Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1949, p. 3

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No Great Improvement In Farmers Finances Declares Stewart runner JANUARY 27 1949 norm lepoited to the County Council to ltheir Januaiy scssron that 1918 had Mn rear of Wind crews to on WM pull in MS Wag Ml county He said however that despite llll illebilll clamor against liii pil tilt lUIlliUlt of life fdlldil had not shown any great iIpivl Intm fllflllilttilgt llic ms IlUilcllll illlll lllJlllitnfldfltt ll buildings and equipment had risen in balance km pm mm pm May lllll Slll had en sh ll in lhe lloiltllurilL ttiwnsiiir gm 0mm hm lunducpdhf is yield 0410 Wm and yield of sirgroom ilid bun thr its on leLUlti Rllllll floll fruit and eetiiblcs hail bllli Win mppwmy minul up luvmwmg mm 0M lVll WUU lienS uf lilsllictell IW lull mit were grown last year Ablllll 750 lllls of first class lo WW gt lHlLt itrC giouii In Niu lltitllPYLLlS MARSHALL knuwn as short courses ly to the county lllld Ollt Elillll Clllb had been lllilll Whitcsidc ior work had the lack of fulltime llfllOl who is in his final Nine homemaker club programs bad ist for Simcoe and Fortyeight Janualy program included and about 4U acres Vtlt grown for the first time lll liny Township four miles north of Llifolitalnc Some 238 agricultural were attended during the ill addition to regular programs such school and fall Page felt and referred particular night class pio gram and weekly winter meetings assistant although John Mclnlyies Ontario Agricultural College hadi been valuable summer assistant on for the girls under the lCIIlZlOIE had been appointed home cconom V310 and Midland With attended the OAC short courses in JUNIORS ORGANIZE Township branches of the North Federated Juniorshad been organized in Sunnidalc Oro and Vcspra during the summer JlOVCanL competitioil field day and livestock and seed junior com The liilush to her radio listen ers has recently cut her first Cali iillllilll phonograph recording Shi mmlmgs is granddaughter of Mrs William Ulr Rolling ll Donald St lliiilie Township had led the way in es fairs and plowing matches tablll mg varblx fl siiriv uo hoard wopmuw program Wm mommy KllCtLlllllrlll oigtiiniratlons mild great metcase was shown in coiin serVIces iii lIicchzlscl tie value of the Barrie 0mm My lnttltst lll sols Il llll llsr through the county the improvementwork being done in cooperation with the rop lin provement Association and the ln connection with junior Work North Simcoe Potato Growers C0 il bOYS lllll SlllS Clllb lJlOglalll operative Within the county much four calf clubs two potato clubsE help had bu received from district potato inspec ized The call clubs had been my and Georg0 Gray dismcr particularly well supported Jllllisoed inspector both of the Domin lb considered temporary place been liandmapped ion department WEED CONTROL Progress had been made for the first time in many years in com bating weeds in an effective mail ncr through the weed control pro gram in North Simcoe direction of Campbell RillkCS year at thei and garden been carved Five seed display and crop Of 19 Dunim home COI1fllCCllngS had been held last March must for Simcoe County In SCl wmber 19 Miss Rum ShaveritMmcsmg Vascy Orllllzl Elm l0000 Ontario coumf bushels of seed grain represented sisal the grilded samples display new homemaker clubs young lwo summirliouis had been held in connection with pastures and weed and potato projects Four field crop competitions in seed potatoes and three in seed grain had beenconducted in co operation with the Midland Bar rie OH and Orillia societies Gordon Bidwell of Shanty Bay had obtained the high yield of the province of 74 bush cereal crops people had control work Their home im was rams tlSHIliS Silik lub uiiicii has for its pur iltlrt Hit Siljllillllg rites to new iiilivdls lost no time in Webb baby ii lilbt clothing with most of under the bors agricuuuml agricultural societies ROTHERS CK FIRE Iaiziziiiru fzom page one near public buildings which ndid tlzsilig nullr Illp IEy STORK LLB club ill Slioiid known as the of baby its funds and buying the Whole new want All the occupants lost their having lilll what they were Wearing lft Liz and Mis Alvin Webb parlt ills of the Webb bloilieis llobcrt and Elwood were in Siroud hall lit ii cold pilliy when the Word calm of the file When they air lli home the service station Was it Iiiuss of flames and the voL iIIIticis vcil flying to save their house The pally at Strolid end ed so abruptly that It is doubtful If it could be called successful Some returned Itlxr lite Visit to the fire to partake of the tofftt lilisllig and lunch The telephone oper ator kept the fire ctlll going oVer th lilies until most everyone was raised although little could be done on their arrival Mrs Graham grandmother of the boys was It bed ill the home of Alvin Webb The fire alarm on the phone was the first she knew of it We were playing cards when we heard ll crackling noiseff Bob Webb stated rushed to the garage and found fire in the cornerumdor the electric switch Somc cans of antirfreeze burst while was getting the car olit This spread the fire through the plirtition into the hex bed room Elwood got few pieces of clothing and the rug from the liv ing room floor before he was forced out The comrades of these two vet erans are already arranging for communitywide assistance pro grain The need of everything to pill them back in business is to to enable the hydro to be installed so that the electric gasoline pumps can be operated and some business done is the first consid eration ATTENTION VETERANS neigh iind all the community there is job to do group of farm business meetings were held in Barrie forfjuniors rNine meetings were held with the Veterans Land Act staff to aid ill agricultural programs for vet eian farmers atWarminstcr War erley and Barrie Mr Page remarked on the in creasing cxtent to which his de partment was becoming dependent on associated organizations such as the Federation of Agriculture the Womens Institute crop and liver stock associations junior farmers plowmcns and arts and crafts associations Several services which had given his office very worthwhile co THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA liaipkd will soon or lllll 334W ulfllil =1 On many farms the Hi to act Commit again Mr le llli We llv shortage is really Ucbplal Severe Concussion by Fall on he strum Wliat might hull own very iirl mitt tint till nintiw ampmmpii all srzious UCtlLlill iilplllli Llama nul Anyway Ii Chapman on muddy East lle If mi fulfill lllll Vinthe bird left his to gt1lixflgll but on Thurso lllllg Aboutnv liiil ll its iiu ii ME CW half an lllllll later in vi lie was IIl its no is mili ll man illl lb In illl Ltir suiprised to Sec him crossing the it lidll up uch Erroliltiori that litn iI TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All you with his face curried With will not iitlli pone aimu continued dining llll iv win fl grifn PHONE 334l4 PAGE THEE Sum iNORTH SUNNIDALE LH llv had fallen or some iicll iillfyd Settle coilciiuion Faith are doing iii ilziizs intarty every kind of weather ex iliil sorely needed lt still put some water in EGBERT Janna Sin toiletm is being expressed effects of the prac JallllilY 247mm Dunne From Wind Storm iStriUlh amigo by Nrir Tornado aKKx his ion1 USE PRODUCTS 0FPROVEN REPUTATION COLD LABEL COD LIVER OIL BUCKLEYS BRONCHIAL MIXTURE Reg 100 89 40 75 MALT EXTRACT cop LIVER on LANTICEN 600 lb 39 lbs 69 lbs 129 LYSOL 35 69 135 KAPSOVITE CAPSULES MENTHOLATUM 2955 50s 129 100s 229 MINARDS LINIMENT 29 59 coo LIVER OIL CAPSULES I003 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD 135295 Reg 98 89 Capsules 145265595 TAMBLYN BRONCHIAL SYRUP PASMORES MXTURE 59 lulledup Drains from time In lime ow drain 50c mangothan TAMBLYN con REMEDY SAL HEPATICA 35 70 130 ggtthomblyn chemist Crane It the Iron in Oh bowmcnf removed on Dono 011 30C lye pup dawn me pILwr It mil help clear the drainsrill only lenipcrall chiocgi min rr my osyniagifiixibitgfg ilitcimn i533 Icy clpulan mother to learn baby um oz gt liridthosls grgngielci lrmgldcgcdyhcm la some game Clot vc Intonl or oil for we film mosh 213 tii tutu flaw QUININE 23 for 45 VICKS VATRONOL 45 for 89 on may nals clci TT nrnollilanVatan It oilylnlhmllvc mid moth ballx uyitals and blush pepp 25s 100 50s 185 100s 350 WASPIRIN TABLETS WZWEWZliTZQETlmifig if BASSETTS COUCH DROPS 25s 100 was 335 2503 700 WAIERBIJ iris courteous Pliin oi with Cream ldrcuaialcoli WINCARNlS DOT Aerosol bomb the best thing uclc used It not only sprays to loll the moths but they Stay dead Julioqo GiveAayz hung lumnnnkpfthcvManth Club and have line ollczlion of Mel would likotaskarlxxl someone Who mods them Mus Wilson Asstslonl Superintendent Runnychc Hospital 774 St Ichns Rood wil be deliqhvcd to get the books with hospliui iilm Hill hicnrdly Ill polirnls frl Iron on Sutly use them You Thin Im live lent Ill indict tall and weigh only one hundred pounds Iona up Vitamin Compound Jersey milk butter ltc morn soli boiled 0993 0nd lots of slIcp should do It had you quutionx In XATI MTKIN 21$ JARVIS STRIET TORONYO ONTARIO 00 147 New tun process or Now is the time is already done slmcos SWIFT Sjtnntngomh AIICOmplele SeedCleanieg5inC SCULTQHERi Bllflsl 1591181168 makes your grain more um CLIPPER broilNani Takes out all yourgrairi the bestvqualltypogsible CARTER IDISC SEPARATORf Completes the cleaning PICK UP AND DELTVERY AnnewService with us in reasonable quantities we Wm pm up the grain at your barn and deliver itback to you Whencleaned The CompletesorviceiorllSc cwt delays and disappointments possible in prepiiring your seedilate If we could begin NOW to operate our equipment steadily COOP OOULD CLEAN REQUIRED IN THIS COUNTY Sofar only small fraction of Simcoe Seed Grain has and Tay did an excellent job in field crop improvement work community night class pro manual llucuollrrli HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS grmm STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Phone 2577 Barrio gram was sponsored in 21 com munities in cooperation with the Community Life Training Institute and the Federation of Agriculture total of 130 meetings were held with total attendance of over 5000 Special weekly afternoon pro grams were conducted in Orillia Vasey Elmvale and Midland dur ing the winter series of soil meetings were held at Orillia Vasey and Elmvale in the fall and Grain Cleaning Now 91 creign seeds leaves and gradesyour seed into uniform vsizesi wecan quote yOu separately to have thlswork done You are aware of the To GOVERNMENTiGRADEs ALL THE SEED 09 isles DIAL 2429 been cleaned In some districts half ofit if hlgh and to Mrs McLahalan petitions ellfcilptiltfiieilly good potato shows omrzition and had comribuwd SUD In lit Ickti OfAllVeSiockghe gm were staged at the Midland Om 35225523133 ailEre Yffimg hfdrgarkefjrsstgdy gfgfes Oiillia and Barrie fairs and subOperauvc the recreation service during the year and the Simcoe 222315 riggbegug ziedexcitgx the Public Health Unit the Simcoe DrySkin Mixture AND Bottles county branfh of the Maple showing at the lloyal Winter Fair tchoopmtihenllqedliql SIelvmeS aInd Brewers IASSOClauon had Two junior plowmcn Graydon ti 10m 1y 10 mmmg in Special DeVilbiss Electric Vaporizer 450 creased its membership substantial Dependable ly An efforf was being made Glen and Allan MCNabb Of 0930111155 NebullZM 40 300 Edenvalc won the InterCounty Re 215 gzispirelsiniz trilri Sziriynrlfircrfnclrr Tractor champmnshipat the Inter DedensAtomuer No82 100 Strong movement program igiylngcelrltzit0ch 121d Reg 5110 DcVIlbIss Hard Rubber Atomizer 200 Dr Flook district veterin Simcoe associations heldtheir lmy ml Wills and ll SICk R0001 DcVilbiss Atomizer No 15 for Oil or Sale Ne man had reported that of the 50 nual match at Elmvale and Couples Honored for 35 Men Size 29 or Liqmd 200 11 352 for 69 of general tests forTB among al East Simcoe match was held in The members of Holly commun DeVilbiss Atomlzer No for any ready completed less than Mamhedash Township ity spent very pleasant evening BABYS OWN TABLETS AR 50mm L75 half of one per cent had been re FALL FAIRS at ltlhe sclol on Thursday Jan Devubiss Powder Blower No 36 zoo Beautny YOU SHOPShOtS actors to date to onor and Mrs Gordon R0 115 with an An increased registration of Considerable progress was noted eitson recent newlyweds and also KAZ Electric Vaporizer 275 to bidfarewell to Mr and Mrs F07 hVCStOCk was mdlcated by the use in tmOSt 0f 13 dillCllmralSEC1tlfg Gapp who are moving to town Denialme A59le 39C69C l1 to Size in of the departments tattoo kits by as year arrle SOCIOY Reef of pi 160 farmers laSt Veal sunnidale 73 the SW gds and gleentbegirrlmngplgiihlige ehtlglgrigesgsg Arlihiilizs blizztaphcdriil lnhalant BRADLEY FOLDER lcl083inFigiiiogfgggcliidg euchre and everyoneLrenjoyed onstlpatlon Abbotts Sulfcdex oz 100 calms 55 Exm lively game Following the cards presentations were made to the two couples Ray Lougheed spoke of the many good times shared with Mr and Mrs Gapp and wished them every success in their new home They were recipients of tablelamp and table To Mr and Mrs Robertsonng Lougheed ex tended the best wishes of the com munity that they enjoy long life of happiness Tilerwere present ed wdmanelectrictriclight floor lamp Mrs Elmer Dyer added the good wishes of the Holly WA of which Mrs Gappwas member and presented her With silver can dle holders The two 1couples thankedthose present in la tting manner and tasty lunchserved by the ladies brought the evening to happy conclusion BAXTER January 24 Miss Irene Denney is spending ew weeks withfriends in Toronv Bill Healey of Torontospentthe weekend with his brother George Healeyh gt Miss the other hOmelhe is visiting with his Edgar Denney Mr and Mrs Ruddick spent Sunday with Mruand Mrs RsMen ary Orangeville Mr and Mrs Dickson of Terra oughter Mrs in George Robinson was awarded 1st prize for the best flower garden in thisdivision Mr and Mrs Turnbull at tended the funcral of their uncle YooleRosem0nt on Friday Miss Doris Ruddick returned home on Sunday after spending the past week with Oiangeville friends There was good attendance at the Happy Hour on Friday even ing Prizes for euchre went to Mrs Denney and Miskey for IA ll and Denney forloliv After lunch everyone enjoyed old time dancing Cars stall more easily inwinter weather Remember this fact at railway crossings and intersections and dont take chance on your car stalling at such danger spots Be sure no train is near before you start across crossing sure your way is clear before you start into angintersectlon Florence McKnight RN0 LBoutlirof Port Moria NSf Nova spent the Weekend with Mr CPR agent Parke Davis Clucochrin 02 90 49 109 219 lsotonic Ephedrine oz 75 Sharpe Dohme Prothricin 01 85 BEECHAMS VEGETABLE LAXATIVE KoDAKs and rims Let us do your Developing and Printing by Our MirrorTrue Praceu llSTEllINE Antlseptlc Splendid good Regulator and Mild Laxative GIN PILLS For Kidney and Bladder Ailrfienls Large Cavgle and mus Economy Sprayor 015531593 sue The Choice Dessert 35 or HELCNS package and Tonxllitlx BEELKAMS homo lNgbl Loved by All Phone for Prompt Deiiuery war 49 DETTOL The Modern Antiseptic For Cuts Scratches Sore Throat and All Personal Uises 559$ 195 PARFINULLlnz Rum 69 SAFEIDRY KlEENERCuntainer 25c film the sailor 60 sANIAxlllllElPAPlll All llus ll 29 sililllmilitia is mast 43ll135e579f VElllllilHWDER PADS for 23 fIAMBLYN fttlll iii ale lllllll and YEASI TABlElS3f 7ieg 491i 39 lemma Illoi 23 BEEF WINE and mm wIIilIIiIIIlII Rel um 89 3IoI2oo PAPAIN rand BILE SALT IABlElS le2 49c 39 VACUUM Isuz 79 FARMABM Iloi Rig 69c 59 iiioz Reg 119 99 Milli 39c RUBBERSH SHAlllllli BRUSHES Spocial 89 vh xlouir PILLS Du BARRY RQUAKEBEAM 100 DilBARRY LlPSTlCK DU BARRY CLEANSING CREAM 125 DU BARRY EYEBROW PENCIL so DU BARR BEAUTY CAKE 150 00 BARRYSKlN rkEerNER 125290 ou BARRY SKIN CREAM tss DU BARRY LASHSEAUTY 1oo Du BARRY fouupxijlouztotyollso cum Kidney Trouble Bladder Disorders 60 1oo MACLEAN Your firm To Youthful Brillionca Iuy Madam with TOOTH PASTE Regular Tuba29 SixM 47 FREE DELIVERY Phone 2650 STORE HoursMoi neutrals Friiron 830 830 pm Wednesday 830 to 1230 pun Saturday 830 am to 10 pm Open every Sunday 12M pin Ito99

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