat brown suits with gured ties and every Working day he is be hind his bigdesk at Queens Park trying to work out better things 010ntarios forest lands poeiiis were penned iii address made plea for blood donors held in the lizisciiiciit on Tuesday Members of the club ireil asked Jan 10 llarry Lang arid Ross Iler 110010 and Anti1 rcczc my mood imminmg durullltltll prtttidcd oysters and all ctr the year This will Dc used 101101l 41 0000111111 Slllllbl tlWd 03 1M build up 1100 mm to Midililt ladies After supper Rev Mr 1911 ltitlt tit for residents of llarric and viciiil Alfmom nducwdl ml 1947 Ptillt 3111 1111111111 and plticctttt wr ic liiisincss All the reports given Ht Mlmllr ll in Toronto their delicious ltiiu clcpaitiiiciit of highways says to winter motorists chpi travelled Educ wits aiidwindsliicld clear 1110mm voundmun vefrdgyiAgellglrulti opinion rising behind the governK partmcnt Last year When fexf pay4i0tyrofsrbudgetef $80000 for ftheqmprovemonphelngpdnddoi Drew into helpless laughter when rant FIVE 7wwaM Hikeiiiiifiufaiiiniim Mix Chocolate Cake in iWMS vxill iieet tin ltlcsdiiy Feb ll at the home of Mrs Ivan Mcv Lean at pm Please bring your trial blocks tsizc 13 iiichesi for dark quilt Mis Brown and Mrs Rom Bertram will he the tea boson51s hiirch Meeting The animal church iizccting was rhaps the most tliicct potl that er lived Many of his chocc liiiittil Used Cars Graves Allen All Cars equipped with liltlltllts Mr Ferguson quocd number Biliris potms to illustrate his At the meeting Jtiliii loinlinsoii 11 1017 Chev Coa 1017 Ioiit Scd 10171odchcrl 10817 Ford Sctl 1010 Porn Sen 1040 More Sell 1910 Hudson Sctl with heater 1912 Ilyiii Scd were favorable The annual Silli day School meeting was held the same evening All the otlicers and teachers were icclcctcd Stuff ial cash donation was received from Mrs llandy Sr for the work of tlic Sunday School Miss Joyce lluntci Presidciit of lowes Institute assisted Mrs JI llcll of Rudy who was the speik er at the church basement on Wed 10 Bell outlined tlicl Newton Robinson Iillltlilly Mrs West is spending two weeks Mr and Mrs Noble visited rccmorc friends on Sunday Mrs Dalton Draper Toronto Jill Mir 110 activities aii ru cs 11C onicns Institute and presided over thei MON Ouh with Radio 1040 Dodge Scd 1040 Stud Coach with election of officers as follows Pres Skinny menwomen Mr and Mrs Bretdon Rich ale visited Mrs Ilarrison over ic weekend Mr Homer and Miss Kay lloincr 1932 Chry Scd 1940 ton Panel Truck 1942 GMC 13 ton Pickup 7774rvtrucki All cars stored in limited garage PHONE 3533 14 Ellipticrton St 011 Wednesday evening Jan lit bout thirty members and friends the YJU went to Thornton tori annual skating party Ihef roup returned to the litiiiituiLidizi nd Mrs Ben Steers where 1101 was served Get New Pep Vim Vigdr th llirllll Bony limbs 1111 out ugly trollan all up neck no longer scrawny 10am half ntnrved sickly 0611019010 huusimtls girtsvomcn men who never mu IllIIIT bclo are now proud of entirely healthylooking hodl 11 faith 1191110001 vlzorbuttdlng nestihiiltdlniz rex 15 ton ca ailinu ants hivi orator Fig fromuvlltnmta RI calcluin eprlgti blood zIinprow nope 1111 ilxesiion no lo iives you more IIOT 51 TAKL CARL strength and nourishment put flesh on blue hon Dont fear getting Ion hit Strip when youve 1171111011 it tho 10 lb or 20 lbs you need for normal welghi Itth llttlc New get Acquainted me only our 115 famousearn Tonic Tomatofur viii Its Fun to Sew so SEW ANDSAYE FORWTHATWBEAUTIFUITgtNEWV SVSSPRINVGVViiFROCKLMw come in and choose your own material from our wide range of Figured Striped or Dotted Crepes Priced from Yard $169 BUTCHERS LINEN 54 inch Yellow pink white navy cocoa blue green Yard $198 CHANTUNG 36 inch Pink brown navy yellow blue Yard $135 PLAID GINGHAMS 36 inch Yard 89c FEATHER FLANNELSfaSinchclaim and Plaidi Yard 8129 WILSo is Dressmaker Supplies 124 Dunlop St Barrie 3030 OFBLOODDONORDREGISTRATIONCARDS THE FOLLOWINGPLACES OF BUSINESS HAVETSUPPLIES TiinjanRTEnEDBANK1 Dnowna ooLTDFE13D SloiiL CALDWELL DRUG STORE ROBINSON HARDWARE MOORES SHOE STorui TAMDLYNSDquSTonu UNITED CIGARZSTOILE CHRISTIES GROCETERIA COLES BUTCHER SHOP WHITTYS DRUG STORE CLIFF BROWN LTD MENS wLA ZELLERS LIMITED may take but moment to 1111 in Sign nd drop in the iiox7v0ii rim Sight this you are willing to donate blood twice during the coming yea

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