PAGE TWO THE BARRttE EXAMINER ESTABLlsHEn lMA Published Thursday Morning by THE BARBIE EXAMINER LTD linv MacLAREN PRESXDENT ANJ lklemG zoncn WALLS VlCEPRESIDENI AND uSinESS DAMAGE JEMBER Class Weeklies of Conada Audit Bureau of Circulation 11 if JANUARY 27 1949 THURSDAY fUnusuai Jan Weather George Smith Again EC CHITTICK EHONORED BY FORD MOTQlilllsa in us of he Newspapers Association Hs heal HI Mile icillinil of 919 lite on Xitillclll Fli hlliuil tozz lt in OPINIONS or OTHERS illlll ii limit Lu jimmy but W1 iv by RATEPAYERS ASSUIAIION igttliltllii an wilihtiPiivllIgtlIs ilttntgtoid mi sum noon IlRlliSl lit it Ml NH PAL AF AIRS V1 my iiiliu hunts lim latl lull vi has rethnrydh That lack of interest towards ordinary illness is lllllilll ll innus v2 prnrli lliomp xx municipal busmcss piuilm CMUHH Lilo mlll Mill ll humbly lltlidre of Ortlrio l9 lldlCIlltl bV il ittiie eleii im MM Hm Vi hlrmls ell hllll llll klitt cpiesciial ML Hebmm bHU At Lib 31 LMAXI lib io TRY EXAMINER WANT Al Association of Municipal Corporations His itll Cm ll UllltiOn for an lcreuxed lntervsi UH hf part illillylii lilllitlyl gt MUS ol tllZllS generally Is betlei lflltiltllltl l2illllit lIIi lii ililfiolate Tloliarcli cilis lili lltllil ihll loIil fir er mm twirl am nu bum Ind thinb HA Th WC 111 311 ratepayers about municipal events are iiot im gill Kim ilmnixiiic my WW il tltlllt vp Iv cilous Mr Heywood said liopi this is IMAM mm It Bill on If ii itllllOll will forgive me if put llt Illil Hi lliec lthltll in load not lilllllk i1 l2llfll iron tllllll Itmli lli ll illI res ionSlblllv for ths on the local illhorlies II liloli on the liilgn of tile themselves and their failure to create llllll Iilm tl irmdls lllhlllllll 29 iillllil lutl lllt Zfil tlil U411 gt est in the work of their collncl and coin 11 IM WNW mm 3m lpfilllltlxllll oi llIELU1 mittees towns affairs can be made illter piggy nzli v11 Ilfl Il fylll vg i9 lasting if we go about it in the right way iim lllllilllliiillilll liliefil Willie3 IlfwiZHJ It Huwiwlnv pinkmg in the Pines mm mwnx liil the attends loadable 1li lillllll kJUAM wgtu lowIv llil friv lini nu it ll ll Chane Nigh Jon Are you cozfeedgt Fee weary bred ilt would like all inlpOllllll1t0fllllllllttS and council meetings open to the press We view with alarm the increasing tendency to hold vital discussions in private committee lllll rubber stamp the decision without reason able discussion in open council We are gravely perturbed by the develop merit of the caucus practice in local goveiii merit whether it be by ratepayers represent atives Socialist Conservative or any other party It savors of totalitarian control though it is frequently done in the name of democracya false democracy The welfare of borough should to concern of every citizen and the most efi fcctive method of achieving this is to keeplsmlg pIblc lfl rest of Ontario nicipal the citizens well informed of what his rei presentatives are doing through the officers of the council and by agreeing to press at tendance at committee meetings gmnmm take the local editors into their confidence to the degree they could and should Your local newspaper should be and is an integral part of the life of community and thel better informed you keep it the keener in telest will be created in the work of the authority out 8000 skirts strongly it is because we fear that these the freedom of the press are challenge to the priceless heritage of liberty of the Sub ject thessenCe of true democracy OUR PARLIAMENT With the opening date set for January 26th even the most hardened and cynical are looking forward to it with lively anticipation One prominent press man claims it is be cause of belief that they are about to witness the opening tableau in brand new political pageant There are number of reasons for this election piovide llll Willi adequate Information lei ii unions questions which arise from time in ne can pllduli Iiolilng but good lllll it iiilepiivlis lFStillullllll can he organized here fund to the lUAlI Ii iliole arousing the electors of Toronto to the importance of municipalpolitics Several Ontario cities already hold lieir elections tllly lll December having learn lloop skirts were among our first reudytoucarl till the United Statesl We believe that our civic leaders do not Ilncntioned on Wes 29m Street in New York ily in 1855 employing about 2000 workers successful term as provincial premier marred only by his personal defeat in Tor If have expressed our views ratliergonto last summer Certainly January 26 will see eyes all across present and threatened encroachments on iClllllldil IOCUSSGG Oll Ottawa only the CCF and Social Credit parties go to the opening with leadership unchanged The pattern of their opposition is not expected to change from that followed since the 1945 general COST OF LIVING RISE HALTED and headachy hen try good thorough houseclcnning with this reliable ALI vsosrsnu Laxative Natures Remedy is made from roots and lierbsnothing else You just take the affairs of lze conunllnii Ontario Civil Servants The Barrie and district biIIIunI 1of the Ontario iil Servanis As lsocialion wall hold charter night il the forestry hall Illidiiurst Iii ll siioilld be lHlv It is expected that ll stun the Ontario pilsilil of will be on hand for the presentation cere your constipation Thousands of farmers swear by NR moli eislesthats in EliIitris lt from in my hilltop Ltllll lit loldnto iiiinot fillfllll Chrysler Service Me its mighty hard to beat for relieving ls own affairs satisfactorily it must suffer the coti Barrie Meeting constipation and helping you feel bright ZfK service club meeting spon and again Ask your drug store for llEYllAY or HOOP skiers ock NMmgunglam iiiiglgguiifi NRNatures Remedytablets Only IM iawfoid in lhml 656 man bdwcm Wing canMAWShowroom mom ml 1mm 25 cents for 25 tablets itions in Saskatchewan and Ontario ning of January 13 The meeting the booklet gives comparative was conducted by Wm Osborne ulls lOLDIOVO that there is no busts Chrysler Corporations district ser lor comparison at all between 5215 vice representativc and ill dealers kiltchmvzins basic six lollaiSnnd mechanics from all over Sim worth of compulsory coverage and coo ounty attended LETTERS to the EDITOR factory was and turned day nonazmMag way the booklet disppses ofiwhatand questions answered is called the $45 for$6 gambit still Refreshments were provided by bandiedalgelltlnJCF lemtccsinslliircld Hill m7le Ontario Prono ncing CCF tnc tics flagrant le ption the book let deals with utomobilc coverage Acid Indigestion Heartburn Gas Thc Barrie Examiner Dear Sir During the Ontario pro vincitrlmlcctions last year CCF devotees repeatedly made inaccur ate and misleading statements con CJdADEJYJRiMANUFACIUIERS runs Coming the Saskatchewan CCF provided by Sngkthmvmg Governments automobile insur dollars worm and tho subsequent ancc scheme vs responsibleenter prise insurance in Ontario The same statements are still be ing bandied about in Ontario and elscwhcre For this reason we be lieve that the truth should be told Enclosed is booklet Let There IBc Light reprinting an article developmelt of noncompulsory Package olicwahich it is stat ed furnished tacit admission byl the Saskatchewan Government that its compulsory plan was not adequate Comparisons are drawnl between automobile costs and cov erage in Saskatchewan under the and dynamic personalities in new places First interest is centred in the new Prime Minister tight Honorable Louis Stlaurent Chosen as leader of the Liberal Party at its Iof decrease national convention in August after seven years as minister of the government all Canada will watch his leadership with pride in his dignity and ability Three other personalities on the govern ment side will be watched as they take new gt and higher places Hon Robert Winters in lyiafthe House of Commons since 1945 takes Mr good year for achieved standing as national figure while serving as Premier of Manitoba He is recog nized particularly as anauthority on Dom inionProvincial relations and on freight rates Mr Pearson comes to the House of Commons after many years as Canadas best known civil servant iirrft is not only the government side that has taken on new look The official op position iiasin Mr GEorgeDrew anew and dynamic leader who will stirrenewed inter the death of tion class potatoes at 45c to 50c bag 90 lbsi by the loadpgood apples by the load at $175 to $2 per barrel hay$6 ion for the best dry hardwood $3 cord In the County Council election for Division Jas Fraser Totten ham defeated Hammell Bee no Years Ago THE BAERIE ADVANCE January 961899 BiroLocaliNotes Barrie Agricultural Society gave warningthat tall exhibits must be new Total paidfforjrizesht fair was $102873 St Andrews Presbyterian Church held its alum alxmeeting WilhyJohn Forsyth as Secretary Managexsreport show +lllIIC Judge was not completed as the Tottenham ballots were missing Examplesof long Service among officials were given as follows Geo Sneath clerk of Vespra for 45 years without missing Conni cil meetingiCol Banting Clerk of gt present membership of 266 re Countiglerk 39 years missing celpts were 33207122 and expendi only part oivbutonersessiOn feeling includfng the fdea that it might be iparcularly noticeable inTlre food groupand the last session before general electionliin the building materials and construction But the principal reason is new faces new cost group in some other groups smallraises highest levels of income and employment which have never been exceeded 1948 was Ilsleys place as Nova Scotias representa gd of thedependence of our domestic pros tive in the Cabinet Mr Garson has already perity upon ourforeigntrade smmrrs Mom Canadian weekly newspaper circls have lost familiar and Welllikedlpersonage in bytery defeated recommendation publisher of the HighRiver Alberta Times He had served in the Association Offices and terian Churches of Oro in favdr of was the donor of the Charles ClarkTrophy Re Graham Jones of Belgrade for the best weekly in the 10002000 circula ton recountbefore the County gt Essa 43 years and attending ed 59 namestadded to the roll anti every meeting of council alsd Sirricoe 42 11mm 1V My rm JOB roll roliosro ihoum mix and up one or two tablets With full glass of Hit lipierboro lilllllltli Iltlullburillit brunches liiivi bcun water at night when needed and the llimlill 00 llUi We all seed IIllvlill l3 lll invited to attend Simuld be WW1 in 11 Ltk Johmi morning you have welcome 101le from that provided by Iesponsible cnv Technical information and data 95L the battle 0f the House Of Commons tcrprisc carriers either in Suskal on the new Chrysler Plymouth Lk Mr Garson he comes to the Home an INVIDIOLS COMPARISONS 81 vhwoyi In um To mu Editor Lima LI orgt ant culls is alien QUICK Rm or fiftiesandrhadalreadycrganizcd leading msumnce pfblicationv head back and wings with con the bookletgives facts and gureslsiderable brown white leading to the inescapable conclu wings Sionthat the $45 to $6 equation Dr Brereton of Barrie in his oruoly IPSSted up by CCF ad talk on birds spoke of nding one herents is unadulterated poppy wading through the snow on Jan 1936 These sparrows are sum mer residents of the Arctic and pass the winter in the northern half of the United States DICKENS MUSEUM The house in which Charles Dickens was born near Ports mouth England in 1812 was open ed as Dickens Museumin 1904 bars on Canada Againjwe are remind sentcd budget of $574175 Barrie Juniors made good start by beating Biadford 83 in the opening match of the OHA Dis trict At megting Barrie Pres that no further action be taken on edltor and the question of Church Union unanimous call from the Presby Charles Clerk was sustained by Barrie Presby tery Barifewer Notes Christmas Dayrat the Ardagh Memorial Home was received in very enjoyable way the matron= Miss McDonald wlio provided Christmas tree which was un sparingly loaded with gifts the 12 elderly women and2rboys COMPLETE ted there The oldest lady the THE BARR EXAMmER was 84 years of age and the young lJanumy1o 1924 est about 50 years Boyswere wars Agog No gtoter gift all bnhumnbitiggive anothle ihiahlife iillgrda gill it advances in medical science Bfaaa is Life medal iEveryyetirpglthe pgeratiugmble after accidents Childbirth illsiiousillngss lives can be savedwhlc would otherwise slip away Shadow Buefs to l1 years Mr and Mrs Jack Many Thelpstoniaiihwere some Emmi 18 enamels New Years What disappoint when they learned that the ydro could not spare any men till after Christmas wruwvuo IV practice every family either the time arrange tion Iairhrake inSpector CNR Siipt Weegar Allandale at Jgovldl fore or tures moggcge reduced to econd anniversary of the new preacher Rev Mudonald by Rev WnG Watson assistantat editor of The Westminster MetropOlitan Church Toronto lib Guthm electedpresident of Non Funds over 2502attended the con4 mat College Literary Saciety Ham ert Vespra council had to pay ilton 158 members in ooun out accounts at one meeting ty council Joseph Rogers The annual meeting of the Great High dent afbili ol Eund over 250 attended the con 23550 services and asked re lecidedto build modern steamer eal or 111th of years ago re vorep1aoe the Pacic destroyed by ble which was ultra lre In re at Rama Reserve to prevalende of Jacob Shillings dwelling wasdes rip were veryocaroe troyedgwith all its oontentsanda price of 20 family ofinine children left home ange phenom1 on new Smokestack of Qtlias HW tqnnery Orillia The new smote of ieenatket stake was 85 feet high Appeals floatr to many municipalities onsat 29c and organizations small amount cohregatitm in Methodist church at Minesing ourishing condition aniliVersary brilliant success eloquent sermons Mason formerly teacher at eral response to appeal for TruSt was 1835 Ed Webb laid last brick 1m mufare im the suit Childrens HospitaL 3100 lbs mm weremm by John Roar tended the funeral of G=C Jones Eillncfilihblatiiipslln li$lihl of the CNJTeIezraphs inaToronlo we anvbeinzzmadczgwlth Yes henceforthxoumll be able to reissuesessions great iiew consortium energyby New Years And last Tiler being able demand er re the facts that enable itto TransfusioniserviCe has been openedibylth Red vf rl Wednesday the gang arrived and Weft cars to 39 IfQtaWFS re WP the cost rwitilin its Cross The objectofnhis Srvice isto provida started Work in putting up cross Eggidmfrxursvyevgk cmxf wlshes nds favor With pco yhospitals and the patients they serve with Whole arms Stringing magi myt2 be Cream memng pic in all walksof life blood and Plasma Free gt delayed by $th storm Rev and Mrs Somerville of Alma visited at Killyleagh with the latters parents Mr andMrs Andrew Orawford Wm Jar dine busy building in Bend Head Park what is intended as warm ingup room in Connection with the rink in Winter and in Summer to fill longfelt want in furnish ing kitchen and boothifor picnics About $30 was raised for the park improvement fluid the park to be one of the best in the district Elmvalers taking more interest in cutting as the club hasarecord membership and icemaking has commenced Members of the Ritchie clan and over 100 friends had an enjoyable time in Websters hall on blew Years Eve when all the oldtime dancescnd some of the nilwrangled ones were indulg ed in by old and young Coun ty Treasurer Harry Coleman pre the WCTU held at tile home Vofi Mrsi John Harris Stewart MA Secy of the Saskatchewan Liquor Commission warned pro hibitioxiists against the danger of being indifferent ZDAHGBRHELD MQTORS USED CARMARKIT 1948 CHEVROLETSEDANr GM Builtin Radio Delhixelleater Slipcovers f7 3175 Miles Purchoicad Oct 16 1948 983LIZABETHST plat4931 The small gift of blood from you is the gift of llfe itself to someone whose life issin dangers The inconvenience to you is slighir Contact your local Red Cross Brainchor Clinic and say Yes WiILb blood donor We HOMIUKE FUNERAL HOME OVwriuzri fiAPPleON most 973 mmmmuu umw 57 End Of the year figures issued bythe Dom mm cagadian Ulderwmer one Government plan and in Manitoba linion Bureau Of Statistics showed decrease it$13581125SEOJESEJafZiSp53 under orthodox responsible enter lot 07 point in the cost of living index The mum place of wildly inrm tilsligikiiipfiximirg majority of items taken in consideration in iescntative statements as basis ted Manualans Shim mm to computing that index have lately Shown flu mienlg Comlfmllqlord sam adequate insurancon and less tendency to level Off This trend has been pt ms Lips tap premium Ours SlncerelY CARL SE Rliigsrngl SggglelggURANCE Flnd Tree ISpairOW th nth 1948 From Arctic Cerle Wele Stlil n9 ed as m0 CCF AND AUTQ INSURANCE Churchill Home This indeed is mOSE encouragng pmfm and lcilvuliiousb conpgrlson vowed far although it may not yet be an Indication Wl SPO esmen CO tree sparrow was found dis in the mist of commodities it lcmmg amomomle mum de abled on window sill at the home lredly Sgn of Stabilization Veloped by lhe SaSkalCheWan GOV of Robert Boyes on Thursday last IS mos 881 crnment and orthodox insurance available from private companies giicfhai loggedofor xciitagdiin THE TRADE PICTURE 1th sgblifttof iiecfatly Du in tree close by pretty bird 1t 1816 00 elfL 41 the Mr Howe yearend reportOn Gui wage Light Reprinted from an tide inaiddlie ofaltslsbiealslfvrgofil reddish has made marked impreSSlon Wlth t7 llerQC 15 Canadian Underwriter brdwn with 710731an about the