Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1949, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE JM recent TimesJ tions 11121111 annivm sa Signs President MacKinnon is his 11111 treasurer MacKinnon rie and tamed Toronto alter fred Yulacliinnozz ent busine years date for vincial cle Mrs Thomas 11 Front 11111 carries tory whicl one corner 11 111 tlilllz city llul It is one 111 the 1111111 11111511s known of The St Tl ted was 11 field in the 11111111111t111e of metal signs and 11111111 mediums 111 adu was 111 tisan formed 11111 port field home improvements etc 11c Marlinna 11 1111 automotive recogniled leader 1n the Canadian It has also prov 11 111 the ex ade issue cf Tic St 121 Its UT and 111th 11132112 in John 21121K1nno1 was 11111 111 in ii 111g 1111 11111 111th ctiozi 11 ice yea ago 111 The Tunes11 11 111l 111 Wyl Si lh 11112135 3111 pioneer in the 111113 1111 liccr the company 111111111111111111 1111l1 It 111 for holidays Christmas lc 11111111 111 1111 l1 MacKinnon Firms 30th Anniversary 11 1111 n11h1111 11 1111 111111 1111s111i $11111 lll Afik ll 111131 11 1111 1121 111 c1111 1ny 111 111 1111 Tl1cl11n11lt ap 1111 111111 page one 1111 T11 11111 21111111 11 11 lira1113 vcc 1111 and John Iitllt11 121 are r1 pit1c with about the them 11gt11 general The 11gtltlt 31 Lill1gt 11 1113 11111 11111 1111 111L1 their 11 111cm 11111111s lilocraphical eil centainsi the following 1111 clices 11 the 11111111 111111 2111111111111 St lhoziuts Eet1l Signs 11211111112 111 11 11 11 111 sl icti l1lllLlll midrnt 11 holluuwn1 llnnnas 3111111 111111t11l 1111 311 John i1cl 11111111 rinerly 11f llarr 1e and Toronto acttoned the 111111 p111 11 111 SatinHands 111 111csts and 111 1111 1111 11111111111111 p1es1dent 111xscll 111111111111111 the boaid of clots 111 include as 1ccpr1s1dc111 Lottie Bradley of Toronto who 111111 111111 been director of 1111 company 111s f1itli er l1cli111111111 11gt 11111111 treasurei litury ll Dawson 11121111115111 director and John 11 115 lieynon Wacrionrnfthecmishine Waterloo 11 director Mr MatK111111111 and his associates hate brought the company 11111111 the thrce postwar ycais through greatest expansion 11111111111 it came 111111 cxntence 10 years 11111 Still this sale 111 lit 11 Macliim its 115 111111 was born 111 liariic 11nd educat cd thcrc entering his fathers wholesale gasoline business 111 ItIBtL Two years later he went to Jorl onto with anada iackers beco111 i111 1111111aucr 111 its fruits and vciiel tables division inside of three years 111 1033 he joined the Can adian iravure 11 11 office 111111111 lzcr 11111111 appointed sai1s 11111111 111 11137 to 111come manager of St Thomas Metal Siens newlyanpan izcd Traffic lroducts D1vis1on li11s 1111111 111 1913 it represented 710 per LLLSSNV This ALLCOIN Calendar Bank pro vides strong incentive to systematic saving Your coins change the calendar Come in and let us show you how it can help you save 511 RLING TRUST RFC RATION ll vBarrieORiceu 31 DunlopStreet in 1011 upontlie 1cfiren1ve11f of Sutherland as president of on YOUR SAVINGS SubiectOtopithdrawaLbchheoFH 151 Nit4812611 BranchoMonagerg 111151 Susan 2111011111111 Wellington Street per two yearsmgllatcr lleresigncel division under his tllttttlitlL319va cent of the companys total husiv spoke ofthe high estdem in which A1111entlv quite at ease 111 slumsleeves KING Ililllllllili 111 11119 111111ctcfi 1111 Royal Suznpliom for the lieiietit ot 131111111 t1111gt 11111 c1111 the c1111p1nj lr l11l1111111 111 111111111 he l111er 1111111111 111 his 111 111111 that yea1 11evpr11saienz 111 November 111171 111111 111 he purchased the 1nterests 111 I11 Stewart 111111 hecanx pm and manaeimt director or the c1111 puny Lnder his direction the con llmlh 51 lllll1 Sixty 111111111 191s v11c 1s1111t wnnI t111t lie did not believe llmNUll WNW mm 11111111111111gt for 11111111111 1111 11111111 11 4111111 wuc p111v111cd for 11111111111 capacity and pelldi s111i 1111t111 12 111 it 11111 1111119 11 llil 11 Ittllttoillt 111c11 11111111 1lc11son 11 111111 s1111l the town would doubled 11111111 llll period 111 Machinnon 1933 to llelcn Minray 111 loronio and they have one daughter Mary operated his own business 111111 1111111 1930 sellim out that year 111 1111 Mcolllronfcnac 11 and re 12111111111114 with ll 1111111 he came to St Thomas threeycars aeo While 111 Harrie he took 1111 active inter 1121 111 11111111111115 or flife11111111itiiii servine on the town council and on theboard of education benn cl1air11ian of the latter for fuel gtyears lie was also pro1111111tit 111 ltl1e Barrie Agricultural Society am 11 director president and 111111111tinc1 directorsI 1171930iIJlIacKiimun was president of the Barrie Kiwan 11s Club wllen the club was award ed the Henry JCIIiliott 11111111111111 11111113 as the most eflicicnf club in the Ontari11Quebecltlarifi111cs Dis triet 1111 achievement in which he took much personal pride lLJW Mrsxll Webber of Minesinc 1111 old friend of Mrs loy lartridceo visited with her recently also Mr I11nd Mrs Kerr of Torontol sister and brotl1erinlavof Mrs Partridge We welcome Mr and Mrs White head and family recently of Camp Borden who have come to live in the village Mr Whitehead re1 cently procured his discharge from the army Womens Guild The Womer Guild held theirl annual meeting at The Larches home ofMrs Prissick on Jan 17 There were 11 members pres ent and one visitor Mrs Pember ton The annual election of 0111 acting as presiding officers The following officers were elected Pres Mrs Cecil Sutton ireelect 9d ViceP195 MISLGLCQ 513 son secy Mrs Packard reelect ed Treas Mrs Hereward Marv tin freelectedi Sick Committee Mrs Geo Simpson and Mrs Taylor auditors Mrs Hickling and Mrs Packard all reecctedt Refreshments were provid by Mrs MacBon and the hostess Mrs Prissick The next meeting to be held at Mrs Geo Simpsons the third Monday in February Going Away Party The Community Hall waspackcd to capacity on Thursday evening Jan 20 when goingaway party was held in honor of Mr and Mrs Ted Henson and family who have left Shanty Bay to reside in Bar rie Mrs Pugh acted as MC for the evening and also led in com munity singing Angus Ross offi ciated at the piano Prizes were given for radio quiz also sing ing commercial won respectively by Patsy Wortley and Master Jhehighlightiofthe even ing came when Rev Eric Richards on behalf ofthe people of the corn mnnity made presentation of beautiful silver tea service and tray to Mr and Mrs Henson also small token of remembrance to Margaret andJAck Mr Richards the Hensons had been held in Sltanty Bay and how Mrs Henson lily Wilson tliilslit 3114 11111 llarrison Ayrcs and 11111111 TTITI OTTHHTT miii ii eers was held Rev Eric Richardsi 1H UARth King Conducts an Orchestra 111ta in 11 p1 111 611 11111i 111 the 1111 lParking All Night iWill Be Authorized Also on Bouleyrards 11111t A111 11111 of the Motor 11111111111 1111111111 111111 chair conuniticc 111 111111 1111 11 111111111 ld itrric t111111111 that whcul 11 was 11eccsgt1ary to have chiclcs icmoved for snow clc11111 section 11 gt1111gtr1ti111131111 1111111 11 11 act could11c 1111111i1i11i use This votild permit removal or vehicles by police The cl1111r 1111111 111 the traffic committee add ed that if the police decided to en force the town bylaw they could probably issue 1101 s111111111111ses 111 1w11y have to provide parkinL space and 1ts could not sop Aid Ilamhly was not 11113110115 10 I1 1111 111111111 is SHANTY BAY here they would go somewhch else Aid Norton said 11c would give January 3111 free 11111 111111111ne whocould The motion as presented from the ipark all night 111 Toronto without traffic committee was carried ELMVALE lil January Miss Helen Archer has accepted position with lllllC Hur1tsvilic1 Mrs Ken Beelby Huntsville visited her parents Mr and ltlrs Oscar Archer John Leadlay 11f Cookstown is ited his sister Mrs l111ce1 at the weekend Mr and Mrs Iol1111oun1 1111 Kitchener visited the latters lath er Tracerwho is ill VMrs Hardy and daughter visited the farmers parents Mr anciMrs Bunt for few days1 Hickling is in hospital at Maltonrhavingitreatments on 1115 arm that was broken some time ago Mr and Mrs Will Fleming of Newmarket spent the weekend with therlatters parents Mr and Mrs Will Ritchie Trace of Allenwood Bcach ISuflered stroke early Friday morning There was some 111 provement atrtime of writing His many friends wish for him spec dy recovery St Johns Church WA The annual meeting of St Johns Church WA was held at Mrs Bishops on Jan 18 with eighteen members present Rev Mc Farlane presidedfor the emotion lows Pres Mrs Whitney mans 111 nauizii 11 11311w 11111111 11s 1111 11 corded vote council 11111111111 to re 121111lklf1 stamc v11erc fine 11111111111111 been 11111111 by police cars parking on of officers which resulted as fol UNIAitiO Af 11111111111 11111 as he 111 is 1111111 11 tilt 11111 1111 11111 to provide parking tz1 1aticr 111 1111111111 on bottle 11 do discussed it was 11dl1 1111111111111a11 11f 1111 fraf Nhlml 1A 1000 JMHIMIIHIMV Wm 11I1 the section under 111111 the 11 111nuttec that 1111 word bottle mm 111 mll 1111 1111111111sts 111111 111111 11111111111gt11l 11 111 111111t1111 1111111 fhe bylaw re 11s year 1111 11 1lit 11 11 11111111111111 111 by 11L 111 mm mm my mp 31lmlmn IM poly liccve 11211111 l1iluitl1 111111 11 mm parked on Maciunnon now sccretar 311111 VHNUH gt 11 111 111r11 all over amp but he 1111111 of Metal Nuns has spent most 11th MW UMi My 1y it 11111 1111 we what could be done 11 111s life 111 111 holcsalo g1gt111111 1m WU NW md Mde 111 11 hmm ll $111111 1111112111111111 Lllci rick llamri 1111113 Itccvc 11111111 pointed 11111 1111111111f could park his 1111 in neighbors boulevard Id Corbett declared that 1111 11111lltl wcrc the property of 1l11l and 111111111113 should be itlc have 41111 to provide 111111 space 11 Norton saidboulevards wcrc 11111 1i1slroy11i by oil from parked 1111 vhe referred to one 111 the boulevard We cant beautifV hzrc was UhlY one storage Wed on he townMidland and Dr Carr WM of Ipirticuiirly wherellvmnitoba 1de Colkswwnv sponded IL iLlL hm lem toast to the candidate pro inciits were served by the commit ltt complete 111astery of technique cctor liro bcrs toasts Wor Bro 11 Stewart presidimz 111111251 EGRE Wine 15 01 lcal1e himself ulait 11111115 1111 what raises 111111 to i1eii1s of such intensity and iiizigic ll tramration to say 1111 on lhurstlay lltliiIJl that lh xre 1st1ined the strings and for his 111agtt0ry 111 not enough Spivakovsky has won for hiniself There is also his intense feeling for the music and the profound under standine of his instrument as well as its literature which enable him to draw from his Violin 11 perform ance of matchless poetic bcauty and moving interpretation Official Visit of DDGM to Kerr Lodge Lit Wor land DDGM for Georgian District paid his official visit to Kerr Ma sonic Lotlttc Ian attendance of over lttt visitors be 111 present from Victoria Ilarhor lenctang Sfroud The DDGM was accompanied by the District Secretary Wor Bro Flowers the District haplain 3111 211 Rev of II land also the Master of ale1lo11 11111 Lodge and several of its 111cm The officers of licrr Lodpc exemplified the first were hipth complnncntcd by the DDGM District Chaplain and Director of Masonic h1icfl1 Itollowint the banquet was served in the 11111111 111111 BIUTC EDay3V1irs ltftt mild The toast to the Grand Lodge and Grand Lodge Officers proposed by Boyd WM of Caledonian Lodge posed by Bro Stewart was re sponded to by Bro Bennett 111111 by Mrs Vollick liefresh ALLISION HOCKEY LEAGUE Sandy Ellis has six hockey teams ready to start hockey league in Danutec by High Wind Allismn The wind storm Tuesday night did lot of damage to buildings throughout the district the follow ing had been reported at time of writing Edgar Beardsall two doors blown off barn John Kidd roof blown 1111 big barn and roof taken ofl leanto Cecil French roof taken 1111 barn Ray Usher part of barn roof off barn on Al bert Whites farm Con com pletely demolished at Phelpston Vincent and Ignatius OHalloran had roof and rafters blown off barn two Wyebridge places dain aged Ernie Tooles house roof tak en ofl Arthur Gardiner had the middlc of hisbarnroof taken off and tlicsilo badly damaged Sev eral telephone lines were out and some hydro linesdisruptcd ANOTHER EYE SAVED Sure They stand between you and hurt These words head up postelsent to thousands of plants throughout the province by the In dustrial Accident Prevention As sociations and show 31 picture of workman in an Ontario plant whoSe left eye was saved by his safety goggles Thetgshattered left lenslwhich protected his eyesight is remind er that once again tmfeguard stood between the worker and possible injury Ist Vice Pres Mrs Webster 2nd Vice Pres Mrs Archer Treas Mrs Campbell Sccy Mrs Christie Flower Commit tee Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Lloyd McKnight demonstra tion of articial Howeymaking was MrHenson also held oftice in the Mens ClubBoth Mr and Mrs Henson madesuilable replies The evening closed with refreshments being senyed by the ladies had always beenmore thanwilling to helpin any project in the dif ferent activities in the community Industiiql Disputes Cause Less Strikes 12 MonthsOil948 Time loss through work steppalt ges arising from industrialdisputes in Canada during 1948 was onlya little more than onethird of the total time 1055 in 194711 was shown by preliminary Summary of strikes and lockouts for 1918 issued by Hon Humphrey Mitchell Min ister of Labor Preliminary gures of 898405 manworking days 2397340 days British Columbia workers at St Catharines cent of the total 1948 time loss Show 146 strikes and lockouts in 1948 involv ing 11234 workers with time loss rep in IOSSOf933935 rmanwoiki days from the 1947 figure There Were 236 strikes in 1947 involving 104120 workers and time less of The demand for increased wages was the principal issue in 85 per ent of all work stoppages in 1943 Three major strikes during the yearcoal miners in Alberta and furniture 1110 tory works in the province of Que bee and autumobile parts factory On tarioaccounted forabout 60 per 11 r1111111at GENERAL ELECTRIC Mrs CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC 11151111111111 INITIH We dun big John 1948 and aftcr 080 111 11p JVn IL IS REA LTOH NOW Dalias new 131 fol ill Loacl THEY ARE REALLY TASTY rnunsmr JANUARY 27 19111 VJEKKZ ranted there Dallas has 111 him 111111 1t 11 id Lttlt 315118 92 he citlb but Jake prelcis the kng aybtdxl he inefexs 111 gt1 1sle league to lite penis en the EEKpr amped Hm than L181 utllggtir 1115 11 11e111 ltliill 11 Lesam 11t 111 Pu ii 1llttlt1rti iVILIngwfrrinfirm tlIW Ht Wilt 111 Mel 1121 111 cf 112111111111 yo 2211111 221 iiclleetozil endowment =12 the 12211 11 lest kind 11311111111119 he 111111 E1 41gt WW liteIt With Idlii IS st iguazinely 111113 1111 11111 with 111 cant be develop111 oft11 an individual so gifted doesnt ISH and CHIPS to justify the place 100 Attend Bro 1111111115 Alltlrf lintrsday 11111111 by 1111 till lie was greeted ooksfowir lodt1c 11111111111111 Corinthian Masonic tolnctf 1111 ll Olmsted the Dir llducation Wor of Mid lcgrco and The District Secretary Vllducation also spokc 101111 work the customary with which re responded to Deputy llcevc tiriffiii said if the 11 it unafxlmn nu bume cars were permitted to park 1111 lylldi he dwhm JMm HM lillfniyfi fits in you the streets all night snowstormi TN 110118111 shortage was SUS 13011 alum1 TLdn it could come 1111 11111 late hour Then 451m Illigell ItSIOHSIbIQ for 111123 dilguhfiinl EH11 dwl in would bu big job 10 10 E111s condition by Aid Harrison Bf V10 rnl trucks to remove all these cars 1H Mild 11101 low nice 101 It 11 OYQRUH 1513132 Aldilson said the town would Willi 501110 11011505 W110 815 115 95 0111111 WM of 01 111il11an Lodgt AND THERES BIG JOB sun roe DONE 31 FIRST WAR LOAN BONDS HAVE BEEN DRAWN FOR PAYMENT Bonds of this issue bearing the coil letter shown should be presanted for redemption on February 1949 or as seen thereafter as possible with all coupons of later date attached No further interest will be paid on these bOnds after the above date TllblfURGAINFeedSOYViCtFPdalrdlleanSextrinFDa superior quality through extra freshness and palatabil ity lowest cost because there is only one hauling charge N0 middlemans profit DROP IN TO YOUR LOCAL SIIUItGAIN MILL TODAY More ShutGain fed in Canada than any other brand Due February 1511194852 February I949 pocket because local manufacture means BARBIE FLOUR MILLS BELL UTOPIA ILLSDALE FLOUR 61 FEED kovsliy the 111111111111 11 dynamic Mm in he El 110 37 19 can my LWWWD some at ho bchcve that his 1111ct111ve11t111nal 1111 individual 11111111er of holding the bow may be partly responsible for the invariah rich tone which he draws from 0F ll Hm if WEVEJUST completed the busiest year in our history Ontano and Quebec telephone lines carried record 9000000 calls daily and service generally was better We built more new buildings than any previous year added 325000 miles ofwire indications of the size of the construction program that enabled us to install 148981 new telephones another record Much remains to be done Thousands still want telephones further servme improvement IS still possrble Every day thr0ughout the coming year telephonyegmejn and women everywhere will beworking hard tomeet this challenge1n1949a371n the pastall gt ourjetfortts W111 directed to the 11 achieverneht of more andbetter tele hone se th 111 91 eowes possnble cost

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