RIO CANADA Apifsiincm 1949 CHAIRMAN groom FOR CHRISTi PAGE TWENTY BARRIEvEXAMINER BARRIE ONTA THURSDAY JANUARY 20 1949 We JANUARY Time to Sew for Spring Wonderiul New Dress Fabrics Suitings Coatings Wools Rayons Spuns and Cottons GROWING YOUREWISE IF YOUSTART NOW TO SEW FOR SPRING AND SUMMER PAY VISIT T0 OUR YARDAGE DEPARTMENT THIS WEEK INTEREST SEE AND TOUCH THE GRAND NEW FABRICS We list just 02 few of the grand buys in the depts GAY RAYON PRINTS See our windows visit the store be convinced smarter dress fabrics Were studying the market daily to bring you smart iiptotheminiite fabrics jg iIilIv deld fiiihiilix the pi gt of Illltll iiiis 2d Bari otaiij debenture debt what was meant by Barrie going Reeve liart pointed out that lot had been put on deben tiires Ile said few years ago there was about xMi alkers are carrying co liiiiill and 49 ruin 149$159$2 Crease Resisting English Jerseylaine Youre passing up good thing if you ont plan to have frock or two from this grand fabric Plain colors rich shades all thats smart for spring and early summer Be sure to see the new erseylaine ask ii into debt 535000 $30000 in back taxes this had been taken up and llttLli think liol Corbett spoke of making some giant to ti Norton of band band should have band uoiiig to spend money money Illtli Alf bonds In liicsc lliiIII ItCUllll USED cuts For Sale 1935 Dodge Dump Truck 1933 liev oach 1932 Pontiac oach 1931 Iiev uupe 1921 Essex Sedan PHONE 4165 QRYS GARAGE 75 Bayeld St Hart dont in en paying as we go llsiill favor band favor had added it iiiicy $129 Yd Pretty Wool Herring Bone Suiting 54 inch wool suiting Youll simply adore the pretty new spring shades dont put it off Choose your pattern and ha ve your suit length or skirt cut off to day and Aid Ha it it iiiini also He said 1e=ei town of Sure have elltl Ilclali and Simplicity Patterns in stock and lliiiio llillii Willi for your convenience spend and not ti spend llitltitlii cerwoi ks sys PM illilll ti wieieii iietly by the illillll tililll 98 $2 Yd Wool 54 iirch Width Coating Attractive Colors Priced $298 yard Beautiful Rich 54 inch All Wool Plaids Priced $359 and $450 yd 55 the finance committee presented by Ilainbly chairman of the tire and connnittec mended that fire present tire chic engaged full time and Ald Norton were in favor of Iiill time chief but some of tiie councillors should be iii hairline ciileil tor new gtiiii down the cen wanted required epiiice in litiilttli of Id Wilson rcterri ziinks to look ioiiiicfiiiis litlllltl lllllltx Ellincl report Aid plum Il light was iecoizi lillltl know amount included streets the plans hoard oi lllillLl Ald Pugh the pone Springs ahead so are hours that can be used for sewing for the time when apple blossoms are here and houseclea n1nggardening etc Preparenowseethisgrand assortmentof prints theyre 36 inches wide and colorfulylot that sparkle like spring sunshine Get your share of these crisp new prints thought advertised position The matter was discussed and it was demdrd fire chief at motion to hire another full time truck driver was recommendations expenditures into this to advertise for salary of $1400 liii lttld tiit llll Itll itioii ove entirely byl considered if much was beingl done to combat juvenile delinquen as tjticlllllmibvxllli and ltill isli lost Seine other Aid involving iiirie money ll said sports were ineoiiziicl by inter but boxing were hamp itc accommo illlC sugges should inincs was no phase not touched by the and Barrie had lltillltlll any town of its gtiiillS Mercer I111 yiilui GREY WIBEXVTBLANKSTS Size 70 90 Inches Snug and warm borders pink or blue This is scarce item secure yours this weekend Pair LANNELETTE ANKETS ize 70 84inches Nuback Practical Iront Corsets very practical garment HALF Heavy boned with front clasp Regular $795 IRILI Ill lcli icil lij lack of iativiii lion available Lliristic recreation recreation council oiiiniei tiff li tl ii Lioi ll was the iclioi Iiieie an SEE OURWINDOWS THURSDAY FOR BEAUTIFUL NEW that Aid said llllt lampnc 49 FALCON more than ulti li the plcndldi QTed Tropmnna Dresses New Table Oilcloths niceassortiiieiitof smart 54 t7 new patterns this shoWing report on Iltltlllllllfll had been presented to the council one week Aid Harrison alsospoke of the good work hiding done by Mr On motion of Aid Wil it was decided that the clerk to the service clubs illltl thank them for their support in the first few yeais of the recl was further recommended that the town adopti program and this was referred to the finance coml mittce seeondflor feature this weekend Pink or blue larg plaid whipped ends $450 Pair IDDIES WARM STOCKINGS Substandards of our best Wool and Cotton stocking various sizes Priced 45c to 95c ac ididing t0 the SW Real Savings Here lexaire Nylon Brassieres very well shaped comfy fit HALF ting brassiere in white Sizes PRICE 32 34 36 ago Robinson son should write reation program at 85ch 457 qt 69c yd OLYMPIC SHEETS Very good quality Size 81 it Youll like recreation 99 inches $895 pair Authorization was granted to the VON to hold their annual tag day on Saturday June ODDS AND ENDS TABLE Bargainsin gloves hose underwear etc Some thing from almost every dept and markethat bargaintoclear prices PILLOW CASES Walkers offer Red HERE am ready to go out My work is all done and unbelievable as it anVEECm my washing is on the line washing no Several libspital reports were One instance was cited wherea relative had offered to pay the hospital bill but was told at that the town It was sugges presentOd $138 Modess QuiLCOrset Counter ates HomespllnDeluxe Bedspreadsf4 BLANK ETS sure to see lthesezgrand large spreads on he second oor this Weekend Some spreads just arrived case for the hospital aying the bil was of these accounts to refer some the municipality Simplicity asher am stillramazed at its peed and leasing new ass$1195 Beautiful Figured Drapery Ciretonnes Alvsdys something new in Our draperydeptle sure to see this Woven patterhbasg printedgaily ginleaf fcglrapesnreqdy110hung bringin fl Feature cast alumindm Gyratorrhal nger tip cbntrol Strearn lined Tub Splashproof metal cover gt Lifetimelubrimxed rnbhcri mpuntedmotor No shifting gears ggilelit CLESA approval adesignngelI mdkeyyour your meaSurements 273i House LD FINANCE iendscash for any od reason You may borrow tic hite Elannelttef wi iout endorsers orbankable ritTtopHYiT Doctor bills Repair bills Overdue bills Emergency qxperises You Choose Repayment Plun Household Finance loans are made promptly Repay monthly6 12 18 Or even 24 months depending upon the repayment plan you choose Solve yOur money problems as thousands of Canadians do PHONE WRITE VISIT 55 Mlnluuga Street on Phone 2394 ORILLIA ONT Houn to or by appointment loam modulo midnit ofhwrby town SERVlNG ma PUBLIC slut 873 OUSEIIOI FINANCE evened bring 1a value in annelette only 400ydrds of this splendid snow White cloth Be Wise and shop egrly 1tsfa great value amour DreSseslz and 13 off Better Dresses Bargain Prices Womens Smart Tailored Suits Reduced 25 Per Centflo Clear Girls GoodiQuality WinterCoats Reduced 25 Per Cent To Clear gain fcor yard Fuel bills CLEARANCE SALE nAnAms ses 25 all Ski Jackets OWeek Only Miss Simplicity wa or Regular $139410 for urn Those Wonderful KENWOOD BLANKETS NOW ON DISPLAr SeCOnd Floor Thursday Friday Saturday Snow suits Childrens Mi Special Reduction Kiddies Kenwood coat gas price Cotton HouSe Froeks Reduced$319 Better QualitthOuse Coats Redueed Pric 2nd oor iiic BARBIE Dia14383