RUN HITSII ALSQZLATEST NEWSREEL THIS WEEKS ISSUE 8100 Copies AUIHOIIIED AS IECONC CLASS IAIL v0 but OTTAWA YearN6 ROXY HOUSE OF HITS WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE SORRY NO SHOW TONIGHT Sold Out To The Community Concert ASSOCiation Friday saturday Days CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm SWEEPING EMOTIUNS 10 THE fLUODTIDEI lllNA llllllllll man poiiotndby lho no and lomclhmg more 111 111113 portrayal exciting as In lCaptain From Coanlof The hunger in mans heart the tear in womans Fiom tho bestteller that thrilled millions In Readers 11111 11011111111111111111111111111 Ed Dooley 01mm by mam ly 111111 1111 1111111 1111 20 lllluIvIol E11 COLOR CARTOON FOX NEWS MUSICAL Eve Showszrdpm MONDAY TUESDAY DAYS 11111111 1111111 111911 DICK srou Hasso and introducing the Mme action MAY Eve Shows 61 pm ALSO OTHER ADDED TREATS rigging anlPacked Starts Wed Mat 230 Feb THE YEARS GAYEST COMEDY GLENN FORD EVELYN KEYES In The MatingofMillie THE PICTURE THAT BRINGS THE SLIDINGKISS INTO ITS owN GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT THUR rRI SAT Eve Shows At 650 913m BIG HITS CHARLES LAMBURNER oi income11 miter 11111111111 It1111111111 uiisiiit AOWMMEPW if SURETOSEE TnEsETwoAUTION Motrin FIRST Mohmjsimismg 1111st ASpdialvaeatureShow ToTHRILL YOU FOR DAYS 11111 etuiniir 2nd Feature llIii EVE SHOWS 81 1340 pm Entertainment ADDED TREATIe CARTOON Shoot to KillfTShowing Once Only At 840 tum Greeting Bates WHAT EACH MUNICIPALITY PAYS COUNTY The County of Simcoe will ic quire $32060928 for general pur poses this year The surplus account will be depleted by $751428 and 111115 Will leave balance of $313095 to be levied against the 31 triuiii cipalities III addition to this amount for general purposes the county will require $13776180 to be levied against the municipalities for the county roads and bridges The portion each municipality tgeneral levy first and road lcvv second TOWNS Alliston 7110500 2285110 3648300 1605340 1319000 580360 2471000 1087240 3472500 1527900 Uillllt Collingwood Midland Olllllil Icnctang 597000 262680 Stayncr 302500 133100 VIIIAIS Bcctoii 134500 59180 Iiiadmin 270000 121440 Coldwatci 122000 53680 Crccmorc 192500 84700 Iott McNicoll 327000 143880 Tottcnltam 138500 60940 Victoria IIIirbor 78000 34320 Wasaga Beach 288000 126720 TOWNSIIIIS Adjala 719000 316360 Essa 12065100 530420 Flos 1235500 543620 Innisfil 2703000 1189320 Matclicdash 145500 64020 Mcdontc 705000 310200 Nottawasaga 1688500 742940 Orillla Twp 979000 430760 Oro 1329500 584980 Sunnidale 1063000 467720 677500 298100 Tecumsctli 1416500 623260 Tiny 972000 427680 Tossorontio 452500 199100 Vespra 964000 424160 West Gwillimbury 1167000 513480 Chamber of Commerce Fifth Annual Norman Clarkewas installed as president of the Barrie Chamber of Commerceiat the Sifthannual meeting Tuesday evening laSt at Club 79 The Mayor administered the oath 76f6ffieto Mr Clarke and 167C171 Griffin who ste ped up to the 151 vicepresidentstposition After the ceremony the new prexy thanked the members for the boner they had conferred upon him and prom ised to do his best to carry out the duties of his new office to the satisfaction of the members Robert Leishman is the new 2nd vicepresident and San dy Coutts is treasurer both hav ing been elected by acclamation Fred JfKelly nominateLtocon test thewsecond vicepresidency withdrew in favor of Mr Leishman before the voting Five new di this years boar Chittick Jack Mitchinson JGladstone Cur ston The first three named have however served as directors pre viously Directors Fisher Neitleton Knight Jacobi and Kelly were re turned More than 140 members attend ed the annualmeetingurider the chairmanship of Twiss re tiringpresident Those at the head Mayor Mr and MrsN DJ Clarke Mr land Mrs Griffin 1511 Morrison MBE Net tleton Mr and MrsP Fisher Mr andMrs Leishman Mr anershFt Kelly MI and Mrs Coutts Mrand Mrs KnightGi Dangerfield Dr Wilson 11 Jacobi and Bert Hill gt Mrj1wiss said it hadbeen an honorto him to serve as president of the Chamberin 1948 He expres sed his appreciation to the board of directors for their capable as sistance and stated they deserved held at Barrie bemre JUdgeJ the praise oft all members for the leadership they gave to the many Chamber projects gt of the Town stated that the Cham ing even greater support for the Chamber he hoped thatit would become bigger and mightier than ever In commenting on the new Barrie superchighVVay he intimat ed thst representations made to the provincial authorities might result in the Widening or Elizabeth Street out to the new cloverleaf In congratulating the president elect Norman Clarke the Mayor pointed out that Mr Clarke was last meeting of Beeton Council also the new president of the Hur onia Historic Sites sud Tourist As 60116 for the village ctors will sit on rie Dick Steele and Ray Living to the pianomusic of Wally Per tableincludedMayor ahd Mrs The Mayor speaking on behalf Holt over Abner Rawn ber of Commerce was wonderfyl Brockwell 263 Horace Gilpin 229 thing for the town of Barrie Urg TIIEL BARRth +EXINE1R BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY 27 1949 Red CrosstBlood Donor The Town 11f Bari ie has 41111111 to fill of 7710 blood donors during the coming Red Citiss campaign to otgaint nationwide fice blood ti111f111on crvtce Blood donor enrolment wccliin this area will be from Jan 31 to Feb During the war ulldt1ftll re sponse was received ftom local give their blood to strangers Now tlntiisclves for their and for their neigiibor children Iitiiiie with its present popula tion should far exceed the quota Ilcniandid of it declared lotin TUIIIItllrtill campaign chairman ltic IlCtd is lhl as urgent now as it was in Willllltlc and count less lives may be savvd throughout the country when frcc blood transfuston sztvtcc is made avail1 able to all bought or sold its commercial commodity for it represents the free gift of one man to another in order that human life may be saved The transfusion scrv1cc uiiibia Alberta Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island and Quebec The Ontario campaign ning Just remember free when you need it It takes just30 scontls to pick up It registration card iii the down town distributing arcas and Sign your name to it You will be call ed on twice year to give 365 CC 101 blood the wartime donors gave 3001 Cards will be available at the different places of business listed in another Section of the paper The local committee of the Red Cross which is launching thcwcam baign is headed byJohn Tomlin son and Dr Ross Turnbull They are appointing reprcsentatives from each of seven service clubs in townjthe Rotary Kiwanis and Lions clubs the Soroptimists and the Business and Professional Wo mens CITIES ttitmimic115nibi of Commerce and the Canadian Legion Through these cltib mem bers they hope to reach large percentage of the population and the downtown distributing areas will supplement thiseoveragc Volunteer donors may be be tween the ages of 18 and 65 The no Children mobile Red Cross unit will come Sister Mm from the central blood bank in To ronto twice year only if we can guarantee at least 200 donors per trip The once costly plasma will now be availableTIce in the hospitals and the still more valuable whole blood will be only 115 hours away in Toronto 11 is not necessary as it was in wartime to eliminate fats fiOin your diet before donating blood Meeting sociationand said he felt that it was an honor to have this position filled by Barrie representative Striving gallantly to complete his remarks in the allotted 1minute time limit the Mayor told of some of the incidents of his recent holi day inWashington when he andl Mrs Mayor witnessed the festivu ities of the inauguration of Presid ent Truman With almost unbe lieveble luck they managed to obtain hotel accommodation in the city and topped it by being pre sentedwith grandstand seats for the parade by casual dinner companion Speaking on behalf of the mem hers Fisher expressd thanks 15771541 IM155 for hiSefforts in furthering the Chambers activities andfor the great amount of work he had done in 1948 citizens when they wcic asked 1111 11ciglib01s Itlootl should not bc is 1111 ready in operation 111 British Col is just beginq you give your blood free and you receive blood Campaign Opening Here V750 Donors Required glohn Stratton lEnters Law Office Stewart 61 Stewart l111 llilllv Stratum BA recent lly 111111 iiiltkullltl 1111 the tax 111111 11 Stewart and Stewart 11 e11 511cc ll1111 Mr Sttai wm pa in 1949 Wm be as follows ImC being ski KW 11 Minn 2101111th 1211111 goodt 11111 gt111 iltlil 1111l111111 Vt111111 tiiltgt 3111 11111 liiixt 111y gt1 loiotito in 1114 and 3111111 1111i11it 111 his 2111 111 11 111 11111 1111mm 111111111 to 1111111 111 may 11 11 Striittoii wa artzcltt Ito 2111 law iltifl iiwn iiid Ungwy 111 Toronto Zl1iilll to John in il who 1s cutiiiwl 1111 the 112111 11 had itl witli llltlll limit 1111 JOHN ll STRAITO lshort time since his graduation His father SililllOl KC of roionui1lt pdrtner 11711111 7111 and his two uncles are also law ycrs Mr Stratum was married on September 1013 to Dorothy Avis of Port Elgin She is living in To Tonto until 1107le find living ac commodation in Barrie They have His parents and one ll Dow also live in Refreshments will be served in the Red Cross station set up in the ltrwnand you will feel lot bet ter both with regard to yourcon tribution and your conscience af ter donating your blood In one year oVer 21 of all maternal deaths were due to hemorrhagefully threequarters of these lives might have been saved by immediate transfusions In one year 6800 persons met vio lgrif deaths in Canada many of whotn would be alive today had immediate transfusion facilities been available Each of you know of sontebbdy whose life has been saved by blood transfusion or whose life could have been saved by one To Ioe McNeillie i162 II Following the weleaced busi Iness session the members danced kins During dinner concert trio of Ken Walls piano Ernie Burton cello and Stan Hunt violin pro vided program of music The outstanding Collier Street United Churc male quartet Alf Shepherd Bill nox Vic Knox and Bill Lambert accompanied by Lloyd Tufford highlighted the entertain ment durirtg the evening transfusion service being organized by the Red CTOSSP Fisher out lined the local groups plan for Vobtaining 750doriors Who would volunteer to give blbod twice years ltogt Recount Conrms Sunnidale TWp ElectiOn Results recount in connection with the Sunnidale Township elections was Harvie on Tuesday morning The recount confirmed the previous count which gave election to John Those elected were Robert 1th Holt 222Mr Rawn was fourth only fiye votes behind Mr Holt LARGE EGG James White of9rangeville is the owner of hen that laid on egg which weighed 334 ounces with circumference measurements of by inches Qw Bills and accounts passed at the were $106912 for Hydro and $6 Speaking opbehalyf of the blood IAfter Recorded Dancing Hot SahdwiCes Served from till xl HJLULKJILJLJLVJA All 11t1 111111 of 1130 on SII2111 littltilltiit DONT FORGETff DANCINGODDIELLItws 11111 EVERY THURS and SAT0 Barrie Community ConEeTT Association PRESENTS TOSSY SPIVKKOVSKY VIOLINIST TONIGHT Roxy Theatre 830 pm Admittancepby membershipcard only IBajrriels SmarteStiShcial Riendezvous glor IThe YOungand The YOungIn Heart pf SATURDAY NIGHT JANUARYIZSIII Dance to Bob Hunter Orchestra We Have Lots Ice Etc $150 Per Coupte No COVER CHARGE or TAX MORE PRIZES 15 HOMEX SUNDAY DINNERS Games WV34311192 Section 1Poges 23 to 23 BARRIE EXAMlNER 1N fOUR SECTIONS This week 11c are publishing The Barrie Examiner in four sections for total of 38 pages This is the largest issue ever published in January in any year in The Examiners 1113 tory 3999311312 31 1111 11111 11111111 OF AN ERA THATLL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN To serve our advertisers or have found It necessary to 111111 enlist week rind to serve our 8000 Margie its subscribers have tried to publish as much local and dis trict new as we could gather Mother Wore 1191111 lo nipe evergrowing needs of Barrie and district we are planning an important step at our newlyvenlarged plant Watch for an announce mcnt in The Barrie Examiner iict week IUltllill Born 11 Toronto 111 11122 3111 Stititton attended llcgtil ltoad liib lic School and Vaughan Road 01 legizitc At tittiveisity he was 11 tininbci of 1111 Phi Kappa Sigiira fraternity llis hobbies inc111111 philatcly tennis and badminton 111 was Iltilllbtl of 1111 Lawyers 11111 111 Toronto and pf 111 County of York Law Association Mr Stiatton has always been 1111 crested 111 Boy Scout work 1111111 111 illlnll and Slillnltll lle wa superintendent of the 1111101 1111 Illllllflll of iltt llutnbcrcrcst Unij ted Church Sunday School 111 111 ronto His grandfather the Itcv 111 Magwood of Stratfoid was well known in this part of the country1 which he used to visit ficqticntlyl 113111 1001 1111111 IAWRINBE Siiowtxo 11111 smut mu some years ago Mr Stratton is 1th exactly stranger to Barrie 11c Served with No Itoyal Canadian Armouredi Corps Training Regiment at Camp Borden at Lieutenant for almost two years from 1943 to 19471 be tween his graduation from univeri sity and his enrolment in Osgopdthl His wife who was 111in school teacher at Oraiigcville at that time spent her vacation in the summer of 1943 here and they lived in Bar rie on Collier Street ZANE GREY AT HIS MIGHTIESTI THE WEST AT ITS WILDESTI IS COMING EVENTS Keep March 16 for 5111111Ck5 tea auspices Sunrise Circle Ccnw tral Church WA 41 Come see broomball game Chillij Willi Jr Farmers vs chWe Gwill Ir Farmers Lefroy Arenax Friday Feb 11 pm Dance fol1 lowing at Gilford 46p Valentine dance Gilford Com1 munity Hall Friday Feb 11 900 pm Norm Burlings OlChOSIlEl1 Admission 50c including lunch Sponsored by ChilliWilli Juniorl lllllllllllllilllllllllllll 3111111 Picorganization meeting of thet Club in SolE lCookstown Soldiers diers Memorial Hall Cookstown Wednesday evening Feb 800 oclock All veterans10f both wars who are in accord with agreement made with the citizens regardingt and Deanlauer tlirginia GilmoreJohn CarradinaSllm Sittimavillc lT NOTICE owing to the length of the abovetwo pic1 titres You Were Meant For Me willhc shown once only strutting at 845 COME EARLY management of the hall are re quested to attend 461 Continuous Show Saturday LINEAR WORD Stadium is Latin form of Greek word for standard of 111111111111101110 PHONE 2414 Only the Gypsies could have warned him of the wjld ex citement danger adve fure that vienpwith the Gold BilEarrings andher tmy lipa and his OrEhest rd Poramountpresents guy Reed DIETRICH pm IiCA RICHARD DENNIN BUSTERCRABBE