PAGE TWENTY1th LL COOKSTOyiNw uliss ind position ii 51 vil iiiilz RIt lies dull lllllt Ilosgiti HORN li titil Iii gt it iunei tan Ellitl sympathy o1 FARilVl EQUIPMENT FOI Sale Case Iiaetoi Available in near fu ture Case Combine ti it cut with motor Case FUIzlgC Harvester and Blower Case ft Power Control Tandem Disc Case 10 it Hammer Mills Case 10 11 Bottom Tractor Plows i3ir ft Case Tiiicifi Case Spring Tooth Har rows Section 800 lb Delaval Cream impatienceMotcnvqunri ped FairbanksMorse Pres sure system Well Pressure Systems Hound Heacocli Robins MyeislSliallmv Agent for Case Farm Equipment IllltrtAthtl by tommunity xidlrs =lilt lililtit Ll1ll iii 1193 first lis Honors in ll vl lt=tl Ii I1 ti Iv it illJirl illiiilti and iii tirade attendance MOUNT ST LOUIS Januaiy Joan Iiler visiting in lor junta lhi laim loruii vill meet at chione being del iitioiis iie tlllt Reynolds ed tits Meet lt iot tiiade IN Hill unitmerits needed to enable ap tirade Xll tor Kidd has ietiiriiet loiic iitei two weeks not with ieiit in loiozito INNISTIL NOTES Ittisi Mr and Mrs Black in Jr Accident li ill and tulii THE BARIIIL EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA January 17 tic weekend Tipping left tlcaiiialir Florida Stiller has icluriicd into after visit pi exits tlriltW to Llsiiynlc Fair have zai Supt 11 20 2i New Io Iftg preparing for jtiil tlltlgt Wt are soziy lt iepor that John not eitsoi is seiollly ill in the RV Ilospzta Biic foilowiiig an up piiidicitts opeiaiiozi We wish for lii speedy recoiciy ir and Jrs It Cooper Dr land Mrs 11 eieoiaiL Mrs 111 List Years High School Levy Not Made to itll is not added 11 on tax lHil as tiztlezcd to the No xica who tii ll LILLLLL borrowed lulu liizitis and double on thus tipayeigt for Hymn to take iaie of Ivini iiieautzine the iliislligh School Board be leltlkl theie the Dd licasui it did er Allan tlaii not reach hisoffice in tune to be liitltltlitl iii the litill tax at iige innit These boards slioulti llt quite faiitiliai with the tune ie 1tllilltiiis to be Hindu and have their esiiiiiates in so that taxpay eis may thi as they go instead of having double lose on what al ready likely to be an over burden of school taxes ounty ouncil Meeting This Week The County CounCil which helps to spend fair proportion of the taxes of Innisfil and other mun icipalities iSmecting this week lnnisfil will have one new repre sentativo on tliai biidy this year in tlie 11012 of Mr and Mrs Sltllllhu POI11 DUIIUU Rttlk All11 tlaike this week Mr and Mrs Wm Miller spent iliiistiay with Mr and Mrs lltiiiis yelnidge on Saturday Wifuhlie Speaking Honors Talk on Mastitis ter was Dr Garrick who gave enjoyed by all smwxs ONCE and death follows spawning Phone 416 Joeys Garage Studebaker yr Sales and Service Repairs toriAll Makes Lewofqus and Trudks Li AAAA Quality 7000 0000 Luann PallolJUGTs EXPERT BODY FENDER REPAIRS Collision Service Complete Auto Refinishing Free Estimates by Jensen 75 BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE Miss liieresa King of Midland is gpcndintz the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs lliilip King Todd It is to be hoped he con tinucs the demand for bigger Slllllt of county ltliltlSlll liniisfil Ihis the third largest of the mini ieipalities should have more coun ty roads and those we have kept in better condition Ioni Iierthelotle deleiiceniaii ion the Midland Juvenile Hockey team had the misfortune to getl nasty ciit on his face requiring tour s111tlltilt while playing an cxv hibition game at thristian Island Dali Miller in pupil of the Mount School and representative of Sinicoe County Public Speakingcoumy levy to assist with the stir ontesth goes to Toronto on Fri day where he will he contestant in the Toronto District Public rnakj iiiizrlsjreidrrtheffor onto ioriiial School on Friday Jtlll 21111 Ll piii This is an 0111114 iniition contCst sponsored by the Trustees and Ratepayers Associa tion We wish Dale every success The Federation meeting was held in the school house last Monday evening with about thirtylive present Our ficldnian Joseph Lea they had very interesting pictures iAn outstanding one was on Mas jtitis Little lid we know it was such dreadful disease The spcak precintion of the membcysliip for the work done by LloydCumming and iii info as treasurer and bookkeeper by making pfeSen tation of lounge chair and foot stool and Mr Cumming made nstructrvetaik on Diseases There was anzexchange of Library books from the SimCOC County Library and lunch was Unlike the Atlantic salmon the Pacific salmon spawns only once The Eighth Linc which is in need of permanent surface should be cloudy road and con nected to the 13th by the 25sitle road thereby making loop which would take over the large volume of summer traffic This gloop might become county system with if necessary an additional the roads of Innisfil within the erase of 9111 Presented with Lounge Chair At their annual meeting last Fri At the completion of his report fitting reply Rev Cathcart others from Kempenfeldt Union Barrie Educational Affairs to Cost Considerable consideration new COop Price List has been issued this Week on Fee115 and Fertilizers Ask for Copy Beginningthis week and subject to econOmic quantities andregular times and delivery routes all product sold at Coop will deli red Free in Barrie and district vificoBfffiliiiij DIAL2429 kethc school letter signed by called when assistance of make survey to decide the sion in this part of the area much to be decided by fewbu by all those who will have to con tribute to the costs other Matters for Board Consideration The matter of salary for both the board secretary and the caretakerl of theStrimd school was up for facing This would help to bring reelected lay evening the Innisfil Fariiiers Credit Union Ltd heard very sat isfactory reports of their treasurer who told Of the growth Of the un lion in Innisfil and the amount of satisfactory transactions handled the president Bruce Cowan asde three members to rshow the ap former rector at St Pauls who was the main factor in starting the union in Innisfil replied tak ing for his subject the biblical question Am My Brother Keeper Through the Credit Union he said each member be came brotherly helper to the G0rd0n Smith of Hamilton man ager of the CunaiMutual formed by the Credit Union to cover var ious insurance plans on co operative basis told of the many advantagps they gained through their membership withthe central body In the evening dinner was attended by over 100 mem bers and viSitors including several available the 30syeajrold cooler is tary The taxi used to transport ofthree cents daily per theppupils to Stroud carEies 11 pupils which is not safe were some of the complaints in the Thpmpson who was secretary of th ratepay that aspecial meeting sho Id be plan for taking care of the exparih That new building will have to be erected is without question Where the best and most suitable place will be is matter not so Elilllt and Mrs 11 ainalian at Iitcliic Toronto and Mrs Bradbury and swii of vlolcifilu isiittl 21 lily1111 MLIJULlis lul III Agitiltii Shel to iziuiaty Hall last Mpnday contini every Monday six we There is 51111111 ltil llit children It is conduct 13 Miss Louise Culley or Bar Congregational Meeting tin Friday night the mutual con ittnzi3 meeting of the United was held in the SS room were no changes made in holding office Excellent ie its were given by each Society 1H sh Wm Smdy li mg that splendid progress ii mm TOWN IM Wk than been made This was speev liil true of Missionary contribu U11 Juli 13 WW 5111 mm Mirlinos Rev Shannon spoke very Jolin Kvll celebrated their 1511i coiigralzilatioiis ll21 Mis Eddington widow of the late Rev Eddington passed away the home of her leeliiigly of the cooperation and hip he and Mrs Shannon both abounds at Guthrie Neil lltlgt wcie piescnt to offer thtlliyhumg ixlnpssld fgw immccup limit of the congrcgation to Rev and Mis Shannon for the excellent fleatlersiiip they give Gordon ald well moved vote of thanks to the iiaielitei Mrs Wiliritl Smith Iitiiiuiiiists Mrs 11 Blackstock and GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS HERE 399311 14985 FOREESEL IW IRILIIE FLOOR LAMPS $1795 outstanding laiiipvaiue Complete with shade and tour bulbs VANITY LAMPS Each $350 With Crystal Base Colote PINUP LAMPS Each $350 CRYSTAL OR METAL BODIES White Pink and Green or Red shades Shades ENAMELLED UTILITY TABLES $375 $425 White with red green or black trim METAL KITCHEN STOOLS 5395 With red back rest Iai kl HERE07171 Jun ITHIHQ 1111111 Miss Janet Andrew passed away at her home in lilllnillt on tmsTr Campbell for their very ithful seivice Rev Mr Shan non closed the meeting with tednestlay January 12 1049 after WW wedding iiiiiieisii at their lliilti llettttt 1st 1InlL Relatives and few hours of illness following stroke The funeral was held on Monday Obituary next weckl Smiles and huckles Girls Club The fourth 1111301111ng the Smiles liuckles lirls llub tas held at the lltliitt of Misses Anne and arol Simpson on Friday Jan with record attendance of 17 ss Ruth Shaver home economics titlil stressed the importance of Canal food rules and how nec essary ey are in everyday dict There was lisciisSion on Invisi ble llnemies and Miss Margaret Graham gave illustrated talk on the House 13g display of hobbies including nitting place mats and slicllcraft vas shown Misses Faye and Kaye rncll 1e liglited the group with av trio selection was given by Marion Ilunistead Beatrice ham and Betty Ileardsall Refresh ineiits were served by Misses Shir ley Jordan and Margaret Graham The next meeting will be held on Jan 31 at Betty Beardsalls Animal Meeting Waverley LOL The annual meeting of Waverley District LOL was held in Elmvale Orange Hall on Jan with Top resentativcs of Waverley Vascy Allcnwood and Elmvale Lodges present District Master Ted Vas cy presided Cecil Wood ICM conducted election of the following officers DM Vni Wood DDM Clifford Archer Chaplain Harvey Rowley Rec Secy Alva Stewart Fin Sccy Wm Elliott Treas Martin lst Leet Leslie Ritchie 5011951 in 1Miitll Com Russell McElwain Dep Wor Herald Harry RotvleyScntincl Reg Archer further consideration When the matter of milk hotlunches came up f0 Cod liver of supplying these Howard RowleyiMarshal Ilarold 2nd Lect Johnston Brown The installation of officers was in charge of Johnston Brown At the close of the Lodge supperwas ItdyzilASrlctkiaptcr Meetidi meeting of Royal Scarlet Chapter of Waverley District was held in Elnivaic Orange hall on Jan 14 at 830 pm Wor Com mander Harvey Rowley occupied the chair for the regular meeting PW Archer took charge fur election of officers and installation The officers are as follows Wor Cour Armand Tripp Chaplain Howard Rowlcy Scribe Clifford Archer SecyTreas Cecil Woods Marshal Harold Martin lst Lect Leslie Ritchie 2nd Leela Wm E1 liottglst Conductor Ralph Archer ML ana M15 IJennc 2nd Conductor Elwood Fagan request from the Teachers Association to be allowed thefirst Tuesday afternoon each month free to hold teachers conference in the arcawas turned down There gt isisp must lost time now with thn theiithiniOHsdpr1mrrmsicrtcacliersrhealthclinicsmnd school boards came in turn fer con other items that feel we cannot sideration at the nominationrmcetw furtheraddto this was the view ihgmost of theratepayersstarted expressed byTrusteeFrank CowW puttingon their coatsand moving anand backed by the majority of around the hall Few waited to the board listen to the reports and to 569 that nominations for theseimport ant boards were considered No ation it wasrfound that supplying Area Board at their inauguration milk was meeting last Thursday night dis more than thehot lunches These cussed this fact and felt that the later when supplemented by some ratepayers who iiiill be faced with items of vegetables brought from $2500010 $30000 additional ex homes could be done foraibout penditure for new schools should three cents day per pupil at least give these matters more teacher from Holly and costing considerably The Leslie Cam eron wrote that she had arranged One of the first matters to meet to collect three cents dayfrom the Boards attention after Roy thelpupils and would make hot Goodfellow was again elected lunchi if the board Wouldget her chairman was letter received some utensils cups etcvSome frotnthe ratepayersof Painswick children claimed thatdthey chuld district demandingthat something notbringthe three cents day be done immediately to alleviate and asked if the board could make the ovCrcrowding and thegunsani this Contribution for them taryv Conditions of that schools The place isjdirty the toilets smell to on this over to await the arrival of high heaven there is no water iTrustee Mulholland iItwas then decided that free milk would be The board again leftthe decision pupil iwould belpliowedi for hot lunch capsules orderedby the township council had not been known to have reached these schools so the board was in favor DANGERIIEINMOTORS USED CARMA KIT 1941PLYMOUTHCOA 1942 DODGE CLUB COUPE OTHER MODELS FROM 193741 TOCHOOsHTROM MS and WA Meeting The annual meeting of the W015 and the monthly meeting of the WA were held in the SS room last Iiiesday afternoon with good attendance Excellent reports were given for 1048 showing that over 3201 had been sent to the liesby terial Ireasurcr five boxes of food to Europe and seven boxes of clothing to Korea Much used clothing has also been sent to the depots in Toronto to be sent on to Europe This was not the year for an election of officers The wor ship service was led by Mrs Iilkey from the theme Thy King dom cometlirougli the Teaching Ministry of the Church Mrs Howard Campbell took Chapteer hristian Citizens in lraining from the book West of the Gor igcs The story of Dr Stella Clieng was very interesting Mrs nnpbell showed clearly that the pe le of China need to be educat ed as well as cvangclizcd and toe tored he WMS at Guthrie was organized in January 1808 and Mrs Newton Besse told Of the organiza tion and the first officers and also of the development and progress made by the Auxiliary In con clusion she presented Mrs Alex Campbell with beautiful noscgay in recognition of the fact that she is the only charter member living today Mrs Ewen Caldwell new President of lllCWA ably conduct ed that mecting After few items of business presentation of handsome blue woollerblanket was made to Mrs John Ansdell Mrs Shannon made neat little speech and Mrs Bartholo mew presented Mrs Ansdell with the blanket Mr and Mrs Ans dell uc now living at Forest Home IVY boy Miss Ruth Jennett of University Hospital Edmonton is holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs ennett Mrand Hill and family of Collingwood spent Sunday with The sympathy of thewcomrnunity gees out to those who have recent ly been bereaved Mr Wm Cleary and family Mr and Mrs Harold T1 Vh Jennett and Mrs John Hoggarth lSCLlSSlOn to some ary Presbyterian WMS received $400 last year asked for an increase especially as building prospects might increase his work Die caretaker of the Stroud school who has fulltime job asked for hers were present Readings by in increase of $150 week Ow ing to Trustee George Mulholland being absent until afterll pm these matterswere held overfor his consideration It was later agreed that the salary of Ross Hubbard secretary be increased to $52500 year The pay for Mail Lowry caretaker was left for Miss Maud Keowns home Ivy Womens Institute Squadi Tasty cake werclcse Connor Electric Washers CURLINC utiOOLISAVeiii iiihiiiifszoom $16950 $19250 $19950 CONNORT GAS WASHERS $23450 MAXWELL ELECTRIC WASHERS $12950 $14250 With the famous Lovell Wringers ALARM CLOCKS WATCHES Super Health Cookware THE ANSWER TO YOUR UTENSIL PROBLEM FOR HEALTHFUL ECONOM IC COOKING REDUCES SHRINKAGE xx SAVES FUEL SAUCEPANS $380 $730 $895 FRYPANS 3235 $320 $405 DOUBLE FRY PANS 13si75 CHICKEN BROILER $760 TRIPLICATE SETS TEA KETTLES $1090 $1220 Waterless cooking on tOp of Steve with Super Health produces wonderful pies cakes biscuits etc etc $480 $560 $020 $1860 PYREX 01 ENWARE FLAMEWARE COFFEE IliRCOLAlORS and Cups $315 and 5305 TEA POTS cup size $275 CASSEROLES 891 99c $110 $140 UTILITY DISHES 75c 99c LOAF FANS IO and 99c SQUARE CAKE DISHES 75c COLORED REFRIGERAIOR JARS $370 SET OF FOUR JARS COLORED EVERYDAY JUGS 45c 65c 70c $100 $125 $139 WALL CLOCKS with pendulum $795 Maple and Walnut Finish taxable AINT IT THE TRUTH EVEN FISH CAN KEEP OUT OF TROUBLE BY KEEPING ITS MOUTH SHUT VACUUM CLEANERS full of pep$0950 Including full set of attachments CORN BROOMS 95c $135 $135 $150 tNO SKIS SKI HARNESS $125 $185 $250 to $595 HOCKEY STICKS 50c 75c $100 $125 $150 $200 QUEBEC COOK STOVES at $4500 GIVE YOUR FLOORS THAT WELL KEPT LOOK LARGE BOTTLE OF CLEANER CAN OF WAX 50 Royal Purple Remedies FOR STOCK POULTRY THE WISE STOCK OWNER USES BOTH DR BELLS STOCK TONICS DR BELLS POULTRY PROMPTER DR BELLS MEDICAL WONDER EPSOM SALTS SULPHUR MILK FILTER DISCS 011 inches HA may Jams 98 io4DUNLOpST lays in Minesing Jack spent few lays with her laugh ter Mrs Harry Foyston Mr and Mrs Garf Durnford vis ited the formers sisters and moth cr at Elnivalc and Midland Jack Sominers passed away his home at Chapleau on Jan Sonimcrs spent Mrs children are home after week in Toronto with her parents Mr and Mrs Kennedy Mr and Mrs Mr his younger January 17 Congratulations toMr and Mrs Art Carlson on the birth of baby GET most FOR MY MONEY AI DOMINION OM The meeting of the Presbyterian WMS was held at the home of Mrs Bert McLean on Jan 13 Mrs Har aldArnold presided and ten mem Mrs Carruthers and Mrs Hoggarth were given and the chapter from the study book was given by Miss Maud Keown on the Indians of the North West Marilyn Cochrane gave solo The Old Rugged Cross which everyone enjoyed very much The meeting closed by prayer after which the hostess served dainty lunch and social hour completed the evening The February meeting will be held at unnerving us rah21 The rst meeting of the year of Ivy WI was held at the home of MrsDeorgeLBsLithmirteem 62 members present The roll call Th was answered by suggestion on Howrto help delinquent children It was decidedto buy the new study book for all toloqk over and read All Were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Clearyl for ember of the Institute The programcommittee was in charge of Mrs Thomas Lee Several pa pers were read which were very interesting and helpful one on Undulant Fever Cause and Prom ising Cureby Mrs Stanley Ap plegate Another on Onehour treatment ends teeth decayread by Mrs Clarence Hoggarth gtMrs Lee Banting gav paper on He had Windows tonthe Blind very amusing poemby Mrngsten Davis was entitled The Diet sandwiches and ciiiruenerpruus Quality Meats Blade bone removed BLADE ROASTS Porterhouse Sirloin or Boneless Round Steaks Or Roasts Fresh hock off SHOULDERS BACON SQU Boneless EAL suoui lawssc 69c 1b 43 lb 39c lb 49 POLK Smoked ARES 001 HYATTVBRAND assisted by the lunch committee Mrs Earl Reid Mrs Davis Mrs Lee Banting aners LGilpin lt1MiNiSING FRUITSMEATSLVEGETABLESi Beryl Parke and Mar the formers parents 4w 11 friends in Toronto maids January17 garet Wood of Toronto spentthc weekend with LARGE starsm CHOICE QUALITYj CAIIFQRNI recurs 315 22 cc FANCY SALMON SOCKEYEM in 39 WADPOO BLUELABEL No BEEKISI WillTransit tires Mr and MrsWes Johnston lVdeline and Jack spent Sunday Chappgll Hill BULK MACARO McCORMICKS mas CREAM sens 29 LinuxPURE 33 TOMATO enicnup OULVERHOUSE 12mm COHOE ii PINK was EFFECTIVE THURS ii 23 F111 BITaW JANUARY 20 21 22 All merdhandila purchan at your Dominion Store in our guaranteed to dltionally 100 natural tlon DOI imi leys during the past week Jtlllsm 11 Ilert ltylll of London and son Don of Guelph and Mr and Mrs Carlin Foystonrof Burlington spent the weekend with their mother and Don Srigley of brother Frank who leaves by ino Barrie Mrs Irivinaiid son Edmund tor onluesday for his Iionic in of Detroit visited at Lloyd Srig Seattle If INIO to is DOMINION 21FIT 1392 PEANUT BUTTER Es no2 32 35c Jar DOMINION mac IEAQ lllLRSlAi JANUARY 20 1939 rz more it pHONELsor yAssuiin mun GLASSCOVVITH PECIIN STRAWBERRY JAMW GLASSCO ORANGE MAR PICNIC BRAND SWEETMIXED PICKI GLARKSIN CHILI SAUCE PORK AND BEA AYLMER sucrn PEACHES AYLMERCHOICE BLACK AAAAAAA 11L mg Sweet Eatinngal RED GRAPES Zlbs 29c Cal Firm Cris ICEBERG LETTuciz 605 for 29 Ont Washed N0 PARSNIPSVW its 17 For Salads or Cooking vac SALAD MIX 80 pkglZc Ont No POTATOES ioibf boy 25 KS SOUPsEAssouioizlug 5ft listener moose enigma Mr 21 OM CE riiiicii 3oz common siohriomuo 77