Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1949, p. 3

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THURSDAY JANUARY 20 0111001111113 sepli l5 ial 1949 WARDEN itolztiliueti Iltvli page John kvltriliilk U111 ml Blue til 11v ll Llliltrltl Invl liar ifui 1i 5tiilltl11l12 H121 of i3 i111ll ii 11 and in Jul III Vuutllud 111 hi rlululiu 11l of tho liar IItllrvli IIu i111 HI 1l11l1l1l lltl Tritlti Iii lIlll All nulnlters 11 ill Council were plvalll in 111111 of andtil 11101121111 ttll11l 111 one The 111e ohm111w 11 account of lttlllnmlily l1ii1 lulu lire Aeeo1d1up to t1tlill tulliltll 11111 eediuo llu ellill 11111111tu it 15k iil iiiUft vlil ilil1 been vitri ti to 111251111 then eeitilualiou papers prior to tl1 JanualK sitili Soun ol the iiienilwls lirotiiid their papers but other llli 11111 in the course of his duliwz Simpson asked about llle lililllli cation paper and d11r1l11111s 111 office One meniiier iinnndnltllv set out forliis home 20 miles away and brought back the necessary papeis However Mr Simpson lilltl nut insisted on such action and he said he was only mentioning the pain 11 know ur lieln councillors have It let the rangemenls should made for this detail Wlieli the session was opened Help Nature To Eliminate Waste combination of valuable vcgc ialilo remedies blended together under rigid standards of purity llilliurus Il1xaIier Pills are often valuable in the relief of constipa tion and minor disorders of the liver stomach and bowels They help the eliininntory organs and clear the system of waste which is often the cause of constipation sick and bilious spells headaches and heartburn Once tried youll be delighted by the rcncwml feeling of wellbeing which they help to produce Milluirn Laxallivcr Pills are on sale at all drug counters The llfillrurn Co Ltd ToronTo Ont 1949 l11i1t1l1 tiruirau fie tiilxirtl liL to 1111 11 v11i 1tei tut1 of office lrtlildluIIS ti1liiililxI ilz 11l IaL ville lile 1s IIULL1 va 0111 aui if he should have imp Le lllld IlUl Ia 1e the laugh analgoilty UATII tii Ullitrl Jiniia li11e admonishzed Ilzt Halli oi 1fllte in the llllll Will It 11 ll said he thought it ijood tiling to 111 tlit 11 nil or occupation of tlge warden happy it l1 Zlulilbt rtl only011 11 Till tilllte can Liwule you lhut jxou 1wld l11e LIlorvIl nobody 11 1111ol1 in llli egtllilil than Silngwon 1111 5111 11i1s Mans lit tit 1111cl l1 iiuue and lie Xi1111 idle to l111 the inlvlix nlnlilj of Mr llllltliili 111 llit Lill Ml Roosevelt 11 111i1 lime lie gt11d ll was Ill l11111111 to himself and to his 11iulii 1111011 to him to be elected war 1l1u lie iltiltllv lliere were four ire11011115111 liiecouuly council who had erveti long or longer than he Iliillil Mlllil valier Mitide 11111 ll BtIihUIi and lmrge Widths llcv levyll chairman I111 the ilznrle lilSillLI Ministerial titlliiltll took part 111 the open 111 eeieurolnes and lt the people 111 the county itppreclated the ser lvitn luven by the councillors Rev lllu11es Ferguson led the councillors in prayer EVANS llorn All years ago harles llhoinas Sheridan lIvuns is son lot Evans and the late ers ilvans harles was the fifth iwneralion of Evans born at Ilrad ford Mrs Evans is the former Marion Peacock of Ilainilton and there are four children from three lto lli years Evans was graduated in law from lszoode Hall in 1020 and he has since practised law at Brad 1ford with his father In l942 he Siltttlllll the office of llecve lwilhout having served as coun cillor and he has since held that office lie has been chairman of the equalizalion committee of the county council Mr Evans is past master of Simcoe Lodge AF 82 AM president 10f the Simcoe County Law Associ 1alion secretary of the United county appointed Kings Counsel mu FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY REGARDLESS 0F CONDITION The lead content of your old battery ls vitally required in the battery buildinz industry Theres MarPurl icnnnnlnn TIR 0AM SELL You Youn OLD amulet GUARANTEED FOR YEARSThis pow erfuldplate lOGam capacity MORPOVO ER SuperService Bat tery is ruggedly built to deliver full power d1 performance Equal to higiicr priced brands selling up to $2050 Fits 75 of all opular cars Includ ng $300 for your old IIIE 311111111101 BATTERY EUARANTEE EVER WRITTEN Every MarPoiver Battery is unconditionally guaranteed for Years0R MORE Regardlessof the cause of failure or rea son for return battery shall be replaced or your money refunded at your option You are protected against Fire st and Accidental damage service rendered You pay only for the er Bagyy for every car and Truckat Priceslhaiave up to 45 mic LIST Church is an active curler and has been prominentin the Progressch Conservative organization in this He is also past presidan of the Bradford Lions Club and in thc recent New Years honors was PUBLIC SCHOOL $15000000 BOARD MEETING FOR HOSPI lvonllnucd fiom Page Iltl speak about recreation pluglilli for King George School Mr Wcisman said the plan had ben discussed with the priliCipai at lire school and also will Kell imth Robinson reclvalioll Counsel lor and there was an assurance of Ooptlilllon The Home and School Assocra 111111 had made arrangements Wllh Mrs Redmond to conduct class and he asked permission for ii class to be held once flirt11k from 3311 lo 430 pm Nils Redmond who recentlv moved to Barrie has her special isls ceriificate in physical educa lion and she taught Ill Iarkdale Collegiate in Toronto for it years Slu aiso had experience giving physnal instruction at summer schools On motion of Charles Newton and Dr It Sinclair author ization was granted for the lttl1l lion program lo lie institutd King George School it is expected Mrs Redmond will begin by teaching the girls folk dancing one afternoon Week it was underslood that any ex pense in collusclion with the in troduction of such class would be the responsibility of the Home and School Association FIRE DRILL George Cadogan said he had been asked why schools in Barrie did not have regular fire drills Charles Newton said that accord ing to the Act there was supposed to be fire drill In every school at least once month As chair man of the management commlt tee Mr Newton will inquire into this matter Among the correspondence were letters from three architects offer ing their services in connection with the proposed new schools in Barrie Trustee Newton reported that Mrs Agnew had been bligag ed as teacher at King Edward School Chairman ll Gable said the matter of having the Childrens Aid Society take on the respon sibility of acting as attendance of ficers for the schools had been con sidered This plan he said was in effect at Oriiiia and Coiling wood and he was given to under stand it was quite satisfactory However it would cost consider ably more than the $100 year that had been paid to an attend ance officer in the past After some discussion it was decided obtained and report will be made at the next meeting ACCIDENT INSURANCE Mr Gable reported on meeting with members of the high school board at which an insurance agent outlined an accident protection policy for the pupils It would cost 25 cents year for coveragc up to $50 or 50c per pupil for coverage up to $100 the 1500 public school pupils it would cost approximately $500 for the higher coverage This would provide protection up to the ex tent of $100 for every public school student while at school or away from the school if under the supervision of teacher For ex ample if the boys went to the arena for game of hockey and one was hurt the insurance would cut surance Mr Gable pointed out that the board now carried liabil ity insurance at premium of $11848 year This protected the board from claims that might be made for pupil injured owing to the negligence of the school of ficials The matter of insurance was dis lcussed for some time Finally the lproposal as outlined was declined During the course of the meet ing it was pointed out that the principals belonged to the same federation as other members of the teaching staff Dr Sinclair recall ed that this matter had been dis cussed at convention of the OEA He said the trdsteess recommended when the matter was presented to motion was lost lotion as the was that of George Cadogan The principals tabled and theschool centage 9407 lion Russell Kellev will ad 1tontumed in cut 1311 has of the County Coun mm mm l1lt 1t2y after the election of Relieve Itch in fy slbl111ll 1L 1m 1Itlili 01 Monday the lTil Mull 11 he gt1 1111 this izzemoindt11n lS gjfgg For 211 pump inc on 1ilrm charge earl councillor girirtirfulosngwlwm the Guttlflllit day manager of Ur llol Vltiilzlu llos tin thutfurtberinformationmhouid be The chairman explained that for pay ifa teachgr had been Vpres During the discussion on the in that this situation be changed but the entire convention the teachers were unanimously opposed and the Charlesv Newton and John Dob son presented motion asking that the OEA seek change to provide that public school principals should not bemembers of the same feder teachers hrlTrustee 7777 Harris and Sinclair supported the motion and the only dissenting vote reports were registra tions and attendance figures for December follow Prince of Wales registration 573 average 498 per Victoria404 381 PAGE 1m THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIECNTARIO CANADA 115 gllziil if the councrlat he ctuiclusion of his address gm lucid Lc payable over any platform which the Council 1261M 1f zao cde ii is expect lUlS might like to ask will be 15 that new hospital could not answered LI 11Jl1ItiI before uo years walla 1e Ligeti1er dirtail realized or pnsl lit nmi Ullxl Lilli vvlian 1Octi can be Seton1 final canvass funds 1r1t TJ pio ful ilk aimIn llicle Should Ur SAIIRICII Irtl Lvl JilliIilr 11 ill have some understand l1 mailer to be discussed Loulitli by Mr Kelley and Inc campaign for Il1 incv lam piiul 2131 the County singly IW 1m Sarah nu ghouls 011 mu 511 $3 35 054 he imp putrid Doll C111v1111 aim appreciate 31111 Count1 Loauld and business from NANA EFFERVESCENT SODIUM mosmn 33 sweioem pekoxiDE 03 in 23 509 33 1602811 YD NTERGREEN 19 11 013945 1105 TABLETS 100 OF 01 APSULES 33 15 utNINECL 92 BABYS own COUGI svggr CASTO 011E HEAL2 SAL giior 45 PAROL 16 ozReg 73c43 5f23ffm watts TABLETs 100s ABLETSvz 19 40 oz Res 139990 DISPENSER 100 SALOTYYNN CASEARA QUI 96 19 MILK or 111011511139202ng TAMBLYN CORN 1101501113 TAMI ops 3oz 39 cI NOSE TAMBLYN corn REMEDY VAPikgo 39 01 89 oz Reg 30 23 35 szU when 01 105 oz Res 601430 BRONCIIINE ANTtSEpTlC SO 29 57 SArLagxiggLLADONNA mt DENTAL 511E cocomur 01L SHAMPOO waIEQAfigaffagyggz GOLD LABEL coo LIVER 39 sqlis53fVEiai 113 SAFIifglialiAfzkfo 29 Flavor or PIuin 60 129 CASCAkATABLETSS lOD LIVER Reg 35c 9r 01 75 16 01 175 SEIDLITZ POWDERS 23 AYERST C39 LIVER GOLD LABEL MALT EXTRACT oz 60 01150 with con LIVER OIL AYERST 100 coo LIVER on 39 69 grin oz 75 16 115 pERoXIDE PASTE PARK DAVIS COD LIVER OIL 35 plain4 60 I6 150 MEADS coo LIVER OIL plain WAX Push10111031 ire11s 28 on eggbmvkhz L11ch WRITING PADS 11 M56153 lgipsoc 16 oz as GOLD LABEL coo LIVER ou CAPSULES 100s Reg 100 LUCKY ENVELOPES2 or 110 CELERYNERVE TONIC I6 01 Reg 100 79 on roundtheworid flight be ginning January I3 Listen to cabledback reports on TombiynTbroodcost nightly over CFRB at 745 pm Uptotheminute news from Japan China Iridlop PakistonEgypt Italy Germany and Great Britain PHILLIPS MILK or MAGNESIA Antacid TOIFIT Groun Num Buick 3137 2M Buick 3848 2E Chevrolet all 1M lChrysler3 2M Soto 2M DMn 1M or Ford III or ram 3350 Ford 4043 18ADDITIONA1 AR FAPELICATIONlderes how iovchotise your battery Sake egg in cm my Barrio Onl 9132 Type 33514myew Futan Exflilzgte on Battery Capacity List Price Save IM 1114 HeavyDuly 39 101 $1725 $1020 15705 514M 1415 SuperSerVice 45 105 2050 1085 965 iM N23 SuperService 45 120 2370 1185 1185 711 1449 ArmorGIass 51 135 3045 1530 1465 24 1424 SuperService 45 no 2050 1095 9552 ZL 1425 JIIRQLSELVice 51 120 2370 1240 1130 24 NST ArmorGloss I20 2710 1405 1305 N3I Supersewke 45 1125 2490 1215 1215 =24 1432 Super Service 51 135 2835 1405 1430 25 1133 ArmorGlass 51 135 3175 16251 1550 zM 5117 SuperSerVice51 13 1335 H786 24M 1552 ArmorGIasa 51 135 3395 15415 1920 25 N38 soisrServicefniS 120 2445 1205 1240 Linings Superervke 51 152 2875 114130 211145 Mil Nsa Mmoiciaii151 7527 3395 15ss film Select from Gym0 Number Hudson 3448 2L Oldsmobile to 37 2M 11 Oldsmoblle3848 2E Plymouth all In or gentile gigg 1n onuac in Studebaker 3738 2111 Stbdebaker 3948 IM or III or Wlys titres Fort EVERYLJOB EllZABETII 51s In 948 King EdWard375 9078 published in another this issue bars were present scene andfoundwthglightsii wag concluded at 1130 pm zv yournlsun lirrcn ms better gr the youth selves by forsaking habit 310 9292 King Sway46 4172 The matter or traffic patrols was considered and report pf this is column of Thejmeeting began promptly at pm and it was not adjdurhed until nearly 1130 pmf1All memt At 145 am Saturday morning the police receiVed call to go to Victoria School Prov Cons Lackie and Prov Cons Okner sped tothe and the main door unlocked After brief chfck the police found nothing amiss so they turned out the lights and slipped the lock to close thedoor The caretaker had left before the school board meet incurs concluded and apparently none of the trustees thought to turn out the lights after the meeting rile Ingersoll Tribune thinks it ifm0re car drivers refused to pickup hitch hikers Reasonzi They would en joy their trips more if they had to earn the money to pay for them and they would improve them the begging ASPIRIN Ileileve Headache Rheumlulc Neuralgla and HoadColds WLK ommrwm do Mu lo unl who he hue in Canada 91mm II Kuhn 001 ull twolull ulna Ccmdic oysters bratiin from BlitishColumbla with costs 06 gallon for refrigerated express the dealers mime thrl ls onelemon 00 high rite Americans In Rpchepm and with their oysters from near Long island American slats n0wou Cpnodlun market are about the sum price 05 ummn 0mm WON men in on elm you any who It all light to to all M19 to go dancing with lye Wh no make opm and go dmg Ihen 17 things pkgth he will mammal you Nam toga twin rm twigg null have amoral lea of being WXM mm 00 See or yourself II home how much line toleuromlmmh of udnnl doc lo the newly of you gbnir Try this album homepermanent and VITAMIN ml Molnar rooosurptmmri 1111s191 135 2951495 with ch chi 01 Cum inst wcmc2 123181 21 LS Tims their nglotioo 9000 DOMINION BRYLCREEM Ifggsuggtiw 11511153131ucmrglu u11 ng VLCASCARA BROMIDE Perfect air Dressing 741dp Relimp iggjgfnmh 31 471 1m nynTIT QUININE wuniss 39 cmBum Wingwlaml WW SICK Wicir jcliem As to doing the work II muss youvet 11 it night 131on mum botched ThemmvolMth In with 12 5760 993 Inruivliwn 0115 My Imam and an win an CONSTIPATION ion buicliln an an 10 III III ldurum CASCAFA Fang mu 3W duo in Curl could to n1 Jon Imam WAVI wutil an 511 1h mqmmg gum 90 19111 mum ram SALT 59 98 HEP s1ogE2HouasM0ii Iues1iiprsi Fri t0m8300m to DELIVERY 830 pan Wednesday 830 mm to 1230 Saturday 830 0131 Pone 2650 to ID pm Open everySunday 12 t0 Spimi 10 lfiomotly Relic Held Cold 30

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